April 24th – 26th, 2013
Annual Conference of (CLiMB) — Chinese Lutherans in Mission Building
For 2013, Chinese Lutherans in Mission Building (CLiMB) held its annual conference at True Light Lutheran Church in New York from April 24 – 26. The theme was “New Clothes for New Roles — Spiritual Transformation of Chinese Lutheran Churches Today”. The conference speaker was Rev. Timothy Chiu, president of the New York Theological Center 紐約神學教育中心
Rev. Chiu shared three sessions: From Old Self to New Self (Ephesians 2), From Believer to Disciple (Mark 8), and From Pastor to Scholar (Ephesians 4). The sessions were well received by conference attendees. Rev. John Loum, director of the Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (EIIT), based in Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, led a seminar on education opportunities for lay people. Rev. Jonathan Priest was the preacher at the Holy Communion service held at True Light Lutheran Church. Rev. Quentin Poulson shared greetings from the LCMS national office.
CLiMB rejoices in the ordination of Rev. Freeman Li as he began to serve this year as Chinese Ministry Pastor at Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fremont, Ca. CLiMB continues to support the raising of pastors and lay people for Chinese ministry in the national and international arenas.
The officers of CLiMB appreciates True Light Lutheran Church for hosting this year. We are in the process of determining the site for the 2014 conference.
For more information about CLiMB, please visit www.CLiMB-lutheran.org For contact on Facebook, please search “Chinese Lutherans in Mission Building — CLiMB” and click to “like” the Facebook page.
Rev. Christopher Ng
Vice-Chair Communications CLiMB