為崇拜禱告 | Prayers For Worship | |
教會年 | The Church Year | |
詩篇 | Psalms | |
主日崇拜儀文 | Divine Service | |
第一式 | Setting One | |
第二式 | Setting Two | |
第三式 | Setting Three | |
第四式 | Setting Four | |
第五式 | Setting Five | |
平日儀式儀文 | Daily Office | |
晨禱 | Matins | |
晚禱 | Vespers | |
早晨禱告 | Morning Prayer | |
晚上禱吿 | Evening Prayer | |
寢前禱吿 | Compline — Prayer at the Close of the Day | |
其他禮儀 | Other Services and Resources | |
禱告和證道禮儀 | Service of Prayer and Preaching | |
聖洗禮 | Holy Baptism | |
堅振禮 | Confirmation | |
聖婚禮 | Holy Matrimony | |
聖葬禮 | Funeral Service | |
起應禱告第一式–代禱 | Responsive Prayer 1 — Suffrages | |
起應禱告第二式 | Responsive Prayer 2 | |
連禱文 | The Litany | |
團體認罪和赦罪 | Corporate Confession and Absolution | |
個人認罪和赦罪 | Individual Confession and Absolution | |
日用禱告簡式(個人和家庭) | Daily Prayer — For Individuals and Families | |
每日讀經計劃 | Daily Lectionary | |
每日禱告用的詩篇表 | Table of Psalms For Daily Prayer | |
禱告、代禱、和感恩詞 | Prayer, Intercessions, and Thanksgivings | |
亞他那修信經 | Athanasian Creed | |
小問答 | The Small Catechism | |
詩歌 | The Hymns | |
緊急洗禮 | 緊急洗禮 | Holy Baptism – In Cases of Emergency |