
The Lutheran Study Bible:
Law & Gospel Note



编者按:如果说路德宗基督教会在普世教会中的特别贡献是什么,本人会说是“律法和福音”的独特视角及其应用,此原则特别将基督和祂的工作呈现在教导和牧养生活当中。论及得救之事,“唯独基督”的解读和阐释尤为显著。由于时间仓促有限,所以仅摘取《The Lutheran Study Bible路德宗研读本圣经》中的“律法与福音”版块,将之翻译出来,供众圣徒参考,以期在神话语以及救恩的确据上有更美好的认识。中文译稿若有错误或晦涩难懂的地方,只当归咎于我能力有限,也欢迎提供反馈意见,帮助本人翻译水平的提升。每卷书末尾分别有注明翻译和校对人员,特别感谢其他几位弟兄姊妹的参与。

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Lutheran Translation Society路德宗翻译社 (版权开放,注明出处,自由复制)
刘富涛Gary Liu

Genesis 1:1 God’s first act, the creation, is an act of grace. God acts freely to reflect His character, making the world “very good”(1:31). Even after the fall and the coming of sin, much of the goodness that God built into creation remains. Philosophers debate why evil exists, and people ask how a good God could allow bad things to happen. But it is not the existence of evil and suffering that requires an explanation; it is the existence of goodness and beauty and love that is most remarkable. A world without God cannot explain such things. The persistence of goodness reminds us of what we have lost, but it also offers us a glimpse of God’s grace and the everlasting glory to which God has called us through Christ.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Ps 51:10). Amen.
创世纪1:1上帝的第一个行动,即创造,是一个恩典的作为。上帝自由地行动作为,来反应祂的品格,造出世界并称之为“很好”(1:31 神看著一切所造的都甚好。有晚上,有早晨,是第六日)。即使是在人犯罪和堕落之后,上帝放进创造之工里的良善大部分仍保留着。哲学家辩论为何恶会存在,人们也会问一个良善的上帝如何允许坏的事情发生。但是,并非恶的存在和苦难需要得到解释;相反,良善,美和爱的存在才是最值得我们惊叹深思的。一个没有上帝的世界不能解释这些事物。良善的持续存在提醒我们曾经失去了什么,但它也同时供我们一瞥上帝的恩惠和永恒的荣耀,就是上帝藉着基督呼召我们要得着的。

Genesis 1:2-31 God makes all things good. He takes great care to place man and woman in the garden to care for things that He created. Sin has placed the things God created, including us, in bondage to death and decay. Yet Jesus’ death and resurrection has restored the things of God’s creation just as it has restored us (Rm 8:19-23). Indeed, God even used His creation to accomplish our salvation: a cross made of wood; the water of Baptism; the bread and wine of the Eucharist; the printed words on the page in, with, and under which He reveals His Word of life to us.
Lord, You have reclaimed all that is Your own, redeemed and restored all of Your creation to Yourself. Preserve me and Your creation, O Lord, by Your grace. Amen.
创世纪1:2-31上帝造万物为好的。祂用心安置男人和女人在那个园子里管理祂所造的物。罪却使上帝所造之物,包括我们,伏在死亡和朽坏之下。然而耶稣的死和复活却已经在恢复上帝的创造之工,正如这已经恢复了我们一样(罗8:19-23 受造之物切望等候神的众子显出来。 因为受造之物服在虚空之下,不是自己愿意,乃是因那叫他如此的。 但受造之物仍然指望脱离败坏的辖制,得享(享:原文作入)神儿女自由的荣耀。 我们知道一切受造之物一同叹息、劳苦,直到如今。 不但如此,就是我们这有圣灵初结果子的,也是自己心里叹息,等候得著儿子的名分,乃是我们的身体得赎)。的确,上帝甚至使用祂的被造物来成就我们的救恩:一个木制的十字架;圣洗礼的水;圣餐中的饼和酒;打印在纸张上的文字,在其中,藉着它,在它之下,上帝向我们启示祂的生命之道。

Genesis 2:1-3 God creates (sets aside) the Sabbath. in the OT, Saturday is the Rest (Sabbath) Day. When Christ fulfilled the whole Law (Mt. 5:17), He liberated God’s people from the obligation to observe the Sabbath given to the people of Israel in the OT (Col 2:16-17). All days belong equally to God (Rm 14:5-6). nevertheless, faith in Christ moves God’s people to respond to His grace in worship: to hear His Word, to receive His gifts in the Sacraments, to praise Him and give thanks to Him for His mighty works and to call on Him in prayer. Such worship is the constant response of faith to God’s grace. Because God has called Christians together into one Body, the Church, through which He gives His gifts of Word and Sacrament, it is proper for Christians to gather together to worship Him. Sunday, then, symbolically represents the first day of the new rest into which God’s people have been called in Christ. (As the first day of this “new creation,” Sunday is sometimes referred to as “the eighth day.”)
We praise You, O Lord, for the day of rest that our bodies need. We exalt You, O Christ, for the eternal rest that You have won for us! Amen.
创世纪2:1-3 上帝创造(分别)了安息日。在旧约中,周六就是安息日。当基督来完成了整个律法(太5:17),祂释放上帝的百姓,使他们不用守颁给旧约中以色列民的安息日(西2:16-17 所以,不拘在饮食上,或节期、月朔、安息日都不可让人论断你们。这些原是後事的影儿;那形体却是基督)。所有日子都平等地属于上帝(罗14:5-6有人看这日比那日强;有人看日日都是一样。只是各人心里要意见坚定。守日的人是为主守的;吃的人是为主吃的,因他感谢神;不吃的人是为主不吃的,也感谢神)。然而,在基督里的信心感动上帝的百姓在敬拜中回应祂的恩典:即聆听祂的道,领受祂在圣礼中赐下的礼物,因着祂的伟大作为赞美和感谢祂,并在祷告中呼求祂。这样的敬拜是出于信心对上帝恩典的持续回应。因为上帝呼召基督徒连接于一个身体,即教会,藉此祂赐下圣道和圣礼的礼物,因此基督徒聚集一起敬拜祂是合宜的。那么,星期天,象征性地代表新安息的第一天,这安息就是上帝的子民被召在基督里要进入的。(作为这“新创造”的第一天,星期天有时会被称为“第八天。”)

Genesis 2:4-25 Ch 2 is a more detailed account of creation, focusing on the creation of humankind. It ends by emphasizing that Adam and Eve are not ashamed-they have nothing to be ashamed of. too often, we are not ashamed because in our spiritual pride we refuse to acknowledge the shamefulness of our thoughts, words, and deeds. One of the reasons that God gave His Law was to teach us shame, to show us our sinfulness and need of forgiveness. There can be no true repentance without the experience of shame. however, in Jesus Christ, God heals our shame, not by allowing us to deny it but by taking our shamefulness upon Himself and declaring us to be without shame in Him (1Jn 2:28).
Jesus, cover my shame with the robe of Your righteousness, that I may serve my family with joy and confidence. Amen.
创世纪2:4-25 第二章是对创造更详细的描述,专注在人的被造上。第二章结束,强调了亚当和夏娃并不羞耻-他们没有什么可以为之羞愧的。经常,我们不感到羞耻因为在我们的属灵骄傲中我们拒绝承认我们在思想,言语和行为上的羞耻。上帝赐下祂的律法的目的之一就是教导我们何为羞耻,向我们显明我们有罪和对赦罪的需要。没有对羞耻的经验,就不会有真正的悔改。然而,在耶稣基督里,上帝医治了我们的羞耻,不是通过允许我们否认它,而是藉着耶稣将我们的羞耻担负在祂自己身上,并宣告我们在祂里面就没有了羞耻(1约2:28小子们哪,你们要住在主里面。这样,他若显现,我们就可以坦然无惧;当他来的时候,在他面前也不至於惭愧)。

Genesis 3 With the words that God speaks to the serpent, to Eve, and to Adam after their disobedience, He sets the course for the rest of biblical history. Here there is judgment for sin, but also the first hint that the effects of the fall will one day be undone. There is no way back to Eden. The only way for Adam and Eve and their descendants is forward to the cross. The long story culminates in Jesus Christ, the Seed of the woman, but it does not end there. Today, we are part of the unfolding story. We have received God’s grace through the Seed of the woman, and now we are sent out to the ends of the earth to bear witness to the completion of God’s plan of redemption and to offer His grace in Jesus Christ to all the descendants of Adam and Eve.
O Savior, write our names into Your story, into the Lamb’s Book of Life. Amen.
创世纪3章 上帝藉着在蛇,夏娃和亚当悖逆之后说给他们的这些话,定下了圣经历史接下来的轨迹。在此有对罪的宣判,但也有最初的暗示,即堕落的恶果将来有一天会被解除。已经没有路可以返回伊甸园了。对亚当,夏娃和他们的后裔来说,那唯一的出路就是向前仰望十字架。漫长的故事在耶稣基督,即那女人的后裔那里达到高潮,但并没有于此结束。今天,我们是这逐渐展开之故事的一部分。我们已经藉着这女人的后裔领受了上帝的恩典,并且现在被差遣出去,直到世界的地极,要见证上帝救赎计划的完成,向亚当和夏娃的所有后裔提供祂在耶稣基督里的恩典。
噢 救赎主啊,请将我们的名字写入你的故事,记在圣羔羊的生命册里,阿们。

Genesis 4 begins with a murder and traces how the shadow of violence lengthens until Lamech perverts God’s intention for marriage by taking two wives and boasting that he is 77 times more violent than his murderous ancestor Cain. But we also learn of the birth of Seth, through whom God’s promise (3:15) will continue. God’s plan is not stopped by murder. God appoints another seed of the woman to receive the promise and to carry the story forward. The promise continues to unfold until it comes at last to the cross. There, Satan tries to derail God’s plan by killing the seed of the woman. Once again, God prevails, not by appointing another, but by raising Jesus from the dead in declaration that the work is finished, creation is redeemed, and death itself-the chief effect of the fall-is put to death.
Derail for me, O Lord, the devil’s evil plans. Grant me Your help and salvation in Christ. Amen.
创世纪4章以一庄杀人案开始,接下来追溯这暴力的阴霾是如何延伸的,直到拉麦借着娶两个妻子扭曲了上帝对婚姻的目的,并且他自我炫耀说要比他那杀人的先祖该隐还要暴力七十七倍。但是我们也了解到塞特的出生,上帝的应许(创3:15 我又要叫你和女人彼此为仇;你的後裔和女人的後裔也彼此为仇。女人的後裔要伤你的头;你要伤他的脚跟)藉着塞特,得以延续。上帝的计划并不会因着谋杀而终止。上帝设立女人的另一个后裔来承受应许并且使得故事继续向前。这应许继续展开,直到最后抵达十字架。在那里,撒旦试图通过杀死女人的后裔来破坏上帝的计划。再一次地,上帝得胜了,不是藉着设立另一个,而是藉着使耶稣从死里复活,宣告这工作已完成,创造之工得以救赎,并且死亡本身-即堕落所带来的首要结果-被置于死地。

Genesis 5: The genealogical summary advances the story to the next major development-the flood. Genealogies teach an important theological lesson: God perseveres in the fulfillment of His promises. God does not become bored with His plan or discouraged by Satan’s efforts to derail it. Like God’s people before us, we often wander from God’s path. Yet, God works patiently to set the course right again and to draw us back to Himself. For this reason, the genealogies that may seem boring actually proclaim “The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance” (2Pt 3:9)
Lord, fulfill Your good purpose for me in Christ, as You have promised. Amen.

Genesis 6:1-8 Seth’s descendants increasingly participate in the evil that overwhelms God’s creation, preferring their own inclinations toward beauty and power over God’s clear will for their lives. Recognizing that the human heart is a continual source of evil, God’s patience is about to give way to judgment. But God also plans to have mercy. Even as Noah finds favor in the eyes of the Lord, so also the faithful of all times have God’s favor on account of the promised Savior.
We thank You, O Lord, that You look upon us with favor because of Christ Jesus, our Savior. Keep us ever in this faith. Amen.
创世纪6:1-8 塞特的后裔作恶,摧毁上帝的创造,并且愈演愈烈,他们选择自己对美貌和权力的喜好,而不是上帝对他们生命的清晰旨意。看到人的心是罪恶的源头并且不止息,上帝的忍耐将会让路给审判。但是上帝也计划施舍怜悯。正如挪亚在耶和华的眼中蒙了恩惠一样,所有世代的信徒也因着那应许的救赎主而得着上帝的恩惠。

Genesis 6:9-7:24 Faithful Noah and his family experience the greatest horror this earth has known, but the ark carries them up and away from the destruction and total devastation of the great flood. Although dwarfed by Noah’s experience, all Christians experience turbulence in their lives that can lead them to the brink of despair. But through Noah, God has demonstrated that He will lift up and save His faithful people whom He has cleaned in Holy Baptism.
Lord, give to Your people today the confidence in Your salvation that Noah demonstrated when he willingly placed himself and the welfare of his family into Your gracious care. Amen.
创世纪6:9-7:24 忠心的挪亚和他一家人经历了这个地球已知的最大灾难,但是方舟托起了他们并且使他们免受洪水的破坏和完全的摧毁。虽然比起挪亚的经历显得渺小,所有基督徒都会在他们生命中经历那些使他们滑向绝望边缘的动荡不安。但是藉着挪亚,上帝显明了祂必要高举和拯救祂的忠心子民,就是那些祂已经在圣洗礼中洁净了的。

Genesis 8:1-19 Noah demonstrates extraordinary patience and willingness to listen and obey God while confined in the ark for more than a year. People of faith do not always demonstrate such patience and often act on their own, even under less trying circumstances than those of Noah.
Thank You, gracious Lord, for Your patience and forgiveness when we do not trust as we should and when we act on our own without patience. Amen.
创世纪8:1-19 尽管待在方舟中超过一年之久,挪亚在听命顺服上帝上展现出惊人的耐心和意志。信靠上帝的人并不总是能展现出这样的忍耐,却常常靠着自己行动,即使所面对的处境要比挪亚所经历的有着较小的试炼。

Genesis 8:20-9:17 After the fearsome yearlong experience on the ark, God reassures Noah and his family that He will never again send a universal flood. As time would soon tell and continues to tell, no amount of amazing rescues and rainbow sightings can keep humankind, including God’s own people from falling into sin. But God is faithful to His covenants, even when people are not. The message of every rainbow tells us He is faithful to His promise to provide a Savior.
O God, for Jesus’ sake, grant that every sighting of a rainbow may bring to mind Your promises of grace and mercy. Amen.
创世纪8:20-9:17 在方舟上渡过令人畏惧的一年之后,挪亚和他一家得到上帝的重新确据,就是祂永远不会再次发起一个毁灭全地的洪水了。时间很快显明并继续宣告着:无论多少次的奇迹性拯救和彩虹显现都无法阻止人类,包括上帝自己的百姓,陷入罪中。即使当百姓不忠的时候,上帝对祂所立的约仍是信实的。彩虹的每一次出现所要传达的信息就是要告诉我们:祂在祂赐下一位拯救者的应许上,是信实的。

Genesis 9:18-29 Noah’s sinful drunkenness results in more sinful behavior and tragic consequences for one of his sons. God’s faithful people, past and present, are never free from temptations that often lead them to sin, at times with adverse consequences for generations. The biblical heroes were sinful men and women who lived by faith in the forgiveness of sins. God has been faithful to His promises and has provided forgiveness of sins and everlasting life through the salvation gained by His Son.
Thank You, O Lord, for the warning that accompanies the encouragement that You have given us through Your servant Noah. Amen.
创世纪9:18-29 挪亚有罪的醉酒,使得祂其中的一个儿子陷入更严重的犯罪和可悲的后果中。信靠上帝的百姓,无论过去的还是今天的,从来不能免受那些经常导致他们犯罪的试探引诱,有时这些罪会将恶果加在后代身上。圣经中的英雄人物都是有罪的男人和女人,他们靠对罪得赦免的信心而活着。上帝一直忠于祂的应许,并且已经藉着祂儿子所赢得的救赎来赐下赦罪恩典和永恒生命。

Genesis 10 The Table of Nations describes the origins and interrelationships of many nations of the world. The list is important because it is the only document of its kind in existence and demonstrates the common descent of all human beings from Noah. Most important to the list are the Canaanites and Shemites, around whom the stories of the OT will revolve. From the Shemites would come the good news that God was remembering His promise of the Seed that would crush the head of the evil one (3:15).
Thank You, O God, that You have been faithful to Your promises of a Savior from sin and death, despite our constant straying into temptation. Amen.
创世纪10 邦国目录描述了这个世界上许多国家的起源和国际关系。这个目录很重要,因为它是这类资料中仅存的一份文件,展现出所有人都是从挪亚这个共同血脉传下来的。目录中最重要的是迦南人和闪族人,旧约的故事围绕着这些人展开。上帝纪念祂的应许,即那个后裔要伤那恶者的头(创3:15 我又要叫你和女人彼此为仇;你的後裔和女人的後裔也彼此为仇。女人的後裔要伤你的头;你要伤他的脚跟),而这个好消息是从闪族人出来的。

Genesis 11:1-9 To curtail the pride and evil design of early humankind, God intervenes to make it difficult for family groups and tribes to communicate with one another, thereby causing them to disperse to different regions of the Near East and beyond. Like the story of the fall, the story of Babel shows that rebellion against God ultimately leads to divisions among people. People are driven away from paradise and from one another. Yet the Lord was preparing to gather and bless all nations in the birth of the living Word from the line of Shem.
We praise You, O God, that You enable Your Church to overcome language barriers with the Gospel of salvation in Christ Jesus. Amen.
创世纪11:1-9 为了阻止早期人类的自大和邪恶计划,上帝进行干预,使家庭团体和族群彼此的交流变得困难,也因此使他们分散在近东及其之外的不同地方。就像堕落的故事一样,巴别的故事显明了人对上帝的背叛最终会导致他们中间的分裂。人们从乐园被驱逐,也彼此疏离。然而主耶和华曾一直预备要藉着闪后裔中的那永生之道的降生来召集,祝福万民。

Genesis 11:10-26 Sin weighs heavily on the human race as spans of life are drastically shortened. Yet this section assures us that the promised messianic line continues through human history.
Thank You, O Lord, that You never abandon Your people, that they may hold fast to the hope of everlasting life. Amen.
创世纪11:10-26 随着寿命的急剧缩短,罪沉重地压在人类身上。然而这部分经文给我们确据,就是那被应许的弥赛亚血脉在人类的历史中继续着。

Genesis 11:27-32 After the human race has again turned away from God, the history of salvation and the messianic promise is narrowed to one man, Abram, the son of Terah of the line of Shem. Terah adopts heathen superstition and idolatry, a common practice in every age. But God identifies Abram as the father of the line by which all nations of the earth would be blessed. God will call Abram to leave all and follow Him, first to Haran and, in due time, to Canaan.
Thank You, gracious Lord, for Your patience in working out the details necessary for our salvation in Christ Jesus, and for Your patience and forgiveness when we succumb to this world’s attractions and fall into sin. Amen.
创世纪11:27-32 人类再一次背离了上帝,在这之后,救赎和弥赛亚应许的历史收缩在一个人身上,亚伯兰,即从闪这支血脉而出的他拉之子。他拉采取了外邦人的迷信和假神崇拜,这是每个世代里一种普遍的习俗。但上帝使得亚伯兰成为一个血脉的先祖,地上的万民因着他而得福。上帝呼召亚伯兰撇下所有的来跟从祂,首先来到哈兰,时候满足时,到了迦南。

Genesis 12:1-9 God calls an idolater to faith, giving him a promise that God Himself would fulfill for all people. God’s Spirit works faith, when and where He pleases, through the Word. He is faithful to do as He has said. He made Abram into a great nation, blessing all the world through the Son. As Abram’s offspring by faith, we have the blessing of God’s forgiveness and life without end.
Heavenly Father, call us to trust the Word of God in the water of Holy Baptism, to cling to everything You command, and to live by the blessing of Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
创世纪12:1-9 上帝呼召一个假神崇拜者进入这真信仰,赐给他一个应许,就是上帝祂自己将要为全人类所成就的应许。上帝的灵藉着圣道生发信心,何时何地都随祂的意愿。祂是信实的,要成就祂所说的。祂使亚伯兰成为一个大国,藉着那个后裔(the Son)祝福全世界。我们凭着信被称为亚伯兰的后裔,拥有上帝赦罪和永生的祝福,取之不尽。

Genesis 12:10-20 Although God promises Abram that he will possess the land that God will give him, Abram still finds no secure place in which to dwell. At times, we also find ourselves in circumstances that show the opposite of what God says. In Abram’s case, he went forth-even out of the land of promise-trusting that God would fulfill His Word. God returned Abram and Sarai, in time, to Canaan, and there kept all that He had promised to them. In the fullness of time, He even brought forth the Son by whom all nations would be blessed. Though the hour of Jesus’ agony and death was dark, God was keeping His promise.
Lord God, when all we see appears to contradict what You have promised, teach us to rely on Your unfailing Word. Defend us in Christ Jesus, Our Lord. Amen.
创世纪12:10-20 尽管上帝应许亚伯兰将要拥有上帝所赐给他的那地,但亚伯兰仍然没有找到可以居住的安息之所。有时候,我们也会发现自己所处的境况,看起来正和上帝所说的相反。在亚伯兰的境况里,他继续前行-甚至是离开应许之地-同时相信上帝一定会成就祂的话语。上帝使亚伯兰和撒莱在合适的时候返回迦南地,在那里保守了上帝曾应许要赐给他们的一切。时候满足了,上帝甚至赐下独生子,好叫万民因祂而得福。尽管耶稣受难和死亡的时刻是黑暗的,但上帝信守祂的应许。

Genesis 13 Conflict arises between Abram’s and Lot’s herdsmen. Abram-for the sake of peace within the clan-decides they need to part and relinquishes to Lot the right of first choice. What an example Abram sets for true, godly living, an example Christ Himself shows. Though Christ was God, He counted humanity better than Himself, taking the form of a servant that we might be treated like kings and queens! By His self-sacrificing, humble service in our place, we are reconciled with God.
Lord God, teach us, by Abram’s example, how to love as we have been loved and how to serve as we have been served. Amen.
创世纪13 亚伯兰和罗得的牧人起了冲突。亚伯兰,为了维持部族内部和睦的缘故,决定彼此分开并且将首先选择土地的权利让给了罗得。亚伯兰带出一个多么真实,敬虔生命的榜样啊,正和基督自己所展现的一样。尽管基督是上帝,祂却虚己于人,取了奴仆的样式,好叫我们可以像国王和王后一样被祂服侍!藉着祂代替我们位置的舍己、谦卑服事,我们得以与上帝和好。

Genesis 14:1-16 The land of Cannan is torn by marauding invaders, who sweep up Lot in their conquest. But God in His grace provides deliverance. As God rescued Lot through Abram and his 318 well-trained men, so He watches over and cares for us. He sent a Redeemer to rescue us. When your enemies surround you, revealing just how weak your faith is and how great your sins are, call on the Lord and come quickly to the Lord’s Supper, for He sets His Table before you in the presence of your enemies and gives you the victory in Christ.
Dear Lord, You rescued us from sin, death, and the power of the devil when You baptized us in Jesus. By the Gospel of Your Son, pluck us daily from the hands of our enemies, that we may overcome them and finally win the victory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Genesis 14:17-24 The Lord fulfills His promise to bless Abram, doing so through the ministry of Melchizedek, the priest of God Most High, who presents him with a feast. The Lord’s blessings come through His gifts, His means, His ministers. The Lord confirmed this ultimately by sending His Son, who gave the eternal sacrifice, once for all, of His body and His blood on the cross. He continues to bless us, even setting a feast before us as He gives His body and His blood in bread and wine.
Lord, bless us daily to live in Your pleasure, which is ours for the sake of Jesus, our great High Priest. Amen.

Genesis 15 God credits righteousness to Abram simply on the basis of His covenant promise and faith. To the promise, He adds the visible sign of the slaughtered animals, the fire pot, and the torch by which God shows Abram that He is committed. Today, rest in God’s promises given to you in Jesus and delivered to you in His Word and Sacraments. They are enough, because Jesus was enough.
Dear Father, rescue us from our enemies by Your promise made sure in Your Son, who delivers our inheritance to us in the New Testament of His blood. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Genesis 16 Sarai Seeks alternative means for fulfilling God’s promise. When God provides a son to Hagar, discord and strife arise because of jealousy and pride. How often our own households and marriages are torn asunder when we devise ways and means that God has not commanded! Consider how willing our Lord was to submit Himself to everything the Father willed, even when that meant suffering at the hands of evil men and dying in their place. He has seen your suffering, and has taken it upon Himself. By His dying and His rising, He makes sure the God who sees all is now graciously disposed toward you.
Dear Lord, though You see all, You promise now to see us only in Jesus. Tenderly work among us by Your means of grace, exercising Your fatherly care. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
创世纪16章 撒莱另谋途径来实现上帝的应许。当上帝赐夏甲一个儿子时,不合和纷争就因着嫉妒和傲慢兴起来了。当我们谋算上帝所没有吩咐的途径和媒介的时候,我们自己的家人和婚姻就被扯碎,这是多么寻常啊!请思想我们的主是如何顺服,将自己交托给父所意愿的一切事上,甚至当这意味着要在恶人的手中受苦并代替他们的位置去死的时候。祂已经看到你的苦难,并且将之背在祂自己身上。藉着祂的死和复活,祂确保那位知晓万事的上帝如今在洪恩中喜悦你们。

Genesis 17:1-14 Abraham receives both a new name and the sign of the covenant promise God has given His people. The Lord received the same sign of circumcision, shedding His infant blood and receiving the name “Jesus,” providing Himself to be our dear Savior.
Lord, lead us to treasure the precious Word and Sacraments, which mark and sign us as Your beloved children. Amen.
创世纪17:1-14 亚伯拉罕不但领受了一个新的名字,而且也领受了上帝已经赐给祂子民盟约应许的记号。主也领受了一个相同的割礼记号,流了祂的婴儿之血,得了“耶稣”这个名字,使祂自己成为我们亲爱的救赎主。

Genesis 17:15-18:21 Divine messengers, on their way to Sodom to deliver judgment, visit Abraham and Sarah to announce that Sarah will bear the child of promise. Like Sarah, we may doubt and even laugh at God’s purposes for us. Despite such moments of weakness, the Lord reassures His saints not only of His omnipotence but also of His forgiveness, as Sarah realized when she gave birth to Isaac in her old age.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, nothing is too hard for You. Thank You for patiently bearing with us and forgiving us when we are of little faith. Amen.

Genesis 18:22-33 Abraham begs the Lord to spare the wicked cities for the sake of the righteous. The evils of Sodom remind us of our own time, with evil that also cries out for divine intervention. Intercede in prayer for those who have not yet repented of their wickedness. Take comfort in the truth that God spares the wicked for the sake of one righteous man-Jesus Christ.
O Lord, spare us who live in this world of wickedness, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
创世纪18:22-23 亚伯拉罕祈求主为着义人的缘故不毁灭那些邪恶的城市。所多玛的罪恶提醒我们,我们自己这个带着罪恶的时代也在呼求上帝的干预。请在祷告中为着那些还没有从他们的诡诈中转离的人代求。请在真理中领受安慰,这真理就是上帝为着那一位义人-耶稣基督的缘故,要饶恕诡诈的人。

Genesis 19:1-22 Lot and his small family are spared the destruction of Sodom, but the deliverance clearly is due to divine mercy and not human righteousness, as Lot’s behavior shows. Just as Lot’s rescue makes sense only when contrasted with Sodom’s destruction, so also our salvation by Christ’s death makes sense only when contrasted with the threats of God’s Law.
Lord God, thank You for Your long-suffering when we, like Lot, are weak in faith. Amen.
创世纪19:1-22 罗得和他的小家庭逃过了所多玛的毁灭,但这拯救很显然是出于上帝的怜悯而不是人的义,正如罗得的行为所表明的。就像罗得的获救只能在与所多玛的毁灭作比较时才说得通一样,我们藉着基督的死获救只能在与上帝律法的威吓作比较时才有道理。

Genesis 19:23-29 God grants Abraham’s prayer by preserving the lives of Lot and his daughters. In the destruction of Sodom and the neighboring cities, we see that wicked behavior on earth cries out to God for judgment. This judgment sometimes comes by catastrophic events. But just as clearly, we see God’s patient love for His children on earth, even when their response to His grace is weak and pitiful, as in the case of Lot and his family.
Heavenly Father, thank you for Your patience. Deliver us from evil, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Genesis 19:30-38 Lot and his daughters, driven by weakness and fear, resort to evil means to preserve the family line. They demonstrate no regret, as if the end justifies the means. And still God is patient, even granting protection to their offspring. Weak Christians often resort to an “end justifies the means” solution when they feel they must take matters into their own hands, disregarding God’s clear will. God calls us to repent of this. In His grace, through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of His Son, God has provided us with the means to the best of ends:eternal life and blessedness.
“Remove the power of sin from me And cleanse all my impurity That I may have the strength and will Temptations of the flesh to still.” Amen.(LSB 704:2)
创世纪19:30-38 罗得和他的女儿们被软弱和恐惧驱使,为了留存后裔就诉诸于罪恶的手段。她们没有显示任何的后悔,好像结果可以为手段辩护一样。但上帝仍然是满有忍耐的,甚至保守了她们的后裔。软弱的基督徒在他们觉得必须要将事情掌握在自己手中时,经常无视上帝明显的旨意,诉诸于“结果为手段辩护”的方案。上帝呼唤我们为此悔改。在祂的恩典中,藉着祂儿子的完美生命,死亡和复活,上帝已经提供给我们达至最好结局的手段,就是那通向永恒生命和祝福的。
“挪去我罪的权势,洁净我所有污渍;叫我得力量心志,肉体的试探快消逝。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册 704:2)

Genesis 20 Abraham is deceptive in pretending that Sarah is only his sister, but God intervenes to protect him from the harm of his own doing. Left to our own devices, our scheming makes a mess of our lives and brings affliction to those around us. For Abraham and his promised offspring, a dream and an accompanying illness set matters straight again. For us and for the entire world, the future promised Offspring, Christ, set matters straight again, reconciling us to God.
Gracious God, thank You for intervening in our lives in Your promised Offspring, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
创世纪20章 亚伯拉罕假装撒拉只是他的妹子,这是他的虚伪,但上帝干预其中并保守他免受因着自己行为所带来的伤害。若被放逐于自己的谋算,我们的诡计会使我们的生活一团糟,并且给我们身边的人带来痛苦。对亚伯拉罕和他蒙应许的后裔来说,一个梦和随之而来的疾病使事情再次得以纠正。对于我们和整个世界来说,那将来应许的后裔,基督,使事情再次得以纠正,叫我们与上帝和好。

Genesis 21:1-7 Twenty-five years after the promise was given, a child is born to Abraham and Sarah. His name is Isaac, “he laughs,” calling to mind the past laughter of his parents and describing their joy upon his birth. The parents needed patience and faith as those 25 years came and went. How impatient we can become when things do not go as we think they should, even over short periods of time, even when God has clearly promised that all things will work together for good. But God is faithful , even when our patience and faith fall short. He has delivered the greatest of His promises, to give salvation and everlasting life to all who believe in the Lord Jesus.
Heavenly Father, keep us patient and faithful while You carry out Your plan for our lives and our salvation. Amen.
创世纪21:1-7 应许被赐下的二十五年后,一个孩子从亚伯拉罕和撒拉生出。他的名字叫以撒,意思是“他喜笑”,记忆着他父母过去的笑,也表达了他们对以撒出生的喜乐。这对父母在25年的匆匆岁月中需要忍耐和信心。当事情不像我们想的那样发展,既使只是短暂的时间,既使上帝已经清楚地应许万事为着良善互相效力之时,我们仍会变得多么不耐烦啊!但上帝是信实的,既使在我们的忍耐和信心亏缺的时候。祂已经成就祂应许中那最大的一个,就是赐救恩和永生给所有信靠主耶稣的人。

Genesis 21:8-21 When Sarah becomes alarmed at Ishmael’s behavior toward Issac, Abraham determines to dismiss Ishmael and Hagar from his household. Despite clear promises from God, we also become overly concerned about matters in our lives that irritate us or cause us to doubt His promises. But as with Abraham and Sarah, God takes our human weakness into consideration. God has promised to forgive us and adopt us as His children for the sake of Christ’s sacrifice. Through faith in Him, we are the children of promise, the children of God.
Heavenly Father, thank You for adopting me in Your only-begotten Son, Jesus. Teach me patience and compassion toward others. Amen.
创世纪21:8-21 当撒拉因着以实玛利对待以撒的行为开始忧心忡忡时,亚伯拉罕决定将以实玛利和夏甲从他的家室中打发走。尽管有着从上帝而来的清楚应许,我们也会在那些我们生活中激怒我们或使我们质疑上帝应许的事情上变得忧虑过分。但是就像对待亚伯拉罕和撒拉一样,上帝迁就我们人的软弱。上帝已经应许要因着基督这祭物的缘故赦免我们并且收养我们为祂的儿女。藉着在祂里面的信心,我们成为上帝的儿女,应许的儿女。

Genesis 21:22-34 Abraham agrees to a covenant and works out his differences with the government so that he might live in peace. Good and orderly government is always helpful for the mission of the Church, and God’s people are required to support their government with proper citizenship. At the same time, the salvation God provides does not depend on good governments like that of Abimelech, for God will continue to save His elect by the power of Gospel preaching and Sacraments, at times despite evil governments.
O Lord, give good government throughout the world so that the Gospel of Christ’s cross may be preached without obstacle or persecution. Amen.
创世纪21:22-34 亚伯拉罕立了约并解决他与政府之间的不合,好使他能够平安度日。良好且有秩序的政府对教会的使命总是有帮助,并且上帝的百姓应当以合宜的公民身份支持他们的政府。同时,上帝所提供的救恩并不依赖于像亚比米勒那样好的政府,因为有时既使政府是邪恶的,上帝仍会继续藉着福音宣讲和圣礼的能力来拯救祂的选民。

Genesis 22 The climax of Abraham’s life of faith comes when he who loves his son so much is willing to offer him as a sacrifice to his Lord. Surely Abraham finds great relief when God provides the ram in the thicket. Often we fail tests of faith that do not begin to compare to Abraham’s. Thankfully, there was an even greater sacrifice when God the Father in heaven offered the sacrifice of His beloved Son to secure forgiveness for our failures.
Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us. Amen.
创世纪22章 亚伯拉罕的信仰生活抵达高潮,就是在他如此爱他的儿子却仍愿意将他献给耶和华为祭物的时候。上帝提供了那只在树丛中的公羊,那个时候亚伯拉罕肯定得了极大的释放。我们经常不能通过信仰的测试,而这些测试甚至一点儿也不能与亚伯拉罕所经历的相提并论。感恩的是,当天父上帝提供了祂独生儿子的献祭来确保我们的失败可以得着赦免之时,一个更大的祭物就出现了。

Genesis 23 Sarah’s death is the occasion for a significant development: Abraham purchases a plot of ground in the Promised Land, a testimony to his confidence in God’s promises and to his concern for his wife’s remains. At times of death, it is important to give clear testimony to our faith in God’s promises, even as God Himself did. God’s testimony at the time of His Son’s death was clear. By raising Him from the dead on the third day, He assured bodily resurrection and eternal life in heaven for all who believe in Him.
O Lord, grant us confidence in Your promises like that of Abraham, a confidence that is reflected in all we do. Amen.
创世纪23章 撒拉的死是一个有着非常重要历史发展意义的事件:亚伯拉罕在那应许之地买了一块地,这见证了他对上帝应许的信心和他对自己妻子遗骸的关切。有时在死亡面前,清楚地见证我们对上帝应许的信靠是重要的,甚至就像上帝祂自己所做的那样。上帝在祂儿子的死亡面前所做的见证是清楚的。藉着使祂儿子在第三天从死里复活,上帝给所有信祂的人,确保了身体复活和天上永恒生命。

Genesis 24 Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for his son Isaac. Rebekah and her parents consent to the proposal. Though they have not met, Isaac and Rebekah consent to a marriage that will be filled with God’s blessing and love. Many people today wrongly see romance and emotion as the basis of marriage. Instead, God wants marriage (lifelong faithfulness vowed publicly) to be the basis for the love of husband and wife. Such love is a picture of Christ’s love for the Church. He sought us from afar and promises His faithfulness to us.
O Christ, our heavenly Bridegroom, help us to trust the Word spoken by Your servants, the Word that calls us to be joined to You. Amen.
创世纪24章 亚伯拉罕差遣祂的仆人去给他儿子以撒找一个妻子。利百加和她的父母同意了求婚。尽管他们从未谋面,以撒和利百加顺从了一个将要蒙上帝所爱和祝福的婚姻。今天许多人错误地认为浪漫和情感是婚姻的基础。相反的是,上帝想让婚姻(公开誓言的终身相许)成为夫妻彼此相爱的基础。这样的爱是基督爱教会的反映。祂从远处来寻找我们,并且将祂自己的信实应许给我们。

Genesis 25:1-18 Abraham grows old, being blessed with many children. Yet he makes clear that Isaac alone is his heir. Finally, Abraham dies a blessed death and is given a proper burial by his sons Isaac and Ishmael. Children are a blessing from the Lord that husband and wife should celebrate. Like Abraham, we should instruct our children about the Lord and should bury the bodies of the faithful departed with honor. Such burial is a confession of the resurrection, that Christ will return and raise us from the dead to be gathered to Him.
Lord, continue to give us the blessings of Your cross and the empty tomb as we daily die to sin in our Baptism and await the glorious resurrection with all the saints. Amen.
创世纪25:1-18 亚伯拉罕年迈之时,蒙了多子多孙的福。然而他也清楚讲明唯独以撒是他的后嗣。最后,亚伯拉罕蒙了善终并且从他的儿子以撒和以实玛利得了尊贵的葬礼。儿女是从耶和华来的祝福,夫妻应当庆祝。就像亚伯拉罕一样,我们应当将耶和华的事教导给我们的儿女,并且应当以尊贵荣耀埋葬离世信徒的身体。这样的葬礼是对复活的告白,告白基督要再来并且使我们死里复生,与祂团聚。

Genesis 25:19-28 God’s ways are not our ways. The Lord chooses to give His special blessing to Jacob, who does not deserve this gift either by birth order or by virtue. When we come before God on the basis of rights, claims, and human justice, we fall into the mind-set of Isaac, who wrongfully favored his firstborn, Esau, despite God’s promise concerning Jacob. Thankfully, God does not deal with us on the basis of what we deserve for our sin. He chose us from eternity to be His people. Christ bore all our deserved punishment on the cross.
We thank You, Lord Jesus, that Your ways are not our ways. You have given us undeserved pardon and peace in Your cross. Amen.
创世纪25:19-28 上帝的方式不是我们的方式。主耶和华选择将祂特别的祝福赐给雅各,虽然雅各按着出生次序或修养都不配得到这礼物。当我们想要依靠权利,主张或者人世间的公正来到上帝面前时,我们就会陷入以撒的思维方式,以撒尽管已经有了上帝关于雅各的应许,仍错误地偏爱他的长子以扫。感恩的是,上帝不会基于我们因着我们的罪所配得的,来待我们。祂从永恒中拣选我们成为祂的百姓。基督已经在十字架上担负了我们应得的惩罚。

Genesis 25:29-34 Esau disdains his birthright, and Jacob schemes against his brother. Neither is worthy of the Lord’s favor and the honor to carry on the promise. By our sinful nature and our actions, we are unworthy of any blessing of this life, especially the gift of forgiveness and eternal life with Christ. Yet, in His mercy, we receive a great inheritance because Christ has made us a part of His family in Baptism. We are heirs of the promise made to the patriarchs and fulfilled in Christ.
Praise be to our Savior, who has granted us an inheritance among the saints! Amen.
创世纪25:29-34 以扫轻看自己长子的名分,雅各算计对付他的弟兄。两个人没有一个配得主的恩宠和荣耀来承载那个应许。按照我们有罪的本性和我们的行动,我们是不配得到今生任何祝福的,更不用说基督所赐赦罪和永生的礼物了。然而,在祂怜悯中,我们领受了一个巨大的产业,因为基督已经使我们在圣洗礼中成为祂家庭的一部分。我们就是那应许的后嗣,那应许就是曾经赐给列祖并且在基督里面所成就了的。

Genesis 26:1-5 When a severe famine forces Isaac to relocate his family, the Lord appears to him with words of comfort. In this adversity, the Lord promises to Isaac the same favor He did to Abraham: His caring presence, land, offspring, and blessedness to all people. In times of adversity, we should not doubt the Lord’s care for us. He promises that nothing will separate us from His love.
Thanks be to God that the blessing of the cross covers even our sins of doubt and forgetfulness! Lord, we praise You for Your boundless love. Amen.
创世纪26:1-5 当一次严重的饥荒要迫使以撒带着家人迁移的时候,主耶和华带着安慰的话语向他显现。在这次逆境中,主把曾经赐给亚伯拉罕的恩宠也同样应许给以撒:就是祂慈爱的同在,土地,后裔,还有对万民的祝福。我们不应当在困境中怀疑主对我们的看顾。祂应许没有什么可以使我们与祂的爱隔绝。

Genesis 26:6-35 Although Isaac doubts the Lord’s protection and lies to Abimelech, the Lord provides Isaac with agricultural prosperity and the respect of local rulers. When Isaac is displaced because of a water dispute, the Lord shows His care by promising His presence. Although we sometimes lack confidence in the Lord’s providential care, He daily and richly provides for all our needs of body and soul. He is richly present with us because He has placed His name on us in Baptism and feeds us with the true body and blood of Christ in the bread and wine of the Lord’s supper.
For all Your gifts we thank You, dear Savior! Amen.
创世纪26:6-35 尽管以撒怀疑主的护卫,以致向亚比米勒撒谎,但主耶和华却以农产的丰收和本地掌权者的尊敬供给以撒。当以撒因着一次井水纷争而迁移时,主耶和华藉着应许祂的同在来显明祂的眷顾。尽管我们有时缺乏对主佑护看顾的信心,但祂却每天丰盛地供应我们身体和灵魂的所需。祂与我们同在是丰丰富富的,因为祂已经将祂的名在圣洗礼中印在我们身上,并且在主圣餐的饼和酒中以基督的真身体和宝血喂养我们。

Genesis 27 Deceptive Jacob, scheming Rebekah, unwitting Isaac, and impulsive Esau all fall short of the Lord’s perfect standard. Our hope cannot rest on human nature or accomplishments. We share in this fallen humanity and often act like these biblical figures. Despite this sorry state, Christ became our substitute. He loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. He was cursed so we may be blessed (Gal 3:13). Through the means of grace (Gospel and Sacraments), we receive the blessings of Christ’s saving acts.
Lord, we thank You for providing a salvation that does not rely on our virtue or accomplishments. Amen.
创世纪27 欺骗人的雅各,诡计多端的利百加,糊里糊涂的以撒,还有易冲动的以扫都亏缺了主耶和华完美的标准。我们的盼望不能依赖于人的本性或成就。我们也同样落在这样堕落的人性中,并且行事为人经常和这些圣经人物一样。尽管落在这个悲伤的境况中,基督代替了我们。祂爱我们,将祂自己为我们舍了,作为一个馨香之祭和供物献给上帝。祂被咒诅好叫我们可以得祝福(加3:13基督既为我们受了咒诅、〔受原文作成〕就赎出我们脱离律法的咒诅.因为经上记着、『凡挂在木头上都是被咒诅的。』)。藉着恩典的媒介(福音和圣礼),我们领受基督救赎工作所带来的祝福。

Genesis 28:1-5 Isaac gives Jacob a command and a blessing: Jacob must leave home, go to his relatives, and not marry a Canaanite wife. Before he departs, Isaac gives Jacob the blessing of Abraham, a blessing that includes the land of Canaan, many descendants, and ultimately the dignity of being an ancestor of the Messiah. Parents today should carefully raise their children to seek a godly, Christian spouse, and children should honor and obey their parents according to God’s Word. This is God’s command. But He also has a blessing for us. In Christ Jesus, the blessing of Abraham comes to all nations, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith (Gal 3:14).
Heavenly Father, keep us in Your Son, Jesus, that we may retain the Holy Spirit to the end of our days. Amen.
创世纪28:1-5 以撒赐给雅各一个命令和一个祝福:雅各必须离开家,去到他亲戚那里,并且不能娶迦南地女子为妻。他出发前,以撒将亚伯拉罕的祝福赐给雅各,这个祝福包括迦南地,多子多孙,并且最终有尊荣成为弥赛亚的先祖。今天父母应当谨慎教养他们的儿女长大了去寻找一个敬虔的基督徒配偶,并且教导他们儿女应当根据上帝的话语尊荣和顺从他们的父母。这是上帝的命令。但祂也赐给我们一个祝福。在基督耶稣里,亚伯拉罕的祝福临到万国,好叫我们可以凭着信心领受那应许的圣灵(加3:14这便叫亚伯拉罕的福、因基督耶稣可以临到外邦人、使我们因信得着所应许的圣灵)。

Genesis 28:6-9 Esau chooses a wife from Abraham’s family (Ishmael) in order to please Isaac, which may indicate repentance from previously dishonoring his parents. In opposition to the Fourth Commandments, we have often disrespected our parents and others in authority. God’s Law condemns our disobedience and calls us to sincere repentance. We are also recipients of His blessing in Christ.
We praise You, O Lord Jesus, that You paid for all our sins with Your bitter suffering and death. Grant us sound marriages and sincere repentance. Amen.

Genesis 28:10-22 Long before becoming man, the Second Person of the Godhead appears to Jacob in a vision with ascending and descending angels. The Son of God tells how all nations will be blessed in Him through the line of Jacob. In thankfulness, Jacob vows to build an altar for the worship of the true God and to tithe. Even now, such promises are pleasing to God, if made in faith without superstition. We have much to be thankful for. Christ is our gateway to heaven. To forgive sins and strengthen our faith, Christ descends to us in His Word and Sacraments.
We praise You, Lord, for Your promises and mercy. Be with us as we ascend and descend in service to others. Amen.
创世纪28:10-22 成为人很久以前,上帝的第二位格在一个带有上去下来天使的异象中向雅各显现。上帝的儿子告诉他万国将如何藉着雅各的血脉在祂里面蒙福。出于感恩,雅各许愿要建造一个祭坛来敬拜独一真上帝,并且将十分之一献上。即使在今天,这样的许愿也是蒙上帝喜悦的,如果是出于信心并且不带有任何迷信的话。我们有太多应当感恩的地方。基督是我们通天的门。为了赦免我们的罪,坚固我们的信心,基督在祂的圣道和圣礼中降临在我们中间。

Genesis 29:1-30 Jacob’s sin falls back upon him. Just as he deceived his brother Esau, the firstborn, so also Laban deceives Jacob regarding a firstborn. When people are engaged and married, falsehood and deceit leads to great harm, though the love of husband and wife can make hard work light. Thanks be to God, the Church’s Bridegroom deals faithfully. He covers our debt with the sacrifice of His life and love so that we may be His.
Lord Jesus, we praise You for Your extravagant love. Amen.
创世纪29:1-30 雅各的罪又返回来落在他自己身上。正如他欺骗他的弟兄以扫那个长子一样,拉班也在长女之事上欺骗雅各。当有人订婚、结婚时,虽然夫妻彼此相爱能够减轻重担,虚假和欺骗却能带来很大的伤害。感谢归给上帝,教会的新郎以忠实相待。祂以祂的舍命和爱遮掩我们的罪债,好叫我们属于祂。

Genesis 29:31-30:24 As Leah and Rachel contend with each other regarding childbearing and Jacob’s affection, they degrade the marriage relationship. As the sole giver of all good gifts, the Lord finally grants Rachel a child and thus removes her reproach (30:23). In many cases, modern technology allows people to turn God’s gift of childbearing into a product they can obtain or refuse at will. Such manipulative attitudes are as old as Leah and Rachel. As Jacob suggests (30:2), we cannot stand in the place of God in these matters, but we must entrust them to His wisdom. In any case, the Lord has given us a child—His only-begotten Son (Is 9:6-7)—to save us and bring salvation to the world.
Lord, grant us patience and trust in matters beyond our control. Bless marriages and families with Your forgiving love. Amen.
创世纪29:31-20:24 利亚和拉结为着生育和雅各的宠幸彼此相争,她们这样行就玷污了婚姻关系。作为那所有美善礼物的独一赐予者,主耶和华最终赐给拉结一个孩子,并因此除去了她的羞耻(创30:23拉结怀孕生子、说、 神除去了我的羞耻)。在很多案例中,现代科技使得人可以将上帝所赐生育的礼物变成一个他们可以任意拥有或拒绝的产品。这些善于操纵的态度是古老的,正如利亚和拉结那时的一样。像雅各所说的(创30:2 雅各向拉结生气、说、叫你不生育的是 神、我岂能代替他作主呢),我们不能在这类事情中代替上帝的位置,但我们可以将它们交托给祂的智慧。无论在哪种境况中,主耶和华已经赐给我们一个婴孩—祂的独生儿子(赛9:1-7因有一婴孩为我们而生、有一子赐给我们.政权必担在他的肩头上.他名称为奇妙、策士、全能的 神、永在的父、和平的君。他的政权与平安必加增无穷.他必在大卫的宝座上、治理他的国、以公平公义使国坚定稳固、从今直到永远。万军之耶和华的热心、必成就这事)—来拯救我们并且将救赎带给整个世界。

Genesis 30:25-43 Laban deceives Jacob by taking away the livestock he promised. Nonetheless, the Lord blesses Jacob by miraculously prospering his livestock and granting him shrewdness with honesty. In business, you will be tempted to act dishonestly, as Laban did. Instead, pray for wisdom and shrewdness. In all cases, remember and give thanks that the Lord daily and richly provides for your needs of body and soul. In His faithfulness, He gives us the blessings of His cross in Word and Sacraments and will set all things right at His second coming.
Come, Lord Jesus, and grant us Your wholesome wisdom. Amen.
创世纪30:25-43 拉班欺骗雅各,拿走了所有他曾许诺要给的牲畜。然而,主耶和华祝福雅各,奇迹般地繁衍他的牲畜,并且赐给他精明和诚实。在生意场上,你也会受到试探想要不诚实地行事,就像拉班所做的那样。与之相反,可以祷告祈求智慧和精明。在所有境况中,请记得主耶和华每天丰富地供应你身体和灵魂的所需,并为此感谢祂。在祂的信实中,祂赐给我们祂在圣道和圣礼中十字架的祝福,并且祂必再来,更新万物。

Genesis 31 Deception leads to dispute between relatives, which threatens to break out into open warfare. Such an outcome is avoided because God steps in. Family feuds, often fueled by deceit, continue to plague relationships today. We need God to step into our lives, into our families. In Him and in His Word there is no deceit. Trust Him to forgive the contrite sinner and quiet the angry heart. Go to Christ for pardon and for peace.
“Grant peace in mercy, Lord, we pray, Peace in our time, O send us! For there is none on earth but thee, None other to defend us. Only thou, Lord, canst fight for us.” Amen. (AE 53:287)
创世纪31章 欺骗招致亲戚之间的纷争,甚至危机到要爆发公开打仗的地步。因着上帝的介入,这样的结局得以避免。亲人仇怨,经常是由欺骗点燃起来的,这在今天也继续蔓延在关系当中。我们需要上帝介入我们的生命,介入我们的家庭。因为在祂和祂的圣道里面,没有诡诈。信靠祂来是要赦免痛悔的罪人并且要安抚愤怒的心。到基督那里祈求饶恕和平安吧。
“我们祈愿主怜悯中赐平安,噢差遣和平到我们中间!因在地上除你以外,无他可为我们护辩,主啊,唯有你能为我们争战。”阿们。(路德作品集美国版 53:287)

Genesis 32:1-21 Faced with possible death, Jacob turns to the Lord in prayer, then makes preparations to aid his family’s safety. His prayer is a model for ours: address God, confess who God is and what He has done, confess our unworthiness, petition Him, and remember God’s promises, which are the basis for our prayers. God’s promise is to bless and pardon us for the sake of Christ, the Offspring of Jacob.
Lord, teach us so to pray! Amen.
创世纪32:1-21 面对可能降临的死亡,雅各在祷告中转向主耶和华,然后为确保家人的平安做了准备。他的祷告给了我们一个很好的典范:呼求上帝,告白上帝是谁并且祂的所作所为,承认我们的不配,向祂祷告,思念上帝的应许,因为这些应许就是我们祷告的根基。上帝的应许就是要因着雅各的那后裔基督的缘故,赦免我们,祝福我们。

Genesis 32:22-32 Alone and faced with danger, Jacob finds God to be his adversary. Yet faithful Jacob wrestles and receives a new name and God’s blessing. It does not always seem that God is on our side. Sometimes He causes Christians to bear trials, temptations, and suffering—i.e., the cross. Yet, this is not to destroy us, but to strengthen us and finally bless us. Christian faith clings to God’s Word of mercy in Jesus Christ.
Lord, in Baptism, You have promised to be my God. Grant to me what You see that I need. Amen.
创世纪32:22-32 独自一人面对险境,雅各发现上帝站在他的对立面。然而有信心的雅各摔跤后领受了一个新的名字,还有上帝的祝福。事情并不总是看起来上帝站在我们这边。有时祂让基督徒承受试炼,试探,甚至苦难—也就是,十字架。然而,这不是要摧毁我们,乃是要坚固我们,并最终祝福我们。基督徒的信心紧紧依附上帝在耶稣基督里充满怜悯的圣道上。

Genesis 33 God turns Jacob’s fear into joy as Esau approaches and the two brothers are reconciled. Jacob humbles himself, and Esau forgives. As much as possible, without compromising Christian doctrine and morality, we should make peace with those who oppose us—especially family members. This takes mutual humility and forgiveness. God took the lead here. While we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son (Rm 5:10).
Lord God, in Christ You have dealt graciously with me, and in Him I have enough. Amen.
创世纪33章 随着以扫的到来,上帝使雅各的恐惧转为喜乐,并且两个弟兄重归于好。雅各谦卑自己,而以扫饶恕。尽可能地,在不损伤基督信仰教义和道德情况下,我们应当与那些反对我们的人寻求和睦—特别是亲人。这需要双方的谦卑和饶恕。上帝在这里是主动的。当我们还是上帝仇敌时,我们藉着祂儿子的死得以与上帝和好(罗5:10因为我们作仇敌的时候、且借着 神儿子的死、得与 神和好、既已和好、就更要因他的生得救了)。

Genesis 34 One sin leads to another. Shechem rapes Dinah, and Jacob’s sons abuse God’s holy institution of circumcision so they could massacre the men of Shechem. Christians, beware! Those who treat God’s holy things carelessly and who nurture vengeance prepare for themselves lasting misery. Zeal for a right cause is good, but moderation and due process are also required. The same Savior who died for us also died for sinners such as Shechem and Jacob’s sons.
Lord Jesus, grant me wisdom and patience. Help me to love others as You have loved me. Amen.
创世纪34章 一个罪会导致另一个罪。示剑玷辱了底拿,然后雅各的儿子们就滥用上帝所设立的圣洁割礼制度好叫他们能够屠杀示剑所属地的百姓。基督徒啊,要小心了!那些轻慢上帝圣物和滋生报仇之心的人是在为自己积蓄恒久的悲惨。对伸张正义的热心是好的,但节制和合理的程序也是必需的。因为那为我们死的同一位救赎主,也为像示剑和雅各儿子们一样的罪人死了。

Genesis 35:1-15 There was little mention of God in ch 34. Now, He again takes center stage, and Jacob responds. Jacob gets rid of the false gods. He journeys to Bethel, the “house of God.” He again hears God’s promises. He worships. Where God’s people assemble around Word and Sacrament, God Himself is present to forgive those who repent.
“My soul, now praise your Maker! Let all within me bless His name Who makes you full partaker of mercies more than you dare claim.” Amen. (LSB 820:1)
创世纪35:1-15 第34章几乎没有提及上帝。现在,祂再次站在舞台的焦点上,雅各回应了。雅各除去假神。他上伯特利去,伯特利意思就是“上帝的居所。” 雅各再次听见上帝的应许。他献上敬拜。每当上帝的百姓围绕着圣道和圣礼聚集时,上帝自己就临在其中,赦免那些悔改的人。
“我的灵啊,现在当赞美造你的主!让我里面的全部向着祂的名祝福,因祂使你享用怜悯,比你所求还要丰丰富富。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册 820:1)

Genesis 35:16-29 Sorrows surround Jacob. He learns of his son’s incest with his concubine and also the death of his wife and of his father. God-fearing people such as Jacob sometimes have children who fall into great sin and shame. And even those who receive God’s promises, such as Rachel and Isaac, are still subject to death. Mourning is a part of life in a sin-broken world. When sorrows surround you, call on the Lord in prayer. Remember and celebrate His promises, which are guaranteed to you in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Because Jesus conquered death and sin, we have comfort in the midst of all troubles.
O Lord, forgive our sins, and bring us to eternal life for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
创世纪35:16-29 悲哀环绕着雅各。他知道他的儿子与他的妾同寝,也经历了妻子和父亲的离世。像雅各一样敬畏上帝的人有时也会遇到自己的孩子陷入严重的罪和羞耻之中。甚至那些像拉结和以撒一样领受上帝应许的人,也仍然逃不过死亡。哀悼是在这个被罪所破坏的世界中生命的一部分。当哀痛环绕你时,请在祷告中呼求主耶和华。请思念祂的应许并为之欢庆,因为这些应许已经在耶稣的死和复活中保证给你了。耶稣胜过了死亡和罪恶,因此我们可以在所有患难当中,依然有安慰。

Genesis 36 God shows us that for the sake of devout parents such as Isaac and Rebekah, He will give good things to their children, the Edomites, even though the children do not imitate their parent’s faith and life. By doing so, God would lead them and their descendants to repentance. Though the Edomites were often rivals of Israel, the Lord made provision for their salvation (Dt 23:7-8). How great is God’s mercy!
Lord Jesus, have mercy on all generations that stray. Call them back to You. Amen.
创世纪36章 上帝向我们显明,因着这些如以撒和利百加之虔敬父母的缘故,祂将美善之物赐给他们的儿女,即以东人,尽管儿女不效法他们父母的信心和生命。藉着如此行,上帝引导他们和他们的后裔悔改。虽然以东人经常与以色列为敌,主耶和华也供应了他们的救恩(申23:7-8 不可憎恶以东人、因为他是你的弟兄.不可憎恶埃及人、因为你在他的地上作过寄居的。他们第三代子孙可以入耶和华的会)。上帝的怜悯何等浩大啊!

Genesis 37:1-11 Joseph is favored by his father but hated by his brothers, Joseph’s prophetic dreams only raise tensions in the family. We can expect those who love virtue will be hated and envied by the wicked. Yet we should also pursue humility and avoid arrogance. Thanks be to God, His favored Son died to redeem His people, though they hated Him. In righteous humility, He redeemed us too.
Almighty God, in this world of division and family strife, bless us with the healing love of Your Son, Jesus. Forgive us our jealousies and hatred. In the Savior’s name. Amen.
创世纪37:1-11 约瑟受到他父亲的偏爱,但却受他弟兄们的嫉恨,约瑟预言式的异梦在他家中只能引起纷争。我们能够意料到那些喜爱美德的人会受到作恶之人的嫉妒和愤恨。然而我们也应当寻求谦卑,避免自大。感谢归给上帝,祂所喜悦的儿子死了,为要拯救祂的子民,尽管他们恨祂。在公义的谦卑中,祂也赎买了我们。

Genesis 37:12-36 Joseph is betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery. Yet God spares Joseph’s life in order to fulfill His plan and the dreams He had revealed. When sin is not dealt with, it breeds even more wickedness. Joseph’s brothers let their hatred lead to betrayal and lies. Many years later, God’s Son was betrayed by His friend, not for 20 shekels but for 30 pieces of silver. Yet this also took place so that God could fulfill His plan for our salvation.
Heavenly Father, enable us to help those in need. Turn us away from self-pity and worry to compassion and sympathy. Send Your Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith in times of trial. In the Savior’s name we pray. Amen.
创世纪37:12-36 耶稣被他的弟兄们背叛并卖为奴隶。然而上帝保守了约瑟的性命,好叫祂的计划和祂所启示给约瑟的异梦得以成就。当罪不被解决时,就会生出更多的诡诈。约瑟的弟兄们放纵他们的忿恨以致后来有了背叛和欺骗。许多年后,上帝的儿子被祂的朋友背叛,不是为了二十舍客勒银子,而是为了三十块。然而这事的发生乃是要叫上帝成就祂为着我们的救恩所计划了的。

Genesis 38 The sins of Onan, Judah, and Tamar make this one of the most sordid chapters of the Bible. Yet despite human sinfulness, God is at work. Through Judah’s son Perez, the line that would eventually give birth to the Savior was preserved (cf Mt 1:3). Sexual sins lead to trouble and heartache in this life. Yet God does not cast away those who were conceived and born out of wedlock, but He preserves those who fear Him, just as He preserved Perez. So let us flee from sexual immorality, being mindful that God punishes unchastity. And let us confess our sins as Judah did, knowing that God, for the sake of Jesus Christ, will forgive all who repent.
Holy God, forgive us our sins. Fill our hearts with the sober and chaste love of Jesus Christ. Amen.
创世纪38章 俄南,犹大和他玛的罪使得创38章成为圣经中最污秽不堪的章节之一。然而尽管人有罪,上帝仍然在做工。藉着犹大的儿子法勒斯,那条最终生出救赎主的血脉得以保存(太1:3 犹大从他玛氏生法勒斯和谢拉.法勒斯生希斯仑.希斯仑生亚兰)。性犯罪能够给今生带来麻烦和头痛。然而上帝没有摒弃那些在合法婚姻之外怀孕生出的人,相反祂保守那些敬畏祂的人,就像祂保守法勒斯一样。因此让我们逃离淫乱,谨记上帝惩罚不贞。让我们也承认我们的罪,就像犹大所做的,知道上帝因着耶稣基督的缘故,必要赦免所有悔改的人。

Genesis 39 With steadfast faith, Joseph resists the temptation of Potiphar’s wife. Yet in return for his godly life, Joseph loses his job and is thrown into prison. Today, pursue chastity and flee fornication, as Joseph did. Mark and avoid the bad example of Potiphar’s wife, who slandered Joseph. And take comfort: whenever the Lord places the cross and suffering on His people, He also gives consolation and help, as He gave Joseph in Potiphar’s house and in prison.
Lord Jesus Christ, You were tempted in every way, just as we are, yet You were without sin (Heb 4:15). Be with us in our temptations, free us from the prison of sin, and by Your cross bring us to eternal life. Amen.
创世纪39章 凭着坚定的信心,约瑟拒绝了波提乏之妻的诱惑。然而约瑟敬虔的生命所得的报偿却是,他丢了他的工作,并且被扔进监牢。今日,要追求贞洁,远离奸淫,正如约瑟所做的。谨记并要避免波提乏之妻的坏榜样,因为她诬陷了约瑟。而且领受这安慰:无论何时主耶和华将十字架和患难放在祂子民身上,祂也会赐下安慰和帮助,正如祂赐给在波提乏家中或在监牢中的约瑟一样。
主耶稣基督,就像我们经受的一样,你也曾历经各种试探,然而你没有犯罪(来4:15 因我们的大祭司、并非不能体恤我们的软弱.他也曾凡事受过试探、与我们一样.只是他没有犯罪)。请在我们经受的试探中与我们同在,将我们从罪的监牢中释放出来,并且藉着你的十字架赐给我们永恒生命。阿们。

Genesis 40 The dreams of the two prisoners mean death for the baker and life for the cupbearer. Yet the chief cupbearer forgot Joseph. Once people are free from danger or troubling situations, they so easily forget those who helped them, and they neglect to honor God, who delivered them. Although others may forget us, even if our father and mother forsake us, the Lord will take care of His people and remember them in His mercy (Ps 27:10).
Lord God, You have said, “I will not forget you,” and Your Word is true. Remember us in mercy for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
创世纪40章 两个坐监之人的梦对膳长来说意味着死亡,对酒政来说意味着活命。然而那个酒政忘记了约瑟。一旦人们脱离危险或麻烦的境况,他们就很容易忘记那些帮助过他们的人,并且疏忽以致没有归荣耀给那位拯救他们的上帝。尽管其他人会忘记我们,甚至我们的父母会离弃我们,但主耶和华眷顾祂的百姓,并且在祂的怜悯中纪念他们(诗27:10 我父母离弃我、耶和华必收留我)。

Genesis 41:1-36 Pharaoh’s fortune-tellers and sorcerers cannot help him understand the dreams that God sent. Therefore, Joseph is brought up from the dungeon. Giving all the glory to God, he interprets the dreams and warns of the coming famine. The devil’s tools—fortune-tellers and sorcerers—are powerless in divine matters. Like Joseph, we should praise God for any good thing we have. Let us also not be afraid to share good advice in a spirit of humility when such words would help our neighbor. The best thing we have is God Himself—speaking us through His Word, redeeming us through His Son, and bringing us to Himself through His Sacraments and Spirit.
O Lord, our times are in Your hands. When the opportunity comes for us to help others, give us wisdom and strength to do so. We praise You for Your mercy, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
创世纪41:1-36 法老的算命先生和术士都不能帮他明白上帝赐下的梦。因此,约瑟就被提出监牢。他给梦做出了解释并且警告将要来临的灾难,同时也将所有荣耀归给上帝。魔鬼的道具—算命先生和术士—在上帝的事情上毫无能力。像约瑟一样,我们应当为着我们所拥有的任何美善之物赞美上帝。当这类言语能够帮助我们的邻舍时,让我们也不要害怕带着谦卑的态度分享好的建议。我们所拥有的最美之物就是上帝祂自己—藉着祂的圣道向我们说话,藉着祂的儿子拯救我们,并且藉着祂的圣礼和圣灵将祂自己赐给我们。

Genesis 41:37-57 After years of frustration, Joseph is exalted to oversee the storage and distribution of Egypt’s great harvests. As the years of famine begin to take their toll, there is enough surplus to share with those in need throughout all the earth. In hard times, those who have should share with those who have not. Here is comfort: after long periods of suffering, at just the right time, the Lord will give help to His people, just as He did for Joseph. Through His Son, Jesus, God rules over us and gives us what we need: pardon, provision, and peace.
Heavenly Father, give us this day our daily bread, and deliver us from evil, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
创世纪41:37-57 经过多年的苦情,约瑟被提拔来监管埃及大丰收的存储和分配。随着饥荒开始蔓延,他们却有足够剩余的来分享给那些各地有需要的人。在困难时期,那些有的应当与那些没有的分享。这是安慰:很长一段时间的苦难之后,在刚刚好的时间点,主耶和华提供帮助给祂的百姓,正如祂为约瑟所做的那样。藉着祂的儿子耶稣,上帝掌权看顾我们,并且赐给我们所需的:饶恕,护卫和平安。

Genesis 42 The sons of Israel enter Egypt for food and unknowingly fulfill the dream they had resented (37:5-8). Joseph, though harsh, was motivated by the fear of the Lord, and began a test to determine his brothers’ treatment of his father and Benjamin, and to encourage repentance and a renewed relationship with God. Luth: “In trials God conducts Himself toward His saints just as Joseph conducts himself toward his brothers” (AE 7:225). Unrepentant sin is not resolved by time or forgetfulness, but by true repentance and forgiveness. Joseph’s tears reveal affection. Luth: “Christ is our completely friendly Joseph, who died for us and shed His blood for the remission of our sins” (AE 7:256).
O Lord, no matter how high I sit, You are able to cast me down, and no matter how deep I have fallen, You are able to lift me up. To You be glory, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
创世纪42章 以色列的儿子们去到埃及找粮食,不知不觉中成就了他们曾经厌恶的那个梦(37:5-8约瑟作了一梦、告诉他哥哥们、他们就越发恨他)。约瑟尽管有些苛刻,但出于对上帝的敬畏,就开始测试他兄弟们对待他父亲和便雅悯的态度,并且可以借此呼召他们悔改和与上帝关系的更新。路德说:“在试炼中,上帝与祂的圣徒交通,就像约瑟与他兄弟们的交往一样”(路德文集美国版7:225). 没有悔改的罪是不会因着时间或健忘而得到解决的,但却可以藉着真诚悔改和赦罪得以除掉。约瑟的眼泪透露出爱。路德说:“基督是我们完全友善的约瑟,祂为我们死并流出祂的宝血,好使我们罪得赦免。”(路德文集美国版7:256)

Genesis 43 Joseph—motivated by love for Benjamin and his other brothers-test his brothers to learn whether they will be jealous or abandon their youngest brother, as they had Joseph. Joseph’s conduct is like God’s. He displays both generosity and severity, seeking repentance. The brothers’ fear comes from the alienating power of sin. When we do not rightly fear God, we fear other things more (Mt 10:28). Joseph’s banquet displays kindness and generosity, independent of his brothers’ recognition of his love. So also God blesses His people, even when they doubt His goodness. Jesus, like His earthly ancestor, Judah, offered Himself to His Father for us.
Holy God, give us grace to endure Your tests and to recognize Your kindness, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
创世纪43章 约瑟被他对便雅悯和其他几位兄弟的爱所触动,就测试他兄弟们,看他们是否就像曾经对约瑟所做的那样,依然会嫉妒或抛弃他们最小的弟兄。约瑟的举动就像上帝的举动。祂同时展示宽容和严厉,呼召悔改。兄弟们的恐惧来自罪使关系隔绝疏远的权势。当我们没有正确地敬畏上帝时,我们就更加惧怕别的事物(太10:28 那杀身体不能杀灵魂的、不要怕他们.惟有能把身体和灵魂都灭在地狱里的、正要怕他)。约瑟摆的筵席展示出恩慈和宽恕,而这些都不依附于他弟兄们是否识别他的爱。上帝也是如此祝福祂的百姓,甚至当他们怀疑祂的良善时。耶稣,就像祂世上的先祖犹大一样,将自己为我们献上给祂的父。

Genesis 44 Joseph prepares a final test to determine whether his brothers will allow Benjamin to be enslaved and bring further grief to their father. Their refusal to leave Benjamin behind, and Judah’s sacrificial offer of himself to spare both brother and father, show that their hearts have genuinely changed. Like Joseph, God often tests what is in our hearts. He reminds us to humbly acknowledge and take responsibility for our sin. When Judah mediates with his father and with Joseph, and shows himself willing to be enslaved in place of his brother, this prefigures the saving work of his descendant, Jesus, who gave Himself as mediator, ransom, and sacrifice for the world.
Jesus, You gave Yourself for us and made known the Father’s loving heart. Turn us from sin, selfishness, and alienation to live for You, as You have died for us. Amen.
创世纪44章 约瑟预备一个最后的测试,来查验他的弟兄们是否会放弃便雅悯为奴隶,以致给他们的父亲带来更大的悲伤。他们拒绝将便雅悯留下来,并且犹大为了他兄弟和父亲的缘故愿意将自己献上为祭,这显明他们的心已经真实地改变了。就像约瑟一样,上帝经常测验我们心中所怀的是什么。犹大也给我们提醒,要我们谦卑地承认我们的罪并为之负责。当犹大在约瑟和他的父亲之间作中保并且表明他自己愿意代替他的弟兄为奴之时,这也预表了他的后裔耶稣的救赎工作,耶稣将祂自己献上成为这个世界的中保,赎价,和祭物。

Genesis 45 Joseph reveals himself, reassuring his brothers. With Pharaoh’s full support, he sends for his father and family. Jacob is finally convinced that his son is alive. God rules the world and brings evil to a good end for the sake of His people, as He did with Joseph’s slavery. Let us pursue Joseph’s virtues—humility, wisdom, forgiveness, care for parents and family. And let us not quarrel in our Christian Journey, but hold fast to the mercy and doctrine that God has revealed. In Christ, our sin is forgiven, and God gives us the joy of reconciliation and new life.
Lord Jesus, the evil that happened to You on the cross was for our good. Give us the benefits of Your death, and form our lives to Your cross. Amen.
创世纪45章 约瑟表明他的身份,并且重新立定他的弟兄们。凭着法老的全力支持,他打发人去请来他的父亲和其他亲人。雅各最终确信他的儿子仍然活着。上帝掌管这个世界,正如祂处理约瑟为奴之事一样,祂为了祂子民的缘故使恶事有好的结局。让我们追求约瑟的美德—谦卑,智慧,饶恕和对父母亲人的关爱。并且让我们在十字架道路上不互相争吵,紧紧抓住上帝所启示的怜悯和教义。在基督里,我们的罪得到赦免,并且上帝赐给我们和好及新生的喜乐。

Genesis 46 Jacob leaves Canaan for Egypt only when he knows it is the Lord’s will. The Lord is not limited by geography. He will fulfill His promise to make Abraham’s Seed a great nation in Egypt. Israel’s children are called by name as they journey to Egypt. Like Jacob, we should seek the Lord’s guidance and blessing for our plans. He has revealed His will for our deeds and our salvation in His Word. Where He has not spoken, He gives us freedom to make reasonable choices. The tearful reunion of Jacob and Joseph is a pattern of the reunion that God seeks with His children. The Lord knows our name, and in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, His name has been given to us.
Lord God, give us courage to follow You each new day, especially when You call us to paths unknown; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
创世纪46章 雅各只有在知道这是上帝的旨意时才离开迦南地走向埃及。主耶和华不受地域的限制。祂一定会成就祂曾赐给亚伯拉罕的应许,即亚伯拉罕的那后裔要在埃及成为大国。以色列的孩子们在去埃及的路上被一一点名。像雅各一样,我们应当寻求主耶和华的引导和对我们所谋之事的祝福。祂已经在祂的圣道中为着我们的行动和救赎显明祂的旨意。祂没有启示的方面,就赐给我们自由去做出合理的选择。雅各和约瑟的悲喜重逢正是上帝要寻求与祂百姓重逢的范式。主耶和华知道我们的名字,并且在圣洗礼中祂的名字被赐给我们。

Genesis 47 Powerful, wealthy Pharaoh humbly receives the blessing of Jacob, a lowly Hebrew, whose son addresses the famine by centralizing all Egypt’s resources in a sharecropping system. Like Pharaoh, we should realize that spiritual blessings take precedence over temporal ones. People who put earthly security and temporal blessings first often take desperate measures to keep things that death will someday take from them. Just as blessing came to mighty Pharaoh through a lowly shepherd, so also the kingdom of God and His righteousness come to believers in humble forms-an infant in a manger, a man dying on a cross; words, water, bread, wine—yet in them are hidden God’s majesty.
“Be present at our table, Lord; Be here and everywhere adored; Thy creatures bless, and grant that we May feast in paradise with Thee.” Amen. (LSB 775)
创世纪47章 有权势又有财力的法老谦卑地领受一位卑微的希伯来人雅各的祝福,雅各的儿子藉着集中全埃及的资源于一个耕种分成制度来对付饥荒。像法老一样,我们应当意识到属灵的祝福要比现世的更重要。那些将属地的安全和世俗的祝福放在首位的人经常采取绝望的手段来保存死亡总有一天会从他们身上拿走的东西。正如祝福藉着一个卑微的牧羊人临到有能力的法老一样,上帝的国和祂的义以卑微的样式—一个马槽里的婴孩,一个死在十字架上的人来临到信徒;文字,水,饼,酒—然而在其中隐藏着上帝的荣光。
“愿主同在我们桌前;在此地及他方被尊崇;祝福你所造之物,好叫我们在天堂与你共筵席。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册 775)

Genesis 48 Jacob (Israel) adopts and blesses Joseph’s sons. Though born in Egypt to an Egyptian mother, they have full status as “children of Israel,” people through whom God will bless the world. Like their father, Joseph, we must learn not to value human convention over God’s Word and purposes. As Jacob adopted Ephraim and Manasseh, God has graciously adopted us in Holy Baptism (Gal. 3:27-4:7).
“Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, You who lead Joseph like a flock! You who are enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth. Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up Your might and come to save us! Restore us, O God; let Your face shine, that we may be saved!” (Ps. 80:1-3). Amen.
创世纪48章 雅各(以色列)收养并祝福约瑟的儿子们。尽管在埃及出生于一位埃及母亲,他们有着完全的身份被称为“以色列的儿女,”并且上帝将要藉着他们祝福整个世界。就像他们的父亲约瑟一样,我们必须学会不看人的传统过于上帝的道和旨意。正如雅各收养以法莲和玛拿西一样,上帝也曾在圣洗礼中满有恩典地收养了我们(加3:27-4:7所以你们因信基督耶稣、都是 神的儿子。—)。
在以法莲便雅悯玛拿西前面施展你的大能、来救我们。神阿、求你使我们回转、〔回转或作复兴〕使你的脸发光、我们便要得救。” (诗 80:1-3)。 阿们。

Genesis 49:1-27 The blessing (testament) of Jacob is a prophecy about each son and his tribe. All 12 sons are blessed as participants in the promise that began with Abraham, emphasizing return to the land. Jacob concentrates on Reuben, Simeon, Judah, and Joseph—the first two negatively, the latter two positively. Jacob’s testament promises great blessings, including the height of God’s goodness: messianic kingship for Judah’s line. Jacob’s predictions are not uniformly happy. The reality of sin includes judgment (Simeon and Levi), oppression (Issachar), warfare (Gad, Benjamin), and other distress. Though Joseph will prosper in many ways, the greatest gift to Jacob’s descendants is Judah’s scepter. The Seed of Abraham culminates in an eternal kingdom for Judah’s descendants, fulfilled in the Messiah, Jesus (Shiloh).
“I wait for Your salvation, O LORD” (v 18). Amen.
创世纪49:1-27 雅各的祝福(遗言)是对每个儿子和他整个部族的一个预言。所有十二个儿子作为始于亚伯拉罕的应许的参与者都蒙了祝福,并且归回应许之地得以强调。雅各的遗言专注在流便,西缅,犹大和约瑟身上—前两个是负面的,后两个是正面的。雅各的遗言应许了极大的祝福,包括上帝良善的高潮:犹大支派要承载弥赛亚的君王职分。雅各的预告并不都是快乐的。罪的代价包括审判(西缅和利未),奴役(以萨迦),战争(迦得,便雅悯),和其它祸患。尽管约瑟会多方通达,雅各后裔所得最大祝福却是犹大的杖。亚伯拉罕的那后裔在为犹大后代所预备的永恒国度中完全彰显,而这国度是在弥赛亚,耶稣(细罗)里面得以成就的。

Genesis 49:28-50:14 Jacob insists on burial in Canaan, Israel’s permanent home. He receives the most ornate funeral in the Bible, which also shows Joseph’s importance. The grief at Jacob’s death reflects the reality of sin, death’s cause (cf 2:17), and yet also the dignity of the human body. Our funeral customs are a way of confessing that God has promised to raise the dead. Christ Jesus has conquered death for our sake (1Co. 15:55-57).
Lord Jesus, we praise You for Your resurrection, which conquered sin and death. Amen.
创世纪49:28-50:14 雅各坚持要埋葬在迦南地,就是以色列永恒的家园。他得了圣经中已知的最豪华葬礼,这也表明约瑟的重要性。对雅各去世的哀悼反映出罪的代价,死亡的起因(参 创2:17只是分别善恶树上的果子、你不可吃、因为你吃的日子必定死),同时也表明人身体的尊贵。我们葬礼的仪式是对上帝已经应许要使死人复活的告白。基督耶稣已经为我们的缘故战胜死亡(林前15:55-57—死阿、你得胜的权势在那里.死阿、你的毒钩在那里.死的毒钩就是罪.罪的权势就是律法。感谢 神、使我们借着我们的主耶稣基督得胜)。

Genesis 50:15-21 Jacob’s sons fear that only their father’s presence prevented Joseph’s revenge fro their earlier hatred and violence. But Joseph consoles them and speaks kindly to them. Reconciliation should come from the heart and be confirmed by our deeds, just as Joseph provided for his brothers’ families in addition to forgiving them. Sin penetrates flesh and spirit and can lead people to despair. To console despairing sinners, God caused the Gospel of reconciliation in Christ to be preached, and He confirms this message with the comforting Sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Supper.
O Lord, though humans meant to do evil to You with the cross, You meant it for good, to bring about eternal salvation. Praise to You, O Christ. Amen.
创世纪50:15-21 雅各的儿子们担心唯有他们父亲的在世可以阻挡约瑟报复他们从前的嫉恨和暴力。但是约瑟安慰他们并且带着和善向他们说话。和好应当出于内心并且以我们的行动来证实,就像约瑟除了饶恕他们以外还供养他哥哥们的家眷那样。罪侵蚀着肉体和灵魂,并且能将人引至绝望。为了安慰绝望中的罪人,上帝使藉着基督和好的福音得以宣讲,并且祂用满有安慰的圣洗礼和圣餐礼来证实这个信息。

Genesis 50:22-26 The death of Joseph after 93 years in Egypt closes the first Book of Moses, but his request for final burial in Canaan reminds us that the story has only begun. Joseph’s life illustrates one of God’s promises for obedience to the Law—prosperous, long life (Ex 20:12). Despite his long, prosperous life, Joseph looks forward, not back: “God will surely visit you” (v 25). Egypt’s material prosperity is not God’s ultimate blessing for His people. The coming gift is the Lord Himself, His visitation, fulfilled in part in the exodus from Egypt. But even the exodus pales before God’s final visitation in the Messiah (Lk 1:68) and its culmination when the bones of Joseph and all the redeemed are raised to immorality (1Co 15:53-57).
“Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, You who lead Joseph like a flock!” (Ps 80:1). Give us hearts that long for Your return to lead us out of the Egypt of this world to Yourself in heaven. Amen.
创世纪50:22-26 约瑟在埃及93年之后去世,摩西五经第一卷书以此结束,但他请求最终要被埋葬于迦南地,这提醒我们故事才刚刚开始。约瑟的一生显明上帝对顺服律法的应许之一就是—繁荣和长久的日子(出20:12 当孝敬父母、使你的日子在耶和华你 神所赐你的地上、得以长久)。尽管他拥有长寿和兴盛,约瑟却向前看,而不是向后:“神必看顾你们”(25节)。埃及物质的繁荣不是上帝对祂子民的最终祝福。那将要来的礼物是主祂自己,祂的看顾,(这)在出埃及中得以部分地成就。但与上帝最终在弥赛亚(路1:68主以色列的 神、是应当称颂的.因他眷顾他的百姓、为他们施行救赎)中的访和它的高潮,就是当约瑟和所有蒙救赎之人的遗骸被兴起进入永不朽坏里时比较起来,出埃及要显得逊色的多(林前15:53-57这必朽坏的、总要变成不朽坏的.〔变成原文作穿下同〕这必死的、总要变成不死的。这必朽坏的、既变成不朽坏的.这必死的、既变成不死的.那时经上所记、死被得胜吞灭的话就应验了)。

翻译:Gary Liu

Exodus Chapter 1:1-7 Israel emerges as a people. God’s blessing and fulfillment of God’s promise gives growth and preserves His people in a foreign land. Consider how God provides for, supports, protects, and preserves His Church day by day. “For all this it is my duty to thank and praise, serve and obey Him” (SC, First Article, p xxxvi). God blesses us as He blessed Israel, yet He has also revealed to us His greatest blessings in His only-begotten Son.
O Lord, the multitude of Your blessings leads us to multiply thanks and praise to Your name. Fill Your Church with sons and daughters faithful to You. Amen.
出埃及记1:1-7 以色列作为一个民族崛起了。上帝的祝福和祂应许的成就,在一个寄居之地赐给祂百姓繁荣并保守了他们。请思想上帝每一天如何供养,扶持,保护,和存留祂的教会。为这一切,我有责任感谢,赞美,服侍和顺从祂”(小问答,部分一,36页)。正如祂祝福以色列一样,上帝也祝福我们,并且祂也在祂独生子中将祂最大的祝福显明给我们。

Exodus Chapter 1:8-22 As a last resort to halt the growth of Israel, Pharaoh commands all his people to collaborate in the mass killing of Hebrew boys (v 22). Pharaoh imagines that he can thwart God’s will, just as Herod does when he slaughters many infants while trying to slay Jesus (Mt 2:16). But “He who sits in the heavens laughs,” and the Lord holds worldly rulers “in derision” (Ps2:4). Luth: “Oh, how much strength of faith is demanded by these words!” (AE 14:321). When evil in this world seems to triumph and we struggle on account of our weakness, we can call to mind the women who feared God and were blessed by Him. By God’s grace, we also shall persevere in faith because we will win the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1Co 15:57).
Lord, grant us brave faith like the midwives so that we faithfully serve You in the face of all opposition. Amen.
出埃及记1:8-22 法老为了阻止以色列人的增长使出最后一招,他吩咐他所有的百姓一同协作大面积灭绝希伯来男婴(22节)法老以为他可以阻止上帝的旨意,就如希律为了杀死耶稣就屠杀许多婴孩时所想象的一样(太2:16希律见自己被博士愚弄、就大大发怒、差人将伯利恒城里、并四境所有的男孩、照着他向博士仔细查问的时候、凡两岁以里的、都杀尽了)。但是“那坐在天上的必发笑,” 并且主必“嗤笑”世界的掌权者。路德说:“噢,这些话语要求多大的信心那!”(路德文集美国版14:321)当这世界的邪恶似乎得胜,而我们在我们的软弱中挣扎时,我们可以思想这些敬畏上帝并蒙祂祝福的妇女们。靠着上帝的恩典,我们也可以在信心中坚守,因为我们藉着我们的主耶稣基督必将赢得胜利(林前15:57 感谢 神、使我们借着我们的主耶稣基督得胜) 。

Exodus Chapter 2:1-10 Moses, born of believing Hebrew parents (Heb 11:23), is raised in Pharaoh’s household and “instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians” (Ac 7:22), enjoying the best of two worlds. Although God is not mentioned, He is accomplishing His purposes to redeem Israel. Even when God does not seem to be at work in our lives, we can be certain that His good and gracious will is being done among us.
Lord, help us to provide well for our children and their instruction, especially in the Christian faith, and to celebrate Your redemption for us. Amen.
出埃及记2:1-10 摩西,生于一对信靠上帝的希伯来父母(希11:23摩西生下来、他的父母见他是个俊美的孩子、就因着信把他藏了三个月、并不怕王命), 在法老的家中被养大并且(徒7:22 摩西学了埃及人一切的学问、说话行事、都有才能)。学了埃及人一切的学问,得着了两个国度的精华。尽管上帝在这一章没有被提及,祂仍在成就祂的计划来拯救以色列。即使当上帝看起来没有在我们的生命中做工时,我们仍可以确信祂良善洪恩的旨意在我们中间得以成就。

Exodus Chapter 2:11-22 God humbles Moses before calling him to lead Israel out of Egypt, letting him feel the sufferings of his people and making Moses realize how totally inadequate he is to save them. This former prince must live as a fugitive in the household of a Midianite priest. Luth: “God is the God of the humble, the miserable, the afflicted, the oppressed, the desperate, and of those who have been brought down to nothing at all” (AE 26:314). God humbles us as He humbled Moses. He does this so that at the proper time He may raise us up in Christ (1Pt 5:6).
Lord, teach me to trust Your guidance even when days are dark. Amen.
出埃及记2:11-22 上帝在呼召摩西带领以色列出埃及之前先使他降卑,让他体验同胞们的苦情,使他明白他在拯救他们的事上是多么的无能为力。这位曾经的王子必须作为一名亡命者居住在一位米甸的祭司家中。路德说:“上帝是谦卑之人,可怜之人,受苦之人,被压迫之人,绝望之人的上帝,也是那些曾经被降卑到一无是处之人的上帝”(路德文集美国版26:314)。上帝降卑我们就像祂降卑摩西一样。祂如此行,为的是在祂适当的时间可以在基督里将我们高举(彼前5:6 所以你们要自卑、服在 神大能的手下、到了时候他必叫你们升高)。

Exodus Chapter 2:23-25 God hears Israel’s cry for deliverance. Sinful humans forget the promises they make, but God never forgets. He does not forget Israel but remembers His covenant with their fathers. In Holy Communion, we remember God’s new covenant in Christ. Holy Communion is God’s promise of forgiveness to us and assures us that He will never forget us.
Rescue us, dearest Jesus, from the slavery of sin, and deliver us to the promised Land. Amen.
出埃及记2:23-25 上帝垂听以色列祈求拯救的哭声。有罪的人会忘记他们做出的应许,但上帝绝不忘记。祂没有忘记以色列,而是纪念祂与他们先祖所立的约。在圣餐礼中,我们纪念上帝在基督里所立的新约。圣餐礼是上帝赐给我们的赦罪应许,并且使我们确信祂永不会忘记我们。

Exodus Chapter 3 What begins as just another day tending sheep changes dramatically when God confronts Moses at the burning bush on the holy mountain. I AM makes His presence known in fire and word. I AM discloses His special name. I AM sends Moses on what seems to him an impossible mission. Moses has absolutely no hope for success except through God’s Word and promise, which assures him of God’s presence. Luth: “Without God’s Word, we can have no God” (AE 13:386). What was true for Moses is true for us as well. God is present for us and speaks to us in His Word. We have no hope for salvation except through God’s Word and promise.
“Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through Your Word to me draw near” (LSB 908:1). Amen.
出埃及记3章 当上帝在圣山上燃烧的荆棘中直面摩西时,本来只是一个牧放羊群的平常日子就戏剧性地改变了。“我是I AM”显明祂自己于火和话语当中。“我是I AM”启示了祂的特殊名字。“我是I AM”差遣摩西踏上对他来说看起来不可能的使命。除非藉着上帝的话语(道)和应许,摩西就完全没有成功的盼望,而上帝的话语和应许就是上帝与他同在的确据。路德说:“离开上帝的话语,我们就没有上帝”(路德文集美国版13:386)。对摩西来说是真实的东西,于我们来说也是真实的。上帝在祂的道中与我们同在并且向我们说话。我们若不藉着上帝的道和应许,就没有得救的盼望。

Exodus Chapter 4:1-17 Moses resists the Lord’s call to lead Israel out of Egypt because of his focus on his own shortcoming and the doubts of his people. Moses may not be the best speaker, but that does not matter because he will be speaking God’s Word (v 12). Like Moses, we Christians have been called to speak God’s Word. This is an important assignment because it is through the Word that God “works in people’s hearts true repentance, knowledge of sins, and true faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ. By this means, and in no other way…, God desires to call people to eternal salvation” (FC SD II 50).
Lord, bless my mouth that I may speak Your Word clearly and with sincerity. Amen.
出埃及记4:1-17 摩西拒绝主耶和华要他带领以色列出埃及的呼召,因为他专注在自己的缺点和他同胞们的不信上。摩西或许不是最好的演说家,但这无关紧要,因为他将要讲说上帝的话语(4:12现在去吧、我必赐你口才、指教你所当说的话)。就像摩西一样,我们基督徒也被呼召讲说上帝的话语。这是一项很重要的任务,因为上帝是藉着圣道在人的心中做工,为要生发真实的悔改,知罪和对上帝儿子耶稣基督的真信心。藉着这个媒介(Means施恩具)而不是别的…,上帝愿意呼召众人到永恒救恩中”(协同信条之共同宣言 二 50)

Exodus Chapter 4: 18-31 Moses returns to Egypt as an act of faith. Confronting Pharaoh with God’s demands and confronting the people whom he fears (4:1) proves a daunting assignment. Yet Moses obeys, and the people believe. Luther calls faith the “skill above all skills. It is the work of the Holy Spirit alone” (AE14:59). There is no other way to explain the faith of Moses and of the people, and there is no other way to explain our faith. By our own reason and strength, we cannot believe in Jesus Christ. But because “the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel,” I bow my head and worship (SC, Third Article, p xxxvii).
Lord, hear our prayer and lead us this day, no matter what challenges arise. Amen.
出埃及记4:18-31 摩西返回埃及是一种出于信心的行动。带着上帝的命令来直面法老,并且直面他所惧怕的同胞们(4:1摩西回答说、他们必不信我、也不听我的话、必说、耶和华并没有向你显现)被证明是一项令人畏惧的任务。然而摩西顺从了,并且百姓相信了。路德称信心“是高于所有技艺之上的技艺。这唯独是圣灵的工作”(路德文集美国版14:59)。再没有别的方法可以解释摩西和百姓的信心,也没有别的方法可以解释我们的信心。凭着我们自己的理性和力量,我们不能信靠耶稣基督。但是因为“圣灵藉着福音呼召我,”我就俯伏敬拜(基督信仰小问答,第三部分,37页)。

Exodus Chapter 5 The Lord sends Moses to deliver the people, but Pharaoh only makes their burdens heavier. Why does God wait and put people through such suffering? Luth: “Faith does not despair of the God who sends trouble. Faith does not consider Him angry or an enemy—Faith rises above all this and sees God’s fatherly heart behind His unfriendly exterior” (AE14:59).
Lord, forgive my accusations and inaction in view of Your Word and the obstacles I face. Grant me confidence in Your fatherly heart. Amen.
出埃及记5章 主耶和华打发摩西去拯救祂的百姓,但法老只是使他们的负担更重些。为什么上帝等待着,使祂的百姓经历这类苦难呢?路德说: “信心不会对那位使麻烦临到的上帝感到绝望。信心不会以怒气或敌对的态度看祂—信心超越这一切之上,并且在上帝不友好的外表背后看见祂的慈父心肠”(路德文集美国版14:59)

Exodus Chapter 6:1-13 The Lord reveals the purpose attached to His sacred name: deliverance. Shakespeare’s famous question “What’s in a name?” dismisses the significance of names, but this does not apply to the name Yahweh! God says of His name: “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain” (Ex 20:7). This name is for worship and teaching and is not to be abused by cursing and lies. This “name has been revealed and given to us so that it may be of constant use and profit” (LC I 63).
Lord, sanctify my heart and tongue that my words may truly honor You and Your holy name. Amen.
出埃及记6:1-13 主耶和华启示了那个附着于祂神圣名字的计划:拯救。莎士比亚的著名问题“一个名字里面有什么?”消除了名字的重要性,但这并不适用于耶和华的名!上帝提及祂的名时说:“不可妄称耶和华你 上帝的名、因为妄称耶和华名的、耶和华必不以他为无罪”(出20:7)。 这个名字是用来敬拜和教导的,不是藉着咒诅和欺骗来滥用的。“这个名字被启示下来且赐给我们为的是它可以经常被使用并带来益处”(大问答 一 63)

Exodus Chapter 6:14-30 As a Levite, Moses has good family connections, but this does not translate into an eager willingness to serve the Lord. He continues to doubt that Pharaoh will ever let Israel go. How different is another Servant of the Lord with good family connections (Mt 1:1-17; Lk 3:23-38)! His attitude is spelled out in Luther’s great hymn “Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice” (LSB 556, especially st 1, 6). Jesus’ willing obedience frees us from the eternal consequences of our sinful fears, doubts, and stubbornness.
Dear Father in heaven, my heart and voice sing Your wonders. I praise You for Your victory in Christ, who paid our ransom with His life. Amen.
出埃及记6:14-30 作为一个利未人,摩西有好的血脉关系,但这并不会转化为服侍主的迫切愿望。他仍然怀疑法老是否真的会放以色列人走。另一个有着好的血脉关系的耶和华仆人是多么不同啊(太1:1-17;路3:23-38)!祂的态度在路德著名的圣诗“亲爱的基督徒,个个全都应当欢欣”(路德宗崇拜手册556,特别是1,6节)中展现出来。耶稣的甘心顺服将我们从我们有罪的恐惧,疑惑和固执所带来的永恒后果中释放出来。

Exodus Chapter 7:1-13 According to God’s divine plan of salvation, Moses and Aaron are His “god” and “prophet” who speak His Word before Pharaoh in order to rescue the Israelites from 430 years of bondage. God’s plan continues through His greater prophet, Jesus, who fulfilled all of God’s promises and became the living Word in order to rescue us from an eternity of bondage to sin.
Lord God, heavenly Father, through Your Holy Spirit, You call, gather, and enlighten Your children. Through the same Spirit, give us a right understanding of Your love toward us, we pray, for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
出埃及记7:1-13 依照上帝拯救的神圣计划,摩西和亚伦成为祂的“神人”和“先知”,并在法老面前讲说上帝的话语,为要叫以色列人脱离430年的奴役。上帝的计划藉着祂的更大先知,耶稣继续向前,耶稣成就了上帝所有的应许并且成为永活的道(became the living Word),为要救拔我们脱离罪的永恒枷锁。

Exodus Chapter 7:14-25 The Lord strikes at the very heart of Pharaoh’s idolatry by striking the Nile and the resources provided by the river, which are associated with Egyptian gods. He begins to deliver His people from Egypt through water, by which He will later destroy Pharaoh’s army and set Israel apart. Today, praise God, who has likewise delivered you through a water miracle: Holy Baptism.
Dear Father in heaven, guard us from the craftiness of the devil, who would seek to undo us and draw us away from Christ. In a world of idols and self-made “gods,” remind us that Satan has been judged and his weapon of deceit will soon be fully extinguished, through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord. Amen.
出埃及记7:14-25 主耶和华藉着对尼罗河及其提供的资源的破坏来击打法老偶像崇拜的要害,因为这河与埃及的众假神密切相关。上帝开始藉着水来拯救祂的百姓出埃及,藉着水祂后来也摧毁法老的军队并且使以色列分别为圣。今天,你们当赞美上帝,因为祂同样地,藉着一个水的神迹,即圣洗礼来拯救你们。

Exodus 8:1-15 This sets a recurring theme of sin, oppression (the plagues), repentance, and deliverance. Magicians, sorcerers, and charlatans can not stop the power of God. As the intensity of temporal punishment increases in terms of social and economic impact, God still remains slow to anger and desires to deliver sinners by His grace.
Lord, when I am weak in faith, strengthen me. When I am cold in love, warm me so that the love Christ first worked in me through His Word and Spirit may go out to my neighbor. Uphold me that I might remain in You even unto life everlasting. Amen.
出埃及记8:1-15 这章定下一个不断重复的主题,就是罪,惩治(灾祸),悔改和拯救。术士,巫师,和走江湖的都不能阻止上帝的权能。尽管现世的惩罚在社会和经济影响程度方面不断地增加,上帝仍然不轻易发怒,并且愿意藉着祂的恩典拯救罪人。

Exodus 8:16-19 The plague of gnats is more intense than the previous plagues, and the magicians concede that there is a God greater than the ones they serve. God’s judgment increases in magnitude as this plague drives Pharaoh and his magicians toward despair. People who trust Christ the Lord are drawn closer to Him in times of tribulation, seeking His forgiveness, comfort, strength, and healing for the sake of His cross and resurrection.
O God, our Father, what would we be if You would forsake us? What would we do if You would withdraw Your hand? How quickly the prudent become simple; the wise become fools. In Christ Jesus, daily increase our faith that we may recognize Your loving hand at work in our lives. Amen.
出埃及记8:16-19 虱灾的强度要比先前的灾祸更严重,术士们承认有一位上帝要超越他们所供奉的“众神”。这灾使得法老和他的术士们趋向绝望,上帝的审判等级也在不断加增。而信靠主基督的人在苦难中变得与祂更亲近,并且寻求祂的饶恕,安慰,力量和医治,这都是因着祂十字架和死里复活的缘故。

Exodus 8:20-32 The Lord distinguishes between Egypt and Israel by protecting His people in Goshen from the plagues. Pharaoh wants the Israelites to sacrifice and worship according to his expectations, but Moses could never allow this. The means and character of worship must be subject to God’s Word rather than the will of any government or mob. The Lord distinguishes us by His grace and redemption.
O dreadful and severe Judge, wonderful and mysterious are Your judgments. You are so jealous for Your people’s pure praise, sanctified by the blood of Your beloved Son. Keep us in the one true faith. Amen.
出埃及记8:20-32 主耶和华藉着保护祂在歌珊地的子民免受灾害,使得埃及和以色列人分别开来。法老想让以色列人根据他的愿望去献祭和敬拜,但摩西绝不会妥协。敬拜的方法和性质必须顺从上帝的道,而不是任何政府或暴民的意志。主耶和华藉着祂的恩典和救赎来分别我们为圣。

Exodus 9:1-7 Despite the number of times Pharaoh goes through the cycle of sin, oppression, regret, and deliverance, God will not be mocked.God deals another detrimental blow to the Egyptian religious and economic systems. By God’s grace, Israel is delivered from temporal judgment and destruction. The Lamb of God delivers us from sin, death, and the devil through His atoning blood.
Heavenly Father, many smile when Your precious Word of Law and Gospel is condemned. Many hear of redeeming grace in Your Son, Jesus Christ, and rail against Him in though, word, and deed. Protect us as we bear witness to all who are hardened to Your Word. Amen.
出埃及记9:1-7 虽然法老多次经历了罪,惩治,后悔和拯救的循环,上帝是轻慢不得的。上帝又给予埃及宗教和经济系统一次摧毁性的打击。藉着上帝的恩典,以色列得以免受现世的审判和毁灭。上帝的羔羊藉着祂赎罪的宝血拯救我们脱离了罪,死亡和魔鬼。

Exodus 9:8-12 The magicians collapse under the Lord’s chastisement; both people and animals are smitten by painful skin abscesses. The Lord again distinguishes His people in this plague by sparing the Israelites and their animals. The blessings God gives us should extend beyond us to bless even our animals! If the Lord shows such mercy to sheep, how much more shall He show mercy toward you? His Gospel rescues us from sin, death, and the devil.
Dear Father in heaven, You saved me by grace through faith in Christ, Your Son. As long as this corrupt nature clings to me like a dead corpse, teach me to say, “Forgive me, for I am a wretched sinner worthy of punishment.” Free me, O Lord, for I am helpless without You. Amen.
出埃及记9:8-12 术士们在主耶和华的惩治之下崩溃掉了;人和牲畜都遭受了疮灾之痛的击打。主耶和华再一次藉着赦免以色列人和他们的牲畜在这个灾害中将祂的百姓分别为圣。上帝赐给我们的祝福甚至超越我们之外,临到我们的牲畜身上!如果主耶和华向羊群展现这种怜悯,祂向你们显明的怜悯将会多么更加丰盛呢?祂的福音救拔我们脱离了罪,死亡和魔鬼。
亲爱的天父,你藉着因信你的儿子基督而来的恩典拯救了我。只要这会朽坏的肉体像一具死尸一样附着于我,请指教我祈求说, “赦免我,因为我是一个该受惩罚的败坏罪人。”释放我,噢主啊,因为离了你我就无依无靠。阿们。

Exodus 9:13-35 Pharaoh mocks God with false repentance, but the Lord is unmoved. Sinners cannot bargain with God by conceding some of their sins or by amending behaviors. God sees through it all. Like the thief on the cross, we do not appeal to mockery but instead call on God’s mercy. Jesus is always ready to forgive.
O Lord Christ, I am the worst evil; You are the highest good. But You took my sin and gave me Your righteousness. I am led to this confession through Your Law and Gospel promises. O faithful God, my merciful redeemer, grant that I trust in You alone. Amen.
出埃及记9:13-35 法老藉着虚假的悔改戏弄上帝,但主耶和华并不为之所动。罪人不能藉着承认他们的一些罪或修正行为来与上帝讨价还价。上帝看透万事。就像那位十字架上的强盗一样,我们不应当诉诸于嘲笑,而是呼求上帝的怜悯。耶稣总是预备好了,要来赦免。

Exodus 10:1-20 Pharaoh seeks compromise and even forgiveness, but his pride still refuses to bend to the will of God. Sinners of the worst description are to be admonished by the Law, even if there is little hope of amendment. God strengthened Moses’ faith by saying the hardening of Pharaoh was according to His divine will so that the signs would confirm to Israel and all successive generations that the Lord is God (cf 7:3-5). Pharaoh’s confession was only a pious platitude, but for us the gift of confession is beautiful—the Holy Spirit moves us to agree with God that we sin and deserve punishment, and for the sake of Christ, we receive the gift of absolution.
My God and my Lord, I know that when I confess my sins to You, You are faithful and just and will cleanse me from all my unrighteousness for the sake of Your Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
出埃及记10:1-20 法老寻求折中的方法,甚至(寻求)饶恕,但他的傲慢仍然拒绝向上帝的意志屈服。最恶劣的罪人也需要藉着律法被劝勉,即使改正的希望比较渺茫。上帝藉着宣告法老的刚硬是出于祂神圣的旨意来坚固摩西的信心,好叫这些迹象可以给以色列人和所有将来的后裔做证:主耶和华是上帝(参 7:3-5我要使法老的心刚硬、也要在埃及地多行神迹奇事。但法老必不听你们、我要伸手重重地刑罚埃及、将我的军队以色列民从埃及地领出来。我伸手攻击埃及、将以色列人从他们中间领出来的时候、埃及人就要知道我是耶和华)。法老的告白仅仅是一种虚假的陈词滥调,但对我们来说信仰告白的礼物是美丽的—圣灵感动我们信上帝所说的,即我们犯了罪并且配受刑罚,而因着基督的缘故,我们领受赦罪的礼物。

Exodus 10:21-29 The plague of darkness removes any ability to move freely, as was possible with the first several plagues. Sinners mock God’s Word and in so doing deceive themselves. The Egyptians would soon be exposed to the destroyer and the death of the firstborn as a testimony that the Lord is patient and slow to anger, but at the proper time, judgment will come. Thanks be to God that by the vicarious sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are His children through Holy Baptism, forgiven, cleansed, and protected from the final judgment.
O Lord, do not look upon me with condemnation. But look at the righteous face of Your dear Son, Jesus Christ, my Mediator, High Priest, and Savior. O Father, be gracious and merciful for His sake. Amen.
出埃及记10:21-29 埃及人在前几次灾中还可能自由移动,但黑暗之灾临到时,他们就失去了任何的行动自由。罪人嘲笑上帝的道,如此行时就蒙蔽了他们自己。埃及人将会很快面对那灭命者,还有长子的死亡,来见证主耶和华满有忍耐,不轻易发怒,但审判在合适的时间必要降临。感谢上帝,靠赖我们救赎主耶稣基督的替代性赎罪,我们藉着圣洗礼成为祂的儿女,罪被赦免,被洁净,并且免受最终的审判。

Exodus 11 God’s final judgment is about to come upon Pharaoh and Egypt. The hardened king will see that God’s patience has come to an end and His wrath is imminent. The 10th plague will bring judgment upon sin and its wages (Rm 6:23). In our stead, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, took upon Himself the full punishment for all our sin so that we will not die an eternal death.
Dear Father, I commend my spirit into Your merciful hands. Receive my prayer because of the blood, sufferings, and death of Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.
出埃及记11 上帝的最后审判将要临到法老和埃及。心地刚硬的国王将会看见上帝的忍耐已经到了尽头,并且祂的烈怒近在咫尺。第十灾将会给罪和它的工价带来审判(罗6:23 因为罪的工价乃是死.惟有 神的恩赐、在我们的主基督耶稣里、乃是永生)。我们的救赎主耶稣基督,代替我们的位置,将我们所有的罪本该受的全部刑罚背负在自己身上,好叫我们脱离永恒的死亡。

Exodus 12:1-28 Passover marks a new era for the people of Israel and foreshadows the new, spiritual Israel in Christ, the perfect Lamb who takes away the sin of the world (1Co 5:7; Heb 7:27).
O Lord, I am in need of a Shepherd to seek and save me, for I am a straying sheep. You are the Good Shepherd, who seeks and saves the lost. Save me, O Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. Amen.
出埃及记12:1-28 逾越节对以色列民来说意味着一个新的开篇,并且预示了在基督里崭新和属灵的以色列,基督那完美的圣羔羊除去了世人的罪孽(林前5:7你们既是无酵的面、应当把旧酵除净、好使你们成为新团.因为我们逾越节的羔羊基督、已经被杀献祭了;希7:27他不像那些大祭司、每日必须先为自己的罪、后为百姓的罪献祭、因为他只一次将自己献上、就把这事成全了)。

Exodus 12:29-32 The final plague takes place at midnight, as all Egypt lies in deep sleep; every firstborn son dies. Pharaoh comprehends that this plague is certainly God’s punishment. The exodus has begun; salvation has arrived by God’s grace. Today the Lord desires our freedom from oppression, especially the oppression of sin, which is why He sent His only-begotten Son.
O Father, grant that we may be your heavenly children. Teach us to be mindful of our souls and our heavenly heritage so that our earthly pilgrimage and inheritance may not deceive, limit, or hinder us. Amen.
出埃及记12:29-32 最后一灾发生在半夜,就是在所有埃及人都沉睡的时候;每个长子都死了。法老明白这灾一定是上帝的惩罚。出埃及就此开始;救恩藉着上帝的恩典来临了。今天主耶和华愿意我们从压迫中得释放,特别是从罪的压迫中,这也是为什么祂差遣祂的独生儿子。

Exodus 12:33-42 After 430 years in Egypt, most of them spent in slavery, Israel begins its exodus into religious freedom, which centers on freedom to worship and sacrifice to the one true God. The troubles of Israel’s departure from Egypt are merely the introduction to a new life of liberty, which comes with burdens and responsibilities. God Almighty preserves His people from the destroyer and brings Israel out of the land of bondage by grace alone. Teach about this salvation to your children. Also explain our exodus from sin and death granted through our Lord Jesus.
O Father and God of all comfort, through Your holy Word, grant us a firm faith that delivers us from sin, death, and the devil. By Your gift of faith, may we overcome every trial and realize what Your Son Himself says is true: “Take heart; I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33). Amen.
出埃及记12:33-42 在埃及几乎全部被奴役的430年里,以色列开始出离埃及,获得宗教自由,主要在对独一真上帝敬拜和献祭的自由上。以色列人出离埃及所遭遇的麻烦仅仅是一个自由新生命的序言,因为伴随这新生而来的也有负担和责任。全能的上帝保守祂的子民脱离那毁坏者,并且唯独因着恩典上帝带领以色列人走出为奴之地。请将这救恩教导给你们的儿女。也要向他们讲明我们的出埃及记,就是藉着我们主耶稣所赐给我们,使我们脱离罪和死亡的出埃及记。

Exodus 12:43-51 The Lord gives supplementary regulations concerning the Passover due to the fact that Egyptians and likely other persons (v 38) have joined themselves to the Israelites. As the Lord brought His people out of the prison of Egypt by His grace, so our Lord Christ, through His crucifixion in our stead, sets people of all nations free from the prison of sin, death, and the devil.
Christ, my Savior, You atoned for all of my sins with Your precious blood. In the Sacrament, You give me Your true body and blood for the forgiveness of sin. May I abide in this new freedom and the blessings of Your precious blood until I reach the promised land. Amen.
出埃及记12:43-51 主耶和华又吩咐额外的逾越节条例,因为埃及人,可能还有其他一些人(38节)也加入了以色列人。正如主耶和华出于祂的恩典将祂的百姓带出埃及的枷锁一样,我们的主基督,也照样藉着祂代替我们钉死十字架,使万民从罪,死亡和魔鬼的枷锁中得释放。

Exodus 13:1-2 The firstborn of Israel belongs to the Lord. As our Creator and Savior, Jesus claims each of us as His own. This claim presents a formidable challenge. I means that we must yield our lives to Jesus, consecrating ourselves as living sacrifices to Him (Rm 12:1-2). We are not up to the task, but Jesus consecrates us by His precious sacrifice on the cross, which gives us amazing benefits: adopting into His family (Rm 8:15), opportunities to make a genuine difference in this world (Eph 2:10), and the grand expectation of eternity with Him (Php 3:20-21).
I praise You for Your salvation, O Lord, because You chose and consecrated me as Your own. Thank You for Your infinite grace and mercy. Amen.
出埃及记13:1-2 以色列人的长子都要归给主耶和华。耶稣作为我们的创造者和拯救者,将我们其中的每一个归属为祂自己的。这归属也给出一个强大的挑战。我的意思是说我们必须将我们的生命交托给耶稣,将我们自己分别为圣作为活祭献给祂(罗12:1-2所以弟兄们、我以 神的慈悲劝你们、将身体献上、当作活祭、是圣洁的、是 神所喜悦的.你们如此事奉、乃是理所当然的。不要效法这个世界.只要心意更新而变化、叫你们察验何为 神的善良、纯全可喜悦的旨意)。 我们没有能力做到这个,但耶稣藉着祂在十字架上的宝贵献祭将我们分别为圣,而这祭物也给了我们惊奇的益处:被收养在祂的家中(罗8:15 你们所受的不是奴仆的心、仍旧害怕.所受的乃是儿子的心、因此我们呼叫阿爸、父),有机会在这个世界中产生真实的影响(弗2:10 我们原是他的工作、在基督耶稣里造成的、为要叫我们行善、就是 神所预备叫我们行的),和与祂永远同在的盛大期盼(腓3:20-21 我们却是天上的国民.并且等候救主、就是主耶稣基督、从天上降临。他要按着那能叫万有归服自己的大能、将我们这卑贱的身体改变形状、和他自己荣耀的身体相似)。

Exodus 13:3-16 The Lord sets Israel apart by instituting observances that help them remember their freedom won in the exodus. Today, God gives us a new start and calls us into a life that is pure and set apart for Him. But we are unfit to come into God’s presence unless someone provides a way. Jesus offered Himself as the perfect, “once for all” sacrifice (Heb 10:10). He purifies us from our sin and consecrates us so that God can call us His own.
Lord, let me grasp the magnitude of what You have done for me so that I may praise and thank You for giving me a new start! Amen.
出埃及记13:3-16 主耶和华设立典章来帮助他们纪念在出埃及时所获得的自由,并藉此将以色列分别开来。今天,上帝赐给我们一个新的开始,并且呼召我们进入一个纯洁并且被分别为圣归给祂的生命。但是我们不配进入上帝的同在中,除非有人能开一条路。耶稣将祂自己献上,作为那完美,“一次彻底”的赎罪祭(希10:10 我们凭这旨意、靠耶稣基督只一次献上他的身体、就得以成圣)。祂洁净我们脱离我们的罪,并且将我们分别为圣献给上帝,好叫上帝能够称呼我们为祂自己的。

Exodus 13:17-22 The Lord leads Israel out of Egypt 430 years after they entered it because of Joseph. Joseph had expected God to “visit” His people (Gn 50:25), but he might have been surprised and pleased to learn that God does not cut the visit short. The Lord has become Israel’s traveling companion and guide. God meets Israel where they are, shows them the way, and brings them along by His grace. Similarly, He knows that we are not able to come into His presence on our own; in fact, we sometimes go the other direction altogether! He knows our situation, meets us where we are, and walks with us by day and night to bring us into His kingdom.
Lord, thank You for coming to us in Christ and for not leaving us to fend for ourselves. Amen.
出埃及记13:17-22 以色列人因着约瑟的缘故进入埃及,430年之后主耶和华带领以色列出埃及。约瑟曾经就期待上帝来“眷顾/造访visit”祂的百姓(创50:25 约瑟叫以色列的子孙起誓、说、 神必定看顾你们、你们要把我的骸骨从这里搬上去),如果约瑟知道上帝并不缩短祂的眷顾,他可能会很吃惊并且为之欣慰。主耶和华已经成为以色列的旅途伴侣和向导。上帝在以色列所在的地方造访他们,为他们指明道路,并且因着祂的恩典带领他们前行。同样地,祂也知道我们不能靠着自己来到祂面前;事实上,我们有时会完全背道而驰!祂知道我们的光景,在我们所在的地方寻见我们,并且日夜与我们同行,带领我们进入祂的国度里。

Exodus 14 God miraculously brings Israel through the waters, but this is more than simply passing a geographic barrier. When Israel crosses through the sea, they leave behind slavery and a future of death in Egypt for freedom and a future of life with God. Israel is powerless to make this drastic change on its own, but God intervenes to provide the way. We need this kind of drastic change in our own life or we are doomed to slavery in sin and death. God has intervened for us in Baptism (1Co 10:1-2),saving us from our old slavery in sin and bringing us into the new freedom of the Gospel.
“The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him. The LORD is a man of war, the LORD is His name” (15:2-3). Amen.
出埃及记14 上帝奇迹般地带领以色列走过海水,但这不仅仅是简单地越过一个地理上的障碍。当以色列走过那海时,他们甩掉了奴役,得了自由;甩掉了在埃及的死亡未来,得了与上帝同在的生命未来。以色列靠它自己是毫无能力做出这巨大转变的,但上帝介入并开了那条路。我们在我们自己的生命中需要这种巨大的转变,不然我们注定要在罪和死亡中受奴役了。上帝在圣洗礼中为我们采取行动(林前10:1-2 弟兄们、我不愿意你们不晓得、我们的祖宗从前都在云下、都从海中经过.都在云里海里受洗归了摩西),拯救我们脱离我们曾经在罪中的奴役,并且带领我们走进福音的新自由。
“耶和华是我的力量、我的诗歌、也成了我的拯救.这是我的 神、我要赞美他、是我父亲的 神、我要尊崇他。耶和华是战士、他的名是耶和华”(出15:2-3)。阿们。

Exodus 15:1-21 Moses praises the Lord for victory and anticipates future victories. The Israelites are just beginning to understand how badly they have needed God’s rescue from Egypt and to see the life with God into which He is bringing them. In the light of God’s Law, we begin to see how badly we need God’s rescue. And in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we can begin to see the humbling extravagance of God’s grace.
“Who is like You, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? You stretched out Your right hand; the earth swallowed them. You have led in Your steadfast love the people whom You have redeemed; You have guided them by Your strength to Your holy abode” (15:11-13). Amen.
出埃及记15:1-21 摩西为着得胜赞美主耶和华,并且预见将来的胜利。以色列人刚刚开始明白他们是多么需要上帝拯救他们脱离埃及啊,也开始看见上帝带领他们所要进入,且与祂同在的生命。在上帝的律法光照下,我们开始看见我们是多么需要上帝的拯救啊。在耶稣基督的福音中,我们开始看见上帝恩典的谦卑丰盛。

Exodus 15:22-27 The Lord patiently supplies Israel with drinking water. Without water, there is no life. We need water to refresh our body; without it, we die. And if we go without spiritual refreshment, we will die eternally. However, God meets this spiritual need for us just as certainly as He slaked Israel’s thirst at Marah.
Jesus Christ, Living Water, Refresh us in this wilderness so that we may pass the test and prove You faithful by our faithful obedience. Amen.
出埃及记15:22-27 主耶和华满有忍耐地供应以色列需要喝的水。没有水,就没有生命。我们需要水来更新我们的身体;没有水,我们就会死掉。同时,如果我们没了属灵的更新,我们将会永恒地死去。然而,上帝供应我们属灵的饥渴,就像祂在玛拉解了以色列的渴一样,确定无疑。

Exodus 16 God meets Israel’s need for food with bread from heaven. However, when the Israelites ignore God’s simple rules for its collection and consumption, they provoke an exasperated rebuke from God (vv 28-29). Israel does not understand at the time, but God is blessing them through this experience, training them in the rhythms of work and Sabbath rest. These rhythms still apply for us today because we require both physical rest and rest from our sins through the righteous labors of Jesus.
Lord, lead us in productive labor and healing rest, even as You labored to grant us rest by Your cross and resurrection. Amen.
出埃及记16 上帝从天上降下粮食来满足以色列对食物的需要。然而,当以色列人无视上帝对食物收集和享用(所规范)的简单条例时,他们就激起上帝怒中的责备(28-29节:耶和华对摩西说、你们不肯守我的诫命和律法、要到几时呢。你们看、耶和华既将安息日赐给你们、所以第六天他赐给你们两天的食物、第七天各人要住在自己的地方、不许甚么人出去)。以色列人那个时候并不理解,但上帝透过这个经历是在祝福他们,在劳作和安息日休息的节律中训练他们。这些节律在今天仍然适用于我们,因为我们不但需要身体上的休息,也需要藉着耶稣的公义之举脱离我们的罪并得安息。

Exodus 17:1-7 When Israel runs out of water, they grumble instead of turning to God, their Rock, for help. God in His graciousness does not deal with them according to their folly but furnishes the water they desperately need. He was stricken Himself for what they deserve. Christ Jesus is the Rock of Israel and our Rock of salvation.
O Lord, our Rock, grant us the insight of faith, and give us the stability, refuge, and living water that we need. Amen.
出埃及记17:1-7 当以色列人没了水时,他们埋怨而不是投向上帝,他们的磐石,寻求帮助。上帝在祂的恩典中并没有依照他们的愚昧对待他们,而是提供了他们极其缺乏的水。祂为了他们应得的,自己受击打。基督耶稣是以色列的磐石,也是我们救赎的磐石。

Exodus 17:8-16 Israel learns firsthand as they fight enemies such as Amalek that success depends on the Lord. Without the Lord’s direction and strength, they will lose. Victory comes by God’s intervention.
Heavenly Father, fight for us as we look to You in times of difficulty. Strengthen and protect us as we face challenges and enemies. Amen.
出埃及记 17:8-16 以色列在与敌人,比如亚玛力人争战时就开始明白得胜在乎主耶和华。离了主的引导和力量,他们就会失败。胜利从上帝的介入而来。

Exodus 18 Moses serves as chief mediator between God and the Israelites, and God uses Moses and his subordinates to teach the people about Himself through His Law. God also uses Moses to provide access to Him, since the people come to Moses to seek God’s will. This role of Moses foreshadowed Jesus, our mediator with the Father. God has revealed Himself in Jesus for all to see, and through Jesus we may approach God as one of His own children.
Jesus Christ, our mediator, judge and guide us so we may be Your faithful servants who minister in Your name. Amen.
出埃及记18 摩西在上帝和以色列人之间作为首要中间人(mediator)来服侍,上帝使用摩西和他的助手们藉着祂的律法教导百姓关于祂自己的事。上帝也使用摩西提供一条接近祂的路,因为百姓来到摩西面前寻求上帝的旨意。摩西的这个角色预表了耶稣,耶稣就是我们与天父之间的中保(Mediator)。上帝在耶稣里面显明祂自己给所有世人看,并且藉着耶稣我们可以作为祂自己的儿女接近上帝。

Exodus 19 God’s people, rescued from slavery in Egypt by His grace, go to Mount Sinai, where God establishes His covenant with them. Sinfulness prevents the people from approaching God personally. Yet God graciously appoints an intermediary, Moses, through whom He makes His covenant with His people. Thanks be to God, we can approach Him with confidence through our mediator, Jesus.
O Lord, deliver and consecrate us this day in the renewal of our Baptism, that we may lead lives that honor You. Amen.
出埃及记19 上帝的百姓,因着祂的恩典从在埃及受奴役中获得拯救,到了西奈山,就是上帝与他们立下祂圣约的地方。罪性拦阻百姓靠自己亲近上帝。然而上帝满有恩典地设立一个中间人,就是摩西,上帝藉着摩西与祂的百姓立下祂的圣约。感谢上帝,我们可以藉着我们的中保(mediator中保)耶稣凭着信心亲近祂。

Exodus 20:1-21 God reminds His people that He graciously rescued them in the exodus, impresses them with His majesty and presence, and establishes a covenant with them to guide their service as a “kingdom of priests.” Human sin means that the Law, a reflection of God’s own righteousness, always condemns us. Therefore, the Lord comforts His people by reminding them first of His mercy toward them. He made them His people, a blessing He extends also to us (1Pt 2:9-10).
“You have this Law to see therein That you have not been free from sin But also that you clearly see How pure toward God life should be. Have mercy, Lord!” Amen. (LSB 581:11)
出埃及记20:1-21 上帝提醒祂的百姓祂曾满有恩典地拯救他们走出埃及,用祂的威荣和临在使他们敬畏,并且与他们立下一个约,以此引导他们作为一个“祭司国度”的服事。人的罪意味着,那反映上帝自己公义的律法,总是在谴责我们。因此,上帝藉着提醒他们首先要记得祂对他们的怜悯,来安慰祂的百姓。祂使他们成为自己的百姓,祂也将这个祝福延伸到我们这里(彼前2:9-10惟有你们是被拣选的族类、是有君尊的祭司、是圣洁的国度、是属 神的子民、要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。你们从前算不得子民、现在却作了 神的子民.从前未曾蒙怜恤、现在却蒙了怜恤)。

Exodus 20:22-26 Ch 20 marks the beginning of the Book of the Covenant (20:22-23:19), in which the Ten Commandments are explained and applied. Humans constantly run the risk of idolatry, making something or someone else “god” in their lives (cf Dt 4:15-20). Here God regulates worship, helping His people to receive His Word and to trust Him for salvation. To worship the God of the First Commandment is to worship the triune God, the Holy Trinity.
“The Lord, my God, be praised, My light, my life from heaven; My maker, who to me Has soul and body given; My Father, who will shield And keep me day by day And make each moment yield New blessings on my way.” Amen. (LSB 794:1)
出埃及记20:22-26 第20章是约书的开篇(20:22-23:19),十条诫命也在其中得到解释和应用。人总是会落入偶像崇拜的危机中,使某事或某人成为他们生命中的“神”(参 申4:15-20)。上帝在这里规范了敬拜,帮助祂的百姓领受祂的话语并且在得救的事上信靠祂。敬拜第一诫命的上帝就是敬拜三而一上帝,即圣三位一体。

Exodus 21:1-32 Through Moses, God gives a variety of “guiding decisions,” precedent setting legislation that would guide Israel’s courts throughout the coming generations. Slavery (vv 1-11) and homicide (vv 12-36) occupy the first two parts of this guide. Because we, God’s people, continue to sin, even though we are justified by faith, we need God’s Law as a guide in life. God’s Law shows that He values all people, including slaves, women, and children (cf Gal 3:26-29). All people are sinners, and our gracious Lord makes His forgiveness available to all.
“My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad, The honors of Thy name. He breaks the power of canceled sin; He sets the prisoner free. His blood can make the foulest clean; His blood avails for me.” Amen. (LSB 528:2,4)
出埃及记21:1-32 透过摩西,上帝赐下各样的“指导性决策,”就是设立司法判决先例,为了能够以此在后来的世代中指引以色列的法庭。奴隶(1-11节)和杀人(12-36节)是这法规的前两个部分。因为我们作为上帝的百姓仍会继续犯罪,所以既使我们已经因信称义,我们仍需要上帝的律法引导我们的生活。上帝的律法显明祂看重所有的人,包括奴隶,女人和儿童(参 加3:26-29)。世人都犯了罪,我们满有恩典的主将祂的赦罪之恩赐给所有的人。

Exodus 21:33-22:15 Sinful human nature always seeks its own welfare, even at the expense of others. God graciously regulates society for the benefit of all His people. We will never experience an all-peaceful “haven on earth,” but God’s mercy and the forgiveness of sins allow us to enjoy His peace and blessings now.
“Give me Thy courage, Lord, to speak Whenever strong oppress the weak. Should I myself the victim be, Help me forgive, remembering Thee.” Amen. (LSB 844:4)
出埃及记21:33-22:15 被罪玷污的人性总是在寻找它自己的福祉,甚至需要以他人为代价。上帝满有恩典地规范社会,为叫祂所有的百姓得益处。我们将永远不能经验到一个完全和平的“地上避风港,”但上帝的怜悯和赦罪之恩使我们可以今日享受祂所赐的平安和祝福。

Exodus 22:16-23:9 The Lord regulates human relations with sensitivity toward the poor and powerless, yet also with high regard for impartial justice. God protects the poor and vulnerable by building compassion and respect for justice into Israel’s social laws. His two ways of Law and Gospel manifest themselves constantly for our good.
“To those who help in Christ have found And would in works of love abound It shows what deeds are His delight And should be done as good and right.” Amen. (LSB 579:3)
出埃及记22:16-23:9 主耶和华体恤贫穷软弱的人并以此规范人与人之间的关系,然而祂也同时看重不偏待人的公正审判。上帝藉着将怜悯和对公正的重视植入到以色列的司法体系中,来保护贫穷的和软弱的。祂律法和福音的两种作工方式为了我们的益处一直在呈现着。

Exodus 23:10-19 The Lord connects the Sabbath with regulations on rest (cf Ex 20:8-11) and worship (cf Dt 5:12-15). Rest refreshes the body, worship refreshes the soul. By nature, greed impels us to work all the time in an effort to accumulate wealth, exhausting both the body and soul for mere possessions. God generously provides all we need in six days of labor and calls us to trust Him enough to take time off for rest and worship, for He is our dearest treasure.
“Hence, all earthly treasure! Jesus is my pleasure, Jesus is my choice. Hence, all empty glory! Naught to me thy story told with tempting voice. Pain or loss, Or shame or cross, Shall not from my Savior move me Since He designs to love me.” Amen. (LSB 743:4)
出埃及记23:10-19 主耶和华将安息日与安息的条例(参出20:8-11)和敬拜(参申5:12-15)联系起来。安息更新我们的身体,敬拜苏醒我们的灵魂。按照本性,贪婪驱使我们为了积累财富不停地做工,耗尽身体和灵魂只为拥有更多。上帝满有恩惠地在六日劳作中供应我们一切的所需,并且呼召我们信靠祂以至能够腾出时间安息和敬拜,因为祂才是我们的至宝。

Exodus 23:20-33 God promises to drive out Israel’s enemies ahead of them if they remain faithful to Him and to the covenant given them through Moses. Because the Israelites fail to do as God commands, they fall victim to the false gods of the Canaanites. Despite Israel’s failure to keep God’s command, God preserves a remnant of Israel from which is born Jesus, Savior of all nations.
“God loved the world so that He gave His only Son the lost to save, That all who would in Him believe Should everlasting life receive.” Amen. (LSB 571:1)
出埃及记23:20-33 上帝应许,如果他们忠于祂和祂藉着摩西赐给他们的约,祂就在他们前面将以色列的敌人驱散。因为以色列没有能按照上帝所吩咐的去行,他们就沦为迦南人假神的俘虏。尽管以色列在遵守上帝的命令上失败了,上帝仍然为以色列保存了余民,并且耶稣,万民的救主从其中生出。

Exodus 24 Moses ascends Mount Sinai to receive the terms of the covenant God makes with His people, concluding the Book of the Covenant begun in ch 20. Sin creates an impassible barrier between God and people. By the blood of the covenant, the Lord anticipates the forgiveness of sins in Jesus, who would become “sin” for us in order to redeem us (2Co 5:21).
“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Ps 51:7). Amen.
出埃及记24 摩西上了西奈山领受上帝与祂子民所立之约的条例,也就此结束了开始于第20章的约书。罪在上帝和人之间制造了一条不可逾越的屏障。藉着立约的血,主耶和华预言了在耶稣里面的罪得赦免,因为耶稣为了救赎我们甘愿为我们成为“罪”(林后5:21 神使那无罪的、〔无罪原文作不知罪〕替我们成为罪.好叫我们在他里面成为 神的义)。
“求你用牛膝草洁净我、我就干净.求你洗涤我、我就比雪更白”(诗 51:7)。阿们。

Exodus 25:1-9 The Lord tells Moses to build a sanctuary in which He will dwell. Though God is present everywhere, He locates His saving presence in the tabernacle, where He has promised to be found. Today, He locates His blessings of salvation for you in the Word and Sacraments of His Church.
Lord God, what a wonderful blessing that You meet with us through Your Son, Jesus. Move our hearts to share the Gospel with others, that many more may hear, learn, and believe in You. Amen.
出埃及记25:1-9 主耶和华吩咐摩西建造一个祂可以在其间居住的圣所。尽管上帝无处不在,但祂将自己救恩的同在定位在帐幕中,祂应许自己在那里可以被寻见。今天,祂将祂要赐给你的救恩和祝福临在于祂教会的圣道和圣礼中。

Exodus 25:10-22 The Lord speaks to Moses from the mercy seat, the place of the Commandments and the atonement—His Law and His Gospel-mercy. Today, God no longer speaks from Mount Sinai or between the cherubim of the ark. He has spoken in these last days by His Son (Heb 1:2), who came to fulfill the Law for us and atone for all our sin.
Lord God, move our hearts to be attentive as You speak, and give Yourself to us in Your Word and Sacraments, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
出埃及记25:10-22 主耶和华从施恩座上向摩西说话,施恩座就是诫命和救赎—即祂的律法和祂的福音怜悯所在的地方。今天,上帝不再从西奈山或者约柜的基路伯之间向我们说话。祂在这末后的世代藉着祂的儿子说话(来1:2就在这末世、借着他儿子晓谕我们、又早已立他为承受万有的、也曾借着他创造诸世界),因为祂来是为我们成全律法并且赎了我们所有的罪。

Exodus 25:23-30 God sets before His people the bread of His presence. Jesus is “the living bread that came down from heaven” (Jn 6:51).
Lead us, dear Jesus, to feast on Your sacramental body in the bread and drink Your blood in the cup of thanksgiving (1Co 10:16), that we may be nourished by Your presence for all eternity. Amen.
出埃及记25:23-30 上帝将陈设饼摆在祂百姓面前。耶稣就是“从天上赐下的生命之粮”(约6:51我是从天上降下来生命的粮.人若吃这粮、就必永远活着.我所要赐的粮、就是我的肉、为世人之生命所赐的)。

Exodus 25:31-40 The lampstand serves both practical and symbolic functions, providing the only light in the dark sanctuary and representing the sacred order God established in the daily and weekly services of His house. No wonder “light” and “enlightenment” have come to describe His work among us through the Word we hear at His house, which enlightens our understanding of His ways.
Jesus, we praise You, for in mercy You have not left us in darkness but have enlightened us with the Word of Your salvation. Lead us to reflect Your light in a lost world. Amen.
出埃及记25:31-40 灯台起到实用和寓意两种功能,一个是在黑暗的圣所中提供唯一的光源,另一个是代表上帝为在祂家中每日每周的服事所设立的神圣秩序。上帝在祂的家中藉着我们聆听的圣道在我们中间做工,光照我们对祂行事的理解,但并没有令人恐惧战兢的“光”和“启示”伴随。

Exodus 26 The tabernacle is laid out according to the specifications God gave on the mountain (25:40; Ac 7:44). Worship is not spontaneous or haphazard but is carefully organized to honor the Creator, who set creation in order by carefully arranging space, boundaries, and the passage of time. Cf Gn 1:1-2:3. Today, organized worship, patterned on God’s Word and the life of our Savior, honors God’s works of creation, redemption, and sanctification, by which He makes us His beloved people.
Lord Jesus, You establish all things to benefit us with Your gifts. We praise You for the mercy shown us through Your shed blood. Amen.
出埃及记26 帐幕是按着上帝在山上所指示的样式建造的(25:40要谨慎作这些物件、都要照着在山上指示你的样式;徒7:44 我们的祖宗在旷野、有法柜的帐幕、是 神吩咐摩西叫他照所看见的样式作的)。敬拜不是即兴或者随意,而是精心设计用来尊荣那位造物主的,祂曾藉着精心安排空间,界限和时间变换,使得创造有秩序。参创2:1-2:3。今天,依附上帝的道和我们救主的生命的规范敬拜,能够尊荣上帝创造、救赎和成圣的工作,祂藉着这些工作使我们成为祂蒙爱的百姓。

Exodus 27:1-8 The first and most visible item of furniture in the court is the bronze altar. Blood is applied on the horns and sides to atone for sins. The altar points forward to the cross of Calvary, where Jesus, God’s sacrifice, shed His blood to atone for the sins of the world.
Lord Jesus, we thank and praise You. You are the perfect sacrifice who made peace with the Father for us. Amen.
出 27:1-8 院子里面第一件也是最显眼的摆设就是铜祭坛。血要洒在坛角和周围用来赎罪。祭坛向前指向骷髅地的十字架,耶稣,就是上帝的祭物,在那里流出祂的血,为世人的罪付上赎价。

Exodus 27:9-19 Specific limits mark the holiness of the Lord, limiting the approach of humans to Him. Due to our sins, we cannot approach the Holy One of Israel and live. Through Christ’s work on the cross, we have access to the court, the Most Holy Place in heaven (cf Heb 4:14).
Jesus, may Your Spirit lead us to confess Your loving mercy, that many more may enter Your courts in praise and eternal life. Amen.
出埃及记27:9-19 细节上的约束表记了主耶和华的圣洁,约束人近前来靠近祂。因为我们的罪,我们不能接近以色列的圣者并且存活。藉着基督在十字架上的工作,我们能够进入院内,进入天上的至圣所(参来4:14 我们既然有一位已经升入高天尊荣的大祭司、就是 神的儿子耶稣、便当持定所承认的道)。

Exodus 27:20-21 Because the lamp stands in the Holy Place, the priests need to tend it. The light provided by the lamp enables their service. Today, the Lord enables our service and hallows us as His priesthood—believers enlightened with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus, thank You that Your Word and Sacraments bring us the light of salvation. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, may we be light to the world that is lost in darkness. Amen.
出埃及记27:20-21 因为灯在圣所里摆着,祭司需要经理它。灯发出的光使他们可以服事。今天,主也使我们能够服事祂,并且分别我们为圣,成为祂的祭司—就是圣灵光照的信徒。

Exodus 28 The beautiful priestly attire reflects the beauty of God as well as the office in which the priests minister. Often today, our devotion to God grows more and more lax. Rather than stand to pray, we sit. Rather than dress properly, we become casual or immodest. Rather than sing, we just listen. In contrast, the Lord required that even the clothing and movement of the high priest would bring glory and offer praise. Reassess your offering of praise and service to the Lord. Give all glory to Jesus, who diligently bore your guilt and consecrates you by grace.
O Lord God, draw us to the One whom our pastors preach, Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sins. Amen.
出埃及记28章 精美的祭司圣服反映了上帝的美,也反映了祭司服事职分的美。今天经常发生的是,我们对上帝的专心变得越来越松弛。我们不再站着祷告,而是坐着。我们不再穿着整洁,而是变得随意没了礼仪。我们不再歌唱,而只是听讲。相反地,主耶和华要求甚至大祭司的穿着和举动都要带出荣耀,献上赞美。请重新衡量你对主耶和华赞美和服事的奉献。将所有荣耀归给耶稣,因为祂殷勤地背负你的罪,并且藉着恩典分别你为圣。

Exodus 29 God consecrates the Aaronic priesthood to consecrate His people, who would be a kingdom of priests (19:6). Our High Priest, Jesus, set aside this old order of sacrifices to offer Himself once for all (Heb 10:8-10).
Rejoice that, through Jesus, we can “draw near (to God) with a true heart in full assurance of faith” (Heb 10:22) and receive forgiveness of our sins. Amen.
出埃及记29 上帝分别亚伦祭司职分为圣,也是分别祂的百姓为圣,他们将要成为祭司的国度(出19:6 你们要归我作祭司的国度、为圣洁的国民.这些话你要告诉以色列人)。我们的大祭司耶稣,废掉这献祭的老方法,而将祂自己一次彻底献上(来10:8-10 以上说、祭物和礼物、燔祭和赎罪祭、是你不愿意的、也是你不喜欢的、(这都是按着律法献的)后又说、我来了为要照你的旨意行.可见他是除去在先的、为要立定在后的。我们凭这旨意、靠耶稣基督只一次献上他的身体、就得以成圣)。
要欢喜快乐,因为藉着耶稣,我们能“带着一颗真诚的心和满有确据的信亲近上帝”(来10:22 并我们心中天良的亏欠已经洒去、身体用清水洗净了、就当存着诚心、和充足的信心、来到 神面前),并且领受我们的罪得赦免。阿们。

Exodus 30:1-10 The Lord describes the use of incense in the sanctuary; it is offered with the people’s prayers. Without faith, it is impossible for us to pray rightly and to please God (Heb 11:6). Jesus’ life and work was pleasing incense before His Father. Through Jesus’ intercession, our prayers are acceptable.
May the Good News impel us to intercede continually before You, Jesus, on behalf of the Church and for the needs of all people. Amen.
出埃及记30-1-10 主耶和华吩咐圣所香的使用;这香要与百姓的祷告一同献上。若没有信,我们就不可能正确地祈求上帝,也不能蒙祂喜悦(来11:6人非有信、就不能得 神的喜悦.因为到 神面前来的人、必须信有神,且信他赏赐那寻求他的人)。耶稣的生命和工作就是祂献在天父面前的馨香。透过耶稣的代祷,我们的祈求得蒙悦纳。

Exodus 30:11-16 The census tax is established for upkeep and atonement at the sanctuary. No amount of labor on our part can remove the guilt that our sins incur. Jesus paid the ransom for every soul that walks on the earth.
Lord Jesus, may Your Holy Spirit lead us to give generously, so the work of proclaiming the Gospel may go forth in Word and Sacrament, for You have paid the price for all. Amen.
出埃及记30:11-16 人口数点税的设立是为了圣所的维护和献祭。任何一点出于我们的工作都不能够除去我们罪所带来的羞耻。耶稣为每一个世上行走的灵魂付了赎价。

Exodus 30:17-21 The priests must wash their hands and feet before they minister before God. Our High Priest, Jesus, was washed (Mt3:13-17) before He began His work of redemption on our behalf.
Lord Jesus, through our pastors’ service in Holy Baptism, You wash our hands, feet, and conscience (1Co 6:11; Heb 10: 21-22). May this “ washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit” (Ti 3:5) move us to serve You by serving our neighbor. Amen.
出埃及记30:17-21 祭司在他们来到上帝面前服事之先必要洗他们的手和脚。我们的大祭司耶稣在祂开始祂救赎工作之前就代替我们的位置洗过了(太3:13-17 耶稣受了洗、随即从水里上来.天忽然为他开了、他就看见 神的灵、彷彿鸽子降下、落在他身上)。
主耶稣,藉着我们牧师在圣洗礼中的服事,你洗净了我们的手脚和良心(林前6:11你们中间也有人从前是这样.但如今你们奉主耶稣基督的名、并借着我们 神的灵、已经洗净、成圣称义了;来10:21-22 又有一位大祭司治理 神的家.并我们心中天良的亏欠已经洒去、身体用清水洗净了、就当存着诚心、和充足的信心、来到 神面前)。愿这“重生的洗和圣灵的更新”(多3:5 他便救了我们、并不是因我们自己所行的义、乃是照他的怜悯、借着重生的洗、和圣灵的更新)感动我们,藉着服侍我们的邻舍来服侍你。阿们。

Exodus 30:22-38 The Lord gives details for the anointing oil. This perfumed oil distinguishes the Lord’s priests and the tabernacle. Today, the Lord sends the Holy Spirit, who sets us apart from the world by His work of sanctification and the fruit of the Spirit.
Thank You, Lord, for anointing us in Baptism (2Co 1:21), that we may serve You in holiness and approach You in “all boldness and confidence…as dear children ask their dear father” (SC, Lord’s Prayer Introduction, P xxxvii). Amen.
出埃及记30:22-38 主耶和华吩咐了圣膏油的细节。这芳香的油将主耶和华的祭司和会幕分别为圣。今天,主耶和华差遣了圣灵,圣灵藉着祂分别为圣的工作和圣灵的果子将我们从这个世界中分别出来。
主啊,感谢你,因为你在圣洗礼中膏抹我们(林后1:21 那在基督里坚固我们和你们、并且膏我们的、就是 神),好叫我们可以在圣洁中服事你,并且带着“充足的勇气和信心—就像亲爱的儿女寻求他们亲爱的父亲一样”亲近你(小问答,主祷文引言部分,37页)。阿们。

Exodus 31:1-11 Artisans assemble to begin the work, and they follow the Lord’s plans exactly. As you serve in your congregation, remember that “unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain” (Ps 127:1). Value the service of each person, but give all glory to the Lord, who forgives your sins and makes you one in Christ.
Jesus, we are unworthy servants. “We have only done what was our duty” (Lk 17:10). Lead us to use our gifts in honorable service to spread Your Gospel. Amen.
出埃及记31:1-11 工匠们聚集开始工作,他们完全遵照主耶和华的吩咐进行。当你在你的教会中服侍时,请记得“若不是耶和华建造房屋、建造的人就枉然劳力.若不是耶和华看守城池、看守的人就枉然儆醒”(诗127:1)。要看重每个人的服侍,但要将所有荣耀归给主耶和华,是祂赦免你们的罪,并且使你们在基督里成为一。

Exodus 31:12-18 Plans for construction are revealed. Craftsmen, imbued with the Spirit of God, are secured. Such work is not an end in itself. It finds its fulfillment in the Sabbath rest for the sin-wearied soul.
Lord Jesus, may Your Spirit work in our hearts, leading us to repentance, that we may remain in the rest You have for us through all eternity. Amen.
出埃及记31:12-18 建造的计划已经启示下来了。被上帝的灵充满的工匠们也有了。这样的工作本身不是结局。这工作在,为罪所缠累的灵魂所预备的安息中,得以完全成就。

Exodus 32 Feeling alone in the wilderness, Israel soon doubts God’s promises and turns to idolatry. Their idol is unable to help them, and they experience greater suffering. We, too, may grow impatient or doubt God’s promises. In fear or doubt, we may turn to idols of our own: anything that we fear, love, and trust more than the true God. But these idols cannot help us. Thank God that He remembers His promises and is faithful to us, even when we are unfaithful. He sends His Son to offer atonement for our sin. He alone is able to take the sin of the world upon Himself and give us His perfect righteousness. We are God’s people because of Him.
O Christ, Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, thank You for giving Yourself for me. Forgive my sins, and strengthen me to believe in You and love You. Amen.
出埃及记32 在旷野中倍感孤独,以色列人很快对上帝的应许起了疑心,并且转向偶像。他们的偶像不能帮助他们,他们也因此经历了更重的苦难。我们也会变得不耐烦或怀疑上帝的应许。在恐惧或疑惑中,我们可能转向我们自己的偶像:即任何我们敬畏,信靠和爱过于那位真上帝的对象。但这些偶像不能帮助我们。感谢上帝祂纪念祂的应许,并且祂甚至在我们不忠信之时,仍以信实待我们。祂差遣祂的儿子来为我们的罪付上赎价。唯独祂能够将世人的罪背负在自己身上,并且将祂完全的义赐给我们。我们因着祂成为上帝的百姓。

Exodus 33:1-6 Fully aware of their sin, the Israelites strip off their ornaments to show their repentance and sorrow. Our repentance may also be accompanied by outward signs, but these are not substitutes for a repentant heart. Each day, we confess our sins to God. Through the means of grace, we receive His forgiveness. How blessed we are that, because of Christ, God is “faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1Jn1:9).
Thank You, Lord, for Your gracious forgiveness in Christ. Amen.
出埃及记33:1-6 以色列人完全意识到他们的罪,就摘下他们的妆饰,表明他们的悔改和懊恼。我们的悔改也可能伴随外在的记号,但这些外在表现并不能代替一颗悔改的心。每一天,我们向上帝承认我们的罪。藉着恩典的媒介(施恩具),我们领受祂的赦罪。我们是多么的蒙福啊,因着基督,上帝“是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义”(约一1:9)

Exodus 33:7-11 Moses receives an extraordinary gift: God speaks to him face-to-face, as to a friend. Jesus Christ gives believers in the NT the same gift. He says, “I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you” (Jn 15:15). He invites our prayers and has promised to hear us and answer. He works with us in His grace. How blessed are we to be called the friends of God.
Thank You, Jesus, for being my friend. May I always hear Your voice in faith. Amen.
出埃及记33:7-11 摩西领受了一个特别的礼物:上帝面对面向他说话,就像对一个朋友那样。耶稣基督在新约里赐给信徒同样的礼物。祂说,“我乃称你们为朋友;因我从我父所听见的,已经都告诉你们了”(约15:15)祂吩咐我们祷告,并且曾应许要垂听和回应我们。祂在祂的恩典中与我们同工。我们被称为上帝的朋友,这是多么的有福啊。

Exodus 33:12-23 Moses asks to learn God’s ways and see God’s glory. He is permitted to see a glimpse of God’s presence. John tells us that no one has ever seen God’s full presence and glory, for it would be too much for a sinner to bear. Yet, we see God when Christ Jesus covered Himself in our flesh and lived among us (Jn 1:18). On the cross, He was glorified (Jn 17:5).
“The Law of God is good and wise And sets His will before our eyes, Shows us the way of righteousness, And dooms to death when we transgress. The Gospel shows the Father’s grace, Who sent His Son to save our race, Proclaims how Jesus lived and died That we might thus be justified.” Amen. (LSB 579:1; 580:1)
出埃及记33:12-23 摩西求告说要学习上帝的道,并且看见上帝的荣耀。他被许可一瞥上帝的同在。约翰告诉我们没有人见过上帝的完全同在和荣耀,因为那将是一个罪人难以承受的。然而,当基督耶稣以我们的肉身遮盖祂自己,并且住在我们中间时,我们看见了上帝(约1:18 从来没有人看见神,只有在父怀里的独生子将他表明出来)。在十字架上,祂得了荣耀(约17:5 父啊,现在求你使我同你享荣耀,就是未有世界以先,我同你所有的荣耀)。

Exodus 34:1-9 Sinful hearts stumble over God’s verdict that the effects of sin may harm anyone other than the sinner. Could it be fair that the fathers’ sin affects the third and fourth generation (v 7)? But the results of sin in one person’s life often do impact others. We learn patterns of sin from our parents and often suffer the effects of others’ sin. But the Lord’s steadfast love, mercy, and grace are greater than any sin, because He has atoned for our sin. His mercy abounds for thousands of generations (v 7), far more than the effects of sin.
Merciful Lord, I confess my sin and plead for future generations. Grant me forgiveness; make me Your heir for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
出埃及记34:1-9 上帝宣告说一个人犯罪所带来的影响不但临到他自己,也可能对其他人造成伤害,被罪玷污的人心为此吃惊困惑。父亲犯罪,被追讨直至三四代(7节: 为千万人存留慈爱,赦免罪孽、过犯,和罪恶,万不以有罪的为无罪,必追讨他的罪,自父及子,直到三、四代),这可以称得上公平吗?但一个人生活中犯罪所带来的结果经常能够影响其他人。我们从我们的父母那里学到犯罪的样式,并且也会经常因着他人的罪而受苦。但主耶和华坚定不移的爱,怜悯和恩典却要高过一切的罪,因为祂已经为我们的罪付了赎价。祂的怜悯存留给万代(7节),丰丰富富,远超罪的影响。

Exodus 34:10-28 Sinners are unable to keep God’s holy commands perfectly. We rebel against them in our thoughts, words, and deeds. If left up to us, we could not live in God’s covenant. Here, in the middle of the worship provisions of the covenant, God foreshadows His solution: redemption through sacrifice (v 20). The blood of the Lamb redeems those who continually break the covenant. He died for us that we might live.
Lord Jesus, Lamb of God, I am grateful for Your sacrifice. Strengthen me by Your Spirit to worship You properly. Amen.
出埃及记34:10-28 罪人无法完全遵行上帝圣洁的命令。我们在思想,言语和行为上干犯祂的诫命。如果让我们靠自己活着,我们不能存留在上帝的约中。这里,在为着约而定规下的敬拜条例中间,上帝预表了祂的解决方法:即藉着祭物而来的救赎(20节:头生的驴要用羊羔代赎,若不代赎就要打折他的颈项。凡头生的儿子都要赎出来。谁也不可空手朝见我)。圣羔羊的血救赎那些不断干犯这约的人。祂为我们死,好叫我们可以活。

Exodus 34:29-35 Moses veils himself because the Israelites, in their sinfulness, are terrified to see a manifestation of God’s glory. Today, our sin also separates us from God’s glory and presence, but St Paul reminds us that “when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed…and we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image” (2Co 3:16, 18). Because of Christ, we see the Lord and live in His glorious grace.
O Lord my God, let me see You in Christ under the veil of the incarnation. Amen.
出埃及记34:29-35 摩西用帕子遮蔽他自己,因为以色列人,在他们的罪性中,害怕看见上帝荣耀的显现。今天,我们的罪也使我们疏离上帝的荣耀和同在,但圣保罗提醒我们:“我们众人既然敞著脸得以看见主的荣光,好像从镜子里反照,就变成主的形状,荣上加荣,如同从主的灵变成的”(林后3:16-18)。因着基督,我们得见主耶和华,并居住在祂荣耀的恩典里面。

Exodus 35:1-3 God calls the people again to share in His Sabbath rest. The soul that forsakes the gift of Sabbath rest remains in torment. Our true rest is in the one true God, who grants life, peace, and all blessings.
We thank You, Jesus, for patiently having had mercy on us, that we can rest in the work of salvation that You have accomplished for us. Amen.
出埃及记35:1-3 上帝再一次呼召百姓在祂的圣安息日中有份。拒绝这安息日礼物的灵魂就仍然活在困苦煎熬中。我们真正的安息是在那赐生命、平安和全部祝福的独一真上帝里面。

Exodus 35:4-29 Offerings, materials, and laborers pour into the work site to begin the task. Work begins as an act of faith motivated by God’s Word.
“Thy strong Word bespeaks us righteous; Bright with Thine own holiness, Glorious now, we press toward glory, And our lives our hopes confess. Alleluia, alleluia! Praise to Thee who light dost send! Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia without end!” Amen. (LSB 578:3)
出埃及记35:4-29 奉献,礼物和工人们都涌进工地,开始了那工。作为一个由上帝话语激发的信心行动,这工就开始了。

Exodus 35:30-36:38 What God spoke, Moses reveals to Bezalel and Oholiab, who in turn train the craftsmen. God works through a plan, through means, and through people. When the fullness of time came (Gal 4:4), Jesus enacted the plan laid before eternity (Eph 1:4) and built a heavenly city with foundations (Heb 11:10; Rv 21:9-27).
Holy Spirit, keep us faithful to the doctrinal foundation of the prophets, the apostles, and the cornerstone, Jesus (Eph 2:20). Amen.
出埃及记35:30-36:38 上帝所晓谕的,摩西就讲给比撒列和亚何利亚伯听,接着他们就依次训练工匠们。上帝藉着一个计划,藉着媒介(施恩具),藉着人来作工。当时候满足时(加4:4 及至时候满足,神就差遣他的儿子,为女子所生,且生在律法以下),耶稣就执行创世之先所定下的计划(弗1:4就如神从创立世界以前,在基督里拣选了我们,使我们在他面前成为圣洁,无有瑕疵),建造了一个有根有基的天上之城(来11:10 因为他等候那座有根基的城,就是神所经营所建造的;启21:9-27 凡不洁净的,并那行可憎与虚谎之事的,总不得进那城;只有名字写在羔羊生命册上的才得进去)。

Exodus 37:1-9 The ark and mercy seat are built. As the single most holy piece of furniture, the ark is specifically mentioned as being built by Bezalel. The ark would receive the blood of the sacrifices, which pointed forward to the atonement of Christ, our Lord.
O Lord God, Your holiness and mercy shine more brightly than the finest gold. Exceedingly great is Your mercy toward us. Amen.
出埃及记37:1-9 约柜和施恩座得以建造。作为其中一件最圣洁的器具,比撒列建造的约柜被特别提及。约柜要接受赎罪祭的血(译者注:参利未记16:14-15),而这赎罪祭的血就是向前指向我们主基督的赎罪。

Exodus 37:10-16 Bezalel builds the table for the bread of the Presence. Just as the Lord provided for the nourishment of the priests in the bread and the flagons containing wine, so He nourishes us now in the elements of the Lord’s Supper, even giving us His body and blood.
O Holy Spirit, lead us to seek the merciful presence of Jesus in Holy Communion, where He has promised to be found. Amen.
出埃及记37:10-16 比撒列造了陈设饼的桌子。就像主耶和华用饼和酒樽来滋养祭司们一样,如今祂也用圣餐礼的质滋养我们,甚至将祂的身体和宝血赐给了我们。

Exodus 37:17-24 The assembled lampstand gives light to the tabernacle but also symbolizes the light of God’s care and mercy. Due to sin, the eyes of our heart are bad, and the whole body is darkened (Mt 6:23). How great is our need for repentance! Jesus is the light of the world, and in Him we have the light of life (Jn 8:12).
Jesus, we praise You that through Word and Sacrament, You enlighten us to walk in the way of salvation (Ps 119:105). Amen.
出埃及记37:17-24 组装成的灯台给会幕提供光,但也象征了上帝看顾和怜悯的那光。因着罪,我们的心眼坏掉,整个身体就昏暗了(太6:23你的眼睛若昏花,全身就黑暗。你里头的光若黑暗了,那黑暗是何等大呢)。我们是多么需要悔改啊!耶稣就是世界的光,在祂里面我们有生命的光(约8:12 耶稣又对众人说:我是世界的光。跟从我的,就不在黑暗里走,必要得著生命的光)。

Exodus 37:25-29 The altar of incense and the anointing oil purifies the air of the tabernacle. Their composition is precious. Later, the Magi brought Jesus precious incense after His birth, showing that His life’s work on our behalf was a pleasing fragrance before the Father. He covers the stench of our sin and makes us precious to the Father.
Holy Jesus, purify us, that we may honor You before the Father in heaven. Amen.
出埃及记37:25-29 香坛和圣膏油净化会幕里的空气。他们的构成是很珍贵的。后来,博士们在耶稣出生后带给祂珍贵的香料,表示祂代替我们的位置用自己生命所作的工,在父面前是一缕馨香之气。祂涂抹我们罪的恶臭,使我们在父面前成为珍贵的。

Exodus 38:1-7 The altar of burnt offering is assembled. We cannot approach the Father on our own merit. Only through the altar of the cross do we have access to Him.
Lord Jesus, thank You for offering Your life for the forgiveness of sin. Through Your work of mercy, we have access to the heavenly Father. Amen.
出埃及记38:1-7 祭坛造成了。我们不能靠自己的功德来亲近天父。只有透过十字架的祭坛我们才能接近祂。

Exodus 38:8 Donating their material goods of mirrors, these women no longer focus on themselves. Moved by the Holy Spirit, they now want to reflect the Lord to others.
Lord, take our eyes off our selfish interests. By the power of the Holy Spirit, may we reflect Jesus’ love to others. Amen.
出埃及记38:8 这些妇人将她们镜妆物品奉献了,不再专注于她们自己。受圣灵感动,她们现在想要将主耶和华映射给他人。

Exodus 38:9-20 Bezalel erects the court boundary. Entering from the east, one comes first to the place of sacrifice: the bronze altar. Today, we first enter the courts of the Lord when He leads us to trust in Christ’s sacrifice.
Spirit of God, lead us in the way of life (Jn 14:6). Amen.
出埃及记38:9-20 比撒列立定会幕院子的界线。从东面(译者注:参民数记3:38)进入后,首先见到的是献祭的地方:铜祭坛。今天,当主耶和华引领我们信靠基督的献祭时,我们得以进入祂的院。

Exodus 38:21-31 In the Gospels, Jesus compares the tabernacle and Herod’s temple with the temple of His body (Mt 27:40; Jn 2:19-22), by which we have full remission of sin. By the temple of Jesus’ body, we approach the Father.
Lord Jesus, we praise You that the prophecies of the OT (Lk 24:27) have been fulfilled in Your life, death, and resurrection. Amen.
出埃及记38:21-31 在福音书中,耶稣将会幕和希律所建的圣殿,与祂身体的殿作比较(太27:40你这拆毁圣殿、三日又建造起来的,可以救自己吧!你如果是神的儿子,就从十字架上下来吧;约2:19-22耶稣回答说:「你们拆毁这殿,我三日内要再建立起来。」 犹太人便说:「这殿是四十六年才造成的,你三日内就再建立起来吗?」 但耶稣这话是以他的身体为殿 ),藉着祂身体的殿,我们得着罪的完全赦免。藉着耶稣身体的殿,我们得以亲近天父。

Exodus 39 The priestly garments are completed. Just as the garments of the priests set them apart, so the Lord clothes us with His righteousness and sets us apart as a royal priesthood.
Bless me, O Savior, and consecrate me for the service in Your kingdom. Amen.
出埃及记39 祭司的圣服制作完成了。正如祭司的圣服将他们分别开来一样,主耶和华也用祂的义披盖我们,将我们作为有尊君的祭司分别开来。

Exodus 40:1-33 The Lord lives among His people in the tabernacle and leads them to life and salvation. Today, the Lord blesses us in the means of grace, leading us to life and salvation through His shed blood, which covers our sin.
Thank You, Jesus, for these OT types that find their fulfillment in You. Amen.
出埃及记40:1-33 主耶和华在帐幕中与祂的百姓同居,并且引导他们走向救赎和生命。今天,主耶和华藉着恩典的媒介祝福我们,透过祂为遮盖我们罪所流出的宝血,引导我们走向救赎和生命。

Exodus 40:34-38 In the tabernacle, the glory of the Lord is seen. We do not choose God, His location, or the form of worship. God reveals this in His gracious mercy so that we may be with Him for all eternity. The glory of the Lord continues in Word and Sacrament, through which Christ lives in and with us.
“Immortal, invisible, God only wise, In light inaccessible hid from our eyes, Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days, Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise.” Amen. (LSB 802:1)
出埃及记40:34-38 主耶和华的荣耀在帐幕中得以看见。我们不能选择上帝,祂的位置,或者敬拜方式。上帝出于祂满有恩典的怜悯将此启示,好叫我们可以与祂同在直到永远。主耶和华的荣耀在圣道和圣礼中继续着,藉着这圣道和圣礼,基督活在我们里面且与我们同居。

翻译:Gary Liu
校对:Wendy Li

Leviticus 1:1-17 In His grace, God provides a means through which He can “dwell” among a sinful people: the sacrifice of animals on behalf of the people. This priestly system culminates in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Today, just as the Israelites faithfully confessed their sins and prayed to the Lord, present your confession of sins and prayers of repentance and faith before Him in the name of “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (Jn 1:29).
Almighty Father, may we always rejoice in Your abundant grace, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
利未记1:1-17 出于祂的恩典,上帝赐下一个祂可以在有罪的百姓中“居住”的媒介:即代替百姓的动物祭祀。这祭司制度在耶稣基督的赎罪祭里达到高潮。正如以色列人诚实地向主耶和华告白他们的罪并且祷告一样,今天,你们也应当在祂面前,奉“除去(或作:背负)世人罪孽的,神的羔羊(约1:29)”的名,献上你们罪的告白和懊悔的祈祷。

Leviticus 2 God provides His OT priests with food through the grain offering. The remaining grain becomes most holy once the priest burns the memorial portion. By grace, the priests are permitted to eat a sacred meal at God’s table. In this, God’s people may see a foreshadowing of Holy Communion. Today, at Christ’s invitation, we come to the Lord’s Table, where we receive the true body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, a holy meal God Himself prepares for the forgiveness of sins.
We give thanks to You, almighty God, that You have refreshed us through this salutary gift, and we implore You that of Your mercy You would strengthen our faith toward You and love for one another. Amen. (Adapted from LSB, p 166.)
利未记2 上帝藉着素祭将食物给祂旧约中的祭司们。一旦祭司将作为纪念用的部分焚烧掉,剩余的素祭就变成至圣的了。靠赖恩典,祭司们被允许在上帝的餐桌前吃一顿圣筵。上帝的百姓可以在其中看见圣餐的影子。今天,出于基督的邀请,我们来到主餐桌前,我们在此领受主耶稣基督的真身体和宝血,就是上帝自己为叫我们罪得赦免所预备的圣筵。

Leviticus 3 Through the peace offering on high holy days and special occasions, God provides meat for a sacrificial banquet, which a family could share with invited guests (7:11-36; 19:5-6; 23:37). Peace offerings acknowledge God’s grace toward His people. Jesus’ death was God’s great peace offering for the world, since the Father brought about our peace and reconciliation through Jesus.
Gracious Father, we thank You for Your peace through Christ, who offered Himself for the sins of the world. Grant us generous hearts to share Your peace. Amen.
利未记3 藉着在大的圣日和特别节期上所献的平安祭,上帝提供了献祭筵席所需的肉食,这样一个家庭也可以跟被邀请的客人分享(7:11-36;19:5-6;23:37)。平安祭是对上帝向祂百姓施恩的告白。耶稣的死就是上帝赐给世人的至大平安祭,因为天父上帝藉着耶稣成就了我们的平安、和平。

Leviticus 4:1-5:13 God, who abhors all sin, distinguishes sins of error from those of intent. Because of sin, God could no longer dwell with the Israelites as He desired. To this end, God gave the sin offering for the deliverance of those who inadvertently sinned against Him (cf 4:20,26, 31,35). Just as God’s OT people publicly confessed their sins during divine worship, God’s people today confess, “We have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone” (LSB, p 15).Jesus Christ is the sin offering for all sins, for all time (1Jn 2:2; 4:10).
How wonderful it is to hear the words of Absolution: “Almighty God in His mercy has given His Son to die for you and for His sake forgives you all your sins.” Amen. (LSB, p 151)
利未记4:1-5:13 恨恶所有罪的上帝,将误犯的和故意犯的罪区别开来。因着罪,上帝不再能按照祂所愿的与以色列人同居。因此,上帝为了救拔那些非故意犯罪冒犯祂的人赐下赎罪祭(参4:20,26,31,35)正如上帝旧约中的百姓在公共敬拜中公开地承认他们的罪一样,上帝的百姓今天也告白说,“我们在思想,言语和行为上得罪了你,因着我们所做的,和我们应该却没有做的”(路德宗崇拜手册, 15页)。耶稣基督是任何时候,一切罪的赎罪祭(约一2:2 他为我们的罪作了挽回祭,不是单为我们的罪,也是为普天下人的罪;4:10不是我们爱神,乃是神爱我们,差他的儿子为我们的罪作了挽回祭,这就是爱了)。

Leviticus 5:14-6:7 The Lord describes the sacrifice and compensations of guilt offering for mending relationships with God and with neighbor. While summing up the Law, Christ taught, “You shall love the Lord your God….You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt 22:37, 39). In the Law, the Lord calls us to something far greater than self-interest. Praise God, His attitude toward us is merciful and self-giving; He desires our atonement.
Lord, have mercy on me for my mistreatment of my neighbor. Lead me to love others as You have loved me in Jesus. Amen.
利未记5:14-6:7 主耶和华为要修复人与上帝,还有邻舍的关系,就吩咐赎愆祭的祭物和偿还价银。当总结律法时,基督教导说,“你要尽心、尽性、尽意爱主你的上帝。 其次也相仿,就是要爱人如己”(太22:37-39)。在律法中,主耶和华呼召我们所做的事要远超过我们自己感兴趣的。赞美上帝,祂待我们的态度是满有怜悯,自我付出的;祂愿意我们得赎。

Leviticus 6:8-30 God would have fellowship with His people only after they atoned for sin through sacrifice. The people had to be ritually clean to participate in the meal God prepared for them (7:19-21). Today, God’s people eat a meal in His presence each time they partake of Holy Communion as God’s priests (cf 1Pt2:9). Christ’s body was offered as a sin offering and a reparation offering to God. By Christ’s holy flesh and blood, God keeps His people holy (Heb 10:10).
Father in heaven, we thank You for Your surpassing gifts of grace and fellowship, which come through Christ’s atoning sacrifice. Amen.
利未记6:8-30 上帝只有在祂百姓藉着祭物赎罪之后才能与他们团契。百姓必须先得礼仪上的洁净才能参与上帝给他们预备的圣筵(7:19-21)。今天,每当上帝的百姓作为祂的祭司参与圣餐礼时,他们就是在祂的面前吃一场圣筵(参彼前2:9 惟有你们是被拣选的族类,是有君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国度,是属神的子民,要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德)。基督的身体作为赎罪祭和平安祭献给了上帝。藉着基督圣洁的身体和宝血,上帝使祂的百姓成圣(来10:10我们凭这旨意,靠耶稣基督,只一次献上他的身体,就得以成圣)。

Leviticus 7 Concludes God’s manual of offerings, a precise manual meant to be strictly followed by priests and individuals. Here is God’s framework to prepare an unholy people to dwell with a holy God. By His incarnation and atoning sacrifice, Jesus Christ is today our Immanuel, “God with us” to save us.
To You, O Lord, we offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving for Your daily blessings of forgiveness, food, consecration, and peace in Christ. Amen.
利未记7章 上帝的献祭条例到本章结束,这条例就是一个给祭司和个人去严格遵守的精准手册。这就是上帝为要预备一群不圣洁的百姓与一位圣洁的上帝同居所定规的框架。藉着祂的道成肉身和赎罪祭,耶稣基督就是我们今天的以马内利“上帝与我们同在”,祂要来拯救我们。

Leviticus 8 Moses consecrates Aaron as high priest and Aaron’s sons as priests. Today, Jesus is our great High Priest (Heb 2:17; 3:1; 7:26). We come before Him as sinners in need of consecration. As with the OT priests, it is God’s cleansing that makes us holy. In Baptism, God washes us clean (1Co 6:11). He anoints us with the Holy Spirit (2Co 1:21-22). Christ Himself consecrates us as priests (Eph 5:26-27).
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Your presence, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit” (Ps 51:10-12). Amen.
利未记8章 摩西膏亚伦成为大祭司,亚伦的儿子们为祭司。今天,耶稣是我们的大祭司(来2:17所以,他凡事该与他的弟兄相同,为要在神的事上成为慈悲忠信的大祭司,为百姓的罪献上挽回祭;3:1;7:26)。我们作为需要被洁净为圣的罪人来到祂面前。就像旧约的祭司一样,上帝的洁净礼使我们成圣。在圣洗礼中,上帝洗净我们(林前6:11你们中间也有人从前是这样;但如今你们奉主耶稣基督的名,并藉著我们神的灵,已经洗净,成圣,称义了)。祂用圣灵膏了我们(林后1:21-22那在基督里坚固我们和你们,并且膏我们的就是神。 他又用印印了我们,并赐圣灵在我们心里作凭据(原文作质))。基督自己洁净我们为祭司(弗5:26-27要用水藉著道把教会洗净,成为圣洁, 可以献给自己,作个荣耀的教会,毫无玷污、皱纹等类的病,乃是圣洁没有瑕疵的)。
“上帝啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直(或作:坚定)的灵。不要丢弃我,使我离开你的面;不要从我收回你的圣灵。 求你使我仍得救恩之乐,赐我乐意的灵扶持我”(诗51:10-12)。阿们。

Leviticus 9 Aaron begins his priestly duties with God’s approval. In the Divine Service, God’s people today share much in common with God’s OT people. Like them, we come before God and humbly confess our sins. We also seek anew the promise of forgiveness offered by God’s grace.
Precious Lord, we thank You for the glimpse of salvation in the sacrifices offered by Your OT priests. May we grow to understand the binding relationship we share through the Aaronic blessing and the communal meal made possible by the great atoning offering of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
利未记9章 亚伦带着上帝的许可开始他的祭司职分。在神圣服事(崇拜)中,今天上帝的百姓和旧约中上帝的百姓有很多共享的。像他们一样,我们来到上帝面前,谦卑承认我们的罪。我们也时常寻求上帝出于恩典赐下的赦罪应许。

Leviticus 10 The story of Nadab and Abihu’s thoughtlessness shows us that God is present in grace and in wrath. The God who justifies sinners also condemns those who will not sanctify the Lord. God’s people, the beneficiaries of His grace, should serve the Lord in reverence and awe (Heb 12:28-29). Jesus Christ, who bore the sins of all, declares us acceptable to God (1Pt2:24). Scripture calls this justification.
Lord, how awesome is Your almighty power. Thank You for Your grace, which justifies sinners like us and made us holy through the body and blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
利未记10章 拿答和亚比户轻率的故事向我们表明上帝不但会在恩典中,也在怒气中显现。称罪人为义的上帝也会咒诅那些不将主耶和华分别为圣的人。上帝的百姓,就是领受祂恩惠的,应当带着敬畏和惊奇服事主耶和华(来12:28-29所以我们既得了不能震动的国,就当感恩,照神所喜悦的,用虔诚、敬畏的心事奉神。因为我们的神乃是烈火)。耶稣基督,那背负所有人罪孽的,宣告我们是蒙上帝悦纳的(彼前2:24他被挂在木头上,亲身担当了我们的罪,使我们既然在罪上死,就得以在义上活。因他受的鞭伤,你们便得了医治)。圣经叫这个为“称义”。

Leviticus 11 Each dietary regulation was lovingly put in place so that God might protect His people from death such as what was experienced by Nadab and Abihu, who died because of their impurity. As seen in this section, the wages of sin is death (Rm 6:23a). Disobedience of God’s Word results in death. But in His Word, He grants life and fellowship by His grace.
Merciful Lord, You alone are holy, and You shared holiness with us through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the Law, and declared what was unclean to be clean. We thank You, Lord, for Your great mercy, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
利未记11章 每一项食物条例都被亲切地定规下来,好使上帝可以保护祂的百姓远离死亡,就如死于他们不洁的拿答和亚比户所经历了的。在这部分可以看见,罪的工价就是死亡(罗6:23a 因为罪的工价乃是死)。悖逆上帝话语(道)的结果就是死亡。但是在祂的话语(道)中,祂出于祂的恩典赐下生命和团契交通。

Leviticus 12 Childbirth made a woman ceremonially unclean. These rules would exempt the new mother from the rigors of the Law and her typical role in family/community life. They also promised cleansing and restoration. In these days, the Lord acts mercifully toward His daughters, even as He remembers us with kindness.
Merciful Father, we thank You for the rich blessings we find in Your Word. There we see how You placed Your Son under the Law, that we might have rest and peace. Amen.
利未记12章 生产使得一个妇人按照礼仪律是不洁净的。这些规定能够使刚生产的母亲免除律法的严苛,和她在家庭、社区生活中惯有的角色。它们(条例)也应许了洁净和恢复。在这些日子里,主耶和华向祂的女儿们施怜悯,甚至就像祂今日以慈爱纪念我们一样。

Leviticus 13 Infectious skin diseases, whether of the body or of clothing, make individuals unclean. Priestly legislation keeps God’s people clean, so that God might dwell among them and bless them (cf Ex 25:8). In Lv 13, we witness minute details of God’s Law. We also see God’s grace and His hand of protection providing guidelines for what is clean and unclean for His OT people. In Baptism, God clothes people today with Christ’s “righteousness and holiness” (Eph 4:23-24). Christ strips off our old self (Eph 4:22), and we are clothed in Him (Rm 13:14).
Lord, we see Your hand of grace in the teachings of Leviticus. Without it, You could not dwell among Your people. Strengthen us, we pray, with Your precious Word and Sacraments to life eternal. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
利未记13 有传染性的皮肤病,无论是身体上或是衣物上的,都会使人不洁净。祭司式法制能够保守上帝的百姓洁净,好使上帝可以在他们中间居住并且祝福他们(参 出25:8又当为我造圣所,使我可以住在他们中间)。在这一章,我们看见上帝律法的细枝末节。我们也看见上帝恩典和祂护佑的手,给祂旧约子民提供了什么是洁净,什么是不洁净的指南。在圣洗礼中,上帝用基督的“公义和圣洁”穿戴今天的子民(弗4:23-24又要将你们的心志改换一新,并且穿上新人;这新人是照著神的形像造的,有真理的仁义和圣洁)。基督扒去我们的老我(弗4:22就要脱去你们从前行为上的旧人,这旧人是因私欲的迷惑渐渐变坏的),并且我们披戴着基督(罗13:14总要披戴主耶稣基督,不要为肉体安排,去放纵私欲)。

Leviticus 14:1-32 Disease is a consequence of the fall into sin, which isolates God’s people outside the boundaries He established, but God provides the means to readmit those whose skin disease is healed. Thankfully, God now provides a means for the sinners, outside His boundaries, to return to Him: His own Son, Jesus Christ. When we repent, Christ removes our impurities, that we might daily be clothed in our Baptism (Gal 3:27; Col 3:9-10).
Lord God, we come before You with a deep sense of our unworthiness and of Your infinite love and grace. Forgive, protect, and guide us always, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
利未记14:1-32 疾病是堕落犯罪的一个代价,并且使得上帝的百姓隔离于祂所设置的界线之外,但是上帝提供了再次接纳那些皮肤病得医治之人的方式。感恩的是,如今上帝提供给在祂界线以外的罪人能够归回到祂那里的一条路:即祂自己的儿子耶稣基督。当我们悔改时,基督挪去我们的不洁,好叫我们每日在我们的圣洗礼中得以披戴祂(加3:27你们受洗归入基督的都是披戴基督了;西3:9-10不要彼此说谎;因你们已经脱去旧人和旧人的行为,穿上了新人。这新人在知识上渐渐更新,正如造他主的形像)。

Leviticus 14:33-57 Infected individuals and homes must be removed from God’s presence. In His mercy, God provides His priests with purification rites to cleanse individuals and homes. Ultimately, God sent His Son to enter the unclean home of sinners (cf Mt 26:6). Christ purifies and blesses our homes by His presence, as we pray, “Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest, and let these gifts to us be blessed.”
Bless our homes, Lord, we pray. Make them safe havens for the hearing of Your precious Word. Protect us from the power of the evil one. Amen.
利未记14:33-57 被感染的个人和房子必须从上帝面前除去。出于祂的怜悯,上帝提供洁净礼给祂的祭司,来洁净个人和房屋。最终,上帝差遣祂儿子进入罪人不洁净的家中(参太26:6耶稣在伯大尼长大麻疯的西门家里)。当我们祷告, “请来我们这儿做客,主耶稣,让这些礼物蒙祝福”时,基督就藉着祂的临在洁净并祝福我们的家。

Leviticus 15 Ritual impurity separates God from His people. God’s declaration that semen and menstrual blood cause uncleanness prevents His people from engaging in ritual prostitution. Lv 15 provides specific examples of how God provides a means to remove impurity and to make His people clean again. His Word, which threatens by the Law, also cleanses hearts by faith in the Gospel.
Lord, You alone have the power to make us clean in Your sight through the washing of Holy Baptism. Renew us by Your grace. Amen.
利未记15章 礼仪上的不洁使上帝与祂的百姓隔离。上帝对精子和经期之血能造成不洁的宣告,拦阻了祂的百姓参与庙妓淫乱。本章对上帝如何提供除去污秽并使祂的百姓再次得洁净的途径,给出了详尽具体的例子。祂那藉着律法产生威吓的话语(道),也藉着对福音的信,使心得洁净。

Leviticus 16 Once a year, on the 10th day of the seventh month, God implemented a mandatory Day of Atonement. Ritual sacrifices cleansed the sanctuary, tent of meeting, altar, priests, and entire congregation of their sins. The chief cleansing agent was blood, which pointed forward to Jesus’ sacrifice. By His death, Jesus offered the perfect sacrifice and entered the heavenly sanctuary with His blood (Heb 9:11-14), opening the way for believers to enter into God’s presence (Heb 6:20).
We give You thanks, Lord, for Your abundant mercy. You heard Your people’s prayers of repentance and sent Your precious Son to die for all. By His blood, we are made clean and enter into eternal life with You. Amen.
利未记16章 一年一次,每逢七月初十日,上帝实施一个必行的赎罪日。礼仪上的祭牲洁净圣所,会幕,祭坛,祭司和整个有罪的会众。用于洁净的首要媒介是血,向前指向耶稣的献祭。藉着祂的死亡,耶稣献上完美的祭物,并且凭着祂的血进入天上的至圣所(来9:11-14但现在基督已经来到,作了将来美事的大祭司,经过那更大更全备的帐幕,不是人手所造、也不是属乎这世界的…),为信徒打开了进入上帝同在的路(来6:20作先锋的耶稣,既照著麦基洗德的等次成了永远的大祭司,就为我们进入幔内)。

Leviticus 17:1-9 God proclaims His dwelling place as the exclusive place for sacrifices. He does not want His people running after false gods. Today, avoid every association with idolatrous practices. Jesus is the only way to the Father (Jn 1:17-18; 14:6). He alone atones for our sins of idolatry with His precious blood (Rm 3:25). By God’s grace, He offers eternal life (Rm 6:23).
Father in heaven, grant us undivided hearts focused on Your dear Son, who came to ransom us from our sin, that we might receive the joy of Your salvation. Amen.
利未记17:1-9 上帝吩咐祂的居所为唯一献祭的地方。祂不愿祂的百姓追随假神。今天,请逃避与拜偶像有关的任何操练。耶稣是到圣父那里去的唯一道路(约1:17-18;14:6耶稣说「我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉著我,没有人能到父那里去 )。唯有祂用祂的宝血为我们拜偶像的罪付上赎价(罗3:25神设立耶稣作挽回祭,是凭著耶稣的血,藉著人的信,要显明神的义;因为他用忍耐的心宽容人先时所犯的罪)。出于上帝的恩典,祂赐下永恒生命(罗6:23因为罪的工价乃是死;惟有神的恩赐,在我们的主基督耶稣里,乃是永生)。

Leviticus 17:10-16 God forbids the wanton killing of birds and animals. He desires that respect be shown for all life. Those who kill wantonly are held accountable for each life. Thanks be to God for the precious, life-giving blood of Jesus, who has reconciled us to the Father.
Father of mercy, You provided Your ancient people with ordinances that respected lifeblood as the atonement of sins. By Christ’s blood, You redeemed all people. Thank You for Your gracious gifts through Jesus Christ. Amen.
利未记17:10-16 上帝禁止对鸟和动物的随意杀戮。祂所愿的是所有生命都得到尊重。那些随意杀戮的将要为每一个生命负责。耶稣使我们与圣父和好,为着祂宝贵和赐生命的血,感谢归给上帝。

Leviticus 18 Sexual purity is so important to God that He issued decrees detailing how to protect it. Only intercourse between a husband and wife is approved by God. God speaks against sexual sins among Christians as well (Eph 5:5-6; Heb 13:4). The Gospel sets people free from sin, but that freedom is not an excuse for committing sin. God knows our hearts and provides marriage to protect us from sin (1Co 7:2). In faithfulness to His Church, He hallows us and provides for our forgiveness from all sins.
Lord of the Church, forgive me and protect my heart from all impurity. Keep me from sexual sin by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
利未记18章 性的圣洁对上帝来说如此重要,以致祂颁布律例将如何保护它细节化。只有丈夫和妻子之间的性关系是上帝许可的。上帝也说祂反对基督徒中间淫乱的罪(弗5:5-6因为你们确实的知道,无论是淫乱的,是污秽的,是有贪心的,在基督和神的国里都是无分的。有贪心的,就与拜偶像的一样。不要被人虚浮的话欺哄;因这些事,神的忿怒必临到那悖逆之子;来13:4婚姻,人人都当尊重,床也不可污秽;因为苟合行淫的人,神必要审判)。福音使人从罪中得自由,但自由不是犯罪的借口。上帝知道我们的心,所以提供婚姻来保护我们远离罪(林前7:2但要免淫乱的事,男子当各有自己的妻子;女子也当各有自己的丈夫)。出于对祂教会的忠贞,祂分别我们为圣,并且供应我们从所有罪中得赦免的所需。

Leviticus 19:1-8 God ties His holiness to Israel in words not unlike those of Jesus, who said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:5). He is the source of our holiness, life, and salvation. God attached Himself to us through His means of grace. God’s Word and Sacraments feed and nourish us as surely as a vine feeds and nourishes its branches.
Lord, by Your abundant grace, have mercy on us. Nurture us through Your Word and Sacraments, through Christ, our Savior. Amen.
利未记19:1-8 上帝将祂的圣洁与以色列人连系起来,所用的话语和耶稣所说的并没有区别,耶稣说,“我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。常在我里面的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子;因为离了我,你们就不能做什麽”(约15:5)。祂是我们圣洁,生命和救恩的源泉。上帝藉着祂恩典的媒介将祂自己与我们连结起来。正如葡萄树喂养,滋润它的枝子一样,非常确切地,上帝的话语(道)和圣礼也喂养滋润我们。

Leviticus 19:9-18 God wants His holiness reflected in the lives and conduct of His people. The Israelites community shared in God’s holiness, and so do believers today (cf 1Co 1:2). We are hallowed in the Lord’s name.
Almighty Father, may our conduct reflect sincere faith in Your Gospel. Deliver us from evil thoughts and deeds for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
利未记19:9-18 上帝盼望祂的圣洁能够在祂子民的生活和行为中反映出来。以色列人的社区分享上帝的圣洁,今天的信徒也当如此(参 林前1:2写信给在哥林多神的教会,就是在基督耶稣里成圣、蒙召作圣徒的,以及所有在各处求告我主耶稣基督之名的人。基督是他们的主,也是我们的主)。我们是被分别为圣归在主名下的。

Leviticus 19:19-37 Through these holy ordinances, God demands the obedience of His people. By His grace, He also chooses to dwell among them and shower them with blessings. By His hand, they were delivered from the corruption of Egypt; by His hand, they would drive out the Canaanites and settle in their land; and by His hand, the land would bring forth its abundance. Today, by the Lord’s nail-pierced hands, we are His people. As God’s holy people, we bring Christ’s message of salvation to all nations (Mt 28:19-20), which is the ultimate expression of loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Forgive us, Lord, for we do not always love our neighbor as ourselves. Strengthen us by Your Holy Spirit, that we may continually boast in what You have done. Amen.
利未记19:19-37 藉着这些圣洁的条例,上帝要求祂子民的遵从。出于祂的恩典,祂也选择住在他们中间,并且用祝福沐浴他们。藉着祂的手,他们得以从埃及地的败坏中获救。藉着祂的手,他们可以赶出迦南人,并且定居在他们的土地上;藉着祂的手,那地可以出产丰盛。今天,藉着主钉痕的手,我们成为祂的百姓。作为上帝圣洁的百姓,我们将基督的救恩信息带给万民(太28:19-20 所以,你们要去,使万民作我的门徒,奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗(或作:给他们施洗,归於父、子、圣灵的名)。凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守,我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了」),这也就是对爱我们邻舍像爱我们自己一样的终极表达。

Leviticus 20:1-9 In response for all He has done, God commands the loyalty of His people. To protect those He loves from spiritual whoring, God decrees that those who follow false gods be dealt with decisively. God wants their influence eliminated, that others will not fall away and spend eternity apart from Him. Today, God’s Law continues to reveal us as sinners deserving death (Rm 3:9-20), but Jesus reveals that He came not to condemn but to save sinners (Jn 3:17-18). Through Baptism, He grants new life in His Word (Rm 6:1-11; 1Co 6:9-11).
Father, we thank You for setting us apart through the blessings of Holy Baptism. Amen.
利未记20:1-9 上帝吩咐祂的子民要忠信,作为对祂所做一切的回应。为了保护那些祂所爱的人远离属灵的淫乱,上帝下令那些跟随假神的应当被果断处置。上帝想要消灭他们的影响,好叫其他人不会跟着堕落,以至于在永恒中与祂无份。今天,上帝的律法继续显明我们作为罪人是当死的(罗3:9-20…所以凡有血气的,没有一个因行律法能在神面前称义,因为律法本是叫人知罪),但耶稣说祂来不是要审判,乃是要拯救罪人(约3:17-18因为神差他的儿子降世,不是要定世人的罪(或作:审判世人;下同),乃是要叫世人因他得救。信他的人,不被定罪;不信的人,罪已经定了,因为他不信神独生子的名 )。藉着圣洗礼,祂在祂的圣道中赐下新生命(罗6:1-11…所以,我们藉著洗礼归入死,和他一同埋葬,原是叫我们一举一动有新生的样式,像基督藉著父的荣耀从死里复活一样;林前6:9-11…你们中间也有人从前是这样;但如今你们奉主耶稣基督的名,并藉著我们神的灵,已经洗净,成圣,称义了)。

Leviticus 20:10-21 Sexual immorality defiles individuals, making them unclean. Because these individuals are God’s holy people, their sexual conduct desecrates God’s name as well. Today, the closest thing we have to sacrificing children on Molech’s altar is the sin of abortion offered to the idol of personal convenience. God calls us to honor Him with our bodies (1Pt 1:14-15), to refrain from sexual immorality (Ac 15:29), and offer our lives in humble service. Christians, too, are accountable to God for their behavior. Thank God, He protects and preserves families from Satan’s clutches and provides forgiveness for even the most destructive sins.
Lord God, You are a light in the darkness of this world. Forgive our sins. Send Your Holy Spirit to bless and keep us. In Christ we pray. Amen.
利未记20:10-21 淫乱的罪污秽人,使他们成为不洁。因为这些淫乱的人本是上帝圣洁的子民,他们的性行为也就亵渎了上帝的名。今天,我们最类似于献儿女给摩洛的事,就是堕胎献给个人便利之偶像的罪。上帝呼召我们要用我们的身体尊荣祂(彼前1:14-15 你们既作顺命的儿女,就不要效法从前蒙昧无知的时候那放纵私欲的样子。那召你们的既是圣洁,你们在一切所行的事上也要圣洁),远离淫乱的罪(徒15:29就是禁戒祭偶像的物和血,并勒死的牲畜和奸淫。这几件你们若能自己禁戒不犯就好了。愿你们平安!」),并且献上我们的生命,用于谦卑的服事。基督徒,也会为着他们的行为向上帝交账。感谢上帝,祂保守和存留家庭,远离撒旦的爪牙,并且甚至提供赦免,给那些最具有破坏力的罪。

Leviticus 20:22-27 In reading Lv, we might feel threatened by the Law. Do this Don’t do that! Or we may become legalistic, thinking salvation hinges on our goodness. Recognize that God made His people holy by grace, and in the Law He guides them away from the self-destructive customs of the nations. In the Gospel of Jesus Christ, believers have freedom from their sins, freedom to please God as He beloved, chosen people.
Lord, You saw us as sinners, yet loved us still. By Your grace, You washed us in the water of Baptism and made us new creations. Sustain us with the life-giving body and blood of Your Son. Send Your Holy Spirit to make us pure. Keep us as Your ambassadors, living examples of Your love for all people. Amen.
利未记20:22-27 读利未记时,我们可能会感到律法的威胁。要做这个,不能做那个!或者我们可能因此变得律法主义,认为得救赎是取决于我们的善行。请认识清楚,上帝使祂的子民成为圣洁是出于恩典,而在律法中,祂引导他们远离那些周边民族的自杀毁灭性习俗。在耶稣基督的福音里,信徒得以从他们的罪中自由,并且作为祂蒙爱拣选的百姓自由地讨上帝喜悦。

Leviticus 21:1-22:16 God sets His priests apart. They determine what is holy and what is common (10:10). Such an important responsibility requires rules to protect their consecration before God so that they would not die as did Nadab and Abihu. All the people are responsible for helping priests maintain their sacred status before God. Today, Christ’s atoning death makes us members of God’s royal priesthood (1Pt 2:9). As members of His royal priesthood, God separates us from every defilement (2Co 7:1) and calls us to care for one another.
Lord, as You have set us apart for Yourself, lead us to set our hearts on You and our feet on the way of Your statutes, to the honor of Your name. Amen.
利未记21:1-22:16 上帝将祂的祭司分别为圣。他们要将圣的和俗的分别开来(10:10使你们可以将圣的、俗的,洁净的、不洁净的,分别出来)。如此重要的责任需要条例来在上帝面前保护他们的圣洁,好叫他们不至于像拿答和亚比户那样死去。所有百姓都有责任帮助祭司在上帝面前保有他们神圣的职分。今天,基督的代赎死亡使我们成为上帝尊君祭司的成员(彼前2:9惟有你们是被拣选的族类,是有君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国度,是属神的子民,要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德)。作为祂尊君祭司的成员,上帝将我们从每一种污秽中分别开来(林后7:1亲爱的弟兄啊,我们既有这等应许,就当洁净自己,除去身体、灵魂一切的污秽,敬畏神,得以成圣),并且呼召我们彼此相顾。

Leviticus 22:17-33 Our God is a holy God who shares His holiness with His people. By keeping God’s ordinances, the Israelites reflect God’s love back to Him and to one another. Failure to keep God’s commands destroys any assurance of God’s acceptance of their sacrifice and of them. Today, God brings His people into His holy presence through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ (Eph 2:17-22). By His Word, God sanctifies us and makes us holy (Jn 17:17; cf Eph 5:26), that we may present ourselves unblemished to God as a “living sacrifice” (Rm 12:1).
“Lord Jesus, my salvation, My light, my life divine, My only consolation, O make me wholly Thine! For Thou has dearly bought me With blood and bitter pain. Let me, since Thou hast sought me, Eternal life obtain.” Amen. (LSB 689:2)
利未记22:17-33 我们的上帝是圣洁的上帝,祂将祂的圣洁分享于祂的百姓。藉着遵守上帝的律例,以色列人将上帝的爱映射给祂,还有映射给彼此。没有遵行上帝的吩咐就摧毁他们及他们的祭物蒙上帝悦纳的任何确据。今天,上帝将祂的百姓藉着祂儿子耶稣基督的血带进祂圣洁的同在中(弗2:17-22因为我们两下藉著他被一个圣灵所感,得以进到父面前…)。藉着祂的道,上帝洁净我们,使我们成圣(约17:17 求你用真理使他们成圣;你的道就是真理;参 弗5:26要用水藉著道把教会洗净,成为圣洁),好叫我们可以将我们自己毫无瑕疵地作为“活祭”献给上帝(罗12:1所以弟兄们,我以神的慈悲劝你们,将身体献上,当作活祭,是圣洁的,是神所喜悦的;你们如此事奉乃是理所当然的)。

Leviticus 23:1-3 Ch 23 represents a liturgical calendar for the Israelites. All such festivals and Sabbaths prefigure Christ (Col 2:16-17). The life of Jesus Christ shapes the Christian liturgical calendar, granting rest not only for our weary bodies but also for our weary souls.
Lord, may we always see the life of Christ reflected in our service, since He comes near to us through His precious Word and Sacraments. Amen.
利未记23:1-3 本章代表一个赐给以色列人的教会年历。所有这些节期和安息日预表着基督(西2:16-17 所以,不拘在饮食上,或节期、月朔、安息日都不可让人论断你们。这些原是後事的影儿;那形体却是基督)。耶稣基督的生命塑造了基督徒的教会年历,不仅赐安息给我们疲惫的身体,而且也给我们疲惫的灵魂。

Leviticus 23:4-8 Remembrance of God’s deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt was the most important component in their liturgical calendar. He made redemption the chief theme of their service. Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, was slain on Good Friday as the Passover lambs were sacrificed. His sacrifice made redemption the chief theme of our worship too.
Blessed Redeemer, deliver us from all evil through Jesus Christ, our Paschal Lamb. Amen.
利未记23:4-8 纪念上帝拯救以色列人出埃及,是他们教会年历的最重要部分。祂使救赎成为他们服事的首要主题。耶稣基督,上帝的羔羊,正如逾越节的羔羊被献为祭一样,在受难星期五那天被杀。祂的赎罪祭也使得救赎成为我们敬拜的首要主题。

Leviticus 23:9-14 Ritual celebrations remind the Israelites of God’s blessing of the harvest. Today, the food that sustains us is likewise a gift from His kindness. At every meal, offer thanks to God for His generous gift of daily bread and blessing, from the One who has blessed us with the bread of life.
Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest, and let these gifts to be blessed. Amen.
利未记23:9-14 礼仪庆祝以上帝所赐收割的祝福提醒以色列人。今天,供养我们的食物同样也是从祂的良善来的礼物。每一餐,请为祂日用饮食和祝福的慷慨礼物,就是从那位用生命粮祝福我们的主而来的,将感谢献给上帝。

Leviticus 23:15-22 God reminds His people that He is the source of all their blessings. He desires that they pause to thank Him during the wheat harvest. At Pentecost in the NT, God poured out the rich blessings of His Holy Spirit to begin a new harvest: God’s harvest of believers in Christ.
Lord, strengthen us with Your Holy Spirit, that we might gather a rich harvest of souls for Christ, so others may receive Your joy and rest. Amen.
利未记23:15-22 上帝提醒祂的百姓祂是他们所有祝福的源泉。祂所愿的就是他们能够在谷物收割时,暂停一下并将感谢献给祂。在新约中的五旬节,上帝浇灌下来祂圣灵的丰盛祝福,来开始一个新的收割:即上帝在基督里收割信徒。

Leviticus 23:23-25 God’s acclamation as Israel’s King ushers in the seventh month of the calendar. As Israel celebrated God’s reign through the old covenant, we celebrate His present reign in Christ, our gracious Lord.
Lord God, precious King, make us ever mindful of Your abundant mercies. Amen.
利未记23:23-25 对上帝作以色列王的赞美是在年历的第七个月(头一日)进行。就像以色列在整个旧约中庆祝上帝掌王权一样,我们也庆祝祂今日在我们恩典的主基督里掌权。

Leviticus 23:26-32 The Day of Atonement was the great day of rest in the Sabbath month (23:32), with no work performed the entire day. Like Passover, the Day of Atonement commemorated God’s mercy and was an annual call to repentance and faith. Though our repentance should be daily, a season each year for repentance (e.g., Lent) helps us focus intentionally on our need for the Savior and the blessings He offers through the Church.
God of mercy, thank You for the atoning death of Your Son. Grant me sincere repentance and faith. Amen.
利未记23:26-32 赎罪日是安息月中大的安息日子(23:32),一整天都不作工。就像逾越节一样,赎罪日也是纪念上帝的怜悯,并且是对悔罪和信心的一次年度性呼召。尽管我们的悔改应当是每日的,但每年一个特别的季节用于悔罪(比如, 预苦期)可以帮助我们有目的地专注在我们对救赎主和祂藉着教会所赐福份的需要上。

Leviticus 23:33-44 The Feast of Booths concluded the festival half of the liturgy that began at Passover and commemorated Israel’s safe travel on the way to the Promised Land. As you start each new journey, call on God’s blessing and commemorate His care. Walk with Him by faith. His peace will comfort you in all circumstances.
As You watched over Israel, dearest Jesus, and journeyed with the disciples, so also abide with me and watch over me until, by Your grace, I reach my eternal home in heaven. Amen.
利未记23:33-44 教会年历开始于逾越节,而到了住棚节就过了一半,住棚节是纪念以色列去往应许之地的平安旅途。每当你开始一个新的旅程,请呼求上帝的祝福,纪念祂的看顾。凭着信心与祂同行。祂的平安将在所有的境况中安慰你。

Leviticus 24:1-4 Aaron or his sons attend the lamps twice daily to maintain light in the Holy Place. As you serve the Lord daily, rejoice and attend the light of His Word, which enlightens the sanctuary of the heart. Jesus is the light of the world (Jn 8:12; 9:5).
Shine Your light on us, O Lord, that others might see the light of Christ through us. Amen.
利未记24:1-4 亚伦或他的儿子们每天两次收拾这些灯,要保持圣所里有光。当你每日服事主时,要专心于祂话语的光并且为之欢欣,因为祂的话语照亮心中的圣所。耶稣就是世界的光(约8:12耶稣又对众人说:「我是世界的光。跟从我的,就不在黑暗里走,必要得著生命的光。」;9:5我在世上的时候,是世上的光)。

Leviticus 24:5-9 The second ordinance involves the bread of the Presence. Each Sabbath, the high priest sets 12 new loaves before the Lord (v 8). As you thank God for daily bread, remember that Jesus is the bread of life (Jn 6:35, 48). He gives His flesh as bread for all believers (Jn 6:51) and grants life (Jn 6:53-55).
Lord, Your precious body provides bread for our souls in a lasting covenant. We thank and praise You, O Lord. Amen.
利未记24:5-9 第二个条例是关于陈设饼的。每安息日,大祭司就要将12个新饼摆在主耶和华面前(8节)。当你为着日用饮食感谢上帝时,请记得耶稣就是生命的粮(约6:35耶稣说:「我就是生命的粮。到我这里来的,必定不饿;信我的,永远不渴;48我就是生命的粮)。祂赐祂的肉作为粮食给所有的信徒(约6:51我是从天上降下来生命的粮;人若吃这粮,就必永远活著。我所要赐的粮就是我的肉,为世人之生命所赐的)并且赐下生命(约6:53-55吃我肉、喝我血的人就有永生,在末日我要叫他复活…)。

Leviticus 24:10-16 The third ordinance (see note, vv 1-4) deals with God’s holy name. God equates this blasphemy with the sin of idolatry because it undermined true worship. Blasphemers were cursed by God (cf Mt 25:41). The Lord bids us to hallow God’s name (Mt 6:9), to call on His name (1Co 1:2), and to do everything in His name (Col 3:17). God’s name is “a treasure greater and nobler than heaven and earth” (LC IV 16).
Lord, may we at all times remember Your name and keep it holy. Amen.
利未记24:10-16 第三个条例是关乎上帝的圣名。上帝将这亵渎与拜偶像的罪同等,因为它
败坏了正确的敬拜。亵渎者要被上帝咒诅(参 太25:41王又要向那左边的说:『你们这被咒诅的人,离开我!进入那为魔鬼和他的使者所预备的永火里去)。主耶和华吩咐我们尊上帝的名为圣(太6:9所以,你们祷告要这样说:我们在天上的父:愿人都尊你的名为圣),求告祂的名(林前1:2写信给在哥林多神的教会,就是在基督耶稣里成圣、蒙召作圣徒的,以及所有在各处求告我主耶稣基督之名的人。基督是他们的主,也是我们的主),并且凡事奉祂的名去行(西3:17 无论做什麽,或说话或行事,都要奉主耶稣的名,藉著他感谢父神)。上帝的名是“一个比天和地都伟大,都尊贵的珍宝”(大问答 4:16)。

Leviticus 24:17-23 God establishes a system for administering justice based on equality and compensation for loss. However, no human compensation could give back to the Lord the honor due His saving name. Thanks be to God, Christ’s atoning death brings forgiveness of blasphemy and teaches us to call on His mercy.
O Lord, guide our lips, that every word we say may give glory and honor to Your precious name. Amen.
利未记24:17-23 上帝基于平等和损失赔偿,设立了一个执行公正审判的系统。然而,没有任何人的赔偿可以将主耶和华祂拯救的名应得的荣耀归还给祂。感谢归给上帝,基督的赎罪死亡带来亵渎之罪的赦免,也教导我们呼求祂的怜悯。

Leviticus 25:1-7 Just as humankind needs a Sabbath rest, so the land needs rest. Because the land belongs to God, it was returned to Him every seventh year. All we have belongs to the Lord, our Maker and Redeemer. Honor Him with your property and life, even as He blesses and prospers you in His loving care.
Lord of heaven and earth, may we never forget that all we have, including the salvation of our souls, is provided by Your gracious hand. Amen.
利未记25:1-7 正如人需要安息日休息一样,土地也需要休息。因为土地属于上帝,所以需要每七年归回给祂。我们所拥有的一切都属于我们的创造者和救赎者,主耶和华。要用你们的财物和生命尊荣祂,甚至就像祂出于祂慈爱的看顾祝福你,使你繁荣一样。

Leviticus 25:8-22 The Year of Jubilee provides God’s people with restored freedoms. Lands are returned to their original owners, slaves are freed, land is given rest, and loans are written off. In this way, the Lord emphasizes freedom, family, property rights, and devotion, which make a nation strong. In Christ, we find our jubilee. In Him, our sins are forgiven, and we receive our “eternal inheritance” (Heb 9:15).
Thank You, Lord, for freeing us from the bondage of sin. May we honor You by our freedom, family, and goods. Amen.
利未记25:8-22 禧年将重获的自由供应给上帝的子民。土地归回它们的原主,奴隶重获自由,土地得着安息,还有债务被抹去。用这种方式,主耶和华就高举了自由,家庭,财产权,和归属,这些都使得一个民族壮大。在基督里,我们得着了我们的禧年。在祂里面,我们的罪得到赦免,并且我们领受我们“永恒的产业”(来9:15为此,他作了新约的中保,既然受死赎了人在前约之时所犯的罪过,便叫蒙召之人得著所应许永远的产业)。

Leviticus 25:23-24 Land is God’s gift to His people through their tribes and clans. God desires that this gift stay in families and never be bargained or sold. God’s laws of redemption made this possible. At all times, land sold by a poor family member could be redeemed. How greatly the Lord treasures families! In love, God has redeemed us from sin through the precious blood of His Son. We are bought and paid for. We are His.
Lord, we praise You for sending a kinsman-Redeemer, Jesus Christ, to redeem us with His precious blood. Amen.
利未记25:23-24 土地是上帝透过他们的支派和宗族赐给祂子民的礼物。上帝所愿的是这礼物能够存留在家庭中,并且永不会被交易掉或出售。上帝救赎的法规使得这成为可能。任何时候,一个贫困的家庭成员所卖的土地总是可以被赎回。主耶和华是多麽珍视家庭啊!出于爱,上帝藉着祂儿子的宝血从罪中赎买了我们。我们被买回,被付了赎价。我们是祂的了。

Leviticus 25:35-46 Israelites are to respect one another, regardless of their financial circumstances. God expects His people to honor Him for His great provisions by treating others with respect (Ex 20:12-17). We also see God’s faithfulness in the provision of land. For our sakes, Jesus Christ became poor, that He might provide us with God’s blessings (2Co 8:9). As our Brother, He frees us from the bondage of sin.
Merciful Savior, lead me to love and respect my brothers and sisters and serve for their benefit, in accordance with Your merciful goodness. Amen.
利未记25:35-46 以色列人应当彼此尊重,无论他们的财务状况如何。上帝期望祂的百姓因着祂丰盛的供应,能够以尊重善待他人,并藉此尊荣祂(出20:12-17)。我们也在土地的出产中看见上帝的信实。为着我们的缘故,耶稣基督甘愿降卑,以致祂可以将上帝的祝福供应给我们(林后8:9你们知道我们主耶稣基督的恩典:他本来富足,却为你们成了贫穷,叫你们因他的贫穷,可以成为富足)。作为我们的弟兄,祂使我们从罪的捆绑中得释放。

Leviticus 25:47-55 God set apart the Israelites by His covenant. Those who entered bond-service because of debts were to be treated with respect, for they did not belong to their master but to God. Today, those in Christ are likewise beneficiaries of God’s grace (Ac 10:39-43). Because we are released from our debts, we are called to have mercy on others, to release them from their debts (Mt 6:12). We now await the restoration promised in the heavenly Jubilee (Ac 3:21).
Lord of promise, thank You for our release from sin. We await the fullness of heaven, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
利未记25:47-55 上帝藉着祂的约将以色列人分别为圣。那些因着债务进入奴隶劳工的,应当得到有尊严的对待,因为他们不属于他们的主人,而是属于上帝。今天,那些在基督里的也同样是上帝恩典的受惠者(徒10:39-43…众先知也为他作见证说:『凡信他的人必因他的名得蒙赦罪)。因为我们从我们的罪债中得释放,我们也就蒙召要以怜悯待他人,从他们的债中释放他们(太6:12免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债)。我们如今等候那已应许了的在天上禧年中的恢复(徒3:21天必留他,等到万物复兴的时候,就是神从创世以来、藉著圣先知的口所说的)。

Leviticus 26:1-13 By the Word of promise, the Lord grants us faith, that we may walk by faith and enjoy His blessings of abundance and peace. Failure to walk with God brings painful consequences (vv 14-39). Therefore, cling to God’s Word, especially His promise that His people belong to Him (v 13).
Lord, we entrust our lives to You. You alone have the words of eternal life. Amen.
利未记26:1-13 藉着应许的话语(道),主耶和华赐我们信心,好叫我们可以凭信而行,并享受祂富裕和平安的祝福。没能与上帝同行就会带来痛苦的后果(14-39节)。因此,请紧握上帝的话语,特别是祂的应许:祂的子民属于祂(13节 我是耶和华你们的神,曾将你们从埃及地领出来,使你们不作埃及人的奴仆;我也折断你们所负的轭,叫你们挺身而走)。

Leviticus 26:14-46 Failure to obey God’s statutes, rules, and laws result in punishment. God’s discipline intensifies as the disobedience intensifies against Him. One by one, God removes His blessings in order to lead His people back to Him in repentance, that He may again shower them with His grace (2Pt 3:9). The epitome of God’s grace is seen at the cross, where His Son died to remove the curse brought by sin (cf 1Jn 1:9).
“O almighty God, merciful Father, I, a poor, miserable sinner, confess unto You all my sins and iniquities with which I have ever offended You and justly deserved Your temporal and eternal punishment. But I am heartily sorry for them and sincerely repent of them, and I pray You of Your boundless mercy and for the sake of the holy, innocent, bitter sufferings and death of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to be gracious and merciful to me, a poor, sinful being.” Amen. (LSB, p 184)
利未记26:14-26 没能遵行上帝的法度,条例,和律令就带来刑罚。随着悖逆祂的程度不断升级,上帝的管教也会升级。一个接着一个,上帝挪去祂的祝福,为的是带领祂的百姓在懊悔中归回祂,好叫祂能够再一次以祂的恩典沐浴他们(彼后3:9主所应许的尚未成就,有人以为他是耽延,其实不是耽延,乃是宽容你们,不愿有一人沉沦,乃愿人人都悔改)。上帝
恩典的完全范例都显明在十字架上了,祂的儿子为要挪去罪所带来的咒诅,死在十字架上(参 约一1:9 我们若认自己的罪,神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义)。

Leviticus 27 Lv concludes by showing how all God’s people are involved in the stewardship of God’s house. Based on how God has blessed them, each Israelite provides materials and finances for the maintenance of God’s sanctuary for the ongoing operation of the Divine Service. The collection of our offerings during the liturgy serves a parallel purpose (cf Ac 4:34-5:11). Our offerings are part of the holy work of God’s people for the benefit of the world (Rm 15:27; 2Co 9:12). Through our offerings, we bear witness to what God has done through Calvary’s cross.
“What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits to me? I will offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call on the name of the Lord. I will take the cup of salvation and will call on the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows to the Lord now in the presence of all His people, in the courts of the Lord’s house, in the midst of you, O Jerusalem.” Amen. (LSB, p 176)
利未记27 本章展现了所有上帝的子民该如何参与到上帝家中的服事,利未记到此结束。基于上帝如何祝福了他们,每个以色列人提供物质和金钱来供应上帝圣所的维护,用于“神圣的服事(Divine Service)”。我们崇拜中的奉献收集也有着平行的目的(参 徒4:34-5:11使徒大有能力,见证主耶稣复活;众人也都蒙大恩。内中也没有一个缺乏的,因为人人将田产房屋都卖了,把所卖的价银拿来,放在使徒脚前,照各人所需用的,分给各人…)。我们的奉献也是上帝子民为了这个世界的益处,所做神圣之工的一部分(罗15:27这固然是他们乐意的,其实也算是所欠的债;因外邦人既然在他们属灵的好处上有分,就当把养身之物供给他们;林后9:12因为办这供给的事,不但补圣徒的缺乏,而且叫许多人越发感谢神)。透过我们的奉献,我们见证上帝藉着加略山的十字架所做的。



Numbers 1:1-46 Through a census, the Lord shows Moses that Israel has grown mightily. However, the strength of God’s people does not depend on size and military strength but on His Word and grace. How good to know that God counts you righteous in His sight through His Son, who lived perfectly for you and died as the atoning sacrifice for your sin. In Christ, God numbers you among His people through your Baptism, providing all you need for your earthly journey to the promised land of heaven.
Lord, keep me ever faithful to Your Word, and sustain me with Your grace in the family of all believers. Thank You for freeing me from bondage to sin, death, and the devil, through Christ, my Lord. Amen.
民数记1:1-46 透过数点人数,主耶和华给摩西看见以色列已经迅猛增长。然而,上帝百姓的力量不倚赖于人的多少或者军队的实力,而是在于祂的话语和恩典。上帝的儿子曾经为你完美地活在地上,为你的罪作为赎罪祭而死,上帝透过祂的儿子在祂眼里算你为义,知道这些是多么的美好啊。在基督里,上帝藉着你的圣洗礼将你收纳为祂的子民,并且供应你在地上去往天上应许之地的旅途的一切所需。

Numbers 1:47-54 The Lord sets the Levites apart for special service. Their duty is spiritual, not military. God charges the Levites with moving, maintaining, and protecting the tabernacle, God’s dwelling place. As an added means of protection, He instructs the Israelites to camp around the tabernacle; the Levites serve as the final defense against defilement (vv 52-53). See diagram, p 139). By God’s grace, all the people huddle about His sacred dwelling and enjoy the blessings of His presence.
Praise be to God, who sets us apart by His Holy Spirit, and who guards the faith He has worked in us through our Baptism. Amen.
民数记1:47-54 主耶和华将利未人为了特别的服事分别开来。他们的职分是属灵的,而不是军事上的。上帝吩咐利未人挪移、拆卸和保护帐幕,就是上帝的居所。祂指导以色列人围着帐幕安营,作为一个保护的额外措施;利未人服事,是作为抵御污秽的最后一道屏障(52-53节…但利未人要在法柜帐幕的四围安营,免得忿怒临到以色列会众;利未人并要谨守法柜的帐幕)。请看图示,139页。靠赖上帝的恩典,所有百姓围着祂神圣的居所,享受祂同在的祝福。

Numbers 2 God’s dwelling place is the center of Israelite life. Note that v 17, referring to the Levites and the movement of the tent of meeting, is the central verse of the 34 verses in ch 2. When encamped, the Israelites face the tent of meeting, showing the centrality of God’s place for their lives. For today’s believers, Christ dwells in our midst and incorporates us into His holy tabernacle, the Church.
Lord, dwell among us by Your Word and Spirit, that we may keep You first in our lives and follow You always. Amen.
民数记2章 上帝的居所是以色列人生活的中心。17节提到利未人和会幕的挪移,就是第二章共34节经文中的核心经节。当安营下来时,以色列人都是朝向会幕的,表示上帝的居所就是他们生命的中心。对于今天的信徒来说,基督住在我们中间,将我们纳入祂的圣洁帐幕,就是教会中。

Numbers 3:1-4 Aaron’s sons are set apart to serve as God’s high priests. They would be the anointed leaders of the tabernacle and later the temple, down to the first century, when Herod’s temple was destroyed in AD 70. Although Aaron’s oldest sons, Nadab and Abihu, offended the Lord and were consumed by fire, in His mercy God raised up new, faithful leaders in Aaron’s younger sons. Today, pray for the leaders of your congregation and community, that they may walk in the ways of the Lord. He will hear your prayer for Jesus’ sake and lead you into a blessed future.
Merciful Father, lead us always by Your Son, who is ever faithful. Amen.
民数记3:1-4 亚伦的儿子们被分别开来,作为上帝的大祭司来服事。他们会成为帐幕的,后来是圣殿的受膏领袖,直到第一世界,就是希律圣殿在公元70年被毁的时候。尽管亚伦年长的儿子拿答和亚比户,得罪了主耶和华并因此被火吞噬,但上帝出于祂的怜悯在亚伦年轻的儿子中兴起了新的、有忠心的领袖。今天,请为你的教会和社区领袖们祷告,好叫他们可以行在主耶和华的道路上。祂会因着耶稣的缘故垂听你的祈祷,并且带领你进入蒙福的未来。

Numbers 3:5-39 The Lord chooses the Levites to assist the sons of Aaron, His anointed priests. Each levitical clan performs assigned duties for the care and security of the sanctuary (tent of meeting) and its precious contents (vv 25, 31, 36-37). Just as the Lord consecrated the Levites to care for the tabernacle and to support the services of the sanctuary, He likewise calls and consecrates His people today to support the ministry of the Word. The Lord has a place for you to serve among His people. Rejoice in the mutual love and care He provides for all in Christ Jesus.
O God, by Your grace through Christ, You have made us Your temple. Bless our service together in spreading the Word of salvation to all nations. Amen.
民数记3:5-39 主耶和华拣选利未人协助祂受膏的祭司,就是亚伦的儿子们。每一个利未宗族履行指定的职责,看顾和保护圣所(会幕)以及它里面的宝贵物件(25,31,36-37…米拉利子孙的职分是看守帐幕的板、闩、柱子、带卯的座,和帐幕一切所使用的器具)。正如主耶和华分别利未人为圣来看管帐幕并且协助圣所里的服事一样,祂同样呼召祂今天的百姓,并将他们分别为圣,来支持话语(圣道)的事工。主耶和华在祂的百姓中有给你预备地方服事。要在祂为所有在基督耶稣里的人提供的彼此相爱和看顾中欢喜快乐。

Numbers 3:40-51 According to the Law, the firstborn sons belong to the Lord (Ex 34:20). In their place, God appoints the Levites and allows for the redemption of all firstborn Israelite sons, foreshadowing redemption through Christ (Heb 9:12).
Lord, You provided our redemption through the blood of Your Son, Jesus. We praise You for His generous sacrifice. Amen.
民数记3:40-51 根据律法,头生的儿子属于主耶和华(出34:20头生的驴要用羊羔代赎,若不代赎就要打折他的颈项。凡头生的儿子都要赎出来。谁也不可空手朝见我)。上帝指定利未人代替他们,并且允许所有以色列人的长子可以被赎出,预表了藉着基督的救赎(来9:12并且不用山羊和牛犊的血,乃用自己的血,只一次进入圣所,成了永远赎罪的事)。

Numbers 4 The Lord calls the Levites to complete specific tasks. Great care is taken to protect items used in worship within the tent of meeting. Failure to respect items God had declared holy would result in immediate death (v 15). Today, God entrusts us with His Gospel message of reconciliation through His Son, Jesus Christ. That message must be kept undefiled (Gal 1:8) by proper training for ordained ministers of the Gospel (2Tim 2:2) and for all believers. Those whom the Lord calls, He also equips by grace.
Lord, send us Your Holy Spirit, that Your Word may always be preached in purity and truth among us. Amen.
民数记4章 主耶和华呼召利未人去完成特别的任务。在保护会幕里用于敬拜的圣物上需要极其小心。没能认真对待上帝所宣告为圣的物件会带来立刻的死亡(15节将要起营的时候,亚伦和他儿子把圣所和圣所的一切器具遮盖完了,哥辖的子孙就要来抬,只是不可摸圣物,免得他们死亡。会幕里这些物件是哥辖子孙所当抬的)。今天,上帝将祂透过祂儿子耶稣基督(与人)和好的福音信息交托给了我们。那福音信息必须藉着给按立的福音执事和所有信徒以适当的训练得以纯正无损地保存(加1:8但无论是我们,是天上来的使者,若传福音给你们,与我们所传给你们的不同,他就应当被咒诅)。那些主耶和华呼召的,祂也藉着恩典装备。

Numbers 5:1-4 The ground is holy wherever the tent of meeting lodges. Defilement means death, for uncleanness is rooted in sin. Today, through confession and Absolution, we may enter the Lord’s presence. Our corporate prayer of Confession reminds us that “we are by nature sinful and unclean” and that our salvation comes through Christ’s mercy alone (LSB, p 167).
Lord, Your mercy enables us to walk anew in our Father’s ways. Cleanse us for life in the communion of saints and life everlasting. Amen.
民数记5:1-4 无论会幕安在哪里,那地就成为圣洁的了。污秽意味着死亡,因为不洁净扎根于罪中。今天,藉着认罪和赦罪,我们可以进入主耶和华的同在。我们集体的认罪祷告提醒我们:“我们按照本相是有罪和不洁的,”并且我们的救恩唯独藉着基督的怜悯而来(路德宗崇拜手册,167页)

Numbers 5:5-10 Any sinful act committed against another is considered “breaking faith with the LORD” (v 6). God expects His people to keep His Law, for that will be their wisdom and understanding in the sight of the people (Dt 4:6). Through the guilt offering, the sinner is reconciled to the Lord and to the community of faith. Today, God’s people receive forgiveness through Confession and Absolution. However, do not neglect to make restitution for what you have done wrong. Freely honor the Lord’s mercy by making restitution and by showing mercy toward others. The Lord, who takes away your sin, also freely grants you His promised Holy Spirit.
Precious Savior, by Your grace, set us free from sin. Grant us Your Holy Spirit and thoughtful hearts for making restitution. Amen.
民数记5:5-10 任何得罪他人的行为都会被看为“对主耶和华信心的破坏”(6节 你晓谕以色列人说:无论男女,若犯了人所常犯的罪,以致干犯耶和华,那人就有了罪)。上帝期待祂的百姓遵守祂的律法,因为那就是他们在世人面前的智慧和聪明(申4:6所以你们要谨守遵行,这就是你们在万民眼前的智慧、聪明。他们听见这一切律例,必说:‘这大国的人真是有智慧、有聪明)。藉着赎愆祭,罪人可以与主耶和华,还有信众和好。今天,上帝的百姓藉着认罪和赦罪(Confession and Absolution)领受饶恕。然而,不要忘记为着你所做的错事赔偿。你可以自由地藉着补偿过失,和向他人施怜悯,来尊荣主耶和华的慈爱。那位挪去你罪恶的主耶和华,也将祂应许了的圣灵自由地赐给你。

Numbers 5:11-31 God provides recourse should a man suspect his wife of adultery, a most serious matter (Ex 20:14). In OT times, the penalty for adultery was death (Lv 20:10). God designed human sexuality for the blessed estate of marriage. Yet He also offers forgiveness through Christ for those who err and repent.
Almighty Father, keep us sexually pure, whether we are married or unmarried. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
民数记5:11-31 当一个丈夫怀疑自己的妻子不贞时,这是一个最严重的事,上帝就提供诉求的方法(出20:14 不可奸淫)。在旧约时期,奸淫罪的惩罚就是死亡(利20:10与邻舍之妻行淫的,奸夫淫妇都必治死)。上帝给人提供了性来祝福婚姻生活。然而,祂也藉着基督为那些犯错悔改的人提供饶恕。

Numbers 6:1-21 Nazirite vows are made voluntarily before God. The length of vows can vary, but once a vow is made, God requires fulfillment (v 21). Today, we take vows at important times: Baptisms, Confirmations, weddings, citizenship, and government service. When you take a vow, honor the Lord by keeping your word. God, who does not take lightly any vow made to Him, faithfully keeps His vows, including that of Gn 3:15), which promised your salvation in Christ.
Lord God, thank You for Your faithfulness. Help me to keep my word to You and to others. In Christ’s name. Amen.
民数记6:1-21 拿细耳人的愿是在上帝面前自愿许下的。许愿的长短可以变化,但一旦许了愿,上帝要求其成就(21节许愿的拿细耳人为离俗所献的供物,和他以外所能得的献给耶和华,就有这条例。他怎样许愿就当照离俗的条例行)。今天,我们在重要的时刻许愿:圣洗礼,坚振礼,婚礼,公民和政府公务。当你许了愿(vow)时,请持守你的话,藉此尊荣主耶和华。上帝,并不轻看任何许给祂的愿,(并且祂)信实地保守祂自己许的愿,包括创世纪3:15(我又要叫你和女人彼此为仇;你的後裔和女人的後裔也彼此为仇。女人的後裔要伤你的头;你要伤他的脚跟),就是那个应许了你在基督里的救恩的愿。

Numbers 6:22-27 The Aaronic benediction is still repeated in Christian worship (e.g. LSB, pp 166, 183, 202, 212, 218). Note that the divine name Yahweh is used three times in reference to the triune nature of God. What a blessing it is to know that God the Father blesses all aspects of our lives, that God the Son has redeemed us poor, miserable sinners, and that God the Holy Spirit calls us by the Gospel. He saves us by His name, applied to us in Holy Baptism (Mt 28:19) and invoked by us throughout our lives.
“I bind unto myself today The strong name of the Trinity By invocation of the same, The Three in One and One in Three.” Amen. (LSB 604:1)
民数记6:22-27 亚伦祭司式的祝福仍然在基督徒敬拜中不断地重复着(比如:路德宗崇拜手册,166,183,202,212,218页)。请注意耶和华神圣的名在这里出现三次,正对应着上帝三位一体的属性。圣父上帝祝福我们生命的方方面面,圣子上帝救赎我们这些卑微可怜的罪人,圣灵上帝藉着福音呼召我们。祂藉着祂的名拯救我们,在圣洗礼中(将祂的救恩)临到我们(太28:19所以,你们要去,使万民作我的门徒,奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗(或作:给他们施洗,归於父、子、圣灵的名)),并且贯穿我们的整个生活让我们呼求。
“今日我将三位一体上帝的圣名紧贴我自己,藉着呼求那同一的名,圣一三,圣三一(Three in One, One in Three.)”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册604:1)

Numbers 7 Each leader of the 12 tribes of Israel presents his offering to God at the tabernacle dedication. Leaders give thanks to God for bringing them out of Egypt to establish His covenant with them. The offerings of Israel commemorate God’s favor, which we still enjoy due to the sacrifice of Christ’s blood at Calvary (cf 1Co 5:7).
Father, for Your mercy we give You thanks and praise. Grant us generous hearts in offering thanks to You. Amen.
民数记7章 在帐幕奉献礼上,以色列12支派的每一个首领都将他的奉献呈给上帝。为着祂将他们带出埃及并且与他们立了祂的约,首领们将感谢献给上帝。以色列人的奉献是对上帝恩惠的纪念,这恩惠也是我们因着基督在骷髅地的流血献祭仍然享受着的(参 林前5:7你们既是无酵的面、应当把旧酵除净、好使你们成为新团.因为我们逾越节的羔羊基督、已经被杀献祭了)。

Numbers 8:1-4 No windows shed light into the Lord’s sanctuary, so these lampstands are truly a light shining in the darkness (see diagram, p 139). For the priests serving in the Most Holy Place, the luminescence provides a poignant symbol that true light comes from the Lord alone. Today, we light candles to symbolize the Lord’s presence among us through His Word and Sacraments. God’s light is Jesus Christ (Jn 1:4), who conquers death and grants eternal life (Rm 6:23b).
Lord of heaven and earth, in the lampstand You provide a precious symbol of Your grace: salvation’s true light. Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Amen.
民数记8:14 没有窗户可以使光线进到主耶和华的圣所,所以这些灯台真的是一束光照射在黑暗里。对于在至圣所里服侍的祭司来说,灯光就提供一个强烈的寓意:即真光唯独从主耶和华而来。今天,我们点蜡烛,也是象征主耶和华藉着祂的圣道和圣礼住在我们中间。上帝的光就是耶稣基督(约1:4生命在他里头.这生命就是人的光),是祂胜过了死亡,并赐下永恒生命(罗6:23b惟有 神的恩赐、在我们的主基督耶稣里、乃是永生)。

Numbers 8:5-22 Israel’s sin is transferred to the Levites, who transfer this sin to sacrificial animals. Only by the blood of sacrificial animals are the Levites cleansed of their sin and allowed to serve the priests of the Most High God. “It is the blood that makes atonement by the life” (Lv 17:11). At Calvary, Jesus redeemed all humans from sin (Heb 9:15) as foreshadowed in the OT sacrifices. Rejoice, for Christ’s sacrifice sets you free!
“Lamb of God, pure and holy, Who on the cross didst suffer, Ever patient and lowly, Thyself to scorn didst offer. All sins Thou borest for us, Else had despair reigned o’er us: Have mercy on us, O Jesus! O Jesus!” Amen. (LSB 434:1)
民数记8:5-22 以色列人的罪转移到利未人身上,利未人将这罪归给祭牲。唯有藉着祭牲的血,利未人才能从他们的罪中得洁净,并且被允许作为至高上帝的祭司来服事。“因为活物的生命是在血中.我把这血赐给你们、可以在坛上为你们的生命赎罪.因血里有生命、所以能赎罪”(利17:11)。在各各他山上,耶稣为所有人赎了罪(来9:15为此他作了新约的中保.既然受死赎了人在前约之时所犯的罪过、便叫蒙召之人得着所应许永远的产业),正如旧约赎罪祭所预表的。你们要欢喜,因为基督的祭使你自由了!

Numbers 8:23-26 Our God is a God of order. He gives an age requirement for performing the work in His tabernacle. A Levite could begin service at age 25. Once a Levite reached 50, he could assist younger Levites, but he could no longer do the work required at the tabernacle. Just as the Lord provided the Sabbath for His people’s rest, He provided for the Levites’ retirement in good health. Today, the Church should show appropriate care for the health of faithful church workers, for the Lord bears the burdens of us all and carries us through life unto life everlasting.
“Entrust your days and burdens To God’s most loving hand; He cares for you while ruling The sky, the sea, the land. For He who guides the tempests Along their thund’rous ways Will find for you a pathway And guide you all your days.” Amen. (LSB 754:1)
民数记8:23-26 我们的上帝是一位有秩序的上帝。祂对在祂帐幕中所进行的服事有年龄的限制。一个利未人到了25岁可以开始服事。一旦一个利未人到了50岁,他可以协助年轻的利未人,但他不能再做帐幕所要求的工作。正如主耶和华提供圣安息日给祂的百姓休息一样,祂也让利未人在好的健康状况中退休。今天,教会也应当给忠心的教会同工的健康以合理的照应,因为主耶和华担负我们所有人的重担,并且一生扶持我们,直到永生里。

Numbers 9:1-14 God commands Moses to celebrate Passover as a memorial of His great deliverance. All people were to participate, even if they could not observe the event on the same dates. God reveals His grace in the Passover and in the exceptions He allows for its observance. Just as He continually sought the good and unity of Israel, He seeks our good and unity in the services of His precious Word, which describes our creation, redemption and sanctification as His people through faith in Christ, our Passover Lamb.
Lord, we deserve death because of our sins. Yet Your Son’s blood covers our sins and grants eternal life. Unite our hearts in the confession of this faith. Amen.
民数记9:1-14 上帝吩咐摩西庆祝逾越节,作为对祂伟大拯救的纪念。所有百姓都需要参加,既使他们不能在同一天守这节。上帝在逾越节和祂为守这节所许可的特殊情况中显明祂的恩典。正如祂不断地谋求以色列的福分和团结一样,祂也在祂宝贵的话语服事中谋求我们的福祉和合一,祂宝贵的话语讲说我们的创造,拯救和成圣,我们藉着对我们逾越节的羔羊基督的信心,成为祂的子民。

Numbers 9:15-23 At God’s directive, the Israelites move away from Mount Sinai. God’s providential care is evident. The pillar of cloud/fire symbolizes His gracious hand over His covenant community. Today, God continues to care for His people, sustaining them on the journey of faith through His means of grace.
“Open now the crystal fountain Whence the healing stream doth flow; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through. Strong deliv’er, strong deliv’er, Be Thou still my strength and shield; Be Thou still my strength and shield.” Amen. (LSB 918:2)
民数记9:15-23 在上帝的指引下,以色列人离开西奈山。上帝护佑的看顾是明显的。云柱和火柱代表祂看顾祂盟约群体的恩典之手。今天,上帝继续看顾祂的百姓,藉着祂恩典的媒介在信仰的道路上扶持他们。

Numbers 10:1-10 Blasts on the silver trumpets signal the time to move, but they also serve the purpose of calling leaders of the entire community to assemble at the tent of meeting. God ordains an Israelite theocracy with Himself as King. In mercy, God leads His people toward the land promised long ago (Gn 12:7). Scripture teaches that a trumpet blast will also signal our call to heaven on the Last Day (1Th 4:16).
“Today on weary nations The heav’nly manna falls; To holy convocations The silver trumpet calls, Where Gospel light is glowing With pure and radiant beams And living water flowing With soul-refreshing streams.” Amen. (LW 203:3)
民数记10:1-10 吹银号的响声意味着是时候起行,但银号也用来召集整个社群的首领们到会幕那里聚集。上帝设立了以色列人的神治国,而祂自己就是大君王。在怜悯中,上帝很久以前就引导祂的子民走向应许之地(创12:7 耶和华向亚伯兰显现,说:「我要把这地赐给你的後裔。」亚伯兰就在那里为向他显现的耶和华筑了一座坛)。圣经教导说,在末日,一个吹响的号声也就代表着我们回天家的呼召(帖前4:16 因为主必亲自从天降临,有呼叫的声音和天使长的声音,又有神的号吹响;那在基督里死了的人必先复活)。

Numbers 10:11-36 The Israelites march to the Promised Land; the ark of the covenant leads the way (v 33). The Lord deals gently with His people by providing constant guidance and sound leadership. Today, pray for your leaders, that the Lord would bless and keep them and guide them in thoughtful service to His people, whom Christ redeemed with His precious blood.
“Arise, O LORD, and let Your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate You flee before You” (v 35). Amen.
民数记10:11-36 以色列人向着应许之地前行;约柜在前面引路(33节 以色列人离开耶和华的山,往前行了三天的路程;耶和华的约柜在前头行了三天的路程,为他们寻找安歇的地方)。主耶和华藉着提供一路的引领和稳固的领导力,温柔地待祂的子民。今天,请为你的领袖们祷告,好叫主耶和华祝福保守他们,在对祂子民的周到服事中引导他们,因为这些子民都是基督用祂的宝血所赎买回来的。

Numbers 11:1-15 The grumbling begins only three days into the journey. Perhaps aching muscles or sore feet cause their discomfort. God provides guidance to the Promised Land and manna to eat on the way; in return for His love, He receives grumbling. Sometimes, obeying God causes pain and suffering. When tempted to grumble, think of Christ at Gethsemane and how He turned His pains into prayers. Mediate on how He willingly submitted to the Father’s will for the sake of our salvation (Mt 26:39).
“How sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer’s ear! It soothes our sorrows, heals our wounds, And drives away our fear. It makes the wounded spirit whole And calms the heart’s unrest; ‘Tis manna to the hungry soul And to the weary, rest.” Amen. (LSB 524:1-2)
民数记11:1-15 出发仅三天后抱怨就开始了。可能酸痛的肌肉或者疼痛的脚导致他们的不满。上帝提供去向应许之地的指引和在路上吃的吗哪;对祂爱的回报,祂收到了牢骚。有时候,顺从上帝会导致痛苦和磨难。当受到试探要发牢骚时,请思想在客西马尼园的基督,以及祂如何将祂的痛苦转为祷告的。默想祂如何为了我们得救赎的缘故而甘愿顺从天父旨意的(太26:39 他就稍往前走,俯伏在地,祷告说:「我父啊,倘若可行,求你叫这杯离开我。然而,不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思。」)。

Numbers 11:16-30 Earlier, we learned of Moses’ helplessness as Israel’s leader-one man amid a throng of rebellious people. Mercifully, God grants 70 elders to help Moses. Like Moses, you may at times feel frustration and become angry with the Lord. Thanks be to God, He is “slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (Ps 86:15). In His mercy, the Lord provides for you and calls you to repentance and faith through His faithful servants.
Lord, You command us to call upon You in times of trouble, and You promise to deliver us. We thank You for hearing our prayer through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
民数记11:16-30 早些时候,我们学到摩西作为以色列领袖的无助—一个人在一群悖逆的百姓中间。上帝满有怜悯地赐给摩西70个长老来帮助他。就像摩西一样,你也可能有时感到沮丧,甚至要向主耶和华发怒。感谢归给上帝,祂“不轻易发怒,并有丰盛的慈爱和诚实”(诗86:15)。在祂的怜悯中,主耶和华藉着祂忠心的仆人供养你,并且呼召你走向悔改和信心。

Numbers 11:31-35 The Israelites greedily hoard the quail, gathering at least 6 bushels per person. They eat some and dry the rest to eat later. Meat replaces God in their minds, just as wealth replaces God in Christ’s parable of the rich fool (Lk 12:16-21). As Job noted, “The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away” (Jb 1:21). In all circumstances, the Lord leads us to confess, “Blessed be the name of the LORD” (Jb 1:21), for He truly does bless us and supply our needs (cf Mt 6:11).
Father, with our daily bread, grant us faithful hearts, ever set on You. Amen.
民数记11:31-35 以色列人贪婪地收敛着鹌鹑,每个人至少有6蒲式耳(1蒲式耳等于35.2升)。他们吃了一些,然后把剩下的晒干留给以后吃。肉在他们的脑海中代替了上帝,正如财富在基督比喻中的财主头脑中代替了上帝一样(路12:16-21然後要对我的『灵魂说:「灵魂哪,你有许多财物积存,可作多年的费用,只管安安逸逸的吃喝快乐吧!』…)。约伯曾经留意到,“赏赐的是耶和华,收取的也是耶和华”(伯1:21)。在所有的境况中,主耶和华带领我们告白,“耶和华的名是应当称颂的”(伯1:21),因为祂真诚地祝福我们,供应我们的所需(参 太6:11我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们)。

Numbers 12 Moses faces a new rebellion when Miriam and Aaron claim equal status with their younger brother. They learn the danger of challenging God’s authority. God’s punishment is swift, yet merciful. Our Lord is a Lord of both Law and Gospel, by which He always calls people to repentance and pronounces grace.
Heavenly Lord, curb our rebellious, jealous hearts, and grant us meekness. Look on us with mercy through Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.
民数记12 当米利暗和亚伦宣称要与他们年轻的弟弟有同样的职分时,摩西面临一个新的悖逆。他们学到挑战上帝权柄的危险。上帝的惩罚是立刻的,然而也是蛮有怜悯的。我们的主耶和华同时是律法和福音的主,藉着律法祂呼召百姓悔改,藉着福音祂宣告恩典。

Number 13:1-24 God permits the spies to enter the Promised Land at the Israelites’ request (Dt 1:22). Twelve spies, one from each tribe, are sent; among them is Moses’ successor, Joshua. Just as the Lord gave His people a challenging mission, anticipating great faithfulness, He likewise challenges us. As the Lord grants you the opportunity for bold service, meet that challenge with diligence. When you err, diligently repent-for He is generous in mercy. His enduring mission is to bless and provide for you, as He has done in Christ Jesus.
Grant me fruitful labor, dear Lord, in the vineyard of Your kingdom. Amen.
民数记13:1-24 上帝答应以色列人的请求,就吩咐探子去进入应许之地(申1:22 你们都就近我来说:『我们要先打发人去,为我们窥探那地,将我们上去该走何道,必进何城,都回报我们。』)。每个支派一个探子,一共差遣了12个;其中有摩西的继承人,约书亚。正如主耶和华给祂的百姓一个具有挑战性的任务并且期待他们的忠心那样,祂也挑战我们。当主耶和华赐给你机会参与重大服事时,请带着殷勤迎接挑战。当你犯错时,也赶快悔改—因为祂有丰盛的怜悯。祂持之以恒的任务就是祝福和供养你,正如祂在基督耶稣里所做的。

Numbers 13:25-33 The land is just as God had described it to Moses, flowing with milk and honey (Ex 3:8; Nu 13:27). Yet 10 of the 12 spies fear the inhabitants of the land (v 31), thereby doubting God. The hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” says, “Oh, what peace we often forfeit; Oh, what needless pain we bear—All because we do not carry Ev’rything to God in prayer!” (LSB 770:1). When you face challenges, do not collapse in doubt. Instead, call on your gracious Lord, who redeemed you and will lead you.
Lord, we confess that we are not able to fulfill our calling without sin. Forgive us for Christ’s sake, and lead us through every trial. Amen.
民数记13:25-33 那地正如上帝曾经向摩西所描述的,是流奶与蜜之地。(出3:8;民13:27又告诉摩西说:「我们到了你所打发我们去的那地,果然是流奶与蜜之地;这就是那地的果子)。然而12个探子中的10个惧怕那地的民(31节但那些和他同去的人说:「我们不能上去攻击那民,因为他们比我们强壮。」),因此就怀疑上帝。圣诗“耶稣恩友”写到,“多少平安屡屡失去,多少痛苦白白受;皆因我们未将万事,带到主恩座前求”(路德宗崇拜手册770:1)。当你面对挑战时,不要在疑惑中崩溃掉。相反,请呼求你满有恩典的主,祂拯救了你,并且会引领你。

Numbers 14:1-12 The doubt of 10 spies poisons the entire camp. God has limits to His patience. See note, Gn 15:16. The chief sin, as illustrated by the First Commandment, is lack of faith in who God is and what He has done. When you doubt and fail, His Word remains good. Call on Him in repentance, for He grants faith by grace through His precious Word.
Father, we long to follow You. Send Your Word and Spirit to gently lead us. Amen.
民数记14:1-12 十个探子的怀疑传染了整个营会。上帝的忍耐是有限度的。请参创15:16到了第四代,他们必回到此地,因为亚摩利人的罪孽还没有满盈。正如第一诫命所阐述的,最大的罪就是对上帝是谁和祂的作为缺乏信心。当你疑惑、失败时,祂的话语仍然是良善的。请在懊悔中呼求祂,因为祂出于恩典,藉着祂宝贵的话语,赐下信心。

Numbers 14:13-19 The nations inhabiting the Promised Land already know God’s name. His power and majesty have preceded Him. Moses argues that if God were to destroy the Israelites for their rebellion, God’s holy name would be defamed. So Moses appeals to God for mercy. And God is merciful; He hears the prayers of the righteous (Pr 15:29). What a blessing to know that our humble prayers are heard by the very Creator of heaven and earth. Because of Christ’s obedience, we dare to call Him “Abba, Father.”
Please pardon us, O Lord, according to the greatness of Your steadfast love, by which You delivered Israel. Amen.
民数记14:13-19 占据应许之地的民族已经知道上帝的名字。祂的权能和威荣已经领先来到。摩西论到如果上帝因着他们的悖逆就灭绝以色列人,上帝的圣名就会被诽谤。所以摩西请求上帝的怜悯。上帝是满有怜悯的;祂垂听义人的祷告(箴15:29耶和华远离恶人,却听义人的祷告)。知道那位天地的创造者垂听我们卑微的祷告,这是多么蒙福啊。因着基督的顺服,我们可以放胆呼叫祂“阿爸,父。”

Numbers 14:20-38 Those persons 20 years and older will not see the land God promised. Yet God will not bring destruction on all Israel for their disobedience. Caleb, Joshua, and the next generation will inhabit the new land. The awe of God’s mercy is evident. God does not deliver what the Israelites truly deserve for their insolence. Instead, He shows mercy by raising up a new generation to inherit His promise.
“Shepherd of tender youth, Guiding in love and truth Through devious ways; Christ, our triumphant king, We come Your name to sing And here our children bring To join Your praise.” Amen. (LSB 864:1)
民数记14:20-38 这些20岁及以上的人将不会看见上帝的应许之地。然而上帝不会因为他们的悖逆而毁灭整个以色列。迦勒,约书亚,还有下一代将要定居那新地。上帝怜悯的奇妙是明显的。上帝并没有施行以色列人按照他们的冒犯所真正应得的。相反,祂藉着兴起新的一代人来承担祂的应许,显明祂的怜悯。

Numbers 14:39-45 The Israelites completely change plans, but again ignore the truth about human hearts. In view of this, do not persist in your sin, as Israel did, or be slow to repent. Hear God’s gracious call to repentance each day. Rejoice in the Word and in God’s forgiveness through Christ, the Savior.
“Savior, when in dust to Thee Low we bow the adoring knee; When, repentant, to the skies Scarce we lift our weeping eyes; O, by all Thy pains and woe Suffered once for us below, Bending from Thy throne on high, Hear our penitential cry!” Amen. (LSB 419:1)
民数记14:39-45 以色列人完全改变了计划,但再次无视关于人心的真相。鉴于此,请不要在你的罪中固执,就像以色列那样做的,或者在悔改上迟钝。每日听上帝对悔改满有恩典的呼唤。请在圣道和上帝藉着救主基督的饶恕中欢喜。

Numbers 15:1-21 God reassures the people that after the older generation has passed away, He will fulfill His promise to the younger generation. To those older than 20, this pronouncement from Moses is both punishment and promise. They will not inherit the land, but God will have mercy on their children and their children’s children. After the cloud of punishment comes the rainbow of God’s grace. For the whole community, He also preserves the sacrifices, which are His chosen means of atonement.
“You are the great High Priest; You have prepared the feast Of holy love; And in our mortal pain None calls on You in vain; Our plea do not disdain; Help from above.” Amen. (LSB 864:3)
民数记15:1-21 上帝重新立定百姓说,在老一代都去世后,祂会向年轻的一代成就祂的应许。对于那些20岁以上的来说,这个从摩西而来的宣告既是惩罚,同时也是应许。他们将不能承受那地,但上帝会向他们的儿女和他们儿女的儿女施怜悯。一波惩罚的风雨过后,上帝恩典的彩虹出现。对整个群体来说,祂也保有了献祭,就是祂所选定的赎罪媒介。

Numbers 15:22-31 God restates the rules for dealing with unintentional sin through sin offerings (Lv 4). God prepares the younger Israelites in His holy ways. Today, in Confession and Absolution, God provides us forgiveness for our unintentional sin. Here we meet our merciful God and hear anew that we are freed from our sin by Christ’s sacrifice.
“I lay my sins on Jesus, The spotless Lamb of God; He bears them all and frees us From the accursed load. I bring my guilt to Jesus To wash my crimson stains Clean in His blood most precious Till not a spot remains.” Amen. (LSB 606:1)
民数记15:22-31 上帝重申藉着赎罪祭对付误犯之罪的条例(利4章)。上帝预备年轻的以色列人走祂圣洁的道路。今天,在认罪和赦罪礼中,上帝为我们误犯的罪,提供赦免。在此,我们遇见我们满有怜悯的上帝,并且重新听见我们因着基督的祭从我们的罪中得释放。

Numbers 15:32-36 The Sabbath is God’s gift to Israel (Ex 20:8-10), that they might devote the day to worship by learning God’s Word. The man gathering wood shows contempt for God’s Word. God considers this blasphemous because the man’s act follows on the heels of God’s restatement about deliberate sin (vv 22-31). Still today, willful sin and despising of God’s Word have damnable consequences. Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath, has fulfilled all the requirements of the Law for our sake (Mt 5:17). Yet how great is our need for His precious Word, which leads us in repentance and grants pardon, faith, and everlasting rest.
Lord, let us never despise Your Word and refuse to hear it; give us life according to Your Word. Amen.
民数记15:32-36 安息日是上帝给以色列的礼物(出20:8-10…但第七日是向耶和华你神当守的安息日。这一日你和你的儿女、仆婢、牲畜,并你城里寄居的客旅,无论何工都不可做),好叫他们藉着学习上帝的话语,将那一天专注在敬拜上。那个捡柴的人显明他对上帝话语的不屑。上帝看这为亵渎,因为那人的行为就是紧跟在上帝对故意犯罪的重申之后(22-31节)。今天仍然是,故意犯的罪和对上帝话语的鄙视会带来咒诅性的后果。耶稣,安息日的主,已经为我们的缘故成全了律法的所有要求(太5:17 「莫想我来要废掉律法和先知。我来不是要废掉,乃是要成全)。然而,我们多么需要祂宝贵的话语啊,是祂的话语引导我们走向悔改,并且赐下饶恕,信心,和永恒的安息。

Numbers 15:37-41 God provides a visible reminder for the Israelites of His Word and His presence among them. Today, in the cross of God’s Son, we witness the ultimate reminder of God’s Law and Gospel, His wrath and grace.
“God’s Word is our great heritage And shall be ours forever; To spread its light from age to age Shall be our chief endeavor. Through life it guides our way, in death it is our stay. Lord, grant, while worlds endure, We keep its teachings pure Throughout all generations.” Amen. (LSB 582)
民数记15:37-41 上帝给以色列人一个可见的物件,可以提醒他们上帝的话语和祂在他们中间的临在。今天,在上帝儿子的十字架上,我们见证了上帝律法和福音,祂愤怒和恩典的终极提醒。

Numbers 16 We may ask: Was God justified in allowing an entire generation to die before leading the Israelites into the Promised Land? An answer comes in the rebellion of Korah and his followers, which threatens the lives of the Lord’s servants and the unity of the congregation. Yet when the Lord’s punishment falls on the rebels, the Lord’s servant Aaron rushes into the midst of the plague to save the people. His intercession reminds us of Christ’s intercession for us; He came among us to save us.
“O LORD, I call upon You; hasten to me! Give ear to my voice when I call to You! Let my prayer be counted as incense before You, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!” (Ps 141:1-2). Amen.
民数记16章 我们可能会问:上帝在带领以色列人进入应许之地之前允许一整代人死亡,这公平吗?可拉和他的跟随者叛变,威胁到主耶和华仆人的生命以及会众的合一,这里就有一个答案。然而当主耶和华的惩罚临到叛变者时,主耶和华的仆人亚伦就冲进瘟疫中拯救百姓。他的中间斡旋提醒我们基督为我们所作的中保角色;祂来到我们中间拯救我们。

Numbers 17 God supports Aaron’s priesthood by a miracle that distinguishes Aaron from the leaders of the 12 tribes. He provides a visual reminder of God’s seal of approval on the Levitical priesthood. Properly ordained and installed leadership is a blessing from God, not a curse. Respect those in authority over you by praying for them in patience and by trusting without envy. Rejoice that the Lord Himself reigns among you by His life-giving Word.
Jesus, Thy boundless love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare; Unite my thankful heart to Thee, And reign without a rival there! Thine wholly, Thine alone I am; Be Thou alone my constant flame.” Amen. (LSB 683:1)
民数记17章 上帝藉着一个将亚伦与12支派的首领分别开来的神迹,支持亚伦的祭司职分。祂也提供一个可见的提醒物件,印证上帝对利未祭司职分的吩咐。合理按立、设置的领导力是从上帝而来的祝福,而不是咒诅。请在忍耐中为那些在你上面掌权的人祷告并且毫无嫉妒地信靠,并藉此表达对他们的尊重。要欢喜快乐,因为主耶和华祂自己藉着祂赐生命的话语(道)在你们中间掌权。

Numbers 18 Although the latest rebellion against the Lord comes from the Levites through Korah, God does not dismiss the Levites but reaffirms them in their calling. He provides for their forgiveness and their inheritance. Today, those who serve the Lord as church workers are to receive mercy and payment from the churches. Exercise diligent care for the church workers called to your congregation or school. Rejoice that the Lord distributes His life-giving Word to you through them.
“You, O Lord, Yourself have called him For Your precious lambs to care; But to prosper in his calling, He the Spirit’s gifts must share. Give him wisdom from above, Fill his heart with holy love; In his weakness, Lord, be near him, In his prayers, Good Shepherd, hear him.” Amen. (LSB 681:2)
民数记18章 尽管最近一次对主耶和华的背叛是藉着可拉从利未人中兴起的,但上帝并没有解除利未人,而是重新立定他们的呼召。祂赐下他们所需的赦免,并且供应他们的产业。今天,那些作为教会同工服事主耶和华的人应当能从教会领受怜悯和薪水。请向那些蒙召到你们教会或学校的教会工人操练殷勤的关怀。要为着主耶和华藉着他们,向你们分派祂赐生命的道,欢喜快乐。

Numbers 19 God provides a means to cleanse those who had touched a corpse or accidentally come in contact with a bone of a dead person or a grave. Such a rite of purification foreshadows the cleansing power of Baptism.
Father of grace, we remember our Baptism and how You made us clean through water and the Word. Amen.
民数记19章 上帝提供一个媒介来洁净那些碰触了尸体,或者不小心挨到死人的骨头或坟墓的人。这样一种洁净仪式预表着圣洗礼洁净的功效。

Numbers 20:1 In the 40th year, a new generation of Israelites arrives where the nation stood 38 years before. Those over the age of 20 have died. Sin brought about the destruction of those who distrusted the Lord. Yet in His mercy, God raises up a new generation. Rebellion has a cost, but God is ever ready to start afresh and fulfill His promises.
Prepare me, O Lord, for new things by equipping me with Your timeless truth and love through Christ Jesus. Amen.
民数记20:1 第四十年,以色列新的一代人抵达这个民族38年前所站的地方。那些20岁以上的人都死掉了。罪给那些不信主耶和华的人带来毁灭。然而在祂的怜悯中,上帝兴起新的一代。背叛是有代价的,但上帝总是预备好重新开始,成就祂的应许。

Numbers 20:2-9 Moses faces the same situation as before: grumbling Israelites protest against Moses, Aaron, and God for lack of water. As before, Moses and Aaron humble themselves before the Lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting, and God opens His hand of mercy. When struggles and complaints hamper you, turn to the Lord in humble prayer. He will hear and honor your requests faithfully, in accordance with His good and gracious purposes.
Lord, we often doubt Your Word. Send Your Spirit to strengthen us, that we may pray confidently and lead boldly. Amen.
民数记20:2-9 摩西和从前一样,面对同样的境况:牢骚满腹的以色列人因着没水喝,就起来攻击摩西、亚伦,还有上帝。就像从前一样,摩西和亚伦在会幕门口谦卑他们自己在主耶和华面前,并且上帝张开了祂怜悯的手。当困苦和抱怨击打你时,请在谦卑的祷告中转向主耶和华。祂会依照祂良善洪恩的旨意,信实地垂听和尊荣你的祈求。

Numbers 20:10-13 Meribah means “quarreling.” Moses’ words “shall we” indicate that he and Aaron were claiming credit for the miracle of water, not attributing it to God. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord. God’s servants act as conduits of His kindness. As you serve each day, reflect by asking yourself, “How has God made me a blessing to others in my duties?” Though you will stumble in faith, as Moses did, know that your merciful Father will not cast you aside but will receive you unto Himself by grace alone.
Father, form in me a humble attitude of service and a repentant heart. Amen.
民数记20:10-13 米利巴就是“争闹”的意思。摩西说“要我们shall we”暗示了他和亚伦将水的神迹归功于他们自己,而不是上帝。每个好的、完美的礼物都是从主耶和华而来的。上帝的仆人是作为祂恩慈的管道行事的。当你每天服事时,请问自己并反省,“上帝如何在我的职分中使我成为他人的祝福?”尽管你会像摩西那样在信心上跌到,但请记得你满有怜悯的父总不会离弃你,却会收纳你归于祂自己,唯独靠赖恩典。

Numbers 20:14-21 Moses appeals to the Edomites for passage on the basis of history, and he promises to pay for water. Yet, Edom denies them passage. The tensions between Jacob and Esau, renewed here, persist throughout Israel’s history (see pp 1473-74). How sad when relatives cannot trust one another. How enduring the consequences of rivalry. Seek peace and fairness within your family. Above all things, pray for the forgiveness of sins as you forgive those who trespass against you (Mt 6:12). How blessed is the mercy of Jesus, our Brother (Heb 2:10-18).
Father, we thank You for Your grace, which traded our sinful lives for the sinless life of our Brother Christ Jesus. Amen.
民数记20:14-21 摩西因着历史渊源,向以东人求过道,并且他承诺要为水付价银。然而,以东拒绝他们过境。雅各和以扫之间的紧张关系,在此重演,并且贯穿以色列的历史(请看 1473-1474页)。亲人不能彼此信任时,是多么悲哀啊。敌对的后果是多么持久啊。请在你的家庭中寻求和睦和公正。在一切事之上,请祈求罪得赦免,正如你赦免那些得罪你的人一样(太6:12 免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债)。我们的弟兄耶稣的怜悯是多么当称颂啊(来2:10-18.. 所以,他凡事该与他的弟兄相同,为要在神的事上成为慈悲忠信的大祭司,为百姓的罪献上挽回祭。他自己既然被试探而受苦,就能搭救被试探的人)。

Numbers 20:22-29 Moses and Aaron install Eleazar as high priest. Aaron dies for his disbelief at Meribah (v 12). In death, he joins the rebellious generation who were lost in the wilderness. Today, rebellion is sometimes glorified. However, the Lord calls His people to peace, which He pronounces through His ministers in the word of blessing (Nu 6:24-26). Rejoice in and pray for His peace.
Lord, preserve Your Word among us, and grant us wise and peaceful hearts through Christ, our great High Priest. Amen.
民数记20:22-29 摩西和亚伦按立以利亚撒为大祭司。亚伦因着他在米利巴的不信而死(12节)。在死亡中,他加入了那些在旷野倒掉的悖逆一代人。今天,有时背叛竟被尊荣。然而,主耶和华呼召祂的子民来得和平,就是祂藉着祂祝福话语的服事所宣告的(民6:24-26)。请呼求祂的平安,并在其中欢欣。

Numbers 21:1-3 The Canaanite king of Arad learns of the movement of the Israelite nation and responds by attacking some of the outlying citizens, carrying some into captivity. In this example, the Israelites show their faith in God by coming to Him for guidance before striking back. God is faithful. When His people return to Him, He hears their prayers and has mercy on them.
We praise You, O Lord, for hearing our prayers. Grant us ready ears that listen to Your Word with sincerity. Amen.
民数记21:1-3 迦南人亚拉得王听说以色列人的动向,就以攻击一些营会外围的人作为回应,并且俘虏了一些。在这个例子中,以色列人发起回击之前先来到上帝面前寻求指示,表明了他们对上帝的信心。上帝是信实的。当祂的子民返回归祂时,祂就垂听他们的祈祷,并且施怜悯与他们。

Numbers 21:4-9 As Moses guides God’s people in the direction of the Red Sea, away from their primary objective of the Promised Land, rebellion begins anew. Our lives also persist in the pattern of rebellion, repentance, and restoration. Those in Israel who repented received God’s salvation by looking to the sign of His mercy in faith (v 9). What an excellent precursor of God’s redemption through the cross. Those who look upon the cross in faith are saved.
Gracious Lord, send Your Holy Spirit to deepen our faith in Christ, that we live by daily repentance and faith in Your Son. Amen.
民数记21:4-9 当摩西引领上帝的百姓朝着红海方向前进,远离了他们应许之地的首要目标时,背叛再次开始。我们的生命也是在悖逆,悔改和恢复这个模式中循环。以色列中那些悔改了的,就藉着在信心中仰望祂怜悯的标记,领受上帝的救赎(9节摩西便制造一条铜蛇,挂在杆子上;凡被蛇咬的,一望这铜蛇就活了)。一个对上帝藉着十字架的救赎的,多么出色的预表啊。那些在信心中仰望十字架的,就必得救。

Numbers 21:10-20 God carries His people to the east side of the Jordan River. Finally, 40 years of wilderness wandering are about to end. We can almost hear the shout of joy echoing through the passage of time. For the time being, all the hardships and the sin of doubting God seem only a fleeting memory. Despite the moaning of an ungrateful people, God keeps His Word sworn in a dream to Abraham (Gn 15:17-21). He will keep His Word to you too.
Faithful Lord, You supply us with all good things, especially the blessings of salvation. Preserve us in this faith. Amen.
民数记21:10-20 上帝带领祂的百姓到约旦河的东面。终于,40年的旷野游荡马上要结束了。我们几乎能透过时间的隧道听到喜乐的欢呼声在回荡。那一刻,所有的磨难和怀疑上帝的罪看起来仅仅是一闪而过的记忆。尽管一个不懂得感恩的民常发牢骚,上帝仍然保守祂在梦中向亚伯拉罕发誓许下的话语(创15:17-21)。祂也会向你保守祂的道(话语)。

Numbers 21:21-30 For a second time, the Israelites seek permission to travel the King’s Highway. This time, they are denied its use by Sihon, king of the Amorites. The Israelites lay claim to Sihon’s land, which later became a home for the tribes of Reuben and Gad (32:1-5). God protects His people and overthrows the false religions of the nations.
Lord, protect us with Your Holy Spirit as Your Word and Sacraments preserve us in the one true faith. Amen.
民数记21:21-30 以色列人第二次寻求走王道的许可。这一次,他们被亚摩利人的王西宏拒绝了。以色列人征服了西宏的地,之后那地成为流便和迦得支派的家(32:1-5)。上帝保守祂的百姓,并且摧毁列国的虚假宗教。

Numbers 21:31-35 Og, a second Amorite king, marches against the Israelites. The Lord delivers another victory. The Israelites now lay claim to all the land east of the Jordan. This territory is later given to the half-tribe of Manasseh. God uses the battles at Jahaz (v 23) and Edrel (v 33) to strengthen the resolve of His people. On their own, they could not win against the Amorites, but with God, all things are possible.
Lord, lead us in the path of righteousness, trusting that all things are possible with You through Christ Jesus. Amen.
民数记21:31-35 第二个亚摩利人的王,噩,举兵攻打以色列人。主耶和华成就了另一场胜利。以色列人现在得了所有约旦河东的土地。这个区域之后划给了玛拿西半支派。上帝使用雅杂和以得来两地的交战,坚固祂子民的决心。靠着他们自己,他们不能战胜亚摩利人,但是带着上帝的同在,一切皆有可能。

Numbers 22:1-21 Fearful Balak summons the soothsayer Balaam to curse the Israelites. God works with the situation by emphasizing the importance of His Word, which much be fulfilled. God cannot be manipulated, and His Word must not be twisted for sinful purposes. Receive the Word with an open heart, and rejoice in the blessings it contains for you, especially the salvation promised in Jesus.
Lord, how magnificently You provide protection for those You love. Have mercy on us poor sinners, through Christ, the Living Word. Amen.
民数记22:1-21 恐惧中的巴勒召唤术士巴兰咒诅以色列人。上帝在这处境中作工,强调祂必要成就之话语的重要性。上帝不能被操控,祂的话语(道)也不能为着有罪的目的被扭曲。请带着敞开的心领受圣道,并且为着圣道中蕴藏给你的祝福欢喜,特别是为着在耶稣里应许了的救赎欢喜。

Numbers 22:22-41 As Balaam mocked the Lord by ignoring His Word, the Lord now comically mocks Balaam. So great is God’s Word, it can make a donkey speak! Treasure the Word. Share it confidently, because the Word is God’s power for working repentance and forgiving sins.
Speak, O Lord; Your servant is listening. Amen.
民数记22:22-41 当巴兰无视主耶和华的话语,藐视祂时,主耶和华就戏剧般地嘲弄巴兰。上帝的话语是多么有能力啊,能使一头驴说话!请珍惜圣道。满怀信心分享它,因为圣道就是上帝作工生发悔改和赦免罪恶的权能。

Numbers 23:1-12 God presents the first of Balaam’s four oracles. Balaam cannot curse the people whom God has not cursed (v 8). The Israelites are completely unaware that Balak seeks their harm. As Christians, we, too, are often oblivious to the many spiritual and earthly forces that seek our destruction. Thankfully, God is not oblivious to them and stretches out His mighty hand to protect us.
We praise You, O Lord, for the abundant blessings You grant each day. Deliver us from evil. Amen.

Numbers 23:13-30 For a second time, seven altars are constructed—this time atop Pisgah (v 14). The results are the same. God does not change His mind as humans do (v 19). What God has blessed must remain blessed; therefore, Balaam must bless Israel as well. He can say only what God has commanded him to say. God’s Word is changeless, and He dwells with His people to bless them.
“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace” (Nu 6:24-26). Amen.
民数记23:13-30 七座坛第二次被建造,这次是在毗斯迦山上(14节)。结果是一样的。上帝不会像人那样改变祂的主意(19节)。上帝所祝福的必然蒙福;因此,巴兰同样必须祝福以色列。祂只能说上帝吩咐他说的话。上帝的话语是不改变的,祂与祂的百姓同居,祝福他们。
“愿耶和华赐福给你,保护你。愿耶和华使他的脸光照你,赐恩给你。愿耶和华向你仰脸,赐你平安。 ”(民6:24-26)。阿们。

Numbers 24:1-14 God will not allow Balaam to curse the Israelites. Instead, Balaam blesses them and recites God’s litany of love. Previous accounts in Numbers reveal Israel’s rebellious nature. Despite this, God loves them because of His promised Savior. Today, despite all your sins, the Lord treasures you continuously and calls you to repentance and faith.
Father, the extent of Your love is beyond measure. Bless us and keep us in Christ, our Savior. Amen.
民数记24:1-14 上帝不会允许巴兰咒诅以色列人。相反,巴兰祝福他们并且诵读上帝爱的篇章。民数记中前面的记载显明了以色列悖逆的本性。尽管如此,因着祂应许了的救赎主,上帝爱他们。今天,不管你有多少罪,主耶和华仍然爱护你,并且呼召你悔改和信靠。

Numbers 24:15-25 The fourth and final oracle occurs immediately after Balaam’s encounter with Balak and has to do with future events: a messianic prophecy of a star coming out of Jacob. God uses Balaam to disclose His will 1,500 years in the future. The future belongs to God. Rebellion, sin, or sinister means will not deter His plan of salvation through Christ.
Lord, we thank You for Your faithfulness fulfilled in Christ. Rule us by Your beloved Word. Amen.
民数记24:15-25 第四个也是最后一个神谕在巴兰与巴勒相遇后立刻出现,并且关乎将来的事件:预言有星要出于雅各。上帝使用巴兰启示祂1,500年之后的旨意。未来是属于上帝的。背叛,罪,或者阴险的方式都不能阻止祂藉着基督拯救的计划。

Numbers 25:1-9 Balaam worms his way into the spiritual lives of Israel and causes them to forsake God for the worship of Baal. The situation is reminiscent of the worship of the golden calf (Ex 32). As at that time, God’s anger against sin causes the death of thousands; yet it saves tens of thousands more. God is a God of both Law and Gospel. He metes out punishment to drive people to repentance but also has compassion on His wayward sons and daughters.
Lord, grant us zeal for Your ways, that we walk and live honorably before You. Amen.
民数记25:1-9 巴兰将他的方式渗透进以色列人的属灵生活,导致他们弃绝上帝,走向巴力崇拜。这情景也是对拜金牛犊的回忆(出32章)。那个时候,上帝对罪的怒气导致成千上万人死亡;然而也拯救了更多的人。上帝同时是律法和福音的上帝。祂施行惩罚为要驱使百姓悔改,但也施恩惠给祂任性的儿女。

Numbers 25:10-18 Phinehas strikes on the Lord’s behalf, stopping the idolatrous actions of Zimri and Cozbi. This is a First Commandment issue. God allows no other gods before Him and takes necessary measures to preserve His people. He always gives Himself fully for His people as demonstrated by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for us.
Protect us, Lord, from the sin of idolatry. Grant us faithful ministers and leaders who will strengthen our faith by Your Word and Sacraments. Amen.
民数记25:10-18 非尼哈替主耶和华出击,制止了心利和哥斯比的偶像崇拜行为。这是一个关乎第一诫命的事。上帝不允许在祂面前有别的神,并且会采取必要的措施来存留祂的子民。祂总是将祂自己完全赐给祂的子民,正如基督在十字架上为我们赎罪所显明的。

Numbers 26 Opposite the Jordan River and Jericho, the Lord commands another census. The records show God’s faithfulness in preserving His people. Today, pray that God’s Word and heritage will be maintained in your family. His abiding love can see you through every plague and trouble.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who comforts us in all our afflictions. Amen.
民数记26章 耶利哥和约旦河对面,主耶和华吩咐再一次数点人数。在保存祂的子民中,数点记录显明了上帝的信实,。今天,请为着上帝的话语和产业能够在你的家庭中得保守而祷告。祂不变的爱能够在每一次灾祸和患难中看顾你。

Numbers 27:1-11 Contrary to many grievances presented in Numbers, the daughters of Zelophehad approach Moses with humble demeanor to seek his counsel. The Lord hears their request and answers with grace and mercy. The prayer of the upright pleases God (Pr 15:8). He has our good at heart in all His teaching.
Lord, grant us both boldness and humility in our prayers, that we may enjoy Your blessings and prosper before You. Keep our families strong in Your Word. Amen.
民数记27:1-11 与民数记中呈现的许多不满相反,西罗非哈的女儿们带着谦卑的举止来到摩西面前寻求他的决策。主耶和华听了她们的祈求,以恩典和怜悯回应。义人的祈祷蒙上帝喜悦(箴15:8恶人献祭,为耶和华所憎恶;正直人祈祷,为他所喜悦)。祂打心底就在祂所有的教导中存留我们的福祉。

Numbers 27:12-23 Death is near for Moses, who desires that God would provide a new leader. Otherwise, the people would wander like “sheep that have no shepherd” (v 17). In His mercy, God raises up Joshua, one of the two spies who returned from the Promised Land with a favorable report (cf v 18; 14:6-9). Today, pray that the Lord would bless the leaders of your congregation, your church, and its institutions. Pray that He will raise up a new and faithful generation focused on the Word of life. He is always ready to provide for His beloved flock through our Good Shepherd, Jesus.
Lord, we are sinful sheep. By Your Spirit, raise up faithful leaders to guide us through Word and Sacrament. Amen.
民数记27:12-23 对渴望上帝能提供一个新领袖的摩西来说,死亡临近了。如果没有新领袖,百姓会游荡,像“没有牧人的羊”(17节 可以在他们面前出入,也可以引导他们,免得耶和华的会众如同没有牧人的羊群一般)。在祂的怜悯中,上帝兴起约书亚,就是那从应许之地带回可喜报告的两个探子的其中一个(参 18节;14:6-9)。今天,请祈求主耶和华祝福你们堂会,你们教会,以及附属机构的领袖们。请祈求祂兴起专心于生命之道的新一代忠心百姓。祂总是预备好要藉着我们的好牧人耶稣,供应祂所爱的群羊。

Numbers 28-29 With the older generation buried in the wilderness, God begins grooming the younger generation as faithful stewards of His Law. As sacrificial smoke wends heavenward, we glimpse the worshiper’s total dedication to God (cf Rm 12:1). Present as well is the underlying theme ultimately fulfilled in the death of Jesus Christ: blood is necessary for atonement (Heb 9:22).
Father, through the Divine Worship, You draw near to us, that we may again be shepherded for this life and consecrated for the life to come. Amen.
民数记28-29 老一代的人都埋葬在旷野里,上帝开始装备年轻的一代成为祂律法的忠心管家。随着祭祀的烟上腾,我们可以一瞥敬拜者对上帝的完全奉献(参罗12:1所以弟兄们,我以神的慈悲劝你们,将身体献上,当作活祭,是圣洁的,是神所喜悦的;你们如此事奉乃是理所当然的)。也可以看见那最终在耶稣基督的死亡中成就了的潜在主题:血对赎罪的必要性(来9:22按著律法,凡物差不多都是用血洁净的;若不流血,罪就不得赦免了)。

Numbers 30:1-2 Vows made to God—made in His name—are to be carried out faithfully. When these vows are not fulfilled, they reflect poorly on God’s good name and shame His people. Our word must be our bond, including our word of repentance when we do not live up to our words. God’s Word does not fail us. All His promises are yes to us in Christ Jesus (2Co 1:20).
“Speak, O Lord, Your servant listens, Let Your Word to me come near, Newborn life and spirit give me, Let each promise still my fear. Death’s dread pow’r, its inward strife, Wars against Your Word of Life; Fill me, Lord, with love’s strong fervor That I cling to You forever!” Amen. (LSB 589:1)
民数记30:1-2 对上帝的起誓—奉祂的名许下的—必须忠心地执行。当这些誓言没有被成就时,它们就非常糟糕地反映了上帝良善的名,并且羞辱了祂的百姓。我们的话必须是我们的束缚,包括当我们在不能做到我们所说的时候(所发出的)悔改的言语。上帝的话语不会失信于我们。上帝的全部应许在基督耶稣里对我们来说都是是的。(林后1:20神的应许,不论有多少,在基督都是是的。所以藉著他也都是实在(实在:原文作阿们)的,叫神因我们得荣耀)。

Numbers 30:3-16 Dependents need the approval of their father or husband to make a binding vow. Our decisions are often not simply our own; they certainly affect other people—especially in a family. As you pray about the path of life ahead, consider how your choices will affect others. Discuss matters with them, as appropriate. Pray for the Lord’s guidance, and seek understanding in His Word. His Word to you is good, sealed in the promise of Christ Jesus, the head of His Bride, the Church.
“Unless You build it, Father, The house is built in vain; Unless You, Savior, bless it, The joy will turn to pain. But nothing breaks the union of hearts in You made one; The love Your Spirit hallows is endless love begun.” Amen. (LSB 858:4)
民数记30:3-16 顺从者需要他们父亲或者丈夫的许可,才能许下有效的誓言。我们的决定通常不仅仅是我们自己的;它们肯定影响其他人—特别是在一个家庭中。当你为着前面生命的道路祷告时,请考虑下你的决定将如何影响他人。也可以合理地与他们沟通这些事情。请为着主耶和华的引导祈求,在祂的话语中寻求智慧。祂的话语(道)对你是良善的,印证在基督耶稣的应许里面,耶稣基督就是教会、祂新妇的头。

Numbers 31 Moses is given a final assignment. He is to oversee the destruction of a group of Midianites who had tempted Israel to idolatry and brought a plague among them. God acts forcefully to protect His people from falling away. Phinehas, the son of Eleazar the high priest, coordinates the attack. The victory secures the east bank of the Jordan, from which the Israelites will conquer Canaan. The tactics described here were meant for this specific situation and cannot be used by people today as a guide to “holy war.” Vengeance belongs to God (Dt 32:35) and is enacted through His chosen authorities, not by individuals. Pray for the safety and peace of soldiers, police, and all in such callings. Entrust your life, health, and future to the one and only Savior, who is strong to deliver.
“Entrust your days and burdens To God’s most loving hand; He cares for you while ruling The sky, the sea, the land. For He who guides the tempests Along their thund’rous ways Will find for you a pathway And guide you all your days.” Amen. (LSB 754:1)
民数记31章 摩西领受最后一项任务。他要监督一群曾经引诱以色列拜偶像并且带给他们灾难的米甸人的灭亡。上帝有力地行动来保守祂的百姓远离堕落。非尼哈,大祭司以利亚撒的儿子,协助进攻。胜利保证了约旦河东岸的安宁,以色列人从那里开始征服迦南。这里所描述的策略是用于这个特别的处境,不能被今天的人作为“圣战”的一个指南来使用。伸冤报应属于上帝(申32:35 他们失脚的时候,伸冤报应在我;因他们遭灾的日子近了;那要临在他们身上的必速速来到),并且这是透过祂选定的掌权者,而不是个人来执行。请为着士兵,警察和所有在这种呼召中的人的安全和平安祷告。请将你的生命,健康和未来交托给那唯一的救赎主,祂有大能施行拯救。

Numbers 32 The Reubenites and Gadites desire the good land east of the Jordan to raise livestock. They vow to fight beside their brothers in the conquest of Canaan (fulfilled in Jsh 22:1-6). When you make promises, keep your word, for the Lord will hold you responsible. Rejoice that He keeps His Word responsibly, promising and delivering His blessings and care.
“O Comforter of priceless worth, Send peace and unity on earth; Support us in our final strife And lead us out of death to life.” Amen. (LSB 655:3)
民数记32章 流便和迦得支派的人渴望得到约旦河东岸的好土地来牧放牲畜。他们起誓要与他们的弟兄一同作战,征服迦南地(在约书亚记22:1-6节实现)。当你许下诺言时,请保守你的话,因为主耶和华会监察你的责任。要为着祂负责任地保守祂的话语(道)而欢喜,祂的道应许并承载着祂的祝福和看顾。

Numbers 33:1-49 God guides Israel every step of the way to the Promised Land. He dwells among them as He had promised (Ex 25:8). He is always their God for the sake of His love toward them in the coming Messiah, although many times the Israelites do not behave like God’s people. Even now, in Jesus the Messiah, the Lord walks with you and remains ever faithful, calling you to repentance, faith, and a blessed future.
“Rise! To arms! With prayer employ you, O Christians, lest the foe destroy you; For Satan has designed your fall. Wield God’s Word, the weapon glorious; Against all foes be thus victorious, For God protects you from them all. Fear not the hordes of hell, Here is Emmanuel. Hail the Savior! The strong foes yield To Christ, our shield, And we, the victors, hold the field.” Amen. (LSB 668:1)
民数记33:1-49 上帝在去往应许之地的每一步路程上引导以色列。祂正如祂曾经应许的,居住在他们中间(出25:8又当为我造圣所,使我可以住在他们中间)。尽管许多时候以色列人表现的不像上帝的子民,但是因着祂在将要来的弥赛亚中对他们的爱,祂依然是他们的上帝。甚至在今天,在耶稣那弥赛亚里面,主耶和华与你同行,祂仍然是信实的,并且呼召你走向悔改,信靠和一个蒙福的未来。

Numbers 33:50-56 God does not want the religions of the heathen Canaanites to influence the Israelites or to lead them astray as did the Mdianites. God’s people today should avoid all syncretism with other religions, lest the teaching of God’s Word be corrupted. As you interact with others who do not know or believe in Christ, pray for their deliverance, life, and salvation. Rejoice in the inheritance the Lord grants you as His beloved children.
“Preserve Your Word, O Savior, To us this latter day, And let Your kingdom flourish; Enlarge Your Church, we pray. O Keep our faith from failing; Keep hope’s bright star aglow. Let nothing from truth turn us While living here below.” Amen. (LSB 658:1)
民数记33:50-56 上帝不希望异教徒迦南人的宗教影响以色列人,或者像米甸人做的那样引诱他们偏离道路。今天上帝的百姓也应当逃避所有与其它宗教的联合,免得上帝话语的教导被腐蚀。当你与其他不认识或者不信基督的人来往时,请为着他们的拯救,生命和救恩祷告。也请在主耶和华赐给你(作为祂蒙爱的儿女)的产业中欢喜快乐。

Numbers 34:1-15 God has already given the Israelites the Promised Land. Yet, the Lord still calls them to faithful actions, to live and serve according to the promise. He also calls us to fulfill our calling as His heaven-bound people. As you face new challenges, consider that the Lord has already prepared your way. His gift and inheritance cannnot be taken from you.
“Faint not nor fear, His arms are near; He changes not who holds you dear; Only believe, and you will see That Christ is all eternally.” Amen. (LSB 664:4)
民数记34:1-15 上帝已经将应许之地赐给以色列人。然而,主耶和华仍然呼召他们忠心地行事,靠着应许生活、服侍。祂也呼召我们作为祂属天的子民履行我们的天职。当你面对新挑战时,请记得主耶和华已经为你预备道路。祂的恩赐和产业都不能从你这里被抢走。

Numbers 34:16-29 The Lord works through the drawing of lots and assigns the territory He wishes various tribes to inhabit (cf Jsh 14-20). Eleazar and Joshua oversee the process as God’s representatives. Inheritance can become a matter of dispute in families. Speak and work in a Christlike manner with family members about sensitive matters. Realize that, as God’s people, Christ has prepared a great and lasting inheritance for you, which surpasses all earthly joys.
“O sweet and blessed country, The home of God’s elect! O sweet and blessed country That faithful hearts expect! In mercy, Jesus, bring us To that eternal rest With You and God the Father And Spirit, ever blest.” Amen. (LSB 672:4)
民数记34:16-29 主耶和华透过拈阄来作工,按照祂想要各个支派居住的地方分派土地(参书14-20)。以利亚撒和约书亚作为上帝的代表监管分地过程。产业可以变成家庭中的一个纷争。请以效法基督的方式与家人谈论,处理敏感的事情。记得作为上帝的百姓,基督已经为你预备了一个盛大、永久的产业,要超过所有属世的喜乐。

Numbers 35:1-8 God had selected the Levites to help the priests. Their cities of refuge would protect individuals accused of accidental killing. The Lord leaves nothing to chance or accident but thoroughly prepares for His people’s bodily needs, peace, and blessing. Today, entrust your life and ways to Him, for He cares for you!
“O God of mercy, God of might, in love and pity infinite, Teach us, as ever in Thy sight, To live our lives in Thee.” Amen. (LSB 852:1)
民数记35:1-8 上帝选定利未人协助祭司。他们的逃城可以保护那些因着过失杀人而被指控的人。主耶和华不将任何事归给偶然或事故,却完全预备祂子民的身体需要,平安和祝福。今天,请将你的生命和道路交托给祂,因为祂在乎你!

Numbers 35:9-34 Individuals accused of an accidental killing find safety from “the avenger of blood” in cities of refuge. These cities could not harbor intentional murders (cf Ex 20:13). To protect the innocent, God establishes a system of justice with two witnesses (v 30). Today, pray for the families of victims and for the guilty. Pray also for wise lawmakers, judges, and juries. Our God is a judge who has pronounced just punishment. In Christ, He also pronounces grace and mercy, which are blessings for believers, who in turn benefit their communities.
“ ‘You shall not murder, hurt, nor hate; Your anger dare not dominate. Be kind and patient; help, defend, And treat your foe as your friend.’ Have mercy, Lord!” Amen. (LSB 581:6)
民数记35:9-34 因着失误杀人的个人可以在逃城中寻求庇护,远离报血仇的。这些城不能收容故意杀人的(参 出20:13不可杀人)。为了保护无辜之人,上帝设立一个两个见证人的公正制度(30节)今天,请为着受害者的家人和犯罪者祷告。也为着智慧的制法者,法官和陪审团祷告。我们的上帝是一位宣告公义惩罚的法官。在基督里,祂也宣告恩典和怜悯,作为祝福赐给信徒,信徒也因此使他们的社区得益处。
“ ‘你不可杀人,伤害,或仇恨;你的怒气怎敢做主。要和气,忍耐;帮助,保护,并且以你的敌人为你的朋友。’主啊,愿你施怜悯!”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册581:6)

Numbers 36 For each tribe to retain its territory, God commands that Zelophehad’s daughters choose husbands within their own tribe. Numbers ends with a brief summary statement that all regulations therein came by God’s hand. In Christ, God cares for each individual. He willingly bends an ear to hear even the most routine request and acts on each person’s behalf with righteousness and mercy.
Lord, You lovingly guided Your people Israel. You also found me in my sin and saved me through the precious blood of Your Son. Preserve me in the one true faith. Amen.
民数记36章 为了使每一支派能够存留它的地业,上帝吩咐西罗非哈的女儿们从她们自己的支派选择丈夫。民数记以一个简单的归纳声明结束,即这里所有的命令典章都是从上帝的手中来的。在基督里,上帝看顾每一个人。祂甘愿低垂自己的耳朵,聆听那些甚至最寻常的祈求,并且带着公义和怜悯为每一个人的益处行事。

翻译:Gary Liu

Deuteronomy 1:1-8 Through many trials, God raises a new generation in Israel and brings them to the plains of Moab just east of the Jordan River. The Promised Land is in sight. God’s covenant promise is sure. He keeps His word to His people, including His word to you. Rejoice in the Lord’s faithfulness as you share His testimonies with others. The Gospel is fresh and precious for every new generation.
Heavenly Lord, we praise You and thank You for Your faithfulness in Christ, our Lord. Amen.
申命记1:1-8 经过许多的试炼,上帝在以色列中兴起新的一代,并且带领他们来到约旦河东边的摩押平原。应许之地就在眼前。上帝盟约的应许是确实的。祂保守祂给祂百姓的话,包括祂给你的话。当你将祂的见证分享给其他人时,请在主耶和华的信实中欢喜快乐。福音对每一个新生的一代都是常新和珍贵的。

Deuteronomy 1:9-18 In His great love, God establishes a judicial system administered by God-fearing men selected from among the Israelites. God knows the human heart. He knows that sin brings discord and dissent. Left unchecked, sin can destroy a nation and finally cause eternal separation from God. But thanks be to God, we have a faithful Judge in heaven who wishes not to condemn us but to deliver us from sin.
Lord, we thank You because we know that on Judgment Day, You will see believers through the blood of Jesus Christ and declare us “not guilty!” Amen.
申命记1:9-18 在祂丰盛的爱中,上帝设立一个审判制度,由以色列人中选出来的敬畏上帝的人来执行。上帝知道人的心。祂知道罪会带来纷争和异议。如果不对付,罪可以击垮一个民族,并且最终导致与上帝的永恒隔绝。但感谢归给上帝,我们在天上有一个信实的法官,祂不愿定我们的罪,却愿意拯救我们脱离罪恶。

Deuteronomy 1:19-33 Moses retells the story of the Israelites’ rebellion. Although God promised to drive out the Canaanites, the Israelites listened to the 10 spies instead and recoiled in fear. As a result, an entire generation of Israelites died in the desert. Today, we are wrong to trust the word of others over the Word of God. God gives His Word for our blessing and to strengthen us in faith.
Lord, at those times when we rebel against You, send Your Spirit to show us the error of our ways. Remember that we are Your sons and daughters through Holy Baptism, and sustain and strengthen us by the body and blood of Your own dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
申命记1:19-33 摩西重述以色列人悖逆的故事。尽管上帝曾应许要赶出迦南人,但以色列人却反而听从那10个探子,在恐惧中畏缩。结果是,以色列整个一代人都死在旷野。今天,信靠别人的话过于上帝的话语也会是我们的错误。上帝为了我们的祝福和在信心中坚固我们,将祂的话语(道)赐下。

Deuteronomy 1:34-46 The Israelites’ disobedience causes God to withdraw His presence and delay giving them the Promised Land. After 40 years, God teaches His faithfulness to a new generation and prepares them as a father prepares his dear children. How patient is our heavenly Father’s love and care!
Gentle Shepherd, lead us patiently, that we may one day cross from death to eternal life. Amen.
申命记1:34-46 以色列人的悖逆导致上帝收回祂的同在,并且延迟将应许之地赐给他们。40年之后,上帝将祂的信实教导给新的一代人,并且像一位父亲预备他亲爱的儿女一样预备他们。我们天父的爱和看顾是多么有耐心啊!

Deuteronomy 2:1-25 God’s promise of land for the Edomites, Moabites, and Amonites means that the Israelites must pass farther east. God leads the charge to drive the Amorites from the land. The Israelites’ victory belong only to God. Our victories, too, belong to God. Our salvation is only by God’s hand, not our own. By His Son’s precious blood, we are justified; by His Spirit, we are sanctified.
Father, whenever we are tempted to boast of our own deeds, let us recall Paul’s words: “ ‘Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.’ For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends” (2Co 10:17-18). Amen.
申命记2:1-25 上帝给以东人,摩押人,和亚扪人土地的应许意味着以色列人必须继续向东挪移。上帝在前面引领将亚摩利人驱逐出那地。以色列人的胜利唯独属于上帝。我们的胜利,也属于上帝。我们的救恩单单出于上帝的手,而不是我们自己的。藉着祂儿子的宝血,我们得称为义;凭着祂的圣灵,我们得以成圣。

Deuteronomy 2:26-37 The conquest is underway. Stubborn King Sihon places his army in God’s path, and it is swallowed up as easily as Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea. The Lord fights the battles of His people.
Lord, soften our hearts and create in us a faith that never rejects Your precious Word, like Sihon and Pharaoh did. Bring us to a richer understanding of how the waters of Baptism have drowned the old Adam and made us new people. Amen.
申命记2:26-37 征服在进行中。顽梗的西宏王用他的军队抵达上帝的道路,然而他们就像法老的军队在红海里一样,轻易地被吞没。主耶和华为祂的百姓争战。

Deuteronomy 3:1-22 Moses presents Israel’s victory over Og, the apportionment of land east of the Jordan River, and the installation of Joshua. Within these verses, believers are reminded of God’s faithfulness. As He faithfully led Israel, God will also lead His people today. His promises to us are sealed in the blood of His Son (cf 2Co 1:20).
Lord of heaven and earth, You shower Your blessings on those who are led to faith by Your Holy Spirit. Guide and protect us from the evil one, who would take away our promised inheritance. Amen.
申命记 3:1-22 摩西呈现了以色列对噩的胜利,约旦河东土地的分派,还有约书亚的按立。在这些经文中,信徒得以记起上帝的信实。正如祂曾信实地引领以色列一样,今天上帝也会引导祂的百姓。祂给我们的应许都鉴证在祂儿子的宝血里了(参林后1:20神的应许,不论有多少,在基督都是是的。所以藉著他也都是实在(实在:原文作阿们)的,叫神因我们得荣耀)。

Deuteronomy 3:23-29 Sin and its consequences walk hand in hand. Moses’ consequence was that he did not enter the Promised Land at that time. What a sad reality. Yet, see application note, ch 34. Forgiven sinners rejoice that the consequences of sin no longer bring eternal separation from God. Paul says it best: “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rm 6:23).
Lord, despite the earthly consequences of sin, teach us to live faithfully and in view of the eternal blessings of forgiveness. Amen.
申命记3:23-29 罪和它的后果形影不离。摩西的后果就是他那时不能进入应许之地。一个多么凄凉的现实啊。然而,看34章注释。被赦免的罪人应当欢喜,罪带来的后果不再是与上帝的永恒分离。圣保罗说的最好:“因为罪的工价乃是死;惟有神的恩赐,在我们的主基督耶稣里,乃是永生”(罗6:23)。

Deuteronomy 4:1-14 God desires to dwell among His people, but a holy God cannot live among an unholy people. So God lovingly establishes His ordinances, including the Ten Commandments. Through the Word, the Lord leads us to faith and to keep His commands faithfully; He shows forth His blessings in our lives.
Lord of all, we gratefully acknowledge that Christ has freed us from the bondage of the Law, for we are “justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rm 3:24). Thanks be to God! Amen.
申命记4:1-14 上帝意愿居住在祂的百姓中间,但一位圣洁的上帝不能与一群不圣洁的百姓同居。所以,上帝亲爱地设立祂的典章,包括十条诫命。藉着圣道,主耶和华引领我们到信心中,并且忠心地遵守祂的吩咐;祂在我们的生命中彰显祂的祝福。

Deuteronomy 4:15-31 Just as a loving father warns his children against life’s dangers, so God warns Israel. Through Moses, God warns the Israelites of the perils of following pagan gods. Consequences would include forfeiting the land, though God retained ownership of it (Lv 25:23). He promises mercy to Israel and extends that kindness to us too.
Almighty God, though Israel’s disobedience caused the forfeiture of their land, You never removed the promise of a Savior given first to Adam and Eve (Gn 3:15) and confirmed to Abram (Gn 12:3b). That promise is completed in the life, death, and resurrection of my Lord Jesus. Great is Your faithfulness! Amen.
申命记4:15-31 就像一位慈爱的父亲警告他的儿女关于生活中的危险一样,上帝也警告以色列。藉着摩西,上帝警告以色列人关于随从外邦假神的危险。后果将会包括丧失土地,尽管上帝仍然拥有土地的所有权(利25:23地不可永卖,因为地是我的;你们在我面前是客旅,是寄居的)。祂应许了怜悯给以色列,并且也将那慈爱延伸给我们。

Deuteronomy 4:32-40 Moses reminds the people that with fire and wonders God has established Himself as the God of Israel. No other god has led a people away from their captors, conquered their enemies, and established them in a new land. Such a God is worthy of our worship and praise. In Christ, He declares us His very own people.
Lord Almighty, in our times of trouble, let us remember that You are with us always. Amen.
申命记4:32-40 摩西提醒百姓,上帝在火和惊奇中将祂自己立为以色列的上帝。没有别的神曾引领一个民族脱离他们的压迫者,征服他们的仇敌,并且将他们安置在一个新土地上。这样一位上帝是配得我们敬拜和赞美的。在基督里,祂宣告我们是祂自己至亲的百姓。

Deuteronomy 4:41-43 The Lord provides refuge for His people east of the Jordan. Today, the Lord Himself is our refuge. He prepares an everlasting home for us.
Father, as sinners, it is reassuring to know that You are our refuge and our strength (Ps 46:1). We trust in Your providential care. Amen.
申命记4:41-43 主耶和华给祂在约旦河东边的百姓设立逃城。今天,主耶和华祂自己就是我们的逃城。祂给我们预备一个永恒的家乡。

Deuteronomy 4:44-49 The conquest of Canaan is underway. Territories once belonging to Sihon and Og are under full control of the Reubenites, Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh. Moses presents God’s Word to the Israelites, including many laws and promises. Holding fast to these laws and promises, the people would experience God’s blessings. Still today, He promises many and great blessings to those who receive His testimonies.
Faithful Lord, we have the assurance that “all the promises of God find their Yes in [Jesus]” (2Co 1:20). For Your rich blessings in our lives, we humbly give You thanks. Amen.
申命记4:44-49 对迦南的征服在进行中。曾经属于西宏和噩的疆土如今在流便,迦得和玛拿西半支派的全权管辖之下。摩西将上帝的话语呈给以色列人,其中有许多律法和应许。若坚守这些律法和应许,百姓就会经历上帝的祝福。今天也同样,祂应许了许多丰盛的祝福给那些领受祂的见证的人。
信实的主,我们确信“所有上帝的应许在【耶稣】里,都是是的”(林后1:20 神的应许,不论有多少,在基督都是是的。所以藉著他也都是实在(实在:原文作阿们)的,叫神因我们得荣耀)。为着你在我们生命中丰富的祝福,我们谦卑地将感谢献给你。阿们。

Deuteronomy 5 Moses recounts how all of the Israelites assembled at Mount Sinai with one another. Sinful men and women need an intermediary between themselves and God. Though Moses served in that capacity at Sinai, Jesus Christ fills that role in a much greater way for you and for me (1Tm 2:5-6; cf Rm 8:1-2).
Lord of mercy, in Your Law we become painfully aware that our sinful nature separates us from You. Through Christ, our Lord, draw us ever closer to You through Your Word and Sacraments. Amen.
申命记5章 摩西重述所有以色列人如何在西奈山一起聚集的。有罪的男人和女人在他们和上帝之间需要一位中保。尽管摩西在西奈山为此职分服事,但耶稣基督以一个更伟岸的方式为你,为我担负那个角色(提前2:5-6 因为只有一位神,在神和人中间,只有一位中保,乃是降世为人的基督耶稣;他舍自己作万人的赎价,到了时候,这事必证明出来 ;参 罗8:1-2如今,那些在基督耶稣里的就不定罪了。因为赐生命圣灵的律,在基督耶稣里释放了我,使我脱离罪和死的律了)。

Deuteronomy 6 God desires to shower His people with blessings, but their hearing and following of His Word is required for Him to dwell among them. He alone is God. There is no other. Thankfully, the Father sent His one and only Son as our atoning sacrifice. God’s Holy Spirit now dwells within all believers. Indeed, we become God’s dwelling place (1Co 3:16).
Lord, we thank You for parents, relatives, friends, and pastors who speak Your Word in purity and truth. Use us now as instruments for the salvation of others. Amen.
申命记6章 上帝意愿用祝福沐浴祂的百姓,但为了祂能够居住在他们中间,他们需要聆听和遵从祂话语。唯独祂是上帝。没有别的上帝。感恩的是,圣父差遣祂的独生儿子成为我们的赎罪祭。上帝的圣灵如今居住在所有信徒里面。确实,我们成为了上帝的居所(林前3:16 岂不知你们是神的殿,神的灵住在你们里头吗)。

Deuteronomy 7 God’s hand is raised against the inhabitants of Canaan, whose sin has ripened before God, causing His action. God, not the Israelites on their own, will drive the Canaanites from the Promised Land. He plans to fulfill His promise to Israel’s greatest ancestors: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Today, through Jesus Christ, believers are led into the promised land of eternal life. Each time we look upon the empty cross, we are reminded of God’s promise of redemption fulfilled in Christ.
Lord of all creation, we thank You for the precious foretelling of deliverance made known to Your ancient people and delivered in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Grant us encouragement in Your precious Word. Amen.
申命记7章 上帝兴起祂的手攻击迦南地的居民,因为他们在上帝面前的罪积攒成熟,导致祂的作为。上帝,不是以色列人自己,将把迦南人从应许之地赶出去。祂计划成就祂赐给以色列最伟大先祖(亚伯拉罕,以撒和雅各)的应许。今天,藉着耶稣基督,信徒被带进永生的应许之地。每一次我们仰望那空空的十字架,我们就被提醒上帝在基督里成就了的救赎应许。

Deuteronomy 8 God weaves a pattern of worship into the lives of the Israelites. By remembering and keeping God’s commands, they honor His name and show God’s grace to the nations surrounding them (4:6). Their disobedience dishonors God’s name. How easily Christians today look upon themselves as self-made, dishonoring God in the process.Instead, may we pray as J.S. Bach did, “To God alone be glory” (Soli Deo Gloria), for there is no other Savior.
Father, forgive us. We are poor, miserable sinners, often content to go our own way and seek our own glory. We ask that You send Your Holy Spirit to lead us to repentance, and then feed us with Your sustaining bread of life. Amen.
申命记8章 上帝将敬拜的范式编织在以色列人的生活中。藉着纪念和遵守上帝的吩咐,他们尊荣祂的名并且向周边的列国传扬上帝的恩典(4:6所以你们要谨守遵行;这就是你们在万民眼前的智慧、聪明。他们听见这一切律例,必说:『这大国的人真是有智慧,有聪明!』)。他们的悖逆会玷污上帝的名。今天基督徒会多么轻易地认为他们自己是自我存在(自力更生),如此就在行程中玷污上帝啊。相反,愿我们都与作曲家巴赫(J.S.Bach)一同祈祷, “荣耀唯独归给上帝”(Soli Deo Gloria), 因为没有别的救赎主。

Deuteronomy 9:1-12 God will soon lead the Israelites into Canaan, a land that 40 years earlier they had called unconquerable. But God Himself will lead the charge with “consuming fire” (v 3). Israel’s victory will not be based on their righteousness; neither are the blessing and victory we receive. Our salvation came at a terrible price: it cost God the life of His Son, a gift we are to remember in Holy Communion until Christ comes again in His glory (1Co 11:26).
Heavenly Lord, let us never boast of the works of our hands. Everything we have is a precious gift of grace from You, through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
申命记9:1-12 上帝将很快带领以色列人进入迦南,一块早40年前他们称为不可征服的土地。但上帝祂自己以“烈火”(3节)向前冲锋。以色列的得胜将不在乎他们的义;我们所领受的祝福和得胜也(不在乎我们的义)。我们的救赎以一个残酷的代价临到:(为此)上帝付上祂儿子的生命,就是我们要在圣餐礼中纪念的礼物,直到基督再次在祂的荣耀里降临时(林前11:26 你们每逢吃这饼,喝这杯,是表明主的死,直等到他来)。

Deuteronomy 9:13-29 By retelling the story of the golden calf (Ex 32), Moses teaches a new generation about the consequences of disobeying God’s commands. The entire nation was about to forfeit their status as God’s chosen people. But God mercifully turned away from their sin. Today, God still calls His people to come before Him and seek His forgiveness in order that He might “cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1Jn 1:9).
Loving Father, each sin we commit brings tears to Your eyes. By our own actions, we separate ourselves from You. Look past our faults to see the gracious intercession of Your Son at Calvary. Amen.
申命记9:13-29 藉着重述金牛犊的故事(出32章),摩西将悖逆上帝命令的后果教导给新的一代人。整个民族(那时)将要失去他们作为上帝选民的身份。但上帝满有怜悯地转离他们的罪。今天,上帝依然在呼召祂的百姓来到祂面前,寻求祂的饶恕,好叫祂可以“洗净我们一切的不义”(约一1:9我们若认自己的罪,神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义)。

Deuteronomy 10:1-11 Moses reminds the Israelites of their idolatry at Sinai. Only Moses’ prayer of intercession spared them. God inscribed two new tablets with His precious commands and promised to lead the Israelites into Canaan. Today, pray for yourself and others who face temptation. Take comfort in the promise that Jesus intercedes for you and will be with you amid all struggles.
Lord, have mercy on us and hear our cry for greater faith and greater faithfulness. Amen.
申命记10:1-11 摩西提醒以色列人他们在西奈山的偶像崇拜。唯有摩西的代求使他们得赦免。上帝将祂宝贵的命令刻在两块新的石版上,并且应许要引领以色列人进入迦南。今天,请为你自己和其他面对试探的人祷告。在耶稣(时常)为你代求并且要在所有患难中与你同在的应许中得安慰。

Deuteronomy 10:12-22 God desires that those who love Him realize that He has the awesome power to forgive sins. In respect of this power, and in honor due His holy name, the Israelites are to reflect God’s love back to Him in their words and actions. In so doing, they witness God’s love to the nations around them and to the foreigners among them. Reflected here is God’s desire that all should be saved and learn of His coming Messiah, Jesus. By God’s grace, we repent of our stubbornness. Through Baptism, we are made new creatures (Rm 6:4), counting ourselves dead to sin and alive to God (Rm 6:11).
Precious Lord, almighty Father, we thank You for the abundant mercy You show to those who repent and turn away from their sins. Forgive us for the sake of Your dear Son. Amen.
申命记10:12-22 上帝意愿那些爱祂的人明白祂有至上的权柄来赦免罪恶。为叫这权能得尊重,祂的圣名得荣耀,以色列人应当将上帝的爱在他们的言语和行为中反映归回给祂。如此行,他们就向他们周边的列国和居住在他们中间的外国人,见证上帝的爱。在此所反映的是,上帝渴望所有人认识祂将要来的弥赛亚耶稣,并且(因祂)得救。靠赖上帝的恩典,我们为我们的顽梗懊悔。透过圣洗礼,我们被创造为新的活物(罗6:4所以,我们藉著洗礼归入死,和他一同埋葬,原是叫我们一举一动有新生的样式,像基督藉著父的荣耀从死里复活一样),看我们自己向罪是死的,向上帝是活的(罗6:11 这样,你们向罪也当看自己是死的;向神在基督耶稣里,却当看自己是活的)。

Deuteronomy 11 Soon the Israelites will cross the Jordan River to begin conquering the land God had promised to Abram so many years before. We can almost hear their cries of thanksgiving! Yet Moses’ warning is stern. Even today, though we have the Bible and know its teaching, we may fail to heed it. Pause today to repent and give praise to your Lord for His merciful goodness. Abundant blessings, especially eternal life (Jn 6:47), are still yours through Jesus Christ.
Lord and sustainer of life, send Your Holy Spirit to us through Your Word and Sacraments. Make us new creatures who daily see Your abundant blessings and honor You with our lives. Amen.
申命记11章 以色列人很快要过约旦河,开始征服上帝很多年前应许给亚伯兰的土地。我们几乎能够听到他们感谢的呼声!然而摩西的警告是严厉的。甚至今天,尽管我们有圣经并且知道它的教导,我们却会在专心于它上失败。今天请驻足下来并悔改,也为着祂满有怜悯的良善,将赞美献给你的主。丰厚的祝福,特别(是)永恒生命(约6:47 我实实在在的告诉你们,信的人有永生),藉着耶稣基督仍然是你的。

Deuteronomy 12:1-28 The Lord calls His people to cleanse the land of all places of false worship. He would provide for them a place to receive His presence in grace and blessing. Today, God forbids us from worshiping Him in ways that seem good to us but that are contrary to His Word. God gives us His clear Word in Christ Jesus. In His Word and Sacraments, we have rest in our consciences, and we experience the deep joy that comes from having God’s forgiveness.
Lord Jesus, in You I find the fullness of God’s glory. I worship and adore You, my Lord and my God. Amen.
申命记12:1-28 主耶和华呼召祂的百姓将所有虚假崇拜的地方从那地清理干净。祂会为他们提供一个地方,(让他们)在恩典和祝福中领受祂的同在。今天,上帝禁止我们用我们看起来是好的,但却与祂的话语相违背的方式来敬拜祂。上帝在基督耶稣里将祂清晰的话语赐给我们。在祂的圣道和圣礼中,我们得着我们良心的安息,并且经历从上帝赦罪而来的深深喜乐。

Deuteronomy 12:29-13:18 The Lord warns His people to fear Him, especially when they are tempted to worship the gods and follow the abominable customs of the people whose land they are to possess. Those who oppose God can draw many followers through their displays of power and spectacle. God’s Word gives us His solemn and binding promises. God means what He says: In Christ, your sins are forgiven. In Christ, you will find life to the full. In Christ, you will be free to love others as you love yourself.
Father, by the leading of Your Holy Spirit, let me always trust in Your Son, my Lord Jesus Christ. Only in Him can I find the light, the truth, and the peace that I need. Amen.
申命记12:29-13:18 主耶和华警告祂的百姓要敬畏祂,特别是当他们受到拜假神的试探,跟随他们将要拥有的土地的原居民可恶风俗时。那些抵挡上帝的人藉着他们的能力和奇事表演可以吸引许多跟随者。上帝的话语(道)将祂庄严必成的应许赐给了我们。上帝说什么就是什么:在基督里,你的罪被赦免了。在基督里,你将得着满溢的生命。在基督里,你将得自由(能力)去爱他人如同你爱自己一样。

Deuteronomy 14:1-21 The Lord calls His people, as members of His household, to avoid mimicking the self-destructive behaviors of their pagan neighbors. The Israelites were to adopt new and distinct table manners, eating only clean food. As members of God’s household (Eph 2:19), we, too, must leave behind all those behaviors and habits that damage ourselves and the Christian community (Eph 5:1-7). Since God has adopted us in Christ Jesus, our Father in heaven will always give us His Holy Spirit so that we may be cleansed from all our sin (Rm 8:12-17).
Father, cleanse me from my guilt, and give me the will and the strength to lead a life worthy of my calling. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
申命记14:1-21 主耶和华呼召祂的百姓,作为祂家中的成员,要避免模仿他们外邦邻居自我毁灭的行为。以色列人要采用新的,分别开来的用餐习惯,只吃洁净的食物。作为上帝家中的成员(弗2:19 这样,你们不再作外人和客旅,是与圣徒同国,是神家里的人了),我们,也,必须离弃所有那些会毁坏我们和基督徒团体(社区)的行为习惯(弗5:1-7所以,你们该效法神,好像蒙慈爱的儿女一样…)。因为上帝已经在基督耶稣里收纳了我们,我们在天上的父总是会将祂的圣灵赐给我们,好叫我们可以从我们所有的罪中得洁净(罗8:12-17…既是儿女,便是後嗣,就是神的後嗣,和基督同作後嗣。如果我们和他一同受苦,也必和他一同得荣耀)。

Deuteronomy 14:22-29 God would provide for His people through the land that He was giving them. He commands them to use their portion for worship and to provide for the needy. Today, God calls us to share with our neighbor in need from the abundance of our possessions (cf Eph 4:28; Lk 10:25-37). Because God provides for us, we do not need to be anxious about our sustenance in this life (Mt 6:31). We are free to gratefully receive the generosity of others, to joyfully use the best we have in the worship of God, and to cheerfully experience God’s love as we give to those in need (2Co 9:7).
Lord, thank You for Your great generosity to me. By Your Holy Spirit, lead me to give cheerfully and gratefully because of the gifts You have given. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
申命记14:22-29 上帝要藉着祂赐给他们的土地供应祂的百姓。祂吩咐他们将他们的一份用于敬拜和供应有缺乏的人。今天,上帝呼召我们从我们产业的丰富中分享一些给我们有需要的邻舍(参弗4:28从前偷窃的,不要再偷;总要劳力,亲手做正经事,就可有余分给那缺少的人;路10:25-37)。因为上帝供养我们,我们不需要为着我们今生的食物忧虑(太6:31所以,不要忧虑说:吃什麽?喝什麽?穿什麽)。我们得了自由,可以感恩地领受他人的恩惠,喜乐地将我们所拥有的的最好(东西)用在对上帝的敬拜中,并且在我们施舍给那些有缺乏之人时,欢快地经历上帝的爱(林后9:7各人要随本心所酌定的,不要作难,不要勉强,因为捐得乐意的人是神所喜爱的)。

Deuteronomy 15 Since the Lord would generously provide for His people, He commands them to be generous with one another. Today, the existence of poverty in the Christian community is a scandal, and the cry of those in need in any community goes up before the Lord. In the Church, you have brothers and sisters given to you by God. This means that you can always be confident God will provide for you when you are in need, and that you can help others knowing that God will give you more than enough to live life to the full.
Gracious Father, grant me wisdom in caring for my brothers and sisters in Christ. Since You have adopted me in Holy Baptism, help me give and receive in ways that honor You. Amen.
申命记15章 因为主耶和华满有恩惠地供养祂的子民,祂也吩咐他们要以恩惠(慷慨)彼此相待。今天,基督徒社区里贫困的存在是一个丑闻,在每个社区里那些有缺乏之人的呼求上达主耶和华的面前。在教会中,你有上帝赐给你的弟兄姊妹。这意味着你可以一直确信,当你有缺乏时上帝会供应你,并且你可以去帮助他人,知道上帝会赐给你超过生活的所需,充充满满。

Deuteronomy 16:1-8 At the Passover festival, the people would remember the way God delivered them from slavery in Egypt. Today, if we forget all that God has done for us, we fall back into sinful actions and habits. Without God’s help, we find ourselves suffering the distress and affliction of slavery to sin. Our Lord Jesus has given us His body and blood to make Himself present with us and to deliver us from evil. As we celebrate the Lord’s Supper “in remembrance” of Jesus, we receive the freedom from sin that He alone gives.
Lord Jesus, remember me in Your kingdom, and deliver me from all evil. Amen.
申命记16:1-8 在逾越节中,百姓纪念上帝曾拯救他们脱离埃及奴役的途径。今天,如果我们忘记上帝为我们所成就的一切,我们就会跌回到有罪的行为和习惯当中。没有上帝的帮助,我们就会发现我们自己要遭受被罪奴役的压迫和苦难。我们的主耶稣已经将祂的身体和宝血赐给我们,使得祂自己与我们同在,救拔我们脱离凶恶。当我们庆祝主圣餐,“纪念”耶稣时,我们就在领受唯独祂能给予的,脱离罪恶的自由。

Deuteronomy 16:9-12 God commands His people to remember their blessings and to share from their bounty with those in need. When God has given us much, He asks much from us (Lk 12:48). By sharing what God has given you, you show your trust in His generosity. He also promises through Jesus, the Savior, that you will receive many times more than you give, in this age and in the age to come (Lk 18:18-30).
Father, since You have given me so much, give me also Your Holy Spirit so that I may be generous to all who suffer need. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
申命记16:9-12 上帝吩咐祂的百姓记得他们(所领受)的祝福,并且从他们的丰富中与那些有缺乏的人分享。当上帝赐给我们更多时,祂也向我们索取更多(路12:48惟有那不知道的,做了当受责打的事,必少受责打;因为多给谁,就向谁多取;多托谁,就向谁多要)。藉着(与人)分享上帝赐给你的,你也表明(自己)对祂慷慨丰富的信靠。祂也藉着耶稣,救赎主,应许了,你将得到比你施舍的多百倍,在今生和来世(路18:18-30…耶稣说:「我实在告诉你们,人为神的国撇下房屋,或是妻子、弟兄、父母、儿女,没有在今世不得百倍,在来世不得永生的)。

Deuteronomy 16:13-17 The Feast of Booths includes foreigners, who are also called to celebrate God’s gracious provision of the harvest. God gives blessings to all, even to those who are not His people (Mt 5:43-48). If we refuse to show God’s generous love to other people, our behavior is no better than that of unbelievers. The fellowship we have in Christ with people “from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rv 5:9) is God’s great blessing to us. Together we experience the true unity that comes from access to God’s grace in Christ Jesus.
Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me brothers and sisters from every tribe and language and people and nation! Grant us joy together in the Gospel. Amen.
申命记16:13-17 住棚节中也有寄居的人,他们也被呼召欢庆上帝对丰收的恩典看顾。上帝将祝福赐给所有人,甚至那些不是祂子民的人(太5:43-48…这样就可以作你们天父的儿子;因为他叫日头照好人,也照歹人;降雨给义人,也给不义的人)。如果我们拒绝向他人表明上帝恩惠的慈爱,我们的行为并不比不信之人的好多少。我们与同在基督里从“各族,各方,各民,各国”而来的百姓有团契交通,这是上帝给我们的丰盛祝福(启5:9他们唱新歌,说:你配拿书卷,配揭开七印;因为你曾被杀,用自己的血从各族、各方、各民、各国中买了人来,叫他们归於神)。我们一起经历从支取上帝在基督耶稣里的恩典而来的真正合一。

Deuteronomy 16:18-20 God commands impartiality in judges because He is Himself impartial in judgment (Rm 2:11). In this we stand warned: there will be tribulation and distress for all who do evil, including those within the household of God. Yet God shows His righteousness in judgment by leading us in faith to receive His mercy and forgiveness in Christ Jesus.
Lord Jesus, all my hope is in You, because You are my righteousness, my peace, and my joy. Amen.
申命记16:18-20 上帝吩咐审判要不偏待,因为祂自己审判就是不偏待人的(罗2:11因为神不偏待人)。在这里我们得到警告:对所有作恶,包括那些上帝家中的人,将会有灾难和痛苦。然而,上帝引导我们在信心中领受祂在基督耶稣里的怜悯和赦罪,也藉此显明祂审判中的公义。

Deuteronomy 16:21-17:7 God forbids all forms of false worship even as He provides for instruction in the truth. We did not choose God, but He chose us (Jn 15:16). We can be rightly confident that He will keep us in true faith and lead us through death to eternal life.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for choosing me to be Your disciple. Keep me in true faith so I may do those things that are pleasing to You. Amen.
申命记16:21-17:7 正如祂在真理中提供指南一样,上帝禁止所有形式的偶像崇拜。我们没有选择上帝,但祂选择了我们(约15:16不是你们拣选了我,是我拣选了你们,并且分派你们去结果子,叫你们的果子常存,使你们奉我的名,无论向父求什麽,他就赐给你们)。我们可以确信祂必要保守我们在真信仰里,并且引领我们出死入永生。

Deuteronomy 17:8-13 Difficult legal cases require special consideration, and the people are to respect the decisions. When the Law of God convicts us, we must not seek to escape judgment by trying to gain other people’s approval for our sinful actions. God gives His judgment through the Law to drive us to repentance (Rm 3:20) so that we may receive salvation from sin in our Lord Jesus.
Lord, let me hear Your word of judgment so that I may place my hope not in the opinion of sinful human beings, but in Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.
申命记17:8-13 困难的争讼案件需要特别的考量,百姓需要尊重判决。当上帝的律法定我们的罪时,我们决不能试着获取他人对我们有罪行为的认可,来逃避审判。上帝藉着律法将祂的审判赐下,驱使我们悔改(罗3:20 所以凡有血气的,没有一个因行律法能在神面前称义,因为律法本是叫人知罪),好叫我们可以在我们主耶稣里领受脱离罪恶的救恩。

Deuteronomy 17:14-20 God gives His concession, allowing His people to have a king, but only on certain conditions. Note well the focus on God’s Word in this description of a good and godly king. God’s Word will similarly bless, equip, and strengthen you for faithful service.
Lord, Your instruction shows me the way of life and love; keep my heart always open to Your teaching. Amen.
申命记17:14-20 上帝给出祂的让步,允许祂的百姓拥有一个王,但只有在特定的条件下。请特别留意这一个好的、敬虔君王的描述对上帝话语的聚焦。上帝的话语也会同样祝福,装备,和坚固你,为着忠心的服事。

Deuteronomy 18:1-8 Though the Levitical priesthood will not have an inheritance of land that will provide their sustenance, the Lord Himself will be their inheritance. They are to share in the offerings that are brought to the Lord. Today, we are not to neglect the physical needs of those who serve the Lord among us, for “you shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain” (25:4) and “the laborer deserves his food” (Mt 10:10). Cf 1Co 9:9-14; 1Tm 5:18. God provided for the needs of the Levitical priests through the gifts of His people. So also today, God’s people are moved by His grace in Christ Jesus to support those who labor among them, especially in preaching the life-giving Gospel of Jesus.
Lord God, help us to give “double honor” (1Tm 5:17) to those who faithfully labor among us in Your vineyard, calling us to repentance with Your Holy Law and uplifting us with the mercy, forgiveness, and life that are ours in Christ Jesus, our Savior. Amen.
申命记18:1-8 尽管利未祭司不会拥有可以供给他们生计的土地产业,但主耶和华自己就是他们的产业。他们要得享(百姓)带给耶和华的祭物。今天,我们也不可忽视那些在我们中间服事主之人的物质需要,因为“牛在场上踹谷的时候,不可笼住他的嘴”(25:4),并且“工人得饮食是应当的”(太10:10行路不要带口袋;不要带两件褂子,也不要带鞋和 杖;因为工人得饮食是应当的)。参 林前9:9-14;提前5:18。上帝藉着祂百姓的礼物来供应利未祭司们的需要。所以今天也一样,上帝的百姓被祂在基督耶稣里的恩典所感动,来支持那些在他们中间做工的人,特别是那些传讲耶稣赐人生命之福音的人。

Deuteronomy 18:9-14 As Israel enters the Promised Land, they will be exposed to the influences of the false, occultist worship practices of the nations surrounding them, which they are to avoid. The people are faced with a great challenge: will they remain faithful to the Lord, or will they desert Him? Today, consider to whom you will listen. As parents lovingly protect their children by warning, reminding, and encouraging them, so our gracious God comes to us in His Word, warning us of snares and pitfalls, reminding us of our relationship to Him as His beloved children, and encouraging and comforting us with the assurance of His love and forgiveness.
Lord God, give me an undivided heart that I may always honor Your name and be Your witness to others, a city set on a hill, whose light cannot be hidden (Mt 5:14). Amen.
申命记18:9-14 随着以色列进入应许之地,他们将会被暴露在他们周边民族所操练的虚假、术士崇拜的影响下,就是他们所需要逃避的。百姓面对一个巨大的挑战:他们将会仍然忠于主耶和华,还是他们要离弃祂呢?今天,请思量你会聆听谁。正如父母满有慈爱地藉着警告,提醒和鼓励他们的儿女来保护他们一样,我们满有恩典的上帝也在祂的圣道(Word话语)中临到我们,警告我们网罗和陷阱,提醒我们作为祂蒙爱的儿女与祂的关系,并且用祂的爱和饶恕的确据鼓励、安慰我们。

Deuteronomy 18:15-22 Criteria for identifying false prophets and false prophecy are given. God will provide a source of revelation to communicate with His people: He will send a line of prophets that will culminate in the great Prophet promised here, the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s Word is holy and is to be treated as such. Neglect of His Word, denial of His Word, adding to or subtracting from His Word, or twisting His Word are all sin. God graciously desires to speak to us to give to us what we cannot live without, the Word that has the power to bring us to repentance (Rm 3:20, Law), make us alive to eternal life (Rm 1:16, Gospel), and keep us in the truth (Jn 8:31-32).
“Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word; Curb those who by deceit or sword Would wrest the kingdom from Your Son and bring to naught all He has done.” Amen. (LSB 655:1)
申命记18:15-22 鉴别假先知和假预言的标准被赐下。上帝提供一个启示的来源,与祂的百姓交通:祂差遣一连串的先知们,最终在那最大的先知(在此应许了的),就是主耶稣基督身上达到顶峰。上帝的话语是圣洁的,并且应当按此对待。无视祂的话语,否认祂的话语,添加或删减祂的话语,扭曲祂的话语全都是罪。上帝满有恩典地渴望向我们说话,将我们若没有就不能活着的东西(圣道)赐给我们,就是那有能力带领我们悔改(罗3:20所以凡有血气的,没有一个因行律法能在神面前称义,因为律法本是叫人知罪,律法),使我们活过来朝向永生(罗1:16我不以福音为耻;这福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的,先是犹太人,後是希利尼人,福音),并且保守我们在真理中的圣道(约8:31-32耶稣对信他的犹太人说:「你们若常常遵守我的道,就真是我的门徒;你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由)。

Deuteronomy 19:1-13 God gives statutes covering both unintentional and intentional killings. God has given life—all life, from conception on—and reserves the right to take it. No individual can presume to take life into his or her own hands: “You shall not murder” (5:17). God has given us our own “city of refuge” to which we may flee when the guilt of sin threatens to overwhelm us: His grace in Christ Jesus, whose innocent blood was shed for sinners. There you will find free and full forgiveness—the guilt is purged away!
Almighty God, give to us a respect for all life as a sacred gift from You, no matter how small, no matter how feeble and frail, no matter how young or old. Amen.

Deuteronomy 19:14 God gives each family of His people an allotment of land, and the property boundaries of neighbors are to be respected (cf 5:19, 21). God indeed deals bountifully with us to care for our physical needs in this life, but even more so has He given us an inheritance in heaven, secured for us and marked out by Christ Jesus!
Lord God, let us not become enamored by the things of this life but rest secure in the knowledge that You will provide for Your children’s needs. Amen.
申命记19:14 上帝赐一份分配的土地给祂子民的每个家庭,并且邻舍的产业界线是需要得到尊重的(参5:19,21不可贪恋人的妻子;也不可贪图人的房屋、田地、仆婢、牛、驴,并他一切所有的)。上帝确实以丰盛待我们,看顾我们今生的物质所需,但比这更丰盛的是,祂藉着基督耶稣,赐给我们一份天上的产业,为我们保全,划定界线!

Deuteronomy 19:15-21 Laws are given concerning witnesses who bring accusations against others, and safeguards concerning them are given to ensure justice. God calls us to deal with one another with integrity, being faithful witnesses for the protection of ourselves or others and never hurting others by bearing false witness against them. Holy Scripture itself is a witness that our God is just; His perfect justice is seen at the cross, where payment was made in full for sin. There, Jesus became a curse for us; the One who knew no sin was made sin for us (2Co 5:21).
Lord, joy fills our hearts at hearing that You sent Your Son to bear our sin for us and open the door of eternal life to us. We pray that Your Holy Spirit would keep us in the faith until the day of redemption. Amen.
申命记19:15-21 关于要指控他人的证人的法律,和对被指控之人的保护措施都被赐下,来确保公正。上帝呼召我们要以正直彼此对待,做忠心的证人,来保护我们自己或他人,并且永远不藉着作假见证伤害他人。圣经本身就是见证我们的上帝是公正的;祂的完美公义审判在十字架上显明,罪的工价在那里都已完全支付。在那里,耶稣为我们成为咒诅;那位无罪的,为我们成为罪(林后5:21神使那无罪(无罪:原文作不知罪)的,替我们成为罪,好叫我们在他里面成为神的义)。

Deuteronomy 20 God gives statutes governing warfare. God’s moral will is not to be suspended but is to guide and direct our actions, even in matters of war. In the face of danger, God encourages His people with the promise of His presence and the assurance that He fights for them to give them the victory. We, too, have been given the promise of our Savior’s constant presence with us, even on the battlefields we tread. In your struggles, call on Him, for He has promised grace, wisdom, and every blessing in your hour of need.
Lord Jesus Christ, clothe us, we pray, with the whole armor of God that we may stand firm in every assault and never lose sight of Your victory on our behalf at the cross and empty tomb. Amen.
申命记20章 上帝赐下管理战事的条例。上帝的道德旨意不是要搁置一旁,而是要指导,引领我们的行动,甚至是在战争事务中。在危险面前,上帝以祂同在的应许,和祂为他们争战并赐他们胜利的确据,来鼓励祂的子民。我们也被赐予我们救赎主一直与我们同在的应许,甚至是在我们所踏的战场上。在你的挣扎中,请呼求祂,因为祂已经应许了你有需要之时的恩典,智慧和各样祝福。

Deuteronomy 21:1-9 The Lord provides a sacrifice for an unsolved murder. He emphasizes the value of human life by describing the atonement that must be made for it. In satisfying His divine justice, God sent His own Son into this world to make the expiatory sacrifice, the atonement, for our lives on the cross of Calvary, there shedding His lifeblood for the guilt of our sins.
Lord Jesus Christ, as You alone are the sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, accept our heartfelt repentance for our sins. Wash us in Your blood and clothe us in Your righteousness. We pray in Your holy name. Amen.
申命记21:1-9 主耶和华为无法破案的谋杀赐下赎罪祭。祂吩咐必要为之付上的赎罪,藉此强调人生命的价值。为了满足祂神圣的公正审判,上帝差遣祂自己的儿子来到这世界,在各各他的十字架上为我们的生命付了挽回祭和赎罪,在那里耶稣基督的生命之血为我们的罪疚而流出。

Deuteronomy 21:10-14 Israel is given laws governing the marrying of female captives. God expects Israel to act differently than the world around them. God has established marriage for the good of men and women. The model for this union is that of the Bridegroom, Christ, with His Bride, the Church. For her, He gave Himself up unto death and applied the benefits of His death and resurrection to her in Holy Baptism. We the baptized, the Church, thus stand before God without spot or blemish as the Bride of Christ!
Lord God, as You have created us male and female and instituted marriage to be an intimate blessing to us, lead us to love and respect one another and keep the marriage covenant undefiled through our loving Bridegroom, Christ Jesus. Amen.
申命记21:10-14 以色列得到娶女俘虏的管理条例。上帝期盼以色列能够与他们周边的世界行的不一样。上帝设立婚姻,是为了男人和女人的福祉。这连合的模范就是新郎基督和祂的新娘教会之间的连合。对她(教会)来说,耶稣将祂自己舍了到死亡里,并且将祂死亡和复活的益处,在圣洗礼中赐给她。我们受了洗的,就是教会,因此可以作为基督的新娘,毫无瑕疵或斑点地站着上帝面前!

Deuteronomy 21:15-17 The inheritance rights of the firstborn are safeguarded. God assures fair treatment and proper inheritance, which helps stabilize family life. Since He gives all things to us by grace, there is no basis for rivalry based on our merits. In Christ Jesus, we are assured of an inheritance imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for us!
Lord God, for Your undeserved goodness to us, we give You our thanks. You have made us to be partakers of the inheritance of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Your only-begotten Son, the firstborn from the dead. Amen.
申命记21:15-17 长子的产业继承权得到保障。上帝要确保公正的对待和合理的继承,这些能帮助家庭生活得以稳固。因为祂出于恩典赐所有东西给我们,基于我们的功德而生的争竞就毫无理由了。在基督耶稣里,我们确据在天上有一份不朽坏,不受玷污,永不凋零的产业为我们存留!

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 Persistent and utter rebellion against parental authority is covered by a law that demands capital punishment if there is no repentance. God demands that the integrity of the family be maintained by honoring fathers and mothers as His representatives to their children. To despise one’s mother and father is to despise God Himself and threaten the well-being of the larger community. God is our heavenly Father, who has given us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, making us members of His household.
Keep me, dear heavenly Father, from despising or angering my parents and other authorities. Lead me by Your grace to honor, serve, obey, love, and cherish them, through Jesus Christ, whose perfect obedience as a Son has won my forgiveness and salvation. Amen.
申命记21:18-21 一项条例规定如果没有悔改,那么结果就是死刑,对父母权柄的持续、完全悖逆也被包含在这条例中。上帝尊荣父亲和母亲作为祂的代言人赐给他们的儿女,并且吩咐要藉此保守一个家庭的正直完整。一个人鄙视母亲和父亲就是鄙视上帝祂自己,并且这会威胁到更大社区的福祉。上帝是我们的天父,祂藉着从死里复活的耶稣基督,赐给我们一个朝向永活盼望的新生,使我们成为祂家中的成员。

Deuteronomy 21:22-23 Executed criminals are not to be left hanging but must be buried the same day. They are cursed by God and will defile God’s gift, the land of promise, which God had hallowed. God gave Israel and us the gift of a Savior, His Son, who was hung on a tree to redeem us. He hallows us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us.
Lord Jesus Christ, save us from the curse of our sin. Move us to fix our eyes on You as we persevere through this life until You at last grant us deliverance. In Your name we pray. Amen.
申命记21:22-23 被处决的罪犯不能留下挂着,必须当天得到埋葬。他们是被上帝咒诅的,会玷污上帝的礼物,即应许之地,就是上帝所分别为圣的。上帝赐给以色列和我们一位救赎主的礼物,就是祂的儿子,为救赎我们曾被挂在木头上的。祂为我们成为咒诅,并藉此使我们脱离律法的咒诅,分别我们为圣。

Deuteronomy 22:1-12 God gives a variety of laws governing brotherly love, maintaining distinctions in the created order, and keeping Israel unto Himself. Love is the fulfilling of the Law in both our relationship to God and to one another. Our Savior, Jesus, did not come “to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mt 20:28). It is in His serving us, atoning for all our sins, and opening for us the door to heaven that we are set free from concern for self and are enabled to turn our attention to serving others (cf Jn 13:34).
Praise be to You, O God, for setting us apart in this world as new creations in Christ. Strengthen us through Your means of grace to keep us ever in the faith and to be servants to our neighbors and witnesses of Your love in Christ to all. Amen.
申命记22:1-12 上帝赐下各样律法来规范弟兄之间的爱,维护创造秩序中的差别,并且保守以色列归于祂自己。爱是律法的成全,既在我们与上帝的关系中,也在我们彼此之间的关系中。我们的救赎主,耶稣,来不是“要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,并且要舍命,作多人的赎价”(太20:28)。是因着祂服事我们,为我们所有的罪付上赎价,并且为我们打开天国的门,我们才从自我忧虑中得解脱,并且得着能力,将我们的注意力转向对他人的服事(参 约13:34我赐给你们一条新命令,乃是叫你们彼此相爱;我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样相爱)。

Deuteronomy 22:13-30 Laws are given concerning marriage, promiscuity, adultery, rape, and incestuous adultery. These laws protect individuals, the integrity of the family unit, and the social stability and purity of the nation. Our God has blessed us with the institution of marriage to provide family, companionship, and a God-pleasing outlet for sexual desire. Such an intimate union is in fact a reflection of the oneness God establishes with us through faith in the relationship of the Church (the Bridge) with Christ (the Bridegroom) who “gave Himself up for her” (Eph 5:25).
Lord Jesus Christ, keep us faithful and pure that our lives and marriages may honor You. Where we have fallen, forgive us our sins, enable us to forgive one another, and restore us by Your grace to wholeness. Amen.
申命记 22:13-30 关于婚姻,乱伦,通奸,强奸和近亲乱伦的法律被赐下。这些法律保护个人,家庭单位的整全,社会的稳定,和整个民族的洁净。我们的上帝已经以婚姻的设立来祝福我们,赐下家庭,伴侣,和蒙上帝喜悦的满足性渴望的合法关系。这样一种亲密的连合事实上正是对上帝藉着信与我们所建立的合一关系的映射,就是教会(新娘)与那位“为她舍己”的基督(新郎)之间的关系(弗5:25你们作丈夫的,要爱你们的妻子,正如基督爱教会,为教会舍己)。

Deuteronomy 23:1-8 The regulations given here prohibit certain nations from entering and taking part in the assembly of Israel. Other foreigners are to be treated more leniently. The worship of God is a serious matter (cf Ps 51:17). Today, all who approach Him with broken hearts are received by Him, for “now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Eph 2:13).
Lord Jesus Christ, blessed Savior of all, thank You for reconciling me to God, making peace between us through the blood of Your cross, and for inviting me to Your “assembly,” Your Church, to partake of Your life-giving gifts. Amen.
申命记23:1-8 在此赐下的法规禁止某些民族进入并参与到以色列的会中。其他外邦人却以更大的仁慈对待。敬拜上帝是一件严肃的事情(参 诗51:17神所要的祭就是忧伤的灵;神啊,忧伤痛悔的心,你必不轻看)。今天,所有带着破碎的心来朝见祂的必被祂接纳,因为“你们从前远离神的人,如今却在基督耶稣里,靠著他的血,已经得亲近了”(弗2:13)。

Deuteronomy 23:9-14 When Israel was at war, the Lord’s presence among them was to be recognized and respected by keeping the camp holy, free from anything unclean and unbecoming. Since God is always with us, we dare not live as though He is not present or in ways that would dishonor Him. In Christ, we are assured that His love, forgiveness, and grace are always present and that He stands with us in our daily life as our sure defense.
O Lord God, thanks and praise to You that, as the new Israel, we are Your people, whom You save, sanctify, and grant ultimate victory. Amen.

Deuteronomy 23:15-25 Miscellaneous laws encourage love for God and compassion for others. God’s moral Law governs all our behavior and relationships. To transgress any part of His Law is to place ourselves at odds with Him, to sin against Him, and to incur His wrath. However, “we love because He first loved us” (1Jn 4:19), as He demonstrated in the exodus of Israel and in the cross of His Son.
Lord God, help me to show my thankfulness by a reverent and cheerful obedience to Your will and by a steadfast trust in Your loving-kindness and unfailing mercy, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
申命记23:15-25 其他条例鼓励对上帝的爱,和彼此之间的怜悯。上帝的道德律法引导我们所有的行为和关系。僭越祂律法的任何部分都是将我们自己与祂对立起来,得罪祂,激起祂的怒气。然而,“我们爱,因为神先爱我们”(约一4:19),正如祂在以色列出埃及中和祂儿子的十字架上所彰显了的。

Deuteronomy 24:1-4 Jesus explained that Moses only allowed laws about divorce because of “hardness of heart” (Mt 19:8). Israel’s hardness of heart made it necessary for Moses to give divorce laws despite all the laws about family and morality that the Lord had already given through Moses. Yet, in all circumstances, the Lord does not simply tolerate sin but calls people to repent and to have their hearts changed by His Word of grace.
Lord, teach us to pray with David, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Ps 51:10). Amen.
申命记24:1-4 耶稣解释说摩西只是因为“(他们)心硬”才许可离婚条例的(太19:8耶稣说:摩西因为你们的心硬,所以许你们休妻,但起初并不是这样)。尽管所有关于家庭和道德的律法都已经从主耶和华那里藉着摩西赐下,但因为以色列人心硬,摩西就有必要赐下休妻的条例。然而,在所有境况中,主耶和华不是简单地容忍罪,而是藉着祂恩典的话语呼召百姓悔改,并且使他们的心改变。
上主,请教导我们与大卫一同祈祷,“ 神啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直(或作:坚定)的灵”(诗51:10)。

Deuteronomy 24:5-25:4 These miscellaneous laws protect the weak from the strong. Jesus may have had some of these laws in mind when He taught the Golden Rule: “Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them” (Mt 7:12). Luther picks up on this loving concern for one’s neighbor in several of his explanations to the Commandments (see pp xxxv-xxxvi). When we examine our words and actions, we must confess our failure to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Thanks be to God for His compassion toward us! His Son loved us more than Himself, and He died for our sins.
Precious Savior, move me to love others more and more because of Your great love for me. Amen.
申命记24:5-25:4 这些其它条例保护弱者免受强者(的欺压)。当耶稣教导黄金法则:“所以,无论何事,你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人,因为这就是律法和先知的道理”(太7:12)时,祂想到的可能就是这些规章。路德在他对十条诫命的几个解释中都提到这对邻舍充满爱的看顾。当我们查验我们的言语和行为时,我们一定会承认我们在爱邻舍如同爱自己上的失败。因着祂向我们施舍的怜悯,感谢归给上帝!祂的儿子爱我们胜过自己,并且为我们的罪而死。

Deuteronomy 25:5-10 The man who refused to marry his brother’s widow lacked God’s gifts of love. He cared for his own interests, not his brother’s. God calls us to live and act differently: in love. How very different is our Savior, who cared not for His own interests but for the interests of us all and has chosen the Church as His beloved Bride.
Dear Jesus, Your sacrifice leads me to sing, “Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all!” Amen. (LSB 425:4)
申命记25:5-10 拒绝娶弟兄遗孀的人缺少上帝爱的恩赐。他在乎他自己的利益,却不在乎弟兄的利益。上帝呼召我们不一样地行事生活:在爱中。我们的救赎主是多么不一样啊,祂不在乎祂自己的利益,而是为了我们所有人的益处,拣选教会作为祂蒙爱的新娘。

Deuteronomy 25:11-19 People in every society sin by taking unfair advantage of one another. Such behavior stirs the Lord to anger. He therefore authorizes Israel to blot out the memory of Amalek. God must address all sin by punishment, atonement, or forgiveness. Only because Jesus bore our punishment can we escape God’s wrath and receive full pardon for our sins.
Lord Jesus, may Your goodness lead me to be an instrument of justice and fairness in the world. Amen.
申命记25:11-19 每个社会当中的人都会犯罪,不公正地彼此取利。这样的行为激起主耶和华的怒气。祂因此授权以色列将亚玛力的名号抹掉。上帝一定会藉着刑罚,赎罪或赦罪来对付所有的罪。我们唯有因着耶稣承担我们的刑罚,才能逃脱上帝的愤怒,并且领受我们罪的完全赦免。

Deuteronomy 26 God’s grace to Israel is celebrated as they are reminded of deliverance from slavery in Egypt, the gift of land, and being a holy people chosen as the Lord’s treasured possession. Also described is Israel’s response in the offering of firstfruits, the payment of the tithe for the sake of the needy, and a promise to keep the Lord’s command. Like Israel, our joyful response is to serve the Lord with good works. Baptism celebrates God’s grace to us: deliverance from the slavery of sin, the promise of an inheritance in God’s heavenly land, and being declared a saint even now.
Lord, accept my heartfelt thanks for Your grace, which strengthens me to walk in Your ways. Amen.
申命记26 以色列人得提醒:从埃及为奴之地得拯救,土地的恩赐,作为一个圣洁的子民蒙拣选成为主耶和华宝贵的产业,然后上帝对他们的恩典也被庆祝。同时被记下的是,以色列人在奉献初熟之物中(对上帝恩典)的回应,为着有缺乏之人的缘故拿出十分之一,并且许愿要遵行主耶和华的命令。像以色列一样,我们欢喜的回应就是用善工服侍主耶和华。圣洗礼庆祝上帝给我们的恩典:从罪的奴役中得拯救,在上帝天上国度有一份产业的应许,还有甚至此刻就被宣告为圣徒。

Deuteronomy 27:1-8 The Lord’s command regarding Mount Ebal emphasizes the importance of God’s written Word and God’s desire that His people respond joyfully with sacrifices of praise. He encourages us to treasure His Word rather than the words of humans. Thanks be to God that He has given us the Word made flesh to save us from the word of the Law by the word of blessing in the Gospel.
Move me, Spirit of God, to sing from the heart: “How precious is the book divine, by inspiration giv’n! Bright as a lamp its teachings shine to guide our souls to heav’n. Amen.” (LW 332:1)
申命记27:1-8 主耶和华关于以巴路山的吩咐强调上帝默示文字话语的重要性,也强调上帝意愿祂的百姓以赞美的祭欢喜快乐地回应。祂鼓励我们珍惜祂的圣道而不是人的言语。感谢归给上帝,祂赐给我们成了肉身的道,藉着福音中祝福的话语,来拯救我们脱离律法的话语。

Deuteronomy 27:9-26 The old covenant promised blessings to those who kept God’s Law and curses to anyone who did not (cf Gal 3:10). To say “Amen” to God’s law is not enough. God demands perfect obedience (Jas 2:10). Israel broke the old covenant with their sins, as does everyone (cf Jer 31:31-34). But Jesus Christ is the mediator of a new covenant. His death redeems us “from the transgressions committed under the first covenant” (Heb 9:15). The remedy for sin’s curse is to believe with Luther that “this is our highest comfort, to clothe and wrap Christ this way in my sins, your sins, and the sins of the entire world” (AE 26:279).
Holy Spirit, comfort me with the sure knowledge that Christ has removed sin’s curse. Amen.
申命记27:9-26 旧约应许祝福给那些遵守上帝律法的人,咒诅给任何僭越的人(参 加3:10凡以行律法为本的,都是被咒诅的;因为经上记著:凡不常照律法书上所记一切之事去行的,就被咒诅)。向着上帝的律法说“阿们”是不够的。上帝要求完全的顺服(雅2:10 因为凡遵守全律法的,只在一条上跌倒,他就是犯了众条)。以色列人因着他们的罪破坏了旧约,所有人都是这样(参 耶31:31-34…他们各人不再教导自己的邻舍和自己的弟兄说:『你该认识耶和华』,因为他们从最小的到至大的都必认识我。我要赦免他们的罪孽,不再记念他们的罪恶。这是耶和华说的)。但耶稣基督成为新约的中保。祂的死赎了我们“在前约之时所犯的罪过”(来9:15)。罪咒诅的解药就是与路德一同相信“我们最大的安慰,就是用我的罪,你的罪,和整个世人的罪来覆盖,包裹基督”(路德文集美国版26:279)

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 The Lord presents the blessings connected with the covenant; the curses will be described next. Threat and promise, Law and Gospel, are the ways of God with humankind. Here, the blessings seal the renewal of the covenant, and the curses that follow anticipate the need for the new covenant, sealed in the blood of Christ, which was shed for our blessing and pardon.
Heavenly Father, You have richly blessed me with all I need for daily life. Give me a thankful heart and a desire to serve You and my neighbor. Amen.
申命记28:1-14 主耶和华呈现与约相关联的祝福;接着描述了咒诅。威胁和应许,律法和福音,是上帝(作工)与人的方式。在此,祝福标志了约的更新,紧跟着的咒诅预示了新约的必要性,这新约就是在基督的宝血中得了印证的,这血是为我们的祝福和饶恕而流的。

Deuteronomy 28:15-68 Moses forcefully details the dreadful consequences of disobeying the voice of the Lord God. These punishments would not be the result of the natural cycles of history. Moses repeatedly identifies the Lord as the One who sends the curses. The message is clear: “God threatens to punish all who break these commandments. Therefore, we should fear His wrath and not do anything against them” (SC, Close of the Commandments, p xxxvi). St Paul reminds believers that the things that happened to Israel are examples for us (1Co 10:6). Although we trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation, as sinners, we still need the preaching of the Law. Praise God, who always provides for our needs, speaking the truth to us in love—the harsh truth and the healing truth in Christ.
Help me, loving Savior, to treasure both Law and Gospel as I travel the way that leads to eternal life. Amen.
申命记28:15-68 摩西强有力地描述了悖逆主上帝话语的可怕后果。这些惩罚不是历史自然循环的结果。摩西反复确认那位差遣咒诅的就是主耶和华。信息是清楚的:“上帝惩罚所有违背这些诫命的人,因此,我们应当惧怕祂的烈怒,并且不做任何悖逆诫命的事”(小问答,十诫总结,第36页)。圣保罗提醒信徒,发生在以色列人身上的事对我们来说也是鉴戒(林前10:6这些事都是我们的监戒,叫我们不要贪恋恶事,像他们那样贪恋的)。尽管我们信靠耶稣得到罪的赦免和永恒救恩,但作为罪人的我们,仍需律法的宣讲。赞美上帝,祂总是供应我们的所需,在爱中向我们述说真理—严厉的真理,和在基督里医治的真理。

Deuteronomy 29 In this farewell speech, Moses emphasizes several important truths: the Lord’s gracious care for every Israelite, the responsibility of each person to abide by God’s covenant, and the certainty that anyone who turns away from the Lord will be punished. Individual responsibility is highlighted. Though there are spiritual mysteries, God has revealed what each one of us needs to know for eternal salvation, from our helplessness because of our sins to the sending of His Son to suffer and die to save us from these.
Lord, thank You for revealing to me the way of salvation. Grant me a bold heart to share this blessed truth with others. Amen.
申命记29章 在这临终讲话中,摩西强调了几个重要的真理:主耶和华对每个以色列人满有恩典的看顾,每个人遵守上帝之约的责任,任何人转离耶和华都将要受到惩罚的确据。个人的责任得到强调。尽管是有属灵的奥秘,上帝已经启示了我们每个人为得永恒救恩所需要知道的东西,从因着我们的罪而来的无助绝望,到祂儿子受差遣为拯救我们脱离这些而受苦死亡。

Deuteronomy 30:1-10 Moses, approaching the end of his life, reviews God’s covenant relationship with the Israelites. God gives His Law to His people, not as a legalistic code, but to establish their holiness. However, the people fail miserably to walk in holiness of life and repeatedly commit apostasy. Moses taught them, and teaches us, that a relationship with God means a circumcision of the heart, i.e., faith rooted in the heart and soul. Such faith lives in obedience to the one true God, who gathers and blesses His people.
Holy Spirit, circumcise our hearts through the Word so we cling to Christ in faith and walk in obedience to the Father. Amen.
申命记30:1-10 摩西,在他生命的尽头临到时,重述上帝与以色列人立约的关系。上帝赐下祂的律法给祂的百姓,不是作为一个法典,而是要建造他们的圣洁。然而,百姓在生命的圣洁上走的很失败,并且反复背道而驰。摩西教导他们,也教导我们,与上帝的关系意味着心的割礼,即,扎根于心和灵魂的信仰。这信仰活在对那独一真上帝的顺从当中,上帝招聚并祝福祂的子民。

Deuteronomy 30:11-20 The Lord’s declaration to His people to choose life is inseparable from His covenant of grace that He established with them. Israel’s history clearly demonstrates that they spurned the life God had reserved for them through His grace, pursuing death instead. Consequently, by rejecting God’s grace, they rejected the length of days God promised to those who love the Lord, walk in His ways, and keep His commands.
Heavenly Father, we pray for forgiveness, for all too often we pursue the way of death and evil rather than life and good. Forgive us for the sake of Christ, who perfectly obeyed Your commands and died for our sins. May Your Holy Spirit work mightily within our hearts. Amen.
申命记30:11-20 主耶和华吩咐祂的子民选择生命,这与祂同他们所立恩典的盟约是无法分割的。以色列的历史清楚地显明,他们唾弃上帝出于祂的恩典为他们存留的生命,反而追求死亡。拒绝上帝的恩典,结果是,他们拒绝了日子的长久,就是上帝应许给那些爱主,行走在祂的道路上,遵守祂诫命之人的。

Deuteronomy 31:1-8 Moses’ introduction of Joshua as his successor begins with acknowledging God’s judgment on his own disobedience, which disqualified him from entering the Promised Land. Yet, God in His mercy would go before His covenant people, destroy their enemies, and cause them to inherit the Promised Land. Because of the covenant of grace God made with His people, He would not leave them or forsake them.
Heavenly Father, when I feel alone and afraid, remind me that You will never leave me or forsake me. Revive me with the strength and courage that comes from Your Word. Amen.
申命记31:1-8 摩西对约书亚作为他继任者的介绍,以承认上帝对他自己不顺从的审判为开始,他的悖逆使他失去进入应许之地的资格。然而,上帝在祂的怜悯中走在祂约民的前头,摧毁他们的仇敌,使他们承受那应许之地。因着上帝与祂子民所立的恩典盟约,祂不离开或撇弃他们。

Deuteronomy 31:9-13 Israel could have no relationship with the Lord God apart from His Word. Israel’s very existence depended upon the Lord. In response to His grace, Israel was to engage in regularly reading the Law and instructing future generations about the one true God, who led them through the wilderness to the Promised Land.
Let Your Holy Spirit dwell mightily within my heart that I do not forsake the path of faith and thereby be disqualified from entering the eternal promised land. Amen.
申命记31:9-13 以色列离开上帝的话语就不能与主耶和华上帝有关系。以色列的存在本身就依赖于主耶和华。作为对祂恩典的回应,以色列将会定期参与对律法的诵读,教导后代关于那独一真上帝的事,是上帝引领他们经过旷野,到达那应许之地的。

Deuteronomy 31:14-29 As Moses focuses on his impending death, he identifies Joshua as his successor and God’s Word as a lasting authority. Moses puts the Israelites on notice that the words he has just finished writing, i.e., the Book of the Law, is just as authoritative as the words he had spoken to them in the past because God was the author of both the oral and the written Word. Employing the Law, Moses prophesies that Israel will be unfaithful. Yet, he also encourages Joshua to be strong and repeats God’s promise that He will bring them into the Promised Land (31:23).
Lord God, heavenly Father, let Your Holy Spirit so work in my heart through faith in Christ that I never disregard Your Word but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it. Amen.
申命记31:14-29 当摩西专注在他快要临到的死亡时,他任命约书亚为他的继任者,并且确定上帝的话语为永恒的权威。摩西让以色列人知道,他已经写完的文字,即,律法书,和他过去曾向他们说过的话有着同样的权威,因为上帝同时是口述和书写话语的作者。论到律法,摩西预言以色列将会背信不忠。然而,他也鼓励约书亚要刚强,并且重述上帝对祂必要带领他们进入那应许之地的应许(31:23)。

Deuteronomy 31:30-32:47 Moses’ song prophesies Israel’s apostasy and professes the one true God. Employing enemy forces and the elements of nature, God would bring His calamity upon them. Yet, for His name’s sake and in His compassion, He would vindicate His people and vanquish the enemy.
Father, I am ashamed to say that I am no better than Israel. Through Your Spirit and Word, take away my heart of stone and create in me a new heart—a heart that yearns to live with You forever. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
申命记31:30-32:47 摩西之歌预言了以色列的背道,也表明了那独一真上帝。使用仇敌的力量和自然的因素,上帝会将祂的灾难临到他们。然而,因着祂名的缘故,出于祂的怜悯,祂必要为祂的子民报仇,制服仇敌。

Deuteronomy 32:48-52 The Lord reminds Moses that he has disqualified himself from entering the Promised Land due to breaking faith with Him. Yet, in His mercy, God permits Moses to see the Promised Land from a distance. He received Moses into the eternal promised land so that he might also stand on another mountain with the Messiah during His transfiguration (Mt 17:1-13).
Father, forgive my breaking faith with You. Work mightily within my heart that I may live my Christ-redeemed life by faith in all I think, do, and say. Amen.
申命记32:48-52 主耶和华提醒摩西他因着对上帝的不信(breaking faith),就使自己失去进入那应许之地的资格。然而,上帝出于祂的怜悯,许可摩西从远处看见那应许之地。上帝收纳摩西进入那永恒的应许之地,好叫摩西也可以在弥赛亚登山变像时与祂一同站着另一座山上(太17:1-13…忽然,有摩西、以利亚向他们显现,同耶稣说话…)。

Deuteronomy 33 While Moses’ final blessing hints at Israel’s future in the Promised Land, it ultimately points Israel beyond the physical Promised Land to the eternal promised land made possible through the Messiah. The Messiah, unlike Moses, kept faith (cf 32:51) and lived in perfect obedience to the Father. He secured the eternal promised land to prepare a place for all (Jn 14).
Father, bless me and make me a blessing to others so that I proclaim Your Word of salvation through Christ in this broken world. Amen.
申命记33 摩西的临终祝福暗指以色列在应许之地的未来,而它给以色列的终极指向是超越物理上的应许之地,去往那藉着弥赛亚成为可能的永恒应许之地。不像摩西那样(参32:51因为你们在寻的旷野,加低斯的米利巴水,在以色列人中没有尊我为圣,得罪了我),弥赛亚保守信实,并且活出对天父的完全顺服。祂确保了永恒应许之地,给所有人预备地方(约14在我父的家里有许多住处;若是没有,我就早已告诉你们了。我去原是为你们预备地方去…)。

Deuteronomy 34 The conclusion of Dt signals a transition in leadership from Moses to Joshua, a transition from the oral communication of the Word to the written communication of the Word, a transition from the wilderness wanderings to the eventual occupation of the Promised Land. Moses’ final messages to the people include both warnings (in the words of a song) and promises (in the words of a blessing). The promises in Moses’ blessing point to the One “Counted worthy of more glory than Moses” (Heb 3:3), namely Christ, because while Moses was a faithful servant of God who spoke God’s Word, Christ is Son of God (Heb 3:6), whom God appointed heir of all things (Heb 1:2). “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (Jn 1:17). Although Moses disqualified himself from entering the Promised Land because of his disobedience, God allowed him to see firsthand the fulfillment of all Scripture, for Moses and us, at Christ’s transfiguration.
Father, when I close my eyes in death, awaken me to behold Your glory and see You face-to-face, through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
申命记34章 申命记的结局意味着领导力从摩西到约书亚的转变,圣道的交通从口传到书写的转变,(位置)从旷野游荡到最终占据应许之地的转变。摩西给百姓的最终训言同时包括警告(在一篇歌词中)和应许(在祝福的话语中)。摩西祝福当中的应许指向那位“比摩西算是更配多得荣耀的”(来3:3他比摩西算是更配多得荣耀,好像建造房屋的比房屋更尊荣),就是基督,因为摩西是上帝的忠心仆人,传讲上帝的话语,而基督是上帝的儿子(来3:6但基督为儿子,治理神的家;我们若将可夸的盼望和胆量坚持到底,便是他的家了),由上帝立为承受万有的(来1:2就在这末世藉著他儿子晓谕我们;又早已立他为承受万有的,也曾藉著他创造诸世界)。“因为律法本是藉著摩西传的;恩典和真理都是由耶稣基督来的”(约1:17)。尽管摩西因着他的悖逆而使自己失去进入那应许之地的资格,但上帝许可他在基督登山变像时首先看见全部圣经(旧约)的成就,(这成就)不但是为摩西,也是为了我们。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2016.11.19

Joshua 1:1-9 The Lord encourages Joshua with assurance of success and promises of His presence through His empowering Word, as Joshua begins the critical work of conquering and allotting the Promised Land to Israel. If left alone in our sin and weakness, we would not be able to serve God and to become successful in His eyes. Yet, God enables us for service by assuring us that through Immanuel (“God with us”) we are forgiven and will inherit not a piece of land, such as Israel, but a better, eternal home (Heb 11:16).
Fill us, O Lord, with the promises of Your Word, so blessed by Your presence that we may serve You with strength and courage and find success through You. Amen.
约书亚记1:1-9 约书亚开始那个重要工作,就是征服并分配赐给以色列的应许之地,主耶和华透过祂赐能力的话语,以得胜的确据和祂同在的应许鼓励约书亚。如果被遗弃在我们的罪和软弱中,我们就不能服事上帝,也不会得胜在祂面前。然而,上帝给我们确据,就是藉着以马内利(“上帝与我们同在”)我们得赦免并且将要继承的不是一块像以色列所得的土地,而是一个更美,永恒的家园(来11:16他们却羡慕一个更美的家乡,就是在天上的。所以神被称为他们的神,并不以为耻,因为他已经给他们预备了一座城),上帝也藉此使我们有能力服事。

Joshua 1:10-18 Encouraged by the Lord’s Word, Joshua assumes command and encourages the people, especially the three eastern tribes, who in turn encourage Joshua. When we search for faults in our leaders, spew forth loveless words about them, and display a fractious spirit, we rob faithful leaders of the joy of serving the Lord. God is at work by the power of His Word to create unity and cooperation between leaders and followers.
O Lord, cause us to live “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph 4:2-3). Amen.
约书亚1:10-18 约书亚得到主耶和华话语的鼓励,他担当吩咐,鼓励百姓,特别是那三个东岸的支派,他们也反过来鼓励约书亚。当我们在我们的领袖们身上寻找过犯,向他们喷射冰冷的言语,表现一个易怒的灵时,我们就抢夺了忠心领袖们服事主耶和华的喜乐。上帝藉着祂话语的能力作工,在领袖和会众之间创造合一和协作。
噢主,请使我们的生命“ 凡事谦虚、温柔、忍耐,用爱心互相宽容, 用和平彼此联络,竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心”(弗4:2-3)。阿们。

Joshua 2 Joshua sends two spies to Jericho, where they find a people filled with fear, but they also find a person who shares their faith: Rahab the prostitute. Our deepest human fears arise from a sense of guilt and the deserved punishment of God. Although these fears flourished at Jericho, as they do today, the God of free and faithful grace grants forgiveness, safety, and peace to repentant sinners, who are justified by grace through faith in Christ and who perform works that prove their God-given faith (Rm 3:22, 24; Jas 2:25-26).
We praise You, Lord, that You call people of all kinds out of the darkness of their sin and haunting fears into the light and safety of Your grace. Amen.
约书亚记2章 约书亚差遣2个探子到耶利哥城,在那里他们发现一群被恐惧笼罩着的百姓,但是他们也遇到一个共享他们信仰的人:就是妓女喇合。我们人最深处的恐惧是从羞耻和当受上帝惩罚的感觉来的。尽管这些惧怕在耶利哥弥漫着,和在今日(的世代)所发生的一样,但是那位拥有免费和信实恩典的上帝赐下赦免,保障和平安给悔改的罪人,他们就藉着对基督的信而得称为义,并且行善以证实他们由上帝赐予的信心(罗3:22,24 因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀;如今却蒙神的恩典,因基督耶稣的救赎,就白白的称义 ;雅2:25-26妓女喇合接待使者,又放他们从别的路上出去,不也是一样因行为称义吗? 身体没有灵魂是死的,信心没有行为也是死的)。

Joshua 3 With the ark of the covenant of the Lord leading Israel, the waters of the Jordan pile up in a heap, allowing Israel to cross safely on dry land. Today, you can find direction and purpose in the Lord Jesus as “the way” (Jn 14:6). He who did wonders at the Jordan will lead you through this life and land you safely in the heavenly Canaan.
“Jesus, lead thou on Till our rest is won. Heav’nly leader, still direct us, Still support, console, protect us, Till we safely stand in our fatherland.” Amen. (LSB 718:4)
约书亚记3章 有主耶和华的约柜带领以色列,约旦河的水就垒起高墙,使得以色列人在干地上安稳地过去。今天,你可以在主耶稣“那道路”里面寻见方向和目的(约14:6耶稣说「我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉著我,没有人能到父那里去)。那位在约旦河行了奇事的,必要带领你走过今生,使你安全地在天上的迦南地着陆。

Joshua 4 Israel safely and miraculously enters the Promised Land, and Joshua is exalted (3:7). The stone memorials will serve to teach the power of God in judgment and salvation.
Praise to You, O Lord, that Your hand controls our enemies, Satan, sin, and death, and that the hands of our risen Savior were once pierced for our salvation. Amen.
约书亚记4章 以色列安稳奇迹般地进入应许之地,约书亚也被高举(3:7耶和华对约书亚说:「从今日起,我必使你在以色列众人眼前尊大,使他们知道我怎样与摩西同在,也必照样与你同在)。以石为证可以用来教导上帝审判和救赎的权能。

Joshua 5:1-9 In the Promised Land, the nation resumes the practice of circumcision, the sign and seal of God’s covenant with His people, by which He rolls away the reproach of Egypt at Gilgal. Our sin brings us eternal reproach before God. Through His appointed means today (Baptism), the Lord removes our guilt.
Thank You, Lord, for rolling away the sin of the world at Golgotha, even as You rolled away the reproach of Egypt at Gilgal. Amen.
约书亚记5:1-9 在应许之地,国民恢复割礼的实施,割礼就是上帝与祂子民立约的符号和印记,上帝藉此在吉甲(从他们身上)滚去埃及的羞辱。我们的罪给我们带来在上帝面前的永恒羞辱。但今天主耶和华藉着祂设立的媒介(means)(即圣洗礼),挪去我们的罪疚。

Joshua 5:10-12 Israel celebrates its spiritual holidays, as the Lord provides for its worldly needs. We sometimes ignore spiritual priorities while fretting over inferior matters. Awareness of God’s saving grace and generous gifts leads us to set right priorities and to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Mt 6:33).
Forgive our materialism, O Lord, and lead us to give priority to Your heavenly treasures. Amen.
约书亚记5:10-12 随着主耶和华供应以色列人属世的需要,他们也庆祝自己属灵的节期。我们有时会为着次要的物质而烦恼焦虑,却忽略了属灵的首要性。对上帝救赎恩典和慷慨恩赐的意识,可以引导我们摆正优先次序,并且“先求祂的国和祂的义”(太6:33你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了)。

Joshua 5:13-15 Joshua has a surprise encounter with the commander of the army of the Lord, who will provide him success in battle. When we think we have the strength to fight our spiritual enemies, we are on our way to defeat. Through Word and Sacraments, God leads us to rely on His strength for victory (cf Rm 8:31).
“For us fights the valiant One, Whom God Himself elected…He holds the field forever.” Amen. (LSB 656:2)
约书亚记5:13-15 约书亚和主耶和华的军队首领有一次奇遇,主耶和华军队的首领将在战场上给他预备胜利。当我们认为我们(自己)有力量来得胜我们属灵的仇敌之时,我们就走在我们被击败的路上。藉着圣道和圣礼,上帝引领我们倚赖祂的力量来得胜(参 罗8:31既是这样,还有什麽说的呢?神若帮助我们,谁能敌挡我们呢?神既不爱惜自己的儿子,为我们众人舍了,岂不也把万物和他一同白白的赐给我们吗)。

Joshua 6 As a woman of faith in the Lord, Rahab is kept safe in the middle of the destruction of unrepentant Jericho; she becomes part of Israel. God is a God of justice, who cannot let sin go unpunished. Judgment awaits those who refuse His loving forgiveness in Christ. Yet, God is also a God of love, whose justice was satisfied when His Son took the punishment for the sin of the world. The Lord delivers us, through faith in Jesus, from the destruction awaiting this present evil age.
We thank You, O Lord, that while You are just, You are the justifier of all who rest their faith in Jesus. We praise You, O Jesus, that You gave Yourself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age. Amen.
约书亚记6章 喇合作为一位信靠主耶和华的女人,在不悔改的耶利哥城毁灭之际得以安然存活;她成为以色列的一部分。上帝是公正审判的上帝,祂不能让罪逃脱刑罚。那些拒绝祂在基督里慈爱之赦罪恩典的人必有审判等候着。然而,上帝也是充满爱的上帝,当祂的儿子为世人的罪承担刑罚之时,上帝的公正审判就得以满足了。主耶和华拯救我们,使我们藉着对耶稣的信,脱离等候这当下邪恶世代的毁灭。

Joshua 7:1-9 The sin of one man, Achan, results in defeat and death for the Israelites at Ai. Likewise, the sin of one man, Adam, resulted in death spreading to all men, because all men have sinned. But one man, Jesus Christ, has brought righteousness and eternal life as a free gift that is received through faith. (Cf Rm 5:12-21).
We praise You, Lord, that in Christ “the tribes of Adam boast more blessings than their father lost.” Amen. (TLH 511:5)
约书亚记7:1-9 亚干一人的罪,导致以色列人在艾城的失败和死亡。同样地,亚当一人的过犯,导致死亡弥漫着所有人,因为所有人都犯了罪。然而耶稣基督一人却带来公义和永恒生命作为白白的恩赐,藉着信心被(世人)领受(参 罗15:12-21又有以赛亚说:将来有耶西的根,就是那兴起来要治理外邦的;外邦人要仰望他。 但愿使人有盼望的神,因信将诸般的喜乐、平安充满你们的心,使你们藉著圣灵的能力大有盼望…)。

Joshua 7:10-26 Guilty Achan is caught by the Lord, confesses before Joshua, and is stoned at the Valley of Achor. Since Adam and Eve hid in the foliage of Eden, people have imagined that they can keep their sins hidden from God. But “all are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account” (Heb 4:13). “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1Jn 1:9).
We thank You, dear Lord, that we can confess freely before You and receive Your free and faithful forgiveness for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
约书亚记7:10-26 有罪的亚干被主耶和华逮着,在约书亚面前坦白,然后在亚割谷被石头打死。自从亚当和夏娃用伊甸园的树叶遮羞开始,人们就想象地认为他们可以在上帝面前隐藏他们的罪。然而“万物在那与我们有关系的主眼前,都是赤露敞开的”(来4:13)。“我们若认自己的罪,神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义”(约一1:9)

Joshua 8:1-29 After the sin of Achan has been punished and Joshua does all that the Lord commanded, Israel successfully destroys the city of Ai. This is an example of God’s judgment and sentence against all sin and sinners. Thanks be to God, He judges us “not guilty” in Christ.
Lord, preserve us from sin and judgment, and give us repentant hearts that find refuge in Christ alone. Amen.
约书亚记8:1-29 在亚干的罪得到惩治,约书亚行了主耶和华所吩咐的一切事之后,以色列成功摧毁艾城。这是上帝对所有罪和罪人公义审判定罪的一个例子。感谢归给上帝,祂在基督里定我们为“无罪”。

Joshua 8:30-35 This event rededicates the people to the covenant and announces to those in the Promised Land that God had come to claim the land. The Law is written in stone to remind the people that it has not gone away. The Word was given by God in Christ, the Rock of Ages, so forgiveness and life might be written on our hearts.
Dear Lord, etch Your Word more deeply into my heart and life, so that I might live in Jesus Christ—the Word who is life. Amen.
约书亚记8:30-35 这个事件重新将百姓致力于约,并且向应许之地的那些人宣告上帝已经来了要收回那土地。律法写在石头上,目的是提醒百姓它未曾褪去。圣道被上帝在万世的磐石基督里赐下,好叫赦罪和生命可以刻在我们的心上。

Joshua 9 Because Joshua and the Israelites neglect to seek the Lord’s counsel, they fall for the deceit of the Gibeonites and make a treaty that they must honor. How often do we judge things based on appearance and act without consulting the Lord and His Word? His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
Lord, grant us the wisdom and guidance of Your Spirit, so we might seek Your counsel in all we do. Amen.
约书亚记9章 因为约书亚和以色列人疏忽,没有寻求主耶和华的智慧,他们就落入基遍人的欺骗当中,立下他们必须尊荣的合约。我们是多么经常地按着外表对事物做出判断,并且在不询问主耶和华和祂圣道的情况下行动呢?祂的话语(道)就是我们脚前的灯,我们路上的光。

Joshua 10:1-15 When the kings in Canaan set out to destroy Gibeon for its covenant with Israel, Joshua honors that covenant and God delivers Gibeon (v 11). When confronted by strife, do we try to handle it ourselves, or do we call on the Lord to save and help us? What a blessing to call boldly on the Lord Jesus Christ in our troubles and find in His baptismal covenant with us grace and mercy to help in time of need.
Deliver us, good Lord, according to Your promises, for we trust in Your good Word. Amen.
约书亚记10:1-15 当迦南地的王们因着基遍人与以色列立的约就准备摧毁基遍的时候,约书亚就尊荣那个约,并且上帝拯救了基遍(11节)。当面对争战时,我们是尝试着自己解决呢,还是呼求主耶和华来拯救帮助我们呢?能够在我们的困境中放胆呼求主耶稣基督,并且在祂与我们所立的圣洗礼之约中寻见困境中所需的恩惠和怜悯来帮助,这是多么蒙福啊!

Joshua 10:16-28 Joshua captures and destroys the five kings, who tried to hide in a cave that later became their tomb. When the Lord promises victory, He brings it to pass. No matter how great or how many challenges face you, cling to the Lord’s promises and pray based on them. He will hear and answer in mercy, as the promises of Christ prove.
Lord Jesus, defend us from all dangers, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
约书亚记10:16-28 约书亚擒拿并摧毁了那五个王,他们试着藏躲在一个洞里,而这个洞后来成为他们的坟墓。当主耶和华应许得胜的时候,祂定会成就。无论你面对的挑战有多么的巨大或繁多,请倚赖主耶和华的应许,并且基于这些应许来祈祷。祂会在怜悯中聆听并回应,正如基督的应许所证实的。

Joshua 10:29-43 The Lord leads His people through a series of successive victories. Consider the deliverance that came by God’s hand as you reflect on the challenges you face. What a blessing that by Christ’s crucified hands He gives us His victory against all our sin and death’s power. He equips us for every new challenge.
Grant that I may in all things, Lord, seek the hand and the victory of Christ through faith in Him. Amen.
约书亚记10:29-43 主耶和华带领祂的百姓经过一系列不间断的胜利。当你反思你所面对的挑战时,请记得从上帝之手而来的拯救。藉着基督被钉十字架的手,祂将祂对我们所有罪和死亡权势的得胜赐给了我们,这是多大的祝福啊!祂为着每一个新的挑战装备我们。

Joshua 11 The initial conquest of the land under the leadership of Joshua is completed. Joshua, by the hand of God, gives the Israelites the land as their inheritance. The Lord has said, “Do not be afraid” (v 6). Fear should not affect our faithfulness to the will and direction of the Lord. Jesus, by His faithfulness and His own hand, gives us the promised land of the new heavens and new earth as our eternal inheritance.
Gracious Lord, grant us faith in Your faithfulness, and accomplish Your service in and through us. Amen.
约书亚记11章 对土地的初步征服在约书亚的领导下得以完成。约书亚,藉着上帝的手,赐给以色列人土地作为他们的产业。主耶和华说,“不要惧怕”(6节)。惧怕不应该影响我们对主耶和华旨意和引领的忠心。耶稣,藉着祂的信实和祂自己的手,赐给我们新天新地的应许之地,作为我们永恒的产业。

Joshua 12:1-6 This list of defeated enemies serves as a reminder that no power, no matter how great or glorious, can withstand the power of the Lord. Through the power of God, Moses gave the land to the Lord’s chosen. So Christ, the Son of God, by His power hidden in the cross, gives us the promised land of the new heavens and the new earth.
May the Lord work in us a faith that looks not to the powers as they are now but to His eternal power to save. Amen.
约书亚记12:1-6 被击败的仇敌的清单有着提醒的作用:没有什么权势,无论多么壮大或辉煌,能够抵挡得住主耶和华的权能。藉着上帝的能力,摩西将土地赐给主耶和华所拣选的。所以基督,上帝的儿子,藉着祂隐藏在十字架上的能力,将新天新地的应许之地赐给了我们。

Joshua 12:7-24 How remarkable that Joshua, once a slave in Egypt, becomes a conqueror of all of these kings! It is because the Lord is with him. How remarkable that the Lord is also with you and will strengthen you to overcome all that would enslave you.
May the Lord keep us faithful to the one true King, who reigns in grace. Amen.
约书亚记12:7-24 约书亚,一位曾经在埃及为奴的,成为所有这些王的征服者,这是多么不寻常啊!这是因为主耶和华与他同在。主耶和华也与你同在,并且坚固你,使你胜过所有可能奴役你的。

Joshua 13:1-7 Even with much already accomplished to bring the people of God into their promised possession, much remains to be done for the promises to be completely fulfilled. Though God has established a place for His people to dwell eternally, many things conspire to rob us of that promised inheritance and peace. Nevertheless, God continues to reinforce His promises and to strengthen us through His Sacraments so we do not give up.
Dear Jesus, lead us onward until our rest is complete in You. Remind us always that You have won the battles for us and will drive out our enemies before us. You are our inheritance and treasure. Amen.
约书亚记13:1-7 尽管带领上帝子民进入他们应许之产业的工作已经成就了许多,然而应许要完全成就还有许多需要做的。尽管上帝已经为祂的子民建立一片土地可以永久居住,但许多事情仍密谋将那应许了的产业和平安从我们夺去。然而,上帝藉着祂的圣礼继续巩固祂的应许并坚固我们,好叫我们不至放弃。

Joshua 13:8-13 The promise of the land to Abraham’s descendants finds earliest fulfillment in the tribes east of the Jordan. This fulfillment, centuries in the making, teaches us why we live by faith, trusting God’s timing and purposes as He holds out His promises to all.
Lord, though my name is not listed in these pages of Scripture, You have given me the most important promise of an eternal inheritance through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me to remember and hold fast to that until I enjoy my inheritance in its completeness. Amen.
约书亚记13:8-13 赐给亚伯拉罕后裔土地的应许在约旦河东岸的支派那里得到最早期的成就。经过几个世纪而达至的这成就,教导我们为什么我们是凭信而活,就是在上帝赐予祂的应许给万民上,信靠祂的时间和计划。

Joshua 14:1-5 Final preparations and explanatory remarks are given before the land is apportioned to the remaining tribes. All the tribes have a place in the Promised Land! God does not fail to bless even one member of His people in Christ.
O Lord, though I may not always have tangible rewards as a member of Your people, still I give thanks for the greater blessings, which the world cannot understand: the death and resurrection of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
约书亚记14:1-5 在土地分配给余下的支派之前,最后的预备和解释性言辞也被给出。所有支派在应许之地都有份!上帝不会不祝福祂在基督里子民的每一个成员。

Joshua 14:6-15 The first allotment begins with Caleb. His story reminds us of God’s judgment on faithless Israel (the conquest was delayed) and God’s faithfulness to the faithful (His promises are completed to Caleb). Throughout, Caleb shows that the Lord is the strength of the faithful.
Lord, thank You for all that You have promised me. Keep me faithful and counting on Your help until I am able to enjoy the very last portion of Your promises, in Jesus Christ. Amen.
约书亚记14:6-15 第一份分配给迦勒。迦勒的故事提醒我们上帝对失信之以色列的审判(征服的延迟)和上帝对忠信之人的信实(祂对迦勒的应许完成了)。自始至终,迦勒显明了主耶和华是忠信之人的力量。

Joshua 15 Judah receives precedence in the allotment of land. The assigning of land to Judah points to our end-times promised land through Christ, who came from the tribe of Judah. As Judah was assigned land before fully possessing it, so the Lord gives us eternal life even before we fully possess it in the resurrection.
Lord, grant me faith to receive the promises You have laid before me for the sake of Your Son. Help me also to be faithful to those promises until they are fulfilled completely in heaven. Amen.
约书亚记15 犹大在土地分配中得到优先权。给犹大的土地分配指向我们藉着基督的末日应许之地,基督是从犹大支派来的。正如犹大在完全拥有它(土地)之前就被分配了土地一样,主耶和华甚至也在我们于复活里完全拥有它(永生)之前,将永生赐给了我们。

Joshua 16 Failures of Ephraim to drive out the Canaanites warn us against neglecting our spiritual battles as Christians. The Lord equips us for these struggles, giving us His Spirit and the Word. God’s allotment to Ephraim can also give us hope because it shows the Lord keeping a long-standing promise. The giving of land to Ephraim ahead of his brother highlights God’s unmerited grace to an undeserving people.
O Lord, help us identify and know our enemies, so we do not grow complacent. Stir us to bold service through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
约书亚记16章 以法莲人在赶出迦南人上的失败,也警告我们作为基督徒对属灵争战的忽视。主耶和华将祂的圣灵和圣道赐给我们,装备我们对付这些挣扎。上帝给以法莲的土地分配也能给我们带来盼望,因为它表明主耶和华保守一个持久的应许。在以法莲的兄弟之前先赐土地给他们,特别强调了上帝将不应受的恩典赐给不配得的子民。

Joshua 17 The tribes of Joseph move to lay claim to the promises of God by inheriting their land. But they forget His promises about acquiring His blessings. God’s promises do not come up short. He promises to address our true needs in Christ.
Dear God, help me to see how all of Your promises fit together and how well You have already acted to secure my portion in Your Son, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Grant me all diligence in my calling of service to You. Amen.
约书亚记17章 约瑟的支派开始藉着获得他们的土地来承载上帝的应许。但是他们忘了上帝关于获取祂祝福的应许。上帝的应许不会残缺地临到。祂应许了要在基督里满足我们真正的需要。

Joshua 18:1-10 Settling the land of Canaan was not an overnight event. God’s servant Joshua needed to remind, encourage, and direct the people in this matter, lest they become negligent in following God’s promises to their completion. Take heart! God will not let His promised blessings go unused or unclaimed.
When we have received abundantly from You, O Lord, help us realize the fullness of Your blessings. Fill our borders with the peace and protection Your mercy provides through Your Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
约书亚记18:1-10 在迦南地定居下来并非是一夜之间的事情。上帝的仆人约书亚需要在这事情当中提醒,鼓励并且引导百姓,免得他们在跟随上帝的应许达至它们的完成上变得漫不经心。要专心!上帝不会让祂应许了的祝福不被取用或不被认领。

Joshua 18:11-28 Benjamin, one of the smallest tribes, receives its allotment between Judah and Ephraim, the two most powerful tribes. Benjamin’s land would become the heartland of the kingdom of Israel. No matter how small we may seem to others in the Church or the world, we can take confidence, because the Lord makes plans for us and promises our salvation.
Lord, teach me my place in the service of Your kingdom, and strengthen me for greater service. Amen.
约书亚记18:11-28 便雅悯,最小支派的其中一个,在两个最强大的支派,就是犹大和以法莲之间领受它的分地。便雅悯的土地将会是以色列国的心腹之地。无论我们在教会或世界中可能对于他人来说看起来多么渺小,但我们可以充满信心,因为主耶和华为我们制定了计划,应许了我们的救恩。

Joshua 19:1-9 Simeon’s clans receive land and cites within the boundaries of Judah. Consequences of the rash actions of Simeon and Levi were visited upon their descendants. Yet, there is still blessing on the tribe of Simeon, for they are not without an inheritance. They come under the care of their brother, according to God’s mercy.
Thank You, Lord, that You have a place for all who repent. All who believes and put their hope in You will not be disappointed but will receive a place in Your kingdom. Amen.
约书亚记19:1-9 西缅宗族在犹大的地界之内领受土地和城。西缅和利未鲁莽行动(译者注:创34:25)的后果临到他们的后裔身上。然而,仍然有祝福临到西缅支派,因为他们并非没有产业。他们因着上帝的怜悯,来到他们弟兄的看顾之下。

Joshua 19:10-16 The disbursement of inheritance continues with Zebulun. This tribe receives so little mention in Scripture that the people are virtually anonymous. Yet, their territory would be the first to hear Gospel preaching from the life of Jesus, as Isaiah prophesied (Is 9:1; Mt 4:12-16).
Lord, help us to remember that our peace lies not in the permanent possession of a parcel of land but in the promises You gave us concerning the One born in Bethlehem of Judea, raised in Nazareth of Zebulun. Amen.
约书亚记19:10-16 产业的分配在西布伦进行着。这个支派在圣经中很少提到,以致于他们实际上是匿名的。然而,他们的地域将会是第一个听到从耶稣的生命所传讲的福音的,正如以赛亚所预言(赛9:1但那受过痛苦的必不再见幽暗。从前神使西布伦地和拿弗他利地被藐视,末後却使这沿海的路,约但河外,外邦人的加利利地得著荣耀;太4:12-16耶稣听见约翰下了监,就退到加利利去;後又离开拿撒勒,往迦百农去,就住在那里。那地方靠海,在西布伦和拿弗他利的边界上…)。

Joshua 19:17-23 Issachar receives as inheritance the area west of the Jordan and south of the Sea of Chinnereth. Issachar receives even less attention in Scripture than Zebulun. Yet, the Lord prepared their eternal inheritance, for Ezekiel later prophesied that they would have a gate to the new Jerusalem, as would believers from the other tribes (Ezk 48:33).
Father, You have promised to be with us and see us through to the eternal inheritance prepared for us in Your Son, our risen Lord and Savior. By His grace, open to us the gates of heaven. Amen.
约书亚记19:17-23 以萨迦领受约旦河以西,基尼烈湖以南的地域作为产业。以萨迦在圣经中所得到的注意甚至比西布伦还少。然而,主耶和华预备了他们的永恒产业,因为以西结后来预言说,他们将会在新耶路撒冷拥有一座门,正如其它支派的信徒也会得到的那样(结48:33 南面四千五百肘,有三门,一为西缅门,一为以萨迦门,一为西布伦门)。

Joshua 19:24-31 Asher’s allotment runs along the Great Sea north of Mount Carmel, up to the pagan city of Sidon. By giving this border/coastal territory to Asher, the Lord gives the tribe a great challenge, which they would not properly meet. When the Lord challenges us, He also equips us by His good Word and Spirit. Praise God! The region of Asher became a haven for the Gospel through the ministry of Jesus and the apostles (Mt 15:21-28).
Father, we often dwell too near temptations and do not rely on You to overcome them. Grant us strength to avoid temptation and to proclaim Your Son as the Savior of all. Amen.
约书亚记19:24-31 亚设支派的分地是沿着地中海,南至迦密山,北上到达外邦城西顿。藉着将这个边界和沿海的区域赐给亚设,主耶和华赋予这个支派一个艰巨的挑战,就是后来他们没能对付了的挑战。当主耶和华挑战我们的时候,祂也会藉着祂良善的话语和圣灵装备我们。赞美上帝!亚设地区将会藉着耶稣和使徒的事工成为福音的港湾(太15:21-28 耶稣离开那里,退到推罗、西顿的境内去…)。

Joshua 19:32-39 Naphtali’s portion and inheritance to the north would be hit hard by invading armies but would also be among the first to hear the preaching of Christ (Is 9:1; Mt 4:15).
Lord, make our way glorious, for the sake of Christ. Amen.
约书亚记19:32-39 拿弗他利的份和产业向北会受到入侵军队的重创,然而也将会是首先听到基督传道的区域(赛9:1;太4:15说:西布伦地,拿弗他利地,就是沿海的路,约但河外,外邦人的加利利地)。

Joshua 19:40-48 Dan’s failure to gain its inheritance often stands for the evil from which we need the salvation of the Lord (Gn 49:16-18; note Dan’s absence from the list in Rv 7:4-8). When we fail and fall into sin, we will be tempted to give up completely on what we know is good and right. Yet, when we are at our lowest, the Lord remembers us in His mercy.
“Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word; Curb those who by deceit or sword Would wrest the kingdom from Your Son and bring to naught all He has done.” Amen. (LSB 655:1)
约书亚记19:40-48 但支派没能获得它的产业通常代表着魔鬼,就是我们需要主耶和华的救恩所脱离的魔鬼(创49:16-18 但必判断他的民,作以色列支派之一。但必作道上的蛇,路中的虺,咬伤马蹄,使骑马的坠落於後。耶和华啊,我向来等候你的救恩;请注意但支派在启示录7:4-8节列表中的缺失)。当我们失败并跌入罪中之时,我们将会受到试探想要完全放弃掉我们所知道的良善,公义之事。然而,当我们处在最低谷时,主耶和华在祂的怜悯中纪念我们。

Joshua 19:49-51 As a strong leader, Joshua receives his portion last! The allotment of land began with Caleb, one of the faithful spies. It ends with Joshua, the other faithful spy. All of this was done with God having a firm hand in the proceedings and the people trusting that He would deal generously with them.
We thank You, Lord, for Your faithful dealings with us. Teach us how to put You, not ourselves, first in all things. Amen.
约书亚记19:49-51 作为一位坚强的领袖,约书亚到最后才领受他的那份!土地的分配从忠心的探子之一,迦勒开始。分配以另一位忠心的探子,约书亚结束。这一切是由在分配的过程中施展坚固之手的上帝,和那信靠祂会慷慨地恩待他们的子民完成的。

Joshua 20 At the Lord’s direction, Joshua appoints six cities of refuge, demonstrating the Lord’s desire for both justice and mercy. Today, through Jesus’ perfect life and atoning death, our God of grace “is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Ps 46:1).
Dear God of love, “we flee for refuge to Your infinite mercy, seeking and imploring Your grace for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Amen. (LSB, p 184)
约书亚记20章 在主耶和华的吩咐之下,约书亚设立六座逃城,显明了主耶和华对公正审判和怜悯两者的意愿。今天,藉着耶稣完美的生命和救赎性死亡,我们满有恩典的上帝“是我们的避难所,是我们的力量,是我们在患难中随时的帮助”(诗46:1)。

Joshua 21 The Lord provides for the tribe of Levi, and with that, the author proclaims with praise that the Lord has kept all of His promises. We are not to become attached to the things of this world as though they have lasting value. The Lord provided the Levites with earthly cities that anticipated a better city, a heavenly one (Heb 11:16). Likewise, He promises that as we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness through Christ, He will grant us what we need for this life (Mt 6:33).
Heavenly Father, release us from worries and undue attachment to earthly things, so we might find our true joy in You and the enduring city awaiting us through Christ. Amen.
约书亚记21章 主耶和华供应利未支派的所需,作者因此带着赞美宣告主耶和华已经遵守祂所有的应许。我们不应该依附于这个世界的事物,好像他们有持久的价值一样。主耶和华供应利未人地上的城,这也是预见一座更美的城,一座天上的城(来11:16他们却羡慕一个更美的家乡,就是在天上的。所以神被称为他们的神,并不以为耻,因为他已经给他们预备了一座城)。同样,祂应许了,当我们透过基督先求祂的国和祂的义之时,祂必将我们今生所需的赐给我们(太6:33你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了)。

Joshua 22:1-9 In the first of his three farewell sermons, Joshua dismisses the eastern tribes after they faithfully finished the work they promised to do. Commitment, responsibility, and faithfulness to our word are not always present among us. The commitment and faithfulness of the Lord in saving us from our enemies is proven by the cross of Christ, who grants us faith and faithfulness.
When we finish the task You give us, “Lord, dismiss us with Your blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each, Your love posessing, Triumph in redeeming grace. O refresh us; O refresh us, Trav’ling through this wilderness.” Amen. (LSB 924:1)
约书亚记22:1-9 在他三篇临终讲道中的第一篇里,约书亚待东岸的支派忠心地完成他们所承诺要做的工之后,就将他们解散了。对我们说的话的委身,责任和信实并不总是在我们中间呈现。主耶和华的委身和信实,在拯救我们脱离我们仇敌上,已经藉着基督的十字架被证实了,基督赐我们信心和信实。

Joshua 22:10-34 The misunderstanding about the altar is peacefully resolved. Believers still carry their old sinful natures; therefore, misunderstandings or false accusations sometimes flare up among them. But the power of God’s Word and Spirit working in our hearts can bring about genuine reconciliation and peace.
When we presume guilt on the part of others, lead us, O Lord, to listen humbly and to speak the truth in love. May Your name be blessed as Your Spirit cleans our ears of unfounded skepticism and our tongues of loveless criticism. Amen.
约书亚记22:10-34 对祭坛的误会得以和平地解决。信徒仍然携带着他们老的罪性;因此,误会或虚假的指控有时会在他们中间突然冒出来。但在我们心中作工的上帝话语和圣灵的能力可以带来真正的和好以及平安。

Joshua 23 In the second of Joshua’s three farewell sermons, he addresses the leaders of Israel with warnings against serving other gods and reminds them of the Lord’s faithfulness and victories for Israel. What God threatens to those who reject Him and His salvation will certainly come to pass. God has not failed to fulfill even one word of all the good things He has promised. We can trust all the promises of His Word.
Lord, cause us to know that You are always faithful to Your Word, so that we heed Your warnings and trust Your gracious promises. Amen.
约书亚记23章 在约书亚三篇临终讲道中的第二篇里,他对着以色列的领袖们发出警告,警告他们不可侍奉别的神,并且提醒他们主耶和华的信实和给以色列的胜利。上帝给那些拒绝祂和祂救恩之人的威胁必要发生。上帝在成就祂所应许了的所有良善之事上,甚至一个字上都未曾失败。我们可以信靠祂话语的所有应许。

Joshua 24:1-13 At Shechem, Joshua summarizes for Israel the history of salvation by grace, from the call of Abraham to the victories under Joshua. Likewise, we deserve none of the good that God gives us. God Himself in Christ has defeated our great enemies: Sin, Satan, and death. He calls us by the Gospel of Christ and gives us an everlasting heritage, kingdom, and life.
Dear Lord of grace, make me know through Your Word that real success is not by my effort but by Your cross. Cause gratitude, love, and loyalty to well up in me as I rehearse Your victories for me and Your blessings to me. Amen.
约书亚记24:1-13 在示剑,约书亚为以色列人总结了出于恩典的救赎历史,从亚伯拉罕的蒙召到约书亚领导下的胜利。同样地,我们不配得任何上帝所赐给我们的良善之物。上帝祂自己在基督里已经击败了我们强劲的仇敌:罪,撒旦,和死亡。祂藉着基督的福音呼召我们,并赐给我们一个永恒的产业,国度,和生命。

Joshua 24:14-28 As the Mosaic covenant is formally renewed at Shechem, Joshua and the people boldly profess their faithfulness to the God who redeemed them and gave them victory. In our weakness and fear of the world, we may be hesitant to witness to the God who has given us our eternal inheritance. Pray for courage. His saving grace and His Spirit can enable us to boldly confess His name.
“All who confess Christ’s holy name, Give God the praise and glory. Let all who know His pow’r proclaim Aloud the wondrous story. Cast ev’ry idol from its throne, For God is God, and He alone: To God all praise and glory!” Amen. (LSB 819:5)
约书亚记24:14-28 当摩西之约在示剑被正式重申时,约书亚和百姓勇敢地宣告他们的信实给上帝,就是那位救赎他们并赐给他们胜利的。在我们的软弱和对世界的恐惧中,我们可能在给那位赐我们永恒产业的上帝作见证上变得迟疑。请为着勇气祈求。祂的救赎恩典和祂的圣灵能够使我们勇敢地告白祂的名。

Joshua 24:29-33 Three graves in the Promised Land (of Joshua, Joseph, and Eleazar) attest to the faithfulness of the Lord in fulfilling His promises. “Sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned” (Rm 5:12). “If, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ” (Rm 5:17).
We praise You, dear Lord, that when we lie buried in the ground, we also lie buried in Your sure promises of the resurrection to eternal life, through Jesus, the new Joshua. He lived, died, and rose so that after we die, we might be raised and live with Him forever. Amen.
约书亚记24:29-33 在应许之地的三座坟墓(约书亚,约瑟,和以利亚撒的)证实了主耶和华在成就祂应许上的信实。“这就如罪是从一人入了世界,死又是从罪来的;於是死就临到众人,因为众人都犯了罪”(罗5:12)。“若因一人的过犯,死就因这一人作了王,何况那些受洪恩又蒙所赐之义的,岂不更要因耶稣基督一人在生命中作王吗”(罗5:17)。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2016.12.27

Judges 1:1-26 After the optimistic, faith-filled account in Jsh, Jgs 1 introduces the disappointing next phase of Israelite history. Despite the sinful disappointments of our life histories, Jesus knows our weaknesses and forgives our neglect of His promises. Daily, we return to our Baptism to drown our sinful nature with its evil desires and to put on our new nature, which is righteous and pure (see SC, Baptism, pp xxxix-xl). The righteousness of Jesus replaces our unrighteousness.
Thank You, Lord, for rescuing us from our own worst enemies—our sinful flesh and the “Canaanites” that surround us. Amen.
士师记1:1-26 在约书亚记里面乐观、充满信心的记述之后,士师记1章就介绍以色列历史令人失望的下一阶段。尽管我们的生命历程带着有罪的失望,但耶稣知道我们的软弱,并且赦免我们对祂应许的忽视。每一天,我们回到我们的圣洗礼那里,将我们的罪性连同它的邪情私欲都淹没致死,并且穿戴新的属性,就是公义和纯洁的属性(看小问答,圣洗礼,39-40页)。耶稣的义取代我们的不义。

Judges 1:27-36 The various tribes of Israel allow the Canaanites to remain in the land, which creates a powerful temptation for Israelites to adopt their culture and worship their gods. How history repeats itself! Yet God in His mercy never abandons us.
Forgive us, Lord, for indifference to Your will. Help us to love what You command, turn to You for mercy, and seek to conform our lives to Your holy will. Amen.
士师记1:27-36 以色列各个支派允许迦南人留在那片土地上,这样就给以色列人带来一个强大的试探,就是吸纳他们的文化,敬拜他们的众神。历史多么会重演啊!然而上帝在祂的怜悯中从不撇弃我们。

Judges 2:1-5 Israel’s failure to drive out its Canaanite opponents is not caused by military weakness but rather by spiritual weakness. Because of spiritual weakness, believers today also experience suffering, disappointments, and even death. Yet the Lord faithfully calls us to repentance amid our sufferings. He suffered for our sins and renews us by the Gospel.
O Lord, “make us glad for as many days as You have afflicted us, and for as many years as we have seen evil” (Ps 90:15). Amen.
士师记2:1-5 以色列没能将它的迦南对头们驱赶出去,不是因为军事上的弱势,而是因为属灵上的软弱造成的。因着属灵上的软弱,今天信徒也会经历苦难,失望,甚至死亡。然而主耶和华信实地在我们的苦难中呼召我们悔改。祂为我们的罪受苦,并藉着福音苏醒更新我们。

Judges 2:6-10 The Israelites know who the Lord is, but they no longer experience His blessed presence among them. Despite Israel’s favored history, paganism is never far from the surface. Where the Law shows us our sin, the Gospel shows us the Father’s loving heart in Jesus. He cures our spiritual blindness and leads us to seek Him and worship Him with new hearts.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me…Restore to me the joy of Your salvation” (Ps 51:10,12). Amen.
士师记2:6-10 以色列人知道主耶和华是谁,但是他们不再能经历祂于他们中间的祝福临在。尽管以色列有着蒙恩的历史,异教崇拜却从未深埋不再浮现。无论哪里律法向我们显明我们的罪,福音就向我们显明天父在耶稣里慈爱的心肠。祂医治我们灵性的瞎眼,引导我们寻求祂,并且带着新灵敬拜祂。

Judges 2:11-15 Israel’s sad reversal of fortune is more than a coincidence. They made God their enemies because of their unfaithfulness. Without sincere faith, it is impossible to please God and rightly receive His blessings. God exposes our faulty motives so that He can bring us to a greater appreciation of His grace.
Dear Lord, direct our hearts in sincerity so that we receive Your blessings with grateful hearts. Amen.
士师记2:11-15 以色列命运的悲哀翻转不仅仅是一个偶然事件。因着他们的不信,他们使上帝成为他们的敌人。若没有真诚的信心,就不可能蒙上帝的喜悦并正确地领受祂的祝福。上帝暴露我们错误的动机,好使祂可以带领我们更深地明白祂的恩惠。

Judges 2:16-23 Unfortunately, Israel’s repentance does not last long. Yet even in these dark times, God does not withdraw His mercy from His people but raises up a series of champions to be their “saviors.” God does not forgive us because of our faith—as if faith were a good work to make up for all we have done wrong. God forgives us entirely for the sake of and through the merits of our Savior, Jesus (Rm 5:17-19).
O Lord, grant us the rhythm of repentance and forgiveness in our day-to-day lives. Grant also sincerity and faith through Christ, our Savior. Amen.
士师记2:16-23 不幸的是,以色列的悔改没有持续多久。然而既使在这些幽暗的日子里,上帝并没有从祂的百姓那里收回祂的怜悯,而是兴起一系列的勇士成为他们的“拯救者。”上帝不是因为我们的信而赦免我们—好像信心就是一个良善的功德可以弥补我们曾做出的所有错事一样。上帝完全是由于,并且藉着我们救主耶稣的功德赦免了我们(罗5:17-19若因一人的过犯,死就因这一人作了王,何况那些受洪恩又蒙所赐之义的,岂不更要因耶稣基督一人在生命中作王吗?如此说来,因一次的过犯,众人都被定罪;照样,因一次的义行,众人也就被称义得生命了。因一人的悖逆,众人成为罪人;照样,因一人的顺从,众人也成为义了)。

Judges 3:1-6 Israel would no longer enjoy the blessings promised in Lv 26:1-13 and Dt 28:1-14 under the Lord’s covenant; instead, the Israelites would find themselves engaged in a struggle against their pagan neighbors. How wonderful that God promises to stand by us, despite our wavering faith. “If we are faithless, He remains faithful—for He cannot deny Himself” (2Tm 2:13).
Merciful Father, assure us in Your faithfulness so that we live by faith in our Savior. Amen.
士师记3:1-6 以色列将不再享受利未记26:1-13和申命记28:1-14里面在主耶和华的约之下应许了的祝福;相反,以色列人将会发现他们自己陷入对付他们外邦邻舍的挣扎中。尽管我们有摇摆不定的信心,但上帝仍应许了要与我们站在一起,这是多么奇妙啊。“我们纵然失信,他仍是可信的,因为他不能背乎自己”(提后2:13)。

Judges 3:7-11 Othniel, the ideal judge, is God’s first champion to rescue Israel from a powerful foreign oppressor. God gave Othniel His Spirit and victory. Today, our struggles with temptation and problems may at times seem greater than we are able to bear. We may feel overwhelmed, confused, hopeless. Yet God’s grace is sufficient for us, and His power is made perfect in weakness (2Co 12:9). In times of struggle, God’s blessings may become most apparent and most treasured.
Assure us, O Lord, that Your grace is sufficient for all our needs. Grant us Your Spirit and boldness. Amen.
士师记3:7-11 俄陀聂,理想的士师,是第一位上帝的勇士来拯救以色列脱离一个强大的外邦压迫者的。上帝将祂的圣灵和得胜赐给俄陀聂。今天,我们所要与之争战的试探和麻烦可能有时看起来比我们所能承受的还要巨大。我们可能感到无力承受,困惑,无助。然而上帝的恩典够我们用,祂的能力在我们的软弱中得以完全(林后12:9他对我说:「我的恩典够你用的,因为我的能力是在人的软弱上显得完全。」所以,我更喜欢夸自己的软弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我)。在挣扎的境况里,上帝的祝福会变得最显而易见,并且最珍贵。

Judges 3:12-30 The treachery-filled victory of Ehud over Eglon and the Moabites is told in greater detail than the account of Othniel’s victory over Cushan-rishathaim (vv 9-11). Although we may admire Ehud’s courage and ingenuity, his deceptive method in God’s name brings the sincerity of his confession about the Lord (v 28) into question. God uses the people available to Him to achieve His larger purposes, and God blesses us despite our misdeeds and selfish motives. In all things, He works for the good of those who love Him (Rm 8:28).
“I need Thy presence ev’ry passing hour; What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r? Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me.” Amen. (LSB 878:2)
士师记3:12-30 以笏对伊矶伦和摩押人充满背叛的胜利,比起俄陀聂对古珊利萨田的得胜,用了更多的笔墨来描述(9-11节)。尽管我们可能敬仰以笏的勇气和精巧,然而他在上帝的名之下所行的诡诈方式,使得他对主耶和华认信的真实(28节 对他们说:「你们随我来,因为耶和华已经把你们的仇敌摩押人交在你们手中。」於是他们跟著他下去,把守约但河的渡口,不容摩押一人过去)变得可疑。上帝使用祂可以接触到的人来成就祂更大的计划,尽管我们有着罪行和自私的动机,然而上帝仍祝福我们。在万事中,祂作工为了爱祂之人的益处(罗8:28我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处,就是按他旨意被召的人)。

Judges 3:31 Almost everything about this one-verse summary differs from the surrounding accounts. There is no announcement that Israel did evil in the eyes of the Lord and no mention that they cried out to Him; no mention that the Lord raised up His person to save them, or that Shamgar was clothed with the Spirit, or that God acted in this judge’s behalf. Had the Israelites become so enmeshed in Canaanite culture that there were no Israelites to answer the Lord’s call? The company of men and women the Lord has called includes many common people (1Co 1:26). God can use even those whose parentage, education, or vocation are humble or obscure. When and where it pleases the Spirit of God, He can make judges out of farmers and apostles out of fishermen.
Lord, accomplish great outcomes through ordinary-looking vessels. Begin with me. Amen.
士师记3:31 这一节经文归纳的几乎全部都与周边其它的描述有所不同。这里没有宣告以色列在主耶和华眼里行了恶事,没有提及他们向祂呼求;没有提及主耶和华兴起祂的仆人来拯救他们,或者说珊迦被圣灵覆盖,或者说上帝为这个士师采取了行动。莫非是以色列人如此被迦南人的文化所捆绑,以致于不再有以色列人回应主耶和华的呼召?主耶和华所呼召的男人和女人中也有许多普通的百姓(林前1:26弟兄们哪,可见你们蒙召的,按著肉体有智慧的不多,有能力的不多,有尊贵的也不多)。上帝甚至能使用那些出身、教育、职业卑微或很不起眼的人。无论何时或何地它蒙上帝的灵喜悦,祂就能从农夫中兴起士师,从渔夫中兴起使徒。

Judges 4 After Israelites armies led by Barak defeat Jabin and the Canaanites, an Israelite woman kills Sisera the Canaanite general by pounding a tent peg through his skull. Barak does not demontrate strong faith, but many Christians can sympathize with his misgivings. We, too, can be weak and slow to act. Yet the Lord is with us, alongside us. Jesus went ahead of us to the cross and through death to everlasting life. He will lead us to the victory ground of heaven.
Lord Jesus, give us faith to believe Your promises and courage to wage our battles and win the victory You give. Amen.
士师记4章 在巴拉领导的以色列军队打败耶宾和迦南人之后,一位以色列妇女用帐棚的橛子敲进西西拉的头颅,杀死了这位迦南人的将军。巴拉并没有展示出勇敢的信心,但是许多基督徒能够同情他的害怕。我们,也会变得软弱,迟迟不肯行动。然而主耶和华与我们同在,站在我们身边。耶稣走在我们前面上了十字架,并且经过死亡,通往永生。祂必要引领我们抵达天上得胜的地方。

Judges 5 The Song of Deborah and Barak is a poetic and vivid retelling of the Lord’s victory over the Canaanites, especially praising Jael’s triumph over Sisera. It rightly gives God credit for the triumph, for He is the ultimate Judge and Savior.
Almighty God, we implore Your daily help in our struggle with our spiritual enemies—the devil, the world, and our sinful flesh. Forgive us our failings, and grant us victory through Jesus, Your Son and our Savior. Amen.
士师记5章 底波拉和巴拉的歌是对主耶和华得胜迦南人充满诗意和栩栩如生的复述,也特别赞扬雅亿胜了西西拉。它也正确地将胜利的颂赞归给上帝,因为祂是最终的士师(Judge审判者)和救赎主。

Judges 6:1-27 Gideon’s initial call to be a judge reveals his demoralized spirit and weak character, yet with the assurance of the Lord’s presence, he makes a first assault on the Baal worship in his own community. Unchecked, sin takes an ever greater hold on individuals and entire communities. Instead of speaking God’s words and promises from generation to generation, parents may leave a legacy of unbelief and false worship (cf Dt 5:9). Gideon seems an unlikely figure to become a future champion of Israel. Yet the Lord of surprising, unearned grace seeks sinners and equips them to accomplish great things.
Help us, Lord, to believe Your promises, seek Your will, and act in the courage You alone give. Amen.
士师记6:1-27 基甸作士师的最初蒙召反映了他萎靡不振的灵和软弱的性格,然而带着主耶和华同在的确据,他开始对在他自己社区里的巴力崇拜进行第一次进攻。若不被对付,罪可以越发强势地捆锁个人和整个社区。没有一代接着一代地传说上帝的话语和应许,父母可能会留下不信和虚假崇拜的遗产(参 申5:9不可跪拜那些像,也不可事奉他,因为我耶和华你的神是忌邪的神。恨我的,我必追讨他的罪,自父及子,直到三、四代)。基甸看起来不像是一位可以成为以色列未来勇士的人物。然而满有惊奇、不配得恩典的主耶和华寻找罪人并且装备他们成就大事。

Judges 6:28-35 Gideon’s act of tearing down the Baal altar arouses antagonism. He receives an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to empower him for battle and win the support of neighboring Israelite tribes. As Gideon is clothed by the Lord, so the Holy Spirit clothes us with the righteousness of Christ Jesus. Through Baptism, we live here in safety and will stand bold “on the great day of God the almighty” (Rv 16:14).
“Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress; Midst flaming worlds, in these arrayed, With joy shall I lift up my head.” Amen. (LSB 563:1)
士师记6:28-35 基甸拆毁巴力祭坛的行动挑起了敌对。他领受了圣灵的浇灌使他有能力争战并且赢得相邻以色列支派的支持。正如基甸被主耶和华遮盖一样,圣灵也用基督耶稣的义遮盖我们。藉着圣洗礼,我们在此平安度日,并且将来必会勇敢地站立在“神全能者的大日”(启16:14他们本是鬼魔的灵,施行奇事,出去到普天下众王那里,叫他们在神全能者的大日聚集争战)。

Judges 6:36-40 Despite a clear revelation of the Lord’s will, Gideon twice puts the Lord to a test, hoping to gain certainty for his faltering faith. Jesus said that an evil and adulterous generation looks for a sign (Mt 12:39). But when the Lord wishes to give us a sign, we are arrogant to reject it (cf Is 7:10-14). The Lord is patient with us and merciful through His Son.
Almighty God, send us Your Holy Spirit, that through Your Holy Word our faith may be built up and strengthened. Help us realize that in the Word alone we find the Good News of salvation, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
士师记6:36-40 尽管有主耶和华旨意的清楚启示,基甸两次将主放在试验中,希望为他摇摆的信心寻找确据。耶稣说一个邪恶淫乱的世代寻找神迹(太12:39耶稣回答说:「一个邪恶淫乱的世代求看神迹,除了先知约拿的神迹以外,再没有神迹给他们看)。但当主耶和华意愿给我们一个记号时,我们却傲慢地拒绝(参 赛7:10-14耶和华又晓谕亚哈斯说:「你向耶和华你的神求一个兆头:或求显在深处,或求显在高处。」亚哈斯说:「我不求;我不试探耶和华…)。主耶和华以忍耐待我们,并且藉着祂的儿子向我们施怜悯。

Judges 7:1-18 After his army is reduced to a frighteningly low number, Gideon gains confidence when he overhears a dream in the Midianite camp. Gideon then devises a clever plan to create confusion. We are tempted to criticize Gideon’s lack of decisiveness, but we, too, need repeated assurance that God will keep His promises.
Lord, help us leave our sinful mistakes behind us so we may look ahead with the confidence only You can give. Amen.
士师记7:1-18 基甸的军队被裁减到可怕的一小撮,当他偷听到米甸营里的一个梦时,他获得信心。然后基甸设计了一个聪明的计划来营造混乱。我们会被试探来批判基甸的缺乏决断,但我们,也,不断地需要上帝必保守祂应许的确据。

Judges 7:19-25 In the same way the Lord fought for Gideon, so He also fights for us against seemingly insurmountable odds. He overcame our greatest enemy in the most improbable way: the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
Almighty God, Lord of hosts, encourage us with the assurance that You are with us always and that with You at our side, we never need fear. In the Savior’s name we pray. Amen.
士师记7:19-25 主耶和华为基甸争战,以同样的方式,祂也为我们争战,对付看起来不可逾越的权势。祂战胜了我们最大的仇敌,以最不可能的方式:耶稣在十字架上的献祭。

Judges 8: 1-21 In pursuit of the Midianites, Gideon acts magnanimously toward the Ephraimites jealous of his victory, but bitterly toward other countrymen. A desire for personal gain, recognition, or revenge can also cloud the actions of God’s people today, though our actions may seldom be as physically cruel as Gideon’s. Such vengeance arises from the sinful flesh. However, battle against spiritual enemies is proper. Fight the good fight of faith; our warfare is not against flesh and blood but against the enemies of the Savior (Eph 6:12). He has won the victory, which is ours through faith.
Lord of hosts, strengthen us to fight the good fight of faith. In our Savior’s name we pray. Amen.
士师记8:1-21 在对米甸人的追赶中,基甸宽容地对待嫉妒他得胜的以法莲人,但却残酷地对待其他乡邻。寻求个人利益,赏识,或报复的渴望也会笼罩今日上帝子民的行动,尽管我们的行动可能很少会像基甸的那样残酷。这样的复仇源自有罪的肉体。然而,对付属灵的仇敌是应当的。要打美好的信心之仗;我们的争战不是对着肉体和血气,乃是对着救赎主的仇敌(弗6:12因我们并不是与属血气的争战(原文作摔跤;下同),乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战)。祂已经赢得了胜利,这胜利藉着信心成为我们的。

Judges 8:22-28 Gideon’s apparently pious refusal of kingship masks a heart already sold to monarchy. His request for gold from his supporters allows him to make an idol that leads Israel into idolatry. Even the lowliest person may have the heart of a tyrant. With fame, popularity, power, and material success comes the danger that one’s heart may be turned away from the Savior. Yet the God of persistent grace continues to work on our stubborn hearts.
Lord, let us never fall victim to our own wishes or devices, but keep us humble, as was Jesus, who took on the form of a servant and became obedient to death on a cross to forgive our pride. Amen.
士师记8:22-28 基甸看起来对称王的敬虔拒绝,隐藏了一颗早已卖给君主制的心。他从他的支持者那里索求黄金,使得他能够造出一个偶像,就是后来引领以色列进入假神崇拜的偶像。甚至最卑微的人也可能有一颗暴君的心。伴随着名誉,声望,权势,和物质丰裕而来的危机就是,一个人的心可能会背离救赎主。然而有着持续稳固恩典的上帝仍继续在我们刚硬的心上作工。

Judges 8:29-35 Despite military success, prestige, and wealth, Gideon’s judgeship brings Israel little lasting good. One of his many sons will now seek to gain the crown Gideon ceremoniously rejected. Career accomplishments and material wealth may be overshadowed by foolish choices and unrestrained ambition. What matters is not what people think about us but what God has declared about us. Christ’s forgiveness pardons even the worst of our failures, and we become new creatures, eager to do good.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Ps 51:10). Then I will serve Your people with true honor and humility. Amen.
士师记8:29-35 尽管有着军事上的胜利,声望,和财富,但基甸的士师职份并未给以色列带来多少持久的益处。他许多儿子中的一位现在要寻求获得基甸曾在仪式上拒绝的王冠。事业上的成就和物质上的丰裕可能会因着愚蠢的选择和无节制的野心变得黯然失色。重要的不是人会说我们什么,而是上帝关于我们会宣告什么。基督的赦罪甚至会宽恕我们最糟糕的失败,然后我们成为新人,渴慕行善。

Judges 9:1-21 Abimelech, Gideon’s illegitimate son, brutally murders his 70 brothers and has himself appointed king in Shechem. One brother, however, manages to escape and in a parable warns that Abimelech is unworthy of the office. Today, the Lord calls us to act with integrity when we choose our leaders or when we speak up against them. Through God’s Word we learn genuine integrity, which the Holy Spirit produces in sinners through the Word of Christ, our Savior.
Heavenly Father, forgive our lack of integrity and failure to follow Your Word. Make us bold to speak the truth with integrity from You. Amen.
士师记9:1-21 亚比米勒,基甸私生的儿子,残酷地杀害了他的70位弟兄并且按立他自己为示剑人的王。然而,其中一位弟兄成功脱逃,并且用寓言警告说亚比米勒是不配得那个职份的。今天,当我们选择我们的领袖或者当我们站起来反对他们的时候,主耶和华呼召我们以正直行事。藉着上帝的话语我们学到真实的正直,就是圣灵藉着我们救主基督的话语在罪人中所生发的。

Judges 9:22-57 The first attempt at kingship in Israel fails miserably, not because monarchy is an unacceptable form of government but because Abimelech is an unworthy candidate. How frequently rulers exploit people rather than seeking leadership as an opportunity for service! Luther once said that a wise prince was a rare bird; every form of government requires leaders of integrity. How different a leader is our Lord Jesus, who maintained His integrity. Rather than exploit us, He sacrificed Himself for us.
Lord God, ruler of the nations, bless our land with wise and godly leaders. Amen.
士师记9:22-57 以色列君王制度的第一次尝试可悲地失败了,不是因为君主制是一种不可接受的政府架构,而是因为亚比米勒是一位不称职的候选人。掌权者不是寻求领袖职份作为服侍的机会,而是剥削百姓,这样的事情是多么频繁发生啊!路德曾说过一位智慧的君主就是一只稀有的鸟;任何政府制度都需要正直的领导者。我们的主耶稣是一位多么与众不同的领袖啊,祂保有祂的正直。祂没有剥削我们,反而将祂自己舍了给我们。

Judges 10:1-5 Following the discredited kingship of Abimelech, the Lord provides rescue and safety through two “minor” judges (see note, v 6). Even good judges like Jair are affected by the sins of the culture—polygamy and a thirst for wealth. How blind we may be to the besetting sins of our culture! God’s grace stepped into our world in the person of Jesus, who rode a donkey in humility so that He might teach and serve the people.
We praise You, O Lord, for the many blessings we enjoy through men and women who remain little known to us. We rejoice in the way Your Word focuses on the One we need to know most: Jesus. Amen.
士师记10:1-5 在亚比米勒名誉扫地的君王职份之后,主耶和华藉着两个“小”士师来提供拯救和保障。甚至像睚珥这样的好士师都会被文化中的罪所污染—一夫多妻和对财富的渴望。我们可能会对我们文化中不断来袭的罪多么视而不见啊!上帝的恩典在耶稣那人里面踏进我们的世界,祂在谦卑中骑着驴驹,好叫祂可以教导并服侍百姓。

Judges 10:6-18 Israel’s spiritual well-being deteriorates after the death of Tola and Jair. During oppression from the Ammonites, Israel is left to beg for a leader to repulse this latest threat. Spiritual gullibility leads people to believe anything that suits their desires. God is remarkable in His persistent mercy and in His willingness to begin anew with us.
All that was written in the Scripture was written to teach us. Enable us to learn and grow, dear Jesus. Amen.
士师记10:6-18 以色列的属灵健康在陀拉和睚珥死后更加恶化。在亚扪人欺压时期,以色列决定祈求一位领袖来击退这次最近的威胁。属灵上的轻信导致百姓相信任何可以满足他们渴望的事物。在祂持续稳固的怜悯和祂(常准备要)与我们从新开始的意愿中,上帝是多么的奇妙。

Judges 11:1-28 Despite his outcast status, Jephthah is selected to lead the Israelite armies against the Ammonites. He argues that Israel has proper claim to the lands east of the Jordan after living there three centuries. God’s people today, too, have a homeland that the Lord has appointed: the promised land of the new creation. Christians may appear an unimportant minority on earth, with no particular claim to power, and losing influence as society becomes more and more secular. Yet God still guides the affairs of the world in the interest of His people.
Lord God, ruler over the nations, encourage us when we seem to be surrounded and overwhelmed by an ungodly world. Prepare us for our eternal homeland, which we will enter when Jesus returns. Amen.
士师记11:1-28 尽管他是被驱逐的,耶弗他仍被选召领导以色列的军队来对付亚扪人。他辩护说以色列人居住在那里已300年之久,对约旦河以东的土地有合法的所属权。今天上帝的百姓,也,有一个主耶和华所设立的家园:新创造的应许之地。基督徒在地上可能看起来是不重要的少数人群,没有什么特别可以宣称的权势,甚至随着社会越来越世俗化就(不断地)失去影响力。然而上帝依旧引导世界的事务,为了祂百姓的益处。

Judges 11:29-40 Jephthah’s carefully crafted speech and military victory over the Ammonites are overshadowed by his rash vow to sacrifice the first thing that comes out to him from his doorway—which turns out to be his only child. Beware the foolishness of making vows or swearing in frivolous or uncertain situations. We can be thankful that Jesus offered Himself as payment for all our thoughtless words and foolish actions.
Forgive us, O Lord, for the thoughtless and foolish words that we speak. Guide us to speak the truth of Your Word in love. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
士师记11:29-40 因着他草率发誓要把第一个从他家门跑出来迎接他的献为祭物—结果是他的独生孩子,耶弗他精心编制的演讲和对亚扪人的军事胜利变得黯然失色。要小心在琐碎或不确定的境况中许愿或发誓的愚昧。耶稣将祂自己献上为我们所有不经思考的言语和愚蠢的行为付了代价,我们可以为此感恩。

Judges 12:1-7 The tribe of Ephraim, in its pride and jealousy, is angry at not participating in the glory of Jephthah’s victory and threatens to kill the Gileadites. Instead, identifying their enemies by their regional dialect, the Gileadites defeat Ephraim, killing 42,000 of their fellow Israelites. God uses Jephthah, a sinner, to deliver His people. God’s grace to and through Jephthah may remind us of the deliverance He provides us through Christ, not by our own merit. This destroys human pride, but gives us a greater victory.
O Lord, forgive us for our desire for glory and for despising others. Give us the right word for crossing into eternity, namely, the right confession of Your Son, in whose name we pray. Amen.
士师记12:1-7 以法莲支派,出于它的骄傲和嫉妒,因着没能参与耶弗他胜利的荣耀就发怒,并且威胁要杀死基列人。然而,基列人藉着敌人的地方口音来识别他们,击败了以法莲,杀死42,000与他们同作以色列人的。上帝使用耶弗他,一个罪人,来拯救祂的百姓。上帝赐给耶弗他和藉着耶弗他赐下的恩典提醒我们,祂藉着基督,而不是依赖我们自己的功德,赐给我们拯救。这击碎人的骄傲,但却赐给我们一个更美的胜利。

Judges 12:8-15 Three “minor” judges are mentioned, but nothing is said of their deeds, other than that two of them have large families. Unlike other judges, these deal with no invaders, no civil war, and no dramatic sins. Nevertheless, the people still need to be judged through God’s servants who apply His Law. Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon—living out both their spiritual offices (in their judgeships) and temporal offices (in their families)—stand as examples of the doctrine of vocation. Nothing is recorded of their good works. Yet, God was still pleased with them on account of their faith.
O Lord, make me faithful in my everyday callings. May I ever cling to Your Word, appreciate Your daily blessings, and call on You in every need. Through Christ, our Lord, I pray. Amen.
士师记12:8-15 三个“小”士师被提及,但除了提到其中两个有很大的家庭以外,再没有说他们的事迹。不像其他的士师,这些士师没有对付入侵者,没有内战,也没有引人注目的罪。然而,百姓仍需要藉着上帝应用祂律法的仆人来审判。以比赞、以伦和押顿—活出了他们属灵的职份(在士师上)和属世的职份(在家庭上)—作为天职教义的典范。也没记下任何关于他们的良善之工。然而,上帝因着他们的信仍旧喜悦他们。

Judges 13 The Lord’s messenger appears to a barren woman, promising that she will bear a son who must live as a Nazirite and who will save Israel from the Philistines. This special experience anticipates the special life the woman’s son will lead. God’s Word comes to us with special purpose too. In the humble forms of the pages of the Bible; the Water, bread, and wine of the Sacraments; and the preaching of a pastor, the Lord strengthens us for our special mission of serving Him in a hostile world.
O Lord, we thank You for Your Word, which You have graciously communicated to us in human language. Forgive us for being blind to Your wonderful Word, and lead us to trust it. For You reveal to us that You have provided a Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
士师记13章 主耶和华的使者向一位不孕的妇人显现,应许她要生一个儿子,这个儿子必须作拿细耳人并且要拯救以色列脱离非利士人。这一特殊的经历预示着那妇人儿子将要有的特殊生命。上帝的话语也带着特别的目的临到我们。以这些朴实的形式:圣经的页面;圣礼中的水,饼,和酒;和牧师的传道,主耶和华为着我们在一个充满敌意的世界中服事祂的特殊使命而坚固我们。

Judges 14 Samson sees a Philistine woman and urges his parents to approve an inappropriate marriage with her. Samson is strong physically, but weak morally. Although his long hair marks him externally as a Nazirite, he violates God’s Law repeatedly and disrespects his parents. Despite Samson’s sinfulness, “the Spirit of the LORD” comes upon him for the sake of God’s purposes. God saves Samson and uses him to deliver Israel. God still has a plan and compassion for the weak in faith today.
O Father, I confess that I am like Samson, filled with lusts, disobedience, and violent passions. Forgive my sin, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit, through Your Son, that I might serve Your greater purposes and learn humility through the cross. Amen.
士师记14章 参孙看见一位非利士女人,就催促他的父母许可一桩要和她结合的不适当婚姻。参孙身体上是强壮的,但道德上是虚弱的。尽管他的长发从外表可以表明他是一位拿细耳人,然而他不断地违背上帝的律法,轻看他的父母。尽管参孙有罪,“主耶和华的灵”为着上帝的目的临到他身上。上帝拯救参孙并且使用他拯救以色列。上帝对今天在信心上软弱的依然有一个计划和怜悯。

Judges 15 Samson goes to claim his bride, only to find that her father has married her to someone else. Enraged, Samson begins a personal conflict with the Philistines. Despite Samson’s rage, the Holy Spirit works through Samson to accomplish “great salvation” for His people. Samson rightly confesses that this is God’s gift, for He is the true Judge and Savior.
O Lord, protect me from the impulse to take revenge. Forgive me for having sinned by conforming to the godless culture around me. Give me courage to resist the temptations of the world and to trust that I am never alone, thanks to Your Holy Spirit, who keeps me strong in faith. Amen.
士师记15章 参孙去索回他的新娘,却发现她的父亲已经将她许配给了另外一个人。带着怒气,参孙开始了一场与非利士人的个人恩怨。尽管参孙怒火中烧,然而圣灵仍藉着参孙作工,成就对祂百姓的“大拯救”。参孙正确地告白说,这是上帝的恩赐,因为祂才是真正的士师和拯救者。

Judges 16:1-22 Samson’s weakness for women proves to be his doom when Delilah coaxes from his the secret of his strength. Bereft of all of his powers, Samson is at the mercy of the Philistines. Often, like Samson, it is when we are weak and broken spiritually (or perhaps also physically) that we finally despair of ourselves. In that hour, Christ is the true strong man for us spiritually. Samson carried the gates of a city, but Jesus carried the cross and all our sin.
O Lord, forgive me both for succumbing to temptation and for presuming Your forbearance again and again. Take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Help me to trust not in my own strength but in the strength of Jesus Christ, my Lord, in whose name I pray. Amen.
士师记16:1-22 当大利拉从他那里哄骗到他力量的秘密时,参孙在女人上的软弱显明是他的末日。参孙丧失他所有的力量之后,沦落在非利士人的完全掌控之中。像参孙一样,通常也是当我们在属灵上软弱和破碎(或者也可能在身体上)之时,我们才会最终对我们自己绝望。那个时刻,基督才是我们属灵上真正的刚强者。参孙背着城门,而耶稣背着十字架和我们所有的罪。

Judges 16:23-31 As Samson is weak and humiliated, the Philistines ascribe their victory to their god Dagon. In that hour, Samson turns to God in faith. He pushes down the columns that support the roof of the temple, destroying thousands of the enemy. Like Samson, Christ died for His people. But unlike Samson, Christ fulfilled the Law and brought forgiveness and eternal life.
O Father, I, too, am a defeated sinner, spiritually blind and in bondage to the devil according to my sinful flesh. Remember me, Lord. Give me strength to carry out what You have called me to do. May Christ in His sacrifice pull down the works of Satan and deliver me from captivity. In His name I pray. Amen.
士师记16:23-31 参孙毫无力气并且遭受凌辱,非利士人将他们的胜利归于他们的神大衮。在那个时刻,参孙在信心中转向上帝。他推倒支撑庙宇顶部的柱子,杀死了成千上万的仇敌。像参孙一样,基督为祂的百姓而死。但和参孙不一样的是,基督成全了律法,并且带来赦罪和永生。

Judges 17 A dishonest Ephraimite named Micah uses cursed treasure to create idols, which he worships as the true God of Israel. He even hires a wandering Levite to serve as the priest of his idolatrous shrine. Remarkably, the situation will grow far worse in the coming chapters. Even at our worst, the Lord has chosen and ordained for us a Savior, our true High Priest, Jesus Christ, who is the only way to salvation.
O Lord, forgive me for my idolatry, for the way I exalt my own opinions and preferences and hold to them rather than to Your holy Word. Teach me to forsake the materialism of our times and to follow You as my King. Through Christ, I pray. Amen.
士师记17章 一位不诚实的以法莲人名叫米迦,他用受咒诅的银子造了偶像,作为以色列的真上帝来敬拜。他甚至还雇佣了一位流浪的利未人作为他拜偶像神龛的祭司来服侍。令人惊奇的是,状况在接下来的章节变得越发糟糕。既使在我们最败坏的时候,主耶和华已为我们拣选和按立一位救赎主,就是我们真正的大祭司,耶稣基督,祂是通往救恩的唯一道路。

Judges 18 The Danites believe it is too difficult to take the inheritance assigned to them, so they look for easier prey, acting with cruelty and idolatry. God’s commands are often difficult to obey, but acting on our own impulses only multiplies sin. The Lord had generously provided the Danites with priests and a sanctuary at Shiloh, where He promised to meet with them and grant them His mercy. Even so, the Lord meets with us and blesses us through the means He has ordained: the Word and the Sacraments.
O Lord, I, too, often substitute my own will for Yours. Forgive my self-chosen theologies, my selfish cruelty to others, and my lack of trust. Grant me refuge in Your Word and in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Amen.
士师记18章 但族人认为征服分配给它们的产业是太困难了,几乎不可能,所以他们寻找更容易的掳掠方式,带着残酷和偶像崇拜行事(译者注:参 书19:40-48“利善”就是“拉亿”)。上帝的诫命的确经常是难以遵守的,但凭着我们自己的冲动行事只能加增罪孽。主耶和华已经在示罗慷慨地为但族人预备了祭司和圣所(译者注:参 书19:51),祂应许了要在那里与他们相遇并且将祂的怜悯赐给他们。即使如此,主耶和华仍然与我们相见,赐福我们,藉着祂已经设立的媒介:圣道和圣礼。

Judges 19:1-21 A Levite travels to find his concubine. Though the woman has sinned, the family makes a great effort to be reconciled. Such sins still wound and divide families today. Through the prayers and encouragement we share, the Lord works to restore broken relationships and bring healing.
O Lord, help us to love our family members, even those who sin against us, and to extend Your love to those who need our hospitality, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
士师记19:1-21 一个利未人旅行去寻得他的妾。尽管那妇人犯了罪,但家人却做出很大的努力,为了使关系恢复。这样的罪在今天仍然割伤和分裂着家庭。透过我们共担的祷告和鼓励,主耶和华作工,来恢复破裂的关系并且带来医治。

Judges 19:22-30 The violent death of a Levite’s concubine illustrates the low point of wickedness during this period in Israel’s history. Consider that such horrors happen still today and are even promoted under the guise of sexual or artistic freedom. Lord, have pity! Deliver the Church, Your Bride, from evil.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
士师记19:22-30 利未人之妾的凶残死亡反映了以色列历史上这个时期的邪恶低谷。我们也可以想到,这样的恐怖之事在今天仍然发生,并且甚至在性或者艺术自由的伪装下得到推崇。主,请施怜悯!拯救教会,你的新娘,脱离凶恶。

Judges 20 The Levite tells the Israelites about the abomination committed by the Benjaminites, so the shocked tribes, unified for the frist time since Joshua’s day, resolve to punish their kindred tribe. But only when the Israelites repent and come before God in brokenness, humility, and with blood sacrifices does God save them. He is a God of justice and compassion.
O Lord, we tremble at Your wrath against sin. Forgive us when we condemn the sins of others but do not indict ourselves. We repent in brokenness and weeping. Our only recourse is to cling to the sacrifice of Jesus, whose blood covers all our sin. Amen.
士师记20章 那个利未人将便雅悯人所犯下的恶事告诉了以色列人,然后那些震惊了的支派就结集,也是自从约书亚的日子以来的第一次,决议要惩罚他们同族的支派。但只有当以色列人悔改并且在破碎,谦卑中,带着赎罪祭的血来到上帝面前之时,上帝才拯救他们。祂是一位有着公正审判和怜悯的上帝。

Judges 21 After the carnage against the Benjaminites, the Israelites begin to mourn the near eradication of one of their kindred tribes. They have compassion for the 600 survivors and hope to restore the tribe. So the elders devise a plan to come up with wives for the Benjaminites. These manipulations of morality are a final example of the moral degradation that comes from everyone doing what is right in his own eyes. God pours out His wrath on sinners, but He saves a remnant by His grace.
O Lord, Your Word reveals the depths of my sin, including my misguided attempts at righteousness. Forgive me by the Word of my King, Jesus, who gave His life to rescue me from sin. In His name I pray. Amen.
士师记21章 在屠杀便雅悯人之后,以色列人开始为着他们这一同族支派的近乎灭绝而哀痛。他们怜悯那600位存留下来的人,希望能重新兴起那个支派。所以长老们就设计谋为(这些余剩的)便雅悯人寻得妻子。这些道德上的操纵是道德滑坡的最后一个例子,这道德滑坡是出于每个人做他自己眼中看为正的事情。上帝倾倒祂的愤怒在罪人身上,但祂也出于祂的恩典来存留一剩余的百姓。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2016.12.30

Ruth 1:1-5 Elimelech and his sons struggle during a famine and move to Moab to preserve their family. You, too, may struggle against unexpected changes in the economy or in your family. God gives you freedom in making family and business decisions, but He also gives you the blessings and guidance of His Holy Word. Whether you are prospering or struggling, look to the Word, wherein lies wisdom for this life and the promise of eternal life through Jesus.
Make my heart, Lord Jesus, captive to Your Word, which guides my family, my work, and my future. Amen.
路得记1:1-5 以利米勒和他的儿子们在一次饥荒中遇到困境,为了保存他们的家庭就迁往摩押地。你,也,可能在面对经济或你家庭的意外变故之时变得挣扎。上帝赐给你在做出家庭和事务决策上的自由,但祂也赐给你祂圣道的祝福和引导。无论你是平顺或是挣扎,请仰望圣道,在那里有今生所需的智慧,和藉着耶稣而来的永恒生命之应许。

Ruth 1:6-18 Ruth refuses to stay in Moab when Naomi determines to go back to Bethlehem, even though her sister-in-law stays in Moab. Ruth boldly confesses her faith in the Lord and her commitment to her family. What an incredible example of godly priorities: the Lord and family come first!
Thanks be to God that He put us first and made us family through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus, who crossed heaven and earth to save us. Amen.
路得记1:6-18 当拿俄米决定要归回伯利恒时,既使路得的嫂子留在了摩押地,她仍拒绝留下来。路得勇敢地承认她在主耶和华里面的信心,和她对家人的忠诚。敬虔的优先次序:上主和家庭放在首位,这是一个多么难得的例子啊!

Ruth 1:19-22 Naomi confesses the bitterness she feels on returning to Bethlehem without her husband and sons. Yet Ruth is with her still. Like Naomi, Christians today seek to do their best when caring for loved ones. Intermittent times of suffering are used by God to humble us. In due time, God raises us up to see His mercy and to care more dearly.
Lord Jesus, when You act in ways we do not understand, direct us to our Baptism. There, You bound Yourself to us in forgiveness and love so that, like Naomi and Ruth, we will see Your deliverance in Your time. Amen.
路得记1:19-22 在没了丈夫和儿子的拿俄米返回伯利恒时,她坦承自己苦闷的感受。然而路得仍然和她在一起。就像拿俄米一样,今天基督徒在看顾所爱的人时会竭尽自己的所能。不断出现的苦难被上帝使用,来使我们谦卑。在合适的时候,上帝会高举我们,(使我们)看见祂的怜悯并且更加温柔地去关爱。

Ruth 2 The Lord brings Ruth and Boaz together in mutual honor. We see a wonderful reversal in the fortunes of Ruth and Naomi. In times of darkness and suffering today, we may doubt God’s Father-heart toward us. Yet God promises that He works all things for our good (Rm 8:28-39).
Dear Jesus, by Your Holy Spirit, open the eyes of our hearts so that we may see You caring for us through those around us. Amen.
路得记2章 主耶和华带领路得和波阿斯在彼此尊荣中相见。我们看到路得和拿俄米命运的一个奇妙翻转。今天在黑暗和受难的时刻,我们可能会怀疑上帝对我们慈父的心。然而上帝应许祂要在万事中作工为叫我们得益处(罗8:28-39)。

Ruth 3 Naomi acts in faith and hope as she sends Ruth to Boaz as a potential redeemer. These women do not simply take matters into their own hands. Their actions are based on the promises in God’s Word, which sets a marvelous example for us. We can always approach our Redeemer, Jesus.
Lord Jesus, through Your Gospel promises, work in us so that we follow the example of Naomi, Ruth, Boaz, and our father-in-faith Abraham, who waited patiently and received what was promised (Heb 6:15). Amen.
路得记3章 当拿俄米差遣路得去找可能成为至亲赎回者的波阿斯时,她是在信心和盼望中行动的。这些女人并没有简单地将事情放在他们自己的手中。他们的行动是基于上帝话语中的应许,这给我们设立一个出色的模范。我们总是可以亲近我们的赎回者,耶稣。
主耶稣,请藉着你福音的应许,在我们里面作工,好叫我们可以跟随拿俄米,波阿斯,还有我们信心之父亚伯拉罕的榜样,他们满有忍耐地等候并且领受了所应许的(来6:15 这样,亚伯拉罕既恒久忍耐,就得了所应许的)。阿们。

Ruth 4:1-12 Boaz acts boldly on behalf of Naomi and Ruth to secure their future and family inheritance. Today, God calls us to act with wisdom on behalf of the helpless, to perpetuate their life and share with them the inheritance of eternal life in His name. Jesus bears witness that He has and will act as the Redeemer of us all.
Jesus, my inheritance is rich from You! Give me a bold heart to share what I have received from Your Word and blessings. Amen.
路得记4:1-12 波阿斯代表拿俄米和路得大胆地行动,来确保他们的未来和家庭的产业。今天,上帝呼召我们带着智慧为那些无助的人采取行动,来使他们的日子长久,并且奉祂的名与他们分享永恒生命的产业。耶稣担负祂所作的见证,并且必要作为我们所有人的赎回者(Redeemer)采取行动。

Ruth 4:13-17 The Lord blesses Boaz and Ruth with marriage and with a child; Naomi’s friends celebrate His merciful redemption. As the Lord blesses you, let others know of His kindness so that they may celebrate with you. He restores your life and guarantees your future through the blessings of His beloved Son.
Bless me, O Lord, that I may not fail to bless Your name before others and lead them in celebration of Your bountiful goodness. Amen.
路得记4:13-17 主耶和华用婚姻和一个孩子来祝福波阿斯和路得;拿俄米的朋友们庆祝上帝祂满有怜悯的救赎。主耶和华祝福你之时,也请让他人知道祂的良善,好叫他们也可以与你一同庆祝。祂恢复你的生命,并且藉着祂蒙爱儿子的祝福,保障你的未来。

Ruth 4: 18-22 The Book of Ruth ends with a summary of the genealogy of King David. The drama of God’s mercy has come full circle. Those seemingly abandoned by God now see His mighty arm of covenant blessing reaching out to them.
Lord God, Your faithfulness and covenant to us were seen when You did not spare Your Son, Jesus, for the forgiveness of our sins. May Your Spirit work in our hearts a desire for faithfulness to Jesus Christ and the new covenant He made for us in the Sacrament of the Altar, wherein we receive Jesus’ body and blood for forgiveness and peace. Amen.
路得记4:18-22 路得记以对大卫王的家谱总结来收尾。上帝怜悯人的这戏剧已经划上一个圆满的句号。那些看起来被上帝遗弃的人如今看见祂伸向他们的有力膀臂,就是带着盟约祝福的膀臂。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2017.01.07

1 Samuel 1:1-20 The Lord shows His mercy to Hannah and demonstrates that His power is stronger than human weakness by giving Hannah a son. Samuel, dedicated to God even before conception, is a living sign of God’s grace. Peninnah’s self-righteous provocation of Hannah is a warning to us never to judge those who suffer deprivation of any sort, or to assume that God judges us favorably in relation to those who suffer. Hannah’s trusting openness to God’s Word, and the blessing she received, encourages us to trust that God will deal with us according to His compassionate love in Christ Jesus.
Lord God, hear all those who cry to You in their affliction, and remember Your promise to save those who call on Your name. Amen.

1 Samuel 1:21-28 Hannah brings the young Samuel to the presence of the Lord at Shiloh, and she offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving and consecration. In fulfillment of her vow, Hannah gives Samuel to the Lord for the length of his life. Everything that we have is a gift from the Lord. This means that we have no right to keep anything back from service to God, no matter how dear it is to us. God’s claim on our life is absolute (Lk 14:25-33). Always true to His Word, He will stand by His promises to us, even when we have no earthly reason for hope.
Thank You, Lord, for all Your gifts to us. Let our joy be complete as we offer ourselves and our children to You and to each other in love. Amen.
撒母耳记上1:21-28 哈拿将年幼的撒母耳带到示罗主耶和华的面前,并且献上一份感恩和分别为圣的祭物。为了完成她所许下的愿,哈拿将撒母耳和他的一生奉献给主耶和华。我们所拥有的一切都是从主而来的礼物。这意味着我们没有权力保留任何东西不用于对上帝的服侍,无论那个东西对我们来说是多么的珍贵。上帝对我们生命的所有权是绝对的(路14:25-33人到我这里来,若不爱我胜过爱(爱我胜过爱:原文作恨)自己的父母、妻子、儿女、弟兄、姐妹,和自己的性命,就不能作我的门徒…)。祂总是忠于祂的话语,必会遵守祂赐给我们的应许,甚至当我们没有任何属世的理由可以盼望之时。

1 Samuel 2:1-11 Hannah exults that God has fulfilled His Word. Her prayer stands as a warning to us when we are tempted to trust in our own strength, beauty, wealth, or intelligence. Her prayer also gives us encouragement to look to God for every good thing that we need in life, confident that He will fulfill our deepest desires in eternity through His Anointed One, Jesus Christ.
Praise to You, God of Hannah, for You delight in exalting those who humble themselves before You. Amen.
撒母耳记上2:1-11 哈拿颂赞上帝已成就了祂的话语。当我们经受试探要依靠我们自己的力量,美貌,财富,或智力的时候,她的祷告是对我们的一个警醒。她的祷告也给我们鼓励,来寻求上帝的面,为得我们今生所需的各样美善之物,同时也相信祂必会在永恒中藉着祂的受膏者耶稣基督来成就我们最深的渴望。

1 Samuel 2:12-21 While Eli’s sons abuse their priestly authority and treat with contempt both the worshipers and the sacrifices offered to God, Samuel grows in his service in the Lord’s presence. Hannah and Elkanah also experience God’s blessing through the ministry of Eli and receive the gift of more children. This passage encourages us that no matter how disordered things may get in our world and even in the Church, God will stand by His gracious Word of blessing.
Thank You, Lord, for Your unfailing love and faithfulness to us. Bless us in faithful service to You, to our family, and in our callings. Amen.

1 Samuel 2:22-26 Eli’s sons continue in their high-handed contempt for God’s Law, refusing to listen to their father’s rebuke and warning. As Eli’s sons grow in their sin, Samuel grows in favor with God and with people. God’s rebuke and warning show His desire for our repentance. When we have sinned against Him, He provides for us an intercessor, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord, give me ears that hear Your rebuke and a mouth that confesses Your will. Thanks be to God that in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation for us. Amen.
撒母耳记上2:22-26 以利的儿子们在他们对上帝律法的专横藐视中继续着,拒绝听从他们父亲的责备和警告。以利的儿子在他们的罪中不断恶化,撒母耳却在蒙上帝和百姓的悦纳上不断长进。上帝的责备和警戒显明了祂对我们悔改的意愿。当我们犯罪得罪祂的时候,祂为我们提供一位中保(调解者),就是主耶稣基督。

1 Samuel 2:27-36 Eli received God’s condemnation of his priestly service, a judgment that has negative consequences for Eli’s whole house. God vows that He will raise up a faithful priest to serve Him according to His will. This word warns us that God will hold us responsible for those in our care. It also assures us that God will always provide a means of saving us from our sins through the ministry of the anointed Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Lord God, give us the humility to take responsibility for people in our care, and save us from turning a blind eye to evil. Amen.
撒母耳记上2:27-36 以利得到上帝对他祭司服事的定罪,也是一个会给以利整个家族带来负面影响的审判。上帝发誓祂要兴起一位忠心的祭司,来照着祂的心意服事祂。这话警告我们,上帝必会让我们为那些在我们看顾之下的人负责。它也使我们确信上帝必总会赐下方法,就是藉着上帝的儿子受膏者耶稣基督的事工来拯救我们脱离我们的罪。

1 Samuel 3 While the Lord’s word of judgment against Eli’s house is confirmed through His revelation to Samuel, that same revelation confirms Samuel’s own calling as a prophet. The judgment against Eli is threatening also to us when we fail to restrain those under our authority who do evil. But also hear the assurance that human weakness will not thwart God’s will to bring the Good News of salvation to His creation!
Lord, give us humility to receive and speak Your Word without fear of those who oppose You. Amen.
撒母耳记上3章 当主耶和华审判以利家的话藉着祂给撒母耳的启示得以坚证之时,那同一个启示也坚证了撒母耳自己作先知的呼召。当我们没能遏制那些在我们权柄之下作恶之人的时候,给以利的审判也是威胁着我们。但是也请听这确据,人的软弱不能阻止上帝的旨意,就是要将那救恩好消息带给祂的受造物的旨意!

1 Samuel 4:1-11 After suffering a relatively minor defeat, the Israelites decide to bring the ark from Shiloh to the battlefront, only to suffer a catastrophic military defeat and lose the ark to the Philistines. This account stands as a rebuke to us if we believe that God’s gracious presence can be manipulated for our purposes to give us license to do our own sinful will. God calls us to receive Him according to His Word, which directs our hearts in faith and our feet in the paths of righteousness.
Lord, defeat my wayward will, and lead me to walk in Your ways. I praise You for the victory Your Son won at the cross and grave so that I may serve in Your presence. Amen.
撒母耳记上4:1-11 在遭受一个比较小的失败之后,以色列人决定将约柜从示罗带到战场前线,结果只是遭受一个具有摧毁性的军事溃败,并且让非利士人夺去了约柜。如果我们认为上帝恩典的同在可以为着我们的目的被操纵,进而为我们践行我们自己有罪的旨意开放许可,那么这个事件就给我们立下一个责备。上帝呼召我们要依据祂的圣道来接待祂,祂的圣道(话语)在信仰中引导我们的心,在公义的道路上指引我们的脚步。

1 Samuel 4:12-22 God’s word of judgment is fulfilled in Israel’s defeat, the death of Eli’s sons, and the capture of the ark. Yet, Eli and his daughter-in-law, after hearing the news, also die. God’s word of judgment is fearful and means death to all who have sinned. Our hope lies in His mercy alone, shown in Christ Jesus, our faithful High Priest, who bore God’s wrath.
Lord, let not my heart grow fat with self-righteousness, sloth, or indifference. Exercise me in Your life-giving Word. Amen.
撒母耳记上4:12-22 上帝审判的话语在以色列的战败,以利儿子们的死亡和约柜的被俘中得到成就。然而,以利和他的儿媳妇,在听到消息之后,也死了。上帝审判的话语是可畏的,对所有犯罪的人都是意味着死亡。我们的盼望唯独在于祂的怜悯,就是在基督耶稣里所显明的,祂是我们的忠信大祭司,担负了上帝的愤怒。

1 Samuel 5 The idol-worshiping Philistines experience the ark not as a means of blessing but as a means of judgment. Not only is their chief god, Dagon, humiliated before the ark, but all Philistine cities that house the ark experience the “hand” of the Lord in the form of plague. If we despise the means of God’s grace, we, too, stand under God’s judgment (cf 2Sm 6:6-8; 1 Co 11:27-32). Through repentance and His promised mercy, God gives us the gift of faith so that His presence may bring our healing and salvation (cf Lk 8:43-48).
Lord Jesus, thank You for being present with us to heal us, to forgive us, and to strengthen us in love for one another. Amen.
撒母耳记上5章 拜偶像的非利士人对约柜的经历,不是作为祝福的媒介,反而是作为审判的媒介。不仅他们的首要神明,大衮,在约柜面前受了羞辱,而且所有存放约柜的非利士城都以灾祸的形式经历了主耶和华的“手”。如果我们鄙视上帝恩典的媒介,我们,也,会落在上帝的审判之下(参 撒下6:6-8;林前11:27-32)。藉着悔改和祂应许了的怜悯,上帝将信心的礼物赐给我们,好叫祂的同在可以带给我们医治和救恩(参 路8:43-48…那女人知道不能隐藏,就战战兢兢的来俯伏在耶稣脚前,把摸他的缘故和怎样立刻得好了,当著众人都说出来…)。

1 Samuel 6:1-7:2 Although the Philistines returned the ark with a guilt offering, and although the ark’s return was confirmed by a miraculous sign, the Israelites still had to learn proper reverence toward God’s holy things. Today, we should not assume that our status as God’s children through Holy Baptism means that we have the freedom to behave in an irreverent manner toward what God has set aside for holy purposes (e.g., the Lord’s Supper). Instead, God has set us free to live in humility, repentance, and faith.
Thank You, Lord God, for consecrating us as Your holy people and for sharing Your holiness with us. Amen.
撒母耳记上6:1-7:2 尽管非利士人带着赎罪祭返还了约柜,尽管约柜的返回也藉着一个奇迹得以坚证,然而以色列人仍然不得不去学习对上帝圣洁之物的正确敬畏。今天,我们不应当假定我们藉着圣洗礼成为上帝儿女的身份,意味着我们有自由能够以一种怠慢的方式对待上帝已经为着神圣目的而分别开来的东西(比如,主的圣餐)。相反,上帝已经使我们得了自由,可以在谦卑,悔改,和信心中活着。

1 Samuel 7:3-17 With Samuel’s encouragement, the people of Israel turn to the Lord and cry out for mercy. This marks the beginning of a new era, in which the people of Israel subdue the Philistines, have their land restored, experience peace, and live under the leadership of Samuel the judge. Like the people of Israel, when we live apart from God, we experience frustration and defeat. As God leads us to cry to Him for mercy, He restores us and makes us whole in Christ Jesus.
Lord God, be merciful to us, for we have sinned against You. Give us Your peace, we ask, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
撒母耳记上7:3-17 带着撒母耳的鼓励,以色列百姓转向主耶和华并且呼求怜悯。这标志着一个新时代的开始,以色列百姓在这新时代里制服了非利士人,收回了他们的土地,经历了和平,并且在士师撒母耳的带领下生活。像以色列百姓一样,当我们远离上帝生活的时候,我们就会经历沮丧和失败。上帝引导我们向祂呼求怜悯,祂在基督耶稣里恢复我们,使我们整全。

1 Samuel 8:1-9 With an unseemly desire to be like other nations, Israel’s elders ask Samuel for a king, their action being a rebuke to Samuel and a rejection of the Lord as their King. Leadership should be tempered by faith, which calls on the Lord, His guidance, and His blessing. Nothing is as precious to us as the Lord, who treasures us and leads us by His only-begotten Son. Whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
Heavenly Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, lead us to see how much we are worth to You in Jesus. Amen.
撒母耳记上8:1-9 带着想要效仿其它民族的不合宜渴望,以色列的长老们向撒母耳求一个王,他们的行动是对撒母耳的指责,也是对主耶和华作为他们大君王的弃绝。领袖们应当被信心调和,这信心呼求主耶和华,呼求祂的指引,和祂的祝福。没有什么比主耶和华对我们来说更宝贵的了,祂藉着祂的独生子珍重我们,引领我们。凡信靠祂的必不至灭亡,反得永生。

1 Samuel 8:10-18 The Lord tells Samuel to agree to the request for a king, but also to warn the people about what a king will do. Like the people of Israel, our actions often say to God, “Not Your will, but mine be done,” as we insist on things that may not be good for us. God is surprisingly flexible and generous. He often gives us what we want, but even more graciously, He gives us what we need—forgiveness, life, and salvation.
Dear Jesus, help me to see the blessings in my life, even when I do not get what I want. Strengthen me to join You in praying, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” Amen.
撒母耳记上8:10-18 主耶和华告诉撒母耳可以同意设立君王的请求,但也要警告百姓一个君王必会做的事情。就像以色列百姓那样,当我们坚持那些可能对我们来说是不好的事情的时候,我们的行动也经常在告诉上帝,“不是你的旨意,乃是我的旨意成就。”上帝却是令人吃惊地随和,慷慨。祂经常将我们想要的东西赐给我们,甚至更满有恩典地,祂将我们所需要的,就是赦免,生命,和救恩赐给我们。

1 Samuel 8:19-22 People insist on a king, and God tells Samuel to go along with them. Some of those who seem most successful in the world refuse to acknowledge God or to follow His Son, our Lord. Even in the Church are those whose plans and teachings go against our Lord’s revealed will. Nevertheless, like a chess master, the Lord sees the larger picture and achieves His objectives even through human error. Similarly, Jesus’ death on the cross was brought about by human intrigue, yet it accomplished the very thing that God desired, the redemption of the world.
Thank You, Lord, for working through human instruments and accomplishing Your holy, divine, and good will for the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
撒母耳记上8:19-22 百姓坚持要一个王,上帝告诉撒母耳可以去顺从他们。那些在世上看起来是最成功的人,其中也会有拒绝承认上帝,或者跟随祂的儿子,我们的主的。甚至在教会中,也会有那些在计划和教导上与我们主显明的旨意相违背的人。然而,就像一位象棋高手那样,主耶和华看见那更大的图画,甚至藉着人的错误来成就祂的目的。类似地,耶稣在十字架上的死亡是因着人的阴谋造成的,然而它正成就了上帝所意愿的事,就是对世人的救赎。

1 Samuel 9 While pursuing mundane things, Saul is stopped and anointed as Israel’s first king. Under trivial circumstances stand momentous realities. The Lord’s use of life’s circumstances is beyond our expectations. He shows us His plans for us (Jer 29:11), which ultimately are fulfilled in Jesus Christ (2Co 1:17-20). The events of our lives are never accidental but always providential.
Give me the confidence of faith to look beyond the petty concerns of my daily life, Lord. Especially as I gather for worship with my fellow sisters and brothers, let me see Your divine and gracious will for me. Amen.
撒母耳记上9章 在追寻世俗之事的时候,扫罗被叫住并且被膏立为以色列的第一位君王。在琐碎的环境之下却有着重大的真相。主耶和华对生活境况的使用是超越我们所期待了的。祂向我们显明祂的计划(耶29:11耶和华说:我知道我向你们所怀的意念是赐平安的意念,不是降灾祸的意念,要叫你们末後有指望),就是最终在耶稣基督里成就了的计划(林后1:17-20我有此意,岂是反覆不定吗?我所起的意,岂是从情欲起的,叫我忽是忽非吗?我指著信实的神说,我们向你们所传的道,并没有是而又非的。因为我和西拉并提摩太,在你们中间所传神的儿子耶稣基督,总没有是而又非的,在他只有一是)。我们生命中的事件永远不是偶然的,而总是带着上帝的恩佑。

1 Samuel 10:1-16 Although Samuel anoints Saul as the king-designate and the Holy Spirit changes Saul, people remain uncertain about his leadership. At times, others, or even you, may question the direction life is taking. Call on the Lord, who always leads in the right way, even when it seems otherwise. The ultimate sign of this is the death and resurrection of Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life.
Thank You, heavenly Father, for providing Jesus as the ultimate sign of Your gracious guidance. By the power of Your Spirit, increase my faith in You and my confidence in living for Jesus. Amen.
撒母耳记上10:1-16 尽管撒母耳膏立扫罗为选定的君王,并且圣灵也改变了扫罗,然而百姓仍然质疑他的领导角色。有时候,其他人,甚至你,也会质疑生命的走向。请呼求主耶和华,祂总是带领在正确的道路上,既使当事情看起来不是如此的时候。为此,那终极的记号就是耶稣的死和复活,祂就是道路,真理,和生命。

1 Samuel 10:17-27 The secret selection and anointing of Saul is made public in a national assembly, though Saul is still hesitant about taking on the role. When we hesitate to turn away from certain behaviors or to take on godly responsibilities, God’s Spirit brings change through repentance and faith. As we die to sin and live in Christ (Rm 6:1-4), He gives our lives deeper meaning.
“Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my will and make it Thine, It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart, it is Thine own, It shall be Thy royal throne.” Amen. (LSB 783/784:1, 5)
撒母耳记上10:17-27 扫罗的隐秘拣选和膏抹得以在一个全民族的集会上公开亮相,尽管扫罗在承担这个角色上仍然犹豫不决。当我们在离弃某些行为或者承担起敬虔的责任上犹豫不决之时,上帝的灵会藉着悔改和信心带来改变。当我们向着罪死,活在基督里面的时候(罗6:1-4这样,怎麽说呢?我们可以仍在罪中、叫恩典显多吗?断乎不可!我们在罪上死了的人岂可仍在罪中活著呢?岂不知我们这受洗归入基督耶稣的人是受洗归入他的死吗?所以,我们藉著洗礼归入死,和他一同埋葬,原是叫我们一举一动有新生的样式,像基督藉著父的荣耀从死里复活一样),祂将更深的意义赐给我们的生命。

1 Samuel 11:1-11 In the Spirit of God, Saul acts boldly and strategically. When circumstances call for boldness and righteous anger, do you act confidently? The Lord is our “very present help in trouble” (Ps 46:1). In challenging times, God’s Spirit empowers you to face the challenge.
O Holy Spirit, fill me with passions that reflect Your desire for my life. When I am to be an instrument of Your help or hope, give me Your words and gifts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
撒母耳记上11:1-11 在上帝的灵中,扫罗大胆地并且极其有策略地行动。当处境需要胆量和公义之怒气的时候,你能凭着信心采取行动吗?主耶和华正是我们“患难中随时的帮助”(诗46:1神是我们的避难所,是我们的力量,是我们在患难中随时的帮助)。在具有挑战性的时刻,上帝的圣灵会赐你能力来面对挑战。

1 Samuel 11:12-15 The nation unites in worship and praise to the Lord for the victory by Saul’s leadership and by God’s hand. In our repentance today, God provides “turning points” in our lives, so we again hear His words of comfort, promise, and hope. Knowing that Jesus is indeed our Savior and Lord, we can act confidently as agents of God’s kingdom.
Father in heaven, look down upon me when things seem to be turning upside down, and help me to see Your Son’s gentle, nail-pierced hand at work in my life. By Your Spirit I pray. Amen.
撒母耳记上11:12-15 因着扫罗的带领并且藉着上帝的手所得来的胜利,整个民族就团结在对主耶和华的敬拜和赞美中。今天在我们的悔改中,上帝在我们的生命里提供“转折点”,好叫我们再一次聆听祂满有安慰,应许和盼望的话语。因着知道耶稣确实是我们的拯救者和我们的主,我们能够作为上帝国度的代理人(agents)满怀信心地行事。

1 Samuel 12 By words and a miraculous sign, Samuel powerfully proclaims a message of judgment and promise. When you look back over your life, see that you have been less than wholly faithful to the Lord. Yet, “consider what great things He has done for you” (v 24). God remains faithful to His promises, especially His promise of forgiveness!
Lord, gracious Father, thank You for the blessings I have received from You, particularly the forgiveness of sins. Bless all those who stand as Your representative in my life that they may be faithful too. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
撒母耳记上12章 藉着话语和一个奇事记号,撒母耳有力地宣告了审判和应许的信息。当你回头看你的生命之时,你会看到你并未完全忠于主耶和华。然而,要“想念他向你们所行的事何等大”(24节只要你们敬畏耶和华,诚诚实实地尽心事奉他,想念他向你们所行的事何等大)。上帝依然忠于祂的应许,特别是祂赦罪恩典的应许!

1 Samuel 13:1-7 Encounters with the Philistines dominate Saul’s reign. This is definitely a time that calls for trust in God. In a similar way, the question for us is not whether we will face troubles, but where we will place our trust at those times. True refuge resides only in the true God—the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Samuel, the God who fulfilled His promises by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to save the world.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your gracious daily guidance and protection. We ask that You continue to watch over us and those we love. You graciously give us all things through Your Son. Amen.
撒母耳记上13:1-7 与非利士人的碰撞主导着扫罗的称王时期。这绝对是一个需要寻求对上帝信靠的时刻。以一种类似的方式,对我们来说问题不是我们是否会遇见困难,而是我们在那些时刻会把我们的信靠放在什么地方。真正的避难所只在那独一的真上帝—亚伯拉罕,以撒和雅各的上帝,撒母耳的上帝,那位藉着差遣祂的儿子耶稣基督来拯救世人,成就了祂应许的上帝里面。

1 Samuel 13:8-23 Because of Saul’s act of disobedience and lack of faith, he will lose his kingdom and God’s help against the Philistines. Often, we bring troubles into our lives by thinking that God is not acting quickly enough to remove or ease some difficult situation. Yet, He acts in “the fullness of time” as when “God sent forth His Son” (Gal 4:4) to forgive all our sins—including our faithless impatience.
Almighty God, in Your infinite wisdom, You use all things for our temporal and eternal good. Forgive us the many times we do not wait on You but turn to our own faulty human solutions. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
撒母耳记上13:8-23 因着扫罗悖逆的行动和对信心的缺乏,他将会失去他的国和上帝对付非利士人的帮助。经常,我们会认为上帝没有足够迅速地采取行动来挪去或者平息一些困境,我们也就因此给我们的生命带来更多麻烦。然而,当“上帝差遣祂的儿子”之时,祂在“时候满足了”就行动(加4:4及至时候满足,神就差遣他的儿子,为女子所生,且生在律法以下),来赦免我们所有的罪—包括我们缺乏信心的焦虑。

1 Samuel 14:1-23 Against great odds, the Lord gives Israel a victory over the Philistines through Jonathan, whose name means “the Lord gave.” Too often, fear keeps us from venturing out for the Lord. Though we should not dare God to give us signs, we can learn from Jonathan’s story to attempt great things for God and expect great things from Him. Though we may fail from the world’s perspective, God gives us ultimate spiritual victory and all things in Christ.
Heavenly Father, forgive us for our timidity and failure to step out in faith. Inspire us through Jonathan’s example to confront the forces of sin and Satan. Amen.
撒母耳记上14:1-23 面对巨大的势力悬殊,主耶和华藉着约拿单赐给以色列对非利士人的得胜,约拿单的名字意思是“主赐予”。太经常的是,恐惧拦阻我们出去为主冒险。尽管我们不当让上帝赐给我们迹象,但我们可以从约拿单的故事中学习来为上帝尝试重大的事情,并且从祂那里期许重大的事情。尽管从世界的角度来看我们可能会失败,但上帝将终极的属灵胜利和万有在基督里赐给我们。

1 Samuel 14:24-46 Saul’s foolish oath threatens Jonathan’s life, but the people rightly intervene. At times, all of us have acted rashly rather than seeking God’s guidance, sometimes with long-lasting (perhaps lifelong) repercussions. Thankfully as the Israelites “ransomed” Jonathan from Saul’s rash oath, Christ ransomed us from our own sinful folly and grants us new opportunities.
Almighty God, forgive us when we act rashly. Give us the wisdom to seek out Your way in the pages of Holy Scripture. In the Savior’s name. Amen.
撒母耳记上14:24-46 扫罗愚昧的发誓威胁着约拿单的生命,但百姓正确地介入了。一些时候,我们每一个人都会草率地行动而不是去寻求上帝的指引,有时甚至会带来长久(可能是终身)的后遗症。感恩的是正如以色列人将约拿单从扫罗鲁莽的起誓中“赎买”回来一样,基督将我们从我们自己有罪的愚昧中赎买回来并且赐给我们新的机会。

1 Samuel 14:47-52 As king, Saul serves primarily as a military leader. Today, believers continue to face enemies, both spiritual and physical. Through God’s weapons, in particular “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Eph 6:17), God grants us victory and strength to serve Him boldly.
Lord of hosts, be with us in our daily struggle against all enemies that seek to destroy us now and eternally. Strengthen and uphold us until we pass from the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
撒母耳记上14:47-52 作为一个王,扫罗主要是以一个军事领袖的身份在服侍。今天,信徒继续在面对敌人,有属灵上的,也有身体上的。藉着上帝的武器,特别是“圣灵的宝剑,就是上帝的道”(弗6:17并戴上救恩的头盔,拿著圣灵的宝剑,就是神的道),上帝赐给我们得胜和能力来大胆地服事祂。

1 Samuel 15 One of the most tragic passages in OT history is recorded here—a stark reminder of the seriousness of not listening to and following God’s Word. Saul fails to carry out the Lord’s command to destroy the Amalekites completely, so the Lord will no longer bless his leadership. God’s Law is clear and calls for His people’s perfect obedience in thought, word, and deed. Through the Law, God calls us to repent. Only because of Christ’s sinless obedience and sacrificial death on our behalf can we enjoy His blessings.
Heavenly Father, forgive us for the many times we have not followed Your Word completely. We can never thank You enough for Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. Renew in us daily the will and ability to live for Him who died for us. Amen.
撒母耳记上15章 旧约历史中最悲剧凄惨的段落之一就记录在此—是对不听命顺从上帝话语之严重性的一个尖锐提醒。扫罗没能执行主的吩咐,去完全消灭亚玛力人,因此主耶和华就不再祝福他的带领。上帝的律法是清晰的,呼召祂百姓在思想,言语和行为上完全顺服。藉着律法,上帝呼召我们悔改。唯有因着基督毫无罪恶的顺服和代替我们的位置所做的赎罪性死亡,我们才能享受祂的祝福。

1 Samuel 16:1-13 Samuel’s focus is directed away from Saul’s ruined potential to what God will do through Jesse’s youngest son, David, a man after God’s own heart (13:14). Because God looks on our hearts (v 7), we stand condemned before Him (Jer 17:9-10a). Yet, He leads us to plead: “Create in me a clean heart, O God” (Ps 51:10). By faith in the Gospel, our hearts are cleansed (Ac 15:9), and we are reassured that God will not despise a broken and contrite heart (Ps 51:17).
Thank You, Lord, that You do not judge by appearances but have promised us that there is “no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rm 8:1). Amen.
撒母耳记上16:1-13 撒母耳的注意力从扫罗毁灭的前途上转离,被引导到上帝藉着耶西最小的儿子大卫,一个合上帝自己心意的人,将要成就的事上(13:14现在你的王位必不长久。耶和华已经寻著一个合他心意的人,立他作百姓的君,因为你没有遵守耶和华所吩咐你的)。因为上帝是看我们的内心(7节耶和华却对撒母耳说:不要看他的外貌和他身材高大,我不拣选他。因为,耶和华不像人看人:人是看外貌;耶和华是看内心),所以我们站立在祂面前是被谴责定罪的(耶17:9-10人心比万物都诡诈,坏到极处,谁能识透呢?我耶和华是鉴察人心、试验人肺腑的,要照各人所行的和他做事的结果报应他)。然而,祂引导我们呼求:“ 神啊,求你为我造清洁的心”(诗51:10)。藉着对福音的信,我们的心得洁净(徒15:9 又藉著信洁净了他们的心,并不分他们我们),并且我们确信上帝必不轻看一颗破碎痛悔的心(诗51:17 神所要的祭就是忧伤的灵;神啊,忧伤痛悔的心,你必不轻看)。

1 Samuel 16:14-23 David plays music to soothe Saul when an injurious (“evil”) spirit brings Saul emotional and mental instability. When you are overwhelmed by temptation or depression, pray to God: “Take not Your Holy Spirit from me” (Ps 51:11). Jesus, your Good Shepherd, gave His life for you. No one can snatch you out of His hand (Jn 10:28).
“Almighty God, merciful Father, since You have wakened from death the Shepherd of Your sheep, grant us Your Holy Spirit that when we hear the voice of our Shepherd we may know Him who calls us each by name and follow where He leads.” Amen. (LSB Altar Book, p 603)
撒母耳记上16:14-23 当一个具有伤害性的(“邪恶的”)灵给扫罗带来情绪和精神上的动荡之时,大卫就弹琴来安慰扫罗(使他平静下来)。当你被试探或抑郁所压制的时候,请向上帝祈祷:“不要从我收回你的圣灵”(诗51:11)。耶稣,你的好牧人,已将祂的生命赐给你了。没有谁可以将你从祂的手中夺去(约10:28我又赐给他们永生;他们永不灭亡,谁也不能从我手里把他们夺去)。

1 Samuel 17 This gripping story of the faith of young David provides a superb example of how God grants victory in the face of impossible odds. It anticipates Jesus’ victory on the cross in the face of all the powers against Him. We are not to place our trust in human endeavors and devices. The message of the cross is that God chose what is weak to shame the strong, and the “weakness” of God is stronger than human strength (1Co 1:18-27; 1Jn 4:4).
Lord God, when I feel insecure, let me cast my cares on You, knowing that You care for me. Amen.
撒母耳记上17章 年轻大卫扣人心弦的信心故事,为上帝如何在几无胜算的境况面前赐下胜利,提供了一个极佳的例子。它也预示着耶稣面对所有抵挡祂的势力在十字架上的得胜。我们不是将我们的信靠放在人的努力和计谋中。十字架的信息就是上帝拣选软弱的,来使强壮的羞愧,并且上帝的“软弱”要比人的力量刚强(林前1:18-27因为十字架的道理,在那灭亡的人为愚拙;在我们得救的人,却为神的大能…因神的愚拙总比人智慧,神的软弱总比人强壮…;约一4:4小子们哪,你们是属神的,并且胜了他们;因为那在你们里面的,比那在世界上的更大)。

1 Samuel 18:1-5 Jonathan’s unselfish affection for David is seen when Jonathan renounces his own right to the throne—something highly unusual. Mixed motives can easily mar friendships. In Christ, the friend of sinners, we have a faithful and forgiving friend who will never leave or forsake us.
“What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry “Ev’rything to God in prayer! Oh, what peace we often forfeit; Oh, what needless pain we bear—All because we do not carry Ev’rything to God in prayer!” Amen. (LSB 770:1)
撒母耳记上18:1-5 当约拿单放弃他自己称王的权利之时—这是一件非常不寻常的事情,约拿单对大卫无私的爱就显明了。掺杂混淆的动机能够很轻易损伤朋友关系。在基督,那罪人的朋友里面,我们有一位忠诚、满有饶恕的朋友,祂永不离开或撇弃我们。

1 Samuel 18:6-16 Saul’s jealousy does him no good; meanwhile, David is faithful to the Lord, who gives him success. Envy and jealousy diminish our enjoyment of life, stealing our contentment. God “has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Eph 1:3). What more do we need?
Lord, help me to be content with all the blessings You give me. Enable me to use them to bring blessings into the lives of others. Amen.
撒母耳记上18:6-16 扫罗的嫉妒对他没有什么好处;同时,大卫忠于赐他得胜的主耶和华。羡慕和嫉妒会削减我们对生命的享受,并且偷走我们的满足。上帝“在基督里曾赐给我们天上各样属灵的福气”(弗1:3)。我们还需要更多的什么呢?

1 Samuel 18:17-30 At the beginning (v 5), middle (v 15), and end of this chapter (v 30), we are told that David is successful in all he does, because the Lord is with him. As with Joseph (Gn 50:20), what others intend for evil against David God turns into good. Fear of others (v 29) can be a sign of little faith. Our Lord says, “Fear not” (Lk 12:32). When afraid, we are urged to trust the Gospel promise of Rm 8:31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Lord, give me faith to believe that “for those who love God all things work together for good” (Rm 8:28). Amen.
撒母耳记上18:17-30 在本章的开始(第5节),中间(第15节),和末尾(第30节),我们被告知大卫在他所行的一切事上都得胜,因为主耶和华与他同在。和约瑟相同的是(创50:20从前你们的意思是要害我,但神的意思原是好的,要保全许多人的性命,成就今日的光景),他人所设计要谋害大卫的事情,上帝将之转化为良善。对他人的恐惧(29节就更怕大卫,常作大卫的仇敌)是小信的一个迹象。我们的主说,“不要怕”(路12:32你们这小群,不要惧怕,因为你们的父乐意把国赐给你们)。当害怕的时候,我们应当信靠罗马书8章31节福音的应许,“神若帮助我们,谁能敌挡我们呢?”

1 Samuel 19 Saul’s hatred for David results in his attempts to murder him, but the Lord intervenes through Saul’s own children. “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer” (1Jn 3:15). Ask God to remove hatred from your heart and cleanse it by His gift of forgiveness. “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered” (Ps 32:1).
Thank You, Lord, that You forgive my sins and remember them no more. Amen.
撒母耳记上19章 扫罗对大卫的恨,导致他多次尝试要谋杀大卫,但主耶和华藉着扫罗自己的儿女来介入。“凡恨他弟兄的,就是杀人的”(约一3:15)。祈求上帝将仇恨从你的心中挪去,并且藉着祂赦罪恩典的礼物来洁净你的心。“得赦免其过、遮盖其罪的,这人是有福的”(诗32:1)。

1 Samuel 20 David and Jonathan’s friendship displays lasting loyalty and personal self-sacrifice (cf Pr 17:17). Give thanks to the Lord for the friends He has blessed you with and the wonderful way He has protected you. Pray to grow in the grace of giving thanks. By grace, God treats all of us infinitely better than we deserve.
“By grace I’m saved, grace free and boundless; My soul, believe and doubt it not.” Amen. (LSB 566:1)
撒母耳记上20章 大卫和约拿单的友谊展示出持久的忠诚和个人的自我牺牲(参 箴17:17朋友乃时常亲爱,弟兄为患难而生)。请为着主所祝福给你的朋友们以及祂一直保护你的奇妙方式,将感谢归给主。也祷告能在献上感谢的恩典中成长。出于恩典,上帝以无限的良善待我们所有人,远远过于我们所配得的。

1 Samuel 21:1-9 David receives the holy bread of the Presence to sustain him during his flight from Saul. Despite David’s weakness before men and his sin before God, he is sustained with this unusual blessing. When troubles and sins surround you, turn to the Lord and His servants for aid. Confess your sins and weaknesses honestly, and receive the care He administers through His servants. In mercy, the Lord will nourish, sustain, and forgive you.
Continue to nourish Your people and arm them against evil, dear Lord. Grant them wisdom with honesty. Amen.
撒母耳记上21:1-9 在大卫逃离扫罗期间,他领了圣洁的陈设饼来使他得补给。尽管大卫有在人前的软弱和在上帝面前的罪,但他仍靠着这不同寻常的祝福加添心力。当困难和罪环绕你的时候,请转向主和祂的仆人们寻求帮助。诚实地坦白你的罪和软弱,并领受祂藉着祂的仆人们所施行的看顾。在怜悯中,主耶和华滋润,供养,和赦免你们。

1 Samuel 21:10-15 David pretends to be insane and so escapes the predicament at Gath. What clever, desperate measures! The author records these devices but does not commend their use in God’s name. While God would have us use our minds to accomplish worthy goals, He would also call us to trust Him and confess Him in the face of difficulty. Our trustworthy Father can deliver us, as He demonstrated through the suffering of His beloved Son.
As You have promised, gracious Lord, deliver those who call upon You in the day of trouble. Amen.
撒母耳记上21:10-15 大卫装疯并因此逃离了在迦特的困境。多么精明,不顾一切的方法啊!作者记录下这些计谋但并未奉上帝的名推荐对它们的运用。上帝会让我们用我们的主意来成就尊贵的目的,祂也会在困难面前呼召我们信靠祂,告白祂。我们信实的天父能拯救我们,正如祂藉着祂亲爱儿子的受苦所彰显了的。

1 Samuel 22:1-5 During David’s continued flight, his followers support him and God protects him, directing David through a prophet. David had panicked due to fear (ch 21), but the Lord calmed and directed him. When troubled, treasure God’s Word as your stronghold. Through the Word, the Lord will bless, comfort, and strengthen you.
Give us a trusting heart to obey You, heavenly Father, and to live in the confidence of Your Word, our stronghold. Amen.
撒母耳记上22:1-5 大卫继续逃亡期间,他的跟随者支持他,上帝保护他,藉着一位先知来指引大卫。大卫曾因恐惧而慌乱(21章),但主耶和华安慰,引领他。当受困的时候,请珍惜上帝的话语(圣道)作为你的山寨。藉着圣道,主必祝福,安慰和坚固你。

1 Samuel 22:6-23 The story temporarily leaves David. We see the priesthood nobly suffering at the hands of the godless. Be prepared to suffer as God’s royal priesthood, remembering that God’s purpose will not be thwarted, as shown in Jesus’ death and resurrection for you.
Jesus, our great High Priest, since You freely gave Your life for me, take my life into Your service. Amen.
撒母耳记上22:6-23 故事暂时从大卫身上转移。我们看到祭司带着尊荣在不敬虔之人的手中受难。(你们)作为上帝尊荣的祭司,要预备好受苦,谨记上帝的计划不会被挫败,正如在耶稣为你们的死和复活中所显明了的。

1 Samuel 23:1-14 The Lord protects His servant and frustrates the plans of the wicked, revealing His will not only in the word of the prophet but also by hindsight in the unfolding of events. Trust the Lord to answer your prayers and to protect you against those who make themselves God’s enemies. He is watching over you, though His presence may often be hidden by adverse circumstances.
Reveal to us Your will, dear Lord, and give us grace to follow it. Amen.
撒母耳记上23:1-14 主耶和华保护祂的仆人,挫败诡诈之人的计划,不仅在先知的话中,而且也藉着后见之明在事件的展开中启示祂的旨意。要信靠主必回应你的祈祷,保护你对付那些使他们自己成为上帝之敌的人。祂正看顾着你,虽然祂的同在可能经常被困难的境况所遮掩。

1 Samuel 23:15-29 Against the overwhelming opposition of Saul and his Ziphite informers, God spares David as Jonathan said He would. Remember that a word of encouragement from Scripture can be invaluable to someone in distress. The Lord is mighty to deliver His people.
We praise You, O God, for those You send to comfort us in our lowest times. Hear us for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
撒母耳记上23:15-29 面对扫罗势不可挡的敌对和他手下西弗人的告密者,上帝怜悯爱惜大卫,正如约拿单说祂必会如此一样。请记得一句从圣经而来的鼓励话语对那在沮丧中的人会是非常宝贵的。主耶和华有大能拯救祂的百姓。

1 Samuel 24 David’s compassion for vulnerable Saul is motivated by respect for God and His anointed. It is met warmly by Saul, resulting in a temporary truce. Today, be ready to show compassion even to your enemies, as God in Christ has demonstrated His undeserved love to you.
Gracious Lord, thank You for sending Your true Anointed One to bring mercy to me while I was Your enemy. Amen.
撒母耳记上24章 大卫怜悯处于易受攻击状态的扫罗,是出于对上帝和祂受膏者的尊敬。这(怜悯)得到扫罗的热心回应,迎来暂时的休战。今天,请预备好施行怜悯,甚至是向你的仇敌,正如上帝在基督里已经向你显明了祂不配得的慈爱那样。

1 Samuel 25 Abigail intervenes between David and Nabal, rescuing both from their anger. Angry decisions lead to self-destruction. God calls us to listen to the voice of reason and peace. His wisdom and peace, expressed in the godly counsel of His servants, will guide your heart in the way of life.
Father, give us grace to be like a prudent one who acts with knowledge, and not like a fool who flaunts his folly (Pr 13:16). Amen.
撒母耳记上25章 亚比该在大卫和拿八之间调和,拯救他们两个脱离怒气。出于愤怒的决策会导致自我毁灭。上帝呼召我们聆听理性和平安的声音。祂的智慧与和平,就是在祂仆人们的敬虔指导中得以表达出来的,必引导你的心走在生命的道路上。

1 Samuel 26 Saul again pursues David, who demonstrates that he is a faithful, forgiving servant. Jesus, the Son of David, directs us to forgive “seventy times seven” (Mt 18:22; without limit). He teaches this also by example, demonstrating His limitless forgiveness toward us.
Dearest Jesus, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Grant us due patience with erring brothers and sisters. Amen.
撒母耳记上26章 扫罗再一次追杀大卫,大卫展示了他自己是一位忠心,满有饶恕的仆人。耶稣,大卫的儿子,引导我们要饶恕“七十个七次”(太18:22 耶稣说:「我对你说,不是到七次,乃是到七十个七次;没有极限)。祂也藉着向我们施行祂无限次赦罪的榜样来将此显明。

1 Samuel 27 Tired of the constant danger and hardship of evading Saul, David shrewdly finds refuge among the Philistines. As with David’s previous clever action among the Philistines, the writer makes no indication that the Lord encouraged or approved of David’s behavior. Rather than living ambiguously, live boldly and clearly for your Lord, entrusting your future to His care rather than to your cleverness or the world’s favor. The Lord’s favor is far more precious, redeeming your life now and for eternity.
Lord, bless and guide our earthly decisions, that they may provide opportunity for growth in faith and service before You. Amen.
撒母耳记上27章 厌倦了因着逃避扫罗而来的不间断的危险和艰辛,大卫机灵地在非利士人当中寻求避难所。和大卫从前曾在非利士人当中精明的举止一样,作者并没有暗示说主耶和华鼓励或者认同大卫的行为。要放胆明确地为你的主活着,而不是模糊地生存,要将你的未来交托在祂的看顾之下,而不是你的聪明或世界的喜悦之下。主的恩宠要远远更加宝贵,救赎你的生命,今世和永恒的。

1 Samuel 28 Despairing from fear and desperate for reassurance, Saul turns to the occult for relief, having forsaken his relationship with God. When a spiritual vacuum exists, lost souls are drawn to the occult, despite warnings. Yet no genuine assurance will be found there. Do not use this tragic episode as a justification or validation of wicked spiritual practices. Instead, acknowledge and rejoice that God’s grace and promise are as close at hand as His Word, which will guide you in the paths of life.
Lord, keep us close through Your means of grace, by which we are spared the desperation and darkness so tragically evident in Saul’s life. When we are uncertain, grant us patience and comfort through Your Holy Word and the consolation of true brothers and sisters in the faith. Amen.
撒母耳记上28章 因着恐惧而绝望并且极度渴望确据的扫罗,转向交鬼的人来寻求解脱,弃绝了他与上帝的关系。当一个属灵的真空存在的时候,失丧的灵魂就会不顾警告,被拉向术士交鬼的。然而在那里不会找到什么真正的确据。不要用这种悲剧的处境来为邪恶的属灵操练做公正或合法的辩护。相反,应当认识并且欢喜,上帝的恩典和应许就如同祂的道(话语)那样近在咫尺,祂的话语必引导你走在生命的道路上。

1 Samuel 29 As the Philistine army moves northward to battle, David’s difficult situation within the army is resolved when he is removed from the battlefield. Once again, God looked after David’s welfare. We, too, can get ourselves into some pretty tight spots as a result of our own decisions or deceptions. God will not condone our sinfulness, which is often what prompts the decisions we make. Yet, He still looks after our welfare, making all things work together for good in Christ (Rm 8:28).
O Lord, we thank You for Your patience and kindness toward us as we live out our days on this earth. Amen.
撒母耳记上29章 非利士人的军队向北移动去打仗,当大卫被请出战场的时候,他在军队当中的困难境地就得以解决。再一次地,上帝看顾大卫的福祉。我们,也,会因着我们的决定或诡诈所带来的结果而使我们自己陷入一些特别危险的境地。上帝必不会纵容我们的罪性,(这罪性)通常激发我们所作出的决定。然而,祂仍然看顾我们的福祉,使万事互相效力,为着在基督里的益处(罗8:28 我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处,就是按他旨意被召的人)。

1 Samuel 30:1-15 David faces his first great crisis as a leader since serving in Saul’s army years earlier. The Lord aids David and the people of Ziklag through an unlikely source: an abandoned Egyptian slave. The Lord still provides for us through unlikely means, preeminently through Jesus’ cross, by which He rescues us from Satan’s hordes.
Deliver us from evil, O Lord, and strengthen us to assist others in their hour of crisis. Amen.
撒母耳记上30:1-15 自从早些年前在扫罗军队中服侍以来,大卫作为一个领袖,面临着他的第一次巨大危机。主耶和华藉着一个不太可能的资源:一位被抛弃的埃及奴仆,来帮助大卫和洗革拉人。主耶和华依然藉着不太可能的媒介,特别显著地是藉着耶稣的十字架,就是祂用以拯救我们脱离撒旦喽啰的,来供应我们。

1 Samuel 30:16-31 The victory God gives David over the Amalekites provides opportunity for him to grow even stronger as a leader. When the Lord grants success and prosperity to you, consider how this increases your opportunities and your responsibilities. Remember that God forgives you when you fail and also provides you with wisdom to manage what He has placed in your care.
“Grant us wisdom, grant us courage For the facing of this hour, …For the living of these days,…Lest we miss Your kingdom’s goal,…Serving You whom we adore.” Amen. (LSB 850:1-4)
撒母耳记上30:16-31 上帝赐给大卫对亚玛力人的得胜,为他提供了机会,来作为一个领袖成长的更刚强。当主赐给你成功和繁荣的时候,请思想这会如何加增你的机会和你的责任。也请记得,当你失败的时候上帝赦免你,并且赐给你智慧来管理祂放置在你看顾之下的。

1 Samuel 31 Saul forfeits his divine blessings by compromising God’s Word, and he dies a brutal death at the hands of the very enemy he was chosen to defeat. There is no greater tragedy than when God’s people compromise His Word, no greater blessing than when they steadfastly receive it. Learn by the examples of Saul and David. By promises and blessings, the King of heaven provides life for you in His Son, Jesus.
“Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word; Curb those who by deceit or sword Would wrest the kingdom from Your Son And bring to naught all He has done.” Amen. (LSB 655:1)
撒母耳记上31章 扫罗在上帝的话语上妥协,就因此摒弃了他从神而来的祝福,并且他正是在他蒙选召要去击败的仇敌手中,以一种残忍的方式死去的。当上帝的百姓折损祂的话语之时,没有什么比这更可悲的了,当他们坚韧地领受祂的话语之时,没有比这更美好的祝福了。请从扫罗和大卫的例子中学习。藉着应许和祝福,天上的君王在祂的儿子耶稣里面供应你生命。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2017.05.10

2 Samuel 1:1-16 The Amalekite confesses that he had assisted with Saul’s suicide and now expects a reward. Instead, he receives capital punishment for killing the Lord’s anointed king. God is the author of human life, and He wants innocent human life protected. Yet, He has given the sword to the government for the punishment of evildoers. Most important, God is the author of eternal life in the Messiah, Jesus, our Savior.
Lord, thank You for good government. Increase my respect for Your gift of human life. Amen.
撒母耳记下1:1-16 那位亚玛力人承认他曾协助扫罗的自杀,并且现在期待得到奖赏。相反地,他因着杀死主耶和华所膏立的王而得了死刑。上帝是人生命的创造者,并且祂盼望无辜的性命得到保护。然而,祂赐给政府刀剑来惩罚作恶的人。更重要的是,上帝是在弥赛亚,耶稣,我们的救赎主里的永恒生命的创始者。

2 Samuel 1:17-27 David sings not only of his love for his friend Jonathan but also of his respect and admiration for King Saul, a man who had forced him to live as a fugitive for more than 12 years. Like David, we should not delight in our enemies’ downfall but commend their families to God in prayer. How mercifully God treats us, even though we by nature were His enemies (Rm 5:10).
I praise You, O God, for Your amazing grace to me and all sinners in Christ Jesus. Amen.
撒母耳记下1:17-27 大卫不仅歌唱他对朋友约拿单的爱,也歌唱他对扫罗王,就是那位曾驱使他作为逃犯流浪超过十二年之久的人的尊重和敬仰。像大卫一样,我们不应当在我们仇敌的跌倒中欢喜,却当把他们的亲人在祷告中交托给上帝。上帝待我们是多么有怜悯啊,既使我们按着本性曾是祂的敌人(罗5:10 因为我们作仇敌的时候,且藉著神儿子的死,得与神和好;既已和好,就更要因他的生得救了)。

2 Samuel 2:1-7 David inquires of the Lord, moves to the area of Hebron, and is anointed by the men of Judah as their king. When told that the men of Jabesh-gilead have buried Saul, David blesses them and promises to treat them well. We, too, should inquire of the Lord in His Holy Word and seek reconciliation with our enemies. Through the reconciliation of Christ’s cross, God blesses us and shows us His steadfast love and faithfulness.
Lord, in Your Word, show me Your will for my life and Your reconciling love. Amen.
撒母耳记下2:1-7 大卫询问主耶和华,就迁移到了希伯仑,并且在那里被犹大人膏立为他们的王。当被告知基列雅比人已经埋葬扫罗的时候,大卫就祝福他们,并且许诺要恩待他们。我们,也,当在祂的圣道中询问主耶和华,并且寻求与我们仇敌的和睦。藉着基督十字架的和好,上帝祝福我们,向我们显明祂坚韧稳固的爱和信实。

2 Samuel 2:8-11 Abner makes Saul’s son Ish-bosheth king over the northern tribes of Israel, while David reigns over Judah. David may want to reign over all Israel right away, but that is not to be. Sometimes, God’s promises call for patience. We have inherited the full kingdom of heaven through the innocent sufferings and death of Jesus, our Savior. We wait patiently to possess it.
Heavenly Father, give me patience as You fulfill Your promises in Your time. Amen.
撒母耳记下2:8-11 当大卫在犹大地称王的同时,押尼珥使扫罗的儿子伊施波设做北部以色列众支派的王。大卫可能想要立刻称王整个以色列,但那并未成形。有时候,上帝的应许要求忍耐。我们已经藉着耶稣,我们救赎主的无辜受苦和死亡承受了那完全的属天国度。我们需要满有忍耐地等候将来完全拥有它。

2 Samuel 2:12-32 Competition at Gibeon leads to a fierce battle. The Benjaminites are defeated, but David’s nephew Asahel is slain by Abner. Sadly, those fighting and killing on another are all members of God’s people Israel. May God prevent us from quarreling unnecessarily with fellow Christians, especially those of our own congregation or family. “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rm 5:1), so let us be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph 4:3).
Lord Jesus, grant me peace with all people, especially those who confess the same faith. Amen.
撒母耳记下2:12-32 在基遍地的争竞导致一场激烈的战斗。便雅悯人被击败,但大卫的侄子亚撒黑被押尼珥所杀。悲哀的是,这些彼此斗争和杀戮的人都是上帝子民以色列的成员。愿上帝阻止我们基督徒同胞之间不必要的争吵,特别是在那些属于我们自己堂会或家庭中的人之间。“我们既因信称义,就藉著我们的主耶稣基督得与神相和”(罗5:1),所以让我们“用和平彼此联络,竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心”(弗4:3)。

2 Samuel 3:1-25 The relationship between Ish-bosheth and his general, Abner, deteriorates until, finally, Abner aligns himself with David. How easy for us to use dishonest methods as we strive for position and power. Self-interest and self-glory are sins that plague us all. Jesus, on the other hand, selflessly left His throne on high, died to pay for our sins on the cross, rose, and took the Church as His bride.
Lord Jesus, praise be to Your holy name for Your supreme sacrifice on our behalf. Amen.
撒母耳记下3:1-25 伊施波设和他的将军押尼珥之间的关系不断恶化,直到最终,押尼珥他自己与大卫站在一起。我们是多么容易会去使用不诚实的手段来获取地位和权力啊。自私自利和自我荣耀是侵蚀我们所有人的罪。耶稣,却在另一端,无私地离开祂在高位的宝座,为给我们的罪付上代价而死在十字架上,复活,并且娶教会为祂的新娘。

2 Samuel 3:26-30 Without David’s knowledge and in a time of peace, Joab murders Abner to avenge the death of his brother Asahel. King David curses Joab and all his father’s house because vengeance rarely settles matters. When wronged, you will naturally experience thoughts of vengeance. Arrest these thoughts by crying out to the Lord in prayer. Entrust your judgment to Him and to the legitimate authorities. The Lord of justice and peace, who sent His Son to bear all injustice for your sake, is your hope in all circumstances.
Grant us grace, merciful God, that we may flee from evil and do what is good, that Your mercy may crown Your goodness in us, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
撒母耳记下3:26-30 在大卫不知情的状况下,并且处于和平的时期,约押谋杀了押尼珥,为报他弟兄亚撒黑之死的仇。大卫王咒诅约押和他的父家,因为报复很少能使事件平息。当被冤枉的时候,你很自然地就会体会报复的想法。请藉着在祷告中向主耶和华呼求,将这些想法捆锁。请将你的审判交托给祂,以及交托给合法的掌权者。公正、和平的主耶和华,差遣祂的儿子为你承担了所有的不公,祂就是你在一切境况中的盼望。

2 Samuel 3:31-39 Although Abner has been his enemy, David leads the mourning at Abner’s funeral. Our sinful nature tends to delight in the misfortune of our enemies. How differently God treats us! “While we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son” (Rm 5:10).
Lord, help me always to love my enemies as You have loved me in Your Son, my Savior. Amen.
撒母耳记下3:31-39 尽管押尼珥曾是他的对手,但大卫在押尼珥的葬礼上带头哀哭。我们有罪的本性倾向于对我们的敌人幸灾乐祸。上帝待我们是多么的不同啊!“因为我们作仇敌的时候,且藉著神儿子的死,得与神和好;既已和好,就更要因他的生得救了”(罗5:10)。

2 Samuel 4 Two of Ish-bosheth’s soldiers murder him and bring his head to David, hoping to receive a reward. Instead, David sentences them to death, but honors his enemy Ish-bosheth. “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rm 12:21). Through the Son of David, God has mercy on us, who were once His enemies.
Lord Jesus, Son of David, give me Your Spirit, that I may love my enemies and do good to those who hate me. Amen.
撒母耳记下4章 伊施波设的两个军长谋害了他并且将他的首级带给大卫,盼望能够得到奖赏。相反,大卫却判了他们死刑,并且尊荣了他的对手伊施波设。“你不可为恶所胜,反要以善胜恶”(罗12:21)。藉着大卫的儿子,上帝施行怜悯给我们这些曾是与祂为敌的人。

2 Samuel 5:1-16 After defeating the Jubusites, David makes Jerusalem his capital over all Israel. The Lord causes this for the sake of His people. When success comes our way, let us not boast and demand recognition. Jesus, the Son of David, humbled Himself unto death, even death on a cross, for the sake of sinful people like us.
Lord, make me humble and give me Your blessings in Christ Jesus. Amen.
撒母耳记下5:1-16 在击败耶布斯人之后,大卫使耶路撒冷成为他治理整个以色列的首都。主耶和华是为了祂百姓的缘故才成就此事的。当成功临到我们的道路上之时,让我们不要自夸或要求赞赏。耶稣,大卫的儿子,为了我们这样有罪之人的缘故,曾降卑祂自己,以至于死,甚至是死在十字架上。

2 Samuel 5:17-25 The Philistines, disturbed that David is now king over all Israel, attack him twice and are defeated. David inquires of and relies on the Lord for victory. For our plans to have God’s blessing, we must call on Him and submit to the judgment of His Word. Yet when we are weak, the Lord Himself will fight for us, especially against sin, death, and the devil.
Lord Jesus, be my King and burst through all enemies that would separate me from You. Amen.
撒母耳记下5:17-25 非利士人,因着大卫此时成为以色列全地的王而不安,就两次攻打他,却被击败了。大卫询问并且依靠主耶和华来得胜。为要在我们的计划中寻求上帝的祝福,我们必须呼求祂,并且将之交托给祂话语的判断。然而当我们软弱的时候,主耶和华祂自己必会为我们争战,特别是要对付罪,死亡和魔鬼。

2 Samuel 6:1-4 Having defeated the Philistines, David prepares to bring the ark to Jerusalem. Godly leaders of all times should provide for the true worship of God. On the ark, the Lord of hosts is enthroned on the cherubim. As He rules over the holy cherubim, our Lord Jesus Christ also reigns victorious over all our sins and offers forgiveness to all who repent and trust in Him.
Lord, let me worship You in spirit and in truth according to Your Word. Amen.
撒母耳记下6:1-4 击败非利士人之后,大卫预备将约柜带回耶路撒冷。所有世代敬虔的领袖都应当为着对上帝的真实敬拜提供所需。约柜上面,万军之主耶和华在基路伯之上坐着为王。正如祂在圣洁的基路伯之上掌权一样,我们的主耶稣基督也在我们所有的罪上掌权得胜,并且赐下赦罪恩典给所有悔改和信靠祂的人。

2 Samuel 6:5-15 Uzzah, despite his good intentions, acts contrary to the Word of God and is struck dead. Handling the ark properly, David humbles himself as he lays aside his royal robes, puts on a priestly garment, and worships before the Lord as the leader of a kingdom of priests. When participating in the things of God—His Word, Sacraments, or Church—how you participate is important. Though God disciplines the irreverent, He remains faithful to bless the humble. Having atoned for our offenses on the cross, Christ will bless the repentant and believing heart.
Glory to You, O gracious God, that though we stumble, You are ever ready through Jesus Christ to forgive and bless. Amen.
撒母耳记下6:5-15 乌撒,尽管他有着好的动机,但所行的却与上帝的话语相违背,就因此被击杀致死。为了更妥善地对待约柜,大卫就放下他的尊贵王袍来谦卑他自己,穿上一套祭司的服饰,作为一个祭司国度的领袖在主耶和华面前敬拜。当参与在上帝的事情—祂的话语,圣礼,或教会之中的时候,你是如何参与的就很重要。尽管上帝责罚不敬畏的人,但祂仍然信实于祝福谦卑的人。曾为我们的过犯在十字架上赎罪,基督必会祝福悔改和信靠的心。

2 Samuel 6:16-23 Michal sees David humbly dressed as a priest and begins to mock him. In faithfully serving the Lord, are you willing to look foolish in the eyes of others? Do not fear to make merry before the Lord and endure suffering. Our Lord Jesus was not ashamed to humble Himself on the cross to save us from our arrogance.
Work true faithfulness in my life, O Lord, no matter how inappropriate it may be in the eyes of the world. Amen.
撒母耳记下6:16-23 米甲看见大卫谦卑地作为一位祭司来穿着打扮,就开始嘲笑他。在忠心服事主耶和华的时候,你愿意在他人眼中看似愚昧吗?不要害怕在主耶和华面前欢喜快乐,在患难中忍耐。我们的主耶稣不以谦卑祂自己在十字架上为羞耻,为要拯救我们脱离我们的傲慢。

2 Samuel 7:1-17 The Lord tells David and Nathan not what they will do but what He will do and make for David—an everlasting house and kingdom. In all we do for the Lord, we must first consult His Word to find out what is pleasing to Him. Jesus Christ is the “rest” and “house” promised to David. In Him, God’s people have rest from their enemies of sin and death, and in Him they shall dwell forever.
Gracious Lord, keep us in the true faith, that we may have the blessed rest and peace that Christ, our eternal King, alone provides. Amen.
撒母耳记下7:1-17 主耶和华告诉大卫和拿单不是他们会做什么,而是祂会为大卫做和建造什么—就是一个永远的家室和国度。在我们为主所做的一切事中,我们必须首先寻求祂的话语,来明白何为蒙祂喜悦的事。耶稣基督就是应许给大卫的“安靖”和“殿宇”。在祂里面,上帝的子民得以拥有脱离他们罪和死亡之仇敌的安息,并且在祂里面他们必永远居住。

2 Samuel 7:18-29 In humility, David acknowledges that everything the Lord has done and will do for him and for Israel is due solely to the Lord’s mercy. Today, when great blessing comes your way, glorify the Lord for His gifts. His greatest gift is the great One to come, Jesus, the Son of David.
O Lord Jesus, You are both true man and true God. Make us truly thankful for Your mercy, and bless Your Church forever. Amen.
撒母耳记下7:18-29 在谦卑中,大卫承认主耶和华为他和以色列所曾做的以及将要做的一切单单是出于主的怜悯。今天,当丰盛的祝福临到你的道路之时,请为着祂的恩赐而尊荣主耶和华。祂最大的恩赐就是那位至高者,耶稣,大卫之子的到来。

2 Samuel 8:1-14 The Lord gives David great victories over the kingdoms around Canaan and Syria and also much wealth as the spoils of war. We, too, are in a battle against temptation and sin. As it was for David, our victory comes only when the Lord gives it. Beginning in Baptism and through faith in Jesus Christ, the Lord gives us Christ’s blood-bought victory over sin, death, and the devil.
Gracious Lord, many are the battles of the sinner and the saint within me, many are the losses I have suffered. Forgive my sins and keep my faith in the one glorious victory won by Jesus Christ. Amen.
撒母耳记下8:1-14 主耶和华赐给大卫对迦南和亚兰周边王国的巨大胜利,还有许多像战利品这样的财富。我们,也,处于一场对付试探和罪的争战中。和大卫曾经那样,我们的得胜唯有当主耶和华赐予的时候才会临到。起始于圣洗礼,藉着对耶稣基督的信,主耶和华赐给我们基督宝血所赎买回来的对罪,死亡和魔鬼的胜利。

2 Samuel 8:15-18 David rules justly and relies on his ministers of state. Today, the Lord calls each of us to treat others with justice and equity, and not lord the authority of our vocation over them. God is both just and merciful, so He sent His Son, Jesus, to deal with the just judgment we deserve, that we might receive His mercy.
Gracious God and Father, thank You for sending Jesus to answer the demands of Your justice and to show us Your grace. Amen.
撒母耳记下8:15-18 大卫公义地治理着,并且依靠他政权的执事们。今天,主耶和华呼召我们当中的每一位来以公正和公平待他人,而不是去用我们职份的权柄来压制他们。上帝既是公正的也是蛮有怜悯的,所以祂曾差遣祂的儿子,耶稣,来解决我们所应得的公正审判,好叫我们可以领受祂的怜悯。

2 Samuel 9 David learns that Jonathan’s son is alive and immediately gives him the lands of Saul and brings him to dine at his table for the rest of his life. We should show such love to our potential enemies. Just as David invites Mephibosheth to eat at his table, the Lord Jesus invites us to eat at His table, where He serves us His body and blood. He provides the Holy Spirit to strengthen us.
Gracious Lord, thank You for loving us, providing for us, and sending Your servant to tend and keep us until our Lord Christ’s return. Amen.
撒母耳记下9章 大卫了解到约拿单的儿子还活着,就立刻将扫罗的土地赐给他,并且在他余生的日子里都带他在桌旁一同用餐。我们应当向我们潜在的敌人显明这样的爱。就像大卫邀请米非波设来在他的桌旁吃饭那样,主耶稣邀请我们来在祂的桌旁吃饭,就是在祂为我们摆上祂的身体和宝血的地方。祂赐下圣灵来坚固我们。

2 Samuel 10 The new Ammonite king rejects David’s offer of peace, listening instead to those who speak evil of him. In the end, Joab and David defeat and humble the Syrian kings by the Lord’s hand. Often in this world, good deeds are rewarded with unthankfulness. Yet God would have us continually act in good faith toward all. Thanks be to God, who fights for us and covers our shame in the mercy of Jesus.
Gracious Lord, we give You thanks for defending us, covering our shame, and keeping us by Your grace. Amen.
撒母耳记下10章 新的亚扪王拒绝了大卫和平的邀请,却反而听从了那些说他坏话的人。最后,约押和大卫就藉着主耶和华的手击败和降服了亚兰诸王。在这个世界上太寻常的是,善行得到不感恩的回报。然而上帝意愿我们继续在良善的信心中向着所有人行事。感谢归给上帝,祂为我们争战,并且在耶稣的怜悯中遮盖我们的羞耻。

2 Samuel 11 David’s sin of the eye becomes a sin of lust and of deed. He lies with another man’s wife and then has the man killed to keep the sin secret. Whenever you try to hide a sin by committing another sin, you are just digging yourself deeper into a hole. Instead, confess! God will forgive all who repent and seek the forgiveness earned by Christ on the cross.
“Lord Jesus, think on me And purge away my sin; From worldly passions set me free And make me pure within.” Amen. (LSB 610:1)
撒母耳记下11章 大卫眼目的罪演变成情欲和行动的罪。他与他人之妻同寝,然后为了隐藏那罪就使那人被杀。无论何时你藉着犯下另一项罪来试着去掩盖一项罪,你正是在挖一个更深的坑,使你自己陷进去。相反,要认罪!上帝赦免所有懊悔并且寻求因着基督在十字架上所赚取的赦罪恩典的人。

2 Samuel 12:1-15a By preaching the Law, Nathan leads David to condemn his own sin. Once David repents, Nathan announces the Gospel: the Lord has put away his sin. Nevertheless, his child of adultery will die. Avoiding the responsibility of our sins does not lead to healing. Instead, repentance is the only right preparation for the Gospel. By receiving the Gospel of forgiveness, we are set free from our sins and made alive.
Gracious Lord, thank You for putting Jesus away on the cross, that I would not be put away in my sins. Amen.
撒母耳记下12:1-15a 藉着宣讲律法,拿单指引大卫去为着他自己的罪而自责。一旦大卫悔改了,拿单就宣告福音:主耶和华已除掉了他的罪。然而,他因着通奸而生出的孩子必要死。逃避我们罪的责任并不能导向医治。相反,悔改是唯一可以朝向福音的正确预备。藉着领受赦罪恩典的福音,我们从我们的罪中得释放,并且得以苏醒。

2 Samuel 12:15b-23 David prays for his child’s recovery until the child dies. David then goes to worship in the Lord’s house. When suffering the earthly consequences of our sin, we also should acknowledge that we deserve them, and we should continue to worship the Lord, who gave His Son for our sins, that we may live.
“The will of God is always best And shall be done forever; And they who trust in Him are blest; He will forsake them never. He helps indeed In time of need; He chastens with forbearing. They who depend On God, their friend, Shall not be left despairing.” Amen. (LSB 758:1)
撒母耳记下12:15b-23 大卫一直为着他孩子的康复祷告,直到孩子死了。然后大卫就上到主耶和华的殿中敬拜。当我们经受我们罪所带来的属世后果之时,我们也需要认识到它们是我们所配得的,并且我们应当继续敬拜主耶和华,祂曾因着我们的罪而舍了祂的儿子,好叫我们可以存活。

2 Samuel 12:24-25 David comforts Bathsheba, and she bears him a son. God gives the child a name indicating His love. When caught up in our grief, let us not forget our family responsibilities. In Baptism, the Lord gives us a new, eternal life and gives us the name “Beloved of the Lord.”
Loving Lord, thank You for loving us and giving us a new life and name in Jesus Christ. Amen.
撒母耳记下12:24-25 大卫安慰拔示巴,她给他生下一个儿子。上帝赐给那孩子一个表明祂的爱的名字。当在我们的哀痛中被缠住之时,让我们不要忘记我们的家庭责任。在圣洗礼中,主耶和华赐给我们一个新的,永恒的生命,并且将那个名字“主耶和华所爱的”赐给了我们。

2 Samuel 12:26-31 Joab does not take credit for the victory over Rabbah but invites his master David to join him in conquering the city. We, too, should be loyal to our employers, parents, pastors, and other leaders, not seeking to exalt ourselves at their expense. Christ, the Son of David, is the great King of glory, yet He humbled Himself and gives us the benefits and glory of His victory over the devil.
Gracious Savior, You alone give the victory to me and to all who believe in You. Grant that in all things I take no glory for myself, but that I glorify You now and forever. Amen.
撒母耳记下12:26-31 约押没有索取对拉巴得胜的荣誉,而是邀请他的主人大卫来与他一同征服那座城。我们,也,应当忠于我们的雇主,父母,牧师,和其他领袖,而不是去寻求以他们为代价来高抬我们自己。基督,大卫的儿子,是荣耀的至高君王,然而祂谦卑祂自己,并且将祂对魔鬼的胜利所带来的益处和荣耀都赐给了我们。

2 Samuel 13:1-22 Amnon’s lust for his sister Tamar leads him to commit a vile crime against her. David, from misguided love for his son or sinful weakness, falls to administer justice. The way is thus paved for further violence in the house of David. The covetous desires of our hearts, when nurtured instead of resisted, can burst forth into deadly wickedness. We need the Law’s restrictions and guidance. Our only hope for mercy is in the Lord, who forgives even the most heinous of crimes for the sake of Jesus Christ, the Son of David. Yet, “the Lord disciplines the one He loves” (Heb 12:6) and calls us to daily repentance to strengthen faith in the forgiveness of sins.
O Lord, spare us from the curse and consequences of our sin for the sake of Christ’s sufferings. Amen.
撒母耳记下13:1-22 暗嫩对他妹妹他玛所发的情欲导致他对他玛犯下卑鄙的罪行。大卫,因着对他儿子误导性的溺爱或罪性上的软弱,就没能施行公义。那条走向更深层次暴力的路在大卫的家室中就因此铺下了。我们心中贪婪的欲望,当得到滋养而不是抵制的时候,就能爆发出置人于死的邪恶。我们需要律法的限制和引导。我们得到怜悯的唯一盼望是在主耶和华里面,祂因着耶稣基督,大卫之子的缘故甚至能赦免最卑劣可恶的罪。然而,“主所爱的,他必管教”(来12:6)并且祂呼召我们朝向每日中的懊悔,在罪的赦免中坚固我们的信心。

2 Samuel 13:23-33 Absalom takes the law into his own hands and avenges Amnon’s rape of his sister Tamar. By failing to discipline his sons, David is partially responsible for all these events. Vengeance is not to be taken into our own hands; punishment and discipline are rightly administered through the offices God has established (parents, government). God confronts our sin head-on with His judgment so He may then cleanse us by the precious blood of the Son of David, Jesus Christ. He prepares for us a feast of peace, the supper of a King who gives us life.
Lord Jesus, deal with us not as we deserve but according to Your great mercy by granting us sincere repentance and faith. Amen.
撒母耳记下13:23-33 押沙龙将律法放在他自己的手中,因着暗嫩强奸他妹子他玛而施行报复。因为没能管教他的儿子们,大卫需要为所有这些事件负一部分责任。报复不当被放在我们自己的手中;惩罚和管教应当藉着上帝所设立的职份(父母,政府)来正当地实施。上帝用祂的审判来正面地对付我们的罪,所以祂藉着大卫之子,耶稣基督的圣宝血来洁净我们。祂为我们预备了一个和平的筵席,就是那位赐我们生命的王的晚餐。

2 Samuel 13:34-39 Absalom flees from his father and goes into exile. Thus, the king has lost two sons: the murdered Amnon and the runaway Absalom. One sin leads to another, leaving a trail of consequences along the way. While our sin does not always lead to outright murder, unrepentant sin does lead to our spiritual death and to much grief. True reconciliation with God is granted us through the forgiveness of our sins, through the atoning death of God’s own Son.
O Lord Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us! Pardon our iniquity, and with Your forgiveness bring an end to warfare of our sin. Amen.
撒母耳记下13:34-39 押沙龙逃离他的父亲,去到放逐之地。因此,王就失去了两个儿子:被杀的暗嫩,和逃亡中的押沙龙。一个罪引发另一个罪,同时也在路上留下一连串恶果的痕迹。虽然我们的罪并不总是引向痛快的谋杀,但不悔改的罪确实可以导致我们属灵的死亡和许多苦恼。与上帝真正的和好是藉着上帝自己儿子的赎罪性死亡,藉着我们罪的赦免而赐给我们的。

2 Samuel 14 With subtlety, Joab moves the king to show mercy instead of administering justice. David is thereby reconciled with his son only outwardly. Although fathers love even evil children, the children should not misuse this love, as Absalom did. For Christ’s sake, God desires not to punish but to spare His sinful and rebellious children.
O God, defend us from the rebellious, give us good government to administer justice, and grant that we may rejoice in and rightly use Your great love. Amen.
撒母耳记下14章 带着谨慎精明,约押感动王来施怜悯,而不是施行公义审判。大卫就因此只在表面上与他的儿子和好。尽管父亲甚至爱邪恶的孩子,做孩子的却不应当滥用这份爱,好像押沙龙曾经所做的那样。因着基督的缘故,上帝的意愿不是要惩罚,乃是要赦免祂有罪和悖逆的儿女。

2 Samuel 15:1-12 Once Absalom has officially been reconciled to the king, he begins to campaign for the throne. Soon he is no longer content to steal hearts, so he plots to steal the throne. Coveting what God has not given, and scheming sinfully to get it for ourselves, leads not to life but to death. Yet Christ, who is truly righteous, has righteously coveted our life and voluntarily laid down His life on our behalf. We are justified by His grace alone, through faith in His forgiveness.
“Almighty God, You are the only and supreme happiness of the soul of man, without the enjoyment of whom the soul must ever dwell in disquietude and trouble. Fix all the thoughts and affections of my soul upon You, who alone can satisfy all its desires, and give it a peace that passes all understanding. You shall be all in all and the sight of You and Your glory be her great and endless happiness to all eternity. Amen.” (Ger, TLWA, p 160)
撒母耳记下15:1-12 一旦押沙龙得以正式与王和好,他就开始为得王位而奔走谋划。很快他就不再满足于抢夺人心,所以他就暗算着夺取王位。贪图上帝所没有赐予的,在罪中策划如何为我们自己索取到它,引向的不是生命,而是死亡。然而基督,那位真正公义的,却公义地俘获我们的生命,并且甘心自愿为我们的缘故而舍弃祂的生命。我们唯独倚赖祂的恩典,藉着对祂赦罪的信,得称为义。
“全能的上帝,你是人灵魂唯一至上的福乐,若不以你为乐,灵魂必永远居住在躁动和困境之中。请使我灵的所有思想和情感都专注在你身上,唯有你能满足它所有的渴望,并且赐给它出人意外的平安。你是包括一切,又住在各人之内,愿你的容颜和光辉成为她丰盛无穷的福乐,直到永远。阿们。”(德语版,The Lord Will Answer主必成全,160页)

2 Samuel 15:13-23 David is forced to flee Jerusalem and cross the brook Kidron. While his own son and countrymen conspire against him, he receives fierce loyalty from foreigners. In suffering, we, like David, should humble ourselves under God’s hand and commit ourselves and our paths into His keeping. David’s Son, Christ Jesus, was rejected by many of His own (Jn 1:10-11), but He called for disciples from all nations (Mt 28:19-20) to take up the cross and follow Him (Mt 10:16-39). It was He who crossed the brook Kidron, bearing our sin, on the way to the cross.
Lord Jesus, sustain me in suffering, and grant that I may walk in the way of Your cross. Amen.
撒母耳记下15:13-23 大卫被迫逃离耶路撒冷,过了汲沦溪。当他自己的儿子和国人谋算对付他的时候,他却从外邦人中得了极大的忠诚。在患难中,我们,像大卫一样,应当谦卑我们自己在上帝的手之下,将我们自己和我们的道路交托在祂的看顾之中。大卫之子,基督耶稣,曾被祂自己的许多人拒绝(约1:10-11 他在世界,世界也是藉著他造的,世界却不认识他。他到自己的地方来,自己的人倒不接待他),但祂曾从万民中呼召门徒(太28:19-20所以,你们要去,使万民作我的门徒,奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗(或作:给他们施洗,归於父、子、圣灵的名)。凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守,我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了)背起十字架,来跟随祂(太10:16-39…不背著他的十字架跟从我的,也不配作我的门徒。得著生命的,将要失丧生命;为我失丧生命的,将要得著生命)。是祂穿过了汲沦溪(译者注:参 约18:1耶稣说了这话,就同门徒出去,过了汲沦溪,在那里有一个园子,他和门徒进去了),背负着我们的罪,走在上十字架的路上。

2 Samuel 15:24-37 Though he must depart from Jerusalem, David puts his fate into the Lord’s hands. Yet his allies will be his eyes and ears in Jerusalem, bringing word to him at the Jordan River. Life here in this world is often a wilderness journey of weeping and the expectation of death. This is due to our sin against God. But Christ has gone the way of sorrows on our behalf, that we might cross the Jordan with Him, through the waters of Holy Baptism, out of the wilderness into the promised land of heaven.
O Lord Jesus Christ, by the blood of Your eternal covenant, preserve our faith and bring us at last into Your Jerusalem above. Amen.
撒母耳记下15:24-37 尽管他必须离开耶路撒冷,但大卫将他的命运交托在主耶和华的手中。然而他的同盟将会成为他在耶路撒冷的眼线,将消息带到约旦河送给他。在此地今世的生活常常是一个带着眼泪和死亡威胁的旷野旅途。这是因为我们对上帝所犯的罪。但是基督已经代替我们走完了忧伤的路,好叫我们可以与祂一同穿越约旦河,透过圣洗礼的水,出离旷野,走进天国的应许之地。

2 Samuel 16:1-4 Ziba provides for King David in his need. Yet he does so at his master’s expense. David may be too hasty in handing over Mephibosheth’s inheritance. It is tempting to speak falsely of others to gain personal advantage. Today, we are also too easily led to make quick judgments, especially when they agree with our expectations. The Lord, however, looks at the heart and is not fooled. His providence meets all our needs of body and soul, “out of fatherly, divine goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness” in us (SC, First Article, p xxxvi).
Keep us, Lord, from false testimony. Thank You for all Your benefits through Jesus Christ. Amen.
撒母耳记下16:1-4 洗巴在大卫王的缺乏中供应他。然而他是以牺牲他主人为代价来行此事的。大卫在处理米非波设产业的事上或许是太草率了。为了个人得利而说别人的坏话,的确是很诱人。今天,我们也会太容易被牵引着做出鲁莽的判断,特别是当他们符合我们的期待之时。然而主耶和华看人心,并不会被愚弄。祂的佑护满足我们身体和灵魂的所有需要,“出于为父,为神的良善和怜悯,并不是有任何功德或配得的”在我们里面(小问答,第一信条,36页)。

2 Samuel 16:5-14 David recognizes Shimei’s cursing as the Lord’s justice. He spares Shimei from death, accepts the devine judgment, and entrusts himself to God’s mercy in faith. The curses of God’s Law are the righteous wrath and judgment of the Lord against our sin, for which we “deserve nothing but punishment” (SC, Fifth Petition, p xxxviii). Yet, Christ Jesus has borne the curse and judgment of God in our stead. For His sake, we are spared the punishment we deserve.
Dear Father in heaven, deal with us not according to the severity of Your judgment but according to Your mercy. Amen.
撒母耳记下16:5-14 大卫认识到示每的咒诅是出于主耶和华的公义审判。他就放过示每,没有杀他,而是接受上帝的审判,并且在信心中将他自己交托给上帝的怜悯。上帝律法的咒诅是主耶和华对我们罪的公义愤怒和审判,因着这些罪,我们“所应得的只能是刑罚”(小问答,第五祈祷,38页)。然而,基督耶稣代替我们承担了上帝的咒诅和审判。因着祂的缘故,我们得以脱离我们应得的刑罚。

2 Samuel 16:15-23 David’s sin is repaid in kind. The evil adultery he committed with Bathsheba is punished by his son’s adultery with his harem. Sadly, some sins lead to more sins and involve other people in a web of evil. God will not let this go unpunished (Gal 6:7). Yet, God is ever working to save us from our sin. For our sake, the Lord Himself suffered the abandonment and betrayal of His friends and the public humiliation of the cross so we would be justified by His grace.
Lord Jesus, friend of sinners, ever faithful in the face of our unfaithfulness, do not hold our sins against us, but save us from our foolishness. Amen.
撒母耳记下16:15-23 大卫的罪也得了同样的报偿。他与拔示巴所犯下的邪恶淫乱之罪,藉着他儿子与他妃嫔的奸淫得到惩治。悲哀的是,一些罪会导致更多的罪,并且将他人拖进一张邪恶的网罗之中。上帝必不任凭这罪不受惩罚(加6:7不要自欺,神是轻慢不得的。人种的是什麽,收的也是什麽)。然而,上帝也一直在作工来拯救我们脱离我们的罪。为了我们的缘故,主祂自己经受祂朋友们的离弃和背叛,还有十字架的公众羞辱,好叫我们可以靠赖祂的恩典得称为义。

2 Samuel 17 David is on the run. Though apparently at the mercy of his enemies and the elements, David is under the mercy of God, who chastens him as a father disciplines his son, yet all the while maintaining His steadfast love for him. The Lord will humble all who exalt themselves, whether sooner or later. We should pray that the Lord would humble us each day, through discipline unto repentance, so that we may not be humbled before Him in the final judgment! For this repentance, and for the forgiveness of sins, the Lord has instituted the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. In it, we are crucified, dead, and buried with Christ Jesus, in order to be raised with Him to new life (Rm 6:3-4; SC, p xxxix-xl).
We praise You, O God. We bless You and magnify You, that as our dear Father You discipline us in love and provide for all our needs of body and soul, now and forever. Amen.
撒母耳记下17章 大卫在逃跑的路上。尽管大卫看起来是完全落在了他仇敌及其民众的掌控之下,他却是在上帝的怜悯之中,上帝像一位父亲管教儿子那样在惩罚他,然而同时却一直将祂坚固不动摇的慈爱为大卫存留。主耶和华必使所有自我高升的人降卑,或早或晚。我们应当祈求主每一天使我们谦卑,透过管教,进到懊悔里,好叫我们不致于最终审判之时在祂面前蒙羞!为了这懊悔,为了罪的赦免,上主设立了圣洗礼这圣事。在其中,我们与基督耶稣一同被钉,死去,埋葬,为的是与祂一同复活,得新的生命(罗6:3-4岂不知我们这受洗归入基督耶稣的人是受洗归入他的死吗?所以,我们藉著洗礼归入死,和他一同埋葬,原是叫我们一举一动有新生的样式,像基督藉著父的荣耀从死里复活一样;小问答,39-40页)。

2 Samuel 18:1-18 Absalom, a son of David, is defeated by the Lord and hung on a tree. Joab has Absalom killed and brings the war to an end so the rest of Israel is spared. Pride comes before a fall. Our lives are held and weighed in God’s hands. In contrast to Absalom, Jesus, the sinless Son of David, was reckoned a rebellious sinner (2Co 5:21) and died on a tree to bear God’s curse against the world’s sins (Gal 3:13).
“Fulfilled is all that David told In sure prophetic song of old, That God the nations’ king should be And reign in triumph from the tree.” Amen. (LSB 455:3)
撒母耳记下18:1-18 押沙龙,大卫的一个儿子,被主耶和华所击败,挂在了一颗树上。约押使押沙龙被杀,就促成战争的停息,剩下的以色列人就因此得解脱了。败坏之前先有骄傲。我们的生命是在上帝的手中得维系和衡量。与押沙龙形成对照的是,耶稣,大卫那无罪的儿子,被定为一个悖逆的罪人(林后5:21神使那无罪(无罪:原文作不知罪)的,替我们成为罪,好叫我们在他里面成为神的义)并且死在一颗树上,为担负上帝对世人罪恶的咒诅(加3:13基督既为我们受(原文作成)了咒诅,就赎出我们脱离律法的咒诅;因为经上记著:凡挂在木头上都是被咒诅的)。
“大卫在那古老确实的预言之歌(译者注:参 诗篇22)中所宣告的全部已成就,就是上帝要做万国的君王,并且要从那木头(十字架)而来的得胜中掌权。”(路德宗崇拜手册455:3)

2 Samuel 18:19-30 Ahimaaz is anxious to bring news of the victory to David, but he fails to tell about Absalom’s death. Expecting an angry reaction from the king, Joab sends a Cushite to bear the message. Official messengers must be faithful in delivering the news given them to tell, even if their message is not welcome. This holds true especially for ministers of the Gospel. How blessed are the feet of those who proclaim the Gospel, who tell us that our King Jesus reigns with mercy!
Heavenly Father, give us courage to speak Your Word according to our vocation as Christians. Amen.
撒母耳记下18:19-30 亚希玛斯急着将胜利的消息带给大卫,但却没能讲出押沙龙的死。预料到了从王而来的愤怒反应,约押就差遣一位古示人带去那信息。官方的使者必须忠心递送那交托给他们要传讲的消息,既使当他们的消息不受欢迎的时候。这对福音的执事们来说尤其是正确的。那些传福音之人的脚踪是多么蒙福啊,他们将我们大君王耶稣以怜悯掌权的消息告诉给我们!

2 Samuel 18:31-33 The Cushite tactfully reveals what has happened, pointing out that Absalom was the king’s enemy and had risen up against the king for evil. Nevertheless, David is overcome with grief at the report of his son’s death. Not only does our sin bring death upon us, but it also brings death and destruction into our relationships with others and much grief to everyone around us. For all of his faults, David is described as a man after God’s own heart, never more so than when his heart went out to the son who betrayed him and sinned against him. Likewise, our Father in heaven has opened His merciful heart to us in the outstretched arms of Jesus, the Son of David.
Lord, grant us grace to rejoice in Your salvation, and to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us, that we may be merciful, even as You are merciful. Amen.
撒母耳记下18:31-33 那位古示人机智地说出了所发生的事,并且指明押沙龙是王的仇敌,曾兴起来为了邪恶的目的对付王。然而,大卫在他儿子之死的报告面前被哀伤所笼罩。我们的罪不仅将死亡带给我们,也将死亡和毁灭带进我们与他人的关系之中,还有将许多哀伤带给我们身边的每一个人。尽管有着他全部的过犯,大卫仍然被称为一位跟随上帝自己心意的人,当大卫的心为那位背叛他,攻击得罪他的儿子倾倒出来(哀哭)的时候,再没有比这更能将之显明的了。同样地,我们天上的父在耶稣,大卫之子伸开的双臂中给我们打开祂怜悯恩慈的心肠。

2 Samuel 19:1-8c David’s grief over Absalom threatens to undo all that has been accomplished on his behalf. His mourning borders on self-pity and despair, which is neither expedient nor faithful. Sometimes our sin is manifested in pride and self-righteousness, other times in despondency and defeatism. Like Joab, the Law confronts us with what we must do. But God our King speaks kindly to us. He did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all.
Dear Father in heaven, we pray “that the devil, the world, and our sinful nature may not deceive us or mislead us into false belief, despair, and other great shame and vice” (SC, Sixth Petition, p xxxviii-xxxix). Give us the victory by the death and resurrection of Your only-begotten Son. Amen.
撒母耳记下19:1-8c 大卫对押沙龙的哀悼带来危机,会使所有已经为他成就了的事毁于一旦。他的哀痛近乎自我哀怜和绝望,这既不是合宜的,也不是信实的。有时候我们的罪会是在傲慢和自我为义中出现,其它时候会是在沮丧和挫败中弥漫。正如约押那样,律法以我们必须做的事来直面我们。但上帝我们的君王恩慈地向我们说话。祂没有怜惜祂自己的儿子,却为我们众人舍了。

2 Samuel 19: 8d-15 Having won the war, David has the task of regaining the people’s support. The northern tribes of Israel are the first to call for his return to office, but David needs to negotiate Judah’s loyalty. In so doing, he shows that he does not bear grudges against those who opposed him. Today, we are tempted to manipulate the people and situations around us to our own advantage, and even to seek revenge. Remarkably, rather than seeking revenge on us, our gracious God forgives our sins for Jesus’ sake and calls us back to His service.
Lord Jesus, let not pride prevent us from doing what is good and right, nor let us make expedience our rule, but guides us by Your Word. Amen.
撒母耳记下19:8d-15 战争打胜了,大卫还要重新获取百姓的支持。首先是北方的以色列众支派来请王归回王位的,但大卫需要扳回犹大的忠诚。这样做的时候,他表明了不会存留嫉恨对付那些曾抵挡他的人。今天,我们也会受试探,来为了我们自己的益处,甚至为了报复,去操纵摆弄我们身边的人和处境。惊奇的是,我们满有恩典的上帝并没有寻求在我们身上施行报复,乃是因着耶稣的缘故赦免我们的罪,并且呼召我们归回祂的服事。

2 Samuel 19:16-43 As David retraces his steps to Jerusalem, he meets several of the same people he encountered previously. With mercy, wisdom, and generosity, David crosses over the Jordan, out of the wilderness on his way back to the royal city. In contrast to David’s willingness to forgive, there is too often jealousy and fierce anger burning in our hearts against our brothers. Thanks be to God that His heart burns instead with love and mercy for us. For He despises nothing He has made but forgives the sins of all who are penitent for Jesus’ sake.
Lord God, heavenly Father, grant to us Your Holy Spirit and the charitable heart of Your dear Son, that we may bear with one another in love. Amen.
撒母耳记下19:16-43 在大卫循着原来的路途归回耶路撒冷的时候,他见了几个他之前曾遇见的同样的人。带着怜悯,智慧和慷慨,大卫穿过约旦河,出离旷野,走在他归回圣城的路上。与大卫饶恕的意愿相对照的是,在我们的心中常常燃烧着对付我们弟兄们的嫉妒和凶狠的怒气。感谢归给上帝,祂的心却是带着爱和怜悯为我们燃烧。因为祂不鄙视祂所造的任何事物,却为着耶稣的缘故赦免所有悔改之人的罪。

2 Samuel 20 For David to return to his throne in Jerusalem, a rebellion among the northern tribes of Israel must be stopped. Though David has been humbled and brought to repentance for his sins, the shadow of rebellion and violence continues to haunt his reign. Nevertheless, by restoring David to the throne of Israel, the Lord shows His promise to raise up a Son of David, whose throne and kingdom shall be eternal. That promise is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whose incarnation, death, and resurrection win every spiritual victory.
“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited and redeemed His people and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant David” (Lk 1:68-69). Amen.
撒母耳记下20章 为了使大卫归回他在耶路撒冷的王位,北部以色列众支派中的反叛必须得到制止。尽管大卫已经被降卑,并且为着他的罪懊悔,但反叛和暴力的阴影继续萦绕着他的治理。然而,藉着使大卫恢复到以色列的王位,主耶和华显明了祂要兴起大卫之子的应许,那大卫之子的宝座和国度将是永恒的。那应许最终是在拿撒勒人耶稣基督里面成就了,祂的道成肉身,死亡和复活赢得了每一场属灵的胜利。

2 Samuel 21:1-14 Saul’s sons, whether innocent or guilty with their father, now pay the penalty for Saul’s crime. God will not allow sin to go unpunished, though His justice sometimes does not make sense to us. The apparent innocence of the seven from Saul’s house, who were hanged on a mount before the Lord as an act of atonement for Saul’s sin, brings into sharp focus the all-atoning sacrifice of Christ, the Son of God, who was crucified on Mount Calvary for all the sins of the world. Not just any man’s death would propitiate God; only the death of God’s Son could bring salvation.
Father, thank You for sending Your holy Son to atone for our sins and win salvation for us. Amen.
撒母耳记下21:1-14 扫罗的儿子们,无论是无辜的或是与他们父亲一样是有罪的,如今要为扫罗的罪行付上代价。尽管祂的公正审判有时候对我们来说难以理解,但上帝不会允许罪不受惩治的。扫罗家室中的那七个人,在主耶和华面前被悬挂在一座山上,是作为对扫罗罪行赎罪的一个行动,他们明显的无辜使得上帝儿子,基督的完全赎罪祭得到强烈的聚焦,祂为所有世人的罪被钉死在各各他山上。并不是任何人的死亡都可以使上帝息怒的;只有上帝儿子的死能够带来救恩。

2 Samuel 21:15-22 Despite the attack of Philistine giants and armies, David and the armies of Israel are victorious. Due to his old age, David will no longer go out to battle with his troops. Baptized believers in this world will always face warfare with the devil, the world, and the evil desires of the flesh. But God supplies His Holy Spirit for the battle, and He has already won the war through the cross of Christ.
“Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word; Curb those who by deceit or sword Would wrest the kingdom from Your Son and bring to naught all He has done.” Amen. (LSB 655:1)
撒母耳记下21:15-22 尽管有着非利士伟人和军队的攻击,但大卫和以色列的军队是得胜的。由于他的年纪大了,大卫就不再出去随同他的军队一同作战。受了洗的信徒在这个世界上总是要面对与魔鬼,世界和肉体邪情私欲的争战。但上帝因为那争战就赐下祂的圣灵,祂已经藉着基督的十字架赢得了那战争。

2 Samuel 22 In this song, David acknowledges that God Almighty trained him for war, provided him with weapons of war, fought for him, and gained for him the victory. Whatever good is in us is God’s gift alone. Likewise, forgiveness of our sins and victory over our spiritual enemies are purely His gifts.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with David I praise You for delivering me from the power of evil. Amen.
撒母耳记下22章 在这首歌中,大卫称颂全能的上帝教导他能以争战,为他提供争战的武器,为他打仗,并且为他赢得胜利。在我们里面的任何良善单单是上帝的恩赐。我们罪的赦免和对我们属灵仇敌的得胜都单单是祂的礼物。

2 Samuel 23:1-7 Inspired by the Holy Spirit, David speaks forth his last will and testament, prophesying of God’s eternal covenant, which would be fulfilled in the kingdom of Christ. In fact, all the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures are inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is God’s Word, and we cannot set it aside. In this Word, God sets forth His covenant of grace, an eternal covenant in which Christ rules us, justifies us, and brings us to eternal life.
O Spirit of the Lord, O God of Israel, O Rock of Israel, most Holy Trinity, rule us, save us, and bring us into Your heavenly kingdom. Amen.
撒母耳记下23:1-7 受圣灵的感动,大卫说出他最后的意愿和见证,预言着上帝的永恒之约,就是那将会在基督国度里面成就了的。事实上,所有先知和使徒的话(圣经)都是圣灵所默示的。圣经就是上帝的话语,我们不能置之不顾。在这圣道之中,上帝摆设了祂恩典的盟约,就是一个永恒的约,在其中,基督要治理我们,称我们为义,并且将我们带到永生里。

2 Samuel 23:8-39 Though David certainly makes honorable mention of those who fought bravely alongside him, the faithfulness and loyalty of a warrior seems to be the deciding factor in whether he is included in David’s list of mighty men. Joab, a general perceived as disloyal, is excluded from the list. In Heb 11, faith is the qualification for being included on the list. The saints in Heb 11 lived “by faith,” believing God’s Son would ransom them from bondage to hell and death.
Father, through faith in Christ, make me one of Your mighty saints. Amen.
撒母耳记下23:8-39 尽管大卫确实尊荣地提及那些与他曾一同勇敢作战的人,但一个战士的信实和忠诚看起来是那个决定性因素,就是决定他是否被列入大卫勇士们的名单中。约押,一位被看为不忠诚的将军,是被排除在名单之外的。在希伯来书11章中,信心是被列在名单上的资格。希伯来书11章的圣徒们是“凭信”而活,相信上帝的儿子会救赎他们脱离阴间和死亡的枷锁。

2 Samuel 24 David’s obsession with numbers and statistical strength does not belong in matters of faith. God did not command this census, so He punishes Israel because of it. The temptation to apply worldly strategies in matters of faith is great but should be resisted. Yet, pestilence led to David’s repentance, repentance led to sacrifice, and sacrifice led to the temple—the place of God’s mercy on earth. Likewise, Christ’s cross was a sacrifice to appease God’s wrath, which now has resulted in the place of God’s mercy on earth: the means of grace in the Holy Christian Church.
“Lamb of God, pure and holy, Who on the cross didst suffer, Ever patient and lowly, Thyself to scorn didst offer. All sins Thou borest for us, Else had despair reigned o’er us: Have mercy on us, O Jesus!” Amen. (LSB 434:1)
撒母耳记下24章 大卫对人数和数据优势的着迷不符合信心的事情。上帝并未吩咐这次数点人数,所以祂就因此惩罚以色列。想要运用世界的策略在信心之事上的试探是大的,但应当得到抑制。然而,瘟疫引向大卫的悔改,悔改引向献祭,献祭引向圣殿—就是上帝的怜悯在人间的居所。同样地,基督的十字架就是要平息上帝愤怒的赎罪祭,就是如今在上帝的怜悯于人间的居所中成就的:那在圣基督教会中的恩典媒介。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2017年05月10日


1 King 1:1-4 Opening 1Ki is the account of the last days of King David. The conclusion of David’s great reign and epic life reminds us of the mortality of all people, for all are sinners and must die. Yet through the Messiah—great David’s greater Son—we have hope and confidence beyond this life to the glories of heaven.
Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the inspired, inerrant, and authoritative books of Scripture. Guide us as we read Your Word to find therein Your priceless promises through the Messiah, in whose name we pray. Amen.
列王记上1:1-4 列王记上的开篇是在描述大卫王最后的日子。大卫伟大王治和辉煌人生的结尾提醒我们所有人的必死性,因为人人都是罪人,并且必须死。然而藉着弥撒亚—伟人大卫的更伟大儿子—我们有超越今生的盼望和信心,直到天国的荣耀里。

1 King 1:5-10 Even before David’s death, a rivalry between two of his sons develops, as Adonijah prepares to take over the reign. Sin and greed lead to dissension—that has not changed. How ugly to witness family rivalry over an inheritance (cf Lk 12:13-15), which is precisely the matter here, especially addressed by the Ninth Commandment. Pray that your family avoids such temptations and plans well for peace. Because of Christ, we are able to forgive one another and live peaceably in His generous heritage of grace.
Lord God, keep me from jealousy and strife. Lead me to trust Your will for my life. In the Savior’s name, I pray. Amen.
列王记上1:5-10 甚至在大卫死之前,他其中两个儿子之间的争竞就发展起来,亚多尼雅正预备要夺取王位。罪和贪婪引向纷争—那仍然没有改变。看见亲人之间为了产业而争竞(参 路12:13-15众人中有一个人对耶稣说:「夫子!请你吩咐我的兄长和我分开家业。」耶稣说:「你这个人!谁立我作你们断事的官,给你们分家业呢?」 於是对众人说:「你们要谨慎自守,免去一切的贪心,因为人的生命不在乎家道丰富。」)是多么丑陋啊,这恰恰是这里所发生的,第九诫命中有特别论到此事。祈求你的家人会避免这类的试探,并且为了和睦的缘故筹划好。因着基督,我们能够彼此饶恕,并且在祂慷慨的恩典遗产中和睦相处。

1 King 1:11-27 Intrigue increase with word of Adonijah’s maneuvers to gain the throne. Nathan shows proper reserve, stating facts and asking the king what his intentions are. When stakes are high, we may feel the urgency to rob others of their decisions. However, God would have us honor the calling of others by assisting them with facts and good counsel. The Word of His prophets is ever ready to counsel and encourage us in the way of peace, indeed, in the way of life everlasting.
Almighty God, our times are in Your hands. Lead us to use our time on earth wisely, as we live for Him who died for us. Amen.
列王记上1:11-27 密谋与亚多尼雅为要获取王位而召集众人的消息一起加增,。拿单展示出恰当的矜持,陈述事实,并且询问王他的意思是什么。当风险高危的时候,我们可能感到事情的迫切性,就去抢夺他人的决定。然而,上帝意愿我们藉着用事实和好的建议来帮助他人,尊荣他们的职份呼召。祂众先知的话语时常预备好了,要引导和鼓励我们走在平安的路上,确实地,走在永生的道路上。

1 King 1:28-53 Informed of Adonijah’s intentions, David declares that Solomon is to succeed him as king according to God’s purposes. Human scheming cannot overthrow God’s plans. This is a warning to all who think they can defy the Almighty, but it is also a great comfort to us whose lives and futures are in the hands of the merciful and gracious God.
Lord God Almighty, I thank You for Your guidance of my life, assuring me that in Your Son, Jesus, You are reigning for my good, both now and eternally. Amen.
列王记上1:28-53 知道亚多尼雅的意图之后,大卫就宣告所罗门要依照上帝的旨意接续他作王。人的计谋不能压倒上帝的计划。这是对所有那些认为他们能对抗全能者之人的一个警告,但也是给我们的一个巨大安慰,我们的性命和未来是在那位满有怜悯和恩惠之上帝的手中。

1 King 2:1-9 Before dying, King David charges his son Solomon with the responsibilities of kingship. He rightly commends God’s Word as the basis of good judgment and leadership. David’s dying example of concern for his son Solomon, and the kingdom over which he would reign, encourages us in Christlike love and service to our families and others. In His death, Christ supplied fully for our life and peaceable service in His kingdom.
Father in heaven, through life and in the hour of death, keep my eyes set on my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
列王记上2:1-9 临死之前,大卫王将君王的责任交托给他的儿子所罗门。他正确地将上帝的话语奉为好的判断和领导力的基石。大卫对他儿子所罗门以及他要治理的国度的关切之临终榜样,鼓励我们要对我们的亲人和其他人有着基督般的爱和服侍。在祂的死亡当中,基督丰盛地供应了我们的生命和在祂国度中的和平服事。

1 King 2:10-12 The Bible reminds us that even great kings are mortal and die. Scripture’s use of the term “sleep” for death—especially when applied to believers—is a wonderful reminder that we shall awaken from death to life with God in heaven, through the sufferings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
God of our fathers, we thank You for all Your blessings. You daily and richly shower us with goodness through Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
列王记上2:10-12 圣经提醒我们,既使伟大的君王也是会朽坏,要死的。圣经有用“睡去”这个词来描述死亡—特别是当应用到信徒身上的时候—这是一个美好的提醒,就是我们要藉着耶稣基督的受苦,死亡和复活,必会从死亡中苏醒过来,得到那在天上与上帝同在的生命。

1 King 2:13-46 Though a man of peace, Solomon oversees the deaths of his political enemies. Scripture does not absolutely approve of Solomon’s motives in these cases but does affirm his right and responsibility to govern. God wants us to respect the earthly government under which we live, recognizing that we serve a higher King and are citizens of an everlasting kingdom, that of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Let me be Thine forever, My faithful God and Lord; Let me forsake Thee never Nor wander from Thy Word. Amen. (LSB 689:1)
列王记上2:13-46 所罗门尽管是一个和平的人,但他指使他政敌们的死亡。圣经并未完全认可所罗门在这些案件中的动机,但的确肯定了他统治的权利和责任。上帝想要我们尊重世俗政府,就是我们生活在其下的,知道我们是服事一位更高的君王,是永恒国度的公民,那国度就是我们主救主耶稣基督的。

1 King 3:1-15 In return for Solomon’s selfless request for wisdom, God blesses him, not only with wisdom, but also with riches and honor. May we, like Solomon, recognize that we do not deserve the wonderful opportunities God gives us. Because of our human limitations, we are unable to perfectly fulfill the challenges we face. Yet, in Christ, we have forgiveness; we are a new creation and can do all things through Him who gives us strength and wisdom.
O Lord God, do not forsake me in my life of service, lest I bring it all to ruin. May Your Word, my constant companion, give me strength and wisdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
列王记上3:1-15 回应所罗门对智慧的无私请求,上帝祝福了他,不仅是用智慧,也用财富和尊荣。愿我们,像所罗门一样,认识到我们并不配得上帝所赐给我们的美好机遇。因为我们人的有限,我们不能完美地成就我们所担负的重任。然而,在基督里,我们有赦罪恩典;我们就是新造的人,藉着那位赐给我们力量和智慧的祂,能行万事。

1 King 3:16-28 Solomon’s legendary wisdom is evident in his dealing with the two prostitutes who claim to have given birth to the same living child. True wisdom consists of far more than acquiring facts and information. Rather, it is godly wisdom to declare our sinfulness and need for a Savior, and to see in Jesus the One who meets all our needs.
Omniscient Lord, wisdom’s highest treasure resides in Your Son, who is the very Wisdom of God. Guide me constantly to serve You faithfully. Amen.
列王记上3:16-28 两位妓女都宣称自己生了那同一个活着的孩子,所罗门在办理这案件中彰显了他传奇般的智慧。真正的智慧还远远不止于收集事实和信息。更确切地说,敬虔的智慧就是承认我们的罪和对一位救赎主的需要,并且在耶稣里看见能够满足我们所有需要的那位。

1 King 4:1-19 This list of Solomon’s officials, among whom he lived and worked, demonstrates the breadth of his wise rule. Today, the people among whom we work are important to us and to the Lord, who supplies us also companions for serving our nation and His kingdom. We are priceless to Him, and our names are recorded in the Book of Life through Jesus’ work on our behalf.
Thank You, Holy Trinity, for the priceless insights of Your Holy Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
列王记上4:1-19 与所罗门一同生活和工作的官员名单,展示出他智慧治理的广度。今天,与我们一起工作的人对我们和对主耶和华来说都是重要的,他们也是我们服侍我们国家和上帝国度的伙伴。我们对上帝来说是无价的,我们的名字藉着耶稣为我们所做的工作,被记在生命册上。

1 King 4:20-34 This was a fleeting, golden time in Israel’s history. The wealth Solomon enjoyed was a gift from the gracious God. Because of God’s great and undeserved love for us, we enjoy countless blessings in this life, including the certainty of priceless joys and blessings awaiting us in heaven.
Almighty God, thank You for the countless blessings You shower upon us without any merit or worthiness in us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
列王记上4:20-34 这是以色列历史上一个短暂的黄金时期。所罗门享受到的财富是从满有恩典的上帝而来的礼物。因着上帝给我们的丰盛和不配得的慈爱,我们得享这生命中数不完的祝福,也包括那等候我们在天上的至珍喜乐和祝福的确据。

1 King 5 Solomon, whose name means “peace,” prepares international treaties with Hiram of Tyre in order to build the temple. The Lord calls us to live in peace and to trade with others, even those who do not share our faith. Such peaceful relations are a blessing, but they are small when compared with the blessings of the holy temple. Though Solomon’s temple is no more, God hallows us as His holy temple in Baptism. He has brought us to a saving faith in Jesus. The Holy Spirit dwells within our hearts, and we daily strive to honor our gracious God in all we think, do, and say.
Holy Spirit, dwell within this heart of mine; strengthen my faith in Jesus, my Savior. Amen.
列王记上5章 所罗门,这名字的意思是“和平,”为了建殿就与推罗的希兰王达成国际协议。主耶和华呼召我们要生活在与他人的和睦当中,并且可以与他们做贸易来往,包括那些甚至不和我们有同一信仰的人。这样的和睦关系是一个祝福,但与圣殿的祝福比较起来,这些祝福是小的。尽管所罗门的圣殿不在了,但上帝在圣洗礼中分别我们为祂圣洁的殿。祂带领我们来得着在基督里得救的信心。圣灵在我们心中居住,我们每日努力在我们所思,所行和所言的一切事中尊荣我们满有恩典的上帝。

1 King 6 Specific dates (e.g. 480 years after the Israelites came out of Egypt), measurements (60 cubits long), and descriptions (cherubim of olivewood) lend gravity to this description of the seven years it takes to build the temple. With what care and dedication Solomon builds! The Lord calls us to show equal concern for the house of worship in which we gather. It is, after all, a reflection of our devotion to the Lord, His Word, and His work. His dedication to us appeared in Solomon’s descendant Jesus, whose body as a holy temple secured our salvation.
Lord of hosts, forgive our sins, and enable us to serve You and work with our neighbors. Through Jesus’ name. Amen.
列王记上6章 具体的日期(比如:以色列人出离埃及后的480年),尺寸(60肘长),和描述(橄榄木作的基路伯)都给这建殿所花费的7年的描述增添了分量。所罗门是带着何等的心思和委身来建造的啊!主耶和华呼召我们要为着我们在其中聚会的敬拜居所表达同样的负担。终究,它是我们对主耶和华,祂话语和祂工作委身的一个反映。祂对我们的委身显现在所罗门的后裔耶稣里面,耶稣的身体作为圣殿确保了我们的救赎。

1 King 7:1-12 Solomon’s house takes almost twice as long to build (13 years) as does the temple, an ominous foreshadowing of Solomon’s shifting priorities. Too often, we neglect the things of God in favor of personal interests. Though the Lord would not have us ignore our home and comforts, He bids us to use all we have for the glory of His name, dedicating ourselves and all to the the Architect of heaven. May God for Jesus’ sake refocus our attention on spiritual matters and glorify the great gift of salvation among us!
Triune God, we come to You for forgiveness and renewal in Christ. May we praise Your name in all we do and say. Amen.
列王记上7:1-12 所罗门王宫建造所花的时间(13年)几乎是圣殿所用的两倍,这是所罗门重心位置转移的不祥预兆。太常发生的是,我们为了个人的利益而忽略上帝的事情。尽管主耶和华不愿我们忽略我们的居所和舒适,但祂也吩咐我们要为着祂名的荣耀来使用我们所拥有的一切,将我们自己和所有的一切都奉献给天国的建筑师(上帝)。愿上帝因着耶稣的缘故将我们的注意力重新聚焦在属灵的事物上,并且尊荣那在我们中间丰盛救恩的礼物!

1 King 7:13-51 The inspired account details the temple’s furnishings, indicating the care given to honor this beautiful place of worship. Solomon’s magnificent temple with its furnishings, especially those relating to the sacrificial system, point to the coming Savior. Through Jesus’ blood and merit, all our sins are washed away. Through the Savior’s long-promised sacrifice, forgiveness, life and eternal salvation are ours. Thanks be to God!
Savior of the nations, dwell in my heart, and make it a temple set apart for loving service to You. Amen.
列王记上7:13-51 这默示下来的记载为圣殿的妆饰给出具体细节,也象征着那花费的心思,来尊荣这用于敬拜的美好居所。所罗门辉煌的圣殿,连带它的装饰物件,特别是那些与献祭制度相关联的,都指向那位将要来的救赎主。藉着耶稣的宝血和功德,所有我们的罪都得以洗去。藉着那位救赎主早已应许了的赎罪祭,赦罪、生命和永恒救恩都是我们的了。感谢归给上帝!

1 King 8:1-11 When the Levites bring the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem, the cloud filling the Lord’s house is nothing less than God’s awesome presence—His glory. God’s presence reminds us of our unworthiness before Him. Yet it also announces His hallowing presence among us to cleanse us in His Son, Jesus.
Lord, I thank You for having shown Your glory, not only by Your presence in the temple of Jerusalem, but also especially in the person of Your Son, the Savior. Amen.
列王记上8:1-11 当利未人将约柜带进耶路撒冷的时候,有云充满耶和华的殿,这云可以与上帝令人敬畏的临在—祂的荣光相媲美。上帝的临在提醒我们:我们在祂面前的不配。然而它也宣告着祂在我们中间分别为圣的临在,来在祂的儿子耶稣里面洁净我们。

1 King 8:12-21 Solomon recalls how the Lord had graciously kept His promises to His people. We, too, can look to the certainty of His promises. They declare God’s Law (promises to punish sin and disobedience) and His Gospel (promises of deliverance, mercy, and forgiveness in Christ).
Lord God, heavenly Father, I come before You with a deep sense of unworthiness, yet I also trust fully in Your gracious promises of forgiveness in Jesus. Amen.
列王记上8:12-21 所罗门重述主耶和华曾如何满有恩典地保守祂给祂子民的应许。我们,也,可以仰望祂应许的确实。它们宣告着上帝的律法(要惩罚罪恶和悖逆的应许)和祂的福音(在基督里面拯救,怜悯和赦罪的应许)。

1 King 8:22-53 Solomon’s lengthy prayer at the temple’s dedication is a model of devotion to God and reliance on the Lord. Although God dwells in heaven, He has chosen to come and bless His people with His presence. God recognizes our weakness; in Solomon’s words, “there is no one who does not sin” (v 46). God also mercifully hears our prayers for help, comes to us, and delivers us by His great power and love.
Merciful Father, You have chosen to come among us and bless us with the priceless gifts of faith, hope, and love. For this we thank and praise You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
列王记上8:22-53 所罗门在圣殿奉献时所作的长篇祷告是对上帝委身和对主耶和华倚赖的榜样。尽管上帝居住在天上,但祂选择来用祂的临在祝福祂的百姓。上帝知晓我们的软弱;用所罗门的话,“世上没有不犯罪的人”(46节)。上帝也满有怜悯地垂听我们呼求帮助的祷告,来亲近我们,并且凭着祂伟大的权能和慈爱来拯救我们。

1 King 8:54-61 Solomon turns to bless the people, recalling God’s gracious help in the past and His greatness: “the LORD is God; there is no other” (v 60). Like Solomon, we have every reason to bless the Lord. We dedicate ourselves so that our hearts may “be wholly true to the LORD our God” (v 61) and that we may share the Good News of Jesus “that all the peoples of the earth may know” the Lord (v 60). For He has forgiven and renewed us by grace.
Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—there is none like You. Lead me always to honor You with all I do and say. I pray in Your saving name. Amen.
列王记上8:54-61 所罗门转过来祝福百姓,重述上帝在过去满有恩典的帮助和祂的伟大:“耶和华是神,并无别神”(60节)。像所罗门一样,我们也有各样理由来颂赞主耶和华。我们将我们自己奉献上,好叫我们的心可以“向主耶和华我们的神完全诚实”(61节)并且我们可以分享耶稣的好消息:“使地上的万民都知道”主耶和华(60节)。因为祂已经出于恩典赦免和更新了我们。

1 King 8:62-66 The solemn dedication of the temple ends with the awesome sacrifice of thousands of animals and with a feast celebrated by the entire nation of Israel. The thousands of sacrifices at the temple prefigure the one sacrifice when Jesus Christ, the great High Priest, offered His life for the sins of the world. We offer our lives as living sacrifices for our Lord and Savior, having received the priceless gift of salvation through Him.
Loving Savior, thousand, thousand thanks are Yours for the great sacrifice You made on the cross for the sins of the world. Amen.
列王记上8:62-66 圣殿庄严的奉献礼以成千上万只动物的祭祀和一场由整个以色列国民欢庆的圣筵结束。在圣殿的成千上万只祭物预表着那一个赎罪祭,就是耶稣基督,那至高的大祭司,为世人的罪将祂的生命所献上的。藉着祂,我们已经在领受那无价的救恩礼物,所以我们将我们的生命献上作为活祭,给我们的主救主。

1 King 9:1-9 God appears to Solomon a second time to emphasize the promises and the demands of the covenant with David’s house. God’s promises of blessing and threats of powerful judgment proclaim the Law and the Gospel. The Law and Gospel still apply to us today. The Law calls us to repentance and faithfulness; the Gospel calls us to true faith, blessing, and comfort for now and for eternity.
Lord, keep us from turning away from You and from bringing judgment upon ourselves. Forgive our sins, renew us, and strengthen us for a life of service. In the Savior’s name. Amen.
列王记上9:1-9 上帝第二次向所罗门显现,强调与大卫家室所立之约的应许和要求。上帝祝福的应许和严厉审判的威胁宣扬着律法和福音。律法和福音在今天仍然适用于我们。律法呼召我们朝向悔改和信实;福音呼召我们朝向真信心,祝福和安慰,今世及来生的。

1 King 9:10-28 Hiram feels cheated in his agreement with Solomon, and the king’s glorious building projects include forced labor. The record of Solomon’s acts are a mixture of faithful service to God and sinful greed and self-service. Our lives, too, are a record of sin along with our attempts to serve the Lord. That is why we daily need renewal at the cross of Jesus, in whom we are a new creation, dedicated to godly service.
Lord of the nations, teach us to place our trust not in earthly governments and rulers, but in Your perfect power and love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
列王记上9:10-28 希兰在他与所罗门所立的合同中感到被欺骗了,王辉煌的建筑工程含有被强迫的苦工。所罗门的行事记载是对上帝忠心服侍和有罪贪婪以及服侍自我的一个混合。我们的生命,也是我们努力服事主并且夹杂着罪的记录。那是为什么我们每日需要在耶稣十字架旁的更新,在祂里面我们是新造的人,得以奉献给敬虔的服侍。

1 King 10:1-13 The queen of Sheba’s legendary visit to Jerusalem shows the widespread fame of Solomon’s wisdom. Not only does God bless Solomon with great wisdom, but He also blesses him with a great reputation. May we humbly recognize that the blessings we enjoy—including earthly prosperity and a good name—come to us by God’s undeserved grace in His Son, Jesus.
Everlasting King, teach me to lean not on my own understanding but on the wisdom that abounds in Your Holy Word. For the sake of Jesus, God’s very wisdom, we pray. Amen.
列王记上10:1-13 示巴女王对耶路撒冷传奇般的拜访显示了所罗门智慧的声名远扬。上帝不仅用丰盛的智慧祝福所罗门,而且祂也以美好的名声来祝福他。愿我们谦卑地认识到我们所享受的祝福—包括属世的昌盛和好名声—是因着上帝在祂儿子耶稣里面那不配得的恩典临到我们的。

1 King 10:14-29 Solomon’s fabulous wealth matches his great wisdom; he “excelled all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom” (v 23). We often complain about not having enough of this world’s goods, yet God daily and richly forgives us and continues to shower material blessings upon us. How great is His undeserved goodness! Such is His great love toward us in Christ—becoming poor, that we might be rich.
Almighty Lord, Ruler of earth and sea, all things on earth are Yours. We praise You for Your all-surpassing greatness. Amen.
列王记上10:14-29 所罗门极多的财富与他丰富的智慧相匹配;他“ 的财宝与智慧胜过天下的列王”(23节)。我们经常抱怨没有足够的属世财物,然而上帝每日多多赦免我们,并且继续向我们倾倒物质上的祝福。祂那我们不配得的良善是多么丰盛啊!就是祂在基督里向我们所施行的丰盛慈爱—祂成为贫穷,好叫我们可以得丰富。

1 King 11:1-8 The great tragedy of Solomon’s reign is that, having married many foreign women and taken hundreds of concubines, he turns from the Lord to worship his wives’ idols. The tragic fall of Solomon is a warning to believers throughout all ages. If someone so wise and good as Solomon can turn from the Lord, how easily the same thing can happen to us! With a deep sense of humility, we say, “There but for the grace of God go I.” Thanks be to God that He blesses us with faithful spouses and dear families hallowed by His grace.
Lord Jesus, Savior dear, be my guide through life, lest I lost the way. Be my hope and comfort also in the hour of death. Amen.
列王记上11:1-8 所罗门作王时的巨大悲剧是,娶了许多外邦女子为妻,还有妃嫔成百上千,他也因此转离主耶和华去敬拜他妻子们的偶像。所罗门悲剧性的堕落也是对所有世代信徒的一个警告。如果像所罗门这样如此智慧和良善的人还能转离主耶和华,那么同样的事会多么轻易在我们身上发生啊!带着深刻的谦卑,我们说,“若非上帝的恩典,我也会落到如此地步。”感谢归给上帝,祂出于祂的恩典将忠心的配偶和亲爱的家人分别为圣,并以此祝福我们。

1 King 11:9-43 The closing years of Solomon’s reign are troubled as the Lord foretells the division of the kingdom and raises up adversaries to Solomon (e.g., Jeroboam). We dare never take God’s grace lightly, thinking we can sin without consequences. May God the Holy Spirit always keep us focused on our Savior through Word and Sacraments. Jesus did not take us for granted; He saved us with precious grace.
Blest Savior dear, be always near. Keep me from evil, harm, and fear. Amen.
列王记上11:9-43 所罗门作王的最后年月常遭忧患,主耶和华预告了王国的分裂,并且祂要给所罗门兴起敌人(比如:耶罗波安)。我们永远不敢轻慢上帝的恩典,以为我们能犯罪却不用承担后果。愿圣灵上帝总是藉着圣道和圣礼保守我们专注在我们的救赎主身上。耶稣并未随意待我们;祂乃是以宝贵的恩典拯救了我们。

1 King 12:1-15 Solomon’s son Rehoboam foolishly alienates many of the people by laying on them a heavier burden of hard labor than his father had. Rehoboam’s arrogance is a warning. When we shut our minds and hearts to the advice of others—and especially to God’s inspired Word—we invite disaster. Our greatest asset in life’s struggle is God’s Word for wisdom, forgiveness, and renewal in Christ.
Mighty Judge, we come before You with deep awe. Spare us unworthy sinners from the judgment we so justly deserve. In our Savior’s name we ask this. Amen.
列王记上12:1-15 所罗门的儿子罗波安将更重的苦工担子加在百姓身上,比他的父亲还甚,就因此愚昧地疏远了许多百姓。罗波安的傲慢是一个警告。当我们对他人的建议—特对是对上帝默示下来的圣道封闭我们的头脑和心思的时候,—我们是在招引祸患。我们生命患难中最大的资产是上帝的道,为在基督里得智慧,赦免,以及更新。

1 King 12:16-24 Rehoboam’s foolish and sinful attitude divides the kingdom, making Jeroboam king of the northern tribes. When the leaders of the new Israel, the Church, turn from God’s guidance, they invite calamity and ruin. The great Lord of history uses past examples to work repentance in us. He breaks into history, applying mercy through our gracious Savior.
Lord of heavenly hosts, You hold the nations as but dust upon the scales. I trust in Your almighty power. In the Savior’s name, I bring before You all my needs. Amen.
列王记上12:16-24 罗波安愚昧且有罪的态度造成王国分裂,使得耶罗波安成为北部众支派的王。当新以色列,即教会的领袖们,转离上帝的引导之时,他们就招来不幸和毁灭。历史的至高上主使用过去的例子来在我们里面生发懊悔。祂闯进历史,藉着我们满有恩典的救主来施行怜悯。

1 King 12:25-33 Jeroboam sets up rival worship. By making golden calves and temples for the practice of idolatrous religion, he leads the people into sin. Today, we need to be aware of the subtle giving of our hearts to the idols of false religions, materialism, pleasure, and self-centeredness. The Lord turns us away from these traps and leads us to the worship of the true God, our Savior, who created the heavens and the earth.
Lord of history, through the study of Your Holy Word enable us to learn all that You would teach us. Give us godly wisdom to avoid the errors of the past and follow what is good and right. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
列王记上12:25-33 耶罗波安设立竞争性的敬拜。为了偶像崇拜的宗教操练,他造出金牛犊和殿宇,也因此带领百姓陷入罪中。今天,我们也必须警惕我们心里上,对虚假宗教的偶像,物质主义,享乐以及自我中心的任何微小的倾斜。主耶和华使我们转离这些陷阱,并引导我们来敬拜那独一真上帝,我们的救赎主,祂创造了天和地。

1 King 13:1-10 A man of God from Judah confronts King Jeroboam. Following the example of the bold men and women of God in ancient times, we can proclaim God’s Law as we speak out against sin. He gives us the healing Gospel of forgiveness in Jesus, which we share with all who are weighed down by sin and guilt.
Father in heaven, convicted of sin by Your Holy Law, I come to You for the sweet forgiveness promised in the Gospel of Jesus, Your Son, my Savior. Amen.
列王记上13:1-10 从犹大来的一位神人当面指责耶罗波安。追随上帝古时那些大胆男人和女人的例子,我们能够宣扬上帝的律法,向着罪发声。祂赐给我们在耶稣里赦罪恩典的医治福音,我们可以将之分享给所有被罪和愧疚所压垮的人。

1 King 13:11-34 An old prophet leads a man of God into sin. Meanwhile, King Jeroboam “did not turn from his evil way” (v 33). The history of God’s chosen people gives numerous examples of people hardening their hearts against the truth of God’s Word. The Lord who calls us to faith must likewise keep us in the faith, which He does through daily repentance and His means of grace.
Omniscient God, You know my heart. Cleanse me from all deceit and self-righteousness. Fill me with faith and the righteousness that is mine in Jesus Christ. Amen.
列王记上13:11-34 一位老先知引领一位神人陷入罪中。同时,耶罗波安王“仍不离开他的恶道”(33节)。人使自己的心刚硬抵挡上帝话语的真理,上帝选民的历史给出无数个例子。那位呼召我们到信心中的主耶和华,必会同样地保守我们在这真信仰里,祂藉着每日的悔改和祂恩典的媒介来成就此事。

1 King 14:1-18 The prophet Ahijah foretells that Jeroboam’s dynasty will come to an end. God brings punishment on those who go against His Word and who refuse to repent of their evil ways. This message is related repeatedly in the history of Israel’s kings. But what also is related through this sacred history is God’s patience with His people, whom He planned to save by the righteous reign of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Gracious Lord, we pray that in Your mercy, You always keep us close to You and Your Word, never cut off but forever bound in faith. In the Savior’s name we ask this. Amen.
列王记上14:1-18 先知亚希雅预言耶罗波安的王朝必要终结。上帝降罚在那些抵挡祂的道,拒绝为他们的恶道悔改的人身上。这信息在以色列君王的历史中不断地被提及。但贯穿这神圣的历史也被提及的是,上帝对祂百姓的忍耐,祂计划要藉着祂儿子耶稣基督的公义治理来拯救祂的百姓。

1 King 14:19-20 Jeroboam’s reign marks the beginning of a line of kings who will continue to lead the people of Israel astray. Because of sin, death has entered our world. The constant reminder of this fact in Scripture and in the world around us should lead us to look to the solution, to Jesus, the Savior whose coming was promised in the OT and recorded in the NT.
King of kings, You rule over the mighty of this world; You are the Lord of life and death. When I pass from this life, let me fall asleep in Jesus, and when He returns awaken to the joys of heaven. Amen.
列王记上14:19-20 耶罗波安的掌权标志着一连串将会继续带领以色列百姓走迷的君王的开始。因着罪,死亡已经进入我们的世界。在圣经里面以及环绕我们的世界中对这个事实的不断提醒,引导我们仰望那解药,仰望耶稣,那位救赎主,祂的到来曾在旧约中被应许并且在新约中被记载下来。

1 King 14:21-31 Idolatry marks Rehoboam’s reign, even though he does not promote it as Jeroboam does in Israel. Sin and rebellion against God are not limited by politics or geography. No one is immune from God’s judgment. Pray that God in His mercy will forgive and spare the new Israel, the Church, for the sake of Jesus, the Savior. His faithful reign extends to all people.
Lord God almighty, send Your Holy Spirit to enlighten and strengthen us, that we may not fall into sin and unbelief. In the Savior’s name we pray. Amen.
列王记上14:21-31 罗波安作王有偶像崇拜的特征,既使他不像耶罗波安在以色列所做的那样去推行它。犯罪和悖逆上帝并不受政治或地域的限制。没有人可以免受上帝的审判。祷告愿上帝在祂的怜悯中因着耶稣救赎主的缘故赦免饶恕那新以色列,即教会。祂信实的治理恩济万民。

1 King 15:1-8 Rehoboam’s son Abijam reigns for only three years, but it is long enough for him to follow in his father’s sinful footsteps. The example that parents set greatly influences their children. Our example for the next generation influences whether they will walk “in all the sins” of their forefathers or whether their hearts may be “wholly true to the LORD” (v 3). Thanks be to Jesus! He not only set an example for us but also assured our rescue by declaring us God’s children through Holy Baptism.
Tender Savior, guard and protect us always; help us to pass Your Saving Word on to the next generation, that our children and their children may grow up to know You and sing Your praises. Amen.
列王记上15:1-8 罗波安的儿子亚比央作王只有三年,但有足够时间让他效仿他父亲罪恶的行径。父母所设立的榜样会在很大程度上影响他们的儿女。我们给下一代人的榜样会影响他们是否行走在他们父辈的“一切恶中”,或者他们的心是否“诚诚实实地顺服耶和华”(3节)。感谢归给耶稣!祂不仅为我们设立了一个榜样,并且也藉着圣洗礼宣告我们为上帝的儿女,保证了我们的拯救。

1 King 15:9-24 Asa breaks the pattern of wickedness and “did what was right in the eyes of the LORD” (v 11), though the idolatrous high places remain. The Bible does not teach fatalism. Despite the sins of one generation, the Lord can raise up the next in the right way. Take heart! The Lord intercedes in history. He intercedes in our lives by His gracious Word.
Loving Shepherd, You guide us through this world. Please bless this land with godly leaders who trust in You and follow Your Word. Amen.
列王记上15:9-24 亚撒打破了邪恶的范式,“行耶和华眼中看为正的事”(11节),尽管拜偶像的高地仍然存在。圣经并未教导宿命论。尽管一代人有罪,但主耶和华能兴起下一代走在正路上。振作起来!主耶和华在历史中介入。祂藉着祂满有恩典的圣道介入到我们的生命中。

1 King 15:25-32 Switching from Judah to Nadab’s reign in the Northern Kingdom, we learn that Nadab, like all the other Israelite kings, “did what was evil the sight of the LORD” (v 26). The pattern of wicked leadership became entrenched in Israel. Evil is working for such entrenchment still today. Through the Word, the Lord equips us to stand against wickedness in our times and in our land. Likewise, through the means of grace, He brings forgiveness and life to us anew each day.
Lord God heavenly Father, guard us from wickedness in high places. Defend Your people who daily call upon Your saving name. Amen.
列王记上15:25-32 从犹大切换到北国拿答的称王,我们了解到拿答像所有其他以色列王一样,“行耶和华眼中看为恶的事”(26节)。邪恶领袖的范式变得深植于以色列。魔鬼今天也仍在挖掘这样的堑壕。藉着圣道,主耶和华装备我们站起来对付我们这个时代在我们土地上的邪恶。同样地,藉着恩典的媒介,祂将赦罪恩典和生命带给我们,每一天都是新的。

1 King 15:33-16:7 Because of the evil of Israel’s King Baasha, the Lord predicts that his house, like that of Jeroboam, will be cut off (16:3). But God’s grace to families and households persists, even for us. The great King of heaven confirms us as members of His household.
Lord, bless this house, whate’er befall; may Jesus Christ be all in all. Amen.
列王记上15:33-16:7 因为以色列王巴沙的恶,主耶和华预言他的家室,像耶罗波安的那样,必被剪除(16:3)。但上帝对亲人和家室的恩典是持久的,甚至也给了我们。天上的大君王坚证我们为祂家室的成员。

1 King 16:15-20 Zimri lasts only seven days as king before the troops conspire against him and make Omri the king. Zimri dies when he burns down the king’s house. When we despise the preaching of God’s Word, disaster can come quickly. That is why repentance and the drowning of our sinful nature—the old Adam—is a daily activity, as we receive renewal in the Holy Spirit through the life-giving Word of Scripture.
Heavenly Father, forgive us the sins of this day, and renew us by the Holy Spirit to live for Him who died and rose again for our salvation. Amen.
列王记上16:15-20 在军队密谋对付他并且立暗利为王之前,心利作王仅持续了7日。心利烧毁王宫,自己也就死掉了。当我们鄙视上帝话语的传讲之时,灾祸会很快临到。那也是为什么悔改以及淹死我们有罪的本性即老亚当,是一件每日的事,我们藉着圣经那赐生命的道领受在圣灵里的更新。

1 King 16:21-28 During Omri’s reign in Israel, civil war breaks out, with half the people following him and half following Tibni. Omri’s forces are victorious, and Tibni dies. Amid all the conflicts of our age, true peace resides in Jesus Christ, through whom our sins are forgiven so that we are reconciled to our heavenly Father and may be reconciled to one another.
“Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word; Curb those who by deceit or sword Would wrest the kingdom from Your Son And bring to naught all He has done.” Amen. (LSB 655:1)
列王记上16:21-28 暗利在以色列作王期间,内战爆发了,一半随从他,另一半随从提比尼。暗利的势力得胜,提比尼死了。在我们时代所有的冲突漩涡中,真正的和平安定在耶稣基督里,藉着祂我们的罪得赦免,好叫我们可以与我们的天父和好,然后或许可以彼此重归于好。

1 King 16:29-34 Ahab, who marries Jezebel the Sidonian, becomes the most notorious of the long line of wicked kings (v 30). Once people reject God’s Word, anything goes, as the lives of Ahab and Jezebel attest. Yet by His grace, God can call people from the deepest shadow of darkness to repentance and salvation. In Christ, we have the light of life; in Him, we receive the grace and love of our heavenly Father.
“Renew me, O eternal Light, And let my heart and soul be bright, illuminated with the light of grace That issues from Your holy face.” Amen. (LSB 704:1)
列王记上16:29-34 那位娶西顿人耶洗别为妻的亚哈,成为恶王长名单中最臭名昭著的(30节)。一旦百姓弃绝上帝的话语,任何事都会发生,正如亚哈和耶洗别的生命所证实了的。然而藉着祂的恩典,上帝能够从最深的黑暗幽谷中呼召百姓朝向悔改和救恩。在基督里,我们有生命的光;在祂里面,我们领受我们天父的恩典和慈爱。

1 King 17:1-7 Having predicted a drought to Ahab, the great prophet Elijah goes to the brook Cherith, where the Lord has ravens miraculously provide for him. In a wicked, harsh, and hostile world, God watches over those who are His. No matter how much everything may seem to be against us, the Lord is with us, a haven of everlasting love.
Heavenly Father, when all seems lost, remind us that You did not withhold Your only Son from us. In Jesus, the bread of life, You will give us all we need for this world and for the life to come. Uplift us with assurance of Your love and protection, in Jesus Christ. Amen.
列王记上17:1-7 大先知以利亚向亚哈预言了一场旱灾,就去到基立溪,主耶和华在那里吩咐乌鸦奇迹般地供应他的所需。在一个邪恶,艰苦并且充满敌视的世界里,上帝垂顾那些属于祂的人。任何事看起来对我们无论是多么的不利,但主耶和华与我们同在,一个永恒慈爱的港湾。

1 King 17:8-16 Through Elijah, the Lord miraculously provides food for a widow in Zarephath. This story illustrates God’s never-ending goodness. He daily and richly provides for all our needs, blessing us far beyond what we deserve or what we ask.
O Lord, may Your past goodness be our assurance for the future. We thank You especially for Your Word, which brings us to know the greatest blessing of all—everlasting salvation in Jesus Christ. Amen.
列王记上17:8-16 透过以利亚,主耶和华奇迹般地为撒勒法的一位寡妇供应食物。这则故事勾勒出上帝永不止息的良善。祂每日丰富地供应我们所需的一切,祝福我们,远超我们所配得的或我们所求的。

1 King 17:17-24 When the widow’s son dies, Elijah raises him back to life by God’s power. Already in OT stories such as this, we see God’s power over death, the height of which is Christ’s glorious resurrection from the dead. For us and for our salvation, He has conquered sin, Satan, and death, opening the gates to everlasting life in heaven.
Lord of life and death, be with me in the hour of death with the assurance that comes from Your conquest over sin, Satan, and death itself. Amen.
列王记上17:17-24 寡妇的儿子死了,以利亚却藉着上帝的大能使他复活过来。在旧约中类似这样的故事里面,我们已经看见上帝对死亡的得胜权能,而耶稣从死里的荣耀复活就是此事的顶点。为了我们以及我们的救恩,祂已战胜罪,撒旦和死亡,并且打开通往天上永恒生命的门。

1 King 18:1-19 Even in wicked King Ahab’s presence, God protects Elijah and Obadiah. This is a comfort to Christians, lest we think that God will allow the wicked to destroy us. Our noblest calling in life is to bear witness to the Law and Gospel, proclaiming God’s judgment and His grace in Jesus Christ. As we do so, we have Christ’s own assurance, “I am with you always” (Mt 28:20).
“Praise to You and adoration, Blessed Jesus, Son of God, Who, to serve Your own creation, Came to share our flesh and blood.” Amen. (LSB 692:1)
列王记上18:1-19 既使在恶王亚哈面前,上帝仍保护以利亚和俄巴底。这是对基督徒的一个安慰,免得我们以为上帝会允许邪恶之徒毁灭我们。我们此生最崇高的呼召就是见证律法和福音,宣扬上帝的审判和祂在耶稣基督里的恩典。当我们这样做的时候,我们有基督自己的确据,“我就常与你们同在”(太28:20凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守,我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了)。

1 King 18:20-40 The famous confrontation between Elijah and the prophets of Baal ends with the execution of the false prophets. Their overthrow is a classic example of how God makes sure the truth ultimately prevails. No matter how entrenched and powerful the forces of evil are in the world, God is still guiding history for the good of His people, for their everlasting salvation.
Lord God, how bold the wicked are, yet I know that You will always be with those whom You have brought into Your family by faith in Jesus Christ. Amen.
列王记上18:20-40 以利亚与巴力众先知之间著名的对决以假先知们的被处死结束。他们的覆没是上帝如何确保真理最终必胜的一个经典例子。无论邪恶的势力在这个世界上扎根有多深,且有多么的强势,但上帝依然在主领历史,为了祂子民的益处,为了他们永恒的救恩。

1 King 18:41-46 After the 3 1/2 year drought, God sends rain when “Elijah prayed again” (Jas 5:18). How powerful is the prayer of a righteous person! May the Holy Spirit dispel our sinful doubts and replace them with the spirit of Elijah, so we confidently trust our Savior.
Like Elijah of old, O Lord, I boldly call upon You in prayer. Keep me and those I love in the safety of Your loving hands. Amen.
列王记上18:41-46 三年半的旱灾过了,当“以利亚又祷告”的时候,上帝就降下雨来(雅5:17-18以利亚与我们是一样性情的人,他恳切祷告,求不要下雨,雨就三年零六个月不下在地上。他又祷告,天就降下雨来,地也生出土产)。义人的祈祷是多么有能力啊!愿圣灵驱散我们有罪的疑惑,却用以利亚的灵将之替代,好叫我们可以满怀信心倚赖我们的救赎主。

1 King 19:1-8 Elijah becomes a wanted man, as Queen Jezebel seeks to kill him. He flees into the wilderness to Mount Horeb, where centuries earlier, Moses had received the Ten Commandments. At times, believers may feel the need to flee from those who would destroy them because of their Christian faith and their profession of that faith. Will it come to that in our land? Even if it does, we can be sure that the Lord will always be with us, patiently blessing us with His love, mercy, and grace.
Almighty God, You are the refuge for Your people in times of trouble. We trust You with all our needs. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
列王记上19:1-8 以利亚成为一个被通缉的人,因为王后耶洗别寻着要杀他。他就逃进旷野到了何烈山,就是摩西几个世纪之前曾在那里领受十诫的地方。有时候,信徒也可能感到有必要逃离那些因着他们的基督信仰和他们对那信仰的宣告而想要毁灭他们的人。即便如此,我们可以确定的是,主耶和华必永远与我们同在,并满有忍耐地用祂的慈爱,怜悯和恩惠祝福我们。

1 King 19:9-18 When Elijah is discouraged, the Lord comes to him in a “low whisper,” encouraging him that he is not alone and commissioning him to return to his God-given ministry. God’s voice speaks to us in the quietness of the inspired pages of Scripture, by which He encourages us with the forgiveness, life, and salvation in Jesus, the Word made flesh.
I thank You, dear God, that in the pages of the Bible, You have come with the assuring whisper of Your presence and protection. In the gentle Savior’s name. Amen.
列王记上19:9-18 当以利亚灰心丧气的时候,主耶和华就在“微小的声音”中临到他,鼓励他说他不是独自一人并且吩咐他返回到上帝所赐予的事工中。上帝的声音在那被默示圣经页面的安静中向我们说话,祂藉此以那道成肉身的耶稣里面的赦罪恩典,生命和救恩来鼓励我们。

1 King 19:19-21 Elijah casts his cloak on Elisha, who will succeed him in God’s work. Let us, in the time we have on earth, lay the calling of God’s Word on the shoulders of the next generation. As God raises up Elisha to follow in Elijah’s footsteps, so He is now raising up faithful servants of the Gospel to minister to this generation and the next.
God of the prophets, bless the prophets’ sons—all who proclaim the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ. Bless them with courage as they proclaim Your Word to the ends of the earth. Amen.
列王记上19:19-21 以利亚将外衣搭在以利沙身上,他将接替以利亚继续上帝的工作。让我们在地上所拥有的时光里,将上帝话语的呼召职分搭在下一代的肩膀上。正如上帝兴起以利沙来追随以利亚的脚踪那样,祂如今也兴起忠心的福音仆人,来服事这一代以及下一代的人。

1 King 20: 1-12 After describing Elijah’s prophetic ministry, the sacred text returns to the history of King Ahab and his wars with Ben-hadad, king of Syria. The Lord guides history and even uses evil people for His good purposes. In such records, the Lord teaches us how He punishes the godless and protects those who call on His name. While the Bible records battles and wars, behind it all, God is still in control for the sake of His people.
Lord of the nations, amid the upheavals and wars of this sinful world, guide, strengthen, encourage, and uplift Your people. Amen.
列王记上20:1-12 描述以利亚的先知事工之后,圣经又回到亚哈王以及他同亚兰王便哈达争战的历史。主耶和华引领历史,甚至使用邪恶的人来成就祂美善的旨意。在这类记载中,主耶和华教导我们祂如何惩治不敬虔的人,以及如何保护那些呼求祂名的人。圣经记录下战场和打仗之事,在这所有的背后,上帝为着祂子民的缘故仍在掌权。

1 King 20:13-25 Speaking through a prophet, the Lord tells Ahab that he will defeat the Syrian forces of Ben-hadad. Though undeserving, Ahab is blessed by God with victory. The Lord still sends the rain on the wicked as well as on the just (Mt 5:45). His merciful goodness is infinite for the sake of His children, whom He protects.
We praise You, O Lord, for the mercy and righteousness You provide us, though we are unworthy. Guide Your people, and shine on us from age to age. Amen.
列王记上20:13-25 藉着一位先知说话,主耶和华告诉亚哈他将会击败便哈达的亚兰军队。尽管是不配得的,但亚哈仍然蒙了上帝所赐胜利的祝福。主耶和华依然降雨给恶人,正如给义人一样(太5:45这样就可以作你们天父的儿子;因为他叫日头照好人,也照歹人;降雨给义人,也给不义的人)。祂满有怜悯的良善对那些祂所保护的儿女来说是无限量的。

1 King 20:26-30 The Lord allows the smaller Israelite force to crush many Syrians because the Syrian king, Ben-hadad, mocked God’s omnipresent rule. Beware of mocking the Almighty, either by insult or by lack of faith in His good and gracious rule, which extends over all. He rules in favor of His beloved people. How great is His power toward us in the living Savior, Jesus!
Grant me all boldness, mighty Lord, to carry out Your will and declare Your greatness. Amen.
列王记上20:26-30 主耶和华让少数的以色列军队来溃败多数的亚兰人,因为亚兰王便哈达嘲笑上帝无所不在的统治。要留心,不要嘲笑全能者,无论是藉着侮辱,还是因着不信任祂良善和满有恩典的,延至万民的统治。祂正在掌权为了祂蒙爱子民的益处。祂在那位活着的救赎主耶稣里面向我们所施的权能是多么伟大啊!

1 King 20:30-43 The Lord’s prophet uses a parable to show Ahab his guilt in releasing Ben-hadad, king of Syria. God calls us to deliver His Word faithfully, whether creatively (as in this example) or in brutal directness. How marvelously our Lord’s parables continue to instruct us in repentance and in faith, through the Gospel of His kingdom. His gracious rule delivers us from evil.
Strike my heart, O Lord. Wound me by the Law, that You may heal and deliver me with the life-giving Gospel of Jesus. Amen.
列王记上20:30-43 主耶和华的先知使用一个比喻向亚哈展现他放走亚兰王便哈达的罪责。上帝呼召我们忠心地传讲祂的话语,很有技巧地(就像在这个例子中)或是以非常直率的方式。我们主的比喻仍然藉着祂国度的福音继续在悔改和信心中教导我们,这是多么不同寻常啊!祂满有恩典的统治拯救我们脱离凶恶。

1 King 21:1-16 When Naboth refuses to sell his vineyard to Ahab, Queen Jezebel schemes to charge Naboth with cursing God. Having been falsely accused, Naboth is stoned to death, and Ahab takes possession of the vineyard in violation of God’s commandment (Ex 20:17). We are constantly tempted to get what we want at the expense of others. Instead of taking from others, Jesus gave Himself for us. In sacrificing His life for the sins of the world, He gave us the priceless treasure of life and salvation.
Lord Jesus, touch our cold and loveless hearts, and fill them with the warmth of Your love, that we may reach out to all who are in need. Amen.
列王记上21:1-16 当拿伯拒绝将他的葡萄园卖给亚哈的时候,王后耶洗别就设计控告拿伯说他咒诅上帝。拿伯受到虚假指控,然后被人用石头打死,亚哈就侵占了葡萄园,干犯上帝的诫命(出20:17)。我们不断地受到这种试探,就是想要在牺牲他人的情况下获取我们想要的东西。耶稣祂没有从他人那里索取,乃是将自己为我们舍了。为了世人的罪舍弃祂的生命,耶稣在其中赐给我们救恩和生命的无价珍宝。

1 King 21:17-24 Elijah goes to meet Ahab while he is in Naboth’s vineyard. There Elijah boldly prophesies the death of Ahab and his wife, Jezebel. Risking his own welfare, Elijah speaks God’s Law to Ahab. Thanks be to God, His Word does not end with the Law but includes the precious Gospel as a key to forgiveness and heaven.
Almighty Judge, Your Law condemns the sinful lives we lead. Forgive us for Jesus’ sake, and create in us new hearts that are set to obey Your Commandments. Amen.
列王记上21:17-24 当亚哈在拿伯葡萄园里的时候,以利亚就去见他。以利亚在那里放胆预言亚哈和他妻子耶洗别的死亡。以利亚将他自己的福祉置之不顾,向亚哈宣讲上帝的律法。感谢归给上帝,祂的圣道没有终结于律法,却也包括那作为赦罪以及天国钥匙的宝贵福音。

1 King 21:25-29 Having been confronted by Elijah, Ahab shows repentance and humbles himself before God. God’s Law is powerful, as evidenced in the case of Elijah and Ahab. The power of God’s Word—both Law and Gospel—surpasses mere human eloquence and brings life-changing results. Yet, only the Gospel provides forgiveness and new life.
O God, forsake me not. Grant me sincere and lifelong repentance, coupled with sincere and bold faith. Amen.
列王记上21:25-29 亚哈受到以利亚的当面指责,就显出懊悔来并且谦卑他自己在上帝面前。上帝的律法带着能力,正如在以利亚和亚哈的案例中所证实的。上帝的话语—既有律法又有福音—它的权能胜过仅仅属于人的雄辩,并且带来生命转变的结果。然而,唯有福音能够提供赦罪和新生命。

1 King 22:1-12 Ahab’s false prophets encourage him to flight against the Syrian city of Ramoth-gilead. Many false prophets today would mislead us and rob us of the treasures of God’s Word. The Holy Spirit gives us insight through the Word to see through all falsehood. In Scripture, we have all we need: Christ and salvation.
Your Word, O Lord, is a light for my path. Keep me in Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life. Amen.
列王记上22:1-12 亚哈的假先知们鼓励他攻打亚兰人的基列-拉末城。今天许多假先知也会误导我们,将上帝话语的珍宝从我们这里夺走。圣灵藉着圣道赐给我们洞察力,来看穿所有的虚假。在圣经中,我们拥有我们所需的一切:基督和救恩。

1 King 22:13-28 Contrary to the false prophets, Micaiah does not give Ahab a favorable prediction. For this, the king orders that Micaiah be imprisoned. God does not want us to be guided by what others may wish to hear or by the popular opinions of the day. Rather, our only sure guide through life is God’s Word, which alone can make us “wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Tm 3:15).
Heavenly Father, keep us through the Scriptures on the way that leads to eternal life in Jesus Christ. Amen.
列王记上22:13-28 与假先知相反的是,米该雅并未给亚哈一个讨他喜欢的预言。因为这个,王就命令将米该雅监禁起来。上帝不愿我们被其他人想要听的东西或者今日流行的观点所左右。相反,贯穿我们生命的唯一确实的向导是上帝的话语,唯独上帝的话语能够使我们“因信基督耶稣,有得救的智慧”(提后3:15)。

1 King 22:29-40 Giving his royal robes to Jehoshaphat, Ahab disguises himself and goes into battle, where he is struck and killed by a “random” arrow. God’s Word never fails; that includes His Word against wickedness and unbelief. Rather than trying to get around God’s Word, flee to that Word, which includes the promises of grace and forgiveness in the crucified and risen Christ.
Merciful God, You shower down kindness and love every day. How can I ever thank You for all the undeserved goodness that comes my way? Amen.
列王记上22:29-40 亚哈将他的王服给了约沙法,然后将自己改装后上阵,他在战场上被一只“乱”箭射中并且因此死掉。上帝的话语永不会失落;这也包括祂对付邪恶和不信的话语。不要试着绕开上帝的话语,乃是要逃向那圣道,其中也含有赦罪和恩典的应许,都在那被钉死在十字架上并且复活的基督里面。

1 King 22:41-50 The inspired record briefly returns to the Southern Kingdom of Judah and the life and death of King Jehoshaphat, who, like his father Asa, did “what was right in the sight of the LORD” (v 43). Amid the many examples of godlessness and tragedy, God’s Word contains bright examples of those who followed Him. God’s mercy in the life of a fellow believer is a shining beacon that lights our way and strengthens our faith in the Lord.
God of our fathers, embolden us with the example of Your faithful people of old, that we may live bravely for Him who died and rose for us, and in whose name we pray. Amen.
列王记上22:41-50 默示下的记事简短地返回到南国的犹大以及约沙法王的生与死,他像他的父亲亚撒一样,行“耶和华眼中看为正的事”(43节)。在这许多不敬虔和悲剧的例子中间,上帝的话语也涵括了那些追随祂之人的美好案例。上帝在一个同为信徒的生命中所显明的怜悯,也是一座闪耀的灯塔,照亮我们的路途,并且坚固我们在主里面的信心。

1 King 22:51-53 The closing verses of 1 Ki record the two-year reign of Ahab’s son Ahaziah, who follows in his father’s footsteps, does evil, and angers God. Though 1 Ki ends on a tragic note, we have seen that alongside God’s Law and judgment runs His message of the Gospel and forgiveness. His mercies, though rejected, never end but are new every morning.
Praise to You, the Almighty, the King of creation! With heart and soul we praise and glorify You for all You have done and continue to do for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
列王记上22:51-53 列王记上的末尾经节记载了亚哈儿子亚哈谢作王的两年,他追随他父亲的脚踪作恶,惹上帝的怒气。尽管列王记上以一个悲剧的注脚结束,然而我们一直都看见,与上帝的律法和审判一起,也有祂福音和赦罪的消息。祂的怜悯,尽管遭拒绝,却从未断绝,反而在每日的清晨都是新的。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2017年05月20日

2 King 1 King Ahaziah and his troops show disdain for the Lord and His servant Elijah and are condemned with fire and death. Today, the Lord would have us treat His servants with proper respect, pray for them, and hear His Word from them. In this sinful world, God’s Word is rare and precious, preserving our lives and delivering us from all condemnation. In Christ, we need not fear our enemies or His wrath.
Mighty Lord, strengthen us to speak Your Word without fear and to treasure the souls of others by sharing Your precious Word with them. Amen.
列王记下1章 亚哈谢和他的军队藐视主耶和华以及祂的仆人以利亚,就因此受到火和死亡的咒诅。今天,主耶和华也愿我们带着合宜的尊敬对待祂的仆人,为他们祷告并且从他们那里聆听上帝的话语。在这有罪的世界中,上帝的话语是罕见且珍贵的,它保存我们的性命,拯救我们脱离所有的咒诅。在基督里,我们不用惧怕我们的仇敌或上帝的愤怒。

2 King 2:1-14 When the Lord takes Elijah to heaven, He also bestows Elijah’s office and authority on Elisha, his chief disciple. The burning desire to serve God and His people through faithful leadership is proper (cf 1Tm 3:1). If you set your heart on such noble service, walk and talk with the Lord’s servants to learn from them His Word and wisdom, by which the Lord will prepare you for your calling. The heavenly Father will send His Spirit to embolden and uplift you, through Jesus, His Son.
Build me up by Your Word, O Lord, and bear me up by Your grace, that I may serve You honorably and rush to Your side when my service is fulfilled. Amen.
列王记下2:1-14 当主耶和华将以利亚带到天上的时候,祂也将以利亚的职份和权柄授予他的大门徒以利沙。热切盼望藉着忠诚的领袖职份来服事上帝和祂子民是合宜的(参 提前3:1「人若想要得监督的职分,就是羡慕善工。」这话是可信的)。如果你将你的心安置在这类尊贵的服侍上,请与主的仆人同行并交通,从他们那里学习上帝的话语和智慧,主耶和华必会藉此装备你去迎接你的呼召。天父必差遣祂的圣灵来藉着祂的儿子耶稣鼓舞你,高举你。

2 King 2:15-25 Through three miracles, the Lord removes all doubts about Elisha as Elijah’s successor. As the Lord calls you to service, He will prepare and support you. Though miracles may not follow you (as with Elisha), you have God’s miraculous Word in the pages of Holy Scripture by which the Lord will bless you with the comfort of salvation and equip you for every good work.
O Lord, as You bore insult on the cross and brought forth life for me, let me bear all insults and burdens of my calling. I entrust my defense to Your almighty power and my life to Your surpassing mercy. Amen.
列王记下2:15-25 透过三个神迹,主耶和华挪去所有关于以利沙要作为以利亚接班人的质疑。主耶和华呼召你来服事,祂也必预备和支持你。尽管神迹可能不会随着你(像以利沙的那样),但你有上帝神迹般的圣道,在圣经的页面中,主耶和华必要藉此用救恩的安慰祝福你,并且为着每一项善工来装备你。

2 King 3 King Jehoram led Jehoshaphat and the Edomites against Moab on all ill-conceived military campaign, which had some success due to the Lord’s intervention through Elisha. Today, do not equate poor planning with faith. For all your endeavors, seek God’s blessing through prayer and make your plans through the wisdom of His Word. The Lord grants us wisdom and thoughtful hearts so that we may honor Him with our deeds. Thankfully, He planned for our victory over evil and our everlasting salvation in the person of His Son, Jesus, who offered Himself freely for the sins of all people.
Guide us, O Lord, toward purposeful ends that honor You. Amen.
列王记下3章 约兰王带着约沙法,还有以东人一起攻打摩押地,完全是一场打错算盘的军事行动,却也因着主耶和华藉着以利沙的干预得了一些成功。今天,不要将糟糕的计划等同于信心。在你一切的努力上,请藉着祷告寻求上帝的祝福,并且藉着祂圣道的智慧制定你的计划。主耶和华赐给我们智慧和周全思量的心,好叫我们可以用我们的行动尊荣祂。感恩的是,祂曾为着我们对魔鬼的得胜以及我们永恒的救恩,在祂儿子耶稣里面做了计划,耶稣曾将自己甘心乐意地献上,为了所有人的罪。

2 King 4:1-7 Through Elisha, the Lord delivers a widow from poverty and her sons from slavery. The Lord cares about your finances, your freedom, and every aspect of your life. Plan well for the future, seek His guidance, and turn to Him with your requests. As the Lord blesses you, use your resources and freedom to honor His name. For His name’s sake, He adopts us as members of His household and delivers us from evil.
Pour out for me, O Lord, the oil of gladness, that my mouth may overflow in praise to You. Amen.
列王记下4:1-7 藉着以利沙,主耶和华拯救一位寡妇脱离贫困,还有她的两个儿子脱离奴役。主耶和华在乎你的财务,你的自由,还有你生活的方方面面。请为着未来计划好,寻求祂的引领,带着你的请求转向祂。主耶和华祝福你,也请使用你的资源和自由来尊荣祂的名。因着祂名的缘故,祂收纳我们为祂家室的成员,并且拯救我们脱离凶恶。

2 King 4:8-17 Through Elisha, the Lord returns a kindness shown by a couple at Shunem. Though we do not merit salvation by our good works, the Lord often provides temporal rewards to His people, acknowledging their faith and kindness. Honor the Lord in all your ways, most of all rejoicing in the gift of His Son, your Savior, who redeems you by grace alone.
Merciful Savior, reward us not as we deserve but according to Your merciful goodness, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
列王记下4:8-17 藉着以利沙,主耶和华回报书念地一对夫妇所施的良善。尽管我们不会因着我们的善工配得救恩,但主耶和华提供今世的奖赏给祂的子民,纪念他们的信心和良善。请在你所行的一切事上尊荣主,最重要的是,在你救赎主,祂儿子的礼物中欢喜快乐,祂救赎你,唯独出于恩典。

2 King 4:18-37 The Shunammite woman passionately seeks the Lord’s help for her son by seeking out Elisha. When you seek the Lord in prayer, pour out your heart to Him. Bow before Him and make your petitions known. The Lord has made His heart known for you in the life, death, and resurrection of His only-begotten Son, our Savior.
Hear me, O Lord, when I cry to You. Answer me according to Your mercy. Amen.
列王记下4:18-37 书念妇人藉着寻见以利沙,为她的儿子热切地寻求耶和华的帮助。当你在祷告中寻求主的时候,请将你的心倾倒出来给祂。屈膝在祂面前,陈明你的恳求。主耶和华在我们的救主,祂独生子的生,死和复活里面,已将祂的心意向你陈明。

2 King 4:38-44 Through Elisha, the Lord miraculously provides for the sons of the prophets. Food proclaims the Lord’s providential care for His creation. Your daily bread is so much more than sustenance for your weak flesh. His Son, working wonders greater than those of Elisha, declared Himself the bread of life for your sake and continues to sustain the faithful in His Holy Meal.
O Lord, in joy I offer to You the firstfruit of my labors, for You have labored to save me and serve me life-giving bread. Amen.
列王记下4:38-44 藉着以利沙,主耶和华奇迹般地供应先知们的后裔。食物宣扬着主耶和华对祂所造之物的护佑和看顾。你日用的饮食是如此丰富,远超你软弱的肉体所需的供应。祂的儿子,行奇事远超以利沙所行的,为你的缘故宣告祂自己为生命的粮,并且继续在祂神圣的食物(圣餐)中供应信徒。

2 King 5:1-14 The Syrian commander Naaman is convinced that the Lord can heal him of leprosy, according to the Lord’s Word. The Lord cleanses us too by water and the Word, for His Word gives life and salvation.
Wash me, O Lord, and I shall be clean. Give me life according to Your Word. Amen.
列王记下5:1-14 亚兰人的元帅乃幔依照主耶和华的话语,确信主耶和华能医治他的麻风病。主耶和华也藉着水和圣道洁净我们,因为祂的话语赐予生命和救恩。

2 King 5:15-27 Elisha’s servant Gehazi pursues Naaman’s riches, hoping for great wealth; then he lies to Elisha about what he has done. When you are caught in sin, do not hesitate to acknowledge your deeds before the Lord. He is rich in mercy toward the brokenhearted and all who confess their needs to Him.
Lord, grant me a steadfast heart and sincere repentance, that I may inherit the wealth of Your grace in Christ. Amen.
列王记下5:15-27 以利沙的仆人基哈西追求乃幔的资财,希望得到极大的财富;然后他向以利沙隐瞒他所做的。当你在罪中被逮着的时候,请不要迟疑,要来到主面前承认你的行为。祂在怜悯中向着那些心灵破碎的和所有将他们的缺乏陈明给祂的人是丰丰富富的。

2 King 6:1-7 With a miracle of compassion through Elisha, the Lord delivers a son of the prophets from debt. We have similar concerns today. Yet, the Lord cares about every aspect of our lives, as Jesus’ compassion toward His disciples showed. Greater still, the Lord removes the debt of our sin by the wood of His cross.
Lord, lead me to use my property and the property of others wisely, that I may share Your compassion with others. Amen.
列王记下6:1-7 主耶和华以一个藉着以利沙行使的怜悯神迹,拯救一位先知门徒免于欠债。我们今天也有同样的忧虑。然而,主耶和华看顾我们生活的方方面面,正如耶稣向祂的门徒们所施的怜悯彰显出来的那样。更伟大的仍然是,主耶和华藉着耶稣十字架的木头来挪去我们罪的债。

2 King 6:8-23 Through Elisha’s leadership, the Lord compassionately settles a war between Syria and Israel. In these events, the Lord teaches us about having mercy on our enemies. When in conflict, prayerfully consider how you might use your strength to pursue peace. Consider that, when we were enemies with God due to our sin, He sought peace with us in the compassionate ministry of Jesus, who gave His life for us.
O Lord, surround us with the care of Your holy angels, that we may not fear but act confidently and compassionately, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
列王记下6:8-23 透过以利沙的领导,主耶和华满有怜悯地解决了亚兰和以色列之间的战争。在这些事件中,主耶和华教导我们要向我们的仇敌施怜悯。当处于冲突中的时候,请在祷告中思量你如何可以使用你的能力来争取和平。也请记得,当我们因着我们的罪曾与上帝为敌的时候,祂在耶稣满有怜悯的事工中寻求与我们的和好,耶稣曾为我们舍命。

2 King 6:24-33 The Syrians impose a horrific and frustrating siege upon Samaria, causing the Israelite king to blame God and Elisha for the suffering. When you suffer, you will be tempted to blame the Lord or the Church for evil that you witness. May God strengthen you to resist temptation and to call on the Lord with a broken heart. Like the elders of Samaria, seek consolation and direction from God’s prophetic Word, which does not fail. The Suffering Servant, Jesus, knows the depth of your trials. He will bear your sins and griefs as your beloved Savior.
Weeping Jesus, hear my cry, and deliver me from my sins and from all evils. Amen.
列王记下6:24-33 亚兰人对撒玛利亚施行一场可怕的,令人绝望的围攻,也使得以色列的王将这苦难怪罪于上帝和以利沙。当你受苦的时候,你会受到试探,想要将你所看见的邪恶之事怪罪于主耶和华或教会。愿上帝坚固你来抵挡试探,并且带着一颗破碎的心灵来呼求主。像撒玛利亚的长老们那样,要从上帝预言的话语中寻求安慰和指引,祂的预言话语不会失败。那位受苦的仆人耶稣知道你所受试炼的程度。祂作为你蒙爱的救赎主必会担负你的罪和你的忧伤。

2 King 7:1-2 Elisha boldly prophesies that the Lord will feed the people, but the king’s commander expresses doubt. God’s promises always seem too good to be true. Yet He provided bread from heaven to Israel in the wilderness (Ex 16:4-31) and today sustains us with the true bread of heaven, the life-giving body of Jesus in the Sacrament of the Altar.
Sustain me, O Lord, against the devil’s siege, my doubts, and the world’s temptations. Amen.
列王记下7:1-2 以利沙放胆预言主耶和华必会喂养百姓,但王的军长表示怀疑。上帝的应许总是太美好,以至于看起来不是真的。然而祂从天上赐食物给旷野中的以色列(出16:4-31)并且今天也用天上的真粮食来供应我们,那真粮食就是在圣餐礼中耶稣赐生命的真身体。

2 King 7:3-20 Ironically, the Lord works through helpless, outcast beggars to bring word to Samaria of His victory over Syria and to reveal the bounty of provisions left for the city. As God blesses you with bounty, act honorably and generously toward others, according to His Word. The Lord will fulfill His Word for your sake, providing for all your needs through Christ Jesus, the Lord (Php 4:19).
Lord, grant me a generous heart to share Your bounty and the good news of the promised mercy in Jesus, the bread of life. Amen.
列王记下7:3-20 出人意料的是,主耶和华藉着无助且被放逐的乞丐们作工,将祂对亚兰得胜的消息带给撒玛利亚,显明为那城所存留物资的丰盛。上帝以丰富来祝福你,也请依照祂的话语来向着他人有尊荣地,慷慨地行事。主耶和华为着你的缘故必成就祂的话语,藉着主基督耶稣供应你所需的一切(腓4:19我的神必照他荣耀的丰富,在基督耶稣里,使你们一切所需用的都充足)。

2 King 8:1-6 As Elisha had promised, he supports the Shunammite woman (4:13). Today, the Lord calls you as God’s servant to make meaningful, thoughtful promises and to keep your word. Thanks be to God! He keeps His Word to us, granting us an inheritance with His Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Lord, let my word be my bond, in imitation of Your integrity and compassion. Amen.
列王记下8:1-6 正如以利沙曾经所许诺的,他就扶持那位书念的妇人(4:13)。今天,主耶和华呼召你作为上帝的仆人,要许下有意义,经过深思熟虑的诺言并且保守你的诺言。感谢归给上帝!祂保守祂给我们的话语,赐予我们一份与我们救主耶稣基督,祂儿子一起的产业。

2 King 8:7-15 Elisha prophesies the death of Ben-hadad, the rise of Hazael, and the destruction of Israel through Hazael. The gruesome passage records the particular means and persons God used for judging rebellious Israel and brutal Ben-hadad. Elisha’s tears illustrate the pain of God’s heart over the sins and condemnation of His rebellious people. How difficult to apply God’s Law when our hearts and God’s heart long to show compassion! This text shows the seriousness of sin and its ravages against sinners. How dearly we need God’s Word to well up our eyes with tears of sincere repentance and swell our hearts with genuine faith. The Lord can and does grant us such blessings through dearest Jesus.
Penetrate my ears, O Lord. Break my hardened heart and flood my arid eyes. Teach me the need and use of Your Law that I may weep tears of joy at the sound of Your Gospel. Amen.
列王记下8:7-15 以利沙预言便哈达的死,哈薛的兴起,还有藉着哈薛所带来的以色列的破败。这一令人畏惧的段落记载了上帝为了审判悖逆的以色列和残暴的便哈达所使用的特殊方式和人。以利沙的眼泪也透射出上帝在面对祂悖逆子民的罪和咒诅的时候心里所存的伤痛。当我们的心还有上帝的心渴望彰显怜悯的时候,要应用上帝的律法是多么的困难啊!这经文显明了罪的严重性,还有罪给罪人所带来的蹂躏。我们是多么热切需要上帝的话语来用真诚悔改的眼泪浇灌我们的双眼,用诚实的信心来鼓舞我们的灵啊!主耶和华能够并且的确会藉着至亲至爱的耶稣来赐给我们这样的祝福。

2 King 8:16-24 Though Judah binds itself to sinful Israel through a marriage alliance, the Lord does not yet snuff it out but continues in His promised mercy. Today, when temptation confronts you, do not test the Lord’s patience by making peace with wickedness or ungodly relationships but pray that He would guide you through the Word into wholesome relationships. His Word is a lamp for your feet and enlightenment for life everlasting in Christ.
Enlighten us, Lord, by the light of Your Christ, and preserve Your people. Amen.
列王记下8:16-24 尽管犹大藉着一场婚姻联谊将自己与有罪的以色列连系起来,但主耶和华却仍未将它拔出,反而是继续施行祂应许了的怜悯。今天,当试探临到你的时候,请不要与邪恶或不敬虔的关系谋求和平,并藉此测验主耶和华的耐心,却要祈求祂藉着圣道引导你,走进那健康有益的关系当中。祂的话语是你脚前的灯,是在基督里永恒生命的亮光。

2 King 8:25-29 Ahaziah, king of Judah, marries into the family of Joram, king of Israel. They fight alongside each other, and Ahaziah visits Joram when he is wounded. Marriage, mutual defense, and visiting the sick are usually noble acts, blessed by God. But Ahaziah uses them to strengthen his bond with evildoers. Today, act with integrity, seeking what is good and fleeing what is evil. The Lord claims us as His family, not as we are, but through the call to repentance and through the forgiveness of sins in Baptism, making us the Bride of Christ (Eph 5:25-27).
O Savior, by the mystery of Your love and mercy, sanctify us as members of Your household. Amen.
列王记下8:25-29 亚哈谢,犹大的王,藉着婚姻加入以色列王约兰的家庭。他们一起并肩作战,当约兰受伤的时候亚哈谢就去看他。婚姻,联合防御,还有探访病人通常都是可敬的行动,蒙上帝祝福的。但亚哈谢使用这些来坚固他与邪恶之人的关系。今天,请带着正直行事,寻求良善之事,逃离邪恶之事。主耶和华宣告我们成为祂的家人,不是按照我们的本相,乃是藉着对悔改的呼召,还有在圣洗礼中的罪得赦免,使我们成为基督的新娘(弗5:25-27)。

2 King 9:1-13 Elisha send a “son of the prophets” to anoint Jehu ruler over Israel, to fulfill God’s promise of judgment against the dynasty of Ahab. Just as this apprentice to the prophet fulfills his duty diligently, so fulfill your calling diligently in the Lord’s name, no matter how others may dismiss it or jeer at you. God will fulfill His purpose for you and bless you with the strength for dedicated service, through Jesus Christ, who bore all your scorn and served you diligently for the sake of your salvation.
O Lord, swing wide the door of opportunity for me, that I may run to serve You in all confidence of Your Word. Amen.
列王记下9:1-13 以利沙差遣一位“先知门徒”去膏耶户为以色列的王,是要成就上帝对亚哈王朝施行审判的应许。正如这位先知的门徒殷勤地完成他的职责一样,你们也要如此奉主的名殷勤地完成你的呼召,无论其他人怎么离弃它或者嘲笑你。上帝必会成就祂对你的旨意,为着那委身的服事以力量赐福你,都是藉着耶稣基督,那位曾为了你救恩的缘故担负你所有的嘲讽并且殷勤服侍你的。

2 King 9:14-29 The Lord’s judgment against Ahab’s household is fulfilled with vicious irony when Jehu shoots Joram and has his body cast into the vineyard of Naboth. The Lord will fulfill His Word of condemnation and also His Word of deliverance, removing a wicked ruler from over His people. He puts to death and gives life; to us who believe, He gives life everlasting in Christ.
Lord, give me life according to Your Word. Amen.
列王记下9:14-29 当耶户射中约兰并且将他的尸体扔进拿伯的葡萄园之时,主耶和华对亚哈家室的审判就以这剧烈的讽刺成就了。主耶和华必要成就祂谴责的话语,还有祂拯救的话语,将一位邪恶的统治者从祂的百姓身上挪去。祂杀死并赐生命;对我们信的人来说,祂赐那在基督里的永恒生命。

2 King 9:30-37 Jehu executes and disdains the body of Jezebel, the wicked queen mother of Israel. Despite Jehu’s unwillingness to follow the Lord’s Word completely (see note, vv 35-36), the Lord brought the prophecy to absolute completion through trampling horses and biting dogs. Not a letter of His Word shall fail! Though we fail, God’s Word will and does succeed for His sake and for our sakes in Christ the Savior.
King of heaven, reign in justice and compassion for the sake of Your Church. Amen.
列王记下9:30-37 耶户处决并唾弃了那位以色列邪恶王后耶洗别的身体。尽管耶户不情愿完全顺从主耶和华的话语(看注释,35-36节),但主耶和华藉着乱蹄的马和狂叫的狗将祂的预言完全成就。祂话语的一撇一画都不会废去!尽管我们失败,但上帝的话语必定而且确实会因着祂的缘故,为了我们,在救主基督里面得胜。

2 King 10:1-17 Jehu pretends to be zealous for the Lord’s way, while disobeying the Lord’s Word. Today, the Lord calls you to follow His Word deliberately, yet not as an excuse for cruel judgment against others. Even the condemnation of God’s Law ultimately serves the peaceful, life-giving purposes of His Gospel, by which He forgives our sins and restores us.
Grant me a faithful heart, O Lord, to follow Your Word and see in it Your compassionate purposes. Amen.
列王记下10:1-17 耶户假装为主的道路发热心,然而却在悖逆主的话语。今天,主耶和华呼召你谨慎地跟随祂的话语,然而不是将之作为对他人进行残酷审判的借口。甚至上帝律法的咒诅谴责,最终也是为祂福音那和平、赐生命的旨意服务,祂藉着祂的福音赦免我们的罪,复生我们。

2 King 10:18-27 Through deception, Jehu wipes out more potential rivals, the servants of Baal, who were closely allied with Ahab’s dynasty. Again, Jehu demonstrates his wit and taste for irony (cf 9:11, 34; 10:9, 19). How regrettable that this clever man did not put his talents to work for the sake of proclaiming God’s Word. Rather than using your talents for personal gain, turn your God-given talents over to the Lord’s service and the service of others. Christ, whose wit confounded His detractors, also spoke plainly the life-changing message of God’s grace.
Dearest Jesus, teach me to love my enemies and declare to them Your promises rather than attack them with lies and weapons. Amen.
列王记下10:18-27 藉着欺骗,耶户清除了更多潜在的对手,巴力的仆人,就是那些与亚哈王朝紧密连系在一起的人。再一次地,耶户展示出他的才智和嘲讽的品味(参9:11,34;10:9,19)。这位聪明的人并未将他的恩赐用于上帝话语的宣扬事工上。要将你从上帝领受的恩赐用在对主和他人的服侍上,而不是使用你的恩赐来为自己谋利。基督,祂的睿智驳斥祂的嘲弄者,也直白地传讲上帝转变生命的恩典信息。

2 King 10:28-36 Despite Jehu’s excesses, the Lord grants him a long reign and a four-generation dynasty. The Lord tolerates unjust rulers when it serves His purposes of judgment and it is for the good of His people. Pray for your leaders, that they may be not only successful but also just and righteous. Your just and righteous leader, the King of heaven, will hear your pleas and answer according to His good purposes and according to the mercies of Jesus.
Preserve Your Church, O Lord, Deliver and grant all nations faithful, peaceful leaders. Amen.
列王记下10:28-36 尽管耶户没有节制,但主耶和华仍赐他一个长久的掌权,和延续四代的王朝。当这可以为着主耶和华审判的目的服务并且叫上帝子民得益处的时候,主就容忍不公正的掌权者。请为你的领袖们祷告,好叫他们不仅是成功的,也是公正公义的。你公正公义的元首,天国的大君王,必会依照祂良善的旨意和耶稣的恩惠垂听、应允你的恳求。

2 King 11:1-3 The bloody dynastic practices of pagan nations and of the Northern Kingdom of Israel erupt in Judah through Athaliah. Amid this vicious purge, the Lord preserves the house of David and the renewal of faithful worship by protecting Joash through his aunt Jehosheba. As an aunt or uncle, commend your nieces and nephews to the Lord’s care by looking out for their welfare, praying for them, and turning them over to the security of the Lord’s house. As the Lord preserved the house of David, from which Jesus would be born, so He will through the Word preserve and nurture the treasured members of your family.
Lord, grant unity and peace in our families on the basis of Your Holy Word and a common confession of Christ. Amen.
列王记下11:1-3 外邦国家以及北国以色列的血腥王朝阴谋藉着亚他利雅在犹大迸发出来。在这场邪恶的扫除异己当中,主耶和华仍然藉着约阿施的姑妈约示巴来保护他,并藉此存留大卫的家室和忠诚敬拜的复兴。作为一个阿姨或叔叔,请将你的侄女和侄子交托给主耶和华的看顾,照看他们的福祉,为他们祷告,将他们交在耶和华殿的保障中。正如主耶和华存留了大卫的家室,而耶稣就从其中来的那样,祂必会藉着圣道来存留和喂养你所珍爱的家庭成员。
主耶和华 ,请基于你的圣道和对基督的共同信仰,在我们的家人中间赐下合一和平安。阿们。

2 King 11:4-20 Through a covenant promise, the Lord emboldens Jehoiada, the Carites, and the guards to place David’s heir, Joash, on his rightful throne. As the Lord gives you strength, work with His servants to secure the good of His people. God’s Word and promise are the basis of our unity and strength in Christ.
Grant Your people, O Lord, unity in faith and purpose to withstand all evil. Amen.
列王记下11:4-20 藉着一个盟约誓言,主耶和华使耶何耶大,迦利人,还有护卫兵有胆量将大卫的后裔约阿施安置在他合法的王位上。主耶和华赐给你力量,请与祂的仆人们一起来捍卫祂子民的益处。上帝的话语和应许是我们在基督里合一和得力的基础。

2 King 11:21-12:3 Through faithful instruction, the Lord’s priest Jehoiada leads Joash to have a long and blessed reign. As the Lord grants you opportunity, faithfully instruct the children in your charge through God’s Word, which alone can lead to a good and hopeful life. The Lord, who Himself studied, learned and grew as a child, will strengthen and support you in this loving work, even as He forgives your weaknesses and covers your sins.
Teach me to walk in Your ways, O Lord, and to guide young people in the paths of truth. Amen.
列王记下11:21-12:3 藉着忠心的教导,耶和华的祭司耶何耶大引领约阿施有一个长治蒙福的掌权。当主耶和华赐你机会的时候,请忠心地藉着上帝的话语教导那些在你看护之下的孩子们,唯有祂的道能够引向一个美善且充满盼望的生命。主耶和华,祂自己也曾作为一个孩子查考,学习,成长,必会在这充满爱的工作中坚固和扶持你,甚至就像祂赦免你的软弱,遮盖你的罪一样。

2 King 12:4-18 The Lord’s house receives much needed attention from Jehoash, Jehoiada, and other faithful servants. Care for sacred duties is an act of worship, just as surely as the singing of a hymn or the saying of a prayer. Today, regard the church offerings and your church property with due diligence. By the Word of His house, the Lord will instruct you in faith, life, and the way of salvation.
O Savior, I offer back to You what You have first so generously provided to me. Continually bless me by Your Word. Amen.
列王记下12:4-18 耶和华的殿从约阿施,耶何耶大还有其他忠心的仆人们那里得到许多有必要的重视。对神圣职责的关注就是敬拜的行动,的确是这样,正如唱一首圣诗或者献上一份祷告那样。今天,请带着应有的殷勤重视教会中的奉献以及你们教会的财产。藉着祂殿中的圣道,主耶和华必在信心,生命和救恩的道路上教导你。

2 King 12:19-21 Joash, who began so well, comes to a sorrowful end because he departs from the Lord’s way. Through faith, let the end of your life honor your Savior and your heritage. Jesus, who abides with you always, will day by day forgive your faults and deliver you from temptation. His instruction and presence are everlasting.
O Lord, let Your mercies be new for me every morning to the end of my days. Amen.
列王记下12:19-21 约阿施有一个很好的开始,却因为远离主的道路而得了一个悲哀的结局。透过信心,让你的生命的结局尊荣你的救赎主和你所继承的。耶稣常与你同在,必会日复一日地赦免你的过犯,拯救你脱离试探。祂的教训和同在是永恒的。

2 King 13:1-9 In dire threat from the Syrians, Jehoahaz is one of the few Israelite kings to seek the Lord’s favor. God’s favor is ever available, especially for those who sincerely repent of their sins (which Jehoahaz failed to do). The repentant will not have a savior like the Assyrians but will have the true Savior, Christ Jesus, who bears away our sins and establishes an eternal homeland for us.
Savior Jesus, have mercy on me according to Your surpassing favor. Amen.
列王记下13:1-9 面对亚兰人的恐怖威胁,约哈斯是寻求主耶和华恩惠的少有的几个以色列王之一。上帝的恩惠始终是在那里,特别是要给那些真诚地为着他们的罪懊悔(这是约哈斯没有去做的)的人。悔改的人不是会有一位像亚兰人那样的拯救者,但必会有那位真正的救赎主基督耶稣,祂背负我们的罪并且为我们建立一个永恒的家园。

2 King 13:10-13 Jehoash walks in his forebears’ ways and renews war with Judah, using the respite from Syria to multiply his sins. God’s mercy is abused most when used as an opportunity to do evil. As the Lord has mercy on you, exercise mercy and kindness toward others. His mercy is the dearest treasure of His great and gracious reign, by which He grants forgiveness for your sins.
Lord, grant me opportunities for faithful service and the heart to act on them. Amen.
列王记下13:10-13 约阿施行走在他先祖的道路上,与犹大重启战事,利用从亚兰那里得的喘气之际加增他的罪。当上帝的怜悯被当成作恶的机会之时,祂的怜悯是最被滥用的。主耶和华向你施怜悯,也请向他人践行怜悯和恩慈。祂的怜悯是祂伟大和充满恩典的掌权中最珍贵的财宝,祂藉此赐下你罪的赦免。

2 King 13:14-25 The end of Elisha’s life signals lingering hope for the Israelites as the Lord’s covenant people. But it also signals the loss of their last great prophet, whose service kept them connected to the Lord. When matters appear hostile or even hopeless, remember that the Lord is gracious and compassionate. He cannot forget you and will not cast you aside.
Revive me, O Living Savior; draw me to Your side as Your beloved child. Amen.
列王记下13:14-25 以利沙生命的终点为作为耶和华盟约百姓的以色列人发出微弱的盼望。但它也意味着他们要失去他们最后的一位大先知,而他的服事曾维系着他们与主耶和华的连结。当事情看起来不利甚或无望的时候,请思念主耶和华是满有恩典,满有怜悯。祂不能忘记你,并且必不会将你撇弃。

2 King 14:1-22 Amaziah serves the Lord, yet he overestimates his power and tries to gain influence in the kingdom of Israel, which defeats him. Faith is not a guarantee of success. Pride leads to downfall. Enact your plans with reflection on God’s Word, with prayer, and with wisdom from God. The Lord watches over those who are His and welcomes them by faith as noble children of His everlasting kingdom.
Lord, grant me the wisdom of Your Word, along with bold faith, that I may serve You with peace of mind and enduring hope. Amen.
列王记下14:1-22 亚玛谢服侍主耶和华,然而他高估自己的能力,就想去在以色列国得些势力,结果以色列将他打败。信心不是成功的保障。骄傲导致败落。请带着对主话语的省察,带着祷告和从上帝而来的智慧执行你的计划。主耶和华看顾那些属于祂的,并且藉着信心欢迎他们成为祂永恒国度的尊贵儿女。

2 King 14:23-29 The Lord grants Israel an opportunity to reestablish its kingdom through Jeroboam II, as prophesied by Jonah. The Lord again shows remarkable patience for His rebellious people on the basis of His promises and compassion, proclaimed in Dt 32. If members of your family have wandered from the faith they professed before the Church, do not stop praying for them or proclaiming the Word to them. With the Lord there is great compassion, and His promises uphold us.
Lord, grant restoration to those who wander. Grant me patience as I pray for them and wait on You. Amen.
列王记下14:23-29 主耶和华藉着耶罗波安二世赐给以色列重建国度的机会,正如拿单所预言的。主耶和华基于祂在申命记32章中所宣告的应许和怜悯,再一次向祂悖逆的百姓显明令人吃惊的忍耐。如果你家庭里有成员偏离他们在教会面前所宣告的信仰,那么请不要停止为他们祷告,或停止向他们传讲圣道。在耶和华有丰盛怜悯,祂的应许扶持我们。

2 King 15:1-7 Azariah prospers with God’s blessing but also faces His judgment, which brings isolation. Prosperity or sin can divide you from the Lord and His people. Repent daily and focus on the Word, which will prosper you in God’s mercy, wisdom, and love. Rejoice in your freedom to gather with the saints for prayer and to receive the Word and the Sacraments, the greatest treasures.
O Lord, whether my house is full or bare, fill my heart with love of Your Word and my mouth with praise for Your saving name. Amen.
列王记下15:1-7 亚撒利雅因着上帝的祝福就发达起来(参 历代志下26章),但也面临着上帝的审判,上帝的审判所带来的是隔离。物质繁荣或罪能够将你从主耶和华和祂的百姓那里分离开来。每日要悔改且专注在圣道上,圣道必使你在上帝的怜悯,智慧和慈爱中繁荣昌盛。你有自由能够与众圣徒一同聚集祷告,并领受圣道和圣礼那最大的财宝,要在其中欢喜快乐。

2 King 15:8-12 During Zechariah’s reign, the Lord returns to judgment against Israel, ending Jehu’s dynasty, as He had said. Earthly prosperity and power are at the Lord’s discretion, to add or remove according to His purposes. Therefore, do not entrust your future to your strength or the strength of your family. The Lord alone is your strength and salvation.
O Lord, look upon me with favor, and preserve my life and family by grace. Amen.
列王记下15:8-12 撒迦利雅掌权期间,主耶和华返回到祂对以色列的审判,结束耶户的王朝,正如祂曾说的。地上的繁荣和权力都在主耶和华的裁量中,依照祂的旨意添加或挪去。因此,不要将你的未来交托给你自己的力量或你家人的力量。唯有主耶和华是你的力量和拯救。

2 King 15:13-16 Shallum, the conspirator, has a remarkably short reign. Divided loyalties in Israel lead to even greater brutality. When you experience frustration or rejection, do not resort to violence but take your frustrations to the Lord in prayer. His counsel will deliver you from the heart of anger and calm your troubled spirit.
Jesus, grant me passion for all that is good, but deliver me by Your passion from all that is evil, and grant me peace. Amen.
列王记下15:13-16 沙龙,那位篡位者,作王时间实在是惊人的短暂。以色列中间的分裂不忠导致更加可怕的残忍。当你经历沮丧或拒绝的时候,请不要诉诸于武力,乃是要将你的沮丧无助在祷告中带给主耶和华。祂的扶佑必拯救你脱离愤怒的心,并且安抚你受困的灵。

2 King 15:17-22 Assyria, the kingdom by which the Lord will eventually punish Israel with exile, now appears and takes tribute. Israel would fall within a generation’s time. God’s people should not put off repentance. Instead, learn to lead your children and grandchildren in a life of repentance, based on God’s Law and promised mercy in Christ. For the Lord is merciful to a thousand generations of those who love Him.
Send now Your mercy, dear Father. Please do not delay. Turn our hearts, and draw us to You in Christ. Amen.
列王记下15:17-22 亚述,就是主耶和华最终要藉之以放逐惩罚以色列的那个国家,如今出现,拿走了进贡。以色列将在一代人的时光里衰落。上帝的百姓不应该推迟悔改。相反,却要引领你的孩子们和他们的后代,过一个按照上帝的律法悔改,在基督里得应许之怜悯的生活。因为主耶和华向那些爱祂之人的后裔施怜悯,直到千代。

2 King 15:23-26 Under pressure from Assyria, the Israelites once again conspire against their king, Pekahiah, and establish yet another vulnerable rule. When times are difficult, you may feel tempted to turn on those close to you, but that will only bring further despair. Instead, turn to the Lord in prayer, requesting peace and unity through the Gospel, which unites God’s people through Baptism in His name and communion in His Supper.
Lord, remove from us every conspiracy for human power. Move us to pray for one another and to support one another in peace. Amen.
列王记下15:23-26 在从亚述而来的压力之下,以色列人再一次合谋对付他们的王比加辖,并且建立了另外一个脆弱的政权。当事情变得艰难的时候,你可能会受到试探,要去攻击那些靠近你的人,但那只会带来更深的绝望。相反,要在祷告中转向主耶和华,恳求那藉着福音临到的和平和团结,福音使上帝的百姓藉着奉祂名所施的圣洗礼和在祂圣餐中的交通团结在一起。

2 King 15:27-31 Assyria begins to dismantle Israel during the reign of Pekah and carries away the first captives. The bondage the Israelites experienced in Egypt returns to them because they reject God’s Word. In our lives too, rejection of God’s Word leads to bondage. Through the Word of Christ, God sets us free.
Deliver me, O Savior, and grant me life according to Your Word. Amen.
列王记下15:27-31 亚述在比加作王年间开始分割以色列,并且带走了第一批俘虏。以色列人曾在埃及地所经历的奴役又再一次返回到他们身上,因为他们拒绝上帝的话语。在我们的生命中也是一样,对上帝话语的抵挡带来奴役和枷锁。藉着基督的道,上帝释放我们。

2 King 15:32-38 King Jotham of Judah faces pressure from the kings of Syria and Israel, who tempt him to focus on human alliances and strength rather than on the Lord. God, of course, is not opposed to alliances, friendships, or trust between His subjects. Indeed, He calls us to faithfulness in such relationships. Yet, He places the greatest importance on trust in His salvation. He is our greatest ally against misplaced faith and false saviors.
Jesus, author and perfecter of my faith, lead me to do what is right in eyes of the Lord. Amen.
列王记下15:32-38 犹大国的王约坦面临着从亚兰和以色列王而来的压力,他们引诱他去专注在人的联盟和力量上,而不是专注在主耶和华上。上帝当然不反对祂臣民之间的联盟,友谊或者信任。确实,祂呼召我们要在这类的关系中忠心。然而,祂最着重强调的是对祂救恩的信靠。祂是我们对付错误信仰和虚假拯救者的最强大盟友。

2 King 16 After generations of relatively faithful rulers, Judah is led badly astray by Ahaz, who is cowed by the pressures from Israel, Syria, and Assyria. In savage irony, the wicked King Ahaz, who sacrifices his son to a false god, would receive the sign of Immanuel that announced the coming of the Son of God, our Savior (Is 7:10-25; 9:6-7; 11:1-9). At all times—even the worst of times—the Lord has us and our salvation on His heart.
Deliver us, O Lord, from wicked leaders who would corrupt or impede the offerings and praise of Your dear people. Amen.
列王记下16章 在几代相对忠心的王之后,犹大被亚哈斯严重带偏了,亚哈斯被从以色列,亚兰和亚述而来的压力吓软了。特别令人不可思议的是,邪恶的王亚哈斯,甚至将他的儿子献祭给了一个假神,却将会领受以马内利的记号,这以马内利的记号宣告了上帝之子,我们救赎主的来临(赛7:10-25;9:6-7;11:1-9)。在所有的世代里—甚至在那些最糟糕的状况下—主耶和华仍将我们和我们的救恩存在祂的心上。

2 King 17:1-5 Hoshea, the last king of Israel, placates the Assyrians, conspires against them, and even resists them for three years. All of these strategies fail to save the kingdom. All human efforts to hold on to God’s blessings and promises—embodied here in the Promised Land—are doomed to fail. Israel received God’s call and blessings by grace through faith, which is the only way we receive God’s blessings still today.
O Lord, I cannot by my own reason or strength attain and hold Your blessings. Grant them all to me by grace in Christ. Amen.
列王记下17:1-5 何细亚,以色列的最后一个王,先是讨好亚述人,然后密谋对付他们,甚至还对抗了他们三年。所有这些策略都没能挽救以色列国。所有想要抓住上帝的祝福和应许—就是落实在这应许之地—的人的努力都注定要失败。以色列领受上帝的呼召和祝福,是靠赖恩典藉着信心,这仍是我们今天领受上帝祝福的唯一途径。

2 King 17:6 Settled in distant lands, the northern tribes are more or less lost to history. Speculators have proposed numerous accounts of what happened to them. Some groups have even claimed to be Israel’s descendants. All such theories have proven false and fruitless. The Lord has erased the heritage of these rebellious people. The enduring heritage of the OT passed from Judah, through Jesus, the Son of David, to all people who would receive the promises and blessings of God by grace.
Preserve Your Word and heritage among us, O Lord, from generation to generation. Amen.
列王记下17:6 被安置在偏远之地,北部众支派或多或少消失在历史当中。关于他们后来发生了什么事情,对此提出猜想的人已经提供了许多的描述。一些群体甚至宣称是以色列的后裔。所有这类的理论都被证明是错误,毫无结果的。主耶和华已经抹去这些悖逆之民的产业。旧约中持久的产业已经藉着耶稣,大卫的后裔,从犹大转移给所有靠赖恩典领受上帝应许和祝福的万民。

2 King 17:7-23 The Lord allowed Israel to fall and go into exile as a warning to all generations of believers. The NT, too, warns us to guard our doctrine and life lest we fall away from the Lord. God calls us to teach His Word faithfully to each generation, emphasizing His Law (by which the Lord leads us to daily repentance) and His promises of the covenant in Christ (by which He grants us everlasting salvation).
“Help us Your holy Law to learn, To mourn our sin and from it turn In faith to You and to Your Son And Holy Spirit, Three in One.” Amen. (LSB 865:2)
列王记下17:7-23 主耶和华允许以色列败亡和被放逐,是对所有世代信徒的一个警告。新约也警告我们要护卫我们的教义和生命,免得我们离弃主耶和华。上帝呼召我们向每一代人忠心地教导祂的话语,强调律法(主耶和华藉此引导我们每日的悔改)和祂在基督里盟约的应许(祂藉此恩赐我们永恒的救恩)。

2 King 17:24-41 Through a priest and teaching about the covenant, the Lord reaches out to the people settled in Israel. The Lord had commanded Israel to deal graciously with sojourners and to teach them the faith and practices of the true God (see note, Ex 12:19). He would have us deal kindly and patiently with sojourners and guests among us, proclaiming to them God’s Law and Gospel, by which the Lord consecrates for Himself a people.
Lord, grant me an open heart to share Your Word and patience with those who know little about You. Lead our congregations to focus on this important mission. Amen.
列王记下17:24-41 藉着一位祭司和对上帝所立之约的教导,主耶和华眷顾定居在以色列地的百姓。主耶和华曾吩咐以色列要恩待寄居者,并且将那位独一真上帝的信仰和实践教导给他们(看注释,出12:19)。祂也愿我们恩慈和宽容地对待在我们中间寄居的人和客旅,向他们宣扬上帝的律法和福音,主耶和华藉着上帝的律法和福音为祂自己将一个民分别为圣。

2 King 18:1-12 The Lord raises up Hezekiah to guide Judah through its most challenging moment, facing the great Assyrian Empire. Like Hezekiah, you are to trust and serve the one true God without compromise, presenting a positive testimony of His grace. The Lord will support you in the face of every obstacle, equipping you through His Word (v 6).
“I am trusting Thee to guide me; Thou alone shalt lead, Ev’ry day and hour supplying All my need.” Amen. (LSB 729:4)
列王记下18:1-12 主耶和华兴起希西家来引导犹大度过它最艰难的时刻,就是要面对强大的亚述帝国。像希西家一样,你也要信靠和服事那独一真上帝,当毫无保留,呈现一个对祂恩典的积极见证。主耶和华必要在每一个艰难面前扶持你,藉着祂的话语装备你(6节)。

2 King 18:13-37 An Assyrian official shows disdain for Hezekiah, but the people demonstrate their steady trust in their faithful king. At times, we may grow discouraged that there are no good leaders left. Be assured: the Lord always leads His people and can raise up faithful leaders for them. Pray for your leaders, entrusting them to Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd. He will faithfully lead you in the way of peace.
Trustworthy Lord, bless our leaders with faith, discernment, and courage to stand up for what is right. Amen.
列王记下18:13-37 一位亚述将军表达出对希西家的轻蔑,然而百姓展示了他们对自己忠心君王的坚实信靠。有时候,我们可能变得很沮丧,因为没有什么好的领袖余剩了。可以确信的是:主耶和华总是引领祂的百姓,并且能够为他们兴起忠心的领袖。请为你的领袖们祷告,将他们交托给耶稣基督,那位好牧人。祂必信实地引领你走在平安的路上。

2 King 19:1-7 Through Isaiah, the Lord comforts Hezekiah and promises to defeat the mocking Assyrians with a mere word. Do not mock God or misuse His name! He regards words greatly and will answer you according to your words. Though His Word of rebuke has deadly force, His Word of comfort has life-giving force, as He demonstrated at creation and in the Gospel of His Son, our King.
Speak, O Lord, for Your servant is listening. Instruct me from Your Word. Amen.
列王记下19:1-7 藉着以赛亚,主耶和华安慰希西家,并且应许要击溃尽施嘲讽的亚述人,而且是仅仅用一个消息。不要嘲笑上帝或妄称祂的名!祂极其看重言语,并且必按照你的言语报答你。尽管祂责备的话语有着致命的能力,然而祂安慰的话语也有赐生命的能力,正如祂在创世之时和在我们君王,祂儿子的福音里所显明的那样。

2 King 19:8-13 The Lord shakes the Assyrian’s confidence with a report about the Egyptians coming to Judah’s aid. Today, have confidence in God’s Word, though scoffers and critics may despise it. What the Lord promises, He performs and works salvation for all who trust in Him.
Grant me life, O Lord, according to Your Word. Amen.
列王记下19:8-13 主耶和华使用一个报告,就是埃及人要来帮助犹大,震动了亚述人的信心。今天,要信靠上帝的话语,尽管嘲弄者和批评者可能鄙视上帝的圣道。上帝所应许的,祂必成就,并且祂必向所有信靠祂的人施行拯救。

2 King 19:14-19 Placing Sennacherib’s words before the Lord, Hezekiah asks the Lord to distinguish Himself from the idols of the nations. When you pray, appeal to the Lord on the basis of His Word, which describes His unique attributes. The Lord will hear your prayer for Jesus’ sake and will answer faithfully.
O Lord God, please save us, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You, O Lord, are God alone. Amen.
列王记下19:14-19 希西家将西拿基立的话摆在主耶和华面前,恳求主耶和华将祂自己与万国的偶像分别开来。当你祷告的时候,请以祂圣道为根基来呼求主,祂的圣道描述了祂独特的属性。主耶和华必因着耶稣的缘故垂听你的祈祷,必信实地应允。

2 King 19:20-37 The Lord mockingly explains for Hezekiah how He planned for the rise and fall of Sennacherib to fulfill His purposes. When headlines disturb you, take comfort in the truth that all the intrigues of the nations and politicians are subject to the Lord’s plans for His creation and Church. The Lord responded to Hezekiah’s prayer for the sake of His promise to David, Hezekiah’s ancestor and the forefather of Jesus, our Savior. He will likewise respond to our prayers.
O Lord, in Your zeal, deliver us from evil. Grant us all confidence in prayer. Amen.
列王记下19:20-37 主耶和华向希西家嘲讽式地解释祂如何安排西拿基立的高升和坠落,为要成就祂的旨意。当新闻头条使你不安的时候,请在那真理中得安慰,那真理就是万国和政治家的所有阴谋都蜷伏在主耶和华对祂受造物和教会的计划之下。主耶和华因着祂给我们救主耶稣的先祖,希西家的先祖大卫的应许,回应了希西家的祷告。祂也必同样回应我们的祷告。

2 King 20:1-11 The Lord heeds Hezekiah’s prayer and heals him. At times, people wonder whether prayer really matters to God, as He already knows all things and what will happen. This passage removes any excuse for holding your tongue in the hour of need. Call on the Lord, as He invites you to do, and trust, like faithful Hezekiah, that the Lord indeed hears and answers for His mercy’s sake, which He has revealed to us in Christ.
O Lord, remember me, and hear my daily requests for the sake of Your promises through Jesus. Amen.
列王记下20:1-11 主耶和华垂顾希西家的祷告,医治了他。有时候,人会因为上帝已经知晓万事和将要发生的事,疑惑祈祷对上帝来说是否无关紧要。这段经文挪去了你在缺乏的时刻紧闭自己舌头的任何借口。要呼求主耶和华 ,正如祂所邀请你去做的,要像忠心的希西家那样,信靠主耶和华确实垂听并会因着祂怜悯的缘故应允之,祂已经将祂的怜悯在基督里向我们显明了。

2 King 20:12-21 Hezekiah displays unusual callousness in a spiritual matter, gladly accepting a prophecy condemning his descendants. When you consider the future, curb the pride you take in this hour and take pride in faithful sons and daughters who trust in the Lord and honor His calling and grace. The Lord will not fail to show mercy toward all who trust in His goodness.
Lord, speak Your good Word to me, my children, and my grandchildren, that we may know Your everlasting peace. Amen.
列王记下20:12-21 希西家在一件属灵的事上显出异常的麻木,欢快地接受了一个咒诅他后裔的预言。当你思想未来的时候,要抑制你对今时的夸赞,却要以信靠主耶和华并尊荣祂呼召和恩典的忠心儿女为荣。主耶和华向所有信靠祂良善的人施怜悯,必不失败。

2 King 21:1-9 Ironically, faithful Hezekiah leaves his throne to the worst king in Judah’s history, Manasseh, who had 55 years to thoroughly corrupt the people. Make parenthood and family among your highest priorities, by which you may serve not only this generation, but generations to come. The Lord makes you and your family the object of His love and mercy in giving His one and only Son for you.
By Your grace, O heavenly Father, bless and keep my family in the one true faith unto life everlasting. Amen.
列王记下21:1-9 讽刺的是,忠心的希西家将他的王位留给了犹大历史上最邪恶的王玛拿西,玛拿西作王55年,彻底败坏了百姓。要将教养子女及家庭放在你最重要的事务之列,藉此你不仅可以服侍这一代,而且还有将来的后裔。主耶和华将祂的独生子赐给你,好使你和你的家人成为祂慈爱和怜悯的对象。

2 King 21:10-18 During Manasseh’s reign, the Lord determins to do away with the kingdom of Judah. He does not yet reveal how this will happen. Today, rather than test God’s patience, make daily repentance part of your life. For such repentance to be faithful and not just routine, cling to the teachings of God’s Word, which shows you your sins and the ways of God’s heritage. The Lord will prosper you in His way and regard you as His dear child.
Merciful Father, You are our shield and portion. Preserve Your heritage, we pray. Amen.
列王记下21:10-18 玛拿西作王期间,主耶和华决定挪去犹大国。祂还没启示这将会如何发生。今天,要使每日的悔改成为你生命的一部分,而不是去测验上帝的耐心。为使这样的悔改真诚而不是仅仅例行公事,要依附上帝话语的教导,祂的话语向你显明你的罪和上帝子民的道路。主耶和华必使你在祂的道路上亨通,使你做祂亲爱的孩子。

2 King 21:19-26 King Amon rejects God’s ways and walks in the ways of evil King Manasseh, his father. Today, do not simply accept the antics of evil rulers, but also do not read this passage as a blessing for overthrowing your government! Pray for your leaders and look for legitimate ways to condemn their errors(e.g., elections; protest) in order to establish justice in your land. Your just and gracious Ruler in heaven oversees all things. He will bless and keep you according to the grace of His beloved Son.
Dearest Jesus, faithful Son, bless the people of our land with justice and peace. Amen.
列王记下21:19-26 亚们王抵挡上帝的道路,行走在他父亲,恶王玛拿西的道上。今天,不要简单地接受邪恶领袖们的怪相,但也不能将此段落读成是对颠覆你们政府的一个祝福!请为你们的领袖祈祷,并且寻求合法的途径来谴责他们的错误(比如:选举;游行)为的是要在你们的土地上建立公正。你们公正且满有恩典的那位掌权者在天上监察万事万物。祂必会按照祂蒙爱儿子的恩典祝福和保守你们。

2 King 22:1-2 Through the faithful guidance of Hilkiah, the Lord instructs Josiah and raises up another faithful king for Judah. God’s people cannot overestimate the value of faithful teachers and counselors for their youth. Do not withhold the teachings of God’s Word from the young but teach them right and wrong, truth distinguished from falsehood, during their earliest years. God’s beloved Son, who grew up in favor with God and people, will Himself instruct your youth with love and mercy through the Word.
Lord, give us a heart for Christian education, that our children may grow in Your grace and favor. Amen.
列王记下22:1-2 透过希勒家的忠心带领,主耶和华教导约西亚,为犹大兴起了又一个信实的王。为年轻的一代预备忠心的教师和顾问,上帝的百姓怎么也不会高估这些教师和顾问的价值。在将上帝的话语教导给年轻一代人的事情上不要迟疑,却要在他们很小的时候就教导他们分别对错,分别真理和假道。上帝所爱的子,也是在上帝和百姓的恩里长大,祂自己必藉着圣道,带着慈爱和怜悯教导你们年轻的一代。

2 King 22:3-7 King Josiah, Shaphan, and Hilkiah organize the repairs of the temple, contracting faithful workers. In your work, honor your Christian vocation and your Lord by gaining a reputation for honesty and faithfulness. The Lord will not fail to bless those who deal honestly. He deals honestly with us in calling us to repentance and in setting all things right by the faithful service of His beloved Son.
Lord, make me wise in my work, especially in fairness and honesty, that I might enjoy a God-pleasing reputation before all people. Amen.
列王记下22:3-7 约西亚王,沙番,和希勒家组织圣殿的修缮工作,雇了一批忠心的工匠。在你的工作中,要藉着赢得诚实和忠心的声誉,来尊荣你们基督徒的天职和你们的主。主耶和华祝福那些诚实行事的人,祂必不失败。祂在呼召我们悔改,藉着祂所爱儿子的忠心服事来恢复万物的事情上,以诚实待我们。

2 King 22:8-20 Through the prophetess Huldah, the Lord confirms the message that King Josiah learned from the Book of the Law: the Lord would condemn Judah. However, the Lord also promises mercy to Josiah, in view of his repentance. Sincere repentance is never in vain, even if someone continues to experience hardship after turning to the Lord. Rather, it is the loving work of God’s Holy Spirit through His Word, and His works avail for our salvation.
Instruct me, dear Savior, through Your precious Word, and take not Your Holy Spirit away from me. Amen.
列王记下22:8-20 透过女先知户勒大,主耶和华证实了约西亚王从律法书中所得到的信息,那就是主耶和华要定罪犹大。然而,主耶和华考虑到约西亚的悔改,也向他应许了怜悯。真诚的悔改从来不是无用的,既使有些人在转向主耶和华之后仍然会经历到苦难。相反,真诚的悔改是上帝的圣灵藉着祂的圣道所做的恩慈工作,并且祂的工作与我们的救恩有益。

2 King 23:1-20 With bitter detail, the writer describes Josiah’s campaign to remove all elements of false worship from regions under his rule. Such bold action no doubt offended some of his subjects. Today, the Lord may call you to take bold action. Set your heart to serve the Lord and pray for His help to make changes peaceably. In all circumstances, the God of peace will sustain you for good works. Best of all, He has accomplished your salvation through His beloved Son.
Give me a soft heart toward You, O Lord, but a firm heart toward those who seek to overthrow Your ways. Amen.
列王记下23:1-20 作者以尖刻的细节描绘了约西亚从他治理之下的区域挪去虚假敬拜方方面面的运动。这样大胆的行动当然冒犯了他的一些臣民。今天,主耶和华可能呼召你采取大胆的行动。要将你的心定意服事主,并且祈求祂的帮助,好使改变可以和平地进行。在所有境况中,赐平安的上帝必为着良善的工作供应你。最棒的是,祂已经藉着祂蒙爱的儿子成就了你的救恩。

2 King 23:21-27 The great and memorable Passover celebrated under Josiah does not fundamentally change matters of faith in Judah. The Lord will sift the people through the Babylonian exile only 26 years later. In all nations and congregations, the wicked and the righteous live alongside one another. We live, prosper, suffer, and die together. Yet, the Lord knows those who are His and will preserve them unto Himself. He has placed His name on us in Baptism, and the world cannot take it away.
Preserve Your people, O Savior, and prepare for us a homeland in Your eternal kingdom. Amen.
列王记下23:21-27 在约西亚治理之下庆祝的那场最壮大难忘的逾越节并未从根本上改变犹大的信仰事务。主耶和华仅仅在26年之后就藉着在巴比伦地的流放筛净祂的子民。在所有国家所有教会中,邪恶与公义的人一并存在。我们一同生活,一同昌达,一同受苦,一同死去。然而,主耶和华认识那些属于祂的,并且必会为祂自己将他们存留。祂已经将祂的名在圣洗礼中放在我们身上,就连世界也不能将之夺去。

2 King 23:28-30 King Josiah dies due to conflicts over the rising regional power of Babylon. Yet, the Lord fulfills His Word to Josiah by gathering him to the tombs of the kings of Judah. When good people meet a tragic end, such as faithful soldiers or officers who fall in the line of duty, do not assume that they or their families are being punished by the Lord or that He has forsaken them. Instead, honor the noble who fail too soon in your eyes, offering thanks to God for their noble service. Jesus, too, met an early end (to our notions), but His death was purposefully timed by God for our salvation.
“Lord, let at last Thine angels come, To Abr’ham’s bosom bear me home, That I may die unfearing; And in its narrow chamber keep My body safe In peaceful sleep Until Thy reappearing. And then from death awaken me, That these mine eyes with joy may see, O Son of God, Thy glorious face, My Savior and my fount of grace. Lord Jesus Christ, my prayer attend, my prayer attend, And I will praise Thee without end.” Amen. (LSB 708:3)
列王记下23:28-30 约西亚王因着巴比伦区域政权的兴起所带来的冲突死掉了。然而,主耶和华成就了祂给约西亚的话语,将他纳入犹大列王的坟墓里。当良善的人得了悲惨结局,比如那些忠诚的士兵或将领死在执行任务上的时候,请不要认为他们或他们的亲人正在经受主耶和华的惩罚,或者祂已经将他们遗弃了。相反,要尊荣那些在你眼中太早折损的尊贵之辈,为着他们尊贵的服侍将感恩献给上帝。耶稣也得了一个过早的结局(依据我们的观念),但祂的死亡是上帝为着我们的救恩有目的地计划好的。

2 King 23:31-35 In three short months, Jehoahaz is able to restore false worship in Judah and so overturn his father’s reform. How easy to destroy and corrupt! How hard to set things right again! The Lord alone can truly change hearts, accomplished through His life-giving Word, which purifies us from every stain of sin.
Cleanse me, O spotless Lamb, from all my sins, that I may do what is right in Your eyes. Amen.
列王记下23:31-35 短短的三个月里,约哈斯就能够在犹大重新恢复虚假崇拜,也因此推翻了他父亲的改革。摧毁和败坏是多么容易啊!将事情重新纠正是多么难啊!唯有主耶和华能够真正改变人心,藉着祂赐生命的道来将之成就,祂赐生命的道洁净我们,脱离所有罪的污渍。

2 King 23:36-24:7 The Lord arranges regional politics against Jehoiakim and Judah, determined to avenge the evils committed by Judah’s kings. Sins, even when forgiven, continue to bear consequences in our lives. As you consider your life in view of God’s Word, consider also the lives and futures of those against whom you sin and ask the Lord for mercy, not only for yourself, but also for those affected by your sins. The Lord, whose mercies are new every morning, will surely hear your prayers. Entrust all things to His good and gracious will.
Take away my sins, O Savior, and guard others from the consequences of my faults. Amen.
列王记下23:36-24:7 主耶和华使用区域政治对付约雅敬和犹大,决议要报复犹大列王所犯下的邪恶之事。罪,既使得了赦免,仍然会在我们的生活中带来后果。当你依照上帝的话语思量你的生活之时,也请考虑那些你犯罪所冒犯的人他们的生活和未来,向主耶和华恳求怜悯,不仅是为你自己,也为哪些受你的罪影响的人。主耶和华,祂的怜悯每日清晨都是新的,必定会垂听你的祷告。要将万事交托给祂良善洪恩的旨意。

2 King 24:8-17 In the surrender of Jehoiachin, the Lord allows the dismantling of the temple David had planned and Solomon had built. Thanks be to God, He does not dwell in temples we make, as He explained to Solomon at the beginning (1Ki 8:27). He dwells instead in the hearts of His people by faith.
“Abide with me, fast falls the eventide. The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide. When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me.” Amen. (LSB 878:1)
列王记下24:8-17 在约雅斤的投降之下,主耶和华允许大卫所计划,所罗门所建造的圣殿遭到拆毁。感谢归给上帝,祂并不住我们所造的殿,正如祂一开始向所罗门解释的(列上8:27)。祂乃是藉着信居住在祂子民的心中。
“黄昏快速下沉,黑夜更深,请与我同在;主耶和华 ,与我同在。当其他的帮助者衰退,安慰已逝的时候,无助之人的帮助啊,与我同在。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册878:1)

2 King 24:18-20 The Lord remains repulsed by Judah’s evils, rejecting even the vassal rule of Zedekiah. The depth of God’s anger and disappointment over sin is beyond our ability to fathom, just as surely as we cannot understand the depth of our own sins. Yet, the Lord does not cast off His people forever but calls them to repent. Ever present in His Word and Sacraments, He administers to us the full blessings of forgiveness.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, and uphold me with Thy free spirit.” Amen. (LSB, pp 192-93)
列王记下24:18-20 主耶和华仍然厌恶犹大的恶事,甚至摒弃了西底家的傀儡政权。上帝对罪的怒气和失望的深度是过于我们能力可以测量的,正如我们确实不能理解我们自己罪的深度一样。然而,主耶和华不愿永远离弃祂的子民,乃是呼召他们回转。祂永远临在于祂的圣道和圣礼中,向我们施行赦罪恩典的丰盛祝福。
“ 神啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直(或作:坚定)的灵。不要丢弃我,使我离开你的面;不要从我收回你的圣灵。求你使我仍得救恩之乐,赐我乐意的灵扶持我。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册,192-193页)

2 King 25:1-21 After Judah’s third rebellion, the Babylonians enforce sterner policies, killing off all manner of community leadership and ending Judah’s status as a kingdom and a holy land. Yet, all human institutions eventually fail, even mighty Babylon. The holy kingdom of God abides forever because its King, our God and Savior, cannot be overthrown.
Heavenly Father, rule among us by Your Word and Sacraments, that we might be Your own and live under You in peace. Amen.
列王记下25:1-21 在犹大的第三次背叛之后,巴比伦人就执行更坚决的政策,消灭所有社区的领导能力,终结犹大作为一个国家和圣地的地位。然而,所有人的组织最终都会衰落,甚至包括强大的巴比伦。上帝圣洁的国度永远长存,因为它的王,我们的救主上帝,不会被推翻。

2 King 25:22-26 Unable to adjust to changing times, the royal family of Judah continues to resist Babylonian governance of former Judean territory. Today, the Lord blesses us, not only with His Word (Jeremiah warned the royal family against further rebellion, Jer 42), but also with common sense. With God’s counsel, adjust to the disappointments you face and make different plans for the future. Most of all, repent of your failures and confess your shortcomings. Your Lord yet has great blessings in mind for you, which He grants in Christ.
Turn my face, O Lord, in the way that I should go. Quiet my heart and grant me hope for the future. Amen.
列王记下25:22-26 犹大的贵族宗室由于不能适应变化的境况,仍继续抵抗巴比伦人对曾经是犹大地的统治。今天,主耶和华祝福我们,不仅是用祂的话语(耶利米警告贵族宗室不要继续抵抗,耶42章),而且也用常识。带着从上帝而来的智慧,要去适应你所面对的失望境况,并且为着未来做出不同的计划。最重要的是,要为着你的失败悔改,承认你的缺点。你的主耶和华在祂心上仍然为你存留丰盛的祝福,就是祂在基督里所赐下的。

2 King 25:27-30 Despite all that has happened, the Lord provides for the preservation of the “house of David” (see notes, 2Sm 7:12-17). For the next 500 years, the Judeans would anticipate the restoration of David’s reign, which the heavenly Father fulfilled in the coming of Jesus, a “Son of David.” His kingdom—the Church—shall never end.
Rule over us, gracious Lord. Welcome and sustain us at Your banquet table, which is a foretaste of the feast to come. Amen.
列王记下25:27-30 尽管有着所发生的一切,但主耶和华仍然存留“大卫的家室”(参注释,撒下7:12-17)。接下来的500年,犹大人就期盼着大卫王室的复兴,天父在“大卫之子,”耶稣的降临中将之成就了。祂的国度—教会—必永不断绝。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2017年05月20日

1 Chronicles 1:1-27 Through the families of the earth, the Lord unfolds His plan of salvation, focusing on Abraham, the father of all who believe (Rm 4:16). Just as sin divided and corrupted Adam’s family, it attacks and tears apart families today. Yet, these genealogies show how the Lord continues to work through families as the faith is preserved and spread from one generation to the next. The Godhead itself shows this, with the Father sending forth His Son for the sake of our salvation (Jn 3:16).
Merciful Father, rescue my family from the wedge of sins that would separate us. Draw us together with cords of love through Your Son. Amen.
历代志上1:1-27 藉着地上的家庭,主耶和华展开祂救赎的计划,聚焦在那位所有信徒之父亚伯拉罕的身上(罗4:16 所以人得为後嗣是本乎信,因此就属乎恩,叫应许定然归给一切後裔;不但归给那属乎律法的,也归给那效法亚伯拉罕之信的)。正如罪使亚当的家庭分裂并且遭败坏一样,罪在今天仍然攻击和撕裂着家庭。然而,这些家谱也显明主耶和华继续藉着家庭作工,信仰得以保存,并且代代相传。圣父为着我们救恩的缘故差遣祂的儿子,三位一体的上帝就将此显明了(约3:16「神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生)。

1 Chronicles 1:28-54 As He promised, the Lord made Abraham the father of many nations. Sadly, Abraham’s physical (not spiritual) descendants are still in conflict nearly 4,000 years later as the nations of the Near East continually battle one another and draw others into the conflict. Such conflicts can end only through the forgiveness of sins, offered through Abraham’s offspring, our Lord Jesus Christ.
O Lord, You multiplied the families of the earth from father Abraham. Bless our families as well, and grant them lasting peace through Your only Begotten Son, Jesus. Amen.
历代志上1:28-54 正如祂应许的,主耶和华使亚伯拉罕成为多国的父。令人伤心的是,亚伯拉罕肉身(不是属灵)的后裔在将近4,000年之后仍然处于互相争斗中,近东的国家继续相互打仗,也将其它国家引入冲突当中。这样的冲突只能藉着罪的赦免才可终止,那罪的赦免就是藉着亚伯拉罕的后裔,我们的主耶稣基督所赐下的。

1 Chronicles 2 Although Judah was not the firstborn or the most noble of Jacob’s sons, his descendants took the first place among the tribes of Israel and fathered the greatest kings and builders. Today, though you have stumbled in life, set your heart on serving the Lord and supporting your family. The Lord will hear your prayers of repentance and of blessing for your family. His great desire is to bless all through Jesus, His Son.
O Lord, may my sins not weigh down my family, but may Your forgiveness of my sins become an example of Your surpassing mercy. Build up my family into a holy house, devoted to Your service. Amen.
历代志上2 尽管犹大不是雅各儿子中头生或最尊贵的,但他的后裔在以色列的众支派里做头,养育了多个最伟大的君王和建造者。今天,尽管你曾在生活中跌倒,但要将你的心定睛在服侍主耶和华和供应你的家庭上。主耶和华必会垂听你悔改和为你家人恳求祝福的祷告。祂特别所愿的就是藉着祂的儿子耶稣祝福所有人。

1 Chronicles 3 David’s dynasty ruled all Israel for 80 years and the Southern Kingdom of Judah for over 400 years; his descendants continued to lead after the return from the Babylonian exile. From a small beginning with a shepherd boy, the Lord wrought great things. Today, through prayer and godly leadership, humbly commend your family to God’s service. Jesus, David’s greatest descendant, will lead you into a blessed future.
O great David’s greater Son, build my family up in lasting devotion through Your Holy Word. Amen.
历代志上3 大卫王朝治理整个以色列有80年,治理南国犹大有超过400年;从巴比伦地的流放归回之后,他的后裔仍继续作首。从一个放羊男孩不起眼的开头,主耶和华成就了大事。今天,要藉着祈祷和敬虔的带领,将你的家人谦卑地交托在上帝的服事中。

1 Chronicles 4:1-23 Other members of David’s family, who increased the family’s territory and served with David, are listed. In any group or family, some will lead, but most will follow. No matter what your calling, bring honor to your family, congregation, employer, and nation by prayer and devoted service. For Christ, born of Bethlehem Ephrathah (cf v 4), has called you by His grace.
Lord, grant me a servant’s heart, that Your rule may extend to those who have not yet heard or believed. Amen.
历代志上4:1-23 大卫家室中,那些扩张家族地界并且与大卫一同服侍的其他成员,在此被列出。在任何群体或家庭里面,一些人会作首,而大多数人要跟随。无论你的呼召是什么,请藉着祈祷和专心的服事,来尊荣你的家庭,教会,雇主和国家。因为基督,那位生于伯利恒以法他的(参 4节),曾出于祂的恩典呼召了你。

1 Chronicles 4:24-43 Simeon’s descendants and some of their noteworthy successes are listed. They lived peaceably and supportively among Judah’s descendants, showing the mutual support brothers may supply. God’s people today live in and depend on such brotherhood, upon which the Church is based. Christ, our Brother, unites us in the service of our heavenly Father.
Dearest Father, make my service dear to my brothers and sisters in Christ, that we may unite in praising You. Amen.
历代志上4:24-43 西缅的后裔以及他们一些出色的功绩被列出。他们在犹大的后裔中间带着和平和彼此扶持生活,展示出弟兄们可以供应的相互帮扶。今天上帝的百姓居住在这样的弟兄之爱中,并且倚赖之,教会也建造在这样的弟兄之爱上。基督,我们的弟兄,使我们团结在我们天父的服事里面。

1 Chronicles 5:1-10 The Chronicler recounts Reuben’s weakness and relationship to Judah, which illustrates why Judah came to lead Israel. Leadership and inheritance are not blessings one can simply take for granted, because they come with responsibility. God has given you responsibility in His kingdom, no matter what your standing in life. He has also equipped and blessed you with gifts, including the blessings of life and salvation through Christ, our Head.
Lead on, dearest Jesus, and grant me the will and strength to follow Your way. Amen.
历代志上5:1-10 历代志作者重述流便的软弱及其与犹大的关系,这勾画出犹大要领导以色列的原因。领袖和产业并非是一个人能够简单地看为理所当然的祝福,因为与之一起临到的是责任。上帝已经在祂的国度里赐给你责任,无论你生命中的位份是什么。祂也已经用恩赐装备和祝福你,其中包括从我们的元首基督而来的生命和救恩的祝福。

1 Chronicles 5:11-22 Only a little information is recorded about the “sons of Gad” in Scripture, who lived and fought beside the sons of Reuben. When brothers support one another in godly service, how great is the blessing! But offense and envy too often divide brothers and neighbors. Through God’s blessings, forgiveness, and mercy requested in prayer, He can and does restore us to one another.
Merciful Lord, grant us peace with our brethren and neighbors, that all may call on Your name and serve one another in joy. Amen.
历代志上5:11-22 在圣经中关于“迦得的后裔”只有一点信息被记载下来,他们与流便的后裔一同生活和打仗。当弟兄们在敬虔的服事中彼此支持的时候,那祝福是多么丰盛啊!但冒犯和嫉妒太经常使弟兄和邻居分裂了。藉着上帝的祝福,赦罪恩典和怜悯,就是在祷告中被祈求的,祂能够并且确实会恢复彼此的和睦。

1 Chronicles 5:23-26 The early successes of East Manasseh did not spare them from defeat after they abandoned God’s covenant. God punished them specifically through sending the Assyrians. He still manages affairs between nations today. Remarkably, the people of Assyria came to faith centuries later when the Gospel spread to the east (cf Is 19:25). The Lord’s Word is powerful to stir hearts not only to war but also to faith and peace in Christ.
Stir our hearts, O Lord, to keep Your Word faithfully by believing in Jesus and proclaiming His name among the nations. Amen.
历代志上5:23-26 东岸玛拿西的早期得胜并没有使他们免受因着他们弃绝上帝的恩约而来的失败。上帝特别藉着差遣亚述人来惩罚他们。祂今日仍然掌管国与国之间的事务。令人不可思议的是,亚述的百姓在多个世纪之后,就是当福音传到约旦河东岸的时候,来到信仰之中(参 赛19:25 因为万军之耶和华赐福给他们,说:「埃及我的百姓,亚述我手的工作,以色列我的产业,都有福了)。主耶和华的话语满有能力,不仅可以挑动人心去争战,而且也可以挑动人心走向在基督里的信心和平安。

1 Chronicles 6 An overview of the priestly tribe, down to the time of David. The service of the priests helps us understand the service of Christ in NT. Heb 5:10 declares Christ to be the High Priest after the order of Melchizedek., superior to all those of Levi because He Himself is the sacrifice for our sins. He lives forever (Heb 7) and serves in the greater, heavenly temple (Heb 8-10).
Lord, through Your atoning blood, I am forgiven and united with all the faithful. Be our refuge in all adversity, and prepare us for service in Your kingdom. Amen.
历代志上6章 是对祭司支派的纵览,直到大卫时期。祭司们的服事帮助我们理解基督在新约中的服事。希伯来书5章10节宣告基督为大祭司,按着麦基洗德的等次,高于所有利未族的,因为祂自己就是为我们的罪献上的赎罪祭(来5:10并蒙神照著麦基洗德的等次称他为大祭司)。祂永远活着(来7章)并且在那天上更大的殿中服事(来8-10章)。

1 Chronicles 7:1-5 Although little information about Issachar is presented, the Chronicler records the tribe’s great numbers. How sad that this prosperous tribe did not also prosper in serving God’s Word. Today, focusing on numerical strength remains deceptive. The Lord counts us as His people and grants us strength by grace alone.
Lord, make me a good steward of those in my charge, and teach me to reply on Your strength alone. Amen.
历代志上7:1-5 尽管关于以萨迦的信息所呈现的很少,但历代志作者记载下了这个支派人数众多。这一繁荣的支派在服事上帝的话语上却未能兴盛,这是多么可悲啊!今天,对数字能力的专注仍然是具有迷惑性的。主耶和华唯独出于恩典算我们为祂的子民并赐我们能力。

1 Chronicles 7:6-12 Benjamin, Jacob’s youngest son and the father of one of the smallest tribes, is given the honor of a genealogy, unlike Dan, who receives almost no notice. The Lord cares for all the faithful, no matter how small or unimportant they appear to the world.
O Lord, thank You for counting me precious through the merits of Your precious Son. Amen.
历代志上7:6-12 便雅悯,雅各最小的儿子,也是最小支派之一的先祖,却在家谱中得了尊荣,不像但,几乎没有被提及。主耶和华看顾所有忠心的人,无论他们对世界来说看起来会是多么的渺小或不重要。

1 Chronicles 7:13-19 Summaries of Naphtali and West Manasseh specially note the place of mothers. How great is a mother’s influence on her children, whether for good or for evil! Faithful mothers are God’s gifts to His children, an exceptional blessing.
Lord, grant faithful mothers in the service of Your Church, devoted and humble like Your own dear mother. Amen.
历代志上7:13-19 对拿弗他利和西岸玛拿西的总结特别提及母亲的位份。一位母亲在她孩子们身上的影响是多么大啊,无论是好的或是恶的!忠心的母亲是上帝赐给祂百姓的恩赐,一份特别的祝福。

1 Chronicles 7:20-29 The touching story of Ephraim’s recovery from disaster illustrates brotherly care and personal endurance, as Ephraim became a most powerful tribe in Israel’s history. Though we suffer much in this life, our Brother Jesus Christ is full of comfort and supports us through our brothers and sisters in the faith.
Dearest Jesus, comfort us in all our sorrows, that we might comfort others. Amen.
历代志上7:20-29 以法莲从灾难中得恢复的感人故事描绘了弟兄情谊般的看顾和个人的忍耐,以法莲成为以色列历史上一个最强大的支派。尽管我们会在今生遭受很多苦难,但我们的弟兄耶稣基督满有安慰,也藉着在我们信仰里面的弟兄姊妹扶持我们。

1 Chronicles 7:30-40 Account of Asher concludes the genealogy of the 12 tribes. Leaders of this far-flung tribe receive special emphasis, though their warrior’s strength did not sustain them. Our strength and sustenance come from the Lord alone.
Merciful Lord, You make the first last and the last first. Turn our lives around by Your grace. Amen.
历代志上7:30-40 十二支派的家谱以亚设的记录结束。这一偏远支派的领袖得到特别的重视,尽管他们勇士的能力未能支撑他们。我们的能力和供应唯独从主耶和华而来。

1 Chronicles 8 A Benjaminite Genealogy designed specifically for Saul’s family shows that though Saul’s tribe was smaller than others, it received special attention because God called them to service as leaders of Israel. For God’s people, honor and nobility are not products of our strength, but of God’s calling and the character He develops in us.
Consecrate my life and my family, dear Lord, to faithfully fulfill my calling to the honor of Your name. Amen.
历代志上8章 一个特别为扫罗家族设计的便雅悯人的家谱展示出,尽管扫罗支派要比其它的弱小,但它领受了特别的重视,因为上帝呼召他们作为以色列的领袖来服侍。对上帝的百姓来说,尊荣和尊贵不是我们能力的产品,乃是出于上帝的呼召和祂在我们里面造就的品格。

1 Chronicles 9:1-44 The separated people of Israel return to a new unity at Jerusalem. The Lord renews their service and their hope based on restored faith in His mercy. Though we break faith with the Lord daily, He restores us daily through repentance and faith in Christ, whose mercy is new every morning.
Renew us, Lord. Recall us to Zion, and sanctify our service by Your Word. Amen.
历代志上9:1-44 分散的以色列民得以在耶路撒冷归回于新的统一。主耶和华更新他们的服事和他们的盼望,基于对祂怜悯重拾的信心。尽管我们每日失信于主耶和华,但祂每日藉着悔改和对基督的信重新兴起我们,基督的怜悯每日清晨都是新的。

1 Chronicles 10 See application note, 1 Sm 31
撒母耳记上31章 扫罗在上帝的话语上妥协,就因此摒弃了他从神而来的祝福,并且他正是在他蒙选召要去击败的仇敌手中,以一种残忍的方式死去的。当上帝的百姓折损祂的话语之时,没有什么比这更可悲的了,当他们坚韧地领受祂的话语之时,没有比这更美好的祝福了。请从扫罗和大卫的例子中学习。藉着应许和祝福,天上的君王在祂的儿子耶稣里面供应你生命。

1 Chronicles 11:1-3 The Chronicler announces and celebrates David’s enthronement, overlooking David’s struggles. Critics may fault the Chronicler’s omission of the graphic details about David’s ascent. Yet all of us, like the Chronicler, tend to look back on the past with nostalgia and celebrate the good rather than the bad. In fact, the record of God’s blessings to David was what the Chronicler’s readers needed to remember most. When failures and trials would overwhelm us, the Lord focuses us on His mercy, which can carry us through.
Lord, I repent of my failures, though I cannot number them all or bear to dwell on them. Focus my heart, dear Lord, on Your great mercy. Amen.
历代志上11:1-3 历代志作者宣告和庆祝大卫的称王,跳过了大卫的奋斗时期。评论家可能会怪罪历代志作者将关于大卫兴起的生动细节忽略掉了。然而我们所有人,像历代志作者一样,倾向于带着怀旧情结来看待过去,庆祝好的而不是恶的。事实上,对上帝赐给大卫祝福的记载是历代志的读者们最需要纪念的。当失败和试炼笼罩我们的时候,主耶和华使我们定睛在祂的怜悯上,因为祂的怜悯能够带领我们渡过难关。

1 Chronicles 11:4-9 See application note, 2 Sm 5:1-16
撒母耳记下5:1-16 在击败耶布斯人之后,大卫使耶路撒冷成为他治理整个以色列的首都。主耶和华是为了祂百姓的缘故才成就此事的。当成功临到我们的道路上之时,让我们不要自夸或要求赞赏。耶稣,大卫的儿子,为了我们这样有罪之人的缘故,曾降卑祂自己,以至于死,甚至是死在十字架上。

1 Chronicles 11:10-47 See application note, 2 Sm 23:8-39
撒母耳记下23:8-39 尽管大卫确实尊荣地提及那些与他曾一同勇敢作战的人,但一个战士的信实和忠诚看起来是那个决定性因素,就是决定他是否被列入大卫勇士们的名单中。约押,一位被看为不忠诚的将军,是被排除在名单之外的。在希伯来书11章中,信心是被列在名单上的资格。希伯来书11章的圣徒们是“凭信”而活,相信上帝的儿子会救赎他们脱离阴间和死亡的枷锁。

1 Chronicles 12 David wins support from throughout Israel, and his coronation is a great celebration. The feasts shared at David’s coronation at Hebron and Solomon’s coronation in Jerusalem, for all their joy, pale when compared to the feast that awaits all believers (cf Is 25:6-8; Jer 3:18). The feast that will be celebrated at the end of time will bring together all God’s scattered children, not only those of Israel but those of the separated children of Adam as well (cf 1 Ch 1:1). That eternal feast even now sustains the Church on earth. In every celebration of the Lord’s Supper, the gathered people of God look beyond the circumstances of life to an eternal day of joy for all nations (cf Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25; Lk 22:15-18; 1Co 11:23-26; Rv 19:6-9).
“Gather us together, we pray, from the ends of the earth to celebrate with all the faithful the marriage feast of the Lamb in His kingdom, which has no end.” Amen. (LSB, p 178)
历代志上12章 大卫赢得了支持,遍满以色列,并且他的膏立仪式是一个隆重的庆典。在希伯仑大卫的膏立盛宴和在耶路撒冷所罗门的膏立盛宴上,他们的所有喜乐,与那将来等候所有信徒的盛宴比较起来就逊色多了(参赛25:6-8;耶3:18)。那将来在末日欢庆的盛宴必要将上帝所有分散的儿女招聚在一起,不仅是以色列的那些,也包括亚当分散了的子孙中间的那些(参 代1:1)。那永恒的盛宴甚至今日就在地上供养着教会。在每一次主圣餐的欢庆中,上帝招聚的子民跳出生活的环境,瞭望那一个为万民预备的永恒喜乐之日(参 太26:29;可14:25; 路22:15-18;林前11:23-26;启19:6-9)。

1 Chronicles 13:1-4 David strengthens the unity of Israel by consulting the leaders and receiving affirmation. Consensus is often difficult to attain, especially in a large group. Yet the Lord blesses the people’s sincere desire for restoring godly practices. Likewise, He will bless our desire for godly consensus and peace, which He provides in the Gospel.
Grant our congregations unity, dear Lord, as they call upon You and listen to one another. Amen.
历代志上13:1-4 大卫藉着与领袖们商议并且获得肯定,使以色列的团结得坚固。达成一致常常是困难的,特别是在一个大的群体中。然而主耶和华祝福百姓对恢复敬虔信仰实践的真诚渴望。同样地,祂必会祝福我们对敬虔的一致和平安的渴望,就是祂在福音里面所赐下的。

1 Chronicles 13:5-14 See application note, 2Sm 6:5-15
撒母耳记下6:5-15 乌撒,尽管他有着好的动机,但所行的却与上帝的话语相违背,就因此被击杀致死。为了更妥善地对待约柜,大卫就放下他的尊贵王袍来谦卑他自己,穿上一套祭司的服饰,作为一个祭司国度的领袖在主耶和华面前敬拜。当参与在上帝的事情—祂的话语,圣礼,或教会之中的时候,你是如何参与的就很重要。尽管上帝责罚不敬畏的人,但祂仍然信实于祝福谦卑的人。曾为我们的过犯在十字架上赎罪,基督必会祝福悔改和信靠的心。

1 Chronicles 14:1-7 God establishes David’s house and his household in Jerusalem. Our station in life, whether humble or exalted in the eyes of the world, is established for the sake of God’s good purposes. In mercy, He has established our heavenly home through Christ.
O Lord, welcome me as Your child for the sake of Your only-begotten Son. Amen.
历代志上14:1-7 上帝在耶路撒冷建立大卫的殿和他的家室。我们生命中的职份,无论在世人的眼里是卑微的或是高位的,都是为着上帝良善的旨意设立的。在怜悯中,祂已经藉着基督设立了我们天上的家园。

1 Chronicles 14:8-17 See application note, 2Sm 5:17-25
撒母耳记下5:17-25 非利士人,因着大卫此时成为以色列全地的王而不安,就两次攻打他,却被击败了。大卫询问并且依靠主耶和华来得胜。为要在我们的计划中寻求上帝的祝福,我们必须呼求祂,并且将之交托给祂话语的判断。然而当我们软弱的时候,主耶和华祂自己必会为我们争战,特别是要对付罪,死亡和魔鬼。

1 Chronicles 15 See application note, 2Sm 6:16-23
撒母耳记下6:16-23 米甲看见大卫谦卑地作为一位祭司来穿着打扮,就开始嘲笑他。在忠心服事主耶和华的时候,你愿意在他人眼中看似愚昧吗?不要害怕在主耶和华面前欢喜快乐,在患难中忍耐。我们的主耶稣不以谦卑祂自己在十字架上为羞耻,为要拯救我们脱离我们的傲慢。

1 Chronicles 16:1-7 David, the new king, acts as a priest by blessing and ministering to the congregation of Israel. Christ has consecrated you as a priest in His kingdom to bless, thank, and praise God before the nations. He sustains you in this precious service with His very body and blood for the forgiveness of all your sins.
“Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather and deliver us from among the nations, that we may give thanks to Your holy name, and glory in Your praise” (v 35). Amen.
历代志上16:1-7 大卫,那位新王,作为一位祭司行事,祝福和服事以色列会众。基督已经将你分别为圣,作祂国度里的祭司,去在万国面前称颂,感谢和赞美上帝。祂以祂真实的身体和宝血,就是为要你所有的罪得赦免的,在这珍贵的服事中供养你。

1 Chronicles 16:8-36 Three psalms are arranged specifically to emphasize Israel’s thanks for the Lord’s merciful deeds. Recite this psalm to express your thanks to God, including specific examples of His mercy in your life. For His steadfast love, which He professes to you through His beloved Son, truly endures forever.
“Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting!” (v 36). Amen.
历代志上16:8-36 诗篇3首特别在此安排用来强调以色列对主耶和华怜悯行动的感谢。请朗诵这首诗篇来表达你对上帝的感谢,包括祂在你生命中施行怜悯的具体例子。因为祂坚定不移的慈爱,就是祂藉着祂的爱子所宣扬的,真的是持续到永远。

1 Chronicles 16:37-43 David establishes two sites for worship and provides for proper services at each. The time, place, and character of our services need good planning in view of God’s Word (cf 1Co 14:40). God’s Word and prayer sanctify such services so that we may receive His gracious blessings in Christ Jesus.
Fill our hearts and mouths, O Lord, with the word of Your steadfast love, which endures forever. Amen.
历代志上16:37-43 大卫设立两个敬拜的居所,并且为每一个都提供了合理的服事。我们服事的时间,地点和特征需要参照上帝的话语来做好安排(参 林前14:40凡事都要规规矩矩的按著次序行)。上帝的话语和祈祷将这样的服事分别为圣,好叫我们可以在基督耶稣里领受祂满有恩典的祝福。

1 Chronicles 17:1-15 See application note, 2Sm 7:1-17
撒母耳记下7:1-17 主耶和华告诉大卫和拿单不是他们会做什么,而是祂会为大卫做和建造什么—就是一个永远的家室和国度。在我们为主所做的一切事中,我们必须首先寻求祂的话语,来明白何为蒙祂喜悦的事。耶稣基督就是应许给大卫的“安靖”和“殿宇”。在祂里面,上帝的子民得以拥有脱离他们罪和死亡之仇敌的安息,并且在祂里面他们必永远居住。

1 Chronicles 17:16-27 See Application note, 2Sm 7:18-29
撒母耳记下7:18-29 在谦卑中,大卫承认主耶和华为他和以色列所曾做的以及将要做的一切单单是出于主的怜悯。今天,当丰盛的祝福临到你的道路之时,请为着祂的恩赐而尊荣主耶和华。祂最大的恩赐就是那位至高者,耶稣,大卫之子的到来。

1 Chronicles 18:1-13 See Application note, 2Sm 8:1-14.
撒母耳记下8:1-14 主耶和华赐给大卫对迦南和亚兰周边王国的巨大胜利,还有许多像战利品这样的财富。我们,也,处于一场对付试探和罪的争战中。和大卫曾经那样,我们的得胜唯有当主耶和华赐予的时候才会临到。起始于圣洗礼,藉着对耶稣基督的信,主耶和华赐给我们基督宝血所赎买回来的对罪,死亡和魔鬼的胜利。

1 Chronicles 18:14-17 See application note, 2Sm 8:15-18
撒母耳记下8:15-18 大卫公义地治理着,并且依靠他政权的执事们。今天,主耶和华呼召我们当中的每一位来以公正和公平待他人,而不是去用我们职份的权柄来压制他们。上帝既是公正的也是蛮有怜悯的,所以祂曾差遣祂的儿子,耶稣,来解决我们所应得的公正审判,好叫我们可以领受祂的怜悯。

1 Chronicles 19:1-9 The respect David showed the Ammonite ruler is repaid with humiliation. As a servant of Christ’s kingdom, you, too, will suffer ridicule and humiliation (Mt 5:10-12). Fight this spiritual warfare with prayer, as is fitting for a soldier of the cross. The Lord, your King, bore your humiliation on the cross and covers your shame with the robe of His righteousness.
Lord, grant me all humility, yet boldness, as Your ambassador. I leave the punishment of my persecutors to the servants of justice You have appointed, trusting in Your judgments. Amen.
历代志上19:1-9 大卫向亚扪人的王所显明的尊敬却得了羞辱的报偿。作为基督国度的仆人,你也会遭受嘲笑和羞辱(太5:10-12)。请以祷告来打这场属灵的争战,对于一位十字架的士兵来说是相称的。主耶和华,你的大君王,在十字架上担负了你的羞辱,并且以公义的袍来遮盖你的羞耻。

1 Chronicles 19:10-19 See Application note, 2Sm 10
撒母耳记下10章 新的亚扪王拒绝了大卫和平的邀请,却反而听从了那些说他坏话的人。最后,约押和大卫就藉着主耶和华的手击败和降服了亚兰诸王。在这个世界上太寻常的是,善行得到不感恩的回报。然而上帝意愿我们继续在良善的信心中向着所有人行事。感谢归给上帝,祂为我们争战,并且在耶稣的怜悯中遮盖我们的羞耻。

1 Chronicles 20:1-3 David’s conquest of the Ammonites. When people persist in rebellion and sin, the Lord would have you persist in applying God’s Law. Do not grow faint in discipline. The Lord disciplines you as a result of His surpassing mercy, loving you as a dear father loves his children.
O Father, turn me from my rebellion to acknowledge Your abundant goodness. Amen.
历代志上20:1-3 大卫征服了亚扪人。当人在悖逆和罪中继续的时候,主耶和华要你继续应用上帝的律法。请不要在管教中软弱退缩。主耶和华管教你,是出于祂无上的怜悯,祂爱你,像一位亲爱的父亲爱他的儿女一样。

1 Chronicles 20:4-8 David’s army defeats even the most formidable warriors. Fear of such giants had kept Israel from entering the Promised Land, but the Lord strengthened His people for victory. No matter what colossal challenges face you, the Lord will grant you strength and faithful companions with whom to overcome such challenges.
Lord, equip me with all things needful to fulfill Your calling. Grant me the support of dear brothers and sisters who take confidence in Your promises, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
历代志上20:4-8 大卫的军队甚至击败了最令人畏惧的勇士。对这些伟人的恐惧曾经拦阻以色列人进入应许之地,但主耶和华坚固祂的百姓来得胜。无论你所面对的挑战多么艰巨,主耶和华必会赐你力量和忠诚的伙伴,一起克服这样的挑战。

1 Chronicles 21:1-17 See application note, 2Sm 24.
撒母耳记下24章 大卫对人数和数据优势的着迷不符合信心的事情。上帝并未吩咐这次数点人数,所以祂就因此惩罚以色列。想要运用世界的策略在信心之事上的试探是大的,但应当得到抑制。然而,瘟疫引向大卫的悔改,悔改引向献祭,献祭引向圣殿—就是上帝的怜悯在人间的居所。同样地,基督的十字架就是要平息上帝愤怒的赎罪祭,就是如今在上帝的怜悯于人间的居所中成就的:那在圣基督教会中的恩典媒介。

1Chronicles 21:18-22:1 See application note, 2Sm 24
撒母耳记下24章 大卫对人数和数据优势的着迷不符合信心的事情。上帝并未吩咐这次数点人数,所以祂就因此惩罚以色列。想要运用世界的策略在信心之事上的试探是大的,但应当得到抑制。然而,瘟疫引向大卫的悔改,悔改引向献祭,献祭引向圣殿—就是上帝的怜悯在人间的居所。同样地,基督的十字架就是要平息上帝愤怒的赎罪祭,就是如今在上帝的怜悯于人间的居所中成就的:那在圣基督教会中的恩典媒介。

1 Chronicles 22:2-5 Though the Lord does not let David build the temple, He allows him to make preparations so that Solomon can accomplish the goal. The heavenly Father calls on earthly fathers to care for and support their children. This is especially important in matters of faith (cf Dt 6:7-9), of which the building of the temple is an excellent example. As the Lord calls fathers to this work, He strengthens and sustains them through the work of His Son and His Spirit, working and building together as a family.
Lord, grant peaceful labor and cooperation within our families so that we may accomplish Your purposes. Amen.
历代志上22:2-5 尽管主耶和华不让大卫建造圣殿,但祂许可大卫为此做预备,好让所罗门能够完成这个计划。天上的父呼召地上做父亲的要看顾和扶持他们的儿女。这在信仰的事务上是尤其重要的(参 申6:7-9 也要殷勤教训你的儿女。无论你坐在家里,行在路上,躺下,起来,都要谈论。也要系在手上为记号,戴在额上为经文;又要写在你房屋的门框上,并你的城门上),圣殿的建造就是一个极佳的例子。主耶和华呼召作父亲的担当这份工作,祂也藉着祂儿子和祂圣灵的工作来坚固和供应他们,(使他们)作为一个家庭来一同做工和建造。

1 Chronicles 22:6-19 David tells Solomon to build the temple, affirming that the Lord will be with him in this task. We also commend our children to the Lord’s care, praying for them daily and wisely entrusting them with service to the Lord, their family, and their nation. Our success and our future is with the Lord. He entrusted the work of our salvation to His beloved Son, who in turn commended the temple of His body and His spirit into the Father’s hands (Lk 23:46), that we might be cleansed by His blood and reign with Him in the resurrection.
O Jesus, grant such trust and sharing in our families! Be with us, and keep us by Your grace. Amen.
历代志上22:6-19 大卫吩咐所罗门建造圣殿,坚证说主耶和华必会在此任务中与他同在。我们也需要将我们的儿女交托给主耶和华的看顾,每日为他们祈祷,有智慧地将他们放置在对主耶和华,他们的家人和国家的服侍上。我们的成功和我们的未来都在乎主耶和华。祂将我们救赎的工作交托给祂蒙爱的儿子,祂的儿子就将祂身体的殿和祂的灵交托在父的手中(路23:46 耶稣大声喊著说:「父啊!我将我的灵魂交在你手里。」说了这话,气就断了),好叫我们藉着祂的宝血得洁净,在祂的复活中与祂一同作王。

1 Chronicles 23 David organizes the Levites for service at Jerusalem because they have earlier been spread throughout the tribes. Throughout Scripture, we see the importance of organized worship services, which God still expects of us today. Although congregations are imperfect because they are composed of sinners, the Lord has still entrusted to them His precious Word and Sacraments for the sake of our forgiveness through the Gospel. Treasure your congregation as the site from which the Lord has promised to bless you.
O Lord, bless my congregation with unity and peace, so that the Gospel may be taught in its purity and the Sacraments administered according to Christ’s institution. Amen.
历代志上23章 大卫为着耶路撒冷的服事将利未人组织起来,因为早些时候他们分散于众支派里。贯穿整本圣经,我们看到敬拜服事按部就班的重要性,上帝今日仍然期待我们如此行。尽管教会是不完美的,因为是由罪人组成,但主耶和华为要我们藉着福音罪得赦免,仍然将祂至珍的圣道和圣礼交托给众教会。要珍惜你们的教会,作为上帝曾应许要藉此祝福你们的地方。

1 Chronicles 24 David organizes the Levites according to God’s Law. Though the Lord may specially and directly call an individual, in most cases, He establishes the offices of His kingdom through the commands and promises of the Word, as affirmed by the congregations. Today, regard faithful pastors with the full respect due their calling, and also show respect to those who assist and serve with them. God has established the ministry for your faithful instruction and blessing.
Dear Jesus, call faithful servants into the work of Your Church that I may receive the blessings You have ordained in the communion of saints. Amen.
历代志上24章 大卫依照上帝的律法组织利未人。尽管主耶和华可能会特别地直接呼召一个人,但大多数情况下,祂藉着圣道的吩咐和应许来设立祂国度中的职份,并由教会来坚证。今天,请以忠心牧师蒙召所配得的全部尊敬来对待他们,也要向那些协助他们并与他们一同服事的人表达尊敬。上帝为叫你们得纯正的教训和祝福而设立圣职。

1 Chronicles 25 David organizes the musicians of the temple as prophets. The Lord calls church musicians to know and handle His Word rightly for the benefit of the hearers. The Lord speaks through them for our admonition and encouragement. How great a blessing is God’s life-giving Word in melody and chant!
Bless our ears, O Lord, that our eyes may see, that our mouths may say, and that our hands may do what is worthy of Your Gospel. Amen.
历代志上25 大卫将圣殿中的圣乐人员作为先知组织起来。主耶和华呼召教会中的圣乐人员为着听众的益处来正确地认识和处理祂的话语。主耶和华藉着他们说话,是为要我们得劝勉和鼓励。上帝赐生命的道在旋律和吟诵当中,这是多么丰盛的祝福啊!

1 Chronicles 26:1-19 David provides for the protection of the sanctuary and for those who go in and out of its gates. Today, congregations appoint ushers for greeting and guiding people at churches. This is important service, ensuring good order at worship and guiding people into the hearing of God’s life-giving Word.
O Lord, provide all manner of faithful servants for the work of Your kingdom. Amen.
历代志上26:1-19 大卫为圣殿和从圣殿的门进出的人提供安全保障。今天,教会也安排接待员欢迎和指引来教会的人。这是一项重要的服事,确保敬拜中的良好秩序,指引人聆听上帝赐生命的道。

1 Chronicles 26:20-32 David entrusted many aspects of his rule to the Levites, who could teach and apply the Word in their services. God’s Word applies to every aspect of life, every day of the week (see pp 775-78). No matter what your calling in life is, the Lord sanctifies that calling by His Word and prayer, making your work a sacred service. As a carpenter serving His earthly father, Joseph, Jesus sanctified the work of human hands. His labor on the cross sanctifies us wholly.
Merciful Jesus, grant me all diligence in my calling, no matter where You send me. Amen.
历代志上26:20-32 大卫将他治理的许多方面交托给利未人,利未人能够在他们的服事中教导并且应用圣道。上帝的话语适用于生活的方方面面,和一周当中的每一天(看 775-778页)。无论你生命中的呼召是什么,主耶和华都藉着祂的圣道和祈祷将那份呼召分别为圣,使你的工作成为一个神圣的服侍。耶稣曾作为一个木匠服侍祂地上的父亲约瑟,祂将人手的工作分别为圣。祂在十字架上的作为将我们完全分别为圣。

1 Chronicles 27:1-15 David establishes a comprehensive military program, by which the king could call up troops for service. Soldiers play an important role in any organized society, a role blessed by God when service is carried out according to His Word. God Himself has organized the angels as the armies of heaven to fight on your behalf and to deliver you according to the purposes of His saving mercy in Jesus.
Send forth Your hosts, O Lord, to defend Your Holy Church and so aid the proclamation of the Gospel. Amen.
历代志上27:1-15 大卫建立了一套全方位的军事编制,君王藉此可以召集军队来服事。士兵在任何有组织的社会中都扮演着重要的角色,当服事按照祂的话语被执行的时候,这就是一个蒙上帝祝福的角色。上帝祂自己曾组织天使成为天军来为你争战,按照祂在耶稣里救赎性怜悯的计划救拔你。

1 Chronicles 27:16-34 David welcomes the service of tribal leaders and appoints the treasurers, farmers, herders, counselors, and military commanders of his reign. He wisely adapts the older tribal system for the purposes of forming a united nation under the king’s central authority. As the Lord granted David wisdom to pursue his calling, He will grant you wisdom for your calling. Like David, listen to the wisdom of your family and counselors, but consider all things in view of God’s Word. Through the Word, the Lord saves you from sin and from foolish error in your service.
O Lord, my calling is too great for me to manage by my own reason and strength. Grant me Your wisdom and counsel. Amen.
历代志上27:16-34 大卫欢迎支派领袖们的服事,任命他治理之下所需的财务官,掌管农田的,掌管牲畜的,谋士,以及军长。他为了在君王中央集权之下形成一个统一的国家而有智慧地吸纳了古老的部族系统。主耶和华曾赐大卫智慧来成就他的呼召,同时祂也必为着你的呼召赐你智慧。要像大卫那样,聆听你家人和顾问的智慧,但却要在上帝的话语中筹划万事。藉着圣道,主耶和华拯救你脱离罪,脱离你服侍中愚昧的错误。

1 Chronicles 28:1-8 David announces that the Lord chose Solomon as the future king. When the Lord chooses and calls someone, He likewise equips them for that calling. You, too, are called, chosen, and equipped by God for service in His kingdom. Honor His calling with fruitful works of service. He called and chose you in the merciful, loving service of Jesus, who paid for your sins and declares you a child of the eternal Father through Baptism in His name.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
历代志上28:1-8 大卫宣告主耶和华已拣选所罗门作未来的王。当主耶和华拣选呼召一个人的时候,祂也同样会为着那个呼召装备他们。你也会被上帝为着在祂国度里的服事所呼召,拣选,和装备。请用富有成效的服事工作来尊荣祂的呼召。祂在耶稣满有怜悯和慈爱的服事中呼召拣选你,耶稣为你的罪付了代价,并且在那奉祂名的圣洗礼中宣告你为永恒天父的孩子。

1 Chronicles 28:9-21 David receives the plans for the temple from God and carefully passes them on to Solomon, his heir. God still calls parents to hear Him through Holy Scripture and to pass these words and duties along to their heirs. How rich is our inheritance through the Word, which consecrates us as co-heirs with Christ and as the temple of the living God.
Hallowed Father, make me holy by the blood of Your Son, that I may inherit the riches of Your grace and the gift of Your Spirit. Amen.
历代志上28:9-21 大卫从上帝那里领受建造圣殿的样式,并且仔细将之交代给他的继承人所罗门。上帝仍然呼召做父母的藉着圣经来聆听祂,并且将这些话语和责任一同传给他们的后代。我们藉着圣道所拥有的产业是多么丰富啊,那圣道将我们分别为圣,与基督同为后嗣,并且成为永活上帝的殿。

1 Chronicles 29:1-9 David leads Israel in giving by setting an example of generosity for the Lord’s work. Everything you have comes from God’s bountiful goodness; therefore, give generously to the work of His Church and set a good example for those under your care. The Lord gives Himself to you with a whole heart and would not withhold His only-begotten Son.
Bless me, O Lord, that I may bless and freely give all honor to Your saving name. Amen.
历代志上29:1-9 大卫在主耶和华的圣工上树立了慷慨奉献的榜样,并藉此带领以色列奉献。你所拥有的一切都是从上帝满溢的恩慈来的;因此,要慷慨地奉献给祂教会的事工,为那些在你看顾之下的人树立一个好榜样。主耶和华将祂自己全心都给了你,连祂的独生子都未保留。

1 Chronicles 29:10-25 David, the king, acts like a priest by leading the assembly of Israel’s leaders in prayer. God calls all leaders to be examples in faith for those they lead. As you conclude the Lord’s Prayer each day (cf vv 10-11), keep David’s example in mind and humble yourself before the King of heaven. He reigns on your behalf to bless and strengthen you by the grace of His Son, Jesus.
O Jesus, beloved Son, wiser than Solomon, make me a faithful leader and example to all who serve in Your eternal kingdom. Amen.
历代志上29:10-25 大卫王带领聚集了的以色列众首领一同祷告,像一位祭司那样行事。上帝呼召所有的领袖要为那些他们带领的人做信仰上的榜样。当你每一天以主祷文结束的时候(参 10-11节),请将大卫的例子放在心上,谦卑自己在天上的大君王面前。祂为着你的益处在作王掌权,必会藉着祂儿子耶稣的恩典祝福和坚固你。

1 Chronicles 29:26-30 See application note, 1Ki 2:10-12
列王记上2:10-12 圣经提醒我们,既使伟大的君王也是会朽坏,要死的。圣经有用“睡去”这个词来描述死亡—特别是当应用到信徒身上的时候—这是一个美好的提醒,就是我们要藉着耶稣基督的受苦,死亡和复活,必会从死亡中苏醒过来,得到那在天上与上帝同在的生命。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2017年05月20日

2 Chronicles 1:1-6 The Lord greatly blesses Solomon, who worships at the Tent of Meeting set up at Gibeon. Today, the Lord meets with us and blesses us at the services of His Word and Sacraments. Do not neglect His appointed means of grace. Through these humble means, the Lord grants us the blessings of Jesus’ sacrifice. In this way, He meets with us as He did with Solomon.
Greet us, dearest Savior, at the tabernacle of Your Word, by which we may confidently call upon Your name. Amen.
历代志下1:1-6 所罗门在基遍地放置会幕的地方敬拜,主耶和华大大地祝福了他。今天,主耶和华在祂圣道和圣礼的服事地方与我们相见并且祝福我们。不要无视祂所设立的施恩具。透过这些质朴的方式,主耶和华将耶稣赎罪祭的祝福赐给了我们。祂以这种方式与我们相见,正如祂向所罗门行使的那样。

2 Chronicles 1:7-13 See application note, 1Ki 3:1-15
列王记上3:1-15 回应所罗门对智慧的无私请求,上帝祝福了他,不仅是用智慧,也用财富和尊荣。愿我们,像所罗门一样,认识到我们并不配得上帝所赐给我们的美好机遇。因为我们人的有限,我们不能完美地成就我们所担负的重任。然而,在基督里,我们有赦罪恩典;我们就是新造的人,藉着那位赐给我们力量和智慧的祂,能行万事。

2 Chronicles 1:14-17 Chronicles emphasizes how Solomon used the Lord’s wisdom in the kingly activities of administration and trade, which strengthened his kingdom. As the Lord blesses your service, use your gifts to bless those who work with you and for you. Remember how the Lord works on your behalf in all things, and how He administers the greatest blessings of all: the treasures of His mercy in Christ.
O Lord, I yield my treasure, my life, and all things in wise service to Your kingdom and care for my neighbor. Amen.
历代志下1:14-17 历代志特别强调所罗门如何在行政和贸易的君主活动中使用主耶和华所赐的智慧,这智慧坚定了他的国度。主耶和华祝福你的服事,要使用你的恩赐祝福那些与你一同作工以及为你作工的人。要纪念主耶和华如何为了你的益处使万事互相效力,还有祂如何施行那极美的祝福:就是祂在基督里满有怜悯恩慈的宝藏。

2 Chronicles 2 See application note, 1Ki 5
列王记上5章 所罗门,这名字的意思是“和平,”为了建殿就与推罗的希兰王达成国际协议。主耶和华呼召我们要生活在与他人的和睦当中,并且可以与他们做贸易来往,包括那些甚至不和我们有同一信仰的人。这样的和睦关系是一个祝福,但与圣殿的祝福比较起来,这些祝福是小的。尽管所罗门的圣殿不在了,但上帝在圣洗礼中分别我们为祂圣洁的殿。祂带领我们来得着在基督里得救的信心。圣灵在我们心中居住,我们每日努力在我们所思,所行和所言的一切事中尊荣我们满有恩典的上帝。

2 Chronicles 3 Through sacrifices offered by Abraham, David, and now Solomon, the Lord affirms the site for Solomon’s temple on Moriah. This third affirmation, in the raising and blessing of Solomon’s temple, demonstrates the Lord’s patient planning for our salvation in Christ, who gave His life for our sins in view of this hill of sacrifice.
Grant me patience, gracious Lord, for the unfolding of Your plan for Your Church. Amen.
历代志下3章 藉着亚伯拉罕,大卫,以及今日所罗门献上的祭,主耶和华坚证所罗门在摩利亚山建圣殿的位置。这第三次坚证,在所罗门圣殿的兴起和祝福中,显明了主耶和华为着我们在基督里的救恩而存有的满有忍耐的计划,基督依照这山上的献祭,为着我们的罪而将祂的生命舍弃了。

2 Chronicles 4:1-5:1 See application note, 1Ki 7:13-51
列王记上7:13-51 这默示下来的记载为圣殿的妆饰给出具体细节,也象征着那花费的心思,来尊荣这用于敬拜的美好居所。所罗门辉煌的圣殿,连带它的装饰物件,特别是那些与献祭制度相关联的,都指向那位将要来的救赎主。藉着耶稣的宝血和功德,所有我们的罪都得以洗去。藉着那位救赎主早已应许了的赎罪祭,赦罪、生命和永恒救恩都是我们的了。感谢归给上帝!

2 Chronicles 5:2-14 See application note, 1Ki 8:1-11
列王记上8:1-11 当利未人将约柜带进耶路撒冷的时候,有云充满耶和华的殿,这云可以与上帝令人敬畏的临在—祂的荣光相媲美。上帝的临在提醒我们:我们在祂面前的不配。然而它也宣告着祂在我们中间分别为圣的临在,来在祂的儿子耶稣里面洁净我们。

2 Chronicles 6:1-11 See application note, 1Ki 8:12-21
列王记上8:12-21 所罗门重述主耶和华曾如何满有恩典地保守祂给祂子民的应许。我们,也,可以仰望祂应许的确实。它们宣告着上帝的律法(要惩罚罪恶和悖逆的应许)和祂的福音(在基督里面拯救,怜悯和赦罪的应许)。

2 Chronicles 6:12-42 See application note, 1Ki 8:22-53
列王记上8:22-53 所罗门在圣殿奉献时所作的长篇祷告是对上帝委身和对主耶和华倚赖的榜样。尽管上帝居住在天上,但祂选择来用祂的临在祝福祂的百姓。上帝知晓我们的软弱;用所罗门的话,“世上没有不犯罪的人”(46节)。上帝也满有怜悯地垂听我们呼求帮助的祷告,来亲近我们,并且凭着祂伟大的权能和慈爱来拯救我们。

2 Chronicles 7:1-3 The Lord shows His approval of the temple by igniting the sacrifices and filling the temple with His glory. Today, many people crave such miracles and affirmation for their work and decisions. Remember that in all things the Lord guides us through His Word, which ignites our hearts and fills our minds with His affirmation. His goodness and steadfast love are surely ours in Christ.
Move my heart to trust You, Lord, whether or not I witness miracles. Ever lead me by Your affirming Word. Amen.
历代志下7:1-3 主耶和华降火烧尽祭物,用祂的荣光充满圣殿,祂也藉此显明祂对圣殿的认可。今天,许多人渴望这类神迹奇事,以及对他们所做之工和决定的证实。请记得主耶和华是藉着祂的圣道在万事中引导我们,祂的圣道点燃我们的心,并且以祂的证实来充满我们的心。祂的良善和丰盛慈爱在基督里确实是我们的。

2 Chronicles 7:4-10 See application note, 1Ki 8:62-66
列王记上8:62-66 圣殿庄严的奉献礼以成千上万只动物的祭祀和一场由整个以色列国民欢庆的圣筵结束。在圣殿的成千上万只祭物预表着那一个赎罪祭,就是耶稣基督,那至高的大祭司,为世人的罪将祂的生命所献上的。藉着祂,我们已经在领受那无价的救恩礼物,所以我们将我们的生命献上作为活祭,给我们的主救主。

2 Chronicles 7:11-22 See application note, 1Ki 9:1-9
列王记上9:1-9 上帝第二次向所罗门显现,强调与大卫家室所立之约的应许和要求。上帝祝福的应许和严厉审判的威胁宣扬着律法和福音。律法和福音在今天仍然适用于我们。律法呼召我们朝向悔改和信实;福音呼召我们朝向真信心,祝福和安慰,今世及来生的。

2 Chronicles 8 See application note, 1Ki 9:10-28
列王记上9:10-28 希兰在他与所罗门所立的合同中感到被欺骗了,王辉煌的建筑工程含有被强迫的苦工。所罗门的行事记载是对上帝忠心服侍和有罪贪婪以及服侍自我的一个混合。我们的生命,也是我们努力服事主并且夹杂着罪的记录。那是为什么我们每日需要在耶稣十字架旁的更新,在祂里面我们是新造的人,得以奉献给敬虔的服侍。

2 Chronicles 9:1-12 See application note, 1Ki 10:1-13
列王记上10:1-13 示巴女王对耶路撒冷传奇般的拜访显示了所罗门智慧的声名远扬。上帝不仅用丰盛的智慧祝福所罗门,而且祂也以美好的名声来祝福他。愿我们谦卑地认识到我们所享受的祝福—包括属世的昌盛和好名声—是因着上帝在祂儿子耶稣里面那不配得的恩典临到我们的。

2 Chronicles 9:13-28 See application note, 1Ki 10:14-29
列王记上10:14-29 所罗门极多的财富与他丰富的智慧相匹配;他“ 的财宝与智慧胜过天下的列王”(23节)。我们经常抱怨没有足够的属世财物,然而上帝每日多多赦免我们,并且继续向我们倾倒物质上的祝福。祂那我们不配得的良善是多么丰盛啊!就是祂在基督里向我们所施行的丰盛慈爱—祂成为贫穷,好叫我们可以得丰富。

2 Chronicles 9:29-31 Solomon begins and finishes his reign under the watchful eyes of the Lord’s prophets (cf 1Ki 1:45), who reviewed his accomplishments and likely also reviewed his failures. Today, treasure the faithful spiritual leaders the Lord provides for your wisdom and counsel. Both their rebuke and their blessing stem from the Lord’s good purposes for you: to call you to repentance and to make you wise unto salvation in Christ.
Grant me ready ears and a sincere heart, O Lord, to welcome the counsel You provide. Amen.
历代志下9:29-31 所罗门开始和结束他的治理,都是在主耶和华先知们的监督之下(参 王上1:45祭司撒督和先知拿单在基训已经膏他作王。众人都从那里欢呼著上来,声音使城震动,这就是你们所听见的声音),他们查看他的成就,也同样查看他的失败。今天,要珍惜主耶和华为叫你得智慧和谋划而赐给你的忠心属灵带领者。他们的责备和祝福都是从主耶和华为你而存留的良善旨意中发出的:呼召你悔改,并且使你在基督的救恩中有智慧。

2 Chronicles 10 See application note, 1Ki 12:1-15
列王记上12:1-15 所罗门的儿子罗波安将更重的苦工担子加在百姓身上,比他的父亲还甚,就因此愚昧地疏远了许多百姓。罗波安的傲慢是一个警告。当我们对他人的建议—特对是对上帝默示下来的圣道封闭我们的头脑和心思的时候,—我们是在招引祸患。我们生命患难中最大的资产是上帝的道,为在基督里得智慧,赦免,以及更新。

2 Chronicles 11:1-12 See application note, 1Ki 12:16-24
列王记上12:16-24 罗波安愚昧且有罪的态度造成王国分裂,使得耶罗波安成为北部众支派的王。当新以色列,即教会的领袖们,转离上帝的引导之时,他们就招来不幸和毁灭。历史的至高上主使用过去的例子来在我们里面生发懊悔。祂闯进历史,藉着我们满有恩典的救主来施行怜悯。

2 Chronicles 11:13-17 Priests, Levites, and citizens of Israel seek the Lord at His temple in Jerusalem, despite the personal and professional hardships it brings. When faithfulness to the Lord comes with challenges, still choose to follow the way of faithfulness, seeking the fellowship of the faithful in the Church. Your Lord, who is always faithful, will strengthen and sustain you in the fellowship of His Word and Sacraments.
Deliver us from evil, O Lord, and grant us faithful leaders and fellow believers who can help us in our time of need. Amen.
历代志下11:13-17 以色列的祭司,利未人和百姓去耶路撒冷主耶和华的圣殿寻求祂,尽管这会带来个人方面以及谋生方面的困难。当对主耶和华的忠心遇到挑战的时候,仍要选择跟随忠心的道路,在教会中寻求与众信徒的团契。你们的主耶和华,总是信实的,祂必会在祂圣道和圣礼的团契中坚固和供养你们。

2 Chronicles 11:18-23 Rehoboam cleverly exploits family relationships to strengthen his hold on Judah. Yet his purposes conflict with the Lord’s purposes for families. A family is not a political tool but a gift from our gracious heavenly Father, whereby we may nurture one another in His love. Thanks be to God, He works within our families to strengthen faith and extend His peace through mutual care in His Word.
Make me a blessing to my family, O Lord, by word and by deed. Amen.
历代志下11:18-23 罗波安精明地利用亲属关系来坚固他对犹大的掌权。然而他的计谋是与主耶和华对家庭的旨意相冲突的。家庭不是一个政治工具,而是从我们满有恩典的天父那而来的礼物,在那里我们可以用祂的爱来彼此喂养。感谢归给上帝,祂在我们的家庭中作工来坚固信心并且藉着在祂圣道中的彼此相顾来延伸祂的平安。

2 Chronicles 12 The Lord proves Himself righteous toward Rehoboam and Judah by punishing their abandonment of His Law and by hearing their confession of sin. The Lord is always ready to hear our confession and to forgive us. In applying His Law, He always has in mind our good, our repentance, and our salvation.
Hear my cry, O righteous Lord, and answer me according to Your mercy in Christ. Amen.
历代志下12章 主耶和华惩罚罗波安和犹大对祂律法的弃绝,也聆听了他们的认罪,藉此显明祂自己是公义的。主耶和华总是预备好要聆听我们的认罪,并且赦免我们。在施行祂的律法上,祂总是将我们的益处,我们的悔改和我们的救恩放在心上。

2 Chronicles 13 The Lord fights against Jeroboam for the sake of Abijah and Judah. Today, when trouble assails and surrounds you, call out confidently to the Lord. He fights mightily on your behalf and in ways beyond your comprehension, as demonstrated in His victory over Satan at the cross.
Hear my cry, O mighty Ruler, and overthrow the enemies of Your kingdom. Amen.
历代志下13章 主耶和华为了亚比雅和犹大的缘故而与耶罗波安争战。今天,当苦难袭来环绕你的时候,要满怀信心向着主耶和华呼求。祂为着你的缘故满有能力地,并且以超出你所能理解的方式争战,正如祂在那十字架上对撒旦的完胜所显明的一样。

2 Chronicles 14 See application note, 1Ki 15:9-24
列王记上15:9-24 亚撒打破了邪恶的范式,“行耶和华眼中看为正的事”(11节),尽管拜偶像的高地仍然存在。圣经并未教导宿命论。尽管一代人有罪,但主耶和华能兴起下一代走在正路上。振作起来!主耶和华在历史中介入。祂藉着祂满有恩典的圣道介入到我们的生命中。

2 Chronicles 15 When Azariah speaks God’s Word to Asa, the king courageously brings reform to Judah and to members of the tribes of Israel. Today, the Lord likewise calls you to courageous action on behalf of others who need to hear His Word. Take courage! The Lord’s Word accomplishes His purposes for the sake of His people, especially His purpose of salvation.
O Lord, we seek Your blessing in accord with Your Word. Grant us courage to call others to repentance and faith in Your name. Amen.
历代志下15章 当亚撒利雅将上帝的话语讲给亚撒王听的时候,王就勇敢地将改革带给犹大和以色列众支派的成员。今天,主耶和华也同样呼召你代表其他需要聆听上帝话语的人勇敢地行动。要放胆!主耶和华的话语为着祂子民的缘故成就祂的旨意,特别是祂救恩的旨意。

2 Chronicles 16 Asa stumbles in his faith, but rather than repent, he foolishly lashes out at the Lord’s prophet. You, too, will stumble. In every challenge, daily rely on the Lord by calling on Him in prayer and by requesting His forgiveness. Because of His righteousness, He will declare you blameless for the sake of His Son.
O Lord, give me Your strong support, for I rely on You alone. Amen.
历代志下16章 亚撒在他的信心上跌倒,然而不是去悔改,他却愚蠢地向主耶和华的先知发怒。你也会跌倒。每一次挑战中,要藉着在祷告中呼求祂以及寻求祂的赦免,每日倚靠主耶和华。因为祂的公义,祂必会为着祂儿子的缘故宣告你为无罪。

2 Chronicles 17 The Lord strengthens faithful Jehoshaphat so that the fear of the Lord falls upon the nations. As the Lord strengthens you, use that strength to honor His name. The Lord still has the nations in mind as He works in our lives. He desires salvation and peace for all people, as taught in His Word.
Lord, provide us with strength in all realms of our lives, that we may in every way give testimony to Your generosity. Amen.
历代志下17章 主耶和华坚固忠心的约沙法,好叫对主耶和华的敬畏临到万国。主耶和华坚固你,请使用那份力量尊荣祂的名。主耶和华在我们的生命中作工,祂仍将万国放在心上。祂愿意所有人得着救恩和平安,正如在祂的话语中所教导的。

2 Chronicles 18:1-27 See application note, 1Ki 22:13-28
列王记上22:13-28 与假先知相反的是,米该雅并未给亚哈一个讨他喜欢的预言。因为这个,王就命令将米该雅监禁起来。上帝不愿我们被其他人想要听的东西或者今日流行的观点所左右。相反,贯穿我们生命的唯一确实的向导是上帝的话语,唯独上帝的话语能够使我们“因信基督耶稣,有得救的智慧”(提后3:15)。

2 Chronicles 18:28-34 See application note, 1Ki 22:29-40
列王记上22:29-40 亚哈将他的王服给了约沙法,然后将自己改装后上阵,他在战场上被一只“乱”箭射中并且因此死掉。上帝的话语永不会失落;这也包括祂对付邪恶和不信的话语。不要试着绕开上帝的话语,乃是要逃向那圣道,其中也含有赦罪和恩典的应许,都在那被钉死在十字架上并且复活的基督里面。

2 Chronicles 19 The Lord calls Jehoshaphat to serve Him with his whole heart—halfhearted commitment simply will not do. This is no less true for us. The Lord desires our wholehearted commitment, for He committed Himself wholly to us in the person of His beloved Son.
Dearest Lord, I yield my whole heart to Your service, that reform may begin with me. Amen.
历代志下19章 主耶和华呼召约沙法以他的全心服事祂–半心半意的委身就是行不通。这对于我们来说也是一样正确。主耶和华渴望我们全心全意的委身,因为祂将祂自己完全委身于我们,在祂蒙爱儿子的位格里面。

2 Chronicles 20:1-23 By promise, prayer, and praise, the Lord accomplishes Judah’s deliverance. The people are saved by faith (v 20c). Faith in God’s promises is still how we relate to and reply on our gracious Lord. Above all blessings, He gives us saving faith in the cross of His beloved Son.
We praise You, O Lord, for delivering us from evil and most of all for delivering us from our sins. Amen.
历代志下20:1-23 藉着应许,祈祷和赞美,主耶和华成就对犹大的拯救。百姓因信得救(20节下)。对上帝应许的信,仍然是我们与我们满有恩典的主有关系并且倚靠祂的方式。在所有祝福之上,祂赐给我们在祂蒙爱儿子十字架里面的救赎性信心。

2 Chronicles 20:24-34 The Lord makes Judah rejoice over their enemies, the Moabites, Ammonites, and Meunites. Though gloating over the troubles of others is sinful, God’s people cannot fail to praise the Lord for the victory and the good they receive from Him. Daily offer praise to God for His merciful kindness toward you and your loved ones. Daily rejoice in His greatest victory: the cross and resurrection of Jesus.
Grant us quiet and rest all around, dear Lord, except when we praise You loudly for Your good gifts. Amen.
历代志下20:24-34 主耶和华使犹大因为得胜了他们的仇敌,摩押人,亚扪人和西珥山人,而欢喜快乐。尽管对他人幸灾乐祸是有罪的,但上帝的子民不能不因着他们从祂所领受的得胜和美善而赞美主耶和华。要为着祂向你和你所爱的人施行的满有怜悯的恩慈,每日献上赞美给上帝。要每日在祂那最大的胜利:就是耶稣的十字架和死里复活中欢喜快乐。

2 Chronicles 20:35-37 See application note, 1Ki 22:41-50
列王记上22:41-50 默示下的记事简短地返回到南国的犹大以及约沙法王的生与死,他像他的父亲亚撒一样,行“耶和华眼中看为正的事”(43节)。在这许多不敬虔和悲剧的例子中间,上帝的话语也涵括了那些追随祂之人的美好案例。上帝在一个同为信徒的生命中所显明的怜悯,也是一座闪耀的灯塔,照亮我们的路途,并且坚固我们在主里面的信心。

2 Chronicles 21 Through a letter from Elijah the prophet, the Lord warns Jehoram that he must face God’s punishment. A harsh letter is difficult to write and harder still to receive. Yet as sinners, we all need the rebuke of God’s Law against our sins. Above all, we need the call to repentance, forgiveness, and new life that the Lord is always ready to offer.
Lord, lead me to receive Your Word as a letter for my instruction and restoration. Amen.
历代志下21章 藉着从先知以利亚而来的一封信,主耶和华警告约兰说他必要面对上帝的惩罚。一封严厉的信是不容易写的,但更不容易接受。然而作为罪人,我们都需要上帝律法对我们罪的责备。尤其是,我们需要那份向着悔改,赦罪和新生命的呼召,而主耶和华总是预备好了要赐下这份呼召。

2 Chronicles 22:1-9 The Lord wills and brings about the downfall of Ahaziah and the house of Ahab. No family is perfect; all are within reach of God’s punishment. Pray for your household, that God’s Word and peace may prevail among you and rule your hearts. Our heavenly Father greatly desires to show mercy to all people.
Pour out, O Lord, Your Spirit of peace upon us, and grant all our family Your abiding grace. Amen.
历代志下22:1-9 主耶和华定意要摧毁亚哈谢和亚哈的家室。没有家庭是完美的;全部都在上帝惩罚的范围内。要为着你的家室祷告,祈求祂的话语和平安可以在你们中间得胜,并且掌管你们的心。我们天上的父极其意愿向所有人施行怜悯。

2 Chronicles 22:10-12 See application note, 2Ki 11:1-3
列王记下11:1-3 外邦国家以及北国以色列的血腥王朝阴谋藉着亚他利雅在犹大迸发出来。在这场邪恶的扫除异己当中,主耶和华仍然藉着约阿施的姑妈约示巴来保护他,并藉此存留大卫的家室和忠诚敬拜的复兴。作为一个阿姨或叔叔,请将你的侄女和侄子交托给主耶和华的看顾,照看他们的福祉,为他们祷告,将他们交在耶和华殿的保障中。正如主耶和华存留了大卫的家室,而耶稣就从其中来的那样,祂必会藉着圣道来存留和喂养你所珍爱的家庭成员。
主耶和华 ,请基于你的圣道和对基督的共同信仰,在我们的家人中间赐下合一和平安。阿们。

2 Chronicles 23:1-15 See application note, 2Ki 11:4-20
列王记下11:4-20 藉着一个盟约誓言,主耶和华使耶何耶大,迦利人,还有护卫兵有胆量将大卫的后裔约阿施安置在他合法的王位上。主耶和华赐给你力量,请与祂的仆人们一起来捍卫祂子民的益处。上帝的话语和应许是我们在基督里合一和得力的基础。

2 Chronicles 23:16-21 On behalf of the boy king Joash, the priest Jehoiada makes a covenant with the people of Judah based on the Law of Moses. Through sound leadership, the Lord renews the mercies of temple service and the good administration of the kingdom. Just as Joash needed the faithful guidance of Jehoiada, children today need faithful guides in life (pastors, teachers, coaches, etc.). Seek such faithful guides and pray for them. Our faithful Lord will raise up godly men and women who know and duly apply His Holy Word for our instruction in righteousness.
Dearest Lord, hear our prayer on behalf of our families and our communities, that we may prosper before You. Amen.
历代志下23:16-21 代表还是孩子的约阿施王,祭司耶何耶大基于摩西律法与犹大百姓立了约。藉着正直的领袖,主耶和华更新祂在圣殿服事以及国家好的行政管理方面的怜悯。正如约阿施需要耶何耶大的忠心引领一样,今天的孩子们在他们的生命中也需要忠心的向导(牧师,教师,教练,等等)。要为他们祷告,并且寻求此类忠心的向导。我们信实的主耶和华必会兴起敬虔的男人和女人,他们懂得祂的圣道并且适宜地应用之,为叫我们在公义中得教训。

2 Chronicles 24:1-22 The Lord guides Joash through the priest Jehoiada and his son Zechariah, but Joash finally rejects Lord’s ways. Each of us needs good counsel, especially God’s Law and Gospel, which reveal the Lord’s ways to us. When others point out your weaknesses, do not harden your heart toward them or toward the Lord. The Lord’s great desire is to bring you back, restoring you through confession and forgiveness.
Call me back to You, O Lord, through the faithful words of Your prophets. Amen.
历代志下24:1-22 主耶和华藉着祭司耶何耶大以及他的儿子撒迦利亚,来引导约阿施,但约阿施最终弃绝了主耶和华的道路。我们每一个人都需要好的顾问,特别是上帝的律法和福音,就是向我们显明主耶和华道路的。当其他人指出你的软弱之时,请不要以刚硬的心面对他们,或者面对主耶和华。主耶和华特别所愿的就是要带领你归回,借着认罪和赦免来复兴你。

2 Chronicles 24:23-27 See application note, 2Ki 12:19-21.
列王记下12:19-21 约阿施有一个很好的开始,却因为远离主的道路而得了一个悲哀的结局。透过信心,让你的生命的结局尊荣你的救赎主和你所继承的。耶稣常与你同在,必会日复一日地赦免你的过犯,拯救你脱离试探。祂的教训和同在是永恒的。

2 Chronicles 25:1-4 See application note, 2Ki 14:1-22.
列王记下14:1-22 亚玛谢服侍主耶和华,然而他高估自己的能力,就想去在以色列国得些势力,结果以色列将他打败。信心不是成功的保障。骄傲导致败落。请带着对主话语的省察,带着祷告和从上帝而来的智慧执行你的计划。主耶和华看顾那些属于祂的,并且藉着信心欢迎他们成为祂永恒国度的尊贵儿女。

2 Chronicles 25:5-16 Though the Lord grants him victories, Amaziah continues in rebellion. Today, we likewise feel the constant pressure to compromise the truth and follow the Lord halfheartedly. By His faithful and gracious Word, the Lord, who has power to help, will unstop our ears and turn our hearts to hear Him.
Speak, O Lord, that I may know Your ways and walk in them by faith. Amen.
历代志下25:5-16 尽管主耶和华赐给亚玛谢胜利,然而他在背叛中继续着。今天,我们同样会一直感受到压力,要折损真理,半心半意跟随主耶和华。藉着祂信实和满有恩典的话语,主耶和华,那位有能力帮助的,必会警醒我们的耳朵,将我们的心调转,去听从祂。

2 Chronicles 25:17-28 See application note, 2Ki 14:1-22.
列王记下14:1-22 亚玛谢服侍主耶和华,然而他高估自己的能力,就想去在以色列国得些势力,结果以色列将他打败。信心不是成功的保障。骄傲导致败落。请带着对主话语的省察,带着祷告和从上帝而来的智慧执行你的计划。主耶和华看顾那些属于祂的,并且藉着信心欢迎他们成为祂永恒国度的尊贵儿女。

2 Chronicles 26 See application note, 2Ki 15:1-7
列王记下15:1-7 亚撒利雅因着上帝的祝福就发达起来(参 历代志下26章),但也面临着上帝的审判,上帝的审判所带来的是隔离。物质繁荣或罪能够将你从主耶和华和祂的百姓那里分离开来。每日要悔改且专注在圣道上,圣道必使你在上帝的怜悯,智慧和慈爱中繁荣昌盛。你有自由能够与众圣徒一同聚集祷告,并领受圣道和圣礼那最大的财宝,要在其中欢喜快乐。

2 Chronicles 27 Jotham orders his ways before the Lord and grows mighty as a result. He learns from both the good example and the bad example of his father, Uzziah. Learn to respect and emulate all that is good in your parents, for they are God’s gifts to you. Also seek to grow in the ways of your heavenly Father, who gives life everlasting in the might of His Son.
Order my ways, dear Father, that I may emulate Your goodness. Amen.
历代志下27章 约坦在主耶和华面前规矩他的道路,结果是成长壮大。他从他父亲乌西雅的好榜样和坏榜样中都汲取教训。要学会尊重和效法你父母身上所有好的东西,因为他们是上帝给你的礼物。也要寻求在你天父的道路上成长,祂在祂儿子的能力中赐下永恒生命。

2 Chronicles 28:1-4 See application note, 2Ki 16.
列王记下16章 在几代相对忠心的王之后,犹大被亚哈斯严重带偏了,亚哈斯被从以色列,亚兰和亚述而来的压力吓软了。特别令人不可思议的是,邪恶的王亚哈斯,甚至将他的儿子献祭给了一个假神,却将会领受以马内利的记号,这以马内利的记号宣告了上帝之子,我们救赎主的来临(赛7:10-25;9:6-7;11:1-9)。在所有的世代里—甚至在那些最糟糕的状况下—主耶和华仍将我们和我们的救恩存在祂的心上。

2 Chronicles 28:5-21 When Syria and Israel overrun Judah and lead away numerous prisoners, the Lord shames the Israelites for mistreating their southern prisoners. Mistreating one’s relatives, as the Lsraelites did, is doubly shameful. God calls us to treat our extended family with respect and care to lead them to repentance and life. Thankfully, the Lord treats us mercifully by forgiving our sins and reconciling us to the family of God.
Grant our families peace and unity, O Lord, that we may extend Your kindness to all. Amen.
历代志下28:5-21 当亚兰和以色列打败犹大并且带走许许多多的囚犯之时,主耶和华因为以色列人恶待他们南方来的俘虏,就羞辱他们。一个人恶待亲属,就像以色列人做的那样,算是加倍的羞耻。上帝呼召我们要带着尊敬和关爱来待我们非直系的亲人,引领他们走向悔改和生命。感恩的是,主耶和华藉着赦免我们的罪,使我们重归于上帝的家人之列,以怜悯待我们。

2 Chronicles 28:22-27 See application note, 2Ki 16.
列王记下16章 在几代相对忠心的王之后,犹大被亚哈斯严重带偏了,亚哈斯被从以色列,亚兰和亚述而来的压力吓软了。特别令人不可思议的是,邪恶的王亚哈斯,甚至将他的儿子献祭给了一个假神,却将会领受以马内利的记号,这以马内利的记号宣告了上帝之子,我们救赎主的来临(赛7:10-25;9:6-7;11:1-9)。在所有的世代里—甚至在那些最糟糕的状况下—主耶和华仍将我们和我们的救恩存在祂的心上。

2 Chronicles 29:1-19 Hezekiah leads the priests and Levites in cleansing the temple and restoring the sacrifices. Renewal is always more than outward cleansing. Through the Word, the Lord cleanses and changes hearts. In Jesus’ sacrifice, He atones for all our sins.
Wipe away the filth of my sins, O Savior, and cleanse me by Your precious blood. Amen.
历代志下29:1-19 希西家带领祭司和利未人洁净圣殿,重新恢复献祭。更新从来都不只是外表的洁净。藉着圣道,主耶和华洁净和改变人心。在耶稣的献祭中,祂赎了我们所有的罪。

2 Chronicles 29:20-36 Hezekiah fully restores the temple services according to God’s Word and the examples of David and Solomon. The bloody sacrifices cleanse God’s repentant people from their sins, anticipating Christ’s perfect sacrifice on the cross. Today, the Lord cleanses and consecrates us through Holy Baptism, for in Baptism we are joined to Christ’s atoning death and resurrection.
O Lord, consecrate Your servants, that we may offer sincere worship in Your name. Amen.
历代志下29:20-36 希西家依照上帝的话语以及大卫和所罗门的榜样,完全恢复圣殿的服事。那流血的赎罪祭洁净上帝悔改的子民脱离他们的罪,预告着基督在十字架上完美的祭。今天,主耶和华藉着圣洗礼洁净我们并将我们分别为圣,因为在洗礼中我们得以与基督的赎罪性死亡和复活相连。

2 Chronicles 30 Hezekiah renews the Passover celebration to call the people back to the Lord. Today, we regularly celebrate the new Passover—the Holy Supper of Christ, who offered Himself in compassion for our salvation.
Grant that I return to You, blessed Lamb of God, and have one heart with my brothers and sisters. Amen.
历代志下30章 希西家恢复逾越节的庆祝,呼召百姓归回主耶和华。今天,我们要定期庆祝那新的逾越节—就是基督的圣餐礼,祂为了我们的救恩出于怜悯将祂自己献上。

2 Chronicles 31 The Lord blesses Judah under Hezekiah’s rule, and Hezekiah reestablishes the support of the priests and Levites. Today, the Lord’s people must take account of the need to support their pastors, teachers, and all who are dedicated to the Lord’s work. Pray for wisdom in managing the offerings presented at God’s house. Bless the Lord for the ministry of the Word, which brings comfort, peace, and hope through Christ, our great High Priest.
Bless all servants of the Word, O Lord, and make me a blessing to them. Amen.
历代志下31章 主耶和华祝福在希西家治理之下的犹大,希西家重新建造对祭司和利未人的供应。今天,主耶和华的子民需要供应他们的牧师,教师以及所有委身于主圣工的人,这必须得到重视。管理奉献在上帝家中的供物,要为着所需用的智慧祈祷。也要为着圣道的服事称谢主耶和华,因为它藉着我们至高的大祭司基督带来安慰,平安和盼望。

2 Chronicles 32:1-19 See application note, 2Ki 18:13-37.
列王记下18:13-37 一位亚述将军表达出对希西家的轻蔑,然而百姓展示了他们对自己忠心君王的坚实信靠。有时候,我们可能变得很沮丧,因为没有什么好的领袖余剩了。可以确信的是:主耶和华总是引领祂的百姓,并且能够为他们兴起忠心的领袖。请为你的领袖们祷告,将他们交托给耶稣基督,那位好牧人。祂必信实地引领你走在平安的路上。

2 Chronicles 32:20-23 See application note, 2Ki 19:20-37.
列王记下19:20-37 主耶和华向希西家嘲讽式地解释祂如何安排西拿基立的高升和坠落,为要成就祂的旨意。当新闻头条使你不安的时候,请在那真理中得安慰,那真理就是万国和政治家的所有阴谋都蜷伏在主耶和华对祂受造物和教会的计划之下。主耶和华因着祂给我们救主耶稣的先祖,希西家的先祖大卫的应许,回应了希西家的祷告。祂也必同样回应我们的祷告。

2 Chronicles 32:24-33 Hezekiah, blessed with great wealth and power, struggles with pride. This threatens to destroy him, his kingdom, and his descendants. Even if you are able to fend off all other threats, pride will still assault and defeat you if the Lord does not come to your aid. Like Hezekiah, humble yourself before the Lord and ask for His forgiveness. Recognize your successes as signs of His kindness, which He extends through the blessings of creation and the mercy of Jesus Christ.
Grant me sincere humility, O Lord, like that of Jesus, who became obedient until death, even death on a cross, for my salvation. Amen.
历代志下32:24-33 希西家,得了丰盛资财和权力的祝福,也要与骄傲争战。这危机要摧毁他,他的国度以及他的后裔。即使你有能力抵挡住所有其它的威胁,然而若没有主耶和华的祐助,骄傲仍会袭击打败你。要像希西家一样,将你自己谦卑在主耶和华面前,寻求祂的赦免。要记得你的成功是祂恩慈的记号,就是祂藉着创造之工的祝福和耶稣基督的怜悯所给予的。

2 Chronicles 33:1-9 See application note, 2Ki 21:1-9.
列王记下21:1-9 讽刺的是,忠心的希西家将他的王位留给了犹大历史上最邪恶的王玛拿西,玛拿西作王55年,彻底败坏了百姓。要将教养子女及家庭放在你最重要的事务之列,藉此你不仅可以服侍这一代,而且还有将来的后裔。主耶和华将祂的独生子赐给你,好使你和你的家人成为祂慈爱和怜悯的对象。

2 Chronicles 33:10-20 Through distress and admonitions of the prophets, the Lord leads Manasseh to repentance. Like a patient father, the Lord disciplines us and even allows us to learn our lessons the hard way, through error and pain. Yet He is always ready to hear us, just as He heard and had compassion on the wicked king Manasseh.
O Lord, instruct me through the words of Your prophets, and grant me sincere repentance day by day, that I may know You alone as my God. Amen.
历代志下33:10-20 藉着患难和先知们的劝勉,主耶和华引领玛拿西悔改。像一位满有忍耐的父亲,主耶和华管教我们,甚至允许我们透过错误和痛苦,以艰难的方式学习我们的功课。然而祂总是预备好了要垂听我们,正如祂垂听且怜悯那位邪恶的王玛拿西一样。

2 Chronicles 33:21-25 See application note, 2Ki 21:19-26.
列王记下21:19-26 亚们王抵挡上帝的道路,行走在他父亲,恶王玛拿西的道上。今天,不要简单地接受邪恶领袖们的怪相,但也不能将此段落读成是对颠覆你们政府的一个祝福!请为你们的领袖祈祷,并且寻求合法的途径来谴责他们的错误(比如:选举;游行)为的是要在你们的土地上建立公正。你们公正且满有恩典的那位掌权者在天上监察万事万物。祂必会按照祂蒙爱儿子的恩典祝福和保守你们。

2 Chronicles 34:1-7 Josiah seeks the Lord and destroys the idolatrous shrines in Judah and all Israel. Sincere faith is expressed not only by service to the Lord but also by leaving behind and removing those things that tempt us and would divide our devotion. The Holy Spirit will lead you not only to confess your sin but also to put away and avoid temptation. The Lord alone is your God; He is the only Savior.
O one true God, grant me an undivided heart, that I may serve You truly. Amen.
历代志下34:1-7 约西亚寻求主耶和华,毁掉犹大和以色列全地的偶像祭坛。真实的信心得以表述,不仅是藉着对主耶和华的服事,而且也藉着离弃和除去那些试探我们且会分散我们敬虔委身的东西。圣灵必会引领你,不仅承认你的罪,而且也抛弃和避开试探。唯有主耶和华是你的上帝;祂是唯一的救主。

2 Chronicles 34:8-33 See application note, 2Ki 22:8-20
列王记下22:8-20 透过女先知户勒大,主耶和华证实了约西亚王从律法书中所得到的信息,那就是主耶和华要定罪犹大。然而,主耶和华考虑到约西亚的悔改,也向他应许了怜悯。真诚的悔改从来不是无用的,既使有些人在转向主耶和华之后仍然会经历到苦难。相反,真诚的悔改是上帝的圣灵藉着祂的圣道所做的恩慈工作,并且祂的工作与我们的救恩有益。

2 Chronicles 35:1-19 Josiah leads the people in an exceptional celebration of the Lord’s Passover. At times, the Church’s observances may seem routine, even dull, to our hardened hearts. Bring praise to your Lord by commemorating His love through renewed observance of the sacred festivals. Through the word of His mercy, He will consecrate you anew.
We praise Your name this day, O Lord, commemorating the works of Your love and receiving anew the testimonies of Your gracious deliverance. Amen.
历代志下35:1-19 约西亚带领百姓,对主耶和华的逾越节有一场盛大卓越的庆祝。有时候,教会的守节庆祝对我们刚硬的心来说,可能看起来是例行公事,甚至有些呆板无趣。要透过对神圣节日的更新庆祝,纪念祂的慈爱,以此将赞美带给你的主耶和华。藉着祂怜悯的话语,祂必再次将你分别为圣。

2 Chronicles 35:20-27 See application note, 2Ki 23:28-30
列王记下23:28-30 约西亚王因着巴比伦区域政权的兴起所带来的冲突死掉了。然而,主耶和华成就了祂给约西亚的话语,将他纳入犹大列王的坟墓里。当良善的人得了悲惨结局,比如那些忠诚的士兵或将领死在执行任务上的时候,请不要认为他们或他们的亲人正在经受主耶和华的惩罚,或者祂已经将他们遗弃了。相反,要尊荣那些在你眼中太早折损的尊贵之辈,为着他们尊贵的服侍将感恩献给上帝。耶稣也得了一个过早的结局(依据我们的观念),但祂的死亡是上帝为着我们的救恩有目的地计划好的。

2 Chronicles 36:1-16 The Chronicler quickly describes the last kings of Judah (Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah), who were dominated by Babylon. He likewise records how stubbornness dominates the people of Judah (vv 15-16). Though persistence can be a helpful trait, stubbornness leads to self-destruction. Always check your will against God’s will, recorded in Scripture, so that He may teach you persistence in faith and break your sinful stubbornness. Thanks be to God, He has a remedy for all your faults through His gift of forgiveness, His Spirit, and instruction in righteousness.
Remedy my faults, Great Physician, and grant me a willing heart to believe Your Word. Amen.
历代志下36:1-16 历代志作者快速地描述了犹大的最后几个王(约哈斯,约雅敬,约雅斤,和西底家),他们都是被巴比伦掌控的。他也同样记载了固执如何控制着犹大的百姓(15-16节)。尽管坚持会是一个有益的特性,然而固执却会引向自我的毁灭。总是要依照圣经里记载的上帝的旨意来检验你的想法,如此祂就教导你在信心上坚持,并且打碎你有罪的固执。感谢归给上帝,藉着祂的赦罪之恩,祂的圣灵和在公义中的教训,祂为你所有的过错存留一份解药。

2 Chronicles 36:17-21 See application note, 2Ki 25:1-21
列王记下25:1-21 在犹大的第三次背叛之后,巴比伦人就执行更坚决的政策,消灭所有社区的领导能力,终结犹大作为一个国家和圣地的地位。然而,所有人的组织最终都会衰落,甚至包括强大的巴比伦。上帝圣洁的国度永远长存,因为它的王,我们的救主上帝,不会被推翻。

2 Chronicles 36:22-23 The Lord stirs the Persian king Cyrus to declare that the Judeans could return home from exile. Ironically, the people who would not hear God’s Word from the prophets now hear His decree from the mouth of a foreign ruler who may have been a pagan. The Lord goes to great lengths to reach His people. How great is His patience and mercy toward us!
Fulfill Your Word for me, O Lord, according to Your mercy in Christ, who set me free. Amen.
历代志下36:22-23 主耶和华激动波斯王居鲁士宣告说,犹大人可以从被掳之地归回。讽刺的是,不愿从先知那里听从上帝话语的百姓,如今从一位很可能一直是异教徒的外国君王的口中听到祂的敕令。主耶和华为要临到祂的百姓走了很长的路。祂向我们所施的忍耐和怜悯是多么丰盛啊!

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2017年05月20日

Ezra Chapter 1 The Lord stirs Cyprus the Persian to send home a remnant of the Judean exiles, as prophesied by Isaiah and Jeremiah. Today, the Lord of heaven and earth continues to govern the nations for the good of His people. Though the news we hear each day is often bad, we can rejoice that the Lord of heaven is at work amid tumultuous events. Consider how He wrought our salvation through the decisions of Roman and Judean rulers who crucified our Savior!
Lord of history, stir my heart to praise You and to serve my neighbor according to Your merciful goodness. Amen.
以斯拉记1章 主耶和华激动波斯王居鲁士将犹大被掳的一批余民差遣回家,正如以赛亚和耶利米所预言的。今天,天地的主耶和华继续为着祂子民的益处掌管万国。尽管我们每日听见的新闻总是不祥的,然而我们可以欢喜,因为天上的主耶和华于骚乱的事件中仍在作工。要纪念祂曾经如何藉着罗马和犹大官长,就是那些钉死我们救主的,他们的决策来成就我们的救恩。

Ezra Chapter 2 Although 42,360 people respond to Cyrus’ invitation to return to Judah, relatively few Levites—key temple workers—appear on the list. As then, the Lord gives each of us a role of service in our congregation. The services of God’s house require our faithful support in word and deed. When you are discouraged or overwhelmed by the needs of your congregation, entrust your cares to the Lord of heaven, who oversees all things for your benefit. He will bless you through the service of Word and Sacrament offered in His name.
Dearest Father, grant me joy and contentment in my calling. Help me to see the greater purpose and need of my congregation. Amen.
以斯拉记2章 尽管四万二千三百六十人回应居鲁士王发出的归回犹大地的邀请,然而关键的圣殿工人—利未人却有相对稀少的人数出现在名单上。和那时一样,主耶和华在我们的堂会中赐给我们每一个人服事的角色。上帝家中的服事要求我们在言语和行动上的忠心支持。当你因着你教会的需要而变得灰心或被压垮的时候,请将你的忧虑交托给天上的主耶和华,祂为着你的益处监察万事。祂必会藉着奉祂的名所献上的话语和圣礼服事祝福你。

Ezra Chapter 3:1-7 Within about a year of Cyrus’ decree, the Judeans are settling in their homeland and beginning to work on the altar to restore the sacrifices, showing their sincere desire for true worship and for honoring their emperor’s decree. As you offer daily sacrifices of thanks and praise to the Lord, request a deep and lively sincerity for yourself, your family, and your congregation. The Lord sincerely receives your worship and requests; He has promised to answer according to His goodwill and the mercy He demonstrated in His Son, your Redeemer.
Grant me a sincere and thankful heart, dear Lord, that my mind, hands, and feet may carry out Your good and gracious will. Amen.
以斯拉记3:1-7 居鲁士王下令后的一年内,犹大人就在他们的家乡定居下来,并且开始筑坛恢复献祭,表明了他们对真正敬拜以及尊荣他们帝王政令的真诚愿望。当你每日向着主耶和华献上感谢和赞美的祭之时,请为你自己,你的家人还有你的教会祈求深刻活泼的真诚。主耶和华真诚地悦纳你的敬拜和祈求;祂应许了要依照祂的良善旨意和怜悯,就是祂曾在祂的儿子,你的拯救者里面所显明的,来回应。

Ezra Chapter 3:8-13 The service dedicating the foundation for the new temple stirs deep emotions for the Judeans because of the memory of their shortcomings and because they are eyewitnesses to God’s renewed mercy for them. God’s Word of Law and Gospel will likewise move your heart. That Word is your focus for comfort and for hope. By the Word, the Lord lays a foundation for new life and peace in your life.
All I am, good Lord, belongs to You, including my tears and my shouts of joy. May I praise You in thought, word, and deed. Amen.
以斯拉记3:8-13 新殿根基奉献的服事激起犹大人深刻的情感,因为想起他们的软弱,因为他们就是亲眼见证上帝向他们重新施行怜悯的人。上帝律法和福音的话语必会同样感动你的心。那话语就是你得安慰和盼望的焦点。藉着圣道,主耶和华立下新生命的根基和你生命中的平安。

Ezra Chapter 4:1-6 To maintain pure worship, the Judeans reject the offer from the people of the land, who insist on taking part in building the temple and in joining the worship services. When God’s people today consider the boundaries of pure and faithful worship, and also God’s calling to reach out to others, they may feel challenged as they work to fulfill both callings. Clear boundaries in doctrine and practice are necessary because a corrupt gospel is no Gospel at all (cf Gal 1:8). Thanks be to God for maintaining the preaching and teaching of His life-giving Word, which has spanned the centuries to reach us too. What a joy to share that blessed message with those who repent.
Preserve Your mission of grace among us, O Lord, and grant us clear understanding of the boundaries between true and false worship. Amen.
以斯拉记4:1-6 为了保有纯洁的敬拜,犹大人拒绝那地居民的提议,因为他们坚持要参与圣殿的建造并且加入敬拜的服事当中。今天当上帝的百姓思想纯洁和忠心敬拜的边界,还有上帝吩咐向他人传道的呼召之时,他们一边作工来完成这两个呼召,一边会感到很受挑战。教义和实践上的清晰界线是有必要的,因为败坏了的福音就完全不算是福音(参 加1:8 但无论是我们,是天上来的使者,若传福音给你们,与我们所传给你们的不同,他就应当被咒诅)。感谢归给上帝,祂存留祂赐生命话语的传讲和教导,已经走过世世代代,也临到了我们。与那些悔改的人分享祝福的信息,这是何等的喜乐啊!

Ezra Chapter 4:7-16 Ezra illustrates the strong and unreasonable opposition that the Judean settlers faced from regional Persian officials. Today, God’s people may face similar bureaucratic opposition when seeking building permits, etc., for churches and schools. Pray for your governing officials who do not seem to recognize the valuable contribution God’s people make in civil life. Give thanks for faithful officials who do recognize the benefits of godly service. Through the Gospel, the King of heaven will transform hearts and minds so that all may see His merciful goodness.
O Lord, make me salt and light for my community by faithfully and patiently bearing witness to Your Word and will. Amen.
以斯拉记4:7-16 以斯拉描述了犹大定居者从波斯地区性官长那里所遇到的强烈无理的敌对。今天,上帝的子民在寻求教堂和学校的建设许可还有其它东西的时候,可能会遇到类似的官僚性抵挡。要为你的政府官员祈祷,他们似乎不太能认识到上帝的子民在民事生活中所作出的宝贵贡献。也要为着那些确实认识到敬虔服事所带来的益处的忠诚官员献上感谢。藉着福音,天国的大君王必会转变心思意念,好叫所有人可以看见祂怜悯的恩慈。

Ezra Chapter 4:17-24 Artaxerxes’ response and the violent intervention of local officials stop the civil building projects in Jerusalem, most notably the work on the temple. Underlying the physical struggles of our world are always spiritual struggles. Through Scripture, keep aware of spiritual struggles and make them the focus of your prayers against Satan. Take courage from the Lord’s mastery of His creation and the manner in which He works for the good of His people, especially shown in the civil punishment and glorious resurrection of His Son for our redemption.
Hear the cry of Your people, mighty King, and work among us for our blessing. Amen.
以斯拉记4:17-24 亚达薛西的回应以及当地官员的粗暴干预中断了耶路撒冷的民事建筑工程,尤其是圣殿的工作。我们的世界有身体上的争战,与之一直相伴随的是属灵的争战。藉着圣经,要对属灵的争战警醒,并且使它们成为你祷告的中心,来抵挡撒旦。主耶和华掌管祂的受造物,祂也为着祂子民的益处在作工,这种方式特别显明在祂儿子为了我们的拯救所受的世人刑罚以及祂荣耀的复活里面,要从这些当中得着勇气。

Ezra Chapter 5:1-5 God’s prophets boldly call His people back to the work of the Jerusalem temple. Today, when your cause is right in the Lord’s eyes, do not hesitate to act and to call others to peaceable action. Act confidently, because the Lord will watch over you, bless you, and keep you through Christ.
Stir Your people to bold action, O Lord, in the cause of pure and faithful worship. Help us to stare down all who would oppose Your good purposes. Amen.
以斯拉记5:1-5 上帝的先知放胆呼召祂的百姓重新回到耶路撒冷圣殿的工作上。今天,当你的理想是耶和华眼中看为正的事情之时,不要迟疑去行动和呼召他人走向和平之举。要带着信心行动,因为主耶和华必藉着基督看顾你,祝福你,并保护你。

Ezra Chapter 5:6-17 The Persian governor Tattenal discovers the truth about the rebuilding of the Jerusalem temple to the “great God” of heaven. Thanks be to God for faithful government officials who seek and report the truth! Pray for them. Vote for them. Encourage good people to seek public office. The God of heaven rules among us through faithful leaders in both church and state. The great God of our salvation cares for every aspect of our lives.
O great God of heaven, work for the peace of Your servants on earth. Amen.
以斯拉记5:6-17 波斯总督达乃找出关于耶路撒冷圣殿是为那天上的“至大之神”重建的真相。为着那些寻求并且报告真相的忠诚政府官员,将感谢归给上帝。要为他们祷告。要为他们投票。鼓励好人寻求公职。天上的上帝藉着教会中还有政府中忠诚的领袖在我们中间掌权。我们救恩的伟大上帝看顾我们生活的方方面面。

Ezra Chapter 6:1-12 The emperor Darius approves the building of the temple, sponsors its sacrifices, and curses those who would interfere. The God of heaven has so radially changed the circumstances that the government that opposed the project becomes its sponsor. Today, do not fail to offer prayers for your officials. Who knows what changes God may bring? Above all, offer thanks to Him for your salvation by Jesus’ sacrifice.
Great God of heaven, bless our officials, and guide their service for the benefit of Your Church. Amen.
以斯拉记6:1-12 大流士王同意圣殿的建造,为圣殿的祭牲提供支持,并且咒诅那些要搅扰的人。天上的上帝如此迅速地改变处境,使得抵挡建造工程的政府成为它的赞助者。今天,不要轻忽为你们的官员献上祷告。谁知道上帝会带来什么样的改变呢?最重要的是,要为你藉着耶稣赎罪祭所得的救恩,将感谢献给祂。

Ezra Chapter 6:13-18 God’s people rejoice in the atonement for all Israel celebrated at the dedication of the Jerusalem temple. This week, praise God for the blessings of forgiveness you hear and receive in your congregation. There is no greater cause of joy than the pardon of our heavenly King.
“I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” (Ps 122:1). Amen.
以斯拉记6:13-18 上帝的百姓在耶路撒冷圣殿奉献礼上为以色列众人所献的赎罪祭中欢喜快乐。这一周,要为着你在你的教会中所听见和领受的赦罪祝福赞美上帝。没有什么比我们天上君王的饶恕还要丰盛的喜乐源泉了。
“人对我说:我们往耶和华的殿去,我就欢喜”(诗 122:1)。阿们。

Ezra Chapter 6:19-22 The Judeans rejoice in the cleansing and blessings associated with the celebration of the first Passover at the new temple, including the conversion of some people of the land. What joy stirs God’s people to see hearts turned to the Lord. How great is our calling to proclaim God’s mercy and cleansing! For the Lord has set us apart, washing away our sins in the consecration of Holy Baptism.
Holy Lord, as You have set apart my life for Your kingdom, set my heart now to share Your Gospel with others. Amen.
以斯拉记6:19-22 犹大人在与新殿第一次逾越节的庆祝,还有当地一些人的归信相关联的洁净和祝福中,欢喜快乐。何样的喜乐会激动上帝的百姓见证人心转向主耶和华啊!我们要传扬上帝的怜悯和洁净之工,这样的呼召是多么伟大啊!因为主耶和华已经将我们分别出来,在圣洗礼的分别为圣中洗净我们的罪。

Ezra Chapter 7 Through the decree of the pagan ruler Artaxerxes, the Lord provides for the instruction of His people in His Word, as led by Ezra. Though the emperor provides numerous gifts, God’s Word stands out as the greatest gift, by which the Lord converts hearts and extends His gracious rule.
We bless You, O Lord, for Your good Word, delivered for our salvation. Amen.
以斯拉记7章 藉着外邦统治者亚达薛西的谕旨,主耶和华为祂的子民在祂的话语中供应教导,由以斯拉带领。尽管王提供了许多的供物,然而上帝的话语作为最大的礼物凸显出来,主耶和华藉之扭转人心,延伸祂恩典的治理。

Ezra Chapter 8:1-14 More leaders and members of their families return from the exile in Babylonia. Near the head of the list are members of the royal household, which had nearly been destroyed. The Lord preserved the house of David, thereby preserving for you the promise of a Savior, the Son of David, Jesus.
Praise be to Your name, faithful Lord, for fulfilling Your Word to David and to me. Amen.
以斯拉记8:1-14 他们家族的更多领袖和成员从巴比伦的被掳之地归回。名单上靠近首位的是贵族家室的成员,他们已经近乎灭绝。主耶和华存留大卫的家室,也因此为你们存留一位救赎主,就是大卫的儿子耶稣的应许。

Ezra Chapter 8:15-20 The Lord helps Ezra discover the Levites and temple servants whose roles at the temple were going unfulfilled. Today, each believer has a valuable role of service to fulfill in his or her Church, whether leading or attending to other duties. Do not despise anyone’s office of service, for any unfulfilled office disrupts the work of all. Along with your office, the Lord will grant you His Spirit and gifts, which will build you up.
Lord, Your Son, Jesus, humbled Himself to serve us. Teach me my role in my congregation, and equip me for every good work of my calling. Amen.
以斯拉记8:15-20 主耶和华帮助以斯拉寻找利未人和圣殿服侍人员(尼提宁),因为他们在圣殿中的角色将会空缺。今天,每一位信徒都有一个宝贵的服事角色要在他或她的教会中履行,无论是带领的,或是参与其它职份的。不要鄙视任何人的服事职份,因为任何未履行的职份都会打乱所有人的工作。与你的职份一起,主耶和华必会将祂的灵和礼物恩赐给你,这些必会将你建造起来。

Ezra Chapter 8:21-23 The Lord listens as Ezra’s caravan prays for protection. Likewise, the Lord hears our prayers, and He answers according to His loving-kindness in Christ.
Make me wise to pray and fast, O Lord, and to focus on Your kindness. Amen.
以斯拉记8:21-23 以斯拉的队伍呼求保护,主应允了。同样地,主垂听我们的祷告,并且祂也依照祂在基督里的慈爱良善应允之。

Ezra Chapter 8:24-36 By the hand of God, Ezra’s caravan successfully delivers their offerings to Jerusalem. Like Ezra, commit yourself body and soul to the Lord’s service. For the Lord supports the service of His people; He serves them graciously in Christ.
Bless our service, dear Lord, and lead us by Your hand to heaven’s promised land. Amen.
以斯拉记8:24-36 靠赖上帝的手,以斯拉的队伍成功地将他们的供物运到了耶路撒冷。要像以斯拉那样,将你自己的身体和灵魂交托给主的服事。因为主耶和华供应祂子民的服事;祂在基督里满有恩典地服事他们。

Ezra Chapter 9 Ezra expresses remorse and shame when he learns of the unfaithful Judeans’ marriages. Today, few topics have grown more sensitive than the issues surrounding marriage. This is ultimately because families fail to believe in or teach what God’s Word teaches about the holy blessings of marriage. Like Ezra, express your shame, remorse, and prayers to God when sinful notions of marriage tear at your family. Study and share the teachings of God’s Word about marriage (see esp notes, Gn 2:18, 22, 24; Eph 5:22, 25, 28, 31-32, 33). Christ the Bridegroom is also our Redeemer, who removes all our shame and comforts our remorseful hearts.
Jesus, hear my prayers for family and friends, that they would enjoy the blessings of holy wedlock according to Your Word. Amen.
以斯拉记9章 当以斯拉了解到犹大人不忠诚的婚姻之时,他就表达出懊悔和羞愧。今天,几乎没有什么话题要比关于婚姻的问题变得更敏感了。这最终是由于家庭不相信或不去教导上帝的话语在神圣婚姻的祝福方面所教导的。要像以斯拉一样,在有罪的婚姻观念撕裂你的家庭之时,向上帝表达你的羞愧,懊悔和祈祷。要查考和分享上帝话语关于婚姻的教导(请特别看注释,创2:18,22,24; 弗5:22,25,28,31-32,33)。基督新郎也是我们的救赎主,祂挪去我们所有的羞愧,安慰我们懊悔的心。

Ezra Chapter 10:1-17 To resolve the problem of illegal marriages, some Judeans make a harsh proposal for immediate divorces, but the counsel of the community wisely requests investigation so they can learn the extent of the problem and propose the best solution. Have confidence in the wisdom of God’s people, as informed by God’s Word. Call for their counsel, and listen patiently. Above all, God’s Word must prevail in the congregation’s worship and, thereby, its decisions. At all times, we may confess our sins and receive God’s Word of absolution, by which He constantly blesses us with mercy. Have mercy on us, O Lord, and lead us by Your Law and Gospel. Amen.
以斯拉记10:1-17 为了解决异族通婚的问题,一些犹大人就提出立刻离婚的苛刻方案,但社区领袖们有智慧地要求进行调查,这样他们能够了解问题的延伸度并且提出最佳的解决方法。要对上帝子民的智慧,就是因着上帝的话语而来的,有信心。寻求他们的建议,并且带着耐心聆听。最重要的是,上帝的话语必须主导教会的敬拜,还有其中的决策。任何时候,我们可以承认我们的罪,并且领受上帝宣赦的话语,祂时常藉此以怜悯祝福我们。

Ezra Chapter 10:18-44 As a result of the earlier investigation, 111 illegal marriages are identified and ended. These circumstances teach us about the gravity of God’s Law, of marriage, and of vows. Enter into such matters thoughtfully and informed by God’s Word. The Lord Himself has vowed to guide and care for your family and to save you through the life of His Son, Jesus.
Lord, lead me to understand and keep my vows and to bring honor to my family and to Your name. Amen.
以斯拉记10:18-44 前面调查的结果是,111个异族通婚的事件得到证实并且被终止。这些情况教导我们关于上帝律法,婚姻和诺言的庄严性。要思量上帝的话语并且仔细周全地进入这样的事情中。主耶和华祂自己已经宣誓要引领看顾你的家庭,并且藉着祂儿子耶稣的生命拯救你。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2017年05月20日

Nehemiah Chapter 1:4-11 On behalf of those struggling in Jerusalem, Nehemiah fasts and prays with great empathy as guided by God’s Word. God’s Word grants confidence in prayer. As you call on the Lord to confess your sins and to plead for others, use God’s promises as your guide, for all His promises to you are “Yes” and “Amen” in Christ the Savior.
Holy Spirit, increase in me the desire to know the Word and to pray according to it in all things. Amen.
尼希米记1:4-11 尼希米由上帝的话语引导,为那些在耶路撒冷受苦的人,带着巨大的同情禁食和祈祷。上帝的话语在祷告中赐下信靠。当你呼求主,承认你的罪并且为他人代求的时候,请使用上帝的应许作为你的向导,因为祂赐给你的所有应许在救主基督里都是“是”和“阿们”的。

Nehemiah Chapter 2:1-8 Nehemiah asks for an opportunity to help rebuild his homeland, and the king answers favorably, because God is guiding the matter. God’s hand is constantly at work in history, though we rarely can foresee and determine what He will do. Pray that the Lord will work for the good of His people even now. His hand is on His children to guide them with the love He has for them in Christ.
Take my hand, O Lord, and lead me in the way of life. Amen.
尼希米记2:1-8 尼希米请求帮助重建他家乡的机会,王就施恩应允了,因为上帝引导此事。上帝的手一直在历史中作工,尽管我们很少能够预见或者决定祂将要做什么。主耶和华甚至今日必会为着祂子民的益处作工,要为此祈祷。祂的手在祂的儿女身上,用祂在基督里为他们存留的慈爱引领他们。

Nehemiah Chapter 2:9-20 The Word moves Nehemiah’s heart to begin plans for rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls. As you read God’s Word, recognize that He will move you as well to serve Him and His people. Studying the Word is never an end in itself, because the purpose of the Word is to console you in Christ and equip you by the Holy Spirit.
Console and equip me this day, dear Savior, to overcome all obstacles to Your good and gracious will. Amen.
尼希米记2:9-20 圣道感动尼希米的心开始为重建耶路撒冷的城墙出谋划策。当你读上帝的话语之时,要看见祂也同样会感动你去服事祂和祂的子民。学习圣道本身从来不是结局,因为圣道的目的乃是要在基督里安慰你,藉着圣灵装备你。

Nehemiah Chapter 3 The Judeans eagerly begin work on the walls and gates of Jerusalem under Nehemiah’s able leadership. God’s people still today have civic duties to fulfill, sharing in the burdens of their family and neighbors. As the Lord gives you strength, support the good works of others, which creates life and improves its quality. The Lord Jesus, who passed through the gates of Jerusalem, will sanctify your service through the blessings of His Word and in answer to your prayers.
Open to me, O Lord, the gates of heaven, that I may enter there by Your grace alone. Amen.
尼希米记3章 犹大人在尼希米充满智慧的领导之下,迫切地开始耶路撒冷城墙和门的建造工作。上帝的子民今日仍然需要履行民事责任,分享他们家庭和邻舍的重担。当主耶和华赐给你能力的时候,要支持其他人的善工,来创造生活,提高生活质量。主耶稣,曾穿过耶路撒冷的城门,必会藉着祂话语的祝福将你的服事分别为圣,回应你的祷告。

Nehemiah Chapter 4:1-14 The weary and wary Judeans support one another with the counsel of Nehemiah. Today, do not let the taunts of unbelievers or naysayers keep you from fulfilling your calling. The great and powerful Lord—He who stooped to bear our burdens and save us in Christ—is with you in your work.
Great and awesome Lord, I remember and praise Your good works. Work on my behalf, O Lord, that I may fulfill Your purpose for me. Amen.
尼希米记4:1-14 疲惫又警惕的犹大人在尼希米的带领下彼此帮扶。今天,不要让不信之人或唱反调者的奚落拦阻你履行你的呼召。那至大又有能力的主—祂曾屈尊在基督里担负我们的重担并且拯救我们—必在你的工作中与你同在。

Nehemiah Chapter 4:15-23 Nehemiah encourages ever more vigilant service by reminding the workers that “our God will fight for us.” Whether the struggle is physical, mental, or spiritual, the Lord rallies to our side. Enact every sound plan with confidence in His blessing. Just as He overcame Satan at the cross, He will overcome the obstacles you, too, may face. Grant me full confidence in Your will, O Lord, that I may take the battle to my enemies with boldness. Amen.
尼希米记4:15-23 尼希米提醒工人“我们的上帝必为我们争战,”藉此鼓励更加警醒的工作。无论争战是身体上的,精神上,或是属灵上的,主耶和华都站在我们一边。要带着对祂祝福的信靠,执行每一项扎实的计划。正如祂在十字架上胜过撒旦一样,祂必会胜过你也可能遇到的拦阻。

Nehemiah Chapter 5:1-13 Governor Nehemiah addresses the problems caused by excessive interest rates and taxes and sets an example of generosity for the leaders. In politics, words are cheap but goodwill is rare and good deeds are rarer still. When people are unfairly burdened, we can follow Nehemiah’s example by relieving them, whether by providing for fairer laws or by helping them directly. At all times, let us give praise to Christ, who sets more than a good example, for He freely bore our debt of sin and guilt.
We praise Your generous ways, O Lord, and thank You for Your mercy. Amen.
尼希米记5:1-13 省长尼希米解决由过重利息和赋税所引发的问题,并且为贵胄官长做了慷慨的榜样。在政治中,言语是廉价的,而好的意图是稀有的,好的举措更是稀少。当百姓受到不公正的压迫之时,我们能够效法尼希米的榜样,藉着提供更加公平的法律或直接帮助他们,来挪去他们的重担。任何时候,让我们把赞美归给基督,祂设立了更美好的榜样,因为祂心甘情愿担负我们罪债和羞愧。

Nehemiah Chapter 5:14-19 Nehemiah sets an excellent example for his countrymen of generosity that honors the Lord, our Maker. As the Lord grants you opportunity, lead others by good example. Call for the Lord’s blessing. He who blessed you through Baptism and faith in His name will provide for your every need in Christ.
Grant me a heart for sincere service, O Lord, that I may bless my neighbors and colleagues. Amen.
尼希米记5:14-19 尼希米为他的同胞树立出色的慷慨榜样,以此尊荣主耶和华,我们的创造者。主耶和华赐你机会之时,要藉着好榜样带领其他人。要呼求主耶和华的祝福。祂藉着在祂名之下的圣洗礼和信心祝福了你,必会在基督里供应你一切的所需。

Nehemiah Chapter 6:1-14 False prophets attempt to deceive Nehemiah and bring about his death. God’s people must always test claims of prophetic authority against the sure Word of prophecy: Holy Scripture (Dt 18:20-22; 1Jn 4:1-3). Abide in God’s Word, which is able to make you wise for life and for eternal life through Christ.
Now, O God, strengthen my hands according to Your Word. Amen.
尼希米记6:1-14 假先知试着欺骗尼希米,要将他治死。上帝的子民必须要常常依靠确实的预言话语:圣经,来查验预言权柄的言论(申18:20-22若有先知擅敢托我的名说我所未曾吩咐他说的话,或是奉别神的名说话,那先知就必治死…;约一4:1-3)。要安稳在上帝的话语中,因它能使你藉着基督为着今生和永生有智慧。

Nehemiah Chapter 6:15-7:4 Nehemiah appoints faithful colleagues to ensure good progress on the next phase of the work. Today, take joy in the faithful brothers and sisters who work with you in the Lord by showing your appreciation for them. How great a blessing is a shared burden in service to the One who bore all our burdens at the cross and will share heaven with us too.
I praise You, Lord, for my faithful colleagues. Grant us success in God-pleasing service. Amen.
尼希米记6:15-7:4 尼希米任命忠心的同工,来确保下一阶段工作的良好进程。今天,要向那些一同与你在主里作工的忠心弟兄姊妹表达你对他们的感谢,并且为着他们欢喜。

Nehemiah Chapter 7:5-73 See application note, Ezr 2.
以斯拉记2章 尽管四万二千三百六十人回应居鲁士王发出的归回犹大地的邀请,然而关键的圣殿工人—利未人却有相对稀少的人数出现在名单上。和那时一样,主耶和华在我们的堂会中赐给我们每一个人服事的角色。上帝家中的服事要求我们在言语和行动上的忠心支持。当你因着你教会的需要而变得灰心或被压垮的时候,请将你的忧虑交托给天上的主耶和华,祂为着你的益处监察万事。祂必会藉着奉祂的名所献上的话语和圣礼服事祝福你。

Nehemiah Chapter 8:1-8 Nehemiah’s efforts result in an opportunity for Ezra and others to teach God’s Word to the Judeans. God’s Word is our source of peace and blessing. Support the proclamation of the Word not only by your offerings and service but, most important, by hearing and studying it. The clear teachings of Scripture will clear your heart of doubts and grant you abiding faith.
Grant us, O Lord, faithful preachers and teachers that we may receive Your Word with peaceful hearts. Amen, Amen.
尼希米记8:1-8 尼希米作工的结果是给以斯拉和其他人提供一个向犹大人教导上帝话语的机会。上帝的话语是我们平安和祝福的源泉。不仅要藉着奉献和服事,而且最重要的是,藉着听道和学习,来支持圣道的宣讲。圣经清晰的教训必会清扫你疑惑的心,并且赐你坚定不移的信心。

Nehemiah Chapter 8:9-12 God’s Word moves the hearts of the Judeans, who sanctify the day of celebration by Word and faith. When sorrow overwhelms you, celebrate the holiness of your Lord, who sanctifies you by the Word. Sing the Word in joyful hymns, for in their words, He will grant you strength.
O Savior, we eat and drink and take joy in Your holy reign, taking all comfort in Your Word. Amen.
尼希米记8:9-12 上帝的话语感动犹大人的心,他们凭着圣道和信心来将庆祝的日子分别为圣。当悲哀笼罩你的时候,要纪念你主的圣洁,祂藉着圣道将你分别为圣。要在欢乐的圣诗中歌唱圣道,因为祂必在它们的文字中赐给你力量。

Nehemiah Chapter 8:13-18 By studying Scripture, the Judeans learn that they had overlooked celebrating a key feast. How often we may overlook God’s teachings because we do not know the Word! Each day, the Lord’s people need to partake of God’s Word—a feast for the soul. Consume and study the Scriptures daily, for by them the Lord nurtures faith and grants life.
I rejoice, O Savior, in the goodness of Your Word, my daily good news in this sad, sin-broken world. Amen.
尼希米记8:13-18 藉着查考圣经,犹大人了解到他们一直忽略了对一个关键节日的遵守。我们多么经常忽略上帝的教导啊,因为我们不清楚圣道!每一天,主的百姓需要吃喝上帝的话语—就是灵魂的圣筵。要每日吸取学习圣经,因为主耶和华藉着他们滋养信心,且赐予生命。

Nehemiah Chapter 9 The people confess the Lord’s enduring mercy promised in the covenant. They were saved by God’s grace, not by their obedience. You, too, are saved only by God’s grace, which He offers faithfully through Christ Jesus.
We confess You alone, O Lord, our Maker, Redeemer, and Sanctifier. Amen.
尼希米记9章 百姓承认主耶和华在约中所应许的恒久怜悯。他们得拯救,是出于上帝的恩典,而不是因为他们的顺从。你们也是唯独靠赖上帝的恩典得救的,祂藉着基督耶稣信实地将恩典赐下。

Nehemiah Chapter 10 People offer thanks to the Lord for the blessings of the covenant and the atonement provided through the sacrifices. As the Lord blesses us, we also respond with offerings of thanks for His gracious gifts in Christ.
We will not neglect Your house, O God, by which You bless us in the hearing of Your Gospel. Amen.
尼希米记10章 为着透过祭牲所赐下的赎罪以及恩约所带来的祝福,百姓将感谢献给主。主耶和华祝福我们,我们也当以感恩的祭来回应祂在基督里满有恩典的礼物。

Nehemiah Chapter 11 For the sake of security and good order, a number of people willingly agree to occupy Jerusalem, which was only beginning to be restored. Volunteer service has great value and may involve great sacrifice. Prayerfully consider how you may voluntarily serve your Lord, your Church, and your community. As you pray, give thanks for the willing heart of Jesus, who paid the greatest sacrifice to render the greatest service: your salvation.
Grant me a willing heart, good order, and fruitful service, O Savior. Amen.
尼希米记11章 为了安全和好的秩序,一群人甘心乐意居住在刚刚起步要重建的耶路撒冷。出于自愿的服事有很大的价值,也需要许多牺牲。要带着祷告思量你如何可以自愿地服事你的主,你的教会,和你的社区。当你祷告时,要为着耶稣顺服乐意的心献上感谢,祂为了实施那最伟大的服事:你的救恩,而付上最大的牺牲。

Nehemiah Chapter 12 With careful organization, the priests and Levites lead God’s people in worship and in dedicating the walls of Jerusalem. Though some today insist that spontaneity is a most important quality of Spirit-led worship, Scripture describes carefully organized services for God’s people. The most important feature of genuine worship is focus on the Lord and His blessings of salvation and care.
I dedicate to You, O Lord, all that I am and have. Amen.
尼希米记12章 带着细心的安排,祭司和利未人引领上帝的百姓在敬拜和对耶路撒冷城墙的奉献礼中。尽管今天有些人坚持说自发性是圣灵引导的敬拜中一个最重要的品质,然而圣经描绘出的是为上帝百姓精心策划的服事。真正的敬拜里面最重要的特征是对主耶和华以及祂救恩和看顾的祝福的专注。

Nehemiah Chapter 13 Nehemiah confronts ongoing issues of the Law and holiness, even losing his composure when people violated the covenant (v 25). As you serve the Lord, you will also have frustrating experiences. Pray for the Lord to grant you strength as a leader, to control your anger, and to maintain proper focus on the Word. When frustration gets the better of you, count on the Lord to forgive you and strengthen you for continued service.
Remember, O my God, the needs of Your people, and give us grace under pressure. Amen.
尼希米记13章 尼希米对付一直存在的律法和圣洁相关问题,当百姓破坏恩约的时候,他甚至没了镇静(25节)。当你服事主的时候,你也会有沮丧的经历。要求主赐你做领袖的力量,来控制你的怒气,并且持守对圣道应有的聚焦。当沮丧压垮你的时候,要依靠主来赦免你,并且为着继续服事坚固你。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2017年05月20日

Esther Chapter 1:1-9 Ahasuerus celebrates his accession to the throne with extravagant drinking parties for government officials and common citizens. Some people today find it necessary to build ever bigger houses and to buy more expensive cars. Christians must resist societal influences that encourage extravagant materialism. God graciously cares for us, providing us with the necessities of daily living (1Tm 6:8). His kingdom and His righteousness are the very best of all His gifts (Mt 6:33).
Thank You, Lord, for all the material blessings You daily supply. Increase my appreciation for Your gifts, and move me to share generously with others. Amen.
以斯帖记1:1-9 亚哈随鲁为政府官员和普通民众预备奢华的酒宴,以此庆祝他的登基。今天一些人觉得建造更大的房子,购买更昂贵的车是有必要的。基督徒必须抵挡这些鼓励奢侈物质主义的社会风气。上帝满有恩典地看顾我们,为我们供应每日生活的所需(提前6:8只要有衣有食,就当知足)。祂的国度和祂的公义是祂全部礼物中最好的(太6:33你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了)。

Esther Chapter 1:10-22 Ahasuerus and Vashti are not models of moral virtue for believers. God uses the king’s dismissal of his wife to prepare the way for Esther to become queen. God will often use evil deeds to work His will. Joseph said to his brothers, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Gn 50:20). Nothing demonstrates this truth more clearly than Jesus’ death on the cross. Because of His death, we have life.
Heavenly King, I am sometimes disturbed by the way government officials conduct themselves and the laws they enact. Help me remember that You rule over all things and can bring good from evil. Amen.
以斯帖记1:10-22 亚哈随鲁和瓦实提都不是给信徒的道德楷模。上帝使用王对他妻子的离弃,来预备道路,使以斯帖成为王后。上帝常常会使用邪恶的行为来成就祂的旨意。约瑟对他的哥哥们说,“从前你们的意思是要害我,但神的意思原是好的,要保全许多人的性命,成就今日的光景 ”(创50:20)。没有什么比耶稣在十字架上的死亡能更清楚地将此真理表明了。因着祂的死,我们得生命。

Esther Chapter 2:1-18 After careful preparation, beautiful Esther meets Ahasuerus, gains his favor, and becomes queen of Persia. At this point, her future looks bright. But perilous times were coming for her and for her people. In all that happens, God is silently at work directing affairs. At the critical moment, Esther would be in a position to play a decisive role in delivering Israel. “God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform” (LSB 765:1). We walk by faith and not by sight. Help me, Lord, to pass through good times and bad, always trusting Your loving guidance. Amen.
以斯帖记2:1-18 精心预备之后,美貌的以斯帖面见亚哈随鲁,得了他的恩宠,成为波斯的王后。此时,她的前途看起来是一片光明。但是针对她和她本族的危险时期就要到来。在所发生的一切事中,上帝默默地作工,引领事务的发展。在这危机的时刻,以斯帖将会处在一个可以对拯救以色列有决定性角色的位置,“上帝以一种奥秘的方式作工,施行祂的奇事”(路德宗崇拜手册765:1)。我们是凭信而行,而不是凭着眼见。

Esther Chapter 2:19-23 Mordecai’s discovery of a plot against Ahasuerus means that the king owes him a favor. At a crucial time in the future, when the fate of many Judeans will hang in the balance, Mordecai’s good deed will have saving consequences. Events that seem unconnected come together in God’s plan to save His people.
Lord, at times I feel unrewarded for the good I do. Forgive my discontent, and keep me fervent in my desire to serve You always. Amen.
以斯帖记2:19-23 末底改对一场谋害亚哈随鲁的阴谋的揭露,意味着王欠他一份恩。在未来的一个关键时刻,就是当许多犹大人命悬一剑的时候,末底改的好行为将会带来拯救性的结果。看起来不相关联的事件会在上帝的计划中相遇,为的是拯救祂的子民。

Esther Chapter 3 Haman’s extreme prejudice against the Judeans threatens them with annihilation. Bigotry and intolerance continue in our modern world. The danger is that we criticize these attitudes in others but fail to see the log in our own eye (Lk 6:41). Our prejudices can put barriers in the way of people hearing the Good News of salvation. To become better witnesses, the Holy Spirit must root out the sin of Haman from our hearts. For God “desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1Tm 2:4).
When prejudice limits my vision, open my eyes, dear Savior, to see Your vast forgiving love for me and all people, which resulted in Your sacrifice on the cross. Amen.
以斯帖记3章 哈曼对犹大人极端的偏见给他们带来灭族的威胁。偏见和不容忍在我们现今的世界中继续着。危险就在于我们批评这些在其他人身上的态度,却没能看见我们自己眼中的梁木(路6:41 为什麽看见你弟兄眼中有刺,却不想自己眼中有梁木呢)。我们的偏见会在人们听救恩好消息的路上设置障碍。为了成为更好的见证,圣灵必须从我们的心中连根拔除哈曼的罪。因为上帝“他愿意万人得救,明白真道”(提前2:4)。

Esther Chapter 4 Mordecai is shocked by Haman’s edict and goes into public mourning. Esther gradually comes to realize the seriousness of the situation and pledges her life in an attempt to save her people. Like Esther, we may receive from God positions, wealth, and talents that enable us to serve the cause of God’s people and the Gospel. Yet, we all have been guilty of exhibiting weak faith by our failure to act. Thanks be to God, in the fullness of time He sent our Deliverer to redeem us from every failure. Unlike Esther, our Deliverer had to die for His people and the whole world. He freed us to serve under His rule as His witnesses.
Dear Jesus, Your kingdom expands through Word and Sacraments. Grant me golden opportunities to be Your witness. Amen.
以斯帖记4章 末底改被哈曼的谕旨震惊,就公开默哀痛哭。以斯帖逐渐意识到处境的严重性,就将她的性命放在对她本族人拯救的尝试上。像以斯帖那样,我们会从上帝那里领受位份,财富和才干,得以服事上帝百姓的福祉和福音的事工。然而,我们都会因着没能采取行动而表现出的软弱信心感到羞愧有罪。感谢归给上帝,时候满足了,祂就差遣我们的拯救者,来救赎我们脱离一切的失败。不像以斯帖那样,我们的拯救者必须为祂的子民和全世界的人而死。祂释放我们,使我们在祂的治理之下作为祂的见证人来服事。

Esther Chapter 5:1-8 Esther does not make her intentions known immediately, but waits for exactly the right time. Ultimately, it is God who inspires Esther’s delay in order to give Haman more rope with which to hang himself. We are often impatient, eager to hurry things along. When God seems to act too slowly on our behalf, we may still trust His wisdom and continue to pray with confidence, “Your good and gracious will be done.”
Loving Father, give me patience to wait in hope for Your saving help. Amen.
以斯帖记5:1-8 以斯帖并没有即刻讲明她的意图,而是等待那恰好的时机。最终,是上帝激动以斯帖的拖延,为了给哈曼更多的绳索来吊他自己。我们常常是没有忍耐的,急着要将事情促成。当上帝看起来为了我们的益处而行动迟缓之时,我们仍可以信靠祂的智慧,并且继续带着信心祈祷,“愿你良善洪恩的旨意成就。”

Esther Chapter 5:9-14 “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Pr 16:18). These words warn us not to walk in the footsteps of Haman. God humbles those who glorify themselves. Outwardly, Haman has everything going for him, but because of his rage, he cannot enjoy what he has. In striking contrast to Haman is Christ Jesus, who “did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,” but humbled Himself for our salvation (Php 2:6-8).
O Holy Spirit, destroy in me all sinful pride, and lead me to kneel humbly in faith before the cross of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.
以斯帖记5:9-14 “骄傲在败坏以先;狂心在跌倒之前”(箴16:18)。这些话语警告我们不要跟随哈曼的脚踪。上帝使那些自我荣耀的人降卑。从外表来看,凡事看起来对哈曼都有利,但因着他的怒气,他不能享受自己所拥有的。与哈曼强烈相对照的是基督耶稣,祂“不以自己与神同等为强夺的,”乃是为着我们的救恩而自己卑微(腓2:6-8)。

Esther Chapter 6:1-13 Ahasuerus, who is unable to sleep, hears of Mordecai’s good deed and decides to honor him. Haman happens to arrive at the court just in time to become the king’s agent appointed to honor the hated Mordecai. A skeptic might call this “luck,” but believers see these events as a display of God’s providence. A loving Father, not random chance, governs world affairs and rules all things for the good of His people. The hands that were nailed to the cross are the hands of God, who cares for you and me.
Thank You, Lord, for seeing the big picture in my life and for bringing me to this time and place. Amen.
以斯帖记6:1-13 亚哈随鲁不能入睡,听了末底改的良善之举,就决定要尊荣他。哈曼刚好来到院中,成为王要差派的使者来尊荣那位受到嫉恨的末底改。怀疑的人会说这是“运气”,但信徒看这些事件为上帝佑护旨意的彰显。一位慈爱的父,而不是随机偶然,为了祂子民的益处在掌管世界事务并且治理万事万物。那钉在十字架上的双手是上帝的手,祂在乎且看顾你我。

Esther Chapter 6:14-7:6 Haman hid from Ahasuerus the full consequences of his murderous plan to wipe out the people of Judah. The king may be deceived, but God is not. God also sees our motives and our inner meanness. God sees our every fault, large and small, open and hidden. But if we confess our sins—also those done in secret—He will forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1Jn 1:9).
Forgiving Lord, You see my secret sins and forgive them in Christ. By Your Spirit, help me amend my life and conform it more fully to reflect Your love. Amen.
以斯帖记6:14-7:6 哈曼要完全消灭犹大人,他没有将这谋杀计划的全部后果告诉给亚哈随鲁。王可能被蒙蔽了,但上帝不能。上帝也看出我们的动机以及我们内在的卑劣。上帝看得见我们每一个错误,大的和小的,显明的和隐藏的。但是若我们承认我们的罪—包括那些在隐密处行使的—祂必赦免洁净我们脱离一切的不义(约一1:9)。

Esther Chapter 7:7-10 Haman’s end fulfills the words of Pr 26:27: “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and a stone will come back on him who starts it rolling.” St Paul makes the same point: “Whatever one sows, that will he also reap” (Gal 6:7). When we find ourselves entangled in sin and its consequences, our only escape is to turn in repentance to Christ and receive from Him forgiveness and renewal.
Lord, when I fall, lift me up. When I stray, restore me to the paths of righteousness. Amen.
以斯帖记7:7-10 哈曼的结局应了箴言26:27的话:“挖陷坑的,自己必掉在其中;滚石头的,石头必反滚在他身上。”圣保罗也说同样的观点:“不要自欺,神是轻慢不得的。人种的是什麽,收的也是什麽”(加6:7)。当我们发现自己被罪和罪所带来的后果缠累之时,我们唯一的出路就是在悔改中转向基督,并且从祂那里领受赦罪和更新。

Esther Chapter 8 King Ahasuerus gives Mordecai permission to issue a decree that countermands Haman’s decree. The Judeans are given the right to defend themselves if attacked and so take vengeance on their enemies. Self-defense is not forbidden in Scripture, but Jesus has overturned the law of revenge for believers (cf Mt 5:38-39). Leave vengeance to the Lord and the governing officials, who are called to administer justice (Rm 12:19; 13:3-4). If God would deal with us as our sins deserve, we would all be destroyed in hell. But the holy God has reversed the decree of eternal death against us because of His Son’s sacrifice on the cross. His love for us moves us to love even our enemies (Mt 5:44).
Lord God, You have issued a decree of deliverance for me. Cause the joy and gladness in my heart to shine forth every day in my words and actions as I share this good news with others. Amen.
以斯帖记8章 亚哈随鲁王许可末底改签发谕旨来抵消哈曼的谕旨。犹大人得到授权,如果受到攻击就自我防卫,也因此可以在他们的仇敌身上施行报复。自我防卫在圣经中并未被禁止,然而耶稣已经为信徒推翻了报复的规条(参 太5:38-39「你们听见有话说:『以眼还眼,以牙还牙。』 只是我告诉你们,不要与恶人作对。有人打你的右脸,连左脸也转过来由他打)。把报复留给主耶和华和政府官员,政府官员是蒙召来施行公正的(罗12:19;13:3-4)。如果上帝以我们的罪所应得的待我们,那我们全部会在地狱中灭绝。但圣洁的上帝已经因着祂儿子在十字架上的赎罪祭,将那针对我们的永恒死亡的谕旨翻转了。祂对我们的慈爱感动我们甚至去爱我们的仇敌(太5:44只是我告诉你们,要爱你们的仇敌,为那逼迫你们的祷告)。

Esther Chapter 9:1-19 When the 13th of Adar arrives, the Judeans ably defend themselves. They destroy those who hate them but take no plunder from their enemies. In this way, God preserves His OT people because from them would come the Savior of the world. God controls history to preserve His elect and fulfill His promises. That is still true today. The Church has been called to witness to the Gospel in a world that is often contemptuous and hostile. By God’s grace, we can be sure that no matter how “the nations rage and the peoples plot” (Ps 2:1), “the gates of hell shall not prevail” against the Church (Mt 16:18). God keeps us close to our Savior so that we might be His throughout all eternity.
Praise be to Your name, Lord God, for calling me to faith in Your Son and promising Your loving protection for me and all believers, now and forever. Amen.
以斯帖记9:1-19 到了亚达月13日,犹大人带着能力自我防卫。他们摧毁那些仇恨他们的人,但没有下手夺取他们仇敌的财物。以这种方式,上帝保守了祂旧约中的子民,因为世人的救主将会从他们出来。上帝掌管历史,保守祂的选民,成就祂的应许。那在今天仍然是正确的。教会蒙召要在一个常常带着鄙视和敌意的世界中为福音做见证。靠赖上帝的恩典,我们能够确信,无论“外邦如何争闹,万民如何谋算虚妄的事”(诗2:1),但“ 阴间的权柄(权柄:原文作门),不能胜过”教会(太16:18)。上帝使我们亲近我们的救主,好使我们永远属于祂。

Esther Chapter 9:20-32 The Festival of Purim is established by Mordecai and Esther to celebrate the destruction of Haman and other Persian enemies. God works behind the scenes to bring about this victory. Later, God intervenes in a very public, yet mysterious, way to overcome the spiritual enemies of all people: sin, death, and the devil. We were helpless, but God rescued us by sending His Son, who took our sin, our punishment, and our death upon Himself, paying the price for our redemption. We have gotten relief from our enemies. Our sorrow has been turned to joy and our mourning into feasting because the Holy Spirit has worked faith in our hearts. We celebrate our victory at the festivals of Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost.
Loving Father, You sent Jesus to rescue me from eternal death and the Spirit to create faith in my heart. My celebration of joy and gladness has begun, and I look forward to it continuing with You forever in heaven. Amen.
以斯帖记9:20-32 普珥节是由末底改和以斯帖设立,来庆祝哈曼以及其他波斯仇敌的灭亡。上帝在事件的背后作工,成就这得胜。后来,上帝以一种非常公开,也是非常奥秘的方式介入,来战胜所有人的属灵仇敌:罪,死亡和魔鬼。我们是无助的,然而上帝藉着差遣祂的儿子来拯救我们,祂的儿子为了我们的救赎付上代价,将我们的罪,我们的刑罚和我们的死亡背负在自己身上。我们已经从我们的仇敌手中得解脱。我们的忧愁已经变为喜乐,我们的哀哭已经变成庆筵,因为圣灵已经在我们心中生发信心。我们在圣诞节,复活节和五旬节期间庆祝我们的得胜。

Esther Chapter 10 This postscript to Est praises Ahasuerus and Mordecai for providing the people with good government and for seeking their welfare. Martin Luther included “pious and faithful rulers” and “good government” among the blessings for which we pray in the Fourth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer (here). Sometimes we fail to appreciate this gift from God but rather murmur and complain about our leaders. St Paul reminds believers that God instituted earthly authority (Rm 13:1), and Christians humbly accept their leaders as evidence of God’s providential care for us and others.
Almighty Father, forgive my grumbling about persons in positions of leadership, and move me to give thanks for the blessings You give through them. Amen.
以斯帖记10章 以斯帖记的末尾赞美亚哈随鲁和末底改,因着他们为百姓提供好的政府并且谋求他们的福祉。马丁路德将“虔敬忠信的掌权者”以及“良好的政府”包含在我们于主祷文的第四祷文中所求的祝福里面。有时候我们没能为着这一从上帝而来的礼物感恩,却抱怨我们的领袖且向他们发牢骚。圣保罗提醒信徒,上帝设立了属世的政权(罗13:1在上有权柄的,人人当顺服他,因为没有权柄不是出於神的。凡掌权的都是神所命的),基督徒应当谦卑地看他们的领袖为上帝护佑看顾我们以及其他人的证据。

翻译:Gary Liu 主后2017年05月20日


1:1–5 Job is unique in being as faultless as one can be (1:8; 2:3). He has a wonderful—even “perfect”—family and life. Yet Job’s devotion to God is not based on self-righteousness. He recognizes the sinful, corrupt nature at work within his family and seeks God’s forgiveness (v 5). Even when all seems right in our families, the Lord calls us to daily repentance, because true peace and devotion flow from His mercy. • Lord, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses through the perfect offering of Your beloved Son. Amen.
约伯记1:1-5 就拿一个人尽力成为无过错的人这方面来说,约伯是很突出的(1:8;2:3)。他有一个温馨—甚至堪称“完美”—的家庭和生命。然而约伯对上帝的忠心不是基于他自己的义。他也认识到,有罪败坏的人性也存在他的家庭中,因此他寻求上帝的赦罪之恩(5节)。即使在我们的家庭中一切看起来都很顺利,但主耶和华呼召我们每日悔改,因为真正的平安和委身是从祂的怜悯中流淌出来。主,日用的饮食今日赐给我们,赦免我们的过犯,藉着你爱子的完美赎罪祭。阿们。

1:6–12 Is the Lord sacrificing Job to His own pride? No! The Lord also puts Satan to the test in order to prove something marvelous for you: Satan cannot snatch you out of the Lord’s hand (Jn 10:28–29). • Though suffering and doubt grip me, O Lord, You cling to me and will never forsake me. Amen.
约伯记1:6-12 主耶和华是在牺牲约伯来满足祂自己的骄傲吗?不!主也将撒旦置于试验当中,为的是向你证明一件奇妙的事:撒旦不能将你从主耶和华的手中抢夺去(约10:28-29)。主啊,尽管苦难和疑惑紧抓着我,然而你与我同在,并且永不撇弃我。阿们。

1:13–22 Job’s actions display the depths of his grief. But rather than curse God, Job blesses and worships Him. He displays no regret, as though he suspects his loss is the result of sin by someone in his family. He sees God’s hand at work in his suffering. Though Job loses virtually all his possessions, he does not lose trust in the Lord. • “And take they our life, Goods, fame, child, and wife, Though these all be gone, Our vict’ry has been won; The Kingdom ours remaineth.” Amen. (LSB 656:4)
约伯记1:13-22 约伯的行动显明了他哀伤的深度。但约伯不是咒诅上帝,而是祝福和敬拜祂。约伯没有表现任何的后悔,就好像他在怀疑他的损失是他家庭成员中某个人的罪所带来的结果那样。他看见上帝的手在他的苦难中作工。尽管约伯可以说是失去了一切的产业,然而他没有失去对主耶和华的信靠。“他们取走我们的性命,财物,名誉,孩子和妻子,尽管这些都没了,然而我们的胜利已经赢得;国度仍是我们的。”阿们。(LSB 656:4)

2:1–10 Job demonstrates great reserve, but also a sense of fatalism. He feels there is nothing he can do. Though he certainly cannot aid himself, he can pray for the Lord’s deliverance. This is the Lord’s promise and great comfort in the face of all adversity: We can call on the Lord Almighty in prayer; He has promised to answer. • Lord, lead us to call upon Your name in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks. Amen.
约伯记2:1-10 约伯展示出巨大的克制,同时也有宿命论的意思。他感到他不能再做什么。尽管他确实不能自助,然而他能够祈求主耶和华的拯救。这是面对一切患难之时主的应许和巨大安慰:我们能够在祷告中呼求全能的主;祂已应许了要回应。主,带领我们在一切患难中呼求你的名,祷告,赞美,和感恩。阿们。

2:11–13 An important subtheme is Job’s friendships. Job’s friends display genuine, appropriate sorrow and care. When friends and family mourn and suffer, abide with them. Share their grief, and look for opportunities to comfort them. Pray to the “God of all comfort” on their behalf, for “through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too” (2Co 1:3, 5). • Shelter me, O Lord, with the blessed wounds of Jesus, who is the friend of sinners. Amen.
约伯记2:11-13 一个重要的分支主题是约伯的朋友关系。约伯的朋友们表达了真诚,合宜的哀伤和关心。当朋友和亲人哀伤受苦的时候,要与他们站在一起。分担他们的哀痛,寻找机会安慰他们。要在“赐各样安慰的上帝”面前为他们代祷,因为我们也“靠基督多得安慰”(林后1:3,5)。主啊,用耶稣祝福的伤痕遮蔽我,耶稣是罪人的朋友。阿们。

†Ch 3 Even the most optimistic people will reach despair when overwhelmed by pain and suffering, as the examples of prisoners of war demonstrate. The mind snaps just as bones do. Scripture does not teach that death is a friend to those who suffer—death is always an enemy (1Co 15:26), but one overcome by the Lord. Commend those who despair to Jesus, who likewise cried, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Mt 27:46) and rose from the dead to say, “Peace be with you” (Jn 20:21). “Job is excused though he was not troubled by past evil deeds (Job 2:3–10). Therefore, troubles are not always punishments or signs of wrath. Indeed, terrified consciences should be taught that there are more important purposes for afflictions (2 Corinthians 12:9), so that they do not think God is rejecting them when they see nothing but God’s punishment and anger in troubles” (Ap XIIB 61). • Lord, train my heart by Your Word in the midst of afflictions, that I may have a quiet conscience, at peace by Your grace. Amen.
约伯记3章 当被痛苦和患难压垮的时候,即使最乐观的人也会绝望,如同一些被囚禁战犯的案例所表明的那样。精神如同骨头一样也会折断。圣经并未教导死亡是那些受苦之人的朋友,相反,死亡总是仇敌(林前15:26),但主已经胜过它。要将那些绝望的人交在耶稣的手中,祂同样呼求说,“我的 神、我的 神、为甚么离弃我?”(太27:46)并且祂从死人中复活,说,“愿你们平安”(约20:21)。“尽管约伯没有受到过去邪恶行为的困扰,然而他得到辩护(伯2:3-10)。因此,苦难并不总是上帝惩罚或发怒的记号。确实,震惊的良心应当得到教导:对于苦难来说还有更重要的目的(林后12:9),好叫他们在看不见别的,只看见上帝在苦难中的刑罚和怒气的时候,不会误以为上帝弃绝了他们”(奥斯堡信条辩护论 XIIB 61)。主耶和华,藉着你的圣道在苦难中塑造我的心,好叫我有一颗平静的良心,因着你的恩典享受平安。阿们。

†Chs 4–5 Eliphaz, the first friend who tries to comfort Job, only adds to Job’s misery. His “encouragement” discourages Job because Eliphaz never really connects with Job or his pain. He only offers platitudes. When you reach out to a friend or family member, do not give answers that simply bandage deep hurts. Listen carefully to the sufferer and learn to share the pain. God does use adversity to discipline His people, as Eliphaz pointed out (5:17–18; cf Heb 12:1–13). In the midst of trial, we might doubt God’s love for us. But the cross shows us the measure of God’s love. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can see suffering as a tool to refine faith and strengthen our relationship with God in Jesus Christ. Luth: “When faith begins, God does not forsake it; He lays the holy cross on our backs to strengthen us and to make faith powerful in us. . . . Where suffering and the cross are found, there the Gospel can show and exercise its power. It is a Word of life. Therefore it must exercise all its power in death. In the absence of dying and death it can do nothing, and no one can become aware that it has such power and is stronger than sin and death” (AE 30:126). • Father, strengthen us by Your Holy Spirit so that we do not despair or falter when pressed by trial and tribulation; for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
约伯记4-5章 第一位尝试安慰约伯的朋友是以利法,但结果只是加增约伯的不幸。因为以利法从来没有真正弄懂约伯或者他痛苦的所在,所以他的“鼓励”使约伯更加沮丧。他只是给出一些陈词滥调。当你伸出手帮助朋友或者亲人的时候,不要给出一些仅仅是将深层的伤痛包扎起来的答案。要仔细聆听苦难中的人,并且学会分担痛苦。上帝确实使用患难管教祂的百姓,正如以利法所指出的那样(5:17-18;参 来12:1-13)。在试炼当中,我们可能怀疑上帝对我们的爱。但十字架向我们显明上帝爱的尺度。靠赖圣灵的大能,我们能够看清苦难是一个锤炼我们的信心并且坚固我们在耶稣基督里与上帝关系的工具。路德说:“当信心开始的时候,上帝就不会撇弃它;祂将圣十字架放在我们的后背上,为的是坚固我们,使我们里面的信心更有力….哪里可以找见苦难和十字架,在那里福音就能彰显和实践它的大能。福音是赐生命的道。因此它必须在死亡中实践它全部的能力。若没有死亡,它就不能做什么,也没有人能明白福音有这样的权能,甚至比罪和死亡更有能力”(路德文集30:126)。天父,藉着你的圣灵坚固我们,好叫我们在经受试炼和逼迫的时候不至绝望或动摇;因着耶稣的缘故。阿们。

†Ch 6 Job harshly accuses Eliphaz and his other friends of failing to provide even the smallest amount of comfort or help. When we are down and out, we should avoid attacking those who try to help. Do not expect someone who has never experienced your kind of loss to understand. However, we should welcome their friendship and good intentions. Only God truly understands your situation. In Christ Jesus, He has experienced the full range of human suffering (Heb 4:14–16). • Father, when we are at our lowest point, turn our faces to the cross of Christ. Open our hearts so that we know You truly understand our loss and suffering. Help us find strength in Jesus. “What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Ev’rything to God in prayer!” Amen. (LSB 770:1)
约伯记6章 约伯严厉指责以利法和他别的朋友们没能提供甚至一丁点儿的安慰或帮助。当我们低沉不如意的时候,我们要避免攻击那些试着提供帮助的人。不要期待一位从未经历你所遭受损失的人能够理解你。然而,我们应当欢迎他们的朋友关系和好的动机。唯有上帝真正明白你的处境。在基督耶稣里,他已经历人各样的苦难(来4:14-16)。天父,当我们处在最低谷的时候,请使我们朝向基督的十字架。打开我们的心,好叫我们知道你真正明白我们的损失和苦难。帮助我们在耶稣里得到力量。“耶稣是我亲爱朋友,担当我罪与忧愁!何等权利能将万事 带到主恩座前求!”阿们。(LSB 770:1)

†Ch 7 In his grief and bitter pain, Job turns to God with this desperate cry: “Leave me alone” (v 16). Painful experiences, such as being diagnosed with a terminal illness or the sudden death of a loved one, can leave us angry with God. By the cross, we understand that God loves us and works through everything in our lives for our salvation (Rm 8:28). In Christ alone, we receive full assurance of God’s love for us. Luth: “This consignment into Satan’s hands which is held up to your eyes and heart is a temptation for an hour and a moment of time, not for your perdition but to try you, for your salvation and endless gain” (AE 6:95). • Lord, teach me each day to beg Your pardon and believe Your promise that even amid suffering, You are working for my good. Amen.
约伯记7章 在哀伤苦痛之中,约伯转向上帝发出这绝望的呼喊:“任凭我吧”(16节)。痛苦的经历,比如被诊断有绝症,或者所爱之人的突然死亡,会使我们向上帝发怒。藉着十字架,我们明白上帝爱我们,并且祂在我们生命中的一切事上作工,为了我们的救赎(罗8:28)。唯独在基督里,我们领受上帝爱我们的丰盛确据。路德说:“这在撒旦手中的挣扎,萦绕在你眼前和心里,是一个试探,会持续一个小时或者一段时间,然而这不是要让你毁灭,乃是要试炼你,为了你的救赎和无穷的收获”(路德文集6:95)。主,教导我每一天恳求你的饶恕,信靠你的应许,就是即使在苦难中,你也在为着我的益处作工。阿们。

†Ch 8 Bildad argues backward: sin produces suffering; therefore, all who suffer must have sinned against God. The Bible does teach that sin brought suffering and death (Rm 5:12), but this does not mean that an individual’s suffering is the direct consequence of some particular sin against God. In Christ Jesus, our perfectly righteous Savior, God atoned for all sin (Rm 3:21–26). In the midst of trials, we need constant and regular reassurance of God’s love for us, anchored in the cross of Christ. Luth: “People who have gone through spiritual trials know how necessary it is to support their heart with a sure and strong comfort that will finally bring them back to the hope of grace and help them to forget the wrath. Often a single day or a single month is insufficient for this purpose; but just as the alleviation of sickness requires a long time, so these wounds of the heart are not cured at once or by a single word” (AE 2:118). • Cure my heart and bind my wounds, O Redeemer, with Your grace, which is ever new. Amen.
约伯记8章 比勒达驳斥说:罪带来苦难;因此,所有受苦的人必然是得罪了上帝。圣经的确教导说罪带来苦难和死亡(罗5:12),然而这并不意味着,一个人的苦难是某项冒犯上帝的罪所带来的直接后果。在基督耶稣,我们完全公义的救赎主里面,上帝为所有的罪付上赎价(罗3:21-26)。在试炼当中,我们需要一直不断的重新确据,即上帝爱我们,这在基督的十字架里有根有基。路德说:“那些曾经历属灵试炼的人知道,用一份确实且有力的安慰来支撑他们的心灵是多么有必要,这安慰最终必带领他们归回恩典的盼望,帮助他们忘记忿怒。通常要达到此目的,一天或者一个月是不够的;就像疾病的恢复需要很长一段时间那样,这些心灵的伤痕不是一次就能彻底治愈或者靠一句简单的话就能治愈的”(路德文集2:118)。救赎主啊,请用你那恒久常新的恩典,医治我的心,包扎我的伤痕。阿们。

†Ch 9 Job has no hope of fixing the problem with God. God is too powerful and there is no one to mediate between him and God—not even Job’s friends. When we are at our lowest, we might agree with Job that there is no hope. If we focus on our pain or problems and look only to ourselves or others for help, we should not be surprised to find only despair. Without a mediator, we face the full wrath of God. Looking back on his first service as a priest, Luther recounted: “[When I] thought I had to speak to God without a Mediator, I felt like fleeing from the world like Judas. Who can bear the majesty of God without Christ as Mediator?” (AE 54:234; cf 1Tm 2:5). • Thank You, heavenly Father, for sending Your Son, our Savior Jesus, to reconcile us to You through the cross and to intercede for us every day (1Jn 2:1). Amen.
约伯记9章 约伯在解决与上帝的矛盾上没有任何希望。上帝太强大了,在他与上帝之间没有人做中保调解,甚至约伯的朋友们也没有。当我们处在最低谷的时候,我们可能认同约伯说,没有什么希望了。如果我们专注在我们的痛苦或问题上并且只看我们自己或者其他人来寻求帮助,那么所找见的只能是绝望,对此我们不应当感到奇怪。若没有中保,我们所面对的是一位满是怒气的上帝。路德回想起他作祭司的第一场服侍时说:“当我想到我不得不向上帝说话,却没有一位中保的时候,我感到我像是同犹大一样要逃离这个世界。若没有基督做中保,谁能承受上帝的威荣呢?”(路德文集54:234; 参提前2:5)。天父,感谢你,差遣你的儿子,我们的救主耶稣,来藉着十字架使我们与你和好,并且祂每日为我们代求(约一2:1)。阿们。

†Ch 10 God can do with Job as He pleases (v 15), so Job sees his own position as a “lose/lose” situation. If he has sinned, then he has no hope before God, since God is righteous and punishes sinners. If he has not sinned, he still has no hope before God, because God is all-powerful, the Creator and Lord. We must remind ourselves and others that God provides hope for all sinners in Christ Jesus. Luth: “So only the knowledge of Christ preserves me. From this I conclude: The devil and God are two enemies. Therefore, while God loves life, the devil hates life. The knowledge of God can consequently be so pictured as if it is God’s will to be angry, and one may be led to think that our Lord God and the devil are both intent on strangling us. To this one must reply, ‘Life is God’s aim, and so he will not slay you’” (AE 54:34). • Father, shine the light of Jesus, even when everything else is deep darkness. Amen.
约伯记10章 上帝能够随祂自己的意思待约伯(15节),所以约伯看出他自己是处在“必败”的境况中。如果他犯罪了,那么他在上帝面前没有任何希望,因为上帝是公义的,惩罚罪人。如果他没有犯罪,那么他在上帝面前仍没有希望,因为上帝是全能的主和造物主。我们必须提醒我们自己和其他人,上帝在基督耶稣里为所有罪人赐下希望。路德说:“所以只有对基督的认识能够保全我。从这里我得出结论:魔鬼和上帝是互为仇敌的。因此,上帝爱生命,魔鬼却恨生命。对上帝的认识结果会有这样的画面,好像上帝的旨意就是要发怒,一个人因此会认为我们的主上帝和魔鬼都在试着掐死我们。对此一个人必须回复说,‘生命是上帝的目标,所以祂必不会杀死你’”(路德文集54:34)。天父,即使在其它一切看起来漆黑浓重的时候,要让耶稣的光照耀。阿们。

†Ch 11 Of the three friends, Zophar is the most vehement in his denunciation of Job. He does not appeal to visions (Eliphaz) or tradition (Bildad). He simply knows Job is a terrible sinner, for how else can Job’s extreme sufferings be explained? This is the natural religion of humans in its clearest form: there is no Gospel, only Law. As Zophar focuses on condemning the sinner, he has no room for sympathy or even tact. • Heavenly Father, keep us from all self-righteousness, which sees our blessings as coming from our flawed and feeble efforts rather than from Your almighty and gracious hand. Amen.
约伯记11章 三个朋友当中,琐法谴责约伯最激烈。他没有诉诸于异象(如以利法)或者传统(如比勒达)。他只是知道约伯是一个可怕的罪人,因为约伯极端的苦难还能作何解释呢?这是人天然宗教的最清晰形式:没有福音,只有律法。琐法专注在对罪人的谴责上,他不再给怜悯,甚至机智任何的空间。天父,保守我们脱离一切的自义,这些自义看我们的祝福是从我们有瑕疵且不靠谱的努力中得来,而不是从你全能且满有恩典的手中赐下。阿们。

†Ch 12 Whereas Zophar has wrongly focused on people’s supposed ability to shape their own destiny, Job correctly recognizes God’s control. Our righteousness does not determine our well-being, or lack thereof. Rather, it is all in God’s hands. When we become discouraged, it is vital that we remember God’s wisdom and power. Although Job does not acknowledge God’s use of these attributes for our good, in Christ “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good” (Rm 8:28). • Lord, keep us always in this blessed assurance! Amen.
约伯记12章 当琐法错误地专注在人有能力塑造他们自己的命运上面的时候,约伯正确地看出上帝在掌权。我们的义不能决定我们的福祉或其缺欠。相反,我们的福祉都在上帝的手中。当我们沮丧的时候,关键是我们要记得上帝的智慧和权能。尽管约伯没有认识到上帝在使用这些属性使我们得益处,然而在基督里“我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处”(罗8:28)。主,保守我们总是在这蒙福的确据中!阿们。

†Ch 13 Job rightly sees that the world is in a state of frustration; sin is still so powerfully at work in our world, and even in our lives as believers. St Paul wrote, “The whole creation has been groaning together” (Rm 8:22). We long for deliverance. That deliverance cannot come through our own frail efforts. Only God can bring it about. He has done this through His Son, Jesus Christ, who “has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows” so that “with His stripes [of suffering] we are healed” (Is 53:4–5). • O Lord, amid life’s sufferings and sorrows, show us that in Christ we are assured of Your love both now and for eternity. Amen.
约伯记13章 约伯正确地看到世界处在叹息之中;罪仍然强有力地在我们的世界中作工,甚至也在我们信徒的生命中作工。圣保罗写到,“一切受造之物一同叹息、劳苦,直到如今”(罗8:22)。我们渴望拯救。那份拯救不是藉着我们自己脆弱的努力来的。只有上帝能够带来拯救。祂已经成就此事,藉着祂的儿子,耶稣基督,祂“诚然担当我们的忧患,背负我们的痛苦”好叫“因他受的鞭伤,我们得医治”(赛53:4-5)。主啊,在生命的苦难和悲哀之中,向我们显明,在基督里我们已经有你爱的确据,今日并且直到永恒。阿们。

†Ch 14 Job expresses the hope of forgiveness and life, but struggles with an overwhelming awareness of God’s heavy hand upon weak and sinful human beings like himself. In other words, Job has focused on the condemning power of God’s Law, rather than on the forgiving and renewing power of the Gospel. We are like that when we suffer. We tend to see only the anger and condemnation, but we fail to see that even in the darkest hour, God is a God of forgiveness and love. On the cross, Christ suffered not only inscrutable pain physically, emotionally, and mentally for us, but He also suffered hellish spiritual anguish. Through Him we enjoy God’s love, now and eternally. Our sufferings can remind us of His greater sufferings on our behalf. They also remind us that this earth is not our permanent home—heaven is our home. • Almighty God, forgive our many doubts, strengthen our faith, and lead us through this life to the joys of heaven. Amen.
约伯记14章 约伯表达了赦罪和生命的盼望,但看见上帝沉重的手压在像他自己这些软弱且有罪的人身上,这紧迫的意识使他受煎熬。换句话说,约伯是专注在上帝律法咒诅的权能,而不是福音赦罪和更新的权能上。当我们受苦的时候,我们也是这样。我们趋向于只看见怒气和定罪,而没能看见,既使在最黑暗的时刻,上帝仍是一位满有赦罪恩典和慈爱的上帝。在十字架上,基督不仅在肉体,情感和精神上为我们经受无法言说的疼痛,祂也为我们承受了地狱般的属灵痛苦。藉着祂,我们享受上帝的爱,今日且直到永远。我们的苦难能够提醒我们祂为我们担负的更大苦难。苦难提醒我们,这个地球不是我们永恒的家园—天上才是我们的家。全能的上帝,赦免我们许多的疑惑,坚固我们的信心,带领我们历经此生,抵达那天国的喜乐中。阿们。

†Ch 15 Eliphaz admonishes Job to receive his inspired counsel, since he feels that Job thinks too highly of himself and his own wisdom. Today, we must not assume that someone’s mental, emotional, and/or spiritual agony is the result of unrepentant rebellion; it could very well be that God is refining that person’s faith. Just as the afflictions of Christ overflow into our lives, so also our comfort in Christ overflows; we are being made like our Savior (1Co 1:5; Php 3:10). When we are perplexed in our affliction, may we—through the eyes of faith—see Christ, whose affliction saved us from sin and death! • Lord, may the pains and struggles I experience teach me the wisdom of fearing You, and may Your comforts and gentle words quench the flames of distress. Through the merits of Jesus. Amen.
约伯记15章 以利法劝诫约伯要领受他蒙受启示的忠告,因为他感到约伯太高看自己和他自己的智慧。今天,我们不能假设,某个人的精神,情感或者属灵的痛苦是悖逆不悔改的结果;很有可能上帝正在锤炼那个人的信心。正如基督的受苦流进我们的生命一样,我们在基督里的安慰也流淌出来;我们正在得到不断的建造,越发像我们的救赎主那样(林前1:5;腓3:10)。当我们在自己的苦难中受煎熬的时候,愿我们藉着信心的眼睛,看见基督,祂的受苦拯救我们脱离罪恶和死亡!主,愿我所经历的痛苦和挣扎教导我敬畏你的智慧,愿你的安慰和温柔的话语驱散忧郁的火焰。藉着耶稣的功德。阿们。

†Ch 16 Job’s misery only increased through the aggravating words of his friends. Everyone has abandoned him. Even God treated Job as His enemy. But Job confesses that God will nevertheless be his witness and intermediary at the coming judgment. I.e., Job properly keeps justification as something outside of himself; his witness/intermediary will deliver him. Regardless of the circumstances and the depth of darkness you may face, call on Jesus Christ, the only mediator between God and all people (1Tm 2:5). No matter how bad things may be, Christ is now interceding for you at the right hand of God (Rm 8:34). • We rejoice, O Father, that Your Son intercedes for us. Hear our plea. Amen.
约伯记16章 约伯的悲惨因着他朋友们不断加重的言语只是在加增。每一个人都遗弃了他。甚至上帝待约伯如同待祂的仇敌一样。但约伯认信说,上帝在那将来的审判中仍会是他的见证和辩护者。也就是说,约伯恰当地将称义看为外在于他自己的东西;他的见证/辩护者必会拯救他。无论你可能面对的处境以及黑暗的深度会是如何,要呼求耶稣基督,那位在上帝和万人之间的唯一中保(提前2:5)。无论事情是多么糟糕,基督此时正在上帝的右边为你代求(罗8:34)。天父啊,你的儿子为我们代求,我们为此欢喜快乐。请垂听我们的祈求。阿们。

†Ch 17 After Job’s great confession of faith in his heavenly witness-mediator, he begins to consider his outward circumstances once again. He describes how the situation was becoming bleaker. As you see your own weakness, “draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (Jas 4:8). God “put up security” for you when Christ laid down His life, giving His precious blood! • We praise You, O Christ, for covering us with Your perfect righteousness! Amen.
约伯记17章 在约伯对他天上的见证辩护人做出信心上的伟大告白之后,他开始再次思想他的外部环境。他描述这个处境正在变得渺茫。当你们看见自己的软弱之时,“你们亲近神,神就必亲近你们”(雅4:8)。当基督舍弃祂的性命,流出祂宝血的时候,上帝已经为你“建立保障”!基督啊,我们赞美你,因为你用你完美的义遮盖我们!阿们。

†Ch 18 Bildad implies that unless Job repents, he will suffer the ravages of death. (Yet Bildad’s idea of justification is legalistic; Job must get his act together.) Certainly “the king of terrors” (v 14) threatens us, because “death spread to all men because all sinned” (Rm 5:12) and “the wages of sin is death” (Rm 6:23). However, we remember the joyous message of Scripture that in Christ we have “passed from death to life” (Jn 5:24). • O Christ, by Your death You opened to me the dwellings of the righteous. Lead me, I pray, by strong steps in the path of life. Amen.
约伯记18章 比勒达暗示说,除非约伯悔改,不然他必要遭受死亡的蹂躏。(然而比勒达对称义的认识是出于律法主义;约伯必须改善他的行为。)确实“惊吓的王”(14节)向我们发出威胁,“因为众人都犯了罪,死就临到众人”(罗5:12)并且“罪的工价乃是死”(罗6:23)。然而,我们要记得圣经里面那个充满喜乐的信息,就是在基督里,我们“已经出死入生”(约5:24)。基督啊,藉着你的死,你已为我打开公义的居所。我恳求你带领我以坚定的步伐行走在生命的道路上。阿们。

†Ch 19 When Job’s physical condition grows closer to death and he considers a permanent memorial to record his innocence, his spirit soars to his only hope: the Redeemer, God Himself. The divine Redeemer will stand on the earth on the Last Day. Job will receive his vindication in his resurrected body, from which he will see the Redeemer with his own eyes. Today, the Redeemer sees you in your helpless state. As a true Redeemer who buys back His kinsman from bondage, Christ has won you for Himself at the cost of His own flesh and blood. • Come, Lord Jesus, raise up Your saints! Amen.
约伯记19章 当约伯身体的状况恶化,临近死亡,并且他开始考虑永远记下他的无辜的时候,他的灵上达他唯一的盼望那里:就是那位救赎主,上帝祂自己。神圣的救赎主在末日的时候必要站在地上。约伯必要在他复活的肉体中领受他的公义,并且亲眼看见那位救赎主。今天,那位救赎者看见你处在无助的状态。基督作为一位真正的救赎者,将祂的至亲从枷锁中赎买回来,祂已经为祂自己将你赢回,用祂自己的血肉为代价。基督耶稣,快来,复兴你的众圣徒!阿们。

†Ch 20 Zophar elaborates his list of calamities for the wicked. In doing this, however, he assumes that the truly righteous are somehow exempt from external miseries and must enjoy prosperity now (“theology of glory”; see here). Such misunderstanding tempts us to lose our proper motivation for clinging to the Lord. Our goal is not this earth, which is fading, but “the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Php 3:14). • “Rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed” (1Pt 4:13). Amen.
约伯记20章 琐法详尽地列出了恶人当受的苦难。然而,他这样做的时候,就已经假设,真正的义人应该是免受外在苦难并且享受今世繁荣的(“荣耀神学”)。这样的误解引诱我们失去依靠上帝的正确动机。我们的目标不是这个不断衰残的世界,乃是“要得神在基督耶稣里从上面召我来得的奖赏”(腓3:14)。“倒要欢喜;因为你们是与基督一同受苦,使你们在他荣耀显现的时候,也可以欢喜快乐”(彼前4:13)。阿们。

†Ch 21 Job’s friends ignore the observable fact that many among the wicked prosper and live seemingly easy lives. By truthfully describing life on earth, Job is reminded to look beyond this life for his hope and righteousness. We, too, must look beyond the injustice we observe and continually confess that our outward predicament does not define God’s attitude toward us. While the houses of the wicked remain after earthly storms, the spiritual houses of those in Christ endure forever against sin, the world, and the devil because they are built on the rock that is Christ (Mt 7:24–27). • Dear Lord Jesus Christ, assure us that nothing will ever take us from Your hands (Jn 10:28), that even our death will be precious to You (Ps 116:15), and that we, like Your servant Job, will see You with our own eyes when our bodies are raised from the grave (19:26–27). Amen.
约伯记21章 约伯的朋友们忽视了一个可以观察到的事实,就是许多恶人通达,过着看起来轻松的生活。藉着真实地描述地上的生活,约伯得到提醒,要在今生之外寻求他的盼望和公义。我们也必须超越我们所观察到的不公,继续认信,我们外在的窘况并不能定义上帝对我们的态度。恶人的房屋在地上的风雨之后仍然存留,然而那些在基督里的人的属灵房屋能够持续抵挡罪,世界和魔鬼,直到永远,因为他们是建造在基督磐石之上(太7:24-27)。亲爱的主耶稣基督,请使我们确信,没有什么能将我们从你的手中夺去(约10:28),甚至我们的死亡对你来说也是宝贵(诗116:15),我们必要像你的仆人约伯那样,在我们的身体从坟墓中被举起的时候,亲眼看见你(19:26-27)。阿们。

†Ch 22 Eliphaz’s speech calls Job to repentance, and as such, this chapter is profitable for meditating on one’s own sin and the need for God’s deliverance. Putting ourselves in Job’s place for a moment, who can argue with Eliphaz when he accuses us of failing to love both neighbor (vv 5–9) and God (vv 12–14) alike? Surely Eliphaz is also correct when he declares that God will listen to our repentant prayers (v 27)! Yet the sufferings Job bears are not because of his sin, as Eliphaz assumes. The Lord humbles him in order to exalt him. This is truly the way of the cross. See here. • O Lord, in all circumstances, grant us sincere repentance, delight us in Your ways, and lift our faces to behold You. Amen.
约伯记22章 以利法的话呼召约伯悔改,就此来讲,这一章有助于一个人省察自己的罪以及对上帝救赎的需要。稍微将我们自己放在约伯的位置思想,当以利法指责我们没有爱邻舍(5-9节),同样也没有爱上帝(12-14节)的时候,谁能与他争辩呢?当以利法宣告说,上帝必垂听我们悔改的祈祷的时候,他当然是正确的(27节)!然而并不像以利法所假设的那样,约伯所受的苦难并不是出于他的罪。主耶和华使他降卑,为的是使他升高。这真正是十字架的方式。主啊,在一切境况中,赐给我们真诚的悔改,使我们在你的道路上欢喜,并且抬起我们的头瞻仰你。阿们。

†Chs 23–24 Job complains that God seemed distant and impossible to find (23:3). Yet he remains convinced—by faith and not by sight (2Co 5:7)—that God does not change His will (23:13–14). Though you suffer poverty and injustice, know that the Lord wills your good and desires your salvation. • O almighty and merciful Lord, draw near. Acquit my guilt and calm my fears. Answer me gently through Christ Jesus, my Lord. Amen.
约伯记23-24章 约伯抱怨说上帝似乎很遥远,不能找见(23:3)。然而他仍然有确据—凭着信心,不是凭着眼见(林后5:7)—确信上帝不改变祂的旨意(23:13-14)。尽管你遭受贫穷和不公,然而要知道主耶和华是为你的益处着想并且渴望你得救赎。全能且满有怜悯的主啊,请亲近我。涂抹我的罪咎,平静我的恐惧。藉着我的主基督耶稣温柔地应允我。阿们。

†Ch 25 The brevity of this last speech by Job’s friends shows they have finally run out of arguments. Bildad’s speech is a good sermon for Job and for everyone. He calls us to humility and contrition before God. We can offer no defense for ourselves and for our sins; we must throw ourselves entirely on God’s mercy. • Praise be to God! “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1Jn 1:9). Amen.
约伯记25章 约伯朋友们最后讲话的简短,显明他们最终不再能辩论。比勒达的话对约伯和所有人都是一篇好的讲道。他呼召我们在上帝面前谦卑悔改。我们不能为我们自己以及我们的罪做出任何的辩护;我们必须将我们自己完全交托给上帝的怜悯。赞美归给上帝!“我们若认自己的罪,神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义”(约一1:9)。阿们。

†Ch 26 The almighty God has created the heavens and the earth (v 7) and still controls all things (vv 8–10). But this work is merely the “outskirts of His ways” (v 14)—as if the entire creation were a little fringe hanging from the edge of His cloak! As great as the creation appears in our eyes, our Creator towers above it. Yet, for our salvation, the limitless Creator allowed Himself to be confined to the limits of our humanity when Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. • Cover me, O Lord, in Your robe of righteousness, and tower over my foes. Amen.
约伯记26章 全能的上帝创造了天和地(7节)并且仍在掌管一切(8-10节)。但这个工作仅仅是“神工作的些微”(14节),好像整个受造物仅仅是祂外袍边上悬挂着的一个小妆饰一样!无论创造之工在我们的眼中看起来是多么伟大,我们的创造者都在其上掌权。然而为了我们的救赎,耶稣基督因着圣灵感孕,有童贞女马利亚所生,无限的创造者允许祂自己被局限在我们人肉身的有限中。主啊,用你公义的袍遮蔽我,镇住我的仇敌。阿们。

†Ch 27 Job refuses to abandon his confidence. He knows and confesses “what is with the Almighty” (v 11), namely, that he will finally be vindicated (v 6), while his enemies will be swept away (vv 13–23). Job’s faith in God grows stronger in the face of his difficulties, just as iron is strengthened on the anvil and in the forge. No matter what befalls him, Job entrusts all things to his Creator. • Lord, no matter what struggle we may endure in this earthly life, we know that “by God’s power [we] are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1Pt 1:5). Amen.
约伯记27章 约伯拒绝放弃他的信靠。祂知道并且宣信“全能者所行的”(11节),就是他最终必得公正(6节),他的仇敌必被消灭(13-23节)。约伯对上帝的信心在苦难面前变得更加强大,正如铁在锤打熔炼中得以坚固一样。无论什么落在他身上,约伯都将一切交托给他的创造者。主,无论我们在这地上的生命中可能经历什么样的苦难,我们知道“【我们】这因信蒙 神能力保守的人、必能得着所预备、到末世要显现的救恩”(彼前1:5)。阿们。

†Ch 28 People cannot find wisdom by their own reason or strength. God alone can give it through His declaration—His Word. St Paul calls Christ Jesus “our wisdom and our righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1Co 1:30). Christ, our Wisdom, was revealed to us in the manner described by Job here: God the Father has revealed Him to us in His powerful declaration (v 27), the Scriptures, so that we may “fear” Him. • All-knowing Lord, grant me wisdom through Your Son, my Savior and the only source of true wisdom. Amen.
约伯记28章 人不能凭着他们自己的理性或力量找见智慧。唯有上帝能够藉着祂的宣告-祂的话语赐下智慧。圣保罗称基督耶稣为“我们的智慧、公义、圣洁、救赎”(林前1:30)。基督,我们的智慧,按照约伯在此所描述的方式已经向我们显现:天父上帝已经在祂带着能力的宣扬(27节)就是圣经中,将祂启示给我们,好叫我们“敬畏”祂。知晓一切的主,请藉着你的儿子,我的救赎主,真智慧的唯一源泉,赐给我智慧。阿们。

†Chs 29–30 Luth: “Job did not deserve such punishments by his life; for he was God-fearing, guileless, and virtuous. . . . It tends to instruct and comfort us when we learn that God often causes even the innocent to experience the most serious misfortunes and punishments, merely in order to test them. When faint hearts feel the punishments, they immediately think of sin, and believe that these are punishments for sin. But one must maintain that the godly experience many evils, solely in order that they may be tested” (AE 2:319). • Merciful Lord, test me and prove me not on my own merits or strength. For then, I would surely fail. But test and prove me on the merits of Jesus Christ, who cannot fail to redeem me when I stumble. Amen.
约伯记29-30章 路德说:“约伯按照他的生命不应当受这样的惩罚;因为他是敬畏上帝,无罪且品德高尚的人…当我们学习到上帝经常使无辜的人经历最残酷的不幸和惩罚,仅仅是为了试验他们的时候,这也给我们教训和安慰。当软弱的心感受到惩罚的时候,他们马上想到罪,认为这些是出于对罪的惩罚。但一个人必须坚定这个立场,即敬虔的人会经历许多邪恶,仅仅是为了使它们得到试炼”(路德文集2:319)。满有怜悯的主,请不要基于我自己的功德或力量试验证实我。那样的话,我必失败。却要基于耶稣基督的功德试验证实我,当我跌倒的时候,祂一定能拯救我。阿们。

†Ch 31 Job bases his speech on the idea that moral behavior merits God’s favor and that immoral behavior earns God’s displeasure. If anyone could be justified before God based on good works, it would have been Job. But God’s justice is too uncompromising, and His ways on earth are hidden. Job will learn that God has His purpose in suffering. There is no way for humans to see behind the mask of God, to know God’s will apart from Scripture. He reveals His gracious will through the Word, not by reason or experience. • Set before our eyes Your good and gracious will toward us in the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.
约伯记31章 约伯讲话是基于这个观念,即好的行为赚取上帝的恩惠,不好的行为赚取上帝的怒气。如果有人能依靠好行为在上帝面前称义,那人一定是约伯。但上帝的公正是不折不扣的,祂在地上的道路是隐藏的。约伯必会认识到上帝在苦难中有祂的目的。人没办法看见上帝的面具背后的事,无法知道上帝的旨意,除非藉着圣经。祂藉着圣道启示祂良善洪恩的旨意,不是藉着理性或经验。你在耶稣的受苦,死亡和复活中向我们显明你良善恩慈的旨意,请将之摆在我们眼前。阿们。

†Ch 32 Martin Luther believed God allowed Job’s suffering to try and test his faith. When we feel such trials, we, too, can be comforted knowing that God is not punishing us because of our sin, but is strengthening our faith through testing. • Lord, guide me by the answers of Your Word, and silence the opinions of those who break counsel with You. Amen.
约伯记32章 马丁路德相信上帝许可约伯受苦是要试炼试验他的信心。当我们感受到这样的试炼的时候,知道上帝不是因着我们的罪刑罚我们,乃是要藉着试验坚固我们的信心,我们也能够得到安慰。主,请藉着你圣道的答案引领我,打消那些试图与你争辩之人的意见。阿们。

†Ch 33 “God puts His saints to work in various ways and often holds back the rewards of works-righteousness. He does this so that they may learn not to trust in their own righteousness and may learn to seek God’s will rather than the rewards. This can be seen with Job, Christ, and other saints” (Ap V 77). Elihu argues that there is no clear correlation between our experience of suffering (or good) and the will of God. Christ is the typical example, in that the Chosen One is arrested, beaten, shamefully mocked and brutally put to death on the cross, and yet He is the very beloved treasure of His Father. There are no signs of His value in His quiet and humble life or in His willing suffering and death, yet to whom else has God said, “You are My Son, today I have begotten You” (Heb 1:5)? Only faith sees that the crucified man is the beloved Son and dearest treasure of His Father. • Lord, teach us to see our suffering and understand its meaning through the lens of the suffering of Christ, Your beloved Son. If He so suffered and could also be and remain the Beloved of God, so also may we suffer without fear that You have forfeited divine grace toward us. Amen.
约伯记33章 “上帝以各样的方式吩咐祂的圣徒作工,常常保留作工得义的奖赏。祂如此行,为的是他们可以学习不去信靠他们自己的义,乃是学习寻求上帝的旨意而不是奖赏。这可见于约伯,基督,和其他的圣徒”(奥斯堡信条辩护论 V 77)。以利户争辩说,在我们对苦难(或美好之事)的经历和上帝的旨意之间,并没有清晰的关联性。基督就是典型的例子,那位蒙选召的,遭受逮捕,鞭打,羞辱戏弄,并且残酷地钉死在十字架上,然而祂正是祂天父所爱的至宝。在祂平静谦卑的生命,或是在祂甘心乐意的受苦和死亡中,没有什么可以表明祂价值的记号,然而上帝又曾对谁说过,“你是我的儿子、我今日生你”(来1:5)?唯有信心能够看见,那位被钉的人是天父所爱的儿子,至亲至爱的珍宝。主,教导我们透过基督,你所爱儿子的受苦这个镜头来查看我们的苦难,理解它的意义。如果祂如此受苦,也仍是并且永远是上帝所爱的,那么也愿我们受苦的时候不惧怕担忧你已经收回你给我们的神圣恩惠。阿们。

†Ch 34 Elihu maintains that when Job, a mere human, dictates to God how or when He must act, Job must be charged with rebellion. Questioning God’s actions in our lives or world may lead to serious sin. But God is patient with us, even as He was with Job. • Gracious Lord, forgive our rebelliousness and impatience, and strengthen our faith that we may truly accept Your will for our lives. Amen.
约伯记34章 以利户坚持说,当约伯,仅仅是一个人而已,却要指使上帝如何或者何时行动的时候,他必须受到悖逆的指控。质疑上帝在我们生命中或世界上的作为,可能引向严重的罪。但上帝以忍耐待我们,就像祂对待约伯那样。满有恩典的主,赦免我们的悖逆和急躁,坚固我们的信心,好叫我们真正领受你对我们生命的旨意。阿们。

†Ch 35 Elihu believes that Job has added unbelief to his sin by complaining so bitterly. In doing so, Elihu fails to consider some understandable human emotion on Job’s part. Not all lamenting represents unbelief. Yet our own complaints about the conditions of our lives, though humanly understandable, can betray a weakness of faith. God may use affliction to strengthen our faith and to refocus our lives on the affliction endured by His Son for our salvation. • Gracious Lord, grant that the varying circumstances of our lives will always serve to strengthen us in faith and life. Amen.
约伯记35章 以利户相信,约伯因为这样带着苦毒的抱怨,就在他的罪上增加了一项,不信。这样做的时候,以利户并没能站在约伯的角度衡量一些可以理解的人的情感。并非所有的哀哭代表着不信。然而我们自己对我们生活境况的抱怨,尽管按照人的意思是可以理解的,但也会暴露出信心的软弱。上帝可能使用苦难来坚固我们的信心,使我们生命的核心重新聚焦在祂儿子为了我们的救赎所承受的苦难上。满有恩典的主,请恩赐我们,使我们生命中的各样境况总是能在信心和生命中坚固我们。阿们。

†Ch 36 Elihu counsels Job that the Lord uses affliction not just for our punishment but also for our deliverance. Allow affliction to open your ears (v 15b) to learn the Lord’s purposes, and to open your mouth in praises (v 24). Praise Christ most highly, who delivers you from evil by His agony and bloody sweat. • O Lord, lay Your hands on the cross, and use that tool for my instruction and deliverance. Amen.
约伯记36章 以利户建议约伯说,主使用苦难不仅可以是为了惩罚我们,也可以是为了叫我们得救赎。请让苦难打开你的耳朵(15节下)学习主的目的,打开你的嘴唇,用以赞美祂(24节)。要大大赞美基督,祂藉着祂的痛苦和带血的汗水拯救你脱离凶恶。主啊,你将你的手放在十字架上,使用那个器具来使我得教训,得拯救。阿们。

†Ch 37 The awesome power of a storm reminds us how truly small we are. Elihu tells Job to abandon obstinacy and, with proper fear and trust, to submit to God as his Lord, thereby preparing Job for God’s visit in the whirlwind (38:1). All of the days of our lives are spent in such preparation. Though we may become distracted by many things in this life, both bane and blessing, God prepares us for His visitation, when all that will matter will be our confidence in His grace through Jesus Christ, our Lord. • Gracious God, prepare me for Your appearing. Amen.
约伯记37章 暴雨的威力提醒我们自己真正是多么的渺小。以利户告诉约伯要放下固执,乃要带着合宜的敬畏和信靠,顺服上帝做他的主,藉此来预备约伯迎接上帝在旋风中的到访(38:1)。我们生命的全部时光是在这样的预备中度过。尽管我们可能会被今生的许多事情,糟糕或是蒙福的分散注意力,然而上帝预备我们迎接祂的到来,至关紧要的只有我们对祂恩典的信靠,这恩典是借着我们的主耶稣基督来的。满有恩典的上帝,请预备我迎接你的再来。阿们。

38:1–40:2 In the whirlwind, Job comes face-to-face with the reality of his humanity. Although Job accused the Lord of being unfair, God responded with a mild, yet firm counteraccusation. The Lord reminded Job that He not only created the world but also continues to care for it. We, too, question God and wonder whether He is actually in charge of the daily events of our lives. Coming face-to-face with our Creator brings us to our knees. Yet the fearsome face of the Creator also smiles on Job and shows him mercy. • Thank You, Lord, for answering us face-to-face in the person of Your Son. His life, death, and resurrection give us answers to our deepest questions. Your love is awesome. Amen.
约伯记38:1-40:2 在旋风中,约伯真实直面他作为人的事实。尽管约伯指控主耶和华不公,然而上帝以温柔却坚定的反驳回应。主提醒约伯,祂不仅创造了世界,而且继续看顾它。我们也质问上帝,怀疑祂是否真正在掌管我们生命的日常事务。与我们的创造者面对面使我们屈膝俯伏。然而创造者可畏的脸庞也向约伯微笑,向他施怜悯。主,感谢你在你儿子这一位格里面直接回应我们。祂的生,死和复活为我们最深处的疑问给出答案。你的慈爱奇妙无比。阿们。

40:3–5 Like Job, we, too, may become silent before the Lord, but it is often to plan our further defense or to pout in rebellious self-righteousness. How much we miss by trying to justify our own lives! God continues to wait for us and loves us with a never-ending love, which is ours in Christ. With the hymn writer, we can break our silence and sing, • “When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In ev’ry high and stormy gale My anchor holds within the veil. On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand.” Amen. (LSB 575:2)
约伯记40:3-5 像约伯一样,我们也会在主面前变得沉默,但也常常会谋划我们进一步的辩护,或者在反叛和自义中倔强。在努力为我们自己的生命辩护上,我们发现自己还有多大的错失啊!上帝继续以永不断绝的爱等候我们,爱我们,这爱在基督里面归于我们。与圣诗的作者一起,我们能够打破我们的沉默并且歌唱,“当黑暗遮蔽祂慈爱的脸庞的时候,我依靠祂不变的恩典;在每一陈狂风暴雨之中,我的锚稳健在那遮蔽之中。我站在基督,那坚固磐石之上;所有其它的地方都是下沉的沙土。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜书575:2)

40:6–41:34 Job finally recognizes his real insignificance in comparison with Leviathan’s might and defiance. Today, many view defiance as a virtue, but reliance on the Lord is the only hope we, like Job, have. Though we can tame or cage most any animal today, the beasts of war, disease, and turmoil constantly break free and trample us. They overpower us and certainly remove our self-reliance. Yet God’s own greatness and love for us overcomes them all. Despite the seemingly insurmountable nature of evils around us, God is not only in control, He is also working for us in Christ. • “Though devils all the world should fill, All eager to devour us, We tremble not, we fear no ill; They shall not overpow’r us. This world’s prince may still Scowl fierce as he will, He can harm us none. He’s judged; the deed is done; One little word can fell him.” Amen. (LSB 656:3)
约伯记40:6-41:34 约伯最终认识到,与鳄鱼的力量和反抗相比,他真正是微不足道。今天,许多人将反抗视为高贵品格,然而依靠主耶和华是我们和约伯所拥有的唯一盼望。尽管我们今天能够驯服或者圈起来几乎任何动物,然而战争,疾病和动乱这些野兽仍然逍遥自在,蹂躏着我们。他们压垮我们,当然也挪去我们自我的依靠。然而上帝自己的伟大和对我们的爱征服这一切野兽。尽管看起来不可逾越的邪恶势力环绕着我们,然而上帝不仅在掌权,而且也在基督里面为着我们作工。“尽管魔鬼充满全世界,都渴望吞噬我们,然而我们不用颤抖,不用惧怕任何祸患;他们不能胜过我们。这个世界的王子可能仍在随意发威吼叫,然而他不能伤害我们。他已经被审判;这已经完了;一句话都能压垮他。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜书656:3)

42:1–6 Job represents all of humanity’s failure in trying to avoid the wages of sin (Rm 5:12). Finally, we must admit that we seldom can comprehend God’s ways, because sin clouds our understanding. We need not put on sackcloth and ashes; God wants only “a contrite heart” (Ps 51:17). What Job could not do to save himself, God did by sending “His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (Jn 3:16). • Lord, we thank You for Jesus and for taking control of our lives by Your divine Spirit. Amen.
约伯记42:1-6 约伯代表了人在尝试逃避罪的工价上的全部失败(罗5:12)。最终,我们必须承认,我们很少能理解上帝的道路,因为罪模糊了我们的理解力。我们不需要披麻蒙灰;上帝只想要一颗“悔改的心”(箴51:17)。约伯为了拯救他自己不能做到的,上帝做到了,藉着“将他的独生子赐给他们、叫一切信他的、不至灭亡、反得永生”(约3:16)。主,我们感谢你将耶稣赐给我们,并且藉着你神圣的灵掌管我们的生命。阿们。

42:7–9 Here we see Job praying for his friends, who, though they acted friendly, were actually his spiritual enemies. Job did not accuse his friends and ask for judgment, but followed the Lord’s gracious lead and acted as their mediator before the Lord. Jesus, who suffered for us, also pleads for us daily. He is our priestly intercessor and our personal Savior from sin, death, and the devil. • Lord, teach us the friendly arts of intercession and patience, for You have shown such friendship to us. Amen.
约伯记42:7-9 这里我们看见约伯为他的朋友们祈祷,尽管他们曾友善相劝,然而他们实际上是他的属灵仇敌。约伯没有指控他的朋友或寻求公义审判,而是顺从主恩典的引领,在主面前做他们的中保。耶稣,曾为我们受苦,也每日为我们代求。祂是我们的大祭司和中保,我们个人脱离罪,死亡和魔鬼的救主。主,请将代求和忍耐的友善美德教导我们,因为你已经向我们显明这样的友情。阿们。

42:10–17 We often take our blessings in life for granted: our families, our friends, even our possessions. If they would be taken away, we would undoubtedly be filled with remorse and regret for not valuing them as we ought. Even when everything is wonderful, we can forget about God’s gracious providence and gift of justification. The Book of Job returns us to the roots of our existence—our faithful Lord. In the midst of suffering comes the bright light of victory in our Redeemer—Christ. Lutheran hymn writer Paul Gerhardt penned Joblike hymn stanzas during the difficult Thirty Years’ War, a century after the Reformation: • “Why should cross and trial grieve me? Christ is near With His cheer; Never will He leave me. Who can rob me of the heaven That God’s Son For me won When His life was given? When life’s troubles rise to meet me, Though their weight May be great, They will not defeat me. God, my loving Savior, sends them; He who knows All my woes Knows how best to end them.” Amen. (LSB 756:1–2)
约伯记42:10-17 我们常常认为我们生命中的祝福是理所当然的:我们的家庭,我们的朋友,甚至还有我们的产业。如果这些被拿走了,我们肯定会充满忧伤和悔恨,因为我们本应该但却没有珍惜它们。甚至在一切都看起来美好的时候,我们会忘记上帝满有恩典的供应和称我们为义这份恩赐。约伯记这卷书使我们归回我们存在的根基,就是我们信实的主那里。在苦难之中,我们救赎主-基督得胜的明亮之光会临到。路德宗圣诗作者保罗.格哈特(Paul Gerhardt)在宗教改革一个世纪之后的三十年战争期间,写下约伯那样的诗句:“为何十字架和试炼使我忧伤?基督带着祂的欢喜就在身旁;祂从未离开我。上帝的儿子曾舍命为我赢得天国,谁能将之从我这里夺去呢?每当我遭遇生命中的苦难,尽管它们很沉重,但却不能击垮我。上帝,我慈爱的救主,使这些发生;祂知晓我所有的苦难,也知晓如何最有智慧地使它们终结。”(路德宗崇拜书756:1-2)阿们。

翻译:Gary Liu


†Ps 1 Shows us the destiny of both the righteous and the wicked. The wicked will, at the final judgment, find themselves alienated from God and, ultimately, inheritors of eternal damnation. No one is exempt from this most frightening fate. Yet God has provided a different way. He sets us on the way of righteousness and keeps us on it through His Word. The means of grace forever remind us—even when we have succumbed to the various temptations of life—that, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our destination is certain. We will stand holy before God in the final judgment as members of the congregation of the righteous. • O Lord, bless our meditation on the accomplished fact of our salvation, through Christ Jesus. Amen.

†Ps 2 Those who plot against God’s elect incite God’s wrath. The Lord, not human beings, anointed Israel’s king and elected this nation for His plan of salvation. Ultimately, the Messiah—the Anointed One—was born from the nation of Israel. God preserved Israel so that through the offspring of one of David’s descendants, Mary, the Savior of humankind was born. Those who “take refuge in Him”—i.e., trust in Him for their salvation—are truly blessed. • Lord Jesus, despite our miserable and constant rebellion, You rescue us from sin. Lead us to embrace Your gracious rule with joyful hearts. Amen.
诗篇2篇 那些谋划对付上帝选民的人激起上帝的怒气。不是人,而是主耶和华膏立以色列的君王,并且拣选这个民族来成就祂救恩的计划。最后,弥赛亚那位受膏者,从以色列这个民族生出。上帝保守以色列,好让人类的救赎主可以藉着大卫后裔的其中一员马利亚生出。那些“投靠他的”,就是信靠祂来得救赎的人,是真正蒙福的。主耶稣,尽管我们是可怜并且不断悖逆的,你却仍拯救我们脱离罪。请带领我们以欢喜的心领受你恩典的掌权。阿们。

†Ps 3 This psalm recounts a dark period in David’s life. His enemies, including his own son, have overwhelmed and opposed him. Despite his foes’ claim that David’s sins preclude him from salvation, David remains confident that God will protect and deliver him. Despite our miserable condition (and certain end), God shields us from our foes, lifts us, and directs our eyes to His great mercy displayed in the cross of Christ. He assures us that salvation belongs to Him and is given to those who trust in Him. • “You, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. Arise, O LORD! Save me, O my God!” Amen.
诗篇3篇 这首诗回忆了大卫生命中的一个黑暗时期。他的仇敌,包括他自己的一个儿子,曾逼迫对付他。尽管他的仇敌宣称大卫的罪使他与救恩无份,然而大卫仍相信上帝必会保护拯救他。尽管我们的状况是凄惨(并且结局是确定)的,然而上帝保护我们脱离我们的仇敌,高举我们,使我们的眼睛转向他在基督十字架中所彰显的丰富怜悯。祂使我们确信,救恩属于祂,并且赐给那些信靠祂的人。“你耶和华是我四围的盾牌,是我的荣耀,又是叫我抬起头来的。耶和华啊,求你起来!我的神啊,求你救我!”阿们。

†Ps 4 David complains that his enemies are speaking ill of him as king in an attempt to shame him. He reminds them that God sets apart the godly from those who behave in such a manner. How often do we find ourselves speaking ill of people in positions of authority? of colleagues and peers? God’s Word condemns unjust complaints. Through David, God encourages us to turn from our sinful ways and “trust in the LORD” (v 5). Such trust brings peace of mind and eternal peace. • You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Teach me to judge rightly and dwell in peace. Amen.
诗篇4篇 大卫抱怨说,他的仇敌诽谤并以此羞辱作为君王的他。他提醒那些人,上帝已将敬虔的人与那些如此行事的人分别开来。我们是否也常常说那些在高位之人的坏话?同事的和同辈的?上帝的话语谴责不公正的抱怨。藉着大卫,上帝鼓励我们转离我们有罪的道路,并且“倚靠耶和华”(5节)。这样的信靠带来心灵的安息和永恒的平安。主啊,唯有你使我在平安中居住。请教导我公正评判,在平安中居住。阿们。

†Ps 5 Boasting and deceit inevitably lead to destruction. David’s petition reveals that God leads us out of such sins and covers us with His favor. God declares us righteous and thus covers us with His favor through faith in Christ’s atoning sacrifice for all of our sins. • Keep us ever mindful of this great gift of righteousness by faith alone, O Lord. Through Word and Sacrament, cover us and remind us of Your constant and protective favor. Amen.
诗篇5篇 自夸和诡诈不可避免地引向毁灭。大卫的祈祷显明上帝带领我们走出这些罪,并且以祂的恩惠遮盖我们。上帝宣告我们为义人,并因此用祂的恩惠遮盖我们,是藉着对基督为我们全部的罪所付上的赎罪祭的信靠。主啊,保守我们总是记得这伟大的恩典,即唯独因信称义。藉着圣道和圣礼,遮盖我们,并且提醒我们知晓你恒常和护佑的恩惠。阿们。

†Ps 6 David pleads with the Lord for deliverance from anxiety, physical discomfort, and sickness caused by a growing awareness of his sinful condition. Luther referred to such mental torment as Anfechtung, a German term for the state of despair and doubt we human beings experience when coming to terms with the consequences of our failure to meet the demands of God’s Law. Scripture clearly reveals that the result of sin is death (Rm 6:23), but how seriously do we take this threat? Consider this: nearly 2,000 years ago, our sinful condition was so desperate that God sent His own Son to pay the price. God be praised! Through faith in Christ’s redemption, our sins have been forgiven. • Lord, hear my plea, and accept my prayer through the merits of Jesus, who prays for me. Amen.
诗篇6篇 大卫祈求主拯救他脱离因着对自己有罪状态的更深意识所带来的焦虑,身体的不适和疾病。路德将这种精神上的折磨称之为“Anfechtung,”这是一个德语词,描述我们人在没能满足上帝律法的要求之时所带来的后果,对绝望和疑虑的经验状态。圣经清晰地启示,罪的结果是死亡(罗6:23),但我们是如何严肃对待这个威胁的呢?思想这个:大约两千年前,我们有罪的状态是如此无望,以至于上帝差遣祂自己的儿子来付上代价。上帝配得称颂赞美!藉着对基督救赎的信靠,我们的罪得赦免了。主,请听我的呼求,藉着耶稣的功德悦纳我的祷告,耶稣也为我代求。阿们。

†Ps 7 David, confident of his righteousness, petitions the Lord to judge him and his enemies justly. He repeatedly asserts that the righteousness of God’s justice must destroy unrepentant sinners, and he compares God’s wrath to that of a soldier preparing to meet his foe. What a startling image for those who refuse to repent of their sins! Yet the Lord also offers salvation through Christ Jesus. • O God, readily forgive and turn away Your righteous indignation from me. Put a new song on my lips—“praise to the name of the LORD, the Most High.” Amen.
诗篇7篇 大卫,对他的义有信心,祈求主按公正审判他和他的仇敌。他不断地重申上帝公正审判的义必要毁灭不悔改的罪人,并且他将上帝的怒气比作一位准备迎敌的士兵所怀的怒气。对那些拒绝为自己的罪悔改的人来说,这是一个多么可怕的画面啊!然而主仍藉着基督耶稣赐下救恩。上帝啊,请随时赦免我,将你公义的忿怒转离我。使我的嘴唇唱新歌“歌颂耶和华至高者的名。”阿们。

†Ps 8 Luth: “David concludes this psalm just the way he began it. He thanks the Lord, our Ruler, for His great and inestimable blessing, for establishing such a kingdom and calling and gathering His church, which gloriously praises His name throughout the world and thanks Him in heaven. Let us follow the example of this singer of praises as he prophesies to us. The Lord is our Ruler, too, and His kingdom is established and founded from the mouths of babes and sucklings. We entered it by Baptism, and we are called to it daily through Word and Gospel. With David we also hope to come to where we shall see the heavens, the work of His fingers, the moon and the stars which He will prepare. He won the kingdom with great trouble and anguish. Now He is crowned with honor and adornment and has everything under His feet. For this we give God our praise and thanks, but especially for the fact that He has brought us to a light and knowledge that does not spring up out of human reason but out of Christ. He is our Sun, who died for us and was raised from the dead, lives and reigns, so that through Him we might be saved. To this end may God help us all. Amen. Glory to God alone” (AE 12:135–36).
诗篇8篇 路德说:“大卫如何开始这首诗,也如何结束。祂感谢主,我们的掌权者,因着祂丰盛且无法衡量的祝福,祂建立这样的国度,呼召聚集祂的教会,并且祂的教会在全地荣耀赞美祂的名,也在天上称谢祂。歌者如此向我们预言,我们也当效法他的榜样。主耶和华也是我们的掌权者,祂的国度从婴儿和吃奶的口中得以建立。我们藉着圣洗礼进入这个国度,藉着圣道和福音,我们每日蒙召在祂的国度中。与大卫一起,我们也可以盼望去到我们可以看见祂所预备的天堂,祂手指的工作,以及星星和月亮的地方。祂以巨大的受苦和疼痛来赢得这国度。如今祂以荣耀尊贵为冠冕,并且将一切伏在他的脚下。为此我们应当将我们的赞美和感谢献给上帝,也特别因着祂带领我们得了光和知识,这些不是从人的理性,乃是从基督流淌出来的光和知识。祂是我们的太阳,为我们死,并且从死人中复活,活着掌权,好叫我们藉着祂得拯救。为此上帝帮助我们所有人。阿们。荣耀唯独归给上帝”(路德文集12:135-36)。

†Ps 9 “The wicked are snared in the work of their own hands,” David observes in this psalm. How timeless is this truth! How often do we dig ourselves deeper into sin just to cover up a previous sin? Ultimately, our sin carries the most frightening of consequences—death and damnation. However, as David reminds us, if we acknowledge our sin and God’s wonderful deeds on our behalf, especially through Christ, we can be confident of His mercy toward us so we, too, can “be glad and exult” (v 2) in His name. • Dear Lord Jesus, we continually recount, through praise and thanksgiving, Your wonderful deeds. Amen.
诗篇9篇 “恶人被自己手所作的缠住了,”大卫在这首诗中说到。这个真理是多么恒久不变啊!我们是否常常挖坑把自己陷入更深的罪中,只是为了遮掩之前的罪?最终,我们的罪带来最可怕的后果,死亡和咒诅。然而,正如大卫提醒我们的一样,如果我们承认我们的罪,并且认识上帝为我们所行的奇妙作为,特别是藉着基督成就的,我们可以确信他向我们所施的怜悯,好叫我们也可以因祂的名“欢喜快乐”(2节)。亲爱的主耶稣,我们继续藉着赞美和感谢,重新述说你的奇妙作为。阿们。

†Ps 10 The psalmist confidently prays that God will root out those who are wicked and take advantage of the weak and poor throughout Israel so that they “may strike terror no more” (v 18). Such behavior, David reminds us, will be called into account. There is hope, however, whether we have taken advantage of the weak or have been the victim of oppression. The Lord has compassion on those oppressed by sin. • In mercy, Lord, bring “justice to the fatherless and the oppressed.” Eradicate terror and injustice from the earth. Forgive us, and come quickly to establish Your kingdom. Amen.
诗篇10篇 诗人带着信心祈祷上帝必会铲除那些遍满以色列地剥削软弱贫穷人的邪恶之徒,好叫他们不再“威吓”(18节)。大卫提醒我们,这行为必要被清算。然而,无论我们是否曾欺压软弱的,或者我们是被欺压的受害者,那里都有盼望存留给我们。在怜悯中,主耶和华“为孤儿和受欺压的伸冤。”要从地上铲除威吓以及不公。请赦免我们,并且快来建立你的国度。阿们。

†Ps 11 David confesses his confidence in the Lord’s unmovable favor. The Lord, David writes, “tests the righteous” (v 5). Our faith is often tested and often found wanting. God’s faithfulness and mercy toward us, however, never wanes or fails. Despite our lack of faith and even our wicked deeds, He extends His grace as a refuge from our sinful nature and the sinful works of others. He does so audibly and visibly through Word and Sacrament, as a testament of His great and unending love for us. • In You, O Lord, we take refuge. Though we are found wanting for righteousness, save us by the righteousness of Christ. Amen.
诗篇11篇 大卫宣告他倚靠主坚定不移的恩惠。大卫写到,主耶和华“试验义人”(5节)。我们的信心常常受到试验,也常常是有亏缺的。然而,上帝待我们的信实和怜悯却从不亏缺或失败。尽管我们缺乏信心,甚至还有乖僻行径,然而祂仍然伸出祂的恩典作我们的避难所,脱离我们的罪和他人的恶行。祂藉着圣道和圣礼响亮大方地成就此事,这些是祂向我们所施丰盛且永不断绝的慈爱的见证。主啊,在你里面,我们有遮盖。尽管我们在义上是有缺乏的,然而请藉着基督的义拯救我们。阿们。

†Ps 12 A cry for help in the face of treachery and deceit. Unchecked wickedness sometimes leads us to doubt that God is watching out for us. Such despair is a great evil and can ruin our souls, but it can also help us to appreciate our complete dependence on God and His unfailing promises to save and defend us. • Lord, use the surrounding evil and the threats they pose to drive us once again to a lively hope in our promised salvation; through Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
诗篇12篇 面对背叛和诡诈,呼求帮助。不加制止的罪恶有时候会使我们怀疑上帝是否仍在看顾我们。这样的绝望也是大恶,能毁坏我们的灵魂,但也能帮助我们懂得我们对上帝以及祂应许要拯救和护卫我们的完全依靠。主,请使用周边的邪恶以及其所带来的威胁,再一次驱使我们对我们应许了的救恩有活泼的盼望;藉着基督耶稣,我们的主。阿们。

†Ps 13 In moments of fear and frustration, our prayers can easily slip into blaming God for our problems. Asking “How long, O LORD?” (v 1) is okay. Casting blame on the Lord and reproving His failure to act according to our wishes and timetables, however, comes close to blasphemy. When our prayers question God and His ways, we do well to remember that Jesus not only commanded us to pray but also graciously promised to hear our prayers and intercede for us before the Father. No matter how weak our prayers or deep our frustration, Jesus’ grace makes up for their shortcomings. • Lord Jesus, You conquered death and the grave and, therefore, can handle anything, including our impatient or even disrespectful prayers. Teach us to know that You are greater than all things, so that we pray confidently, Thy will be done. Amen.
诗篇13篇 在恐惧和沮丧的时刻,我们的祷告会很容易退变成拿我们的麻烦指责上帝。“要到几时呢?”(1节)这样问是可以的。然而,怪罪主耶和华并且指责祂没能按照我们的意愿和时间表行事,却是近乎亵渎。当我们祷告询问上帝以及祂的道路的时候,我们要安心记得耶稣不仅吩咐我们祷告,而且也满有恩典地应许垂听我们的祷告,在天父面前为我们代求。无论我们的祷告多么微弱,或者我们的沮丧多么的深,然而耶稣的恩典会弥补它们的不足。主耶稣,你征服了死亡和坟墓,因此能对付一切事,包括我们没有忍耐甚或不尊重的祈祷。教导我们明白你比一切都大,好叫我们可以带着信心祈祷,愿你的旨意成就。阿们。

†Ps 14 Though atheism and irreligion are increasingly accepted, indeed even fashionable in modern societies, they are destructive beliefs that finally lead to moral abandon and eternal death. Because this psalm clarifies the depth of human sinfulness, it also illumines the greatness in Jesus’ redemption. He atoned for all the sins of all people and graciously calls all, even the most perverse, to forgiveness and eternal life. • Lord Jesus, when we despair because of the world’s increasing hostility or indifference to You, help us also to see the greatness of Your love and grace. Amen.
诗篇14篇 尽管无神论和无宗教在现代社会越来越受接纳,甚至还很时尚,然而这些是具有毁灭性的信仰,最终会导致道德沦丧和永恒死亡。因为这首诗分辨人罪性的深度,它也同时显明耶稣救赎的伟大。耶稣为所有人的全部罪付上赎价,并且满有恩典地呼召所有人,甚至那些最堕落的人来悔改并且得永生。主耶稣,当我们因着世界对你不断加增的敌视或者冷漠而绝望的时候,也请帮助我们看见你慈爱恩典的伟大。阿们。

†Ps 15 Sincerity and the righteous treatment of others, as taught in the Ten Commandments, are emphasized as the foundation to genuine worship. Sad to say, there are times that we come to worship God in an unworthy manner. E.g., we may remain unreconciled with others or persist in behaviors we know to be wrong. As God’s true temple and the mercy seat where full forgiveness is freely given, our Lord Jesus Christ still calls us unto Himself. Through His grace, we are made right with God and counted worthy to stand before the Father’s throne. • Almighty God, grant that all our worship and life may be acceptable in Your sight; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
诗篇15篇 十诫中所教导的以真诚和公义待他人,作为真实敬拜的根基得以强调。可悲的是,有时候我们以不配的方式来敬拜上帝。比如,我们可能仍未与他人和睦,或者在我们知道是错误的行为上不悔改。我们的主耶稣基督,上帝真正的殿和施恩座,丰富的赦罪恩典从祂那里白白赐下,祂仍在呼召我们归向祂自己。藉着祂的恩典,我们得以与上帝和好,并且在天父的宝座前被算为配得的。全能的上帝,请赐福我们,使我们的敬拜和生命在你的眼前蒙悦纳;藉着耶稣基督,我们的主。阿们。

†Ps 16 The psalm praises the Lord for numerous earthly blessings but moves toward a climactic expression of hope for life in God’s presence beyond the grave. Far too often our prayers are simply laundry lists of earthly desires. This psalm reminds us of our greater need to thank and praise God and make spiritual blessings a priority (see note, Eph 1:3). Those who have the Lord have the source of all good things, even everlasting life. We who are in Christ have been set at God’s right hand, where we can never be removed. • Lord, keep us in Your presence throughout our earthly pilgrimage, that we may come to the fullness of Your joy in heaven; through Jesus Christ, our resurrected Lord. Amen.
诗篇16篇 这首诗为着数不完的属世祝福赞美主耶和华,并且进一步极其喜乐地表达了对超越坟墓死亡永远活在上帝面前的盼望。我们的祷告却常常只是由属世的愿望填满。这首诗提醒我们,我们更需要感谢和赞美上帝,并且重视属灵的祝福(看注释,弗1:3)。那些拥有主耶和华的人就有所有良善之事,甚至还有永生的源泉。我们在基督里的人是已经被安放在上帝的右边,在那里我们必永不动摇。主,请保守我们在你面前,贯穿我们地上的天路旅途,好叫我们可以最终在天上得着你丰盛的喜乐;藉着耶稣基督,我们复活的主。阿们。

†Ps 17 David begs for protection from a bloodthirsty enemy. A tragic consequence of the world’s fall into sin is that we often suffer through no particular fault of our own. Job is the classic case of one who suffers innocently. God’s ability to turn injustice into good is best illustrated by Jesus’ innocent death on the cross. That horrible miscarriage of justice worked life and salvation for all people. • Lord, keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. He saved us by enduring great injustice and now sits at Your right hand. Amen.
诗篇17篇 大卫祈求保护,可以脱离好流人血的仇敌。世界堕入罪的一个悲惨结局是,我们受苦常常不是因为我们自己某项特别的过犯。约伯就是无辜之人受苦的经典案例。上帝有能力将不公化为良善,这在耶稣于十字架上的无辜死亡里面得以最好的表达。那公义的恐怖流产却为所有人成就生命和救恩。主,请使我们的双眼盯在耶稣身上,祂是我们信心的创始成终者。祂担负巨大的不公,藉此拯救我们,并且如今坐在你的右边。阿们。

†Ps 18 David exults, “The LORD . . . is worthy to be praised” (v 3). This truth makes our failures to render Him thanks and praise a grievous affront. In this psalm, David recounts a time when the very cords of death were dragging him down into the abyss. The deliverance God provided him reminds us of our own victory over the grave, achieved for us by the risen Lord Jesus. • Grant me Your grace, Lord Jesus, that I fervently sing the praises of what You have done and make Your name known to all people. Amen.
诗篇18篇 大卫欢呼说,“当赞美…耶和华”(3节)。这个真理使我们没有将感谢和赞美归给祂显得可悲和轻慢。在这首诗中,大卫回忆说曾经有一次,死亡的绳索将他拉入阴间。上帝对他的拯救提醒我们对坟墓死亡的得胜,这是由复活的主耶稣为我们成就的。主耶稣,请将你的恩典赐给我,好叫我火热地歌颂赞美你所成就的,并且请将你的名显给所有人。阿们。

†Ps 19 The heavens continually declare God’s praise, and the forces of nature daily show forth His glory as they faithfully carry out the duties He has assigned them. Too bad we so often fail in the fulfillment of our divinely appointed tasks. Marvelous as the heavens are, and eloquent as nature’s testimony to the greatness of the Creator, God’s forgiveness and grace as revealed in His Word are even more glorious. • “O LORD, my rock and my redeemer: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight” (v 14); through Christ Jesus. Amen.
诗篇19篇 诸天述说对上帝的赞美,自然的力量每日彰显祂的荣耀,因为它们都信实地执行上帝分派给它们的任务。糟糕的是,我们却常常没能完成上帝给我们的神圣呼召。正如诸天的伟岸,自然对造物主的伟大所作的见证那样的美妙一样,上帝的赦罪和恩典在祂的话语中启示出来,甚至更加荣美。“耶和华我的磐石、我的救赎主阿、愿我口中的言语、心里的意念、在你面前蒙悦纳”(14节);藉着基督耶稣。阿们。

†Ps 20 The people desire God’s blessing for their king as he prepares to lead them into battle. In modern developed countries we are easily tempted to place our confidence in certain leaders and technological wonders rather than in God. Doing so, however, is little more than old-fashioned idolatry. When we humbly pray for the authorities God has placed over us, He unfailingly answers and acts on our behalf in accord with His good and gracious will. • Guide and direct our rulers, O King of kings and Lord of lords, so that they ever acknowledge You rather than trust in their earthly might. Lead us in the way of righteousness and peace. Amen.
诗篇20篇 君王准备带领百姓去打仗的时候,百姓渴望上帝祝福他们的君王。在现代发达的国家,我们太容易受到试探,要将我们的信靠放在某些领袖或者高科技手段上,而不是放在上帝那里。然而,这样做仅仅是那古老的偶像崇拜。当我们谦卑地为着上帝放在我们上面的掌权者祈祷的时候,祂一定会按照祂良善洪恩的旨意应允并且为我们行动。万王之王,万主之主啊,请引领我们的君王,好叫他们也认识你,而不是倚靠他们属世的能力。带领我们走在公义和平安的道路上。阿们。

†Ps 21 This psalm not only offers thanks to God for Israel’s king (vv 1–7) but also encourages him with promises of the Lord’s blessing (vv 8–12). Part of our Christian responsibility, as this psalm and St Paul remind us, is to offer thanksgiving and petitions on behalf of our ruling authorities. Failing to do so is an act of ingratitude. The Scriptures testify throughout that God establishes and uses the various governments of the world not only to serve His people’s earthly needs, but even to further the spread of the Gospel. • “God bless our native land; Firm may she ever stand Through storm and night. . . . Thou who art ever nigh, Guarding with watchful eye, To Thee aloud we cry: God save the state!” Amen. (LSB 965:1–2)
诗篇21篇 这首诗不仅为着以色列的君王感谢上帝(1-7节)而且也用主耶和华祝福的应许鼓励他(8-12节)。我们基督徒责任的一部分,就像这首诗和圣保罗所提醒我们的那样,是要为我们的掌权者献上感恩和代求。没能如此行就是不感恩的作为。圣经处处见证说,上帝建立和使用世上各样的政府,不仅去服侍祂百姓属世的需要,更是要帮助福音的传扬。“上帝祝福我们的国土;愿她稳健度过风暴和黑夜…你一直在近旁,请警醒护卫,我们唯独向你呼求:上帝拯救我们的国家!”阿们。(路德宗崇拜书965:1-2)

†Ps 22 Facing great opposition, the psalmist initially feels that God has forsaken him and is ignoring his prayers. After remembering God’s faithfulness and deliverance, he believes that God will deliver him and commits himself to telling that message to others. We, too, may feel alone and forsaken by God. Truly we deserve to be forsaken by Him because of our sinfulness. But, as this psalm foretells, God Himself came to be our Redeemer. While many human beings have shared these feelings, this psalm finds its greatest fulfillment in Jesus Christ, who spoke it from the cross (Mt 27:46). Christ truly was forsaken by His Father and died alone so that we could be reconciled to our God. We are never alone because our crucified, resurrected Savior is with us. • Loving Savior, Your death and resurrection have made us Your people. Lead us to proclaim Your constant care. Amen.
诗篇22篇 面对巨大的困境,诗人前面感到上帝已经遗弃了他并且无视他的祈祷。在想起上帝的信实和拯救之后,他相信上帝必会拯救他,并且自己决意要讲这个消息告诉其他人。我们也可能感到孤独,遭上帝遗弃了。事实上因为我们的罪,我们当受祂的遗弃。然而,正如这首诗预言的,上帝祂自己要来成为我们的拯救者。很多人曾有过这些感受,但这首诗发现此感受最大的现实是在耶稣基督里面,祂在十字架上说了这话(太27:46)。基督真正是被祂的天父遗弃了,并且独自死去,好叫我们能够与我们的上帝和好。我们永不会孤独,因为我们那位被钉十字架并且死里复活的救赎主与我们同在。慈爱的救主,你的死和复活已经使我们成为你的百姓。请引导我们宣扬你持续不断的呵护。阿们。

†Ps 23 In faith, David declares that since Yahweh is his shepherd, he “shall not want” (v 1). Our Good Shepherd lovingly provides everything that we need in this life, but we often fail to recognize that these gifts come from Him. Instead, we focus on things that we want, but do not need. How wonderful that our Shepherd does not withhold His blessings from us, but still cares for these needs and more: He gives us His own Son! • Good Shepherd, open our eyes to see Your blessing. Open our ears to hear Your voice. Open our hearts that we may love You. Amen.
诗篇23 出于信心,大卫宣告说,因为耶和华是他的牧者,他“必不至缺乏”(1节)。我们的好牧人慈爱地供应我们此生所需的一切,但我们常常没能认识到这些恩赐是从祂那里来的。相反,我们专注在我们想要但却不需要的东西上面。我们的大牧者并未停止祝福我们,却仍看顾这些需要,甚至更多:祂将自己的独生子赐给了我们,这是多么奇妙啊!好牧人,请打开我们的眼睛来看见你的祝福。打开我们的耳朵来聆听你的声音。打开我们的心好叫我们爱你。阿们。

†Ps 24 Those who worship the Lord need “clean hands and a pure heart” (v 4). Sinful human beings are neither prepared nor worthy to be in God’s presence or worship Him. Yet God forgives us, covers us with Christ’s righteousness, and enables us to worship Him. This is why worship begins with Confession of sins and Absolution. By God’s grace, we worship with clean hands and a pure heart. • Merciful Lord, I confess all my sins to You, trusting in Your promises. Forgive me, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
诗篇24篇 那些敬拜主的人需要“手洁心清”(4节)。罪人没有准备好,也不配来到上帝面前或者敬拜祂。然而上帝赦免我们,用基督的义遮盖我们,使我们能够敬拜祂。这也是为什么敬拜以认罪和宣赦开始。靠赖上帝的恩典,我们以手洁心清来敬拜。满有怜悯的主,我向你承认我全部的罪,信靠你的应许,请为着耶稣的缘故赦免我。阿们。

†Ps 25 David prays, “For You I wait all the day long” (v 5). God promises to answer prayer, but we may be impatient or tempted to question His answers. Even when our faithfulness fails, God is faithful. He hears our prayers and truly acts for our good. In faith, we patiently wait for Him. • Almighty God, give us the trust and patience to wait for You and the faith to believe Your promises. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
诗篇25篇 大卫祈祷说,“我终日等候你”(5节)。上帝应许了要回应祷告,但我们可能会没有耐心或者想要质疑祂的回应。既使我们没能持守我们的信实,上帝仍是信实的。祂垂听我们的祷告,真正为着我们的益处行动。在信心中,我们带着耐心等候祂。全能的上帝,请赐给我们信靠和忍耐来等候你,还有信心来相信你的应许。奉耶稣的名我们祷告。阿们。

†Ps 26 In faith, David worships, proclaiming God’s wondrous deeds. He loves worship and being in God’s presence (v 8). In worship, we sometimes focus on ourselves instead of on God. God calls us to repentance so that He may bless us and forgive us. Strengthened in faith, we respond by telling others of the great things He has done. • Blessed Trinity, forgive us, and empower us to worship You in faith and joy. Amen.

†Ps 27 David recognizes that when the Lord is on his side, he has nothing to fear. Human beings are prone to fearful responses. We worry about problems in this life, acting as if we face them alone. Yet God is our light and our salvation. Since He has redeemed us, we have nothing to fear. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rm 8:31). • O Christ, my light and my salvation, comfort me and strengthen my faith. Amen.
诗篇27篇 大卫认识到当主耶和华站在他这边的时候,他就没什么可惧怕的。人是倾向于在恐惧中做出回应。我们为着今生的问题担忧,看起来好像我们是在独自面对的那样。然而上帝是我们的光,我们的救赎。因为祂已经拯救了我们,所以我们没什么可惧怕的。“神若帮助我们,谁能敌挡我们呢?”(罗8:31)。基督啊,我的光,我的拯救,请安慰我,坚固我的信心。阿们。

†Ps 28 Facing personal crisis, David realizes he is unable to protect and save himself. He needs God to be his strength and shield. As sinners, we cannot save ourselves. We recognize our helplessness and need for God’s grace. Our Savior comes, giving us His strength and protecting us from our enemies by paying the penalty of our sins. • Lord Jesus, my strength and my shield, I trust in You. Be my shepherd and carry me forever. Amen.
诗篇28篇 面对个人的危机,大卫意识到他不能保护拯救自己。他需要上帝作他的力量和盾牌。作为罪人,我们不能拯救我们自己。我们承认自己的无助和对上帝恩典的需要。我们的救赎主来了,为我们罪的刑罚付上代价,藉此将祂的力量赐给我们,保护我们脱离我们的仇敌。主耶稣,我的力量,我的盾牌,我信靠你。请永远作我的牧者并抱着我前行。阿们。

†Ps 29 God’s power is a terrifying thing. The sound of His voice brings forth creation, shakes the mountains and trees, and unleashes the great flood that destroyed the earth. We sinners might be destroyed by the power of His holy, powerful voice. Yet “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn 1:14). God came to us in Jesus to speak His love and grace. In Baptism, flood and voice combine to cleanse us (this psalm was traditionally used at Baptisms). Hearing His gracious voice, we join heaven and earth in praise. • O Word of God, You became flesh to be our Savior. Let us hear Your powerful voice. Amen.
诗篇29篇 上帝的权能是一件令人战兢的事。祂的声音做创造之工,震动高山树木,发起毁灭全地的大洪水。我们罪人能被祂圣洁,有能力的声音毁灭掉。然而“道成了肉身,住在我们中间”(约1:14)。上帝在耶稣里面来临到我们,向我们诉说祂的慈爱和恩典。在圣洗礼中,洪水和声音一同洁净我们(这首诗在教会的传统中被用于圣洗礼)。听见祂恩典的声音,我们与天和地一同赞美。上帝的话语啊,你成为肉身,来作我们的救赎主。请使我们聆听你大有能力的声音。阿们。

†Ps 30 David summarizes his feelings and God’s response in v 5. Sorrowful times in life are sometimes caused by things outside of our control and sometimes by our own sins. Trusting in God’s deliverance, David knows that the sorrow he feels will be replaced with joy as God comforts him. We, too, are confident in God’s promise to comfort us and dry our tears (Rv 7:17). • O God, comfort me with Your presence, and fill me with joy. Amen.
诗篇30篇 大卫在第五节里面总结他的感受和上帝的回应。生命中悲伤的情况有时候是由那些不受我们控制的事情导致,有时候是因为我们自己的罪。大卫信靠上帝的拯救,知道他所感受到的悲伤必会由喜乐取代,因为上帝安慰他。我们也信靠上帝的应许,祂要安慰我们,并且擦干我们的眼泪(启7:17)。上帝啊,请以你的同在安慰我,并且以喜乐充满我。阿们。

†Ps 31 David says that he hates those who trust in worthless idols; he trusts in the Lord (v 6). Too often, we devote our lives to worthless things and despise the things of God. Yet as God delivered David from his sin and enemies, He delivers us as well. Christ paid for our idolatry and indifference. His Spirit gives us the gift of faith so that we trust in the only true God. Now we join David in rejoicing in God’s great salvation. • O triune God, strengthen my faith that I may worship You alone. Amen.
诗篇31篇 大卫说他恨恶那些信靠虚无偶像的人;他却倚靠耶和华(6节)。我们也是常常会将我们的生命放在虚无的事物上面,藐视上帝的事。然而正如上帝拯救大卫脱离他的罪和仇敌一样,祂也同样拯救我们。基督为我们的拜偶像和轻视已经付了代价。祂的灵赐给我们信心的礼物,好叫我们来信靠这位独一真上帝。现在我们与大卫一同在上帝的伟大救赎中欢喜快乐。三一上帝啊,请坚固我的信心,好叫我可以唯独敬拜你。阿们。

†Ps 32 Luth: “The beginning of this psalm teaches two things: first, that all are in sins [no one is righteous] and no one is blessed; second, that no one is capable of meriting the forgiveness of sin, but it is the Lord alone who forgives freely by not imputing [guilt]” (AE 10:147). Ps 32 also shows the physical, mental, and spiritual implications of being silent in sin. God calls us to confess our sins quickly with contrite hearts in order to receive Absolution. Only He can relieve the troubled heart. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1Jn 1:9). • Lord Jesus Christ, grant me the honesty to examine my life according to Your Ten Commandments. Show me my sin, to know and feel it in my heart and disdain it. Most of all, grant forgiveness by Your gracious hand. Amen.
诗篇32篇 路德说:“这首诗的开头教导两件事情:第一,所有人都在罪中[没有一个义人]并且没有人是有福的;第二,没有人能够靠功德赚取罪的赦免,唯独是主耶和华不计算[罪],白白赦免罪”(路德文集10:147)。诗篇32篇也显明了在罪中沉默所引发的身体、精神以及属灵上的症状。上帝呼召我们带着痛悔的心快快承认我们的罪,为的是领受罪的赦免。唯独祂能够释放受煎熬的心。“我们若认自己的罪,神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义”(约一1:9)。主耶稣,请赐我诚实,按照你的十诫省察我的生活。向我显明我的罪,使我可以用心认识并感受到它,进而弃绝它。最重要的是,请藉着你满有恩惠的手赐我赦罪之恩。阿们。

†Ps 33 God’s people are always to put their trust in Him alone and not in arms, generals, national defenses, and so on. Through His Word and Spirit, almighty God grants us faith in His Christ and His steadfast love. Thus, He gives us hope in our hearts and minds and certainty of His salvation in His Son, Jesus Christ. All praise, laud, and worship belong to our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. • O Lord Jesus Christ, through Your precious blood You redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature, and called me to be Your very own. Renew my heart in righteousness and holiness that I may praise and adore You. Amen.
诗篇33篇 上帝的子民总是要将他们的信靠唯独放在祂身上,而不是放在军队,将军,国防等等上面。全能的上帝藉着祂的圣道和圣灵,总是赐给我们信心,来信靠祂的基督和祂不变的慈爱。因此,祂赐给我们在心思意念上的盼望,并且确信祂在祂儿子耶稣基督里面所成就的救恩。所有赞美,欢呼和敬拜都归给我们的上帝,父、子和圣灵。主耶稣基督啊,你曾藉着你的宝血拯救我,这失丧被定罪的受造物,并且呼召我属于你。请在公义和圣洁中更新我的心,好叫我赞美和尊崇你。阿们。

†Ps 34 The Lord turns His countenance of favor toward His children, saves them, and blesses them. The Lord turns His countenance away from the wicked and condemns them to eternal death, though His will is to save all people by grace through faith in Christ. • Dear heavenly Father, blessed are those who hear Your Word and fear You, for they seek Your grace and righteousness. Move us to praise and worship You with joyful hearts because of Your Word, Jesus, that we might inherit life everlasting. Amen.
诗篇34篇 主耶和华将他恩惠的脸庞转向祂的儿女,拯救他们,祝福他们。主耶和华将祂的脸转离那作恶的人,以永恒的死亡谴责他们,尽管祂的旨意是要出于恩典,藉着对基督的信赖拯救所有的人。亲爱的天父,那些聆听你的圣道并且敬畏你的人有福了,因为他们寻求你的恩典和公义。请藉着你的圣道耶稣,感动我们以喜乐的心赞美和敬拜你,好叫我们承受永恒的生命。阿们。

†Ps 35 David appeals to God Almighty as divine warrior and righteous judge. He prays that God will come to his defense and rescue him from those who were once close friends but who now accuse, slander, and condemn him with malice. The Lord forbids that we accuse an innocent person (Eighth Commandment), that he or she might be wrongly punished in body, property, or reputation (cf Pr 22:1). He bids us to err on the side of the Gospel in the case of our neighbor, unless guilt is clear (cf Mt 18:15–18). As we endeavor to treat our neighbors fairly and with mercy, our merciful Lord justifies us according to His righteousness. • O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior of the world, move us, we pray, to shun lies and to speak well of our neighbor. Build a strong bulwark around our name, reputation, and integrity that we might be protected from malicious gossip and deceitful tongues; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
诗篇35篇 大卫呼求全能的上帝作祂神圣的争战者和公义的审判者。他祷告上帝来做他的盾牌,拯救他脱离那些曾是他亲近的朋友,而如今却控告,污蔑,甚至恶毒地谴责他的人。主耶和华禁止我们控告无辜的人(第八诫命),不许他或她在身体,财物或者名誉上受到错误的惩罚(参 箴22:1)。祂吩咐我们在我们邻舍的案件中要向着福音这边倾斜,除非罪证确凿(参 太18:15-18)。我们努力以公平和怜悯待我们的邻舍,我们满有怜悯的主也会按照祂的公义为我们辩护。主耶稣基督,上帝之子,世人的救赎主啊,我们祈求你感动我们远避谎言,使我们说邻舍的好话。在我们的名字,声誉和正直周围建造坚固堡垒,好叫我们得保护,不受流言蜚语和诡诈舌头的伤害;藉着耶稣基督,我们的主。阿们。

†Ps 36 • O heavenly Father, we rely on Your grace and protection in the midst of sin and the wicked works of those who test our faith. Your Word is truth. Do not allow courage to build in the hearts of Your enemies, who despise Your Word and Your Son. Do not let them proudly boast, “Where is your God?” Answer, we pray, those who oppress Your Holy Word. Amen.
诗篇36篇 天父啊,我们在罪和那些挑战我们信心的人所行恶事的风浪中倚靠你的恩典和保护。你的话语就是真理。请不要在你仇敌的心中建立勇气,因为他们藐视你的圣道和你的儿子。不要让他们傲慢自夸说,“你的神在哪里?”我们祈求你对付那些逼迫你圣道的人。阿们。

†Ps 37 This psalm stresses two things: the righteous are blessed of God in due season, and divine punishment will overtake the wicked. Our Lord does not abandon us, His children, to the schemes of the wicked, but on the Last Day He will fulfill our salvation and eternally deliver us from our enemies of sin, death, and the devil. • Heavenly Father, You have begun Your good work in us. Continue, we pray, to fill us with the wisdom and knowledge of Your life-giving Word. Grant that our cross and sufferings may direct our hearts and minds to You, O Christ, our sure and blessed hope. Amen.
诗篇37篇 这首诗强调两样事情:公义的人要定时蒙上帝的祝福,而神圣的刑罚必推翻作恶的人。我们的主不会将我们这些作祂儿女的留给恶人的计谋,祂乃是在末日要完全我们的救赎,并且永远拯救我们脱离我们的仇敌罪,死亡和魔鬼。天父,你已经在我们中间开始你的善工。我们祈求你继续用你赐生命之道的智慧和知识充满我们。恩赐我们,让我们的十字架和苦难引领我们的心思意念朝向你,基督啊,你是我们确实和蒙福的盼望。阿们。

†Ps 38 The Lord chastises His children in order to turn them from temptation and sin and to keep them safe and faithful to Him. Sin that is not confessed becomes a burden on our bodies and souls and causes great despair. The Law as a guide accuses us and shows us our sin (cf Rm 3:20; 7:7). Here we see that God’s divine will is ultimately for our good as believers. “O Lord, my salvation!” (v 22) is the beautiful confession that through the healing balm of the Lord’s mercy, there is deliverance and Absolution. • O Lord God Almighty, we are in Your hands. You pronounce us sinners, and we accept the truth of Your Word. May we be quick to confess our sin. Thank You for leading us to this confession through Your Law and promises. Keep us alive, O blessed and faithful Redeemer, for in You alone do we trust. Amen.
诗篇38篇 主耶和华管教祂的儿女为的是叫他们转离试探和罪,保守他们平安且忠于祂。不悔改的罪能成为我们身体和灵魂的重担,导致巨大的绝望。律法作为向导指控我们,向我们显明我们的罪(参 罗3:20;7:7)。在此我们看见上帝神圣的旨意最终是为了我们信徒的益处。“拯救我的主啊”(22节)是美好的告白:藉着主怜悯医治的膏油,我们得拯救和赦免。全能的主上帝啊,我们是在你的手中。你宣告我们为罪人,我们接受你话语的真理。愿我们快快承认我们的罪。感谢你带领我们藉着你的律法和应许如此告白。当称颂且信实的救赎主啊,请保守我们的生命,因为我们唯独信靠你。阿们。

†Ps 39 Veiled in uncertainty is a flickering faith that puts its hope in God and in His strength and promise to rescue all who call on His name. In the midst of this life of vapors, phantoms, and threats, we often push God away. Despite this, He hears and answers our prayers. For we are His children through His Word and Holy Baptism, and He is our safe harbor and anchor of salvation and protection. • Heavenly Father, what would we be if You forsook us, if You withdrew Your Word and Your hand? Enlighten us with Your Word. Let us walk in the light of Your blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
诗篇39篇 一颗微弱的信心将盼望放在上帝,祂的力量以及祂要拯救所有呼求祂名之人的应许上面,纵使蒙了疑惑的面纱。面对此生的虚幻,泡影以及威胁,我们常常将上帝推到一边。尽管如此,祂聆听且应允我们的祷告。因为我们藉着祂的圣道和圣洗礼已经是祂的儿女,祂是我们的港湾,是我们救恩和护佑的錨。天父,你若离弃我们,你若收回你的圣道和你的手,我们将会是如何的呢?请用你的圣道光照我们。让我们行走在你蒙福的儿子,我们主耶稣基督的光里面。阿们。

†Ps 40 One who has fallen away from God now cries out for His fatherly kindness and mercy. As saint and sinner, we are unable to keep God’s Law perfectly, though He requires that we do so. By the power of His Word and Spirit and by faith, He instills in us a new desire. Our Lord Christ kept the Law perfectly and died on our behalf that we might live with Him in His kingdom. • O my Lord, help me, that by Your grace I might learn Your Commandments more completely each day. Preserve me, I earnestly pray, that by Your Holy Spirit I will never become ungrateful and seek after the world’s vanity or other gods, but cling truly and solely to You, dear God and Father. Amen.
诗篇40篇 一个曾经远离上帝的人如今呼求上帝慈父般的良善和怜悯。作为圣徒和罪人,我们不能完全遵行上帝的律法,尽管祂要求我们如此行。藉着祂圣道和圣灵的权能,靠赖信心,祂在我们里面注入新的渴望。我们的主基督曾为我们完全遵守律法并且死去,为的是叫我们可以在祂的国度中与祂活在一起。我的主啊,帮助我,使我靠赖你的恩典每日更深地学习你的诫命。我诚挚地祈祷,保守我,使我靠赖你的圣灵,永不会变得不知感恩,去追逐世界的虚荣或其它的神,却真正唯独倚靠你,亲爱的天父上帝。阿们。

†Ps 41 Two experiences afflict David: he is sick, and he suffers at the hands of enemies (traitors) who want his throne and his life. The Lord allows suffering in our lives, that our sins might be punished in the temporal sense, though we often cannot tell why we are suffering. Whatever the case, repent of your sins and pray for the Lord’s mercy and guidance according to His Word. The Lord is gracious and merciful toward His precious children. Though His discipline may never seem to end, we know His love and mercy still abound for us. • Dear Father, thank You for Your infinite love and goodness toward us, Your dear children. Even when we are disciplined, we know You love us. Keep us in Your Word, in faith and in prayer. Amen.
诗篇41篇 两样经历使大卫受苦:他生病了,并且他在那些觊觎他的王位以及他性命的仇敌(叛徒)手中受苦。主允许我们的生命中有苦难,叫我们的罪得到现世的报应,尽管我们常常不清楚自己为何受苦。无论是什么情况,要为着你的罪悔改并且按照祂的话语祈求主的怜悯和引领。主向祂宝贵的儿女施恩惠,发怜悯。尽管祂的管教可能看起来从未停息,然而我们知道祂的慈爱和怜悯仍丰富地为我们存留。亲爱的天父,感谢你向我们,这些属你的亲爱儿女显明你无限的爱和良善。既使在我们受管教的时候,我们知道你仍爱我们。请保守我们在你的圣道中,在信心和祈祷中。阿们。

†Ps 42 The psalmist experiences despair at the seeming victory of the godless and his separation from God’s merciful presence at the temple. We, too, should desire God’s presence, hear His Word in public worship, and receive the salvation that He gives in the Word. In the midst of our suffering and troubles, and against all appearances to the contrary, our Lord Jesus is our Savior and dwells among us in preaching and Communion to save us. • O living God, I thirst for Your mercy. Answer my prayer, for You are my salvation. Amen.
诗篇42篇 诗人看见不敬畏神之人似乎很光鲜的得胜,以及他与上帝在圣殿中怜悯同在的隔绝,就感到绝望。我们也应当渴想上帝的同在,在公共敬拜中聆听祂的话语,领受祂在圣道中赐下的救恩。面对我们的苦难和忧愁,以及所有逆境,我们的主耶稣仍是我们的救赎主,祂以宣道和圣餐礼居住在我们中间,拯救我们。永活的上帝啊,我渴望你的怜悯。请应允我的祈祷,因为你是我的拯救。阿们。

†Ps 43 The psalmist desires vindication for the cause of his sufferings. He asks God for the light and truth that come from His dwelling so that he might return to His sanctuary in joyful worship. In an ungodly world, you, too, are assailed by sin, death, and the devil. Yet God will comfort you by His life-sustaining Word. • Lead me to Your dwelling, O God, my God, and open my mouth with Your praise and song. Amen.
诗篇43篇 诗人寻求他受苦的缘由,要寻得清白。祂祈求上帝从祂的居所赐下亮光和真理,好叫他能够在喜乐的敬拜中归回上帝的圣所。在这个不敬虔的世界中,你也会受到罪,死亡和魔鬼的搅扰。然而上帝必会藉着祂供应生命的话语安慰你。上帝,我的上帝啊,请引导我去到你的居所,使我的口赞美颂扬你。阿们。

†Ps 44 The psalmist recounts God’s past faithfulness but complains that God is now against His people, letting them suffer defeat despite their faithfulness to Him. They petition Him to help them once more. As we undergo affliction, we are tempted to believe that God has deserted us or is unfairly punishing us. God is always “for you” despite everything you see, feel, or think to the contrary. God is not sleeping but helps, redeems, and loves—indeed, “He . . . did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all” (Rm 8:32). • Awake, O Lord, and come to our side. Amen.
诗篇44篇 诗人重述上帝过去的信实,但却抱怨说,如今上帝对付祂的子民,尽管他们信实于上帝,然而上帝让他们遭受失败。他们呼求上帝再一次帮助他们。当我们承受苦难的时候,我们会受到试探,以为上帝遗弃了我们,或者不公地惩罚我们。尽管你看到,感受到或者想到的一切都是悲观的,然而上帝总是“为了你”。上帝不打盹,却要帮助,拯救,发慈爱—确实,“祂…不爱惜自己的儿子,为我们众人舍了”(罗8:32)。主啊,求你兴起,来作我的护卫。阿们。

†Ps 45 The psalmist uses a royal wedding to portray our King, who is God, and the fulfillment of His kingdom in His Son. The grand picture of this King and this marriage—illustrating Christ and His Bride, the Church—stands in contrast to the hard realities of suffering and death that we continue to see in the Church and endure in life. Behind the weak appearances of our life in the Church, Jesus Christ forgives, cleanses, and nourishes us by the baptismal washing and holy food He gives for His Bride (Eph 5:26, 29). • Though our lives are yet hidden with Christ in God, Your throne and reign, O God, are forever and ever. Amen.
诗篇45篇 诗人使用王宫婚礼来描述我们的大君王上帝,以及祂的国度在祂儿子里面的成就。这位君王和这场婚姻的壮阔场面—彰显了基督和祂的新娘,教会—正相对于我们仍在教会中看见并且在此生中所承受的苦难和死亡的残酷现实。在教会中,我们生命的软弱外表背后,基督耶稣藉着圣洗礼的水以及祂赐给新娘的圣餐赦免,洁净和喂养我们。上帝啊,尽管我们的生命仍与基督隐藏在上帝里面,然而你的宝座和国权是永永远远的。阿们。

†Ps 46 The almighty and Most High God controls nature, safeguards His chosen city against attacking foes, and stands over all nations at war. He is our sure fortress. In mercy, He makes Himself accessible and is, therefore, “God with us.” We as individuals, and as the Church, experience many troubles in this life on account of the devil, the world, and our own sinful nature. Yet amid every crisis of body or soul, God is with us in His Son so that we may face every upheaval. • O Lord, make us to know You as our refuge and strength, our very present help in every trouble. Amen.
诗篇46篇 至高全能的上帝掌管着自然,保护祂所拣选的城对付正在进攻的仇敌,并且对付争战的万邦。祂是我们确实的山寨。出于怜悯,祂将祂自己赐下,也因此是“与我们同在的神”。由于魔鬼,世界以及我们自己的罪性,我们作为个人或是作为教会,在此生要经历许多苦难。然而在身体或灵魂的每一个危机面前,上帝在祂的儿子里面与我们同在,好叫我们可以直面每一次动荡。主啊,使我们知道你是我们的避难所和力量,各样困难中随时的帮助。阿们。

†Ps 47 All nations are called to praise God for what He has done for and in Israel. Israel is called to praise Him as their great King, demonstrating His universal rule and salvation. God’s promised salvation is for all nations and has been carried out in time and history by His Son, who became man precisely to be “lifted up” on the cross and so “draw all people” to Himself (Jn 12:32). • Sing praises to our God, for He is the King of all the earth, which He has saved through His Son. Amen.
诗篇47篇 万国被呼召要赞美上帝,为着祂在以色列中间并且为以色列所做的事。以色列蒙召要赞美祂,他们的大君王,彰显上帝对全地的治理和救恩。上帝所应许的救恩是给万国万民的,并且藉着祂的儿子已经在时间和历史中不断成就,祂的儿子成为人,正是要被“举起”在十字架上并因此“吸引万人”来归向祂(约12:32)。要歌颂我们的上帝,因为祂是全地的大君王,祂已经藉着祂的儿子拯救全地。阿们。

†Ps 48 The Lord of heaven and earth makes His abode with humankind, where He is a strong fortress that shatters every enemy. He is, therefore, worthy of all praise, and we rightly “tell the next generation” (v 13) what He has done. What Mount Zion and temple worship were for ancient Israel, Christ’s Church at worship is for us—the place where God mercifully dwells to save by His Word. • May we consider well Your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of Your temple. Amen.
诗篇48篇 天地的主使祂自己与人同居,祂是坚固的避难所,击退所有仇敌。祂也因此配得所有颂赞,我们当将祂所做的“传说到后代”(13节)。锡安山和圣殿崇拜对于古时的以色列,基督教会的敬拜对于我们,都是上帝满有怜悯地居住并藉着祂的话语施行拯救的地方。上帝啊,愿我们在你的圣殿中仔细思想你丰盛的慈爱。阿们。

†Ps 49 Wealth and earthly goods cannot buy off death. Those who foolishly rely on them find a very different end than those whose fortune and trust is in the Lord. In a culture saturated with great personal and national prosperity, our own relative wealth and advantage easily become false “gods” to which we look for all good things. Neither the god of money nor any person can pay the ransom price for sin or overcome death. Christ alone has done this for us by His death and resurrection. • Thanks be to God, who has ransomed my soul from the power of the grave and made me rich in blessings. Amen.
诗篇49篇 财富和属世的物资不能付价银给死亡。那些愚昧地依靠财富和物质的人,与那些将命运和信靠放在主耶和华身上的人相比,会有一个完全不同的结局。活在一个由个人和国家繁荣昌盛所充斥的文化里面,我们自己相应的财富和优势会很容易成为我们从其中期许所有良善之事的假“神”。无论是金钱这个假神或是任何人都不能为罪付上赎价,也不能胜过死亡。唯独基督藉着祂的死亡和复活成就了此事。感谢归给上帝,祂救赎我的灵魂脱离坟墓的权势,使我得祝福丰丰富富。阿们。

†Ps 50 God comes as a judge to reprimand His people for the unbelief that hides behind careless ritualism and hypocritical religiosity. We mask our sin by hiding behind false piety, or merely “going through the motions” of Christian worship (confessing, hearing, communing), ignoring the deadly seriousness of sin. Sin is not magically waved away; true repentance turns away from sin as the horror and poison that it is, and clings to the perfect, once for all sacrifice of God’s Son dying on the cross. • O Lord, we receive Jesus and all the benefits of His sacrifice in Word and Sacrament. We praise and glorify You for this great salvation! Amen.
诗篇50篇 上帝作为审判者谴责祂百姓的不信,他们的不信隐藏在粗心的宗教仪式以及假冒为善的宗教敬虔背后。我们逃避到虚假的敬虔里面来掩饰我们的罪,或者仅仅对基督徒的敬拜“走过场”(认罪,听道,领餐),还有无视罪致命的严肃性。罪不会自己变戏法式地消失掉;真正的悔改是转离那原本恐怖且有毒的罪,并且依附上帝的儿子在十字架上完全且一次献上的赎罪祭。主啊,我们在圣道和圣礼中领受基督和祂的赎罪所成就的全部福祉。为着这伟大的救恩,我们荣耀赞美你!阿们。

†Ps 51 This anguished cry of confession from the depths of guilt finds God’s absolution and renewal on the certain footing of grace alone (sola gratia). Sin is an inheritance, born in us, ever damaging us. None of our works can ever set us free from terror, despair, or death. However, God has blotted out even the worst of our sins—adultery and murder—by Jesus’ sacrifice. • Holy Spirit, create me new again, giving joy for sadness. Have mercy on me, O God, and cleanse me from my sin. Amen.
诗篇51篇 这一出自罪咎深处的悲痛的认罪呼求得了上帝的宣赦和更新,是唯独靠赖恩典的确实根基(唯独恩典)。罪是传承来的,生在我们里面,一直伤害着我们。我们没有任何功德可以将我们从恐惧,绝望或死亡中释放出来。然而,上帝甚至已经涂抹我们最糟糕的罪—奸淫和谋杀—是靠赖耶稣的赎罪祭。圣灵,请再次重塑我,恩赐喜乐来代替忧伤。上帝啊,怜悯我,洁净我的罪。阿们。

†Ps 52 Confident prayer remembers God’s promises, and it trusts and waits on God’s justice and love. In an unbelieving world, the wicked attack what is good, boast, and even thrive in their evil. Does God care? Yes! God has overruled the way of the wicked by sending His own Son to suffer and even die at the hand of evil people so that, by His death and resurrection, He might comfort us by His enduring love. • I will thank You forever because You have done it! I will wait upon Your good name. Amen.
诗篇52篇 出于信心的祈祷纪念上帝的应许,并且信靠和等候上帝的公义和慈爱。在一个不信的世界中,恶人会攻击良善的,并且自高自大,甚至在他们的恶中兴盛。上帝在乎吗?是的!上帝差遣祂自己的儿子来受苦,甚至死在恶人的手中,以此胜过恶人的道路,为的是藉着祂的死亡和复活,来以祂恒久的爱安慰我们。我必要永远感谢你,因为你已经将之成就了!我要等候你的美名。阿们。

†Ps 53 When evil fools encamp against God’s people, He saves and restores them. We are all foolishly corrupt, doing iniquity and not good. We do not understand or seek after God where He gives Himself. We all fall away from Him. The salvation that comes for us out of Zion is Jesus, who took our foolishness—our iniquity and corruption, our sin and death—and saved us by the seeming foolishness of His cross (1Co 1:18–25). • Though we have all alike become corrupt, O God, send Your salvation and restore our fortunes in Christ. Amen.
诗篇53篇 当愚顽的恶人聚集攻击上帝百姓的时候,祂就拯救复兴他们。我们都是愚顽败坏的人,做恶事,并不行善。我们不在上帝启示祂自己的地方认识或者寻求祂。我们全都从祂那里堕落。为我们从锡安出来的救恩就是耶稣,祂背负我们的愚顽—我们的罪愆和败坏,我们的罪和死亡—然后藉着祂看起来愚昧的十字架拯救我们(林前1:18-25)。上帝啊,尽管我们也是那样的败坏,请在基督里差遣你的拯救,复兴我们的命运。阿们。

†Ps 54 The psalmist prays for deliverance amidst persecution by family and even strangers! He is confident that God will help as He always has. In times of sudden testing and unexpected trouble, we easily become disillusioned and wonder if God has abandoned us. However, in every trouble, God is our sure helper. The deliverance He provides in Christ, who Himself knew persecution unto death, makes us triumphant despite every appearance to the contrary. • God, thank You for being my helper, the upholder of my life. Amen.
诗篇54篇 诗人面对亲人,甚至还有陌生人的逼迫祈求拯救!他相信上帝必会帮助,就像从前祂一直所做的那样。面对突然临到的试验和未预料到的困难,我们很容易变得灰心丧志,怀疑上帝是否已经遗弃了我们。然而,在一切患难中,上帝是我们确实的帮助。基督连死亡的逼迫都知晓,神在祂里面赐下拯救,帮助我们得胜,无论外部环境看起来是多么的糟糕。上帝,感谢你作我的帮助,你是我生命的供应者。阿们。

†Ps 55 The author finds himself in a town full of wickedness and violence, betrayed by a trusted friend and colleague, with no one to help except God. He turns to the Lord in prayer, entrusting his life to God’s hand with confidence. When troubles press hard, we may find it easy to give in to our feelings and give up on God. The psalmist’s steadfastness challenges us to trust in God’s mercy. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, faced a city full of violence and plots against His life. Betrayed by Judas, He endured the cross, where He turned to the Father with confidence and gave His life as the ransom price for ours. • Lord, inscribe and keep Your promises in my heart. Hold me firm in faith and confidence, even if terror and distress befall me. In Christ, I am unafraid, and I look to You for help, for I know You will come and rescue me. Amen. (See AE 24:16.)
诗篇55篇 作者发现自己居住在一个满是邪恶和暴力的城中,曾经靠得住的朋友和同伴背叛了他,并且除了上帝之外无人搭救。他在祈祷中转向主耶和华,凭着信心将他的性命交托在上帝的手中。当困难排山倒海袭来的时候,我们多么容易会屈从于我们的感觉,并且转离上帝。诗人的坚定也挑战我们要信靠上帝的怜悯。我们的主耶稣基督,祂是那独一公义的,曾面对一座充满强暴并计算要祂性命的城。祂被犹大出卖,承受十字架之苦,在十字架上,祂带着信心转向天父,将自己的性命舍了,作我们的赎价。上主,请在我心中刻下你的应许,并且保守它。既使恐惧磨难临到我身,你仍将我稳健在信心和倚靠当中。在基督里,我不惧怕,并且我仰望你寻求帮助,因为我知道你必会来拯救我。阿们。(参路德文集24:16)

†Ps 56 Even in the midst of danger, David rejoices in God’s love and His certain deliverance from death. When we face trials, we may be tempted to worry about our own welfare or feel like giving up in hopelessness. Instead, we can remember that our problems are nothing new and that God is able to help in every situation. Through these experiences, He strengthens our faith and draws us closer to Jesus Christ, our Savior. • Father, by Your Spirit, help us walk before You in faith, joy, and humble obedience. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
诗篇56篇 既使是在危险之中,大卫仍以上帝的慈爱和祂确实要拯救脱离死亡而欢喜快乐。当我们面对试炼的时候,我们也会受试探去为我们自己的处境忧虑,或者感觉要在无望中放弃。然而,我们要记得我们的困难并不是新的,上帝有能力在各样境况中提供帮助。藉着这些经历,祂坚固我们的信心,使我们更进一步引向耶稣基督,我们的救赎主。天父,请藉着你的圣灵,帮助我们于信心,喜乐和谦卑的顺服中行走在你面前。奉耶稣的名我们祷告。阿们。

†Ps 57 David turns to God for help. Chased by Saul, his king and father-in-law, David flees for his life and hides in a cave to avoid discovery. He confidently asks God for deliverance and praises God for rescuing him even before it happens (cf 2Sm 22). We often pray with uncertainty and hesitation, doubting God’s love and interest in our lives. Trusting in Jesus, we have confidence that God listens to us as a loving father listens to his beloved children. • Exalted Savior, make my heart steadfast in faith and prayer. Amen.
诗篇57篇 大卫转向上帝寻求帮助。受到他的王,也是他岳父扫罗的追杀,大卫为了自己的性命逃跑,隐藏在一处洞穴里面以免被发现。他带着信心求上帝拯救,甚至在事情还没有成就之前就赞美上帝对他的拯救(参 撒下22章)。我们常常带着不确定和迟疑祷告,怀疑上帝在我们生命中的慈爱和关切。我们信靠耶稣,自信上帝聆听我们的祈祷,就像一位慈爱的父亲聆听他所爱的儿女那样。崇高的救赎主啊,请使我的心稳健在信靠和祈祷之中。阿们。

†Ps 58 David challenges the leaders of the people (judges and rulers) by condemning the unjust and dishonest. When you find yourself in a position of power over someone, treat that person as one precious to God, purchased by the blood of Christ. Jesus suffered unjustly before the Jewish Council (the Sanhedrin) and the Roman governor. The plans of both sets of judges came to nothing; ultimate justice was served on the cross (condemnation of sin) and at the empty tomb (public vindication of Jesus as our Savior). • Heavenly Father, lead us to do the right thing, even when it seems no one notices. Lead us to live for You and remember that You set all things right in the end. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
诗篇58篇 大卫指责百姓的领袖(士师和官长),谴责他们的不公和诡诈。当你自己处在高位管理一个人的时候,你要待他如上帝看其为宝贵的,是由基督的宝血所赎买的。耶稣在犹太人的会议(公会)和罗马官长面前无辜受苦。然而这两边审判者的计划都落了空;最终公义成就在十字架上(对罪的谴责)和空坟墓(耶稣作为我们救赎主公开的称义辩护)里面。天父,请带领我们行正确的事,既使在没有人注意的时候。带领我们为你活着,记得你最终会纠正一切的事。奉耶稣的名我们祷告。阿们。

†Ps 59 When surrounded by enemies (or difficult circumstances), we turn to God in confidence and trust. Whatever He wills for us is best, even if we don’t understand it at the time. The world and all that is in it is passing away. Empires come and go. Only God and His promise of salvation in Jesus Christ stand firm, stand fast, and stand forever. • O mighty Fortress, our trusty Shield and Weapon, deliver us from the snaps and snarls of the wicked. Trap them with Your Law and turn their hearts by Your Gospel. Let Your people know peace amid strife. Amen.
诗篇59篇 当我们受到仇敌(或苦难境况)围堵的时候,要在信心和信靠中转向上帝。既使当时我们不理解,但上帝为我们计划的一切都是最好的。世界及其上的万物都会过去。帝国更替频繁。唯有上帝和祂在耶稣基督里救赎的应许是屹立坚固,永不动摇的。坚固的保障啊,我们可依靠的盾牌和武器,请拯救我们脱离恶人的咆哮和霹雳。用你的律法捆锁他们,然后以你的福音使他们的心回转。让你的百姓在纷争中知晓平安。阿们。

†Ps 60 God disciplines those He loves, and He tests His people to build their faith and strengthen the relationship of grace. Whether you experience victory or defeat, persist in prayer and service to your Lord. In His care, you “shall do valiantly” (v 12). • When we face defeat, O Lord, keep our eyes on Your promises. When we experience loss, keep our hearts filled with Your peace. When we don’t understand Your plan for us, keep the cross of Christ always before us—the depth and breadth and height of Your love for us. Amen.
诗篇60篇 上帝管教那些祂所爱的人,祂试验祂的子民,为的是建造他们的信心,坚固恩典中的关系。无论你经历得胜或是失败,都要在祷告和对主的服事上持之以恒。在祂的看顾下,你“才得施展大能”(12节)。主啊,当我们面对失败的时候,请使我们的眼睛盯在你的应许上。当我们经历失丧的时候,请保守我们的心充满你的平安。当我们不能理解你对我们的计划的时候,请总是将基督的十字架显在我们面前—基督的十字架是你爱我们的深度,广度和高度。阿们。

†Ps 61 David turns once more to God for help in time of need, asking God to restore him to his throne in Jerusalem and bless him in the years and generations ahead. God often uses difficult times to strengthen our faith and redefine our priorities. If we have drifted away from the Lord, He can use a reversal of fortune in our earthly circumstance to make us aware of our precarious spiritual situation and bring us back to Him. David’s prayer that the King would reign forever (v 7) is ultimately fulfilled in Christ Jesus, who embodies God’s steadfast love and faithfulness forever. • O God, let me take refuge under the shelter of Your wings. Amen.
诗篇61篇 大卫在困境中再一次转向上帝寻求帮助,祈祷上帝使他重新得到耶路撒冷的宝座,并且祝福他将来的年岁和世代。上帝常常使用困境坚固我们的信心,并且重新定义我们生命中的首要事务。如果我们偏离主,那么祂能使用我们属世境况里面命运的逆转来使我们认识到我们危险的属灵境况,进而把我们带回到祂身边。大卫祷告君王的宝座要持续到永恒(7节),这最终在基督耶稣里面成就了,祂永远持定上帝不变的爱和信实。上帝啊,请使我在你翅膀的荫下寻求避难。阿们。

†Ps 62 Wealth deceives people by promising happiness. In the end, wealth, power, and fame turn out to be lies because they do not deliver what they seem to promise. Even when our lives fall apart, our center and foundation hold firm: Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rm 8:38–39). • “The Church’s one foundation Is Jesus Christ, her Lord; She is His new creation By water and the Word. From heav’n He came and sought her To be His holy bride; With His own blood He bought her, And for her life He died.” Amen. (LSB 644:1)
诗篇62篇 财富应许幸福,藉此欺骗人。最后,财富,权势和名誉都显出虚谎,因为它们不能成就表面上所承诺的东西。既使我们的生活变得破碎不堪,然而我们仍然牢牢守着我们的中心和根基:即,没有什么能将我们与上帝在我们主基督耶稣里的爱隔绝(罗8:38-39)。“教会的唯一根基是耶稣基督,她的主;教会是基督藉着水和圣道的新创造。祂从天上来,建立教会做祂的新娘;用祂自己的血,将她赎买,并且为她舍命。”阿们。(LSB644:1)

†Ps 63 On the run, cut off from God’s tabernacle and the capital city, Jerusalem, David turns to God in prayer and praise for His love and salvation. When we are in the “wilderness” and God seems distant, we may find ourselves tempted to focus on our troubles rather than turning to God in faith and confidence. David shows us the way to handle disaster and doubt: meditate on the Lord in prayer and thanksgiving (cf Php 4:4–7). Faith looks beyond the circumstances to the cross of Christ and sees God’s love, holding fast to His promises to His children. • “My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me” (v 8). Amen.
诗篇63篇 在逃亡的路上,与上帝的帐幕和圣城耶稣撒冷隔绝,大卫在祷告中转向上帝,赞美祂的慈爱和救恩。当我们在“旷野”中,并且上帝看起来离我们很远的时候,我们可能发现我们自己会受试探,去专注在我们的苦难上,而不是以信心和依靠转向上帝。大卫向我们显明那条面对灾难和疑惑的路:在祷告和感谢中默想主耶和华(参 腓4:4-7)。信心在处境之外眺望基督的十字架并且瞻仰上帝的慈爱,仅仅抓住祂对自己儿女的应许。“我心紧紧地跟随你,你的右手扶持我”(8节)。阿们。

†Ps 64 The psalmist’s enemies conspire against him and seek his destruction, but he turns to the Lord in prayer and receives deliverance. When false rumors fly and your reputation suffers, seek divine justice. Turn to the Lord and put the situation in His hands. Do not try to “get even,” but leave the outcome to God. Jesus also endured all kinds of plots against His life and slander during His ministry (Mk 15, especially vv 29–32). He knows how to justify you. • Lord, I exult in You, my refuge. Amen.
诗篇64篇 诗人的仇敌合谋对付他,要寻求他的毁灭,但他在祈祷中转向主并且得了拯救。当虚假的谣言流传,使你的声誉受损的时候,要寻求上帝的公正。转向主耶和华,将你的处境交托在祂的手中。不要试图“报复,”而是要将结果留给上帝。耶稣在祂的事工中也经受了各样对付祂性命的密谋和中伤(可15章,特别是29-32节)。祂知道如何为你辩护。主,你是我的避难所,我要在你里面抬起头来。阿们。

†Ps 65 David praises God for the forgiveness of sins, peace in the world, and prosperity in the land—a straightforward song of praise to God for His awesome grace. We have nothing except what God gives us, and the appropriate response to such amazing generosity, both spiritual and physical, is praise. David begins the list of gifts with the most important, the forgiveness of sins and the gift of faith. • “Blessed is the one You choose and bring near,” O Lord! (v 4) Amen.
诗篇65篇 大卫因着罪的赦免,世上的和平和土地的肥美赞美上帝—这是一首因着上帝奇妙的恩典对上帝直率的赞美诗。除了上帝给我们的东西以外,我们什么都没有,对这样包括属灵和物质上的奇妙恩宠的合理回应就是赞美。大卫在歌颂主恩的时候,将那最重要的,就是罪的赦免和信心礼物放在首位。“你所拣选,使他亲近你的,这人便为有福”(4节)阿们。

†Ps 66 The Lord’s deeds of salvation, culminating in the ministry of Christ, assure His people that He will make all things, even hardships, work out for their ultimate good (Rm 8:28–29). Hardships may tempt us to abandon the faith, yet knowing that the Lord uses hardship to test our faith will strengthen us to hold on to our faith. • Bless You Lord, for Your saving deeds and promises. Amen.
诗篇66篇 主耶和华拯救的作为,在基督的事工中达至顶峰,这使祂的百姓确信,祂必会使万事,包括困难,来为着他们最终的益处服务(罗8:28-29)。困难可能会试探我们放弃信仰,然而知晓主耶和华使用困难来试验我们的信心,这会坚固我们牢牢抓住我们的信仰。主啊,我要称颂你,因着你拯救的作为和应许。阿们。

†Ps 67 There is only one way of salvation, which Israel’s God provided in the work of His Son, Jesus Christ. Thus, we believe in God’s salvation through Christ and proclaim it to all the world. • “Thine over all shall be the praise And thanks of ev’ry nation; And all the world with joy shall raise The voice of exultation.” Amen. (LSB 823:2)
诗篇67篇 救恩的路只有一条,那就是以色列的上帝在祂儿子耶稣基督的作为里面赐下的。因此,我们信靠上帝藉着基督赐下的救恩,并且向全地宣扬它。“万国的颂赞和感谢都当属于你;全地当以欢乐高声歌唱。”阿们。(LSB823:2)

†Ps 68 In His sanctuary, God provides His salvation. Without this sanctuary, there is only judgment. Thus, we turn to the Lord and His Word in faith, and we give Him praise. • Summon Your power, O God, by which You have worked among us. Amen.
诗篇68篇 上帝在祂的圣所将救恩赐下。若没有这个圣所,所剩的只有审判。因此,我们当以信心转向主和祂的话语,并且我们将赞美献给祂。上帝啊,要招聚你的能力,就是你曾在我们中间施行作为的。阿们。

†Ps 69 Though afflicted, we still confess our sins before God. We also turn to Him in faith for deliverance from those who persecute us, asking for His strength and deliverance, lest we fail to remain faithful to Him. • Save me, O God! I will praise the name of God with a song. Amen.
诗篇69篇 尽管受难,我们仍在上帝面前坦承我们的罪。我们也在信心中转向祂寻求拯救,脱离那些逼迫我们的人,祈求祂的力量和救赎免得我们对祂失去信心。上帝啊,救我!我要歌唱赞美上帝的名。阿们。

†Ps 70 With the psalmist, we acknowledge our spiritual poverty before God. Part of that acknowledgment is being watchful, lest through pride or faithlessness we ourselves turn away from Him. We seek God in His Word and Sacraments; He remembers us by forgiving our sins (Mt 26:28; 1Co 11:25). In this way, He will provide deliverance—if not in this life, then certainly in the life to come. • “Make haste, O God, to deliver me!” (v 1). You are great in Your forgiveness. Amen.
诗篇70篇 与诗人一起,我们在上帝面前承认我们属灵上的贫穷。这认识的一部分是时刻警醒,免得我们自己因着傲慢或不信而远离祂。我们在上帝的圣道和圣礼中寻求祂;祂记得我们并赦免我们的罪(太26:28;林前11:25)。祂必用这种方式赐下拯救—若不是在此生,那么确实无疑必会在将来的生命中。“神啊,求你快快搭救我!”(1节)。你有丰富的赦罪之恩。阿们。

†Ps 71 Truths of the faith learned in childhood are of no advantage if they are forsaken later in life. The Lord is faithful in His righteous, saving deeds. They are always the source of our eternal life. Let us cling to these in faith and faithfully give witness and praise. • “My mouth will tell of Your righteous acts” (v 15). “I will remind them of Your righteousness, Yours alone” (v 16). Amen.
诗篇71篇 在年幼之时所学的信仰真理,如果后来遭遗弃,那么就不再有什么用处。主耶和华在祂公义和拯救的作为上是信实的。这些总是我们永恒生命的源泉。让我们以信心紧紧抓住这些,并且信实地见证和赞美。“我的口终日要述说你的公义”(15节)。“我单要提说你的公义”(16节)。

†Ps 72 The psalmist realizes that even the best of the Davidic kings fell short of the ideal. So we also often fail to live as we should. Yet our hope is in David’s Son and Lord, Jesus Christ, who has brought us eternal salvation. • “Hail to the Lord’s anointed, Great David’s greater Son! Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free, To take away transgression And rule in equity.” Amen. (LSB 398:1)
诗篇72篇 诗人意识到大卫王朝中最棒的也不及理想的状况。因此我们也常常没能按照我们应当行的方式生活。然而我们的盼望是在大卫的儿子,主耶稣基督里面,祂已经带给我们永恒的救恩。“赞美主耶和华的受膏者,那位比大卫王更伟大的儿子!当欢呼,因为在定好的时间,祂在地上的掌权已开始!祂来打破压迫,使被掳的得释放,挪去罪孽并且以公正掌权。”(LSB398:1)

†Ps 73 Being troubled by doubt and envy does not mean that we have lost our faith. We are called to struggle against doubt and envy. We find strength to do so in the certainty of the final outcome of God’s promises. • Lord, forgive me for the times I have been envious and ungrateful, and strengthen me to believe Your promises and to seek Your eternal kingdom. Amen.
诗篇73篇 受到疑惑和嫉妒的困扰并不意味着我们已经失去了我们的信心。我们蒙召是要与疑惑和嫉妒作斗争。我们在上帝应许的最终结果的确据中得着战斗的力量。主,赦免我嫉妒和不感恩的时刻,并且坚固我去信靠你的应许,寻求你永恒的国度。阿们。

†Ps 74 When calamity strikes, we ought to see God calling us to repentance in it (Lk 13:1–5). In repentance, we flee to God for mercy, not because of anything in us but by what He Himself has done for our redemption. • You, O Lord, are my Redeemer; deliver my life. Amen.
诗篇74篇 当患难来袭的时候,我们应当看到上帝在其中呼召我们悔改(路13:1-5)。在悔改中,我们逃向上帝寻求怜悯,不是基于我们里面有什么,乃是基于祂自己已经为着我们的救赎所成就的。主啊,你是我的拯救;请救赎我的性命。阿们。

†Ps 75 God judges the wicked and delivers the believer according to His timetable, not ours. His seeming delay in this should not cause us to lose heart but to continue in repentance and faith. As He has fulfilled all His promises in the past, so He will act in both judgment and salvation. • We give thanks to You, O God, and recount Your wondrous deeds. Amen.
诗篇75篇 上帝审判恶人,拯救信靠祂的人,这是按照祂的时间表,不是我们的。祂在此事上看起来的迟延,不应该使我们灰心,却要使我们在悔改和信心中持续。正如祂已经在过去成就了祂全部的应许一样,祂也因此必会在审判和救赎中作工。上帝啊,我们感谢你,并且宣扬你奇妙的作为。阿们。

†Ps 76 God is majestic in both judgment and salvation. We must tremble in fear before His judgment over our sins. Yet we also trust in and rejoice in His mighty deeds for our salvation, by which He has delivered us from those who would seek our eternal, spiritual harm (Col 2:15). • Glorious are You, O God, when You judge and when You save. Amen.
诗篇76篇 上帝在审判和救赎之事上都是宏伟的。我们要在祂对我们罪的审判面前恐惧战兢。然而我们也可信靠祂为着我们的救恩所行的大事,并且以此欢喜快乐,祂已经藉着这些伟大的工作拯救我们脱离那些谋求要给我们带来永恒属灵伤害的人(西2:15)。上帝啊,当你审判和拯救的时候,你都是满有荣光。阿们。

†Ps 77 Even strong believers and spiritual leaders among God’s people may find themselves troubled by times of weakness in their faith. But God’s powerful Word strengthens us. As we focus on the Gospel, the message of God’s mighty deeds for our redemption, He will strengthen our faith. • Lord, “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mk 9:24). Amen.
诗篇77篇 既使上帝百姓中间坚强的信徒和属灵领袖有时也会发现他们受到自己信心软弱的困扰。但上帝有能力的话语坚固我们。当我们专注在福音,就是上帝为着我们的救赎而行了大事的好消息上的时候,祂必会坚固我们的信心。主,“我信!但我信不足,求主帮助!”(可9:24)。阿们。

†Ps 78 God’s dealings with Israel of old point to His acts toward us today. Israel’s history teaches us to see and to repent of our own lack of faith. Also, God’s saving deeds in Israel’s history, especially in His acts toward and through David, point us to what Christ has done so that we may have God’s ongoing forgiveness and salvation. • “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He has . . . raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant David” (Lk 1:68–69). Amen.
诗篇78篇 上帝与古时以色列的来往也指向祂在今天为我们所行的事。以色列的历史教导我们要看见我们自己信心的缺乏并且要为之悔改。还有,上帝在以色列历史当中的拯救作为,特别是在祂向大卫所行的以及藉着大卫所行的事,将我们引向基督已经所做的,好叫我们拥有上帝持续的赦免和救恩。“主以色列的神是应当称颂的!因他…在他仆人大卫家中,为我们兴起了拯救的角, ”(路1:68-69)。阿们。

†Ps 79 Originally written as a lament over Babylon’s destruction of Israel, this psalm remains applicable to all Christians who suffer hardship and struggle at the hands of unbelievers. Christians throughout the world become the taunt of the unbelievers around them, as they are either explicitly derided or condescendingly treated because of their faith and trust in God. This psalm is well-prayed by such sufferers, as it assures us that God is reliable and His deliverance is trustworthy. • Give me steadfastness and strength, O Lord, to wait upon You in every difficulty and trial. Amen.
诗篇79篇 这首诗起初写下来是哀悼巴比伦对以色列的毁灭,然而对所有在不信之人的手中受苦和挣扎的基督徒来说也是适用的。世界各个地方的基督徒是他们身边不信之人奚落的对象,因着他们对上帝的信心和依靠,要么明摆着受嘲笑,要么受到卑贱的对待。这样受苦的人可以将这首诗作为恰当的祷文,因为它使我们确信:上帝是可倚赖的,并且祂的拯救是可信靠的。主啊,请赐我坚韧和力量,在各样困难和试炼中等候你。阿们。

†Ps 80 This psalm begs God to restore His people after their fall before foreign armies. The psalmist recognizes that God’s acts of salvation in the past speak assurances for His salvation in the future. Israel repeatedly turned away from the Lord, thus incurring His judgment as a call to repentance. In what ways have we suffered as a result of our turning away? God’s pattern of salvation through history provides reliable assurances: God has saved us before; He shall yet save again! • As You have delivered Your people of old, dear Lord, so also deliver me for the sake of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
诗篇80篇 这首诗祈求上帝兴起祂的百姓,因为他们在外国军队面前沦陷。诗人认识到,上帝过去拯救的作为也在担保祂将来的拯救。以色列不断地背离耶和华,因此招致祂的审判,祂的审判是对悔改的呼召。我们曾因着自己的背离而受苦,都是以什么样的方式发生的呢?上帝在历史当中施行拯救的规律提供了可靠的确据:上帝曾经拯救我们;祂也必会再次拯救!亲爱的主,正如你拯救你古时的百姓那样,也请如此拯救我,为着你儿子耶稣的缘故。阿们。

†Ps 81 Even while worshiping the one true God, His people were not listening to His Word. Here God laments the plugging of their ears (v 11), longing for the day they will turn again in repentance. God loves to speak to His people! He especially loves to tell you repeatedly of His great love for you, shown to you in the death and resurrection of His Son. With His Word God feeds His people (v 16), nourishing them with eternal life. • Let me never grow sated, dear heavenly Father, but allow me always to hunger for Your Word and to listen attentively to it. Amen.
诗篇81篇 既使祂的百姓是在敬拜那位独一真上帝的时候,他们也不听祂的话语。在此上帝哀痛他们将自己的耳朵塞住(11节),盼望他们将来在懊悔中再次转回的日子。上帝喜爱同祂的百姓说话!祂特别喜爱重复性地告诉你祂对你的慈爱,就是那在祂儿子的死和复活中向你显明了的慈爱。藉着祂的话语上帝喂养祂的百姓(16节),以永生喂养他们。亲爱的天父,请使我永远不会变的饱足厌食,却要使我常常渴慕你的话语,并且专心聆听。阿们。

†Ps 82 Our Father in heaven carefully looks after each believer. No believer who suffers injustice in the world will be overlooked by God. Injustice, weakness, exploitation, continued trial and suffering—such afflictions can make the believer feel isolated and forgotten by God. Your heavenly Father has already judged you impartially by laying all of your sins upon Jesus. This provides you with salvation and endurance, even in the face of worldly injustice. • Thank You, dear Jesus, that You fully bore the justice that was once due to me. Give me Your Holy Spirit so that I may bear the injustices that are visited upon me. Amen.
诗篇82篇 我们在天上的父用心看顾每一位信徒。任何在世上遭受不公的信徒都不会被上帝忽视。不公,软弱,敲诈,持续的试炼和苦难—此类的磨难能使信徒感觉自己与上帝隔绝并且被祂忘记了。你天上的父藉着将你所有的罪放在耶稣身上,已经对你公正地施行审判。这为你提供救恩和忍耐,既使是在世界的不公面前。亲爱的耶稣,感谢你,你完全承担了本该我来承受的公正审判。请将你的圣灵恩赐于我,好叫我能够承受降临在我身上的不公。阿们。

†Ps 83 The psalmist feels overwhelmed by his enemies, who plot against him. His only recourse is to run to God Most High, whose great deeds he remembers in prayer. God’s children do not stop praying, even when He appears to keep silent. God is faithful. He answers your prayers in His time and according to His good pleasure, yet always acting for your benefit and eternal life (Rm 8:28). • Act on my behalf, O God, as You have acted so many times before. Amen.
诗篇83篇 诗人在那些谋划对付他的仇敌面前感到不知所措。祂唯一的出路就是逃向至高者上帝,他在祷告中纪念上帝伟大的作为。上帝的儿女不要停止祷告,既使上帝看起来是沉默的。上帝是信实的。祂按着祂自己的时间和祂良善的旨意来应允你的祈祷,并且总是为着你的益处和永生在作工(罗8:28)。上帝啊,求你为我做主,正如你之前曾多次为我去行动一样。阿们。

†Ps 84 Someone who has been separated from the sanctuary, where God is rightly worshiped, now longs to return. Many homebound and shut-in Christians long for worship in God’s house, yearning for the days they were strong enough to go. Meanwhile, many other Christians, especially those in the height of their strength, neglect the worship of the Lord to their own detriment. God gives strength to His people (vv 5–7) through the hearing of His Word, specifically through His Gospel promises of salvation on account of Christ. • Teach me to love the hearing of Your Word, O Lord, and the reception of Your gifts, that I may carry them to those in need. When I am separated from Your congregation, stir my desire to return again according to Your mercy. Amen.
诗篇84篇 上帝在祂的殿中得到正确的崇拜,曾经与圣殿分离的人如今渴慕要归回。许多不得不待在家中不能出门的基督徒渴慕在上帝的殿中敬拜,渴望他们足够强壮能够去神的殿中敬拜的日子。同时,还有许多其他的基督徒,特别是那些精力旺盛处在壮年之时的人,无视对主的敬拜,以至于他们自己遭损。上帝赐力量给祂的百姓(5-7节)是藉着聆听祂的话语,特别是藉着聆听祂靠着基督所成就的福音和救恩应许。主啊,请教导我喜悦聆听你的话语,喜爱领受你的恩赐,好叫我可以将之带给那些有需要的人。当我与你的教会分离的时候,请激动我的心来仰赖你的怜悯并再次转回。阿们。

†Ps 85 The psalmist feels distress and fear at his exposure to his enemies. Many people, even Christians, suffer from deep fears and insecurities. Rightly heeded, these fears chase us to Jesus. When we are overcome by fears, though, they threaten us with despair and unbelief. When God forgave your iniquity and covered your sin (v 2) through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He destroyed your enemies of sin, death, and hell. Having defeated these great enemies for you, He will surely protect you from all other enemies. • Help me, Lord, in the midst of my fears, to trust solely in You. Amen.
诗篇85篇 诗人因着他完全暴露在仇敌面前而感受到苦闷和惧怕。很多人,甚至包括基督徒,都会遭受极深的恐惧和不安。这些恐惧得到恰当应对的时候,会驱赶我们来到耶稣面前。当我们被恐惧胜过的时候,我们会被这些带进绝望和不信的境地。当上帝藉着耶稣基督的死和复活来赦免你的罪孽并且遮盖你的过犯(2节)的时候,祂也摧毁了你的仇敌:罪,死亡和地狱。祂已经为你击败这些强大的仇敌,也必会确实保护你脱离所有其他的仇敌。上主,请在我惧怕的光景中帮助我,来单单信靠你。阿们。

†Ps 86 Ascribed to King David, this psalm points to God’s steadfast love (vv 5, 13, 15) as the reason why prayers are answered. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by the obstacles that confront us (v 14), keep the eyes of your faith focused upon the Lord, for He alone is God (v 10). Because of the Lord’s steadfast love, He cannot overlook or neglect His children. Their care and preservation is part of His very nature—He cannot and will not fail to act according to His mercy and grace. • Lord, help me and comfort me so that I may enjoy peace of mind and spirit. Amen.
诗篇86篇 这首诗是大卫王写的,他将祷告蒙应允的原因指向上帝丰盛的慈爱(5,13,15节)。不要被挑战我们的困难压垮(14节),而是要将你信心的眼睛专注在耶和华身上,因为唯有祂是上帝(10节)。因为主有丰盛的慈爱,所以祂必不会忽略或者无视祂的儿女。对他们的看顾和保护是上帝属性的一部分—祂必按照祂的怜悯和恩典行动,定不能失败,也不会失败。主,请帮助我并且安慰我,好叫我享受心灵上的安息。阿们。

†Ps 87 God includes people of all nations among His believers, all of whom may claim to be born in Zion (v 5). Your true identity before God is not rooted in your nationality, your language, your family ties, your wealth, or any other earthly thing. God claims you to be His own in Baptism, through which you become His own child (vv 5–6), no matter who you are or from where you came (v 4). • Thank You, dear heavenly Father, that You regard me as Your child through Jesus Christ. Amen.
诗篇87篇 上帝呼召万国的百姓成为祂的信徒,所有信徒都可以宣称是生于锡安的(5节)。你在上帝面前真正的身份不是依赖于你的国籍,你的语言,你的家庭纽带,你的财富,或者任何其它世俗的东西。上帝在圣洗礼中宣告你是属于祂的,藉着圣洗礼你成为祂自己的孩子(5-6节),无论你是谁或者你从哪里来(4节)。亲爱的天父,感谢你藉着耶稣基督将我看为你的孩子。阿们。

†Ps 88 This psalm evokes feelings of sadness and abandonment. The psalmist is so overcome by troubles that he wonders if God will hear him. Surely the loneliness spoken of here has been felt by many suffering Christians! Yet even in sorrow and suffering, God inclines His ear (v 2) toward His people, always ready to hear and answer us according to His mercy. • Thank You, O Lord, that no matter how low I sink, I never disappear from Your sight. Amen.
诗篇88篇 这首诗激起悲伤和遭遗弃的感受。诗人被困难所淹没,他怀疑上帝是否会听他。当然这里所谈到的孤独感,许多受苦的基督徒都能体会!然而既使是在忧伤和苦难当中,上帝仍侧耳(2节)聆听祂的百姓,总是预备好了要按照祂的怜悯聆听和应允我们。主啊,感谢你,无论我在何样的低谷,我永远都不会从你的视线中消失。阿们。

†Ps 89 Speaks primarily of David, who enjoyed God’s faithfulness (vv 2, 24) and promises. Even when David sinned and felt the weight of God’s Law (vv 38–47), he still relied completely upon God. “How long, O LORD?” (v 46) easily comes to the lips of all who, because of their sins, have suffered under the weight of God’s Law. God’s steadfast love of old (v 49) and His faithfulness (vv 2, 24) are shown most clearly in Christ, whose death and resurrection provide the remedy for all troubles (v 48). • “Blessed be the LORD forever!” Preserve the faithful, O Lord, and provide for their future security and service. Amen and Amen.
诗篇89篇 这首诗主要是论及大卫的,大卫曾得享上帝的信实(2,24节)和应许。既使是在大卫犯罪并且感受到上帝律法的沉重的时候(38-47节),他仍完全依靠上帝。“耶和华啊,这要到几时呢?”(46节)这个问题很容易从所有因着自己的罪而在上帝律法的重压之下受苦的人口中说出。上帝从前丰盛的慈爱(49节)和信实(2,24节)在基督里得到最清楚的彰显,基督的死和复活为所有的苦难提供了出路(48节)。耶和华啊,你“是当称颂的,直到永远!”请保守你的信徒,并且供应他们将来的平安和服事。阿们,阿们。

†Ps 90 How quickly life flies by: grass withering in the summer heat, leaves falling and blowing away in autumn, trees standing bare in winter. Even more heartbreaking is to stand by a casket and stare at a lifeless body or to look in a mirror and see age steal youth and energy. Yet in spring the flowers bloom and the grass turns green. The grave is empty on Easter morning. Jesus has risen! God has taken pity on us and given us everlasting life in Christ. • Lord, give us wisdom to number our days as Your servants, so we will look forward to dwelling with You from everlasting to everlasting. Amen.
诗篇90篇 我们的一生过的是如此快:就像夏日枯干的草,秋天被风吹散的落叶,寒冬裸露的树木。更伤心的是站在棺木旁注视着一具毫无生命的尸体,或者看看镜子发现岁月在消逝自己青春和力量。然而在春天,花又绽放,草又复苏。坟墓在复活节的清晨是空的。耶稣已经复活!上帝已经怜悯我们,并且在基督里赐给我们永生。上主,请赐我们智慧来数算我们作为你仆人的日子,好叫我们期盼将来永远与你的同居。阿们。

†Ps 91 How quickly life can go from smooth and routine to troubled and fearful! How encouraging it is to know of God’s protection. Our security comes from His promises kept. Jesus trampled Satan once and for all when He gloriously rose from the dead. We walk in victory even during dangerous times because He is with us and will not let us be separated from His love. • Thank You, Lord, for Your security and strength in this perilous world. Amen.
诗篇91篇 从顺境如常到恐惧遭难,人的生命变化的多么快啊!但认识上帝的庇护该是多么地令人心生鼓舞。我们的安全来自祂遵守的诺言。耶稣从死亡中带着荣耀复活,祂已经一次彻底将撒旦践踏。既使是在危险的境地,我们仍在得胜中行走,因为祂与我们同在,并且必不会使我们与祂的慈爱分离。主,感谢你在这多难的世界中赐下平安和力量。阿们。

†Ps 92 In worship, you receive the strength of God’s steadfast love and faithfulness. No doubt, there are days you wonder if going to worship is worth the effort. But focus on what God has done for you in Jesus, who is faithful to His promises. One day justice will be served on the wicked, but we who believe will flourish in the strength of Christ’s resurrection. • Lord, bring forth praises out of our hearts, for the works of Your hands make us glad indeed. Amen.
诗篇92篇 在敬拜中,你领受上帝丰盛慈爱和信实所带来的力量。毫无疑问,有些日子你会疑惑去敬拜上帝是否值得。但要专注在上帝已经在耶稣里面为你所做的事上面,祂信实于祂的应许。有一天公正审判必会在恶人身上施展,但我们信靠上帝的人必会在基督复活的力量中繁荣昌盛。上主,请在我们的心中带出敬拜,因为你手的作为确实使我们欢乐。阿们。

†Ps 93 The Lord reigns! Yet a storm may still crash into a church. The members may come back to see destruction, not beauty. Does the Lord reign? Indeed, He does. Many years ago, Jesus spoke, and a deadly storm was silenced. Wind and waves were calmed in an instant. Such is God’s power. And more! By His resurrection, He rules over our lives now and forever. • Lord, despite the evil we see and the destruction around us, lead us to confess that Your words are trustworthy. Amen.
诗篇93篇 耶和华在作王!然而风暴可能压垮一间教会。信徒过来后看到的是毁坏,而不是华美。耶和华在作王吗?确实,祂在作王。许多年之前,耶稣说话,然后一场致命的风暴得以平息。风和浪瞬间被安抚。这是上帝的权能。更进一步,祂藉着祂的死里复活,掌管我们的生命,今时且直到永远。上主,尽管我们看到周围有邪恶和毁坏,然而请带领我们认信你的话语是可信赖的。阿们。

†Ps 94 The psalmist pleads for God to take vengeance on His enemies. Jesus, however, says to pray for our enemies, even love them (Mt 5:43–44). What are we to do? Final judgment will bring vengeance on those who arrogantly reject the Lord. Meanwhile, we pray that all will see the glory of God’s justice in Jesus on the cross, turn from their wicked ways, and join with us in the life of righteousness, which includes caring for and protecting widows, orphans, and others who are helpless and oppressed. • Lord, help us to pray—even for our enemies! Amen.
诗篇94篇 诗人恳请上帝报复祂的仇敌。然而,耶稣说要为着我们的仇敌祷告,甚至要爱他们(太5:43-44)。我们要做什么呢?最终的审判会在那些傲慢地拒绝主的人身上带来报复。同时,我们祈祷所有人都会在那十字架上的耶稣里面看见上帝公正审判的荣耀,转离他们的恶道,与我们一同行走在公义的生命中,这生命包括看顾和保护寡妇,孤儿,和其他受欺压毫无祐助的人。主耶和华,帮助我们祈祷,甚至去为我们的仇敌祈祷!阿们。

†Ps 95 The opening verses have been sung in the Church for centuries as the Venite (Latin for “O come”). Some days we struggle to come into God’s presence with such exuberance and humility. Thankfully, the psalmist directs us not to self-generated emotions, but to remember the God we worship. He is our Creator, who has formed and protected us by His strong hands. And wonderfully more—He is our Good Shepherd, who has made us the sheep of His loving hand. • Shepherd and King, lead us into Your presence with thanksgiving and joy. Amen.
诗篇95篇 开篇的几节经文已经在教会中唱了好些世纪,叫做Venite(拉丁词,“来啊”)。有时候我们感觉很不情愿带着这样的兴奋和谦卑来到上帝面前。感恩的是,诗人不是将我们带到自我营造的情绪当中,乃是要我们记得我们当敬拜的上帝。祂是我们的创造者,祂藉着大能的手塑造了我们并且保护我们。更奇妙的是,祂是我们的好牧人,已经使我们成为祂的羊,由祂充满爱的手看顾着。大牧者和大君王,请带领我们带着感谢和喜乐来到你的面前。阿们。

†Ps 96 Proclaim the marvelous deeds of God’s salvation to all nations! In our world, too many people see faith in God as a relic of the past with little to say about life today. People turn away from the true God in idolatrous pursuits of money and success; they trust in technology or revel in pleasure. Do we give up? No! First, sing to the Lord. Join with others in worshiping the splendor and majesty of the Creator. Then, speak of His salvation in Jesus day after day, until the resurrected Savior returns to judge all nations in faithfulness. • The Lord still reigns! O Lord, through us proclaim Your glory. Amen.
诗篇96篇 要向万国宣扬上帝救恩奇妙的作为!在我们的世界中,太多的人以为信上帝是过去留下的古董,跟今天的生活几乎没有关系。人就在对金钱和成功的偶像崇拜式的追寻中转离那独一的真上帝;他们信靠科技或者在欢愉中陶醉。我们要放弃吗?不!首先,要向主耶和华歌唱。同他人一起敬拜造物主的荣耀和威严。然后,日复一日地讲说上帝在耶稣里面成就的救恩,直到复活的救主再来,以信实审判万国万民的日子。耶和华仍在作王!主啊,请藉着我们宣扬你的荣耀。阿们。

†Ps 97 When people stand before God to be judged, only two responses are possible: terrified humiliation or joyful thanksgiving. Which will it be for us? The cross is where God’s justice is served and His anger appeased on our behalf. The empty tomb is the assurance that we are preserved for life everlasting. We rejoice because His judgment is that we are His saints, the upright in heart, through faith. • Lord, smash the idols we are tempted to revere. Let us worship You alone. Amen.
诗篇97篇 当人站在上帝面前领受审判的时候,只有两种反应是可能的:恐惧战兢中的羞辱,或者欢喜快乐中的感恩。哪一个会是我们的呢?十字架是上帝的公正审判得以实施,和怒气得以为我们平息的地方。空坟墓是我们蒙保守要得永恒生命的确据。我们欢喜快乐,因为祂对我们的审判是:藉着信心,我们是祂的圣民,是心中正直的人。主耶和华,请打碎我们受试探要敬拜的偶像。让我们唯独敬拜你。阿们。

†Ps 98 The defeats of life are discouraging. Thanks be to God that He is victorious for us! Sin and death are conquered. Satan’s head is crushed. Eternally, we are God’s children. All creation is waiting for that final day of redemption. For the Lord’s victory is an empty tomb on Easter morning. • Thank You, Lord, for the glorious victory of our salvation, which only You could give us! Amen.
诗篇98篇 生命中的失败会令人沮丧。感谢归给上帝,因为祂为我们得胜!罪和死亡已被征服。撒旦的头已被击碎。我们永远是上帝的儿女。所有的受造物都在等候最终得赎的日子。因为耶和华的胜利是复活节清晨的空坟墓。上主,感谢你,供应我们救恩的荣耀胜利,只有你能够将之赐给我们!阿们。

†Ps 99 Despite the psalmist’s confidence that God in all His holiness reigns, we see an ordinary world ruled by powers and people who are too often distant from God’s ways and words. Yet the holy Savior is present just as He was in the Most Holy Place when we, His people, gather together to praise His holy name. • O Lord, You tabernacle in ordinary bread and wine, where Your holy body and blood are given for our forgiveness. We see God’s holiness in Jesus, the Holy One of God! Amen.
诗篇99篇 尽管诗人自信上帝以祂全部的圣洁作王,然而我们看到的却是一个寻常的世界,由那些常常远离上帝的道路和话语的人以及其它权势管辖着。但是,当我们作为祂的百姓一同聚集赞美祂圣名的时候,那位圣洁的救赎主就在我们中间,正如祂在至圣所当中临在一样。主啊,你在普通的饼和酒中落下帐幕,将你圣洁的身体和宝血赐给我们,为叫我们罪得赦免。我们在耶稣、上帝的圣者里面看见上帝的圣洁!阿们。

†Ps 100 The text of the common Doxology (LSB 805), sung to the tune “Old Hundredth.” Forever joined together are the Church’s much-loved song of praise and the psalm that calls for such praise. How unfortunate when we fail to make a joyful noise to the Lord. Yet even then, we know that He is good. In fact, He gave His Good Shepherd, Jesus, to make one day particularly good. We call it Good Friday. • We are the sheep of Your hand, O Lord. Fill us with joyful praise as we seek to serve You. Amen.
诗篇100篇 荣耀颂(LSB805)的文本,调用“老一百首”。 教会里面备受喜爱的赞美诗和呼召我们如此赞美的诗篇永远衔接在一起。我们若没能向耶和华欢呼,这该是多么的不幸啊!然而既使在这样的时刻,我们晓得祂仍是善的。事实上,祂将祂的好牧人耶稣舍了,为的是将一个日子变得特别美好。我们称之为“美好星期五”,[即耶稣受难节]。主啊,我们是你手下的羊。当我们寻求服事你的时候,请以喜乐的赞美充满我们。阿们。

†Ps 101 No nation has the kind of political leaders described here. Even King David failed miserably, as his many sins involving Bathsheba demonstrate (2Sm 11). No nation has the kind of citizens described here. Even we in the Church know we have not always been people of integrity. But Jesus was blameless, a man of perfect integrity. He comes to us with His royal and loyal love, shown perfectly on the cross. He brings us into the one “nation” made blameless in Christ’s blood—the Church. • We pray, Lord, come to us and make us people of integrity in Your Church and in our nation. Amen.
诗篇101篇 没有任何国家有在此所描述的这种政治领袖。甚至大卫王也败得很惨,就像他在拔示巴事件中的许多罪所显明的那样(撒下11章)。没有任何国家有在此所描述的这类公民。既使在教会中的我们也知道我们并非总是正直的百姓。但耶稣是无辜纯洁的,有着完全的正直。祂带着神圣和忠实的爱来寻找我们,这份爱在十字架上得以完美彰显。祂带领我们进入这一圣洁的“国度”,就是在基督的血中得以成为圣洁无瑕疵的教会。上主,我们祈求你来亲近我们,使我们成为正直的民,(居住)在你的教会中,在我们的国家中。阿们。

†Ps 102 The tears, fever, lost appetite, despair, and doubt in this psalm are eerily identical to what we go through when a personal crisis erupts in our life or a disaster rips through our town or nation. Yet it is written with confident hope because attention is turned to the God who listens to the pleas of the destitute. When you lament, turn your attention to God’s answer to these prayers: Jesus Christ. He stepped into our world and took on our groans and death, restoring confident hope at the appointed time on Easter morning. • Risen Lord, establish the new Jerusalem for us forever. Answer our prayers, in Your dear name. Alleluia! Amen.
诗篇102篇 当个人危机突然临到我们的生活中,或者一场灾难撕裂我们的城镇或国家的时候,我们所经历的痛苦恰恰与这首诗里面所描述的眼泪,发热,食欲不振,绝望以及怀疑惊奇的一致。然而这首诗是带着信心和盼望写的,因为注意力转向了上帝,祂垂听贫穷者的祈求。当你哀悼的时候,请将你的注意力转向上帝为这些祷告做出的回应:就是耶稣基督。祂踏入我们的世界并且背负起我们的哀伤和死亡,在所定的复活节清晨重新复兴我们的信心和盼望。复活的主,请为我们建立新的耶路撒冷,直到永远。以你慈爱的名应允我们的祈祷。哈利路亚!阿们。

†Ps 103 How many times do we need God’s forgiveness? It’s impossible to count. Day after day, our transgressions should bring His anger. But over and over again, He removes our iniquities. Where are they sent? To the cross, where Jesus takes the anger and gives us compassion instead. • “Bless the LORD, O my soul!” (v 1). I thank You for redeeming me from death so that I may join the angelic hosts in praising Your holy name from everlasting to everlasting. Amen.
诗篇103篇 有多少次我们需要上帝的赦罪?不太可能数的过来。日复一日,我们的罪愆当招致祂的怒气。但一次又一次地,祂挪去我们的罪孽。都放到哪里去了?放在了十字架上,耶稣在那里担当忿怒,转而赐给我们怜悯。“我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华!”(1节)。感谢你救赎我脱离死亡,好叫我与天上的使者一起赞美你的圣名,直到永远。阿们。

†Ps 104 More and more, we hear about nature with no mention of the Creator. Visit a museum, read a science textbook, or watch a nature program, and you will see everything explained as some incredibly long process by which all life has evolved into what we see today. Yet God is indeed Creator of all. He continues to care for His world. Remember the word Jesus spoke over a violent storm: “Peace! Be still!” (Mk 4:39). And all was calm. Even death cannot compare to God’s power, as a stone obeyed His command and rolled away from the tomb on Easter morning. • Lord, we make the bold confession that You in Your wisdom made the earth and all its creatures and continue to sustain it. Praise the Lord. Amen.
诗篇104篇 越来越频繁,我们所听到关于自然的事一点儿也不提及造物主。拜访一所博物馆,读一本科学教材,或者观看一个自然节目,你会看到一切都被解释成一些不可思议的漫长过程,所有的生命都是在其中进化成我们今天所看到的样子。然而上帝确实是万有的创造者。祂继续照看祂的世界。要记得耶稣在一场剧烈的暴风雨面前所说的话:“住了吧!静了吧!”(可4:39)。然后一切都平静了。甚至死亡也不能与上帝的权能相匹敌,在复活节的清晨,一块大石头遵行祂的吩咐,从坟墓门口滚开。上主,我们大胆地认信,你出于你的智慧创造了地球和所有的受造物,并且继续支撑着它。赞美耶和华。阿们。

†Ps 105 God frees His people from slavery. Christ has rescued us from sin and its eternal punishment. All God’s promises find their fulfillment in Jesus, who hung on the cross and then ushered in a new era by rising from the grave. Abraham’s true descendants are those whose faith in Christ is counted to them as righteousness (Gal 3:6–9). Gathered together by Jesus, we now belong to the Church, which knows no geographical boundaries. • Praise the Lord, for in Christ we received the blessings promised to Abraham. Amen.
诗篇105篇 上帝将祂的百姓从奴役中释放。基督已经拯救我们脱离罪和罪所带来的永恒刑罚。上帝全部的应许在耶稣里面得以成就,祂挂在十字架上,然后藉着从坟墓中复活兴起了一个新时代。亚伯拉罕真正的后裔是那些信靠基督的人,他们的信被算为他们的义(加3:6-9)。我们被耶稣招聚在一起,如今属于教会,这教会没有地域的界限。赞美主耶和华,因为在基督里我们领受了曾应许给亚伯拉罕的祝福。阿们。

†Ps 106 One of the most important words in this psalm is “nevertheless” (v 44). Despite Israel’s persistent disobedience, God consistently upheld His promises and saved them. As we struggle with temptation (Gal 5:17), we can be sure that God will remain faithful (2Tm 2:13), granting us true repentance and new life in Christ. • O Lord, we must also confess with ancient Israel that we have sinned. Nevertheless, You have faithfully saved us through Jesus’ obedience, suffering, death, and resurrection. Praise to the Lord! Amen.
诗篇106篇 这首诗当中一个最重要的单词是“然而”(44节)。尽管以色列不断地悖逆,然而上帝持续保守祂的应许并且拯救他们。当我们与试探争战的时候(加5:17),我们可以确信上帝仍是信实的(提后2:13),祂在基督里赐给我们真正的悔改和新生。主啊,我们也必须与古时的以色列人一起告白,我们犯了罪。然而你藉着耶稣的顺服,受苦,死亡和复活信实地拯救我们。赞美归给主耶和华!阿们。

†Ps 107 History unfolds the prevailing deeds of God’s steadfast love. Because of sin, this world is chaotic and inhospitable. But in Jesus God has restored the peace we long for. Our sins are forgiven, and where there is forgiveness of sins, there is life and every blessing. • O Lord, do not let us be overwhelmed by the confusion around us. Remind us of Your steadfast love that delivers us. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
诗篇107篇 历史展开上帝丰盛慈爱的奇妙作为。因着罪,这个世界变得混乱和荒凉。但在耶稣里面,上帝已经复兴我们所渴望的平安。我们的罪得了赦免,哪里有赦罪恩典,那里就有生命和各样的祝福。主啊,请不要让我们被我们身边的困扰迷惑所胜过。提醒我们你丰盛的慈爱,这爱拯救了我们。感谢你耶稣。阿们。

†Ps 108 From time to time, old defeats come back to haunt us. Perhaps a future challenge reminds us of a past failure. At times like this, we remember that God, who delivered us in the past, is with us in the present and the future. • O Lord, Satan would remind me of my past failures. Forgive all my sins—past, present, and future. “Keep steady my steps according to Your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me” (119:133). Amen.
诗篇108篇 时不时地,曾经的失败会再来搅扰我们。也许是将来的困难提醒我们过去的失败。像在这样的时刻,我们要记得那位曾经拯救我们的上帝与我们同在,不仅是现在,而且将来也一样。主啊,撒旦会提醒我过去的失败。请赦免我一切的罪—过去的,现在的和将来的。“求你用你的话使我脚步稳当,不许什麽罪孽辖制我”(诗篇119:133)。阿们。

†Ps 109 As we look to God for salvation, we know His justice will prevail upon our enemies who remain in sin. He declares us justified and His dear children through Jesus. • In the face of the “mystery of lawlessness” (2Th 2:7), we must sometimes cry out with the saints in heaven, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before You will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” (Rv 6:10). Have mercy for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
诗篇109篇 在我们仰望上帝拯救的时候,我们要知道祂的公正审判必会胜过我们那些仍活在罪中的仇敌。祂藉着耶稣宣告我们为公义的,为祂亲爱的儿女。面对那“不法的隐意”(帖后2:7),我们有时必须与天上的众圣徒一同呼求,“圣洁真实的主啊,你不审判住在地上的人,给我们伸流血的冤,要等到几时呢?”(启6:10)。请因着耶稣的缘故施行怜悯。阿们。

†Ps 110 The world looks for the visible manifestation of God. David sees that manifestation prophetically in one of his future descendants. In this second Lord, the divine and the human become one in order to destroy the enemies of God and of His creation. • Dear Jesus, David’s Lord and mine, I thank You that You have come to be my Priest who sacrifices all for my sins and to be my King to deliver me from evil. Amen.
诗篇110篇 世人寻求上帝可见的威荣。大卫以预言的方式在他将来的一位后裔中看见那份威荣。在这后来的君主里面,神人成为一,为的是摧毁上帝的以及祂创造之工的仇敌。亲爱的耶稣,大卫的主,也是我的主,我感谢你,因为你来成为我的大祭司,为我的罪付上一切赎价,并且作我的大君王,拯救我脱离凶恶。阿们。

†Ps 111 Luther suggested that the words of v 4, “the LORD is gracious and merciful,” should be painted in golden letters around a portrait of the Lord’s Supper (AE 13:375), for in this Supper Christians continue to remember both the words and works of the Lord. • Gracious and merciful Lord, we look to You for the remission of our sins in Jesus, who speaks Your faithful words and performs the mighty work of our salvation. Hallelujah! Amen.
诗篇111篇 路德建议第四节的话语“耶和华有恩惠,有怜悯”应当用金色字体绘在圣餐图画的周围(路德文集13:375),因为在圣餐礼中,基督徒继续纪念主耶和华的话语和作为。满有恩惠怜悯的主,我们仰望你,要在耶稣里面得着我们罪的赦免,祂述说你信实的话语并且施行我们救恩的伟大作为。哈利路亚!阿们。

†Ps 112 Paul quotes v 9 in 2Co 9:9, the great stewardship chapter. The fear of the Lord leads us in the wisdom of generosity and contentment. • O Lord, give us a firm heart to trust in You, subduing our selfish nature in repentance and reviving us in Your righteousness. Amen.
诗篇112篇 保罗在哥林多后书9章9节处引用这里的第九节经文,第九章是关于好仆人方面的教训。对主耶和华的敬畏带领我们得着慷慨和满足的智慧。主啊,赐给我们一颗坚定的心来信靠你,在悔改中治死我们的自私本性,并且在你的公义中复兴我们。阿们。

†Ps 113 Sometimes it might seem to us that the good things of this world are overwhelmed by the bad. But the Lord is not overwhelmed. He is exalted on high, and He reaches down low with His salvation. • We praise You, O Lord, because You come down to save us in Christ. Hallelujah! Amen.
诗篇113篇 有时候看起来这个世界中好的事物被邪恶的征服。但主耶和华是不会被征服的。祂是至高者,然而祂带着救恩自己谦卑。主啊,我们赞美你,因为你从天降下来在基督里拯救我们。哈利路亚!阿们。

†Ps 114 “Tremble” in v 7 could also be translated “dance.” On the one hand, we tremble before the presence of the Lord because of our sins. Yet, since He comes to save, it is also true that we can dance with joy. • Lord Jesus, we praise You as You come to us to lead us out of death and sin into life eternal. Amen.
诗篇114篇 第七节中的“震动”也可翻译成“跳舞”。一方面,因着我们的罪,我们在耶和华的面前颤抖。然而,因为祂来拯救,所以我们可以带着欢乐跳舞,这也是对的。主耶稣,我们赞美你,因为你来寻找我们,带领我们走出罪恶和死亡,进入永恒生命。阿们。

†Ps 115 Idols are essentially an outward representation of human imagination. Nothing could be more fleeting or self-glorifying. Through the promises of His blessings, God calls His people beyond imagination to the truth of His existence. • Lord, we praise You for revealing Yourself to us in Your Word. Give us faith to hold fast to the truth, and grant us Your blessings. Amen.
诗篇115篇 偶像本质上是人想象力的外在代表。没有什么比这更稍纵即逝或自我荣耀的了。上帝藉着祂祝福的应许,呼召祂的百姓超越想象力,来到祂存在的真理中。上主,我们赞美你,因为你在你的话语中启示你自己。请赐给我们信心紧抓这真理,并且将你的祝福赐给我们。阿们。

†Ps 116 All people are at some point “frightened to death.” Death’s grip is terrible because it is the result of our sin and separation from God. But this psalm reminds us that God cares deeply about our mortality and has released us from its permanent bonds through the suffering, death, and resurrection of His Son. • Let me walk in integrity, O Lord, and show forth Your love. Amen.
诗篇116篇 所有人都会有“怕的要死”的时候。死亡的绳索是可怕的,因为死亡是我们的罪以及与上帝的隔离所带来的结果。但这首诗提醒我们上帝深切地在乎我们会死亡的命运,并且祂已经藉着祂儿子的受苦,死亡和复活将我们从死亡的永恒枷锁中释放出来。主啊,请使我行走在正直中,彰显你的慈爱。阿们。

†Ps 117 If God’s love had to be merited, there would be no reason to praise Him. His love would also be severely limited. But because His love is His alone to give, it is great, and it reaches to people of all nations. • O Lord, I praise You for Your steadfast love for me and for all people. Amen.
诗篇117篇 如果上帝的慈爱必须用功德来赚取,那么就没有理由要去赞美祂。祂的慈爱也将是极其有限的。但因为祂的慈爱唯独祂能赐予,所以这份爱是伟大的,也是赐给万国万民的。主啊,我赞美你,为着你将丰盛的慈爱赐给我和所有的人。阿们。

†Ps 118 We may sometimes wonder, “Where is the steadfast love of God?” Where is that “good action” of God for His people? He revealed His steadfast love in humble Israel, in the Child of the Virgin Mary. He veiled His greatest gift in what is least among people so that His gift might be received by all. • O Lord, when I cry, “Hosanna! Save now!” I know that I do not have to rise up to You, for You have lowered Yourself to save me. Amen.
诗篇118篇 我们有时会发出疑问,“上帝的慈爱在哪呢?”上帝为祂的百姓所行的“善事”在哪里?祂在卑微的以色列中间,在童女马丽亚的圣婴里面启示祂的丰盛慈爱。祂在人中间最微小的事物中隐藏着祂最伟大的礼物,为的是祂的礼物可以被所有人领受。主啊,当我呼喊,“和撒那!求你现在拯救”的时候,我知道我不用上升到你那里去,因为你已经降卑你自己来拯救我。阿们。

†Ps 119 God’s Word is our beloved guide to life. It reveals God’s trustworthy promises and eternal mercy. The psalm’s length presents God’s Word like a diamond with 22 facets, each displaying a distinct light. By exhausting every letter of the alphabet, the psalmist demonstrates the breadth of the Word and his own boundless dedication to it. Luther spoke of the making of a theologian on the basis of Ps 119. A theologian, he held, came from three actions: prayer (oratio), reading or study (meditatio), and affliction (tentatio). Ps 119 is an excellent expression of all three. The Gospel radiates through the psalm as the psalmist describes God’s promises, which save His people (e.g., vv 41, 58). God’s Word is loved because of its message of steadfast love (e.g., vv 76, 88, 159). God is merciful, and this mercy brings life (e.g., v 156). • Lord, give us the spirit of Ps 119. Teach us to love Your Word. Show us Your steadfast mercy in every verse. Give us the faith to believe that all You have said is true and that all Your promises will be fulfilled in Christ. Let us seek You with our whole heart and find You in Your Word. Amen.
诗篇119篇 上帝的话语就是我们生命可喜悦的向导。圣道启示上帝可信靠的应许和永恒的怜悯。这首诗的长度将上帝的话语展示出来,就像拥有22个面的钻石那样,每一面发出独特的光芒。诗人用尽了每一个字母,以此来彰显圣道的广度和诗人自己对圣道无穷尽的委身。路德基于诗篇119篇谈论神学家是如何炼成的。他说,神学家是由三个方面造就成的:祷告(oratio),读经或查考(meditatio),还有苦难(tentatio)。诗篇119篇是对这三方面的精彩表达。诗人描述上帝的应许,这些应许拯救祂的百姓(比如,41,58节),福音在这首诗里面处处发光。上帝的话语被爱慕,因为其中有丰盛慈爱的信息(比如,76,88,159节)。上帝是满有怜悯的,并且这怜悯带来生命(比如,156节)。上主,请将诗篇119篇的灵赐给我们。教导我们爱慕你的话语。在每一节当中向我们显明你丰盛的怜悯。赐给我们信心来相信你所说的一切都是真的,你的所有应许必会在基督里面得以成就。让我们带着我们的全心寻求你,在你的话语中找见你。阿们。

†Ps 120 The tongue is a powerful tool of peace or war. We can use it to call on God for help, but we might be surrounded by others who use the tongue for deceit. God warns us of His approaching judgment on lying lips that are eager for war. However, He also invites us to call on Him for peace and salvation. • O Lord, answer us with Your sure Word and rescue us by its power. Amen.
诗篇120篇 舌头是一个强大的工具,无论是用于和平还是战争。我们可以使用舌头来呼求上帝的帮助,但我们也可能被其他那些使用舌头行诡诈的人包围。上帝警告我们,祂要将审判临到那些渴望争战之人说谎的嘴唇。然而,祂也邀请我们呼求祂来得着平安和救恩。主啊,请以你确实的圣道应允我们,藉着圣道的权能来拯救我们。阿们。

†Ps 121 We are pilgrims on a journey to our heavenly home (Php 3:20–21). This psalm reminds us to focus on the Lord, who oversees our journey. Do not allow the mountains, moon, sun, or anything else in creation to frighten you. Our God is eternally alert and goes above and before us. • O Lord, we trust in Your vigilant love. You will preserve us in order to bring us home. Amen.
诗篇121篇 我们是走在去往天家路上的朝圣者(腓3:20-21)。这首诗提醒我们要专注在耶和华身上,祂看顾我们的旅途。不要让高山,月亮,太阳或者任何受造物吓唬你。我们的上帝永远为我们警醒,在我们前面,在我们上面行走。主啊,我们信靠你不打盹的慈爱。你必保守我们并且带领我们归家。阿们。

†Ps 122 Like David, we are welcomed to the Lord’s house and can rejoice at the invitation. We are drawn to a heavenly Jerusalem (Heb 12:22). At the throne of Christ, the eternal Son of David, we find a place of peace (Rm 5:1; 8:1). • May God give us a place among all His people who walk by faith in Christ (Gal 6:16). Amen.
诗篇122篇 就像大卫一样,我们被邀请进入耶和华的殿,并且也能为此欢喜快乐。我们被带进天上的耶路撒冷中(来12:22)。在基督,那永恒的大卫之子的宝座前,我们寻见平安的居所(罗5:1;8:1)。愿上帝在祂所有凭着对基督的信而行走的百姓中间为我们预备一个地方(加6:16)。阿们。

†Ps 123 Our eyes are to be upon God, both to receive His blessings and to do His bidding. We are servants of a merciful Lord. However, when our time of service is filled with contempt from others, we grow tired of waiting for God’s justice. The Lord does indeed have mercy for us in Christ Jesus. • I do not despair, O Lord, but pray to the One who sees my service and my enemies. May Your reward and Your justice come. Amen.
诗篇123篇 我们的眼睛当在上帝身上,不仅是要领受祂的祝福,也要行祂所吩咐的事。我们是主的仆人,祂满有怜悯。然而,当我们服侍的时光充满他人的藐视的时候,我们会变得疲惫不堪,不愿继续等候上帝的公正审判。主耶和华确实在基督里向我们施怜悯。主啊,我不绝望,却要向观看我服侍和我仇敌的那一位祈祷。愿你的奖赏和你的公正审判降临。阿们。

†Ps 124 We need this psalm’s reminder that our strength and safety come only by God’s hand. We are in danger from flood and snare, the overwhelming and the enticing. But God is faithful for His name’s sake. He rescues us so that we will continue to bless and call on His name. • Lead us safely, Lord, so we may always give glory to Your name. Amen.
诗篇124篇 我们需要这首诗的提醒,就是我们的力量和安全唯有藉着上帝的手临到。面对那势不可挡的洪水和引诱人的网罗,我们会处在危险的境地。但上帝为着祂名的缘故,必是信实的。祂拯救我们,好叫我们可以继续颂赞并且呼求祂的名。上主,请平安引领我们,好叫我们可以总是将荣耀归给你的名。阿们。

†Ps 125 God’s blessing transforms us into mountains surrounding His dwelling place. We are built on His Word as an unchanging rock, and we become pillars by His grace. • Make us upright in heart, Lord, that we might be preserved before You. Amen.
诗篇125篇 上帝的祝福使我们转变成环绕祂居所的山。我们是建造在祂话语之上且不动摇的磐石,我们靠着祂的恩典成为柱石。上主,请使我们心里正直,好叫我们在你面前蒙保守。阿们。

†Ps 126 May God give us the expectation that times of sudden refreshing will come from Him. Perhaps now you are in a time of sowing with bitter tears; do not despair of His grace. Trust in His power to do the unimaginable through overflowing kindness. • By faith we rejoice, O Lord, in the sowing of Jesus’ body on Good Friday and the harvest of blessings He prepared on Easter morn. Amen.
诗篇126篇 愿上帝赐给我们这样的期许,就是那突然更新苏醒的时刻必会从祂那里降临。或许现在你正处在流泪撒种的时刻;请不要对祂的恩典绝望。要信靠祂的权能,祂能藉着满溢的良善恩慈施行超乎想象的事。主啊,凭着信心我们以耶稣的身体在受难日的撒种,以及祂在复活节的清晨所预备的祝福和收割欢喜快乐。阿们。

†Ps 127 Our houses and the families within them are God’s gifts. However, our walls are fragile and our rooms are empty without His blessing. The Lord leads us to value His gifts and to commit them to His watchful care. He will preserve us unto life everlasting. • Fill our homes with devout children, our heritage from You. Give us this faith and help us build our homes and families on the security of Your Word. Amen.
诗篇127篇 我们的房屋和住在其中的亲人都是上帝的恩赐。然而若没有祂的祝福,我们的墙壁是脆弱的,我们的房间也是空旷的。主耶和华带领我们珍惜祂的恩赐并且将之交托给祂的警醒和看顾。祂必保守我们得享永恒生命。请使我们的家中充满敬虔的儿女,他们是我们从你那领受来的产业。请赐给我们这样的信心,帮助我们以你话语的平安建造我们的房屋和家室。阿们。

†Ps 128 May God grant us the blessings of a life lived under the fear and respect of God. May we see our families as the kindness of God. In our relationships with our children and our grandchildren, God shows His power and mercy. • O Lord, open our eyes to appreciate Your gifts and praise You for their richness. Amen.
诗篇128篇 愿上帝赐给我们一份蒙福的人生,活在对上帝的敬畏和尊崇之下。愿我们看我们的亲人为上帝的恩慈良善。在我们与儿女以及他们的下一代之间的关系里面,上帝彰显祂的权能和怜悯。主啊,请打开我们的眼睛来欣赏你的恩赐并且为着这些恩赐的丰富赞美你。阿们。

†Ps 129 We may feel some part of the afflictions of this psalm. Yet, the afflictions shall not prevail! The blessings of the Lord are with us through Christ. • Lord, show Your power and justice over our enemies. Lead us to call on Your name and receive the blessings that come from You. Amen.
诗篇129篇 我们可能会对这首诗里面的部分苦难有所体会。然而,苦难不应当得胜!主耶和华的祝福藉着基督与我们同在。上主,请向着我们的仇敌彰显你的权能和公正。引导我们呼求你的名,并且领受从你而来的祝福。阿们。

†Ps 130 The psalmist is in a state of emotional desolation, overwhelmed with misery and guilt. Yet, as he realizes God hears his pleas and grants him full forgiveness, his darkness slowly gives way to light and the hope of “plentiful redemption” (v 7). If we are honest with ourselves, we must admit the depths of our sinfulness. When we are overwhelmed, God hears our pleas for mercy. He does not remember our sins, but rather grants us free forgiveness through the work of Christ, who gives us hope. Christ plunges into our depths to raise us in salvation. • O Lord, in our happy times we often forget You, but in our suffering we turn to You, and in our weakness we find Your strength. Speak to us the word of Your promise. Amen.
诗篇130篇 诗人处在情绪失控的状态,被痛苦和罪孽所压制。然而他也认识到上帝垂听他的祷告并且赐给他完全的赦罪恩典,这个时候他的黑暗境况慢慢出现亮光和“丰盛救恩”的盼望(7节)。如果我们诚实看待自己,我们就必须承认我们的罪何其深。当我们被压垮的时候,上帝垂听我们祈求怜悯的祷告。祂不纪念我们的罪,却藉着基督的工作赐给我们白白的赦罪恩典,基督是赐给我们盼望的。祂跳进我们的深坑,将我们高举在祂的救恩中。主啊,我们在欢快的时刻常常忘记你,但我们在苦难中转向你,并且在软弱中找见你的力量。请向我们讲说你满有应许的话语。阿们。

†Ps 131 Before God and the mysteries of existence, we are like little children. And like little children, we can find solace in God’s love for us in Jesus Christ, who likewise became a little child on our behalf. While some believe that a child cannot have faith, Christ points to children as models for faith. • Give us the faith of children, Lord. Calm us and quiet us by Your presence in Word and Sacrament. In the name of the Christ Child. Amen.
诗篇131篇 在上帝和事物存在的奥秘前面,我们就像小孩子一样。如同小孩子那样,我们能够在上帝的慈爱中得着安慰,祂的慈爱在耶稣基督里面为我们存留,而耶稣基督同样为了我们的缘故甘愿成为小孩子。一些人以为小孩子不会有信心,然而基督将信心的模范指向小孩子。上主,请赐给我们儿童般的信心。藉着你在圣道和圣礼中的同在安抚我们,使我们安静下来。奉那婴孩基督的名。阿们。

†Ps 132 One of David’s sons, the Anointed One, will be enthroned forever. He will clothe His people with righteousness and salvation. This psalm curses the enemies of God’s Anointed, and He will “clothe [them] with shame” (v 18). Our sins would make us God’s enemies. And yet, God dwells with us and clothes us with His righteousness and salvation. In David’s Son, Jesus Christ, the incarnate God tabernacles with His people. He is still actually present in His Church through His Word and Sacraments. God swore an oath to work this salvation, and, like David, we can trust His promises. • O, Lord, we praise You for dwelling with us. Clothe us with the righteousness and salvation of Your Anointed One, Jesus Christ, our King. In His name. Amen.
诗篇132篇 大卫后裔中的一位,就是那位受膏者,必要永远坐在宝座上。祂必给祂的百姓披上公义和救恩。这首诗咒诅上帝受膏者的仇敌,祂必要“使[他们]披上羞耻”(18节)。我们的罪会使我们成为上帝的仇敌。然而,上帝与我们同居,并且为我们披上祂的公义和救恩。在大卫的子孙,那位道成肉身的耶稣基督里面,上帝落下帐幕在祂的百姓中间。藉着圣道和圣礼,祂仍在祂的教会中真实地临在。上帝发了誓要成就这救恩,和大卫一样,我们能够信靠祂的应许。主啊,我们赞美你与我们同居。请以我们的君王耶稣基督,你受膏者的公义和救恩来穿戴我们。奉祂的名。阿们。

†Ps 133 Living in unity is as soothing as being anointed with oil, as refreshing as dew from the mountains on a parched desert. Descriptions of the goodness and pleasure of unity and brotherhood remind us that we often experience discord, strife, and disunity instead. This is true of our families, our communities, and our churches. Yet Christ’s prayer is “that they may be one, even as We are one” (Jn 17:11). He bestows that unity through the Holy Spirit in the refreshing waters of Baptism. • We praise You, Lord, for the unity we have through You with all our fellow Christians. Amen.
诗篇133篇 在和睦中的同居就如同头膏了油那样令人宽慰,也像那从山上滴在炎热沙漠中的露水那样清新。对和睦和弟兄情谊的良善和喜乐的描述提醒我们,事实上我们经常经历的却是不和睦,纷争和分裂。这在我们的亲人,我们的社区以及我们的教会中都是真实的。然而基督的祷告是“叫他们合而为一像我们一样”(约17:11)。祂藉着圣灵在那圣洗礼更新的水中赐下这合一。上主,我们赞美你,因为我们藉着你拥有了与我们基督徒同胞的合一。阿们。

†Ps 134 The priests on duty at the temple during the night are urged to bless the Lord, and yet the Lord blesses us. The night is an emblem of darkness and sorrow. Yet Christ is present in the darkness. He gives His blessing from the sacrificial mountain in Jerusalem by the continual ministry of the Church through Word and Sacrament. • We bless You, Lord, even in the darkness. And You bless us through Your Son, who went into the darkness of death to bring us into His light. Amen.
诗篇134篇 圣殿中值日的祭司夜间也当赞美主耶和华,然而是主先赐福他们。夜间象征着黑暗和悲伤。然而基督于夜间同样临在。祂藉着圣道和圣礼在教会中不断地作工,将祂的祝福从耶路撒冷献祭的山上赐下。上主,我们赞美你,既使是在黑暗当中。你藉着你的儿子祝福我们,祂走进死亡的黑暗,为的是将我们带入祂的光明中。阿们。

†Ps 135 God’s almighty power is evident in His creation and in His acts of redemption. The true God is contrasted with the man-made deities of false religions. When we know God only through His creation—the lightning and the storm—He can be terrifying. And in His dealings with human beings, He punishes sin, as He did with Pharaoh, the Canaanite kings, and worshipers of false gods. Yet God has compassion on His people, those whom He has chosen and claims as His own. The true God was incarnate in Jesus Christ as true man, one with us. In Baptism, He makes us His possession. • O Lord, we praise You for redeeming us and all Your people throughout history. May pastors, teachers, musicians, choirs, and the whole congregation bless You for Your presence in Your Church. Amen.
诗篇135篇 上帝的全能在祂的创造和救赎之工中显明出来。那独一真上帝与虚假宗教里面人造的神明有着强烈的对照。如果我们只藉着祂的创造—闪电和风暴来认识上帝,那么祂将是令人惧怕的。祂面对人类的时候,惩罚罪,正如祂在法老,迦南地的王和假神的敬拜者身上所行的那样。然而上帝怜悯祂的百姓,就是那些祂已经拣选并且归属于祂自己的人。真正的上帝是在耶稣基督里那道成了肉身的,是真正的人,祂(因此)与我们同在。在圣洗礼中,祂使我们成为祂的产业。主啊,我们赞美你,因着你在历史中拯救我们和所有你的百姓。愿牧师,教师,圣乐工作者,诗班成员和整间教会为着你在你教会中的临在而称颂你。阿们。

†Ps 136 This great psalm of thanksgiving praises God for His acts of creation and redemption, both in history and in the lives of His people. Every detail, at every stage, is a sign of God’s steadfast love, which, throughout human history, endures forever. The psalm is all about God’s action, not ours. • O, Lord, we thank You that as we live our lives, with all the highs and lows, joys and trials, Your steadfast love is there for us at every moment; it endures forever. Through Christ, our redemption. Amen.
诗篇136篇 这首奇妙的感恩诗歌赞美上帝施行创造和救赎的作为,不仅是在历史中,而且也在祂百姓的生活中。每一个阶段的每一个细节都是上帝恒久慈爱的记号,上帝的慈爱贯穿整个人类的历史,持续到永远。诗篇都是关乎上帝的作为,不是我们的。主啊,我们感谢你,因为我们的生活充满起伏跌宕,喜乐和试炼,然而你的慈爱每一刻都在那里为我们存留;并且持续到永远。藉着基督,我们的拯救。阿们。

†Ps 137 By abandoning God for false religions and the evil ways of the surrounding cultures, the people lost everything. Now, in their exile, they appreciate what they threw away. We, too, are exiles in the new Babylon—the world system with its abominations and its beast (Rv 18)—and must endure its temptations and tribulations. We, too, know that sin brings regret, grief, self-loathing, and bitterness. (Such emotions are signs of repentance.) Yet we can also look for our deliverance, clinging to God’s promises of redemption delivered by one wholly innocent, Jesus, God’s own Child. • O Lord, as we, too, are exiles in this ungodly world, teach us to mourn for our sins. Give us the gift of repentance, so that we may escape the judgment we deserve. Deliver us from our captivity to sin, through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
诗篇137篇 百姓因为离弃上帝转而去追随周边文化的虚假宗教和邪恶道路,就失去了一切。如今在被掳的境况中,他们开始怀念当初所抛弃的东西。我们也是被掳在新的巴比伦—世界的体系以及其中的污秽和兽(启18章)—我们必须承受其中的试探和磨难。我们也知道罪带来悔恨,忧伤,自我厌恶和苦毒。(这些情绪是悔改的表现)。然而我们也能仰望我们的拯救,紧紧倚靠上帝救赎的应许,就是由那一位完全圣洁无辜的,耶稣,上帝自己的独生子所成就了的。主啊,我们也是在这不敬虔的世界中流浪,请教导我们为着我们的罪哀伤。赐给我们悔改的恩赐,好叫我们可以逃离当受的审判。藉着你的儿子耶稣基督,拯救我们脱离罪的奴役。阿们。

†Ps 138 God’s name and Word are above everything, including all of the claims of the false gods. He cares for His children, the work of His hands, and His hands will protect them and bring His plans for them to completion. God’s hand is against His enemies. David’s victories prefigure the victories of David’s Son, Jesus Christ, and the victories of those who have been baptized into Him. Salvation is not only for David or for the Israelites but for all nations who will come to faith through God’s Word. • O Lord, we thank You that in Your Word You extend to us such great promises. Grant us full assurance of Your grace, protection, and spiritual care. Fulfill Your purpose in our lives through Jesus Christ. Amen.
诗篇138篇 上帝的名字和圣道高过一切,高过假神所断言的全部。祂看顾祂的儿女,看顾祂手的工作,祂的手必保护他们,并且最终完成为他们所存留的计划。上帝的手是对付祂仇敌的。大卫的得胜预表了大卫之子,耶稣基督的得胜以及那些已经受洗归入祂之人的得胜。救恩不仅是给大卫或以色列人的,乃是给藉着上帝的话语得着信心的万国万民。主啊,我们感谢你,因为在你的圣道中,你将如此伟大的应许临到我们。请赐给我们你恩典,护卫和属灵看顾的全部确据。藉着耶稣基督成就你在我们生命当中的旨意。阿们。

†Ps 139 A meditation on God’s attributes: His omniscience, His omnipresence, His omnipotence, and His holiness. The psalmist’s wonder segues into anger at those who hate God and destroy His gift of life. That God knows our every thought, word, and deed can be terrifying to a sinner. This psalm also gives a clear answer to today’s controversy about the value of human life and when life begins, clearly condemning abortion and other assaults on developing children. And yet, this psalm, above all, proclaims God’s love, which He expresses in His personal care and involvement in all of His creation. God’s knowledge, power, and presence were manifest most fully when He Himself assumed our substance, with a human body knit together in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and grew up to bear in that body God’s hatred of sin at the cross. • O Lord, thank You for knowing us so completely! Confound the abortionists, the “men of blood” (v 19) and others who would abuse and harm the bodies You have made. Lead us to agree with Your judgment against sin, especially with the sin in our own lives. Cleanse us with Christ’s blood, born of the Virgin Mary, who is present for our salvation in His Word and Sacraments. Amen.
诗篇139篇 这首诗默想上帝的属性:祂知晓一切,无处不在,无所不能,圣洁无暇。诗人惊叹之后是对那些抵挡上帝并且毁坏上帝所赐生命之人的忿怒。这首诗也对今天关于人生命价值以及生命起始的争辩给出了一个清晰的答案,清楚地谴责堕胎以及对处在发育阶段胎儿的其它伤害。然而最重要的是,这首诗宣扬上帝的慈爱,就是上帝在祂对所有受造物的看顾和介入中所表明的慈爱。当上帝祂自己取了我们的实质,一个肉身在童女马丽亚腹中形成,并且长大之后在肉身中于十字架上担当祂对罪的烈怒的时候,上帝的知识,权能,和同在就最充分地显明出来了。主啊,感谢你如此透彻地认识我们!请挫败那些堕胎主义者,“好流人血的”(19节)和其他那些伤害虐待你所造的身体的人。引领我们认同你对罪的审判,特别是对我们自己生命中的罪的审判。用基督的血洁净我们,基督从童女马丽亚所生,祂为着我们的救恩在祂的圣道和圣礼中临在。阿们。

†Ps 140 God’s judgment is harsh against those who use their words to harm others—through lies, gossip, slander, or other “poisonous” speech—as well as those who harm others through violence or subtle traps. God is on the side of the poor, the weak, and the oppressed. Those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake are blessed with the kingdom of heaven (Mt 5:10–11). They are bearing the cross, in that Jesus too—the Son of David prefigured in this psalm—endured the vicious words and violent actions of “evil men” (v 1; Mt 26:57–68; 27:32–44). In Christ, we receive our vindication, our forgiveness, and assurance. • O Lord, protect us from “evil men.” Protect us, too, from being evil ourselves—forgive us for hurting other people through our words or deeds. We turn to Christ, who was despised and afflicted, for our refuge and healing. Amen.
诗篇140篇 上帝对那些使用言语(藉着谎言,谣言,中伤或者其它“恶毒”的话)伤害他人之人的审判是严厉的,还有对那些藉着暴力或巧妙的陷阱伤害他人之人的审判。上帝站在贫穷人,软弱的人和受欺压之人的一边。那些为义受逼迫的人是蒙了天国的祝福的(太5:10-11)。他们背负十字架;耶稣,就是这首诗所预表的大卫之子,也在十字架中承受“恶人”的恶言和暴力(1节;太26:57–68; 27:32–44)。在基督里,我们领受我们的称义,我们的赦罪之恩和确据。主啊,保护我们脱离“恶人”。也保护我们,使我们自己不作恶,赦免我们藉着我们的言语或行为对他人的伤害。我们转向基督寻求我们的避难和医治,基督曾为此受藐视和苦待。阿们。

†Ps 141 Sinners will fall into the traps they have made for themselves and will ultimately be cast down. God, through the Office of the Ministry and other authorities, rebukes us for our sins. These are all to bring us to repentance. The “evening sacrifice” (v 2) of Christ’s final atonement for sin makes our prayers acceptable before God. In Him, we will “pass by” (v 10) the snares and punishments of the wicked, and He will be our refuge. • O Lord, keep me from sinning! Guard my mouth, lest I say something I should not. Keep me away from people who would lead me into sin. Make me open to correction and utterly dependent on Your grace in Christ. Amen.
诗篇141篇 罪人会跌入到他们为自己所设的网罗当中,并且最终会被抛下。上帝藉着话语事工的职份以及其它权柄来指责我们的罪。这些都是要带领我们悔改。“晚祭”(2节)就是基督为罪所付上的最终赎价,使我们的祷告在上帝面前蒙悦纳。在祂里面,我们必会“逃脱”(10节)恶人的网罗和刑罚,祂必要作我们的避难所。主啊,保守我们不再继续犯罪!保守我的口,免得我说一些不该说的话。保护我远离那些带领我落入罪中的人。使我甘心领受教训指正并且完全倚靠你在基督里的恩典。阿们。

†Ps 142 David prays to the Lord, pouring out his complaints and troubles. God restores him to the fellowship of faith. We often find ourselves in a “prison” of our own making. Our sins isolate us from others. We are shut out of the community of the righteous. These words of David are even more true of David’s Son, Jesus Christ. He, more than anyone, was persecuted, deserted, imprisoned, and tormented. At His burial, He was imprisoned in a cave. But His Father raised Him from the dead to live in the company of those made righteous through His blood. • Heavenly Father, when I have no one to turn to, help me realize that I can turn to You. Be my defender, my refuge, my portion in Christ. Bring me out of my prison and into the company of Your Church, now on earth and in eternity. Amen.
诗篇142篇 大卫向主祈祷,吐露他的苦情和患难。上帝使祂恢复到信心的团契中。我们常常发现自己落在自己所造的“监狱”里。我们的罪使我们与他人隔离。我们被拒绝在公义之人的群体之外。大卫的这些言语对于大卫之子,耶稣基督来说更是正确的。祂比任何人都更受逼迫,遗弃,监禁和鞭打。在祂被埋葬的时候,祂是被囚禁在一个洞穴中。但祂天上的父使祂从死里复活,活在那些因着祂的宝血而成为公义之人的会众中间。天上的父,当我没有任何帮助者的时候,请帮助我想起我还能转向你。请在基督里做我的护卫,我的避难所和我的份。带领我走出自己的监牢,进入你教会的百姓中间,此时在这地上以及将来在永恒中。阿们。

†Ps 143 The psalmist pleads for God’s mercy, admitting that neither he nor anyone else can stand before God’s judgment. He trusts in God’s righteousness and in His name, not his own. This penitential psalm is a profound description of a repentant heart, which receives God’s grace. The psalmist, giving up on himself, trusts in God’s “steadfast love” (v 8). • O Lord, I confess that I am sinful and unclean. By Your steadfast love, take away from me every shred of pride and self-righteousness. Trusting in Your grace, I come before You not in my own righteousness, but clothed in Jesus’ righteousness. Amen.
诗篇143篇 诗人呼求上帝的怜悯,承认无论他自己还是其他任何人都不能在上帝的审判面前站立的住。祂依靠上帝的公义和祂的名,不是自己的名。这首悔罪诗是对一颗悔改之心的深刻描述,悔改的心领受上帝的恩典。诗人对自己绝望,转而信靠上帝的“慈爱”(8节)。主啊,我承认我是有罪不洁的。请出于你的慈爱,将傲慢和自我为义的一切碎片都从我身上挪去。我信靠你的恩典,(因此)不凭我自己的义,乃是披戴耶稣的义来到你面前。阿们。

†Ps 144 We are indeed like a breath, a shadow, before God. In our sins—such as our propensity for lying and swearing falsely, as mentioned here—we are God’s enemies. And yet, God shows us His favor, despite our insignificance, particularly through the Son of Man, the Son of David, Jesus Christ. The Church has historically seen this psalm as foreshadowing Christ, our true King. • Blessed are You, Lord Christ, our King! You have come down to us, not in Your glory, but as one of us. You have won the victory over sin, the devil, and death itself. May we share Your victory and its blessings as we cling to You in faith. Amen.
诗篇144篇 我们在上帝面前的确像一口气,如影儿。按照我们的罪—比如我们倾向于撒谎和起假誓,就是在此提及的—我们是上帝的敌人。然而上帝藉着人子,大卫之子,耶稣基督向我们显明祂的恩惠,那怕我们是微不足道的。教会历史上将这首诗看作对基督我们真正的君王的预表。主基督我们的王啊,你当称颂!你降卑临到我们,不是在你的荣耀里,乃是作为我们其中的一员。你已经得胜罪,魔鬼和死亡本身。愿我们享有你的胜利和其所带来的祝福,我们在信心中倚靠你。阿们。

†Ps 145 God is our King, and all generations and all the earth must hear about Him. He abounds in mercy, which extends to all His works. The Lord will draw near to those who fear Him (who have been broken by the Law). He drew near to us in Christ, our King. His Word resounds from generation to generation, bringing the kingdom of God to all the world and to us. • O Christ, our King, Your righteousness is unsearchable. Though I should be counted among the wicked, You have redeemed me. Proclaim this good news to all the world through me. Amen.
诗篇145篇 上帝是我们的大君王,所有世代和全地万民都要听关于祂的事。祂有丰富怜悯,彰显在祂全部的工作中。主耶和华亲近那些敬畏祂的人(就是那些被律法压垮的)。祂在基督我们的君王里面亲近我们。祂的话语传扬世世代代,将上帝的国度带给整个世界和我们。基督啊,我们的王,你的公义何其深。尽管我本该算为恶人,然而你已经救赎了我。请使用我将这好消息传扬给所有世人。阿们。

†Ps 146 Do not put your faith in human beings—in politicians, social elites, or individuals, none of whom can save and all of whom will die. Rather, put your trust in God. Your Lord is Christ, the Son of Man in whom there is salvation, who on earth fed the hungry, healed the blind, and ministered to everyone in need. You were buried with Him in Baptism so you can share His new life and claim all of these promises. • O Lord, help us not to put our trust in people, but in You alone. Forgive us for mistreating others and for looking down on people different from ourselves. Thank You for keeping all of Your promises through Christ. Amen.
诗篇146篇 不要将你的信心放在人身上—政治家,社会精英或者个人,没有一个能够施行拯救,并且全部都会死。然而,要将你的信靠放在上帝身上。你的主是人子基督,在祂里面有救赎恩典,祂在地上的时候喂饱饥饿的人,医治瞎眼的,并且按照每一个人的需要服侍他们。你已经在圣洗礼中与祂同埋葬,好叫你可以分享祂的新生命并且拥有这些全部的应许。主啊,帮助我们不将我们的信靠放在人身上,却唯独放在你身上。赦免我们对他人的不公和恶待以及对那些与我们自己不同之人的鄙视。感谢你藉着基督保守你所有的应许。阿们。

†Ps 147 God has built Jerusalem and brought the exiles home. His Word that governs nature has been given to the children of Israel in Scripture. The Lord has forgiven those whom He had punished, gathered them from exile, and restored the Holy City. We need not depend on our strength, but we can “hope in His steadfast love” (v 11). The same Word that called the universe into existence and still governs its every detail is manifest in the Holy Scriptures and proclaimed in the Church for our salvation. • O Lord, You have made the crystals of ice, and You have made the stars. And yet, You show Your love for us. You have forgiven our sins and gathered us to Yourself. Above all of Your other blessings, You have given us Your Word. And that Word became flesh and dwelt among us. In His name we come before You. Amen.
诗篇147篇 上帝已经建造了耶稣撒冷并且使被掳之民归回。祂那掌管自然的圣道已经在圣经中赐给以色列的儿女。主耶和华已经赦免那些祂所刑罚的人,招聚他们脱离被掳的境地,并且重新兴起圣城。我们不需要依靠我们的力量,但我们能够“盼望祂的慈爱”(11节)。那使宇宙从无到有并且仍在每一个细微之处掌权的同一圣道在圣经中彰显出来,并且为着我们的救恩仍在教会中得以宣扬。基督啊,你已经创造了冰的晶块,你也创造了星星。然而,你向我们显明你的慈爱。你已经赦免我们的罪并且将我们收纳到你自己那里。在你一切其它祝福之上,你赐给我们你的话语。并且那话语成为肉身,住在我们中间。奉祂的名我们来到你面前。阿们。

†Ps 148 Our insensibility to God’s goodness and glory is a sign of how far we have fallen. In all of His manifold creation, God has “raised up a horn for His people” (v 14). This is a prophecy of Christ, as evident in the words of Zechariah, John the Baptist’s father (Lk 1:68–69). Through Christ, God has gathered together His own people into the Church, declaring them to be His saints and dwelling near them with His very presence in Word and Sacrament. • O Lord, may the nebulas of outer space and each atom that You have crafted praise You! May everything living praise You, from archangels to microorganisms! May men and women, old and young, from every nation and culture praise You! O Christ, come quickly, and bring all things to their fulfillment. Amen.
诗篇148篇 我们对上帝良善和荣耀的无动于衷正表明我们堕落的是多么深。在祂全部的荣耀丰富创造之工里面,上帝已经“将祂百姓的角高举”(14节)。这是关于基督的一则预言,正如施洗约翰的父亲撒迦利亚的颂赞所证实的那样(路1:68-69)。藉着基督,上帝已经招聚祂自己的百姓到教会中,宣扬他们做祂的圣徒,并且在圣道和圣礼中以祂确实的同在亲近他们。主啊,愿外太空的星云和你所造的每一颗原子都赞美你!愿所有活物都赞美你,从天使长到微生物!愿出自每一个国家和文化的男女老少都赞美你!基督啊,快来,并完全万事。阿们。

†Ps 149 Joyous praise of God is interrupted with invocations for God’s “vengeance” and “punishments” (v 7). And yet, despite God’s judgment, He “adorns the humble with salvation” (v 4). Salvation is a gift, a kind of clothing, and the pleasure the Lord takes in His people is not on account of their works. They rejoice in their King, who was bound and suffered the punishment due to the nations. We have fellowship with Him in the Church. • O Christ, our King, we praise You in the Church! When we worship and when we are alone, we adore You. Give us courage to engage in spiritual warfare—against the world, our flesh, and the devil—with the two-edged sword of Your Word, and grant us the victory. Amen.
诗篇149篇 对上帝欢喜快乐的赞美,因着呼求上帝施行“报复”和“刑罚”而被打断(7节)。尽管上帝有审判,但祂仍“用救恩当作谦卑人的妆饰”(4节)。救恩是一份礼物,一件衣裳,也是主对祂百姓的喜悦,而这不在乎他们的行为。他们以他们的王欢喜快乐,祂受俘虏并且承担本该属于万国万民的刑罚。我们在教会中与祂有团契交通。基督我们的王啊,我们在教会中赞美你!当我们敬拜你,或独处的时候,我们尊荣你。请赐给我们勇气来用你圣道的双刃剑去做属灵的争战—对付世界,对付我们的肉体,还有魔鬼,并且使我们得胜。阿们。

†Ps 150 A tenfold “hallelujah!” in the heavens and in the place of worship, with every musical instrument; everything that breathes should praise the Lord because of His mighty deeds and His “excellent greatness”! Of the many reasons to praise God, for us the most joyous are “His mighty deeds” (v 2) by which He has redeemed us in Christ and brought us to faith. • O Lord, may the praises in the Psalms, the praises in the Church, and the praises in heaven equip me to join in praising You! Amen.
诗篇150篇 这是以各样的乐器,在天上和敬拜的场所发出十倍的“哈利路亚”;凡有气息的都当赞美主耶和华,因为祂有大能的作为和“极美的大德”!在赞美上帝的所有理由当中,对我们来说最当欢喜快乐的是“祂大能的作为”(2节),祂如此在基督里救赎我们并且带领我们得着信心。主啊,愿诗篇的颂赞,教会的赞美,天上的颂扬都装备我加入对你的赞美之列!阿们。

翻译:Gary Liu
校对:Gary Liu



1:1–7 Solomon’s introduction reminds us of the difference between true wisdom and the wisdom of the world. True wisdom is from the Lord, a message that is foolishness to those who reject it but God’s very power to us who are being saved (1Co 1:18). • Lord, teach us true wisdom and give us its power to love and serve You. Amen.
箴言1:1–7 所罗门在序言里提醒我们关于真正智慧与世俗智慧的差别。 真正的智慧是从主而来的,这信息在那些拒绝的人为愚拙,但在我们得救的人却为上帝的大能(林前1:18)。 • 主啊,请教导我们明白真正的智慧,并赐给我们智慧的力量来爱与服事你,阿门。

1:8–19 Solomon warns against joining sinners in their adventurous plots, cautioning that the greedy and violent finally receive their punishment. Through the means of grace, God in Christ strengthens and preserves His people, just as He forgives all our sins for Jesus’ sake. • O Lord, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
箴言1:8–19所罗门警告我们不要随从恶人投机冒险的计谋,警戒我们那些贪心和强暴的人最终都将得到惩罚。 藉着施恩具,上帝在基督里坚固并保守祂的子民,正如祂因着耶稣的缘故赦免了我们一切的罪。 • 主啊,求你不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶,阿门。

1:20–33 God’s will is freely proclaimed and may be universally received. His Law and His grace are for all people, for He desires all to be saved (1Tm 2:4). Those who turn their backs on God and His will face condemnation. But those who believe in Jesus as their Savior can rest secure, now and forever, in His love and care. • Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word and faith. Amen.
箴言1:20–33上帝的旨意得以自由宣扬,是世人都能得知的。祂的律法与恩典赐给了所有的人,因祂愿意万人得救(提前2:4)。那些拒绝上帝并祂旨意的人将被定罪,但那些信靠耶稣为他们救赎主的人得以在祂的爱和看顾下享受稳妥无忧的安宁,从今直到永远。 • 主啊,请保守我们在你的圣道和信心中坚定不移,阿门。

†Ch 2 Two roads exist for every person—the way of righteousness and the way of evil. The way of evil is populated with those who reject God and His good and gracious will. The way of evil leads to certain and eternal death. The way of righteousness is traveled by God’s forgiven children through faith in Christ Jesus, kept on the narrow path (Mt 7:13–14) by the working of the Holy Spirit through the means of grace. The path of righteousness leads to certain and eternal life. • Lord, keep us faithful in reading and studying Your Word and in receiving Your grace through the Sacraments. Amen.
箴言2章 每个人都面临两条道路—一条是正直公义的,一条是邪恶弯曲的。邪恶的道路上充满着拒绝上帝并祂良善恩慈旨意的人,这恶道通往那确实且永恒的灭亡。 走在公义道路上的则是因信耶稣基督而蒙上帝赦免的儿女,有圣灵藉着施恩具保守他们行在这条窄路上(太7:13-14),这义路通往确实的永恒生命。 • 主啊,请保守我们忠心地阅读和学习你的圣道,同时藉着圣礼领受你的恩典,阿门。

3:1–12 God punishes those who stubbornly resist His mercy and refuse to follow His commands. But He promises abundant blessings to all who, in faith, receive His gracious love and salvation through the merits of Jesus Christ. • Heavenly Father, lead me to dedicate myself to You and to trust in You with my whole heart, to know and live according to Your will. Send me Your Spirit to bless the use of my time, abilities, and possessions so that I may serve You faithfully and effectually. Amen.
箴言3:1–12上帝惩罚那些顽固抗拒祂的恩典和拒绝遵从祂命令的人,但藉着耶稣已做成的工,祂承诺赐丰盛的祝福给所有那些在信心中接受祂恩惠之爱与救赎的人。 • 天父,请引领我将自己献给你,全心全意地信靠你,明白你的旨意并生活在其中。赐下你的灵祝福我对于时间,才能,和资财的运用以至于我能忠心且有果效地服事你,阿门。

3:13–35 Solomon, parent and teacher, emphasizes the blessings God gives through the wisdom He imparts. These blessings include the treasures of peace, security, and confidence, apportioned to those who trust in the Lord for forgiveness, new life, and eternal salvation. The blessings of those possessing true wisdom contrast with the condemnation accorded those who resist and scorn God’s favor. • Triune God, make us humble before You so that we may receive and ever hold fast the treasures of Your grace. Enable us to live according to the wisdom that comes only from You. Amen.
箴言3:13–35所罗门从父亲与教师的立场,着重说明从上帝而得的智慧将带来的祝福。这些祝福包括了宝贵的和平,安全稳妥,与自信,全都加给了那些信靠上帝而得赦罪,新生命,和永恒救赎的人;但那抗拒及藐视上帝恩典的人必被定罪,蒙福和咒诅有着显明的对比。 • 三一真神啊,求使我们在你面前谦卑下来以至于我们能接受并永远紧紧抓住你恩典中的福分,并使我们能照着唯独从你而来的智慧而生活,阿门。

†Ch 4 Little or no formal education existed in OT times. Instead, the head of the household taught his family, including small children, in the ways of the Lord. Through this instruction, Israelites came to understand their identity as God’s chosen people, to know God’s saving love and promises, and to anticipate the coming of the Savior (e.g., Ex 12:24–27; Dt 4:6–7). Godly parents warn their children of the temporal and eternal consequences of wickedness. The heavenly Father assures us of the grace and blessings God offers to those who love and trust in their Savior and who, relying on His Spirit’s power, seek to walk in His light. • Lord, forgive our sins and help us each day to walk in the bright light of the new life You have given us in Baptism. Help us correctly and appropriately to teach others of Your will and love. Amen.
箴言4章 在旧约时期几乎没有任何正规形式的教育,而是由一家之主用上帝的话语教导他的全家,包括小孩子在内。通过这些教导,以色列人逐渐认识到他们做为上帝选民的身份,明白上帝救赎的爱与应许,并且盼望救赎主的来临(出12:24-27;申4:6-7)。敬虔的父母会警戒他们的子女关于行恶将面临现世及永远的恶果。天父承诺将赐下恩典与祝福给那些信靠并爱主的人,与那些依靠圣灵权能,寻求行在祂真光之中的人。 • 主啊,请赦免我们的罪,帮助我们每日行走在新生命的光明之中,这生命是你在洗礼中已经赐下我们的;也帮助我们能正确且恰当地教导他人明白你的爱和旨意,阿门。

†Ch 5 So much of God’s teaching of the Law is exposé. God shows us what sin looks like, why we sin, and where sin takes us. That is what Solomon does with his son. He gives him a vivid look at the road to and from adultery. What’s more, he shows the sheer joy of deep, lasting intimacy within marriage. Sin is never just a moral lapse or isolated infraction of one of God’s Commandments; its consequences lead ultimately to death (Rm 6:23). How many of us might have been spared the horrific aftermath of sin if only we had looked beyond the sin to its consequences! The Gospel of Jesus Christ motivates us to take the higher road. We honor faithfulness in marriage and in all our relationships because of Him who was faithful to us in all things. • Wise Father, You have given us marriage as an estate in which we can know the blessings of lifelong faithfulness between a man and a woman. In Your grace, You have shown us faithfulness in Jesus, Your Son. Confirm in us, O Lord, a desire to do what pleases You in all of our relationships, that we may be faithful as husbands and wives, parents and children, friends and neighbors. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
箴言5章 上帝所教导我们的律法有许多已经向我们显明了。上帝告诉我们罪是什么样子,我们为什么犯罪,以及犯罪导致的后果。在这里所罗门也同样教导他的孩子,给他一幅关于奸淫之路的清晰画面。除此之外,所罗门更指出在婚姻之内那种深而持续的亲密关系所产生的全然喜悦。罪从来不只是道德上的缺损或对于上帝诫命孤立性的违犯;而是它的结局最终通往死亡(罗6:23)。如果我们的目光能越过罪看见它的后果,我们中间会有多少人已经从罪的可怕后果中逃脱了啊!耶稣基督的福音赐给我们动力来走那条更为高尚的路,我们要尊重并信守婚姻中及所有关系的忠诚,全因那位在一切事上对我们信实的主。• 智慧的天父,你已经赐给我们婚姻为产业,在其中使我们能够认识一男一女之间终身忠诚的祝福。因着你的恩典,你已藉着你的爱子耶稣向我们显明了你的信实。噢主啊,请坚固我们心中去行蒙你悦纳之事的意愿,使我们无论做为丈夫或妻子,家长或孩子,朋友或邻居,在这些关系上都能忠诚以对。奉耶稣的名,阿门。

6:1–19 God’s Law shows us not only our sins but also their motivations and consequences. Consider a thought, an action, or a word by asking, Why am I doing this? Where could it take me? Can I do this in the name of the Lord? God hates sin so deeply that He sent His Son to take away sin’s power—its curses and its eternal consequences. In Christ, we are forgiven and empowered to overcome sin. Good-for-nothings are made into God’s precious and valuable sons and daughters. • Lord, You know my heart. Forgive those times when sin, not Your grace and Spirit, has motivated me. Take my words, Lord, my hands, and my feet, and use them for Your good purposes. May all who follow You speak well of one another and know the peace that comes with wisdom rooted in Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
箴言6:1–19 上帝的律法指出的不仅是我们的罪,也包括犯罪的动机和恶果。当我们思考一个念头,行动,或想说一句话时,先问问自己:“我为什么这么做?做了之后会有什么结果呢?我能奉上帝的名去做这事吗?” 上帝是如此地恨恶罪,因此祂差遣了祂的儿子来消灭罪的权势—罪的咒诅和永恒的恶果。在基督里,我们已经蒙了赦免并被赋予战胜罪的力量;原本一无是处的我们竟然成为上帝所珍爱宝贵的儿女了。 • 主啊,你知道我的内心,请原谅我那些不随从你的圣灵与恩典,反随从罪的时刻。主啊,求你使用我的话语,我的手脚来成就你美好的旨意。愿所有跟从你的人彼此之间有和睦的言语,并且真知道从那扎根于你圣道的智慧而来的平安。奉耶稣的名,阿门。

6:20–35 The Sixth Commandment, “You shall not commit adultery,” holds high God’s institution of marriage and protects us from the deadly consequences of sexual immorality. Pr teaches us to weigh the heavy consequences of sexual immorality before we act. Personal health, reputation, family, and career are at stake—and our relationship with God. Wisdom weighs the consequences and counts the costs. Wisdom, who is Jesus Christ, brings us the power and motivation to live worthy of our holy calling, especially where sexual purity is concerned. • Father, in Your wisdom You call Your people to purity, reserving sexual intimacy for marriage. Give me the wisdom to walk away from temptation and to overcome it by Your Word and Spirit; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, my Lord. Amen.
箴言6:20–35十诫中的第六条“不可奸淫”高举上帝设立的婚姻,并保护我们免于不道德之性行为所导致的毁灭性恶果。牧师常会教导我们必须事先掂量这类不道德性关系将带来的沉重后果—个人的健康状况,名誉,家庭,和事业都处于危险之中,当然更包括我们跟上帝之间的关系。智慧掂量后果,权衡得失。智慧,也就是耶稣基督本身,带给我们力量及动力来过与我们所领受之神圣恩召相称的生活,尤其在保持纯洁的性关系方面。 • 天父,出于你的智慧,你召唤你的子民持守纯洁,为婚姻保存亲密的性关系。求赐给我智慧得以远离诱惑,并且藉着你的话语和圣灵而战胜诱惑;奉靠耶稣基督你的爱子,我的救主,阿门。

†Ch 7 Whether male or female, husband or wife, the one who commits adultery chooses immediate gratification over faithfully keeping one’s commitments to God and spouse. The breaking of the Sixth Commandment has repeatedly brought death to marriage, family, friendships, and career. More significant, this willful sin walks away from God and God’s order in His creation, in which He reserves sexual intimacy for the marriage of one man and one woman. No talk of love, youthful naiveté, or even shared religious values can camouflage the destructive force of the sin of sexual intimacy outside marriage. The One who is faithful in all things offers forgiveness for all who have taken this deadly turn. The apostle Paul likens God’s relationship with us to a marriage characterized by service and sacrifice (Eph 5:22–27). God’s Word and wisdom light the way to sexual purity and marital faithfulness. • Lord Christ, Wisdom of God, plant Your Word in my heart that I may be faithful in my sexuality. Save me from wanton sins of immediate pleasure, which make no sense for those who live by Your light and truth. Lord Jesus, be for me the way that leads from death to life. In Your strong name. Amen.
箴言7章 无论是男人或女人,丈夫或妻子,犯了奸淫罪的那一方选择的是当下立即的满足,而不再忠实地持守对上帝和配偶所作出的委身。违反第六条诫命已使当事人的婚姻,家庭,友谊,与事业屡次滑向深渊。更严重的是,这蓄意而行的罪偏离了上帝和祂造物的秩序,因为亲密的性关系是祂为那由一男一女所组成的婚姻而保留的。无论是以爱情为由,或以年轻的纯真,甚至以彼此间共同的信仰价值为由,都无法掩盖那发生于婚姻之外性关系的毁灭性力量。那位在一切事上信实的上帝提供了赦免饶恕给所有转入这条致命道路的人。使徒保罗把上帝与我们之间的关系比作具有服事和牺牲特质的婚姻(弗5:22-27)。上帝的话语和智慧照亮了通往纯洁的性关系与忠实婚姻的道路。• 主基督,你是上帝的智慧,请栽种你的话语在我心里,使我能在性关系上忠贞。保守我不犯只为满足自己当下愉悦而放纵淫乱的罪,因那等行为对于依靠你光明与真理而行的人是荒谬无意义的。主耶稣啊,请成为那领我从死亡走向光明的道路,奉靠你大能的名,阿门。

†Ch 8 The Lord is our Wisdom. His words and atoning works call from the heights and the crossroads of life for all humanity to hear. Like Wisdom in ch 8, Christ calls us from worldly foolishness, judgment, and death to obedience, God’s favor, and abundant life. Christ’s eternal nature, His relationship with the Father, and His work in creation all mark Him as the very wisdom of God. As such, He hates the sins of pride, arrogance, evil, and perverted speech (v 13). He calls us to do the same (Rm 12:9). He reaches out in love to all who love Him and diligently seek Him. In Christ, our Wisdom, we are rich beyond any human measure! • Lord Christ, Your wisdom brings life. You favor both the great and the humble, rulers and children, calling us from foolish sins to righteousness and truth. When we have lost our way, You are the door to all that is good and right, noble and true. Lord, make us wise unto Your salvation, that by Your gracious wisdom we may truly live. In Your name. Amen.
箴言8章 上帝就是我们的智慧,祂的话语和赎罪的工从高处和生命的十字路口呼唤所有世人。就像箴言第八章所说的,耶稣也召我们出了这世界的愚蒙,审判,和死亡,进入顺服,蒙上帝喜悦,并丰盛的生命中。基督永恒的属性,祂与天父之间的关系,并祂创造的大工都标识出祂正是上帝的智慧。同样地,祂恨恶骄傲,狂妄,恶道,与乖谬的嘴(13节);祂也呼召我们如此行(罗12:9)。祂在爱中向那些爱祂并殷勤寻求祂的人展开双臂。在基督,我们的智慧里,我们的富足远超过一切世人所能测度的。• 主基督啊,你的智慧带来生命。无论是伟大的或卑下的,君王或是孩童都蒙你所爱;你呼唤我们转离愚昧的罪,进入公义和真理。当我们迷失时,你是领我们进入一切良善正直、真实高贵之事的那扇门。主啊,使我明白你的救恩,让我们藉着你恩慈的智慧能真正永远地活着。奉靠你的名,阿门。

9:1–12 The gracious invitation of Wisdom extends to all who live apart from the life she longs to bring. Jesus Christ calls the world to His banquet (Jn 6:32–59). Those who respond in faith will live forever in the company of Christ and His banqueting guests. Those who foolishly reject Him are dead in their sins. • Lord Jesus, save me from the folly of rejecting You. Make me wise to the truth of Your love. Help me to know You and love You so deeply that in Your life-giving presence I will grow more like You. For Your name’s sake. Amen.
箴言9:1–12智慧发出了恩惠的邀请,是向一切与她所愿恩赐生命无份的人发出的。耶稣召唤世人去赴祂的筵席(约6:32-59),那些以信心回应耶稣的人将与祂及席上的宾客一同永远活着;而那些愚昧地拒绝耶稣的人,将在自己的罪恶中灭亡。• 主耶稣,请保守我不至于愚昧地拒绝你,赐我智慧接受你的爱和真理,帮助我更深地认识你并爱你以至于藉着你赐生命的同在,使我成长得更像你,因你名的缘故,阿门。

9:13–18 God’s Law warns against the deadly foolishness all around us. Life in the Gospel saves us from a naive gullibility that sets us up for moral and spiritual disaster. The Law is the light that shows us the dirt in the house of our lives. The Gospel is the broom that sweeps it clean. The Gospel moves us from lazy moral laxity to wise discipline. The folly of sin gets a just punishment—death. The wisdom of our God-given faith brings eternal life. • Lord, save me from the folly of going my own way, for in the end folly abandons me in the company of the dead. Give me a discerning mind to know how folly’s call would take me from wisdom to a table for the dead. Then, by Your grace and Spirit, bring me to a feast of life, rich with Your presence, lasting forever. Amen.
箴言9:13–18上帝的律法警戒我们提防那些充斥在我们周围足以致命的愚蠢行为。在福音里的生命挽救我们不因天真幼稚而轻易受骗,导致道德或属灵上的灾难。在我们的生命中,律法照出了我们生命房屋里的灰尘污垢,福音则是将屋子清扫干净的扫帚,使我们在道德上的懒惰散漫转变为有智慧的规范。罪的愚昧得到了公正的惩罚—死亡,但由上帝所赐信心而来的智慧带来的是永恒的生命。• 主啊,请拯救我脱离偏行己路的愚昧,因为愚昧最终将把我抛弃在灭亡之人中间。赐给我能分辨的心,明白听从愚蒙的呼叫将使我离开智慧,转赴死亡的筵席。请藉着你的恩典与圣灵,带领我赴生命的筵席,满有你的同在直到永远,阿门。

10:1–5 The material blessings enjoyed by families should be pursued by prudent and diligent work done honestly. God blesses such labor and uses it to provide for the needs of His people. We should be careful not to forget that it is God who provides us with all that we need to support our body and life. Likewise, we must never resort to wickedness or dishonesty in an attempt to secure a better profit for ourselves. The righteousness that comes through faith in Jesus not only delivers from death, but it also ensures that our heavenly Father will provide us with everything we need. • Heavenly Father, grant me to believe that because You did not spare Your own Son, You will now graciously give me every needed thing (Rm 8:32). Amen.
箴言10:1–5我们应当谨慎,诚实,勤奋地工作来获得家中物质上的祝福,上帝赐福这些劳作并借此提供祂子民的生活所需。我们该警醒不忘上帝是那位供应我们的身体与生命所需的;同样,我们永远不应该采取邪恶或诡诈阴险的手段为自己谋取更大的利益。因信耶稣而得的公义不仅救拔我们脱离死亡,更确保天父会赐下一切我们所需用的。• 天父,请赐我信心,相信你既不爱惜自己的儿子,如今你必恩慈地赐给我一切所需用的(罗8:32),阿门。

10:6–23 The words we speak can be either a source of life and comfort, edifying those around us, or a source of strife and wickedness, stirring up hatred and division. Always choose your words prudently, being careful never to speak gossip, lies, or slander about another person. Defend those whose reputation is under assault and forgive those who sin against you. Jesus was a victim of false accusations; the blood He shed on the cross covers all of our offenses. • Lord, may Your saving love and forgiveness always be expressed through our lips. Amen.
箴言10:6–23我们所说出的话可以是生命与安慰的泉源,使我们周围的人受益;也可能是冲突与恶事的源头,挑起仇恨和纷争。总要谨慎小心地选择你的言语,留心不去说人闲话,撒谎,和毁谤他人。为那些名誉受损的人辩护,并原谅那些得罪你的人。耶稣就是一个遭受不实控告的受害者,祂在十字架上所流出的宝血遮盖了我们所有对祂的冒犯。• 主啊,愿你拯救的爱与赦免不断地藉由我们的嘴表达出来,阿门。

10:24–32 Both the righteous and the wicked face tempests and challenges. Yet the righteous, who travel the way of the Lord and who live in the fear of the Lord, are blessed with stability, joy, and the promise of everlasting life. The Lord is your hope, health, stronghold, and way. • Lord Jesus, keep us from straying from the path You have set before us, and renew our hope in You. Amen.
箴言10:24–32义人和恶人都会面临风暴与挑战,然而义人敬畏主,行在祂的道路上,蒙受永生的承诺,安稳和喜乐。主是你的希望,健康,高台和道路。• 主耶稣,求你保守我们不偏离你为我们预备的道路,并重新赐给我们在你里面的盼望,阿门。

11:1–11 The distinction between the righteous and the wicked is not confined to the private or spiritual realms of life but also manifests itself in public words and actions. As you seek to live with integrity that reflects the righteousness we have received, express your righteousness in public ways—among your neighbors, in matters of commerce, and in your community. Although we may sometimes feel reluctant or unqualified to do this, by grace Jesus calls us the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world” (Mt 5:13–16). • Lord Jesus, give us courage to shine the light of Your truth in every area of our lives. Amen.
箴言11:1–11 义人与恶人的区别不仅局限在他们私下及属灵的生活中,也会从他们公开的话语和行为里显示出来。当你试图正直诚实地过一个足以反映我们所接受上帝之义的生活时,应当在公共的场合中将其表现出来—就是在你的邻舍面前,在工作往来之间,及在你的社区当中活出来。虽然我们有时可能会感到勉强或无法胜任,但因着耶稣的恩典,祂已经称我们为“世上的盐”和“世上的光”了(太5:13-16)。• 主耶稣,求赐给我们勇气,在我们生活中的每一个领域都能使你真理的光照耀出来。阿门。

†Chs 11-12 Pr teaches the wisdom of living by righteousness as taught by the Lord. Worldly logic tells us that we become wealthy by hoarding what we have. But God’s Word tells us that true riches come to those who give generously. We should always return a portion of our income to the service of God (who gives us all things) and support our neighbors according to their need. After all, this is God’s wonderful way of dealing with His children. He has generously given us all that we need, including the life of His one and only Son for our salvation. • Lord, we rejoice in the great blessings You have given us. Lead us to believe that with You as our God, we will never suffer want. Amen.
箴言11-12章 就像主一样,牧师也教导我们凭藉公义而活的智慧。这个世界的逻辑告诉我们囤积就能变得富足,但上帝的话语告诉我们慷慨施予的,才能得着真正的丰裕。我们总当以收入的一部分来奉献于上帝的事工,并按照我们邻舍的需要来援助他们。因为这是上帝对待祂儿女的奇异方式。祂已经慷慨地赐给我们一切所需,包括为要拯救我们而舍弃了祂独生爱子的性命。• 主啊,我们在你所赐的丰盛祝福中欢欣快乐。求带领我们相信,因你是我们的上帝我们必永远不致缺乏。阿门。

12:12–15:19 In these proverbs, the characteristics of foolish and wise people are contrasted. The foolish are gullible and believe everything. They are reckless, careless, and quick-tempered. But because wise people thoughtfully evaluate everything on the basis of God’s Word, their words and actions are always prudent and cautious. • Lord God, temper our rash and impetuous urges. Lead us, instead, to walk by faith, always expressing ourselves with the gentleness and self-control that come from You. Amen.
箴言12:12–15:19在这些箴言中,愚妄人和智慧人的特点形成明显对照。愚妄人容易上当受骗,他们轻信一切的事情,是胆大妄为,粗心散漫,且又暴躁易怒的。与此相反,智慧人根据上帝的话语慎重地评估每一件事,他们的话语和行为总是顾虑周到,小心谨慎的。• 主上帝啊,请缓和我们鲁莽轻率的冲动,带领我们依靠信心而行,凡事表现出从你而来的温和与节制。阿门。

16:10–21 These proverbs are especially directed to kings and other public servants. Their authority has been instituted by God (Rm 13:1), and for that reason we owe them honor and obedience. God uses them for the welfare of those who act righteously and as agents of wrath for those who do evil. • Lord God, give Your wisdom to our leaders, that they might always carry out their duties in justice and mercy. Amen.
箴言16:10–21这些箴言是特别指向君王及其它公职人员。他们的权柄都是出于上帝(罗13:1),因此我们应当尊重和服从他们。上帝使用他们赐福祉给那行善的,降愤怒刑罚那作恶的。• 主上帝,求赐下你的智慧给我们的领导人,使他们能以公正和怜悯来履行他们的职责。阿门。

17:1–6 The Fourth Commandment not only teaches children to honor their parents but also teaches parents to cherish and take seriously God’s gift of raising their children. God did not give us “children for our pleasure or amusement” (LC I 170) but that we would train them up in the way they should go (22:6). Parents, are you taking seriously your responsibility to instruct your children in the Scriptures and the catechism (Dt 6:6–8)? Children, are you respecting your parents, holding them in the highest esteem, recognizing what good gifts God has provided you through them (Ex 20:12)? Our heavenly Father has given us His highest good in His Son, Jesus, and because Jesus delighted to do His Father’s will, God now delights in you and me. In Jesus, we will receive the true crown of righteousness (2Tm 4:8), and by Him we call God our Father. • Dear Father, teach us to cherish the gifts You provide in our families—both as parents and as children—and lead us to dutifully carry out the responsibilities You give us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
箴言17:1–6十诫中的第四诫不仅仅教导做儿女的要孝敬父母,也教导做父母的要珍视并认真对待上帝所赐他们这份养育儿女的礼物。上帝并不是赐给我们“儿女作为我们的消遣与娱乐“(大问答,第一部分170),而是要教导他们走当行的道(出22:6)。做父母的,你是否认真看待这份责任,以圣经和信仰问答来教导你的儿女呢(申6:6-8)?做儿女的,你是否尊重你的父母,以最高的敬意来珍重他们,意识到上帝藉着他们提供你何等美好的礼物呢(出20:12)?我们的天父已经藉着祂儿子耶稣赐给我们最良善的,并且因着耶稣乐意遵行天父的旨意,天父如今也悦纳你和我。在耶稣里,我们将得着真正公义的冠冕(提后4:8)并称上帝为我们的父亲。• 亲爱的天父,教导我们珍视你在家庭中所赐给我们的礼物—无论是身为父母或是子女—并带领我们尽职地履行你所托付我们的责任。奉耶稣的名,阿门。

17:7–24 God’s people are not to use the Gospel as grounds for partiality in judging (24:23–24), for calling good evil or evil good (Is 5:20), or for failing to protect the innocent. The Father is our goodness and glory, whom we honor by faith. • Dear Father, give us life always by the Gospel, being sure of our forgiveness for Jesus’ sake and looking past the sins of those who repent. As we carry out our individual responsibilities within this world, guide us to judge rightly between good and evil, upholding what pleases You and condemning what does not. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
箴言17:7–24 上帝的子民不应使用福音做为理由在审判时偏心(24:23-24),或称善为恶,称恶为善(赛5:20),或者没能保护无辜的人。天父是我们的美善与颂赞,我们藉着信心归荣耀给祂。 • 亲爱的天父,总是以福音赐给我们生命,对因耶稣而得的赦免确信不疑,并且不追究那些已悔改之人的罪。当我们在这个世上履行各人的责任时,引导我们正确地判断是非,明辨善恶;高举你所喜悦的,恨恶你所厌恶的。奉耶稣的名。阿门。

17:25–19:12 The Eighth Commandment warns against false testimony against our neighbor. We should put a stop to gossip before it begins, not only by defending the reputation of the one spoken about but also by calling the gossiper to repentance and safeguarding ourselves from what may do irreparable damage. How have you been at keeping yourself from listening to the juicy tidbits sinners have to say about one another? What a difference between us and God! Our Lord has blessedly promised to put our sins as far from us as the east is from the west (Ps 103:12) and to remember our sins no more (Jer 31:34; Heb 8:12; 10:17). He will entertain no charge against us, now that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rm 8:1). What joy it would be if we let our Lord’s forgiveness teach us to be as silent about the sins and shortcomings of our neighbor as God is pleased to be toward ours for Jesus’ sake! • Heavenly Father, teach us by Your Holy Absolution to keep both our lips and our ears from the evil that may be spoken of others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
箴言17:25–19:12 十诫中的第八条警戒我们不可做假见证陷害我们的邻舍。我们应该在流言蜚语开始前就阻止它,不但要保护当事人的名誉,还应要求那散播流言者悔改,并保护自己远离任何无可弥补的伤害。罪人之间总是散播着刺激有趣的八卦消息,在使自己远离聆听闲言碎语这方面,你做得如何呢?想想我们和上帝之间的差距是多么的大啊!我们的主承诺要使我们的罪离开我们就像东离西那么的远(诗103:12),并且不再记念我们的罪恶(耶31:34;来8:12;10:17)。祂不对我们提出控告,因为那些在基督耶稣里的就不被定罪了(罗8:1)。如果我们让主的饶恕教导我们,不散播邻舍的过错和缺点,就像上帝因耶稣的缘故,喜悦不再重提我们的过犯一样,那该是多大的喜乐之事!• 天父,教导我们藉着你的解罪礼保守我们的嘴和耳朵远离说人闲话的恶事。奉耶稣的名,阿门。

19:13–20:30 Children are born fools, since they are born sinful. No one should be surprised by their excesses and ill manners. Yet no one should abandon them to their sinfulness but nurture and admonish them through God’s Word. God’s dear Son became a fool for our sakes, pierced and lashed to rescue us from foolishness and to deliver us into the arms of our dear Father. • O Father, welcome me now—Your prodigal child—for Brother Jesus has borne the blows and strokes of my cleansing. Amen.
箴言19:13–20:30 孩童生来就是愚蒙的,因为他们生来就是罪人,不必因他们越轨的行为或是过分的态度感到大惊小怪;但我们也不应任由他们在罪中,而要以上帝的话语养育并告诫他们。上帝的爱子因为我们的缘故成了愚人,被鞭打并钉死为要拯救我们脱离愚蒙,将我们安置在天父的膀臂中。• 噢天父,求接纳我这个浪子,因我的弟兄耶稣为要洁净我已经遭受了击打。阿门。

21:1–22:16 Folly is more than mere stupidity. It is an act of rebellion against God. It not only brings bad consequences in this life but also damns us for eternity. True wisdom does not come from studying hard in school or even from having much life experience. True wisdom flows out of trust in the Lord (“the fear of the LORD”). By putting our trust in God and in His Son—Jesus Christ, Wisdom in human flesh—we are delivered from the consequences of our folly and we grow in the righteous behavior marked by wisdom. • Dear heavenly Father, forgive us for the many ways that we have shown the folly of our hearts. Drive from us the folly that results whenever we fear, love, and trust idols rather than You. Strengthen our trust in You and in Your Son’s death and resurrection so that we will grow in wisdom, grace, and the knowledge of our Savior. Amen.
箴言21:1–22:16愚蒙不仅只是单纯的愚笨,还是一种敌挡上帝的行为,不只会在今生带来糟糕的后果,更将导致永恒的灭亡。真正的智慧不是由在校的努力学习或甚至丰富的生活阅历所得到的,而是从信靠上帝而流露出来的(”敬畏耶和华“)。当我们信靠上帝和祂的儿子耶稣基督–成了肉身的智慧的时候,我们就从自己愚蒙的结局中被解救出来,并凭借智慧在公义的行为上逐渐成长。• 亲爱的天父,请赦免我们所做的那些暴露自己心中愚蒙的行为。每当我们惧怕,亲爱,或信靠偶像而不是你的时候,求除去我们的愚蒙。坚固我们的信心,信靠你和你儿子的死与复活,而得以在智慧,恩典,和认识我救主上成长。阿门。

22:17–24:22 Solomon knows that true piety is more than simply avoiding evil but is based on trust in God. Thus, he urges us not to envy sinners but to fear the Lord, for the Lord has graciously promised us a glorious future (23:17–18; 24:1–4, 13–14). • Lord, as we learn in secular institutions and from pagan neighbors, may we be moved to grow in godliness, while ever remembering that true righteousness is ours through Christ alone. Amen.
箴言22:17–24:22所罗门知道真正的虔诚不仅仅是避免邪恶,更是根基于信靠上帝。因此,他规劝我们不要嫉妒罪人,而要敬畏上帝,因为上帝已经恩慈地承诺要赐给我们荣耀的未来(23:17-18;24:1-4;13-14)。• 主啊,当我们受属世的环境和外邦人邻居影响时,请引领我们在敬虔中成长,并永远记得我们已拥有唯独从基督而来的真正的公义。阿门。

24:23–34 These verses comprise two sets of three topics: conduct in court (23–25, 28), speaking (26, 29), and work (27, 30–34). We are told to be just in judging and honest in our testimony. We are to speak the truth to our neighbor in all circumstances. We are to work hard on the most important priorities and not shirk work like the sluggard. In short, these verses admonish us to engage in the sort of decent conduct that enables societies to flourish. While all societies recognize the value of these behaviors, we Christians seek to live in such ways because the Gospel frees us to serve our neighbors in a God-pleasing way. • Heavenly Father, grant us justice, honesty, and industrious service. Through Christ’s death and resurrection change our hearts and our society. Amen.
箴言24:23–34 这些箴言包含了两组的三个主题:执行审判(23-25,28),说话应对(26,29),及工作方面(27,30-34)。它告诉我们在审判时要公正,且诚实做见证。我们在任何情况下都应该对邻舍说实话。我们应当在重要优先的事情上勤奋工作,而不像懒惰人那样偷懒逃避。简而言之,这些箴言劝诫我们要正直合宜地行事为人,使整个社会得以繁荣。当然所有的社会群体都认同以上那些行为的价值,而我们基督徒愿意尽力做到这些是因为福音已经释放了我们,我们得以自由地以上帝喜悦的方式去服务我们的邻舍。• 天父,使我们能公正诚实且勤勉地工作,藉着基督的死与复活改变我们的心与我们的社会。阿门。

25:1–28 Righteous people who compromise their principles disappoint us. Hope remains not in the possibility of renewing their righteousness by trying harder next time but rather in God’s righteousness, which is credited to all who trust in the Lord’s mercy. This righteousness is passive (i.e., it is credited us apart from anything done on our part, solely through Christ’s work on the cross). This passive righteousness frees, strengthens, and moves us to pursue what can be called “active” righteousness by keeping the Law to thank the Lord for His mercy. • Merciful Lord, You hid Your power in the weakness of Your Son that we might seek it wisely by faith. Refresh us this day with the faithful message of Your love that we may search out what is glorious and pleasing to You. Amen.
箴言25:1–28一个义人若对自己的原则做出妥协将令人感到失望,但此时的盼望并不在于下次更加努力做好来重新得回自己的公义,而是完全在于上帝的公义,加给所有信靠主怜悯的人。这公义是被动的(是我们这一方什么也没做就得着的,完全是基督在十字架上做成的工)。这被动接受的义释放我们得以自由,并赐我们力量,感动我们寻求那可称为“主动”的义,使我们因感恩上帝的怜悯而乐意持守律法。• 怜悯的上帝,使我们能因着信,有智慧地来寻求你那隐藏于你爱子软弱里的权能;以你信实慈爱的信实来更新我们,使我们能寻见那些美好并蒙你所悦纳的一切。阿门。

†Chs 26–29 Israel was not holy, or set apart, because of their own greatness but because of God’s extraordinary kindness in calling them to be His people, the people from whom the future Messiah would be born. By crushing the work of Satan, this Messiah would deliver the final blow to the catastrophic effects and consequences of sin upon humanity (Gn 3:15). This establishes the necessary context for reading these proverbs and instructions on human righteousness. For the righteousness of rulers and their subjects is borne out of the divine righteousness reckoned to human beings through faith in God’s promises. The righteousness that saves is a righteousness that comes only through faith in God’s promise; Christ’s righteousness was substituted for our wickedness. • We thank You, O Lord, for Your greatest act of justice, the sending of Your own Son to die on our behalf! In assurance and eternal hope, enable me to freely serve my neighbor, community, and authorities. Amen.
箴言26-29章 以色列之所以圣洁或与众不同,并不是因为他们本身有多么伟大,而是由于帝特别的恩慈,呼召他们成为祂的选民,并使未来的弥赛亚从这个民族出生;这位弥赛亚要除灭魔鬼的作为,对于罪给全人类所带来的的毁灭性结局给予最后的致命一击(创3:15)。这一点为读懂这些箴言建立了上下文的基础,也建立了关于教导人的公义方面的基础。因为君王和臣民的公义是出自上帝的公义,就是藉着对上帝应许的信靠而归算给人的义。那拯救我们的义唯独藉着对上帝应许的信靠而来;基督的义代替我们的罪愆。 • 主啊,我们感谢你伟大的公义作为,差派你的爱子代替我们而死。让我在确信和永远的盼望中,甘心乐意地服务我的邻舍,服务社区,及在上有权柄的。阿门。

†Ch 30 Agur demonstrates the futility of life without wisdom, and also the blessings obtained from God’s Word. We cannot obtain enough insight, correct every injustice, or curb some of the most common sins. It is only through knowledge of the Holy One—God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, who was crucified, died, and resurrected—that we are rescued from pressure of inadequacy, failure, and, ultimately, eternal damnation. Knowledge and soundness of mind gained from the Lord enable us to approach life in this world with confidence. • O Lord, raise us up in newness of life, so that we may love and serve our neighbors. Amen.
箴言30章 在这一章里亚古珥说明没有智慧的生命是毫无果效的,他也提到从上帝的话语而来的祝福。我们无法获得足够的洞察力,或扭转每一个不公正,或者阻止一些最常犯的罪。只有藉着那位圣洁的耶稣基督,上帝的独生子,因祂的被钉,死亡,与复活,我们才能从不完美,失败,以及最终永恒的定罪这一切压迫中被拯救出来。从主耶和华而得的知识和心灵的稳健使我们能有信心地生活在这个世界上。• 主啊,激励我们活出更新的生命,使我们能够爱并服务我们的邻舍。阿门。

31:1–9 King Lemuel was taught God’s Word by his mother in order to equip him to serve his subjects. While we may never find ourselves in such a high position of authority, let us learn from his mother’s example. Rather than focusing her teaching on how he could achieve financial and material success or how to increase his power, she taught him God’s Word. God’s Word from cover to cover bears witness first and foremost to another son: God’s Son, who, at the appropriate time, took on human flesh and was born to a virgin mother. He did so to fulfill God’s promise to bless all nations (Gn 12:2–3). Indeed, His death for the sins of the entire world (1Jn 2:2) opened up the gates to heaven. • O Christ, the Word of God, You came to serve humankind. Guide us to bring hope to others and serve even the poorest of our neighbors. Amen.
箴言31:1–9利慕伊勒王的母亲以上帝的话语教训他是为了要装备他去治理百姓。尽管我们可能永远无法处在那样高的领导地位,我们仍然可以借鉴于他母亲的例子。她的教导不在于如何能使她的儿子获得财政及物质上的成功,也不在于如何扩张他的权力,而是以上帝的道教导她儿子。上帝的道在圣经中从头到尾都在见证另一个儿子:上帝的儿子,当时候满足,成了肉身由童贞女所生。祂所做的一切为要履行上帝赐福给地上万族的承诺(创12:2-3)。的确,祂为全世界人的罪而死(约一2:2),打开了通往天国的门。• 基督啊,你就是上帝的道,你降世为要拯救所有的人。求引领我们为他人带来盼望,并服事我们中间最贫穷的邻舍。阿门。

31:10–31 The most basic human relationship, according to God’s design, is the joining of a man and woman in holy matrimony. However, due to our active rebellion, this relationship has been undermined. In His mercy, God still blesses our marriages. Since our relationship with the Creator is restored in Christ, this likewise serves to restore our marriages and all other human relationships. • O Lord, grant a faithful and diligent spouse to Your child. Bind the hearts of all who marry in lasting love and mutual care, through Christ Jesus, who gave His life for His Bride, the Church. Amen.
箴言31:10–31根据上帝的计划,最基本的人际关系就是一男一女在婚姻里的结合。然而,因着我们主动的悖逆,这关系已经被削弱和破坏了。上帝出于祂的怜悯,仍然祝福我们的婚姻。因我们和造物主的关系已经在基督里重新恢复了,这关系也同样致力于我们在婚姻中及其它方面的人际关系的修复。• 主啊,求赐给你的儿女忠诚勤勉的配偶。藉着那为祂的新妇(教会)舍命的耶稣基督,祝福那些进入婚姻的人,以恒久的爱与相互的关怀使他们的心紧密联合。阿门。


1:1–11 Our lives, no matter how well lived, will not win favor in God’s sight on the Last Day. Life is fleeting and has no meaning apart from God’s love in Christ Jesus. Faith worked in us by the power of the Gospel brings meaning to life and the certainty of forgiveness, life, and salvation. • Lord God, our heavenly Father, through Your Holy Spirit, You have enlightened the hearts of all believers by the Gospel of Your beloved Son. Through that same Spirit, grant us a right understanding that we might always rejoice in His salvation, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
传道书1:1–11无论我们这一生过得多么精彩美好,也不能在末日来临时赢得上帝的欢心。生命稍纵即逝,若与上帝在耶稣基督里的爱隔绝,这样的人生就不具任何意义。信心藉着福音的力量在我们心里工作,为生命带来了意义以及对赦罪,生命,与救赎的确信。• 主上帝,我们的天父,你已经藉着你的圣灵,以你爱子的福音开启所有信徒的心。请藉着这位圣灵赐给我们正确的理解,使我们能藉着我们的主耶稣基督,永远在祂的救恩中欢喜快乐。阿们。

1:12–18 Our minds cannot fathom God’s wisdom, which is hidden in Christ (cf Jas 3:13–18; 1Co 1:30). We know His mercy only through the wisdom revealed to us in Holy Scripture. • O God of all mercies, You have begun Your good work in us. Continue, we pray, to fill us with all dimensions of wisdom and knowledge. Grant that the devil would have no power over us, but that our hearts and minds might be directed to the blessed hope of the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
传道书1:12–18我们的理智无法理解上帝那隐藏在基督里的的智慧(参见雅3:13-18;林前1:30),我们只能藉着圣经中已向我们启示的智慧来认识祂的怜悯。• 噢,满有怜悯的上帝,你已经在我们里面开始了你的善工,恳求你继续以各样的智慧和知识充满我们。使魔鬼对我们毫无权势,引导我们的心怀意念转向那蒙福的盼望,就是将要来的救主耶稣基督身上。阿们。

2:1–11 The pursuit of pleasure can draw us away from the Lord and toward other altars, as Solomon turned to other gods and idols before returning to God (cf Mt 6:19–24). When we return thanks to God for His gracious and simple gifts—house and home, flocks and herds, spouse and children—we focus on His fatherly mercy and kindness. • O Lord Christ, help us! Strengthen our faith and trust in You. We receive all of our treasures in You alone. We are poor; You are rich. Grant us Your faith and righteousness that we might trust and remain in Your everlasting love for all eternity, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
传道书2:1–11 对欢愉的追求会使我们疏远上帝而转向其它的祭坛,就像所罗门一样,他曾转向其它的偶像和假神,之后才重返上帝面前(参见太6:19-24)。当我们因上帝恩慈单纯的礼物(如房屋家庭,牛羊牲畜,配偶儿女)向祂献上感恩时,我们正专注在祂慈父般的怜悯和慈爱上。• 噢,主基督,帮助我们!坚固我们的信心和信靠你的心。我们一切的好处不在你之外;我们是贫穷的,但你是富足的。赐给我们你的信实和公义,使我们能信靠你并藉着耶稣基督永远在你恒久不变的爱中。阿们。

2:12–17 In the end, life is vanity apart from faith in the Lord. The end is the same for the wise and the foolish. All that is done in the absence of faith will become chaff thrown into the devouring fire. Christ bids us to come to Him and be yoked to His light burden. Seek first His kingdom and His gifts, and all other things shall be given. • Heavenly Father, everlasting God, where would we be if You were to forsake us? How quickly the educated become infants; the prudent, simple; the wise, fools! Keep us in the fervor of faith and daily increase it through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.
传道书2:12–17 我们的人生如果不是在信靠主的信心里度过,最终都是虚空,都是捕风。智慧人和愚昧人的结局都一样。不出于这信心而行的一切都成了抛在火中焚烧的糠秕。基督呼吁我们跟从祂并背负祂那轻省的轭。我们要先寻求祂的国度和祂的恩赐,其它一切都要加给我们了。• 天父,永在的上帝,如果你弃我们而不顾,我们将何去何从呢?我们多么容易从有知识变成无知,从谨慎聪明变为愚昧啊!请保守我们在火热的信心之中,并藉着我们的救赎主耶稣基督每天加增我们的信心。阿们。

2:18–26 Toil and labor “under the sun” can drive one to the brink of grievous despair. The so-called significant things of this life can become idols that ultimately pass away and provide no lasting value in the context of forgiveness, life, and salvation in Christ (cf Mt 6:19–24). Our gracious heavenly Father extends His hand and provides all we need for this temporal life and life everlasting through His Son, our Lord. • Most precious heavenly Father, You have given us many priceless gifts by Your gracious hand. We ask not for silver or gold but for a strong and firm faith. Let us not live for pleasure in the things of the world, but comfort and refresh us in Your blessed and healing Word. Then, in right faith, we may trust in Your grace to the very end. Amen.
传道书2:18–26“日光之下”的辛苦劳碌能使人濒临痛苦绝望的边缘。人生中那些所谓重大有意义的事情常可能成为我们的偶像,然而它们终将消逝,并且对于赦罪,生命,和基督里的救赎不能提供恒久性价值(参见太6:19-24)。我们恩慈的天父向我们伸出双臂,藉着祂的儿子,我们的主,为我们提供了短暂的今生及永恒中所需要的一切。• 最珍爱的天父,你恩慈的手赐给了我们许多无价的礼物。我们不求金银财宝,而求赐我们坚定稳固的信心。让我们不为这世界上的满足享受而活,用你赐福且有医治大能的话语安慰并更新我们。我们因此能在正确的信仰中,信靠你的恩典直到最后一刻。阿们。

3:1–8 God’s will is unsearchable. He will judge the living and the dead on the Last Day. Temporal things cannot satisfy God’s people. Eternity and the consummation of salvation are in Christ alone (cf Rm 8:18). • Dear heavenly Father, give us our daily bread, good seasons, and health. Protect us from war, famine, disease, and drought, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
传道书3:1–8 上帝的旨意无法测度,祂将要在末日审判活人死人。上帝的子民不以世俗暂存的事物为满足。永恒与救恩的成全唯独在基督里面(罗8:18)。• 亲爱的天父,赐给我们日用的饮食,合宜的气候与健康。藉着耶稣基督保护我们不受战争,饥荒,疾病,与旱灾的伤害。阿们。

3:9–22 We, as human beings, are hard pressed to answer eternal questions. “God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every matter and for every work” (3:17). The faithful in Christ will be in His glorious and immediate presence in the majesty of heaven. • Dear Lord, we have never kept Your Law. We continually sin and fear death. We know through Your Holy Gospel by faith that all Your merits are ours freely through Christ. Death cannot harm us, for it will be swallowed up in victory. Praise be to You, O Lord! Amen.
传道书3:9–22我们人类简直无法回答关于永恒的问题。“上帝必审判义人和恶人,因为在那里各样事务,一切工作,都有定时”(3:17)。在基督里的信徒将会居住在祂国度的威荣,以及祂荣耀和直接的临在中。• 亲爱的主,我们从来不曾持守你的律法,我们持续地犯罪并惧怕死亡。藉着对你圣福音的信心,我们知道你的所有美善功德都因基督白白地赐给我们了。死亡不能伤害我们,因它将被得胜吞灭。噢,主啊,赞美你。阿们。

†Ch 4 Hold sacred the gifts of marriage, children, family, and the authorities put in place among us. Do not regard the accolades and accoutrements of the world as more important than the Lord and His gracious gifts. Though we continually search for contentment in this “under the sun” existence, Christ is our eternal Lord and King of kings. • Dear God and Father, thank You for Your infinite goodness and love toward us. You keep us in Your Word, in faith, and in prayer. By this we are humbled and do not depend on our own wisdom, but glory alone in Your power, for when we are weak, You are strong. Amen.
传道书4章 我们应当把放在我们生命中的婚姻,子女,家庭,与当权者视为神圣。不要看重这世界的荣誉和外在事物超过主和祂恩慈的礼物。即使我们不停地要寻找“日光之下”的满足,基督是我们永恒的救主,是万王之王。• 亲爱的天父上帝,感谢你无限的美善和对我们的爱。你保守我们稳健在你的话语里,在信心与祷告之中。我们因此能谦卑下来,不依靠我们自己的聪明而倚靠你荣耀的权能,因为当我们软弱时,你是刚强的,阿门。

5:1–7 The wicked and foolish sin against God in acts of religious complacency, empty devotion, and unfulfilled vows. Despite superficial religion and meaningless vows, God is faithful and just. Upon our confession, He will absolve us of our sins for the sake of Christ. • O merciful and eternal God, You speak to us of the greatest and highest things, of life eternal and blessed innocence in Your kingdom of heaven. We are dust and ashes and stand in need of Your Word constantly. Grant us Your grace and enlighten us with Your truth. Amen.
传道书5:1–7恶人和愚昧人自以为虔诚,做徒然无效的修行,且许愿不还,这些都得罪了上帝。尽管那些迷信和起誓毫无意义,上帝是信实公义的,我们若认自己的罪,祂必要因基督的缘故赦免我们。• 噢,恩慈与永在的上帝,你告诉我们最伟大崇高的事,就是永恒的生命与在你天国里的清洁无罪。我们本是尘土,不断地需要你的圣道。请赐给我们你的恩典并使我们得知你的真理。阿们。

5:8–6:12 In the latter part of ch 5, Solomon shows how to make a comfortable use of God’s gifts. In ch 6, he shows the evil uses of wealth and asks, “Will the amassing of wealth bring happiness?” What person is better for his or her wealth, pleasure, and honor when standing before God at the final judgment? Jesus Christ is the way and the truth and the life (Jn 14:6; Ac 4:12). He is the author and perfecter of our faith, so that we do not grow weary and lose heart (cf Heb 12:2–3). • O God of all comfort, by Your Word and Holy Spirit grant us a firm, glad, and grateful faith, that by it we may overcome every trial and at length hear the Word of Your dear Son: “Take heart; I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33). Amen.
传道书5:8–6:12在第五章的后半段中,所罗门说明应如何舒适喜乐地享用上帝所赐的福分。在第六章里,他则描述使用赀财不当的情况,他问读者:“积存赀财能带来快乐吗?”一个人就算拥有再多的财富,愉悦,和尊荣,这些能使他在末日审判时站立在上帝面前吗?耶稣基督就是道路,真理,生命(约14:6;徒4:12)。祂为我们的信心创始成终,使我们不至于疲倦灰心(来12:2-3)。• 噢,赐一切安慰的上帝,请以你的圣道和圣灵赐给我们坚定,喜乐,与感恩的信心,使我们因此能胜过每一个试炼,持续聆听你爱子的话说:“你们可以放心,我已经胜了世界”(约16:33)。阿们。

†Ch 7 Avoiding God’s wisdom is wickedness and folly, but finding such wisdom—as God gives it—preserves our life and gives us hope in the face of all frustrations. Other sources of wisdom offer little or no hope, certainly none in the face of God’s final judgment. The only way to acquire wisdom is in the revelation that God has given us of Himself. • Thank You, O God, that despite our inclination to folly and wickedness, You chose to reveal Your good and gracious will for us. The source of all wisdom is Your Son. By sending Him, You showed us infinite love and forgiveness, hope for now and eternity. Amen.
传道书7章 偏离上帝的智慧是既邪恶又愚蠢的,但寻求那从上帝而来的智慧则保全我们的生命,且在面临一切挫折时给予我们盼望。其它来源的智慧只能给我们一点点盼望,甚至完全没有,当然在面临上帝最终审判的时候更不会有。得着智慧唯一的途径就是上帝已经为我们显示了祂自己。• 噢,上帝,感谢你,虽然我们倾向于愚蠢邪恶,你仍然向我们启示你美善恩慈的旨意。一切智慧的来源就是你的儿子。你差派祂来,显明了你无限的爱和饶恕,带来了对今生及永恒的盼望。阿们。

8:1–9 No matter in which nation we dwell, we are in the service of the King of heaven and earth and do well only by heeding His Word and by being ready and willing to serve. In our King, we find the hope of things to come and can face the end of life with confidence. • Lord, help us to endure the struggle. You not only know the end already at the beginning, but You also have the outcome securely in hand. Amen.
传道书8:1–9无论住在哪一个国家,我们都同蒙天地之主的供应和服务,我们唯有藉着听从祂的话并随时准备好乐意去服务,才能做得好。在我们的君王里,我们拥有对将来之事的盼望,并且能以信心面对生命的终点。• 主啊,帮助我们在挣扎中忍耐。你不仅在最初就已经知道结局,你更是稳当地掌管着万事的结局。阿们。

8:10–13 In this life, the wicked may fare better than those who do right. Although we see others getting away with doing wrong, we should not follow them. Instead, we should continue to follow God’s will and commit ourselves to His judgments, which will be favorable to the believer in the end. • God, grant us patience as we see the temporary successes of the ungodly, while we struggle with difficulties and hardships. Also remind us of the final outcome You have prepared for us in Christ. Amen.
传道书8:10–13在今生,恶人似乎比那些行事正直的人还要得福。即使我们会看见别人作恶却逃脱惩罚,但我们不该效法他们,反而要继续遵从上帝的旨意,把自己交托给上帝的审判,最终这审判将恩待我们这些相信的人。• 上帝啊,当我们眼看恶人得到暂时的成功,当我们在艰难痛苦中挣扎的时候,请赐给我们忍耐的心,也提醒我们你在基督里已经预备好的最终结局。阿们。

8:14–17 Rather than trying to make sense of everything that happens in life, recognize that God’s purpose and plan prevail. Look for reasons to give thanks to Him each day, especially in the mercy He extends to you in Christ. • We thank You, God, that each day You bring evidence of Your involvement in our lives. Lead us to trust Your judgments. Amen.
传道书8:14–17与其尝试要去理解生命中发生的一切事情,还不如承认上帝的目的和计划高过一切。每日寻找向上帝感恩的理由,特别是祂在基督里向你所施的怜悯。• 上帝啊我们感谢你,因你每日在我们的生活中显明你看顾的证据,请带领我们信靠你的审判。阿们。

9:1–6 From a human, mortal perspective, it appears unfair that all people must die, as death deals equally with evil people as well as those who follow God. We need something to counter the hopelessness that there is nothing after death. For that reason, God comforts us with His promises of love and mercy. • Thank You, God, that we do not see death as the end of our lives. Your promises, fulfilled in Christ, give us the sure and certain hope of being with You forever. Amen.
传道书9:1–6从人类总有一死这个角度来看,恶人与跟从上帝的人同样面临死亡看起来真是不公平。我们需要些东西缓解死后一无所有的绝望感。正因为这个原因,上帝以祂充满爱和怜悯的承诺来安慰我们。• 感谢你上帝,我们知道死亡不是我们生命的终点。你那在基督里已经成就的应许,赐给我们永远与你同在的确信和盼望。阿们。

9:7–10 God looks with favor upon the one who lives by faith. When God blesses you with wealth, enjoy that blessing and be a blessing to others. Make proper use of the time God gives in life. Know that denying yourself simple pleasures does not gain God’s favor. Simple and godly pleasures are only the beginning of the gifts of His love and forgiveness that He grants in Christ. • We thank You, Lord, that we can look at the simple blessings in life as a source of true joy. We receive all such things as signs of Your love and mercy. Amen.
传道书9:7–10上帝悦纳那些在信心里生活的人。当神以财富祝福你时,要欢喜快乐地享受,并成为他人的祝福。合宜地过上帝所赐给你一生的年日。要知道,你不会因为自己拒绝了一些单纯的欢乐而赢得上帝的宠爱。单纯和敬虔的享受仅是祂在基督里所赐下慈爱和赦罪之祝福的一小部分。• 主啊我们感谢你,因为我们能够将生活中不起眼的祝福看为真正喜乐的源泉。我们获得的这一切都是你慈爱与怜悯的记号。阿们。

9:11–10:20 The twists and turns of life often tempt one to be foolish, because wisdom does not always quickly gain respect or results. Still, it is better, and possible, to follow the course of God’s wisdom. No matter how much foolishness may control every level of our society and life, we are to avoid it. Because God encourages us to wisdom, we may expect something more in the outcome of our life than just death. He promises life everlasting in Christ, our Wisdom. • Lord, as we ask for Your wisdom to carry us through life, teach us also to be patient with foolish people. Keep us mindful of the outcome You have prepared for us in Your Son’s death and resurrection. Amen.
传道书9:11–10:20人生的变化莫测常常诱使人按着愚蒙行事,因为智慧并不总是立即引起重视和产生果效,但跟从上帝智慧的引导仍然是明智并且是可能的。无论愚昧在我们的社会和生活各个层面中如何的盛行,我们仍应尽力避免它。上帝鼓励我们寻求智慧,我们因此可以期待在生命的尽头不是只有死亡。祂已应许了在基督(我们的智慧)里那永恒的生命。• 主啊,我们祈求你的智慧带领我们的一生,也教导我们能忍耐愚昧人。使我们保持警醒,不忘记你在你儿子的死与复活里已为我们预备好的结局。阿们。

†Ch 11 We don’t know what may come, and we will never know everything we may want to. We take advantage of our opportunities, especially those to help others. We understand, as we conduct our lives, that God has the final say. His Word to us in Christ is joy, light, and peace. He daily does us good and has prepared a joyous future for us in Christ. • Lord, Your promises abide for us. Teach us to face life cheerfully and fearlessly as we place all things in Your hands. Amen.
传道书11章 我们不知道将要发生什么,也无法得到一切我们想要的答案。我们应当珍惜每个机会,尤其是那些我们可以帮助他人的机会。当我们度日时要明白上帝拥有最终的发言权。祂在基督里赐给我们的话语是喜乐,是亮光,是和平。祂每日祝福我们,并在基督里为我们预备了充满喜乐的未来。• 主啊,你的应许与我们同在。教导我们能欣喜,无惧地面对人生,因我们将所有一切交托在你的手中。阿们。

12:1–8 The aches of old age make it difficult to envision anything hopeful and positive. Such bodily changes may overwhelm any joy we still have in life. Yet, the same God who consigned us to the grave because of sin has also promised us that we will be rescued from the grave and His eternal judgment. Through hearing the Word in our youth, He will prepare us. His promises will stay with us. • Lord, we thank You for all the opportunities You give us to learn about our life: where it is going, and what You have prepared for us. Teach us Your Word early so that we may look forward to our end, not with fear or discouragement, but with hope and joy. Especially keep us ever mindful of what You have done for us in Your Son, Jesus Christ, who overcame death and the grave. Amen.
传道书12:1–8身体衰残的疼痛使人很难想象任何充满盼望和积极的事情。这种肉体上的改变可能会压倒我们生活中仍存的任何喜悦。然而,那因罪使我们归于坟墓的上帝也应许我们,祂要拯救我们脱离坟墓和祂永恒的审判。藉着年幼时倾听上帝的话语,祂将预备我们。祂的应许将伴随我们的一生。• 主啊,感谢你赐给我们机会来认识我们的人生:生命的去向以及你已经为我们预备的事。早早教导我们你的话语,使我们因此能充满盼望和喜乐地期待我们生命之终,毫无惧怕或绝望;尤其保守我们永不忘记你已经在你的爱子耶稣基督里为我们所成就的,祂已经战胜了死亡与坟墓。阿们。

12:9–14 The one searching for meaning in life should have come to the conclusion offered here. To avoid a meaningless life, one needs a right relationship with God, i.e., justification based on God’s favor toward us on account of Christ and received through faith. God has given His Word, and through it we have the ability to know His Commandments and promises. More important, we can know Him and how to avoid a meaningless life now and in eternity. • Heavenly Father, prepare me for Your judgment through Your Word and the marvelous news that You have already judged me as worthy of life through the death and resurrection of Your Son, our Savior. Amen.
传道书12:9–14若有人寻求人生的意义,应该会在这里找到结论。为了避免无意义的人生,一个人需要与上帝之间有正确的关系,也就是说,因基督得蒙上帝的悦纳,并因信心得以称义。上帝已经赐下祂的圣道,藉着这道我们能够明白祂的诫命和应许。更重要的是,我们因而认识祂并且知道如何在今生及永恒里避免无意义的生活。• 天父,藉着你的圣道和那大好的信息使我预备好面对你的审判,你已经断定,因你的儿子,我的救赎主的死与复活,我已经配得承受永生了。阿们。

Song of Solomon雅歌

1:1 In the Song, Solomon elevates our sensibilities to their highest level. Nothing is so worthy of praise as that which extols God’s love and devotion toward His beloved, His Bride, His people. Throughout history, the songs of God’s people have been of the highest caliber, inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself, with names such as the Sanctus, the Kyrie, and the Gloria in Excelsis. The highest praise is always sounding from the mouths of the baptized as well as ringing in their ears. • O Lord, continue to let the Word of Christ dwell among us as we teach and admonish one another, “singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in [our] hearts to God” (Col 3:16). Amen.
雅歌1:1在雅歌里,所罗门王将我们的情感提升到了最高的层次。再没有比歌颂上帝对祂所爱的新娘(祂的子民)的爱和委身更值得夸赞的事了。在整个历史中,上帝子民的颂歌具有最高的水准;藉着圣灵的感动,他们谱写出诸如圣哉颂,垂怜曲,和荣耀颂等歌曲。这至高的颂赞永远在已受洗之人的口中传唱,并回荡在他们耳中。• 噢,主啊,让基督的话语继续住在我们心里,使我们彼此教导,互相劝诫,“用诗章,颂词,灵歌,心被恩感歌颂上帝”(西3:16)。阿们。

1:2–7 The Shulammite is of lowly birth. Her skin is weathered, and she is easily despised, but she is the love of her husband-king. The Church, too, is the beloved of our Bridegroom, Christ Jesus. Her sins may be obvious, even to other sinners, but her Husband-King calls her holy and forgiven, beautiful and radiant in the glory of His grace. • Lord, lead us not to judge ourselves or one another by outward appearance, but to listen to Your Word, which calls us God-pleasing in Your sight, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
雅歌1:2–7 书拉密女出身卑微,她的肌肤饱经风霜,众人都轻看她,但她却是她的良人所罗门王所心爱的。同样地,教会也为耶稣基督我们的新郎所深爱。教会虽然有明显的罪,甚至其它罪人都能看见,但她的良人上帝称她为圣洁并已蒙赦免,在祂恩典荣耀中的她是无比美丽,容光焕发的。• 主啊,带领我们不按着外貌判断自己与他人,而是聆听你的话语,你已经因耶稣的缘故,称我们为上帝所喜悦的了。阿们。

1:8–2:7 In a world of immediate gratification, it is tempting to satisfy our desires as quickly as they awaken. Such unbridled arousal of passion leads to many sorrows, complications, and sins. But God, in His passion to save us, sent forth His Son, born of a virgin, to redeem all who are under the Law’s judgment and curse. In Christ, your sins have been forgiven, and now, as He told the woman caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more” (Jn 8:11). • Father, by Your love for us in Christ Jesus, teach us that we are truly set free from condemnation and sin. Keep the banner of Your love in Christ Jesus ever between us and our enemies—sin, death, and our own flesh—who do not want us to hallow Your name or let Your kingdom come. Amen.
雅歌1:8–2:7在这个凡事追求即刻满足的世界,在我们的欲望被激发时就尽快被满足是非常诱惑人的。这种被激发后却不受控制的激情导致了许多的痛悔,纠纷,和罪恶。但是上帝出于祂的爱为要拯救我们,差派了祂的儿子从童贞女所生,要把一切在律法审判与咒诅以下的人赎出来。你的众罪在基督里已经蒙了赦免,就像祂告诉那个犯奸淫的妇人一样,祂如今仍然说,“我也不定你的罪;去吧,从此不要再犯罪了”(约8:11)。• 天父啊,藉着你在耶稣基督里对我们的爱,教导我们明白自己已经真正从罪恶和定罪中被释放得自由了。让你在耶稣基督里那爱的旗帜,永远树立在我们与我们的仇敌(罪,死亡,和我们的老肉体)之间,因这些仇敌不愿我们尊崇你的圣名,也不愿你的国度降临。阿们。

2:8–17 Carelessness can ruin any earthly relationship. Mutual conversation and attention to each other is essential. How much more is required in that mysterious and wonderful union between Christ and His Church! Our Lord wants to hear our confession and our prayers, and even more so, He wants to give us His consolation and forgiveness. • Lord, speak tenderly to us, and let us hear. Pour out Your love within Your Word and Sacraments, and teach us to live by all You give us. Amen.
雅歌2:8–17 轻率不在乎的态度能破坏任何世俗的关系,彼此间的交流和关注是绝对必要的,更不用说在基督和祂的教会之间那神秘且奇妙的联合将需要更多的细心呵护。我们的主希望听到我们的认罪和祷告,祂更希望赐给我们祂的安慰和饶恕。• 主啊,请温柔地对我们说话,使我们倾听。求你在你的圣道和圣礼中倾倒出你的爱,并教导我们倚靠你所赐的一切而活。阿们。

3:1–5 The Shulammite earnestly sought her bridegroom. What occupies our dreams and aspirations, our hopes and desires? The Lord commends to us the excellent and praiseworthy. His Word sets our hearts upon our Savior. • Lord, teach us a proper and timely desire for all good, earthly gifts. Above all, teach us to find our joy in You, who sought us when we sought You not. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
雅歌3:1–5书拉密女热切地寻找她的新郎。我们的梦想和渴望是什么呢?我们的希望和所求是什么呢?主将那上好的和配得赞美的交托给我们。祂的话语使我们的心专注在我们的救主身上。• 主啊,教导我们对这世上美好的事物有合宜适时的追求。更重要的是,教导我们能在你里面寻求我们的喜乐,因你在我们没有寻找你的时候,先来寻找我们。奉耶稣的名我们祷告。阿们。

3:6–11 Like Solomon, our Lord spares no expense preparing for the marriage feast of the Lamb in His kingdom. In fact, with something more precious than gold and silver, with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death, He has readied the feast! • Lord God, our heavenly Bridegroom, we seek Your face and rejoice in Your presence. Sanctify us and keep us steadfast in the foretaste of the feast to come, that we may be gathered with all the faithful on that glorious day in the heavenly banquet that is yet to come. Amen.
雅歌3:6–11 正像所罗门王一样,我们的主在准备祂天国里羔羊的婚筵时,在花销上没有任何的保留。事实上,祂预备这筵席所付出的远比金银更加贵重,祂付出自己的圣宝血和无辜的受苦与死亡。• 主上帝,我们属天的新郎,我们寻求你的面并因你的同在而喜乐。使我们成圣,在如今预尝那将要到来的筵席时,求你坚固我们;使我们因此能与所有忠诚的信徒在荣耀之日一同聚集在天国的盛筵里。阿们。

4:1–16a Like Solomon calling the Shulammite, our Lord calls us to come out of our worldliness and to reside in communion with Him. He calls us holy, beautiful, stainless, pure. He calls us forgiven in His Gospel. • Lord, teach us how much You love us, how beautiful we are in Your eyes, how washed, how clean, how holy and pure. Amen.
雅歌4:1–16a就像所罗门王呼唤书拉密女一样,我们的主也呼唤我们走出我们世俗的繁琐忙碌,并在圣餐里中与祂同在。祂称我们是圣洁,美丽,无瑕疵,纯洁的;在祂的福音里,祂称我们是罪得赦免了。• 主啊,让我们知道你是多么地爱我们,在你眼中我们是多么美丽,洁净,圣洁,与纯净的。阿们。

4:16b–5:1 We indulge heartily in the things of this world. How much greater to partake of the things of God! • Lord, teach us to enjoy the good of this life, but to consume with zeal Your Word, reading, marking, learning, and inwardly digesting the revelation of Your great love for us in Jesus. May our breath become fragrant with the message of Your salvation as we speak to others. Amen.
雅歌4:16b–5:1我们尽情地沉溺于属世的事物中,但如果我们参与的是属上帝的事,那不知道要好上多少倍啊!• 主啊,求你教导我们享受今生美好的事物,但更加热心积极地沉浸在你的话语中,阅读,留心,学习,并在心中咀嚼消化你在耶稣里对我们大爱的启示。愿我们与他人的谈话因有了你救恩的信息而满有馨香之气。阿们。

5:2–9 Life is often confusing. When our Lord comes to us, we may be slow to hear and to believe. We may look for Him and not find Him where or as we want. In such times of confusion, call on the Lord in prayer and seek Him in His Word. He promises to hear and to comfort you. • O Lord, we need You. Do not forsake us, for if we are left to ourselves, we will surely perish. Amen.
雅歌5:2–9人生常常令人感到困惑。当我们的主来临时,我们也许在听和信方面会很迟钝;我们寻找祂时,却无法在我们想象的地方或藉由我们想要的方式找到祂。在这些令人困惑的时候,要在祷告中呼求主,并到祂的话语中寻找祂,因祂已应许要垂听祷告并安慰我们。• 噢,主啊,我们需要你。请不要丢弃我们,我们若靠自己必要灭亡。阿们。

5:10–6:1 Pray for your spouse (even if you have not yet met your spouse). If you are or were married, consider celebrating God’s gift of a spouse by describing your spouse’s best qualities. Whether you are married or single, rejoice in the love of Your Lord. • O Lord, You speak well of us in Jesus! Teach us to speak well of all whom You have covered in His righteousness, especially those nearest to us. Help husbands and wives to love and honor each other, and as Christians, help us to speak well of our Bridegroom, Jesus, so that all the world would want to seek Him. Amen.
雅歌5:10–6:1请为你的配偶祷告(即使你还没有遇见你的配偶)。如果你已经结婚了,就描述他/她的优点来庆祝上帝所赐给你的这位配偶。无论你是已婚或单身,你都可以在主的爱中欢喜快乐。• 噢,主啊,在耶稣里你看我们是甚好的!教导我们不吝于赞扬你以公义遮盖的人,尤其是那些与我们最亲近的人。帮助每一对夫妻能彼此相爱和尊重,也使身为基督徒的我们不吝于赞扬我们的新郎耶稣,使这个世界也都愿意寻求祂。阿们。

6:2–7:10 Out of all the queens, concubines, and virgins that Solomon had available to him, the Shulammite was his “only one.” But later, Solomon turned his heart away from her and from the Lord toward other interests (1Ki 11:3–4). In marriage vows, we promise to forsake all others. Thanks be to God that He does not forsake us when our hearts or thoughts stray. • Heavenly Father, You devoted Yourself to us in sending Your Son, who spared no expense for our salvation. Deliver us from all false and divided affections, that we may live for You only, in true faith and in fervent love toward those around us. Amen.
雅歌6:2–7:10所罗门王虽然拥有许多的皇后,妃嫔和童女,这书拉密女曾是他的“唯一”。但后来,所罗门王的心离弃了她和主耶和华,而去关注其他的对象(王上11:3-4)。在婚姻的誓约里,我们承诺要放弃一切其它的选择。感谢归于上帝,因祂在我们的心思意念偏离时仍然不丢弃我们。• 天父啊,你为我们献出了你的儿子,祂为了拯救我们没有任何的保留。保守我们不陷入错误或心存二意的情感,使我们单单为你而活,并在真正的信心里以热诚的爱对待我们周围的人。阿们。

7:11–13 Within the blessing of holy wedlock, the intimacy of husband and wife is to be cherished and not neglected (1Co 7:3–5). The Lord calls husband and wife to give each other their love and bear its fruit (Gn 1:28; Ps 127:3–5; cf Sg 7:12). • Dear Lord, You desire to keep us close to You, tenderly caring for us with Your love in Word and Sacrament. Grant us fruitful marriages that do not neglect the physical aspects of our nature. Grant husband and wife time alone together to renew the bonds of holy, conjugal love. Amen.
雅歌7:11–13在圣洁婚姻的祝福范围内,夫妻之间的亲密关系应该被珍惜而不是被忽视(林前7:3-5)。主召唤丈夫与妻子要彼此相爱并生养儿女(创1:28;诗127:3-5;参见7:12)。• 亲爱的主,你意愿将我们保持与你亲近,并且以你在圣道与圣礼中的爱温柔地照料我们。求你赐给我们儿女丰硕的婚姻,不忽视我们本性的身体需要,也让夫妻之间享有独处的时间,来更新他们在圣洁之爱中的结合。阿们。

8:1–7 Are we lukewarm when it comes to God’s desire to save us? God loves us with a passion (Ex 20:5–6). • O Lord, You are a consuming fire. Seal us in the promise of Your Gospel, which You poured out on us generously in Christ Jesus through Holy Baptism, so that the perils of this life, the threats of the Law, the trials and tribulations that You send us for the testing of our faith might not destroy us, but always draw us near to You. Amen.

8:8–14 We are not to conform ourselves to the pattern of this world, but remain holy, set apart as a wall (v 10). The Lord wants to preserve His dear ones till the end. • Come, Jesus, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Stir up our hearts that at Your second coming we may worship You in purity and in truth. Amen.
雅歌8:8–14 我们不要效法这个世界,而要保持圣洁,像一道墙分别开来(第十节)。主愿意保守祂所爱的人直到最后一刻。• 耶稣啊,请以你爱的火焰充满忠诚信靠你的人并点燃他们的心。激励我们使我们在你第二次降临的时候,能在纯正和真理中敬拜你。阿们。

校对:Gary Liu


1:1–20 The Lord accuses Israel of ignorance and rebellion, yet plans for their repentance and forgiveness. A chief sin is corruption and indifference in their worship services. Today, the Lord calls you to purity in prayer and worship as taught by His Word. When you confess your sins, He promises faithfully to forgive you on account of Jesus’ pure sacrifice. • Precious Lord Jesus, Your blood cleanses away the stain of my sin. Teach me sincerity in worship. Amen.
以赛亚书1:1–20主指责以色列的无知与悖逆,但也为着他们的悔改与赦免计划筹备。他们所犯的罪首当其冲的是敬拜服事上的腐败,冷漠或不以为然的态度。主今日也召唤你按着祂所教导的,在祷告和敬拜的事上纯洁。当你承认自己的罪的时候,祂已信实地应许要因耶稣全然的牺牲而赦免你的罪。• 宝贵的主耶稣,你的宝血洗净了我罪恶的污渍,请教导我来真诚地敬拜你。阿们。

1:21–31 The Lord describes Jerusalem’s injustice but plans for its justification. In our sinfulness, we stand as God’s enemies. However, rather than utterly destroy us, He longs to purify us by His righteousness. • Melt away, O Lord, the imperfections of my heart, that sincerity of faith may remain and serve Your graciousness. Amen.
以赛亚书1:21–31主描述了耶路撒冷毫无公义的败坏情况,但也为它得称为义做了预备。我们因罪恶而成为上帝的敌人,但主甚愿以祂的公义洁净我们而非彻底毁灭我们。• 噢,主啊,除掉我心中的不完美之处,使真诚的信心得以存留并能回报你的恩典。阿们。

2:1–5 The Lord will gather the nations to His Church (the latter day “Zion”) through the Word. He calls you to fulfill this prophecy by sharing the Word with your family, friends, and neighbors. The Lord works through that illustrious Word to change your heart and those around you. • May Your light illumine my heart, O Lord, and lead me in the way of peace as I share Your Word with others. Amen.
以赛亚书2:1–5 主将以祂的话语聚集列国到祂的教会(末后的“锡安”)。祂呼召你向你的家人,朋友,和邻舍分享祂的话语来实现这个预言。主会藉着祂那辉煌的话语来改变你的心并你周围的人。• 噢,主啊,愿你的光照亮我的心,当我与他人分享你的话语时,引领我在你平安的路上行。阿们。

2:6–22 The Lord describes His wrath against idolatry. Like Judah, many lands today are filled with idols (wealth, power, beauty, and fascination with new religions). These cannot compare to the true God, who is powerful to judge and to save as He will when Christ returns. • Return, O Lord, and deliver us from our self-destructive ways. Grant us satisfaction in Your goodness. Amen.
以赛亚书2:6–22 主在此讲述了祂对偶像崇拜的愤怒。如今世界上有许多的地方像犹大一样充满了偶像(财富,权力,美貌,及对新兴宗教的着迷),而这一切都无法与真正的上帝相提并论,唯独祂有权柄审判,并在基督再次降临时施行拯救。• 噢,主啊请转回,拯救我们脱离自我毁灭的道路,使我们在你的美善中知足。阿们。

3:1–4:1 The Lord prophesies that Judah will suffer due to a lack of sound leadership, despite its current prosperity. No matter how great the wealth you amass, the risk of loss is unavoidable. Invest in the true source of security and contentment: the Lord. His name, applied to you in Holy Baptism, covers your reproach. • Jesus, cover me in the robe of Your righteousness. Grant me honest shame and true repentance. Amen.
以赛亚书3:1–4:1尽管犹大当时颇繁荣昌盛,主却预言了它将要因缺乏正确可靠的领导者而遭难。无论你现在积存的财富有多大,亏损的风险总是无可避免。你要在主上帝—那安稳和满足的真正源泉那里投资。祂的名在圣洗礼中与你联合,遮盖了你的羞耻。• 耶稣,请以你公义的袍子遮盖我,使我对罪怀有诚实的羞愧并真正的悔改。阿们。

4:2–6 After judgment, Israel will receive rest and shelter. Isaiah describes God’s gracious heart in the coming rule of the Messiah. The Lord’s great desire is to cleanse and cover you. • Cover my guilt, O Lord. Shelter my head from the storms of sin’s destruction. Call me holy by the work of Your Holy Spirit through the Word. Amen.
以赛亚书4:2–6以色列在审判之后必得安息和庇护。以赛亚讲述上帝恩慈的心肠,为我们预备了将临之弥赛亚的国度。主极大的盼望是要洁净并护庇你。• 噢,主啊,遮盖我的罪,在罪毁灭性的风暴中做我的藏身之处。藉着你圣灵以圣道所做的工来称我为圣洁。阿们。

5:1–7 The Lord describes Israel’s unfaithfulness and unfruitfulness. Consider what care and instruction the Lord has permitted for your life. Does the fruit of your service match the generosity of His nurture? Purge the wild fruit! Through the Spirit’s work, the Lord brings forth in our lives fruit worthy of repentance (Gal 5:22–23). • Though the world goes wild, O Lord, make me a garden in which You delight, secure in Your righteousness. Amen.
以赛亚书5:1–7主描述以色列不忠贞和不结果实的情况。想想主在你生命中赐给你何等的关怀和引导,你服事中所结的果实与祂喂养你的慷慨不惜相称吗?除掉野葡萄吧!主将藉着圣灵的工作,使你的生命结出与悔改相称的果实(加5:22-23)。• 噢,主啊,纵使这个世界狂妄不羁,请使我成为你所喜悦的园子,在你的公义中得保障。阿们。

5:8–30 Because Israel will not repent, the Lord will send Assyria to punish them with conquest and exile. Today, popular culture longs to be “bad,” and our “heroes” corrupt basic morality. Reject the excuses of pop culture and instead revel in the community of faith, which knows right from wrong. The Lord our Counsel will guide us to true joy and lasting pleasure in the goodness of life. • Lord, snap the tethers of sin that hold me back and rob me of genuine freedom in Christ. Amen.
以赛亚书5:8–30 因为以色列不悔改,主将使用亚述帝国来惩罚他们,使他们被征服并且被掳到异乡。今天的世俗文化渴望变“坏”,而我们的所谓“英雄”败坏了最基本的道德。我们要拒绝世俗文化的说辞,反而要在所处的环境中彰显信心,明辨是非。主是我们的辩护者,祂必引领我们获得美好生命中真正的喜乐与恒久的愉悦。• 主啊,请折断那罪恶的绳索,它控制着我并且剥夺我在基督里真正的自由。阿们。

6:1–7 The Lord appears to Isaiah and calls him as a prophet. In your Baptism and through the Word, the Lord calls you too as His messenger. Relate to others what you have heard and seen about the Lord. Do not let the shame of past sins silence you. The Lord Jesus has made atonement for you in the tabernacle of God’s presence on high. • Touch my mouth, O Savior, that I may sing: “Holy, holy, holy Lord God of pow’r and might: Heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Hosanna. Hosanna. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.” Amen. (LSB, p 161)
以赛亚书6:1–7主向以赛亚显现并呼召他成为先知。主也藉着圣道和你所受的洗礼呼召你成为祂的使者,去向他人讲述你从主那里见到和听到了什么。不要因从前犯罪的羞耻感而闭口不言。主耶稣已经使你和那在帐幕中的至高上帝和好了。• 噢,救赎主,触摸我的嘴唇使我可以歌唱“圣哉,圣哉,圣哉,权能的主上帝;天地间满了你的荣耀。和散那,和散那,和散那在至高之处。奉主名来的是应当称颂的,和散那在至高之处。”阿们。(路德会礼仪书,161页)

6:8–13 The Lord sends Isaiah out with a message of condemnation, which must precede the hope that will arise through the Messiah. Throughout history, and in your life, the Lord works in two basic ways: Law and Gospel. Unlike Israel, walk in these ways daily, confessing your sins and asking His forgiveness. Though He chastens you, He will restore you through Jesus, the holy Seed. • O Lord, may the root of Your goodness spring forth in my life. Amen.
以赛亚书6:8–13在弥赛亚将要带来盼望之前,主差遣以赛亚宣告祂的咒诅。主在整个人类历史与你个人的生命中以两种基本方式工作:律法与福音。不要效法以色列,要每日生活在律法与福音之中,承认自己的罪并呼求祂的赦免。虽然祂会惩罚你,但祂终将藉着耶稣这圣洁的苗裔重建你。• 噢,主啊,愿你美善的根源在我的生命中成长起来。阿们。

7:1–9 The Lord sends Isaiah to confront King Ahaz and to call him to firmly trust the Lord. No matter what circumstances confront you, turn to the Lord in trust and in prayer. The enemy may rob you of all good, but he cannot rob you of faith and the kingdom of heaven, which Christ won for you. • “The Word they still shall let remain Nor any thanks have for it; He’s by our side upon the plain With His good gifts and Spirit. And take they our life, Goods, fame, child, and wife, Though these all be gone, Our vict’ry has been won; The Kingdom ours remaineth.” Amen. (LSB 656:4)
以赛亚书7:1–9 主差遣以赛亚去迎接亚哈斯王,提醒他要坚定地信靠主。无论你遭遇什么样的环境,要以信靠和祷告转向主。敌人可以抢走你的财物,但他夺不走你的信心以及基督为你赢得的天国。• “太初之道仍立世上,远胜世上众君王,祂必永远在我身旁,赏赐圣灵与天粮,亲戚货财可捨,身体虽消亡,名誉被毁谤,得胜属于我方。上帝国度永久长。”阿们。(路德会礼仪书656:4)

7:10–25 The Lord promises deliverance from Assyria, but has the greatest deliverance in view—the blessing of a true, eternal King (cf 9:6–7). The virgin birth of Jesus is one of God’s greatest miracles and gifts to humanity. Christ reigns now in patience, calling those who doubt to repentance. Our King shall soon appear to exile the stubborn and to dwell with those He has chosen by grace through faith. • “O holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend to us, we pray; Cast out our sin, and enter in, Be born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings tell; O come to us, abide with us, Our Lord Immanuel!” Amen. (LSB 361:4)
以赛亚书7:10–25主应许要救他们脱离亚述帝国,但祂还计划了一个最伟大的拯救—一位真正的,永恒君王的祝福(参 9:6-7)。由童贞女所生的耶稣是上帝最伟大的神迹之一,是赐给全人类的礼物。基督如今在耐心等候中掌权,呼召那些不信的人悔改。我们的君王很快将要出现,驱逐那些硬着心不悔改的,却要与那些藉着信心蒙祂恩典所拣选的人同住。• “哦,伯利恒小小圣婴,我们恳求你降临,除尽我罪进入我心,罪人因你重生;听闻天使报圣诞,传拯救的佳音,就近我身与我同行,我主以马内利”(LSB361:4)。

8:1–10 Ahaz does not heed the Lord’s signs, so a different sign is given through the birth and name of Isaiah’s second son. Judah would be all but swept away by Assyria. Yet the Lord would still abide with and protect His people. The Lord abides with us still, even amid judgment and devastation. He is our Immanuel, and nothing can sweep Him away. • Merciful Lord, defend me even as You chasten me. Lead me to sincere confession and enduring faith. Amen.
以赛亚书8:1–10亚哈斯王不重视主的兆头,所以另有一个兆头藉由以赛亚第二个儿子的出生和命名表现出来。犹大将被亚述帝国全然灭绝,然而主仍要与祂的子民同在并保护他们。主也仍在审判与毁坏中与我们同在,祂是我们的以马内利,没有任何事情能拦阻祂。• 恩慈的主,在你管教我时请依然保护我,使我有真诚的认罪和持久的信心。阿们。

8:11–22 Isaiah urges his hearers to repent, learn, and cling to the Word of God rather than to false spirituality. Beware of any religious person who directs you to a spiritual source other than the Word of God, which we have from His prophets and apostles. Even if you are frustrated in searching the Scriptures for answers, “wait for the LORD . . . hope in Him” (v 17). He will answer you from His Word and seal you with His peace. • Lord, deliver us from false witnesses who would rob us of Your Word. Grant us peace in Jesus. Amen.
以赛亚书8:11–22以赛亚敦促他的听众悔改,学习并紧紧倚靠上帝的话语而不随从谬妄的灵。要警惕任何把你引向其它属灵来源的宗教人士,他们使你偏离了先知和使徒所传讲的上帝的话语。即使你在圣经中寻求答案时感到疲乏沮丧,“要等候祂…仰望祂”(第17节)。祂将要以祂的圣道回答你,并保守你在祂的平安之中。• 主啊,救我们脱离那些从我们身上剥夺你圣道的错误见证,赐给我们在耶稣里的平安。阿们。

9:1–7 The Lord promises a future, everlasting Kingdom, fulfilling His promises to David and to Isaiah (7:14). The typically joyous birth announcement takes on even greater significance. Even the expectation of a prince’s birth is surpassed here, for this child will deliver the oppressed and govern “with justice and with righteousness” as the Lord declares us just and sets us right through forgiveness and new life. • “Savior of the nations, come, Virgin’s Son, make here Your home! Marvel now, O heav’n and earth, That the Lord chose such a birth. For You are the Father’s Son Who in flesh the vict’ry won. By Your mighty pow’r make whole All our ills of flesh and soul.” Amen. (LSB 332:1, 6)
以赛亚书9:1–7主应许了一个未来的,永远长存的国度,为要实现祂对大卫王和以赛亚的承诺(7:14)。婴孩出生的消息原本就为人们带来欢乐,而主耶稣的降生更是具有伟大重要的意义,甚至超过对于一个王子将要诞生的期待;因为这个婴孩将要拯救所有受压迫的人,并以祂的“公平公义”来统治;祂已宣告我们为正直,藉着赦罪和新的生命使我们与祂和好。• “万民救主到世上,童女之子此为乡,天上地下齐惊叹,主竟如此从天降。天父怀中独生子,胜过罪恶赢赦免;永保信心胜罪恶,驱散乌云现光明。”阿们。(LSB332:1,6)

9:8–10:4 The Lord rebukes the wealthy and the greedy for destroying themselves and the helpless. When the Lord blesses you with abundance, do not forget the suffering and the needy. Prosperity and power are not the truest sign of God’s blessing, but goodness and mercy are. In Jesus’ goodness and mercy is your refuge. • Lord, in prosperity or want our hope is in You. Stretch out Your hand to us in sweet mercy. Amen.
以赛亚书9:8–10:4主斥责那些富人和贪心的人,因他们不但自我毁灭,也祸及其他无依无靠的人。当主丰盛赐福于你时,不要忘记那些贫困受苦的人。上帝祝福的真正标志不是财富和权力,而是美善和怜悯,耶稣的美善与怜悯就是你的避难所。• 主啊,无论是富裕或贫穷,我们的盼望都在乎你。请在你温柔的怜悯中向我们伸出臂膀。阿们。

10:5–19 The Lord plans to use, humble, and punish the proud Assyrians. The Lord calls all nations and individuals to genuine humility, which can only come about by seeing ourselves clearly in relation to the Lord and the standards He has commanded. Take note of how the Lord accomplishes His purposes with the arrogant. Just as He brought judgment on Judah through the Assyrians, He brought about our justification from sin by the hands of Jerusalem’s leaders and the Romans who crucified Jesus, our Savior. • Lord, work Your good purpose in my life, granting all humility and trust in Your mercy. Amen.
以赛亚书10:5–19主计划要使用并惩罚骄傲的亚述人,使他们降卑。主召唤世上列国及每一个人真正谦卑下来,那唯有在看清了我们与上帝之间的关系并且意识到祂诫命的标准之后才可能发生。留心主是如何在高傲自大的人身上实现祂的计划,就像祂藉着亚述帝国使审判临到犹大一样,祂藉着耶路撒冷官长的手和钉死我们救主耶稣的罗马人,使我们从罪中得以称义。• 主啊,在我的生命中实行你美善的计划,凭着你的怜悯赐下一切谦卑与信靠。阿们。

10:20–34 The Lord notes that a remnant of Judah will turn away from the nations from which they have sought support. The Holy One, the Lord God of hosts, will always welcome our repentance and turn our hearts toward Him. Just as the Lord had pity on Judah and Israel, preserving a remnant, He will have pity on His people (the Church) today. • O Lord, deliver us from false saviors who would rob us of Your blessings given through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
以赛亚书10:20–34 主提到犹大所剩下的百姓将转离他们从前曾求助的国家。那位圣洁的,万军之主耶和华永远乐意接纳我们的悔改,并使我们的心转向祂。就像主怜悯犹大和以色列,为他们存留余种一样,祂今日也怜悯祂的子民(教会)。• 噢,主啊,救我们脱离虚假错误的救主,因他们会夺走你在我们主基督里所恩赐的祝福。阿们。

†Ch 11 The Lord describes the coming rule of the Messiah. As believers in Christ, we already enjoy the benefits of His wise rule, having received His Spirit, wisdom, peace, and other blessings. The Spirit equips us to spread word of this blessed reign to all nations. • Pour out Your sevenfold Spirit, O Lord, that we may boldly proclaim Your goodness. Amen.
以赛亚书11章 主为我们描述将要来临的弥赛亚的掌权。我们所有在基督里的信徒已经在祂智慧的统治下受益,得着圣灵,智慧,平安,及其它的祝福。圣灵更装备我们去到列国中传扬这蒙福国度的福音。• 噢,主啊,请倾倒出全备的圣灵,使我们能放胆宣扬你的美善。阿们。

†Ch 12 The Lord’s people break out in song because of their salvation, proclaiming God’s deeds to all people. Those who know the Word are obligated and blessed to proclaim the Lord’s saving work. The Lord gives us strength to bear this song before the nations, to testify what He accomplishes in Jesus Christ. • “I will give thanks to You, O LORD, for though You were angry with me, Your anger turned away, that You might comfort me” (v 1). Amen.
以赛亚书12章 主的百姓因所得的救恩扬声歌唱,向万民宣扬上帝的作为。那些明白主话语的人都有义务且蒙恩典去传扬上帝救赎的大工。主赐给我们力量在万国万民面前歌唱传扬,证明祂在耶稣基督里已成就的事。• “耶和华啊,我要称谢你。因为你虽然向我发怒,你的怒气却已转消,你又安慰了我”(第1节)。阿们。

†Ch 13 The Lord of hosts will consecrate an army for the destruction of Babylon. The punishment depicted here will find its most severe expression on Judgment Day, when sinners will face agonizing punishment and swift destruction. We, too, should fear God’s wrath and repent of all evil, iniquity, and pride. The Father consecrated Jesus to receive the punishment for our sins. His innocent hands were nailed to the cross; His side was pierced for our sins in the darkness of Good Friday, that He might become our light and salvation. • Lord of hosts, teach us to fear Your wrath and honor Your Commandments. Give us grace to lay aside all pride and arrogance and to rely solely on Jesus’ mercy. Amen.
以赛亚书13章 万军之主将拣选一支军队毁灭巴比伦,在这里所描述的惩罚也将是末日审判时所呈现的最惨重的景况,那时所有的罪人将面临极度痛苦的惩罚与迅速的毁灭。我们也当畏惧上帝的愤怒,为一切的邪恶,罪孽,与骄傲忏悔。天父分别耶稣为圣,为我们的罪承担惩罚,祂无辜的双手被钉在十字架上,在受难日的黑暗中为了我们的罪被枪刺穿了肋旁,也成为我们的亮光与拯救。• 万军之主,教导我们畏惧你的愤怒并尊重你的诫命。赐恩使我们撇弃一切的狂傲自大,唯独仰赖耶稣的怜悯。阿们。

14:1–2 Moved by compassion, the Lord will reverse the fortunes of Israel. As the chosen of the Lord, Israel will rule her enemies and settle in the land the Lord gives. Whenever our relationship with the Lord stands in need of restoration because of our disobedience, our own actions and prayers alone cannot make things right. It is always God’s compassion in Jesus Christ that restores us again and again. Through the waters of Holy Baptism, the Lord chose us to live in His blessed land forever. • Gracious Lord, look upon us with Your compassion, and restore us when we go astray. Amen.
以赛亚书14:1–2主将出于怜悯反转以色列的命运。做为主的选民,以色列将要辖制他的敌人并在主所赐的地上安居。每当我们与主之间的关系因我们的不顺服而需要重新修复时,凭着我们自己的行动和祷告是无法改善的,总靠上帝在耶稣基督里的怜悯一次又一次地恢复我们。藉着圣洗礼中的水,主拣选我们永远地住在祂所赐福的土地上。• 恩慈的主,请以你的怜悯看顾我们,当我们偏离时来修复我们与你的关系。阿们。

14:3–23 The demise of Babylon’s king demonstrates the final outcome for all who rely on oppression and wickedness to achieve their aims. His fall is a warning to never put ourselves in the place of God. While the glorious king of Babylon remained in the grave, our King, the Lord Jesus Christ, rose from the grave. Through faith in Him, our guilt is taken away, and our resurrection is assured. • Lord God, even as we are surrounded by the anger and wickedness of the powerful, give us comfort and joy in knowing that You have destroyed death for us. Amen.
以赛亚书14:3–23 巴比伦王的灭亡说明了所有藉着压迫和邪恶来达到目的之人的最终结局。他的败亡警告我们永远不要把自己摆在上帝的位置上。荣耀的巴比伦王仍然躺在坟墓里,而我们的主耶稣基督却从坟墓里复活了。藉着对祂的信,我们的罪被挪去,我们的复活是确定的。• 主上帝,即使我们被有权柄之人的怒气和邪恶所包围,请赐给我们安慰和喜乐,知道你已经为我们毁灭了死亡。阿们。

14:24–27 The Lord’s gracious plans and purposes will be accomplished, not just for Israel, but for the whole earth. God’s people will be delivered from Assyria and all other enemies. Faith in this promise moves the believer to pray that God “breaks and hinders every evil plan and purpose of the devil, the world, and our sinful nature, which do not want us to hallow God’s name or let His kingdom come” (SC, Third Petition, here). God’s people walk by faith, not by sight (2Co 5:7). God’s greatest plans and purposes were accomplished through Jesus, who redeemed us from sin. • Heavenly Father, help us to remember that nothing can separate us from Your love in Christ Jesus. Amen.
以赛亚书14:24–27 主恩慈的计划与目的不单只为以色列人,也为全世界的人而成就。上帝的子民将被拯救脱离亚述帝国及一切仇敌。对这个应许的信心促使信徒祷告,愿上帝“打破并阻挡魔鬼、世界和我们罪性所生发的任何邪谋恶意,这些都会拦阻我们尊上帝的名为圣,也不希望祂的国来临。”(小问答,主祷文,第三祈求)。上帝的百姓行事为人是凭着信心,不是凭着眼见(林后5:7).上帝最伟大的计划与目标已经藉着那位救我们脱离罪的耶稣而成就了。• 天父,帮助我们铭记没有任何事情能使我们与你在耶稣基督里的爱隔绝。阿们。

14:28–32 Assyria would destroy Philistia with fearsome efficiency. But in Zion, the Lord founded a place of refuge for His afflicted people. Earthly alliances and human relationships are a source of safety. Yet we should enjoy these relationships as gifts from God and never allow them to replace God as the object of our highest trust and love. Our refuge and safety are found in Jesus. In His Holy Church, our Zion, Jesus tends to those afflicted by sin. He grants forgiveness, life, and salvation. • We praise You, O God, for Your Holy Church throughout the world, and also for our own congregations. Though sin afflicts us, we flee to Your Church for safety and refuge in Jesus Christ. Amen.
以赛亚书14:28–32亚述帝国以可怕的效率灭了非利士人,但主在锡安为祂困苦的百姓设立了避难所。世间的联盟与人际关系是安全感的一种来源,但当我们享受这些来自上帝的礼物时,不要容许它们替代了上帝而成为我们至极信靠及爱的对象。我们的避难所和安全感是在耶稣那里。耶稣在祂的圣教会,我们的锡安,照顾陪伴在罪中受苦的人。祂赐下饶恕,生命,与救恩。• 噢,上帝,我们赞美你,你的圣教会遍满全地,其中也包括我们所在的教会。虽然罪折磨着我们,我们逃往你的教会为要得着在耶稣基督里的平安与庇护。阿们。

†Chs 15–16 The complicated history of friendship and enmity between Israel and Moab would come to an end with Moab’s bloody destruction. Yet even Moab’s refugees will find shelter in the tent of the coming Davidic king. Pride was the downfall of Moab, and it is our downfall too. The Lord desires not our destruction, but that we turn to Him in repentant faith. In Jesus, He offers steadfast love and righteousness. • Heavenly Father, in Your steadfast love, You sent Your Son to save the lost. Lead us to repentance over every arrogant act, and teach us to depend on the love and faithfulness of Jesus in every endeavor. Amen.
以赛亚书15-16章 以色列和摩押之间复杂的友好和敌对历史将随着摩押血淋淋的灭亡结束,但即使是摩押的难民也能在将临的大卫子孙之王的帐篷下找到避难所。狂妄骄傲正是摩押败亡的原因,也是我们灭亡的原因。主并不希望我们灭亡,而希望我们在悔改的信心中转向祂,祂在耶稣里提供了不改变的爱与公义。• 天父,因你坚定不移的爱,你差遣了你的儿子来拯救失丧的人。带领我们为每一个狂傲的行为而悔改,教导我们全心倚靠耶稣的爱与信实。阿们。

†Ch 17 Even great urban centers such as Damascus can offer no security against disaster. Yet, as with Israel, the Lord will preserve a remnant. Those who trust in the works of their own hands are guilty of idolatry. When we fear, love, and trust in created things more than in the Maker of all things, we have forgotten the God of our salvation, who sent His Son, Jesus, to bear our sins of idolatry and to bless us with the refuge of His forgiveness. With faith in Him, we can live without fear. • Maker and Refuge, You are the giver of every good gift. May we never forget You, but always remember that we walk in Your sight. Amen.
以赛亚书17章 即使是像大马士革那样的大城市都无法抵御灾祸。然而,主却保留了以色列的余种。那些倚靠自己手所造的人们是犯了拜偶像的罪。当我们最终敬畏,亲爱,并信靠的不是创造一切的上帝而是受造物时,我们已经忘记了赐救恩的上帝,祂差派祂的儿子耶稣来承担我们拜偶像的罪,并以赦罪做为避难所赐福给我们。我们因信祂而活,毫无惧怕。• 我们的创造主与避难所,你是每一件美好礼物的赏赐者。愿我们永不忘记你,时时刻刻记得我们是行在你眼前。阿们。

†Ch 18 The Lord’s plans are clearly signaled and sounded. All who dwell on earth should look and listen. The Lord makes known His message of salvation with unmistakable clarity—of Law and Gospel, of judgment and grace. Those who refuse to look and listen will be cut off from the Lord at an unexpected time. The Lord promises grace and every blessing to those who look to Him and hear His Word in faith. Through Jesus, we will be welcomed into the Lord’s presence in the heavenly Mount Zion. • O Lord, give us ears to hear Your Word and to believe it. And as we hear Your Word, bless us with faith, hope, and love. Amen.
以赛亚书18章 主的计划很清晰地显明出来并宣讲,世上所有的人都应当察看和聆听。主明确无误地显明了祂拯救的信息—那就是律法与福音,也就是审判与恩典。那些拒绝听和看的人将在意料不到的时候,从主里被剪除。主应许了恩典与祝福给那些仰望祂并在信心中听从祂圣道的人。藉着耶稣,我们将被迎接到有主同在的属天的锡安山。• 噢,主啊,使我们聆听并且信从你的圣道。当我们聆听时,将信心,盼望,和爱赐福给我们。阿们。

19:1–15 As the Lord stirs up civil war in Egypt, the Egyptians will seek after wisdom, but will find only foolish counsel. The Lord forbids all forms of divination and satanic arts. We should instead call on the Lord’s name in every time of trouble (Second Commandment). Although the river waters of Egypt dried up in judgment, we are cleansed with a river of blessing through faith in Jesus Christ. We have the wise counsel of His Word, which promises forgiveness and everlasting life. • We praise You, O God, for claiming us as Your own through Holy Baptism. By that washing, help us die to sin every day and live before You in righteousness and purity forever. Amen.
以赛亚书19:1–15当主挑起埃及的内战时,埃及人寻求智慧却只找到愚蒙的谋士。主禁止一切形式的占卜与交鬼之事,在任何危难时,我们应当呼求上帝的名(第二条诫命)。虽然埃及地的水源因审判干涸,我们仍藉着在耶稣基督里的信心得蒙祝福的源泉洗净。我们拥有祂智慧的话语做为谋士,那话语应许了赦罪与不朽的生命。• 噢,上帝,我们赞美你,因你藉着圣洗礼把我们归入你的名下。靠着这洗礼,帮助我们每日向罪而死,凭公义和纯洁在你面前永远活着。阿们。

19:16–25 The Lord destroys Egypt with a purpose: the Egyptians will come to know the Lord and worship Him alone. The Lord will accomplish Egypt’s deliverance through both discipline and restoration. God carries out His saving work in the lives of people as He disciplines and heals them. Although no discipline is pleasant, we endure it as part of the Lord’s loving design for our salvation (Heb 12:5–11). The same God who delivered Israel from Egypt now offers deliverance to Egypt—and all people on earth—through Jesus Christ, the Savior. • Merciful Lord, turn the hearts of those who do not know You, that they may rejoice in the Savior’s deliverance and worship You forever. Amen.
以赛亚书19:16–25主毁灭埃及的目的是使埃及人能认识祂并且单单敬拜祂,祂要通过管教和重建来拯救他们。上帝在人们的生命中施行拯救,管教并医治他们。凡管教的事不令人觉得愉快,但我们把它视为上帝救恩中慈爱计划的一部分而坚持忍耐着(来12:5-11)。这位拯救以色列脱离埃及的上帝,现在也藉着耶稣基督我们的救赎主拯救埃及并世上所有的人• 仁慈的主,让那些不认识你的人心意回转,使他们能在救主的拯救中喜乐并永远敬拜你。阿们。

†Ch 20 The Lord commands Isaiah to walk naked and barefoot for three years as a sign to Cush and Egypt of their impending Assyrian exile. Through this unusual act, Isaiah proclaims the futility of earthly alliances that oppose the Lord’s will. Although we are not called to imitate Isaiah’s unusual witness to the world, our actions and words should show that escape from God’s wrath comes only through saving faith in Jesus. Christ clothes all who are ashamed and exposed because of sin. He covers our sin with His forgiveness. • Dearest Lord Jesus, grant that our words and actions confess that You alone are the way, the truth, and the life. Amen.
以赛亚书20章 主吩咐以赛亚露身赤脚行走三年,做为古实和埃及将要被亚述帝国流放的预兆。藉由这个不寻常的行为,以赛亚表明世间反抗上帝旨意的联盟都是枉然徒劳的。虽然我们并没有被吩咐去模仿以赛亚对这世界不寻常的见证,但我们的行为言语应当表明唯有在耶稣里得救的信心才能使我们逃脱上帝的愤怒。基督已经为所有因罪而羞愧且赤身露体的人穿上了义袍,祂以赦免遮盖了我们的罪。• 最亲爱的主耶稣,使我们的言语和行为见证你是唯一的道路,真理,生命。阿们。

†Ch 21 The Lord appoints Isaiah to serve as a watchman and announce God’s mighty acts, in particular the fall of Babylon. Although every Christian serves as a watchman, God specially calls pastors to serve publicly as His watchmen, proclaiming both God’s threats and promises. In every matter to which the Lord has spoken, the outcome is certain because the results are His doing. For this reason, we can confidently rejoice in the salvation Jesus has won for us and in the promises of forgiveness and everlasting life announced by His watchmen. • Dear Lord, as You appointed Isaiah to serve as a watchman, be with our pastor(s). Grant them eloquence and strength to speak Your truth, even in times of anguish. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
以赛亚书21章 主任命以赛亚做为守望者并宣布上帝大能的作为,特别是巴比伦的灭亡。虽然每个基督徒都有着守望者的身份,但上帝特别呼召了牧师公开地担任祂的守望者,宣告上帝的威吓与应许。主所提到每一件事的结局都已经确定,因为祂造作了这一切。因此,我们可以满有信心地在耶稣为我们赢得的救恩中,与祂守望者宣告之饶恕和永生的应许中欢喜快乐。• 亲爱的主,就像你指派以赛亚做为看守者一样,请与我们的牧师们同在。即使在痛苦中也赐给他们口才与力量去传扬你的真理。奉耶稣的名。阿们。

†Ch 22 Just as the Lord has spoken concerning the destruction of the nations, He speaks here of the destruction of Jerusalem. God’s own people would experience His wrath, for they had lived in ways indistinguishable from the nations. When we do not live lives of repentance, we are also indistinguishable from unbelievers. As baptized children of God, we are called to drown our old Adam by daily contrition and repentance. The living Christ, who descended from the house of David, holds the key to heaven, which He graciously opens for all who believe. • Lord Jesus Christ, lead us each day in the glad confidence that You have atoned for our iniquity and opened the kingdom of heaven for us. Amen.
以赛亚书22章 主曾预言了列国的灭亡,在这里祂也预言了耶路撒冷的灭亡。上帝自己的百姓将经历祂的烈怒,因他们照着列国所行的去行,并无分别。当我们过着不悔改的生活时,我们所行的也和不信的人一样。做为受了洗的上帝儿女,我们被召唤要以每天的悔罪和悔改来淹死我们里面的老亚当。永活的基督,大卫家的后裔,拥有通往天国的钥匙,祂将为所有相信的人而开启。• 主耶稣基督,每日引领我们在喜乐的信心里,因你已经弥补了我们的罪孽,为我们打开了天国的门。阿们。

†Ch 23 The Lord will lay waste Tyre and Sidon because of their pride. Lively commerce and fair trade are blessings from the Lord. But the wealth and prosperity they generate must never be treated as a source of security. With repentant faith in Jesus, who for our salvation became poor (2Co 8:9), our trade and commerce can be carried out fairly and with honor. Our heavenly Father will deal generously with us by His surpassing grace. • Lord God, grant that the wealth and prosperity You have given us might never separate us from Your love. May it be a source of blessing for all the inhabitants of the earth. Amen.
以赛亚书23章 主将因推罗和西顿的狂傲而使他们成为荒场。蓬勃的经济与公平的贸易是从上帝而来的祝福,但他们不应该以所获得的财富和繁荣做为安全保障的来源。耶稣为了救赎我们成为贫穷(林后8:9),藉着在祂里面悔改的信心,我们就能公平正直地进行贸易和商业行为。我们的天父将以祂无比的恩典慷慨仁慈地对待我们。• 主上帝,使你所赐的财富和发达永不教我们与你的爱隔绝,并使它成为地球上所有居住者的祝福之源。阿们。

†Ch 24 No one, and not even the earth itself, is spared the coming devastation. Along with all of earth’s other inhabitants, we stand before God as poor, miserable sinners. In thought, word, and deed, we have transgressed, violated, and broken His covenant. Although we deserve to suffer for our guilt, we can sing for joy that the Righteous One, Jesus Christ, has suffered in our place. “He was wounded for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities” (53:5). • Gracious Lord, we praise and glorify You for the salvation You have accomplished for us through Your dear Son, Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. Amen.
以赛亚书24章 没有一个人,甚至包括这个地球在内,能逃脱将要来临的毁灭。我们与全地所有的居民在上帝面前不过是贫穷悲惨的罪人,我们在思想,言语,和行为上都侵犯并违背祂的圣约。虽然我们本该为自己的罪受苦,但如今我们却因着那义者耶稣基督代替我们的受苦而欢喜歌唱。“祂为我们的过犯受害,为我们的罪孽压伤”(53:5)。仁慈的主,我们赞美尊崇你,因你藉着你儿子那义者耶稣基督为我们完成了救赎。阿们。

†Ch 25 On Mount Zion, the Lord of hosts will prepare a feast and will swallow up death forever. Death is what we deserve as the just penalty for our sin. No human efforts or resources can shelter us from this reproach. By Jesus’ resurrection, death has been swallowed up in victory (1Co 15:54). As we await the day of our own bodily resurrection, we are invited to eat and drink with the Lord in His Holy Supper, a foretaste of the feast to come. • Lord of Life, teach us to live each day in the joy and gladness of knowing that because Jesus lives, we shall live also. Amen
以赛亚书25章 万军之耶和华将在锡安山上设摆筵席并吞灭死亡直到永远。死亡是我们因罪而应得的惩罚,任何人类的努力或资源都不能使人幸免于这个责罚。因耶稣的复活,死亡已经被得胜吞灭了(林前15:54)。如今当我们等待着自己的肉身复活那天来临时,我们被邀请到主的圣餐中吃喝,预先尝了那将要到来的筵席。• 生命的主,教导我们每日生活在欢喜快乐中,我们知道因耶稣活着,我们也必将活着。阿们。

†Ch 26 The Lord will keep in perfect peace those who trust in Him. Those made righteous through faith will experience the resurrection of their bodies and life everlasting. Although we are blessed to live and work under the leadership of many rulers and lords, only the Lord is deserving of our faith and remembrance. We should always recognize that earthly authorities are only mortals through whom the Lord works on behalf of His people. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus has accomplished the salvation of sinners. His work guarantees that our bodies will also rise. • Lord Jesus, grant to us the perfect peace that is found only through faith in You. Amen.
以赛亚书26章 主将保守那些信靠祂的人在全然的平安之中。那些因信称义的人将经历身体的复活与永恒的生命。虽然我们蒙祝福在许多的掌权者之下生活工作,但唯有主值得我们的信靠与记念。我们应该永远认识到世俗的权势只是暂时的,是主为祂百姓的益处而设立的。耶稣藉着自己的死和复活完成了对罪人的拯救。祂所成就的保证了我们的身体也将复活。• 主耶稣,赐给我们那唯独因信靠你而有的全然平安。阿们。

†Ch 27 Following judgment, the Lord will keep and protect His people as a pleasant vineyard. Though the Lord delights to produce the fruit of good works in His people, our sinful nature continually aims to hinder the harvest of this fruit. Jesus, the true vine, has made us His living branches (Jn 15:5). Through faith in Him, our guilt has been atoned for, and our sin has been removed. • Lord Jesus, we receive from You life and strength. Grant that the fruit of good works that You produce in our lives might bless the whole world. Amen.
以赛亚书27章 在审判之后,主将保守看顾祂的百姓如同令祂喜悦的葡萄园。虽然主喜悦从祂的百姓中结出好果子,但我们有罪的本性却持续不断地阻碍这好果子的收成。耶稣是真葡萄树,使我们成为了祂活的枝子(约15:5)。藉着在祂里面的信心,我们的过失已经被弥补,我们的罪恶已经被挪去。• 主耶稣,我们从你得着生命与力量,请让你在我们生命中所结的好果子能祝福整个世界。阿们。

28:1–13 A remnant—those who trust in the Lord—will find rest and repose in Him. When Ephraim stumbled in its own glory, it ignored the knowledge of the Lord and the beauty of His precepts. We, too, must be careful not to become drunk with love of self, but always to seek the Lord in the beauty of His Word. By Jesus’ sacrificial death and glorious resurrection, He offers rest for every weary soul. All who believe will receive His unfading crown of glory. • “Crown Him the Lord of life, Who triumphed o’er the grave And rose victorious in the strife For those He came to save. His glories now we sing, Who died and rose on high, Who died eternal life to bring And lives that death may die.” Amen. (LSB 525:4)
以赛亚书28:1–13那些信靠主的余剩之民将在祂里面找着安息与平静。当以法莲在自己的荣耀中绊跌时,它不理会上帝和祂美好的诫命。我们也应当警惕,不要沉醉于自怜自爱之中,而是永远从主美善的话语中寻求祂。藉着耶稣舍命的死亡与荣耀的复活,祂为每个疲乏的灵魂提供安息,一切信祂的人将得着祂不朽的荣冠华冕。• “拥祂为生命主,胜过死亡坟墓,大能复活得胜,为要拯救罪人;赞美祂的荣耀,死而复活高升,祂死,永生赐我,祂活,死亡吞没”。阿们。(LSB 525:4)

28:14–29 Jerusalem faces destruction because her inhabitants sought shelter in lies and falsehood instead of in the Word of the Lord. Yet the Lord will preserve a remnant founded on a precious cornerstone. Like the people of Jerusalem, we are often tempted to take refuge in pleasant-sounding lies. Instead, we should gladly learn the wonderful counsel of God’s Word. Jesus is God’s promised and precious cornerstone. Whoever believes and builds on this foundation will find the power of sin and death annulled. • Heavenly Father, open our ears always to give attention to Your Word, that we may find refuge in Your wonderful counsel. Amen.
以赛亚书28:14–29耶路撒冷面临灭亡是因她的居民不在主的圣道而在谎言与虚假中寻求藏身之处。然而主将以一块宝贵的房角石为他们存留余种。我们常常像耶路撒冷的百姓一样,被引诱要以那听起来令人愉快的谎言为避难所,然而我们应当乐意学习上帝话语中奇妙的智慧。耶稣就是上帝所应许那宝贵的房角石,任何相信并在这根基上建造的人将发现罪和死亡的权势已经无效。• 天父,请开我们的耳朵留心听你的话语,使我们在你奇妙的智慧中找着藏身之处。阿们。

†Ch 29 The visitation of the Lord will bring death and destruction to Jerusalem. Yet the Lord promises to do wonderful things with His people. God desires genuine repentance, not hypocrisy. God has accomplished wonderful things for us through the gracious visitation of His Son in our human flesh. In Jesus’ death and resurrection, God has turned the world upside down and removed our shame. • “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Ps 51:10). Amen.
以赛亚书29章 主的到来给耶路撒冷带来了死亡和毁灭,然而主应许要在祂的百姓中行奇妙的事。上帝盼望真正的悔改,而不是假冒为善。上帝已经藉着祂儿子肉身的降临为我们成就了奇妙的事。在耶稣的死和复活里,上帝颠覆了整个世界并除掉我们的羞耻。• “上帝啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵”(诗51:10)。阿们。

30:1–7 The Lord had rescued Israel from slavery in Egypt; He forbids them from returning there for refuge. Like the stubborn children of Israel, when we believe that human governments can help and profit us more than the Lord, we are guilty of idolatry. Though the help of people and nations may prove worthless, the help Jesus offers takes away our sin and shame, providing eternal protection. • Merciful Lord, though we often act as stubborn children, graciously remove our shame and disgrace for Jesus’ sake, and teach us to find refuge in You. Amen.
以赛亚书30:1–7主救拔以色列脱离埃及的奴役,祂禁止他们重返埃及寻求帮助。就像这些顽固的以色列民一样,当我们相信世俗的政权比上帝更能帮助我们使我们获益时,我们就是犯了拜偶像的罪。从他人和别的国家来的帮助也许会徒然无益,但耶稣给予的帮助挪走了我们的羞耻和罪,提供了永恒的保护。• 怜悯的主,虽然我们行事常常如同顽固的孩子,请因耶稣的缘故去除我们的羞耻和耻辱,教导我们以你为我们的避难所。阿们。

30:8–17 The Judeans despise the Word of the Lord, preferring illusions rather than truth. Today, we should never despise preaching and God’s Word in favor of smooth-sounding illusions that lead to perverseness. We should instead hold the Lord’s Word sacred and gladly hear and learn it. Thanks be to God that through the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary’s holy mountain, He can return and save all who have wandered from His way. • Be merciful, O God, to those who have turned aside from Your path. Visit them with fatherly correction, that You might restore and save them. Amen.
以赛亚书30:8–17犹大藐视主的话语,喜爱虚幻甚于真理。今天我们不应轻看上帝的话语和教导而倾向那些引向堕落的柔和动听的话,反而要尊主的话语为圣并乐意聆听学习。感谢上帝,藉着耶稣在加略山上的牺牲,祂将再来拯救那些迷失而偏离了祂道路的人。• 噢,上帝,请怜悯那些偏离你道路的人,以父亲的慈爱引导他们归正,恢复并拯救他们。阿们。

30:18–33 After a time of destruction, the Lord will be gracious to His people, binding them up and healing them in mercy. God’s people should view adversity as the Lord’s teaching tool. In adversity, we learn to walk in the way of the Lord and hear His Word. He has been merciful to all by sending His Son. In Jesus, the Father gives His people healing from the brokenness of our sin. • Gracious Lord, have mercy on us, especially in times of adversity. Open our eyes to see You, and give us faith to wait for You in quiet confidence. Amen.
以赛亚书30:18–33在摧毁之后,主将恩待祂的百姓,在怜悯中缠裹医治他们。上帝的百姓应当把不幸的灾难视为祂用以教导的工具。在逆境中,我们学习走在主的道路上并倾听祂的话语。祂藉着差派祂的儿子恩待所有的人。在耶稣里,天父医治了我们因罪造成的创伤破口。• 仁慈的主,请怜悯我们,尤其是当逆境来临时。开我们的眼使我们能见你,赐给我们在静默中等候你的信心。阿们。

†Ch 31 The people of Jerusalem will find no help by going down to Egypt. Only the Lord of hosts will protect and deliver Jerusalem. Today, when we rely on earthly relationships in place of the Lord, we will sinfully stumble and fall. In Jesus, we have a helper who has perished for our iniquity. By the death and resurrection of His Son, God has stretched out His hand to deliver and rescue us from the fire of hell. • Holy Lord, teach us to look to You in times of trouble. Help us to cast away every idol that would lay claim to the trust we rightfully owe You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
以赛亚书31章 耶路撒冷的居民即使下埃及去也找不着帮助,唯有万军之主能保护并拯救耶路撒冷。今天,当我们不倚靠主上帝而倚赖世间的关系时,我们将在罪中绊跌。在耶稣里,我们拥有一位帮助者,祂为了我们的罪孽而死。上帝藉着祂儿子的死与复活,伸出祂的臂膀拯救我们脱离地狱的火。• 圣洁的主,教导我们在患难中仰望你。帮助我们弃绝每一个偶像,不叫它们得着我们本应归给你的信靠。奉耶稣的名。阿们。

32:1–8 A coming king will reign in righteousness, opening the eyes and ears of God’s people. Those who are busy with error are fools. We should instead give attention to what the Lord has revealed and speak His truth distinctly. Jesus is our King who reigns in righteousness and shares that righteousness with all who believe in Him, providing them with shelter from the storms of sin and death. • King of Righteousness, You have delivered us from sin and death. Keep our hearts free from iniquity and error and busy with the noble things You desire. Amen.
以赛亚书32:1–8将有一位君王凭公义掌权,打开上帝百姓的眼睛和耳朵。那些为错谬的事忙碌奔走的人是愚昧的,我们应该留意主的启示,并清晰地传讲祂的真理。耶稣是我们的君王,祂凭着公义掌权并赐下那公义给一切信祂的人,为他们提供在罪与死亡风暴中的避难所。• 公义的王,你已经拯救我们脱离罪与死亡。保守我们的心免于罪孽和错谬,行你所喜悦的高尚之事。阿们。

32:9–20 Those who are complacent will be laid low. But the pouring out of God’s Spirit will make the lives of His people fruitful. The Lord calls us to repent and shudder over our fruitless lives. In the waters of Holy Baptism, God pours out His Spirit upon us. By that Spirit, we are given Jesus’ righteousness, resulting in lives of peace and trust forever. • Holy Spirit, Lord and giver of life, help me to live this day trusting in my Savior, happily producing the fruit of good works. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
以赛亚书32:9–20那些骄傲自满的人将要降为卑,然而上帝圣灵的浇灌将使祂百姓的生命结出果实。主呼唤我们悔改并因我们不结果实的生命而颤抖。在圣洗礼的水中,上帝以祂的圣灵浇灌我们。凭这位圣灵,我们得着耶稣的公义,我们的生命永远充满平安与信靠了。• 主与赐生命的圣灵,帮助我来过信靠我救赎主的一天,喜乐地结出好行为的果实。奉耶稣的名。阿们。

†Ch 33 The Lord will be gracious to His people. He will be their salvation, even through tumultuous times of terror. Today, we often fall and lack regard for the Lord’s promises and the righteousness that comes through faith. Repent, for our greatest treasure is the Lord’s abundant salvation. He is our King; He will save us. His beauty is seen in His love for sinners. • Lord Jesus, beautiful Savior, in every time of trouble, remind us that You have destroyed death. And hasten the day when our eyes will behold You. Amen.
以赛亚书33章 主将恩待祂的百姓,即使在动荡纷乱的恐惧中也将成为他们的拯救。今天,我们常常跌倒且不重视上帝的应许和那凭着信心而得的义。你要悔改,因为我们最重要的财宝就是主丰盛的救恩。祂是我们的君王,祂将要拯救我们,祂对罪人的爱显明了祂的美善。• 主耶稣,美好的救赎主,求在每一次的患难中提醒我们你已经消灭了死亡,愿我们亲眼得见你的那日子快快来临。阿们。

†Ch 34 The Lord’s judgments on the nations will certainly be fulfilled. This includes His judgments about you and your family. Thanks be to God, our judge declares us “not guilty” on account of Christ. His sure Word of the Gospel saves us and makes us a new creation. • Lord, create in me respect for Your judgments and love for Your Book, which records my salvation through Jesus. Fulfill this Word of mercy for me and my family. Amen.
以赛亚书34章 主对列国的审判必将实现,这其中也包括了祂对你和你家人的审判。感谢上帝我们的审判官,祂因着耶稣的缘故宣告我们“无罪”了。祂福音中确实的话语拯救我们并使我们成了新的创造。• 主啊,使我尊重你的审判并爱慕你的话语,你的话语记录了我藉着耶稣而得的救恩,求在我和我的家庭中实现你满有怜悯的旨意。阿们。

†Ch 35 The Lord prepares the salvation of His exiled people. Today, no matter what foolishness or fear has snared you, confess your sins in the confidence that the Lord has redeemed you by grace alone and has prepared for you a new way of life. • Take my trembling hand, Lord Jesus, and lead me to the comforts of Zion. Amen.
以赛亚书35章 主为他的赎民预备了救恩。今天,无论你陷在什么样的愚昧或是惧怕中,要承认你的罪,确信主单单出于恩典已经救赎了你,并且为你预备了新的生命。• 主耶稣,求握住我颤抖的手,引领我到锡安的安息里。阿们。

†Ch 36 The Rabshakeh entices and threatens Jerusalem to surrender or suffer. The people resist, remaining loyal to faithful King Hezekiah. When godly leaders are challenged, curb your complaints but cry out to the Lord on their behalf. The Lord is faithful to His Word and will deliver His people. • Lord, bless our spiritual leaders with faith and with faithfulness. Defend and prosper Your house. Amen.
以赛亚书36章 拉伯沙基诱惑与威胁并用,要耶路撒冷选择投降或是遭祸,耶路撒冷的居民拒绝他,坚持效忠他们的王希西家。当敬虔的领导者遭遇挑战时,要抑制住你的怨言,为他们呼求主的帮助。主信守祂自己的话语,必要拯救祂的百姓。• 主啊,求你以信心和忠心祝福我们的属灵领袖,并保护和壮大你的家室。阿们。

37:1–13 Isaiah announces the Lord will rescue Jerusalem, and news comes that the king of Cush is approaching the Assyrians’ southern flank. Even today, the Lord answers our prayers and guides the roles of leaders, all for the good of His people. Though troubles surround you, know that the Lord has them flanked and surrounded. • Lord, grant us faithful leaders who respect Your Word and seek counsel with the godly. Move the course of history for the sake of Your Church. Amen.
以赛亚书37:1–13以赛亚宣告主将拯救耶路撒冷,那时古实王正逼近亚述军队的南翼。今日,主也为了祂百姓的益处而回应我们的祷告并引领着掌权者。虽然你被困境所包围,要知道主也包围了你的困境。• 主啊,赐给我们忠诚的领袖,使他们尊重你的圣道并从敬虔的人那里寻求忠告。为你教会的缘故掌管历史的方向。阿们。

37:14–20 In prayer at the temple, Hezekiah contrasts the idols of the nations with the one true God. We, too, worship and pray with undivided devotion and remember to proclaim the Lord’s Word before the nations. The Lord will hear your prayer as surely as He heard Hezekiah’s. • O Lord, make known to all nations the greatness of Your power and the gentleness of Your mercy, demonstrated in the ministry of Your Son, our King. Amen.
以赛亚书37:14–20希西家王在圣殿的祷告中对比了列国的偶像与独一真神之间的不同。我们也当以全心的奉献敬拜上帝,向祂祷告祈求;在列国面前宣扬主的圣道。主必将垂听我们的祷告就像祂垂听希西家王一样。• 噢,主啊,求使万民都知道你伟大的权能和你温柔的怜悯,那已经在你儿子,我们君王的圣工里显明出来了。阿们。

37:21–38 Isaiah prophesies that the Lord will rescue Judah amid hardship. Today, the Lord will not always grant you immediate relief from difficulty. He might use hardship to chasten and to teach. Take comfort in the wisdom of His ways. He demonstrated His zeal for you in the sufferings of Jesus for your redemption. • Faithful Jesus, grant me patience and teach me wisdom, that I may glean what is good in hard times and sow Your bounty in fruitful times. Amen.
以赛亚书37:21–38以赛亚预言主将把犹大从困境中救拔出来。今天,主不会总在你困难的时候马上伸出援手,祂也许会使用困境来管教或教导你;你要在祂智慧的行事中得着安慰。祂藉着那为了救赎你而受苦的耶稣显明了祂对你热切的爱。• 信实的耶稣,赐给我耐心并以智慧教导我,使我能在困境中拾取有益的,在丰收的时候分享你的慷慨。阿们。

†Ch 38 The Lord answers Hezekiah’s prayer for healing and forgiveness. No matter what difficulty or diagnosis you face, do not hesitate to make your request known to the Lord. He hears, forgives, and delivers His people according to His mercy, and He works through our hands for others’ good. • Lord, grant me good health, a heart of prayer, and ready hands that serve. Amen.
以赛亚书38章 主应允了希西家祈求医治和饶恕的祷告。无论你面临什么困难或诊断的疾病,不要犹豫去向主求告。祂出于怜悯而垂听祷告,并且赦免拯救祂的百姓;祂通过我们的双手去行有益于他人的事。• 主啊,求赐我健康,一颗祷告的心,与随时准备好服务他人的手。阿们。

†Ch 39 The Lord rebukes Hezekiah for expressing hope in Babylon as his ally against Assyria. Prayer is our ever-ready strength, and the Lord is our ever-present ally. When worries assault you, call on the Lord. His Son will rule for your benefit and deliver you peace. • Turn all my doubts, O Lord, into prayers, that I may see a secure future for Your servants. Amen.
以赛亚书39章 主责备希西家王因为他寄希望于巴比伦,要与他们结盟以对抗亚述。祷告是我们随时可用的力量,主是我们时刻同在的盟友。当你烦恼忧虑时就呼求主,祂的儿子将为着你的益处而掌管,赐给你平安。• 噢,主啊,将我一切的疑虑化为祷告,使我能见到你仆人安全的未来。阿们。

40:1–5 The Lord promises comfort and restoration for the Babylonian exiles. These promises, fulfilled through John the Baptist’s ministry, have personal consequences for you and for all people. Just as the Lord doubled the comfort and forgiveness for the exiles, He has doubled comfort and forgiveness for you in the person of His Son. • Lord, as You have prepared comfort for all people through Jesus, prepare my mouth and heart to speak of that comfort and peace to those around me. Amen.
以赛亚书40:1–5 主应许要赐安慰并复兴那些被掳到巴比伦的人。这应许藉着施洗约翰的传道事工而实现,对于你和所有的人来说都有着切身的重要性。正如主加倍赐下安慰与赦免给被掳之人一样,祂在祂儿子耶稣里也赐给你加倍的安慰与赦免。• 主啊,你已经藉着耶稣为我们预备了安慰,请预备我的口与心向我周围的人传讲这安慰和平安。阿们。

40:6–8 The Lord’s messenger contrasts the Lord’s faithfulness with the unfaithfulness of all people. Rather than defend your weaknesses, confess them before the Lord, who gives life through His Word. • Dear Lord, breathe on me Your life-giving Spirit through the faithful promises in Your Word. Then I will be swayed by Your mercy and bear fruit to Your glory. Amen.
以赛亚书40:6–8主的使者以主的信实对比世人的虚妄。与其为自己的软弱辩解,还不如在主面前承认,祂要藉着祂的圣道赐下生命。• 亲爱的主,藉着你圣道中信实的应许向我吹入你赐生命的圣灵,以你的怜悯掌管我,使我因你的荣耀结出果实。阿们。

40:9–31 Israel has an incomparable God who watches over her. Though the Lord may use His power for condemnation, He acts as your Good Shepherd for your salvation. • Lord, renew the strength of faith in me, that I may renew my service to Your everlasting purposes. Amen.
以赛亚书40:9–31以色列拥有一位无可比拟的上帝在看顾着她。虽然主可能会使用祂的权能来处罚你,但祂也做你的好牧人并来拯救你。• 主啊,更新我信心的力量,使我能更新对你永恒旨意的服侍。阿们。

41:1–20 The Lord lowers the nations but prepares for Israel’s restoration. Today, follow where the Lord leads, according to the teachings of His Word. He will take you by the hand and walk with you to clear the way, so great is His mercy in Christ. • Lord Jesus, at the Father’s right hand, sanctify me and guide my steps, that I walk like Abraham, Your friend. Amen.
以赛亚书41:1–20主使列国降卑,但预备了以色列的重建。今天,要根据主圣道的教导跟从祂的带领,祂将牵你的手与你同行,为你的道路清除阻碍,祂在基督里的怜悯是何等的浩大。• 主耶稣,愿你在天父的右边使我成为圣洁并引领我的脚步,使我像你的朋友亚伯拉罕一样行在你面前。阿们。

41:21–29 The Lord puts the nations and their idols on trial and finds them wanting. Believers today should not put their confidence in the message of false prophets, horoscopes, or other means of predicting the future, but should judge all things according to the Word. The Lord, your King, will silence all accusations against you and declare you free in Christ. • O Lord, silence my accusers, and grant me confidence to follow Your Word, which proves itself true again and again. Amen.
以赛亚书41:21–29主对列国与他们的偶像进行审判,使他们穷乏。今天,我们信徒不应该相信假先知们的信息,或占星术及其他预测未来的手段,而是根据主的话语判断一切的事情。主,你的君王将止息一切对你的控告,宣告你在基督里的自由。• 噢,主啊,求你阻止那些控告我的人,你的圣道一再地证明了其真实性,赐我信心来遵行你的话语。阿们。

42:1–9 The Servant establishes a new covenant to save the nations. Jesus Christ fulfilled this prophecy on your behalf. He frees you from your sins by His righteousness alone. • O Lord, I praise You for calling me by the Gospel and for giving me Your Holy Spirit, that I may serve You in righteousness. Amen.
以赛亚书42:1–9这位仆人为拯救万民立了一个新约。耶稣基督为了你实现了这个预言,祂凭着祂的公义把你从罪恶中释放出来。• 噢,主啊,我赞美你,因你以福音召唤我,赐给我你的圣灵,使我能在公义中服侍你。阿们。

42:10–17 Through the work of the Lord’s Servant, the song of salvation reaches all people. Because you have received the Gospel, open your mouth to confess and to sing about Jesus’ works—both His Law and His Gospel. He will lead you and never forsake you. • O Savior, open my lips, that I may declare Your praise to those near and far. Lead me in the way of peace. Amen.
以赛亚书42:10–17藉着主这位仆人的工作,救恩临到了所有的人。因你已接受了福音,张开你的口去承认,并扬声歌唱耶稣的作为—祂的律法与祂的福音。祂将引领你,绝不丢弃你。• 噢,救赎主啊,求你使我嘴唇张开,我的口便向远近的人传扬赞美你的话,引领我走在平安的道路上。阿们。

42:18–25 Israel fails to believe and live as God’s servant, and is punished with exile. No person should seek security in his own righteousness, for we are delivered for the sake of the Lord’s righteousness alone. He calls us and delivers us according to His righteous purposes. • Open my eyes! Unstuff my ears, O Jesus! Magnify Your Word in my seeing and hearing, that I may serve You in righteousness. Amen.
以赛亚书42:18–25以色列因不信并且没有活出主的仆人的样式,使得他们遭受流亡的惩罚。我们都不应在自义里寻找平安的保障,因我们实际上唯有凭着主的公义才能得救,祂按着公义的旨意呼召并拯救我们。• 噢,耶稣,开我的眼,开我的耳,使你的圣道在我的眼里和耳中为大为尊,让我在公义中服侍你。阿们。

†Ch 43 The Lord bears witness in a courtroom setting that He is the only source of salvation. Reject any god, religion, or doctrine that declares that human works or actions contribute in any way to salvation. Instead, give all glory to God alone for the salvation He vows to you through the person and work of Jesus. • O blessed Holy Trinity, one true God, declare me righteous by Your grace alone, and call me by Your name, that I may bear witness to You among the nations. Amen.
以赛亚书43章 主就像身在法庭上一样向世人作证,陈明祂是拯救的唯一来源。要拒绝那些宣称个人的功德和行为能使你得救的偶像,宗教,和信条。相反地,要将一切荣耀归于上帝,祂藉着耶稣和祂所做成的工向你应许了拯救。• 圣三一上帝,你是独一真神,求你因单单出于恩典称我为义,提名召我使我在万民中为你做见证。阿们。

44:1–5 Through the work of God’s Spirit, the chosen people grow in number. When you share God’s Word with others, bear in mind that conversion and salvation are the Holy Spirit’s work through the truth you share. Take comfort and confidence that He will fulfill His promises. • O gracious Lord, pour out the Holy Spirit with all His blessings, that many may hear and believe through my testimony in Your name. Amen.
以赛亚书44:1–5通过圣灵的工作,蒙拣选的人数量不断增长。当你与别人分享上帝的话语时,要知道悔改与得救是圣灵藉着你所分享的真理而成就的,要对上帝必要实现祂的应许满怀信心及安慰。• 恩慈的主,求你以圣灵的一切祝福浇灌我们,使我奉你名所做的见证能叫许多人听见并相信。阿们。

44:6–8 The Lord calls the idolaters back to court and swears that He alone is God. If you experience fear about bearing witness before others, reread the passage—even commit it to memory. The Lord of hosts is with you when you share the Word. • You are my only refuge, O Redeemer. Love, care for, and strengthen me from first to last, eternal God. Amen.
以赛亚书44:6–8主呼唤那些拜偶像者回到法庭上,向他们宣誓唯有祂是独一的真神。如果你害怕在他人面前做见证,就再读一次这句话,甚至把它背下来。当你与别人分享祂的话语时,万军之主正与你同在。• 噢,救赎主,永恒的上帝,你是我唯一的避难所,求你向我发慈爱,看顾并赐我力量从起初直到最后。阿们。

44:9–28 The Lord prophesies the restoration of His people, centuries before the events take place. Today, despite the difficulties that beset you, the Lord holds your future securely. In fact, He planned for your future through His beloved Son. • O Redeemer, I entrust all my days to Your care. Fulfill Your purpose for me. Amen.
以赛亚书44:9–28主在事情还未发生的许多世纪前就预言了祂子民的复兴。今天,无论困难如何烦扰着你,主仍然稳固地掌管着你的将来;事实上,祂早已藉着祂的爱子为你规划了将来。• 噢,救赎主,我将我的年日交托在你的看顾之下,求你为我成就你的旨意。阿们。

45:1–13 The Lord rescues Israel through Cyrus, the pagan king of Persia. The Lord uses all creation—even Satan!—to accomplish His good purposes. If the devil and an idolater can come to such notable service, will the Lord not use you to great purpose? He has already purposed your salvation through the blood of Jesus, His Anointed. • Call me to service, O heavenly Potter. I am at Your disposal. Amen.
以赛亚书45:1–13主藉着波斯王居鲁士这位异教徒来营救以色列。主使用所有的受造物–甚至撒旦–来成就祂圣善的旨意。如果魔鬼和偶像崇拜者都能被主使用在令人瞩目的事情上,祂岂不更使用你去完成祂伟大的使命吗?祂已经藉着那受膏者耶稣的宝血成就了你的救恩。• 噢,天国的陶匠,求你召唤我来服侍,我随时听候你的吩咐。阿们。

45:14–25 The Lord explains that all people will confess Him and will submit in faith or in fear. In times of discouragement or persecution, God seems hidden from us. Yet when Jesus hid His divinity from us while suffering on the cross, He was serving us most decisively. When the Lord seems far away, know that He is near, and confess His glory. • Draw near, O Lord. Return as You have promised, that we may rejoice in the fullness of salvation. Until then, grant us eyes of faith. Amen.
以赛亚书45:14–25主说明到时候所有的人都将承认和归向祂,要么在信心中,要么恐惧中。在受到挫折或迫害时,上帝似乎向我们隐藏了;然而当耶稣隐藏起祂的神性并在十字架上受苦时,那正是祂最果断地俯就我们的时刻。当主看起来遥不可及时,要知道祂其实离你很近,去承认祂的荣耀吧。• 噢,主啊,求你亲近我,照你所应许的再次降临,使我在你丰盛的救恩中欢喜快乐;在那之前,求你赐给我们信心的眼睛。阿们。

†Ch 46 The Lord will humble mighty Babylon when He raises up Cyrus the Persian. The power and future of all nations are in God’s hands. Pray for your leaders, that they may know the Lord and His ways. However, pray most of all for the return of our Savior-King. • O Father, I am Your child, over whom You glory. Draw near to me this day in Your mercy. Amen.
以赛亚书46章 主将兴起波斯王居鲁士使强盛的巴比伦降为卑。列国的权柄和未来都在上帝的掌握之中。要为你的掌权者祷告,使他们能认识上帝并祂的道路。然而,更要为我们救赎君王的再来而祷告。• 噢天父,我是你显荣耀的儿女,今天求你因着你的怜悯来到我这里。阿们。

†Ch 47 The Babylonians regard themselves as uniquely wise and blessed through their astrological devotion, but they will be enslaved and humiliated. If you put your confidence in astrology, horoscopes, incantations, or charms, you will fall too. True wisdom comes from the Lord and His Word. He gives His blessings through the Word and in answer to prayer. • O Lord, You hold my future. Grant me wisdom in making decisions and contentment in the blessings I receive, ever seeking greater opportunity to serve You alone. Amen.
以赛亚书47章 巴比伦人认为自己特别聪明且因信仰天上的万象而蒙福,但他们却将受到奴役和羞辱。如果你相信那些占星术或符咒和咒语,你也将要绊跌。真正的智慧是从主和祂的圣道而来,祂藉着祂的话语赐福给你并回答你的祷告。• 噢,主啊,你掌管着我的未来,求你赐给我智慧来判断,因你赐的福而知足,并寻求更好的机会来服侍你。阿们。

48:1–11 The Lord chastens Israel for stubbornness, indifference, and idolatry, noting that they were corrupt from the beginning. You, too, started life in the corruption of sin, which continues to manifest itself in sins like those of Israel. The Lord’s refinement can purge away your sins. As you reflect on your persistent weaknesses, recall also the Lord’s patience (vv 9–11) and the mercy announced for you in Christ. • Lord, forgive my obstinacy, and refine my attitude. Amen.
以赛亚书48:1–11因着以色列的顽梗,冷淡和拜偶像,主惩罚他们并指出他们从起初就败坏了。你也像以色列一样,自从出胎以来就在罪的败坏里,之后又持续不断地生活在罪中;但主的熬炼能清除你的罪,当你反省自己那些持续存在的软弱时,要思想主对你的耐心容忍(9-11节)及祂在基督里已经宣布的怜悯。• 主啊,请饶恕我的顽梗,熬炼我的态度。阿们。

48:12–22 The Lord distinguishes His people from the nations and promises enduring peace through His Servant and His Spirit. This promise was fulfilled for your sake by Jesus of Nazareth (Mt 11:27–30). • Lord Jesus, grant me Your Spirit to sustain me in God’s peace. Amen.
以赛亚书48:12–22主将祂的百姓从万民中分别出来,应许要藉着祂的仆人和圣灵赐下永远的平安,这应许藉着拿撒勒人耶稣已经实现了(太11:27-30)。• 主耶稣,求赐给我你的圣灵,将我维系在上帝的平安里。阿们。

49:1–7 Further description of the Servant-Savior is provided by the Lord. The Servant will administer not only the “sword” of God’s Law but also the salvation delivered for you through the Gospel. • Shine upon us, O Light for the nations, and extend to all people the promise of salvation. Amen.
以赛亚书49:1–7主在这里提供了更多关于这位仆人—救赎主的描述,这位仆人不仅掌控着上帝律法的“宝剑”,也要藉着福音为你带来拯救。• 噢,万民的光,求你照耀我们,将那拯救的应许惠及万民。阿们。

49:8–26 Isaiah prophesies Israel’s return and prosperity in contrast with the humiliation of the oppressors. Today, regard your sins with appropriate shame, but likewise see that the Lord, your Savior, has redeemed you. He will not forget you (v 15). He longs to restore you and your family. • Dearest Jesus, the memorials of my salvation are graven on Your palms. Show them to all as a sign of Your mercy and forgiveness toward me and all sinners. Amen.
以赛亚书49:8–26以赛亚预言了以色列的归回和发展,与那些压迫者所受的羞辱形成对比。今天,要以适当的羞耻感看待你的罪,但同样的要看到你的救赎主已经拯救了你。祂不忘记你(第15节),祂盼望要复兴你和你的家人。• 最亲爱的耶稣,我救恩的记念铭刻在你的手掌上,求你向众人显示这标志着你对我和所有罪人怜悯和饶恕的记号。阿们。

†Ch 50 The Lord contrasts His Servant’s humility and obedience with Israel’s rebelliousness. The Servant’s obedience and suffering atoned for your sins and the sins of all the world. Walk in the light of His Word. In Him there is no disgrace. • Awaken my ear, O Jesus. Rouse me each day to fear, love, and trust my Lord. Amen.
以赛亚书50章 主以祂仆人的谦卑和顺服来对比以色列的悖逆。这位仆人为了弥补你和整个世界的罪恶而顺服并受苦,你要行走在祂话语的亮光之中,在祂里面,并无可羞耻的事。• 噢,耶稣,每天唤醒我的耳朵,使我能敬畏,亲爱并信靠我的救主。阿们。

†Ch 51 The Lord pleads for the people to believe in His salvation and describes the misery of living under His wrath. Unrepentance lulls us into spiritual sloth, so that we do not discern the Lord’s purposes in view of His Word. Wake up and listen! The Redeemer calls daily, and His mercies are new each morning. • Draw near, O Lord, and remove the cup of wrath from my hand. Replace it with the new cup of Christ’s blood. Amen.
以赛亚书51章 主恳求人们信靠祂的拯救,并且描述了生活在祂愤怒之下的悲惨状况。不悔改会使我们麻痹而在灵里懒散怠惰,我们就无法从主的话语中明白祂的旨意。醒来!倾听!主每日呼唤着我们,祂的恩典每早晨都是新的。• 噢,主啊,求你靠近我,从我手中挪去你愤怒的杯,以盛有基督宝血的新杯来代替。阿们。

52:1–12 Final announcement that the exiles will return home in safety to serve the Lord. When the Lord calls and equips you for service, loose your bonds of fear and doubt. God’s gifts and calling will suffice for you, and He will protect you. • Lead me forth, O Lord. Block my retreat from Your calling, for You reign on my behalf. Amen.
以赛亚书52:1–12主最后再宣布一次,被掳的人将得以平安归回事奉主。当主呼召你并装备你去服侍时,要放下你的惧怕和疑惑;上帝的恩赐和恩召是足够的,祂并要保守你。• 噢,主啊,求你引领我前行,不让我从你的呼召上退却,因你为我的益处而掌权。阿们。

52:13–53:12 In this final Servant Song, the Lord sacrifices the innocent Servant for the sake of ignorant, rebellious transgressors, making atonement for them. Commit this passage to heart. Few places in Scripture describe God’s surpassing mercy for you in so touching a manner. • “What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul! What wondrous love is this, O my soul! What wondrous love is this That caused the Lord of bliss To bear the dreadful curse for my soul, for my soul, To bear the dreadful curse for my soul!” Amen. (LSB 543:1)
以赛亚书52:13–53:12在这最后的义仆之歌里,主上帝为着那些愚昧无知且悖逆的罪人而牺牲了那无辜的仆人,并为他们赎罪。要把这段经文存在你的心底,圣经上只有少数章节以如此动人的方式来描述上帝对你那超乎一切的怜悯。• “何等奇妙大爱,我的心,我的心,何等奇妙大爱,我的心!何等奇妙大爱,使那万福之主甘受毁谤咒诅,救我灵,救我灵!”阿们。(路德会礼仪书543:1)

†Ch 54 Although the Lord cast off Israel because of their sin, they will henceforth enjoy His vindication and everlasting love. As it was in the days of Noah, a flood of judgment awaits those who do not turn from their sins of shame and disgrace. But just as the Lord faithfully gathered Noah’s family to safety on the ark, so will the Lord gather those whom He has redeemed in Jesus. Because of our Lord’s great compassion, He will never desert us. • Heavenly Father, let the mighty mountains and hills of this world always remind us of Your steadfast love for us. Enlarge our faith in You, especially when we face affliction. Amen.
以赛亚书54章 虽然主曾因为以色列的罪而离弃他们,从今以后主却将证实他们的无罪释放,使他们得享祂永恒的爱。当挪亚的日子,审判的洪水等待着那些不从自己可耻的罪恶中转离的人;就像主信实地聚集挪亚一家安全进入方舟一样,祂也将聚集那些在耶稣里蒙救赎的人。因着主浩大的怜悯,祂将永不丢弃我们。• 天父,愿这世界的崇山峻岭永远提醒我们你不朽的爱,增强我们的信心,尤其是在我们遭遇患难痛苦的时候。阿们。

†Ch 55 The Lord invites all to seek Him in His Word and to receive His good and satisfying gifts. Though the Lord invites us to listen diligently to His Word, we often listen carelessly or not at all. When we shut out God’s life-giving Word, we are left to labor for that which does not satisfy. Jesus has accomplished the purpose for which He was sent: the pardon for sin, which He won at the cross. He gives abundantly to those from every nation who turn to Him. • Lord God, may Your Word continue to accomplish Your purposes among us and around the world. Teach us to hold Your Word sacred and gladly hear and learn it. Amen.
以赛亚书55章 主邀请所有的人从祂的话语中寻求祂,并得到祂那些美好而令人满足的礼物。虽然主邀请我们勤勉地聆听祂的话语,我们却常常是漫不经心地听甚至完全不听。当我们把上帝那赐生命的话语拒之门外时,我们就是在为那无法令人满足的事物而劳碌。耶稣已经完成了祂奉差遣要来成就的使命:在十字架上赢得了对罪的赦免,祂广行赦免给一切从万国中归向祂的人。• 主上帝,愿你的圣道继续在我们与全世界中成就你的旨意;求你教导我们尊你的话语为圣,并乐意聆听与学习。阿们。

56:1–8 The Lord’s salvation will come not only for the chosen people of Israel but also for foreigners and outcasts. Today, pray for the Lord’s strength so that you believe and do not abuse His grace. Keep your hands from evil, keep justice, and do righteousness. Those who repent are not cut off from the Lord’s salvation. The deliverance revealed in Jesus’ death and resurrection is for you and for all peoples. • Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for gathering us into Your kingdom, and for giving us Your holy name in our Baptism. Gather more people of every nation into Your house of prayer. Amen.
以赛亚书56:1–8主的拯救不仅将要临到以色列的选民,也赐给了外邦人和被遗弃的人。今天,你要祷告求主赐你力量,使你信靠并且不妄用祂的恩典。禁止你的手不作恶,要守公平,行公义;只要悔改就不至于失去主的救恩,那在耶稣的死与复活里所显明的救恩是赐给你和所有人的。• 主耶稣基督,感谢你召聚我们进入你的国,并在洗礼中赐给我们你的圣名,求你从万民中召聚更多的人进入你祷告的殿。阿们。

56:9–12 Israel’s leaders have forsaken their sacred duty. We, too, often pursue personal pleasure and gain at the expense of our God-given responsibilities. Unlike Israel’s leaders who sought their own gain, Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He laid down His life for every sinful sheep, faithfully fulfilling God’s righteous requirements for our sake. • Give us grace, dear Lord, to forsake the pursuit of personal gain and to follow You always in the way that leads to life everlasting. Amen.
以赛亚书56:9–12以色列的领袖将他们神圣的职责弃之不顾。我们也常常以牺牲上帝赋予的责任为代价来追求个人的欢愉和利益。耶稣是我们的好牧人,祂不像那些只寻求自己利益的以色列领袖;祂为每一只有罪的羊舍命,为了我们而信实地完成了上帝公义的要求。• 亲爱的主,求你赐恩给我们,使我们能抛弃对个人利益的追求,永远跟从你行走在那通往永生的道路上。阿们。

57:1–13 As Israel practices idolatry through a number of degenerate acts, they are openly mocking the Lord. We, too, have our own collection of idols. Whenever we give those idols the fear, love, and trust deserved by God alone, we are guilty of deserting and mocking the Lord. As a perfectly righteous man, Jesus died in our place. Because He was taken away to bear our sins, the Lord does indeed relent from punishing us as our sins deserve. • Lord God, teach us to turn away from every idolatrous act and to call upon Your name alone in every time of trouble. Amen.
以赛亚书57:1–13当以色列敬拜偶像而行出许多堕落的行为时,他们是在公开地嘲笑主。我们也一样,有着自己一系列的偶像。每当我们将唯有上帝配得的敬畏,亲爱,与信靠归给那些偶像时,我们就是犯了离弃并且嘲弄上帝的罪。耶稣做为一个全然公义的人代替我们受死,因祂为了我们的罪被交付并死亡,所以主不再以我们应得的惩罚对待我们了。• 主上帝,求你教导我们离弃所有偶像崇拜的行为,在各样困境中唯独呼求你的名。阿们。

57:14–21 The Lord heals and comforts all who are of a contrite and lowly spirit. But God’s comfort and peace are withheld from the wicked, including those intent on backsliding in the ways of their own hearts. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the obstacle of our sin has been removed. There is now healing, comfort, and peace for every contrite heart. • Holy God, high and lifted up, create in us new and contrite hearts that we, repenting of our sins, may obtain from You perfect peace and forgiveness. Amen.
以赛亚书57:14–21主医治并安慰所有心灵痛悔谦卑的人,但上帝拒绝赐安慰与平安给恶人,包括那些坚决背道不悔改的人。藉着耶稣的死与复活,我们罪的障碍已经被挪去,每个忧伤痛悔的心现在都将得到医治,安慰,与平安。• 圣洁的上帝,至高至上的神,求你在我们里面造一个悔罪的新心,使我们为罪痛悔,并得到你完全的平安与赦免。阿们。

†Ch 58 The Lord condemns all who draw near to Him only with words, those who seek their own pleasure above all else. But for those who share with their neighbors in need, the Lord promises healing. We cannot draw near to the Lord in faith while oppressing and quarreling with our neighbors. Jesus perfectly fulfilled the law of love and would lead us to repentance. His cross is the guarantee that the Lord will answer when we call upon Him in faith. • Help us, dear Lord, to express our love for You by serving and sharing with our neighbors in need. Amen.
以赛亚书58章 主责备那些只以嘴唇亲近祂,和寻求自己的欢愉胜过一切的人;但那些帮补穷乏邻舍的人,主应许了要医治他们。当我们欺压或与邻舍争竞时,我们就不可能以信心亲近主。耶稣完美地成全了爱的律法,引领我们悔改。主的十字架保证了祂将要回应我们在信心中的呼求。• 亲爱的主,求你帮助我们去服务并与我们的邻舍分享,以此表明我们对你的爱。阿们。

59:1–15a By their sins, the people of Israel have separated themselves from God and from His salvation. When we fail to confess our sins and do not repent, we, like Israel, separate ourselves from God. In the darkness of our iniquity, our sins testify against us. Jesus came into the world to bridge the separation between God and sinners. All of our transgressions and iniquities were laid on Him at the cross, that we might know the bright light of His forgiveness. • Heavenly Father, grant that we might not be used as instruments of wickedness. As we confess our sins and receive Your forgiveness, lead us to be instruments of Your peace and truth. Amen.
以赛亚书59:1–15a因着他们的罪,以色列民已经把自己与上帝并祂的救恩隔绝了。当我们不承认自己的罪且不悔改时,我们就像以色列民一样使自己与上帝隔绝了。在罪孽的阴影下,我们的罪作见证控告我们。耶稣来到这个世上就是要连接起上帝与罪人之间的隔阂,在十字架上我们所有的过犯罪孽都担在祂的身上,使我们得以明白祂赦罪的明光。• 天父,求你使我们不会成为不义的器具,当我们承认自己的罪并得到你的赦免时,引导我们成为你平安与真理的器具。阿们。

59:15b–21 The Lord Himself, by His own arm, will act with zeal to accomplish both justice and salvation among His people. We are not righteous enough to achieve salvation by our own merits. In mercy, Christ Jesus has interceded on our behalf. His zeal is for our salvation, which He made possible through His suffering, death, and resurrection. His perfect righteousness is freely given to all who believe. • Merciful Redeemer, You do not repay us according to our iniquity. Grant that by Your Word and Spirit we might turn from our transgression and always rejoice in the gift of Your salvation. Amen.
以赛亚书59:15b–21主上帝将亲自以祂的膀臂在祂的百姓中发热心施行公义与拯救。我们的公义和好行为不足以使我们得救,耶稣基督出于怜悯,为我们代求并为着我们的得救发热心,以祂的受苦,死亡,与复活为我们成就了救恩。祂的全然公义白白地赐给了所有相信的人。• 满有怜悯的救主,你并没有按我们的过犯待我们,求你以你的圣道和圣灵使我们从罪中回转,永远在你的救恩中欢喜快乐。阿们。

†Ch 60 The Redeemer of Israel will bring His penitent people out of the darkness of their sin into His everlasting light. Both spiritual and temporal wealth come to us as gifts from God. We should make it our goal to use this wealth for the blessing of others, rather than selfishly seeking and searching for more. Our Savior Jesus Christ has had mercy on us. He is our light and our life. • O God, continually call us out of the darkness of our sin and into Your marvelous light, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
以赛亚书60章 以色列的救赎主将带领祂悔罪的百姓离开罪的黑暗,进入祂永远的光明中。属灵上与今生暂时的富足是从上帝来的祝福,我们的目标应该是运用这些财富去祝福他人,而不是自私地追求获得更多。我们的救主耶稣已经施怜悯给我们了,祂是我们的光,我们的生命。• 噢,上帝,求你不断地藉着我们的主耶稣召唤我们从罪恶的黑暗出来,进入你奇妙的光明之中。阿们。

†Ch 61 The Servant/Messiah will come, bringing good news and everlasting joy to the redeemed of Israel. As brokenhearted souls, we must confess the sinful cause of our poverty and brokenness. Our dire straits are due to our sinful condition—a condition from which we cannot free ourselves. Jesus brings liberty for all held captive by sin and death. By His death and resurrection, He has delivered us from the shame of our sin, clothed us in His own righteousness, and made us to be His holy priests. • Lord God, teach us not to rely on the tattered fabric of our own works and accomplishments. Lead us to be comforted each day in Your robe of righteousness. Amen.
以赛亚书61章 这位义仆/弥赛亚将要来到,带来好信息和永远的喜乐给以色列的赎民。我们都是伤心的人,必须承认自己因罪的缘故而导致了贫穷和破碎。我们悲惨的困境是由我们的罪造成的,但我们自己却无法挣脱。耶稣释放了一切被罪恶和死亡囚禁的人,因着祂的死与复活,祂已经把我们从罪恶的羞耻中拯救出来,把自己的公义为袍给我们披上,使我们成为祂圣洁的祭司。• 主上帝,求你引导我们不依靠自己那些如同破烂衣服的行为和成就,引领我们每日因披上你公义的袍子而满得安慰。阿们。

†Ch 62 The mouth of the Lord announces the coming salvation that will be established in Jerusalem and proclaimed to the ends of the earth. Isaiah rightly depicts our sin as the equivalent of marital unfaithfulness. Like an unfaithful wife, we deserve to be forsaken by our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. But He has redeemed us with His own blood. He does not treat us as we deserve, but delights to make us His own holy people, made beautiful by His forgiveness. • Lord Jesus Christ, heavenly Bridegroom, You came and sought us to be Your holy Bride; with Your own blood You bought us, and for our life You died. Amen. (Adapted from LSB 644:1)
以赛亚书62章 主的口已经宣告那即将到来的拯救将要在耶路撒冷被建立并被传扬到地极。以赛亚准确地描述我们的罪正如婚姻里的不忠诚一样,我们好比一个不贞洁的妇人,理当被我们的新郎耶稣基督撇弃,但祂已经以自己的宝血救赎了我们。祂没有按我们应得的结局待我们,而是乐意使我们成为祂圣洁的子民,因祂的赦免饶恕而成为美丽。• 主耶稣基督,天国的新郎,你降临并找寻我们做为你圣洁的新妇,你以宝血赎买了我们,为了我们得生命而死去。阿们。(路德会礼仪书644:1)

63:1–6 Just as the Lord acts decisively to bring redemption for His people, His vengeance is also unleashed on every evil foe. On the Last Day, the Lord’s overwhelming power will trample all His enemies, including all who reject the salvation purchased with Jesus’ lifeblood. His crimson garments bear witness to His decisive defeat of sin and death through His crucifixion and resurrection. He is indeed mighty to save, giving resurrection life to all who believe. • Lord Jesus, keep us, we pray, marching in the greatness of Your mighty strength, in the way that leads to life everlasting. Amen.
以赛亚书63:1–6主上帝一方面以果断的行动为祂的百姓施行拯救,另一方面祂的复仇也对所有的邪恶毫不留情。当末日时,主大而可畏的权能将践踏一切仇敌,包括那些拒绝耶稣以生命之血所赢得救恩的人。藉着钉十字架和复活,祂那染红的衣服见证祂赢得了对罪和死亡决定性的胜利。祂确实有大能施行拯救,赐下复活的生命给一切相信的人。• 主耶稣,求你保守我们在你大能的力量中前行,行走在通往永生的道路上。阿们。

63:7–14 The Lord’s steadfast love for His people is beautifully epitomized in the exodus from Egypt. Just as surely as Israel rebelled against the Lord and grieved His Holy Spirit, we have done the same by our sins of thought, word, and deed. His steadfast love is given for us in Jesus Christ. He was afflicted for our sins. Through the gift of His Holy Spirit in the waters of Holy Baptism, the Lord is pleased to lead us as His people. • “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Your presence, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me” (Ps 51:10–11). Amen.
以赛亚书63:7–14主对祂百姓坚定不移的爱在带领他们出埃及时就已经美好地体现出来了。就像以色列民必然会悖逆上帝并使祂的圣灵担忧一样,我们也在思想,言语,和行为上犯了相同的罪。主不改变的爱已经在耶稣基督里赐给我们了,祂为了我们的罪而受苦;主藉着圣灵,通过洗礼中的水赐给我们礼物,祂乐意引领我们做祂的子民。• “神啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵。不要丢弃我,使我离开你的面,不要从我收回你的圣灵”(诗51:10-11)。阿们。

63:15–64:12 Confessing their sins, the Lord’s penitent people pray to Him as their Father, asking Him to reclaim them. Israel’s confession is like our own, for we also have wandered from the Lord’s ways. In the uncleanness of our sin, all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. In the fullness of time, God rent the heavens and came down for our salvation in the person of Jesus Christ. Through Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection, our heavenly Father was acting on our behalf, not counting our sins against us. • Gracious Father, we confess that we have sinned against You and have withheld the fear You deserve. Forgive us, we pray, for Jesus’ sake, and keep us as Your holy people. Amen.
以赛亚书63:15–64:12 悔罪的百姓以主上帝为他们的父向祂祷告,承认自己的罪,请求主再垂顾他们。以色列的认罪和我们的一样,因为我们也常常偏离上帝的道路。在罪的不洁净中,我们所有的好行为就像污秽的衣服一样。及至时候满足,上帝裂天而降,在耶稣基督里成了肉身为要拯救我们。藉着耶稣的受苦,死亡,与复活,我们的天父为了我们采取行动,不再数算我们的罪了。• 仁慈的天父,我们承认自己犯罪得罪了你,没有将你配得的敬畏归给你,求你因耶稣的缘故赦免我们,保守我们成为你圣洁的子民。阿们。

65:1–16 The Lord will repay the iniquities of those who reject Him, but His chosen servants—who seek Him in faith—will lie down in safety. The Lord threatens to punish all who follow their own devices and do not listen to Him. The retribution we deserve for our iniquities has been laid on Jesus. With His own blood, He made payment for all of our sinful deeds. • O Lord, in Holy Baptism You chose us to be Your servants, and You filled our lives with blessing. Help us each day to choose what You delight in and to sing for gladness of heart. Amen.
以赛亚书65:1–16 主上帝将报应那些拒绝祂的人所犯的罪孽,但却要使祂所拣选的仆人们—那些在信心中寻求祂的人—安然躺卧。主上帝威胁要惩罚那些随从自己的意念,不听从祂话语的人。我们自己的罪孽所应得的报应已经被放在耶稣身上了;祂以自己的宝血,为我们所有罪恶的行为付出了代价。• 噢,主啊,你在圣洗礼中拣选了我们成为你的仆人,将祝福充满在我们的生命之中。求你帮助我们每日选择你所喜悦的,满心欢乐而歌唱。阿们。

65:17–25 In the Lord’s new creation, we will completely forget the weeping and futility so characteristic of life in a fallen world. In their place shall be joy and gladness, fulfillment and satisfaction. It is the Lord’s desire that His repentant people should no longer remember or be troubled by their former sins. Our place in the Lord’s new creation has been secured through faith in Jesus. Through the saving work of His hands, we have the joy of sins forgiven and the gladness of life eternal. • Lord God, You who are quick to hear and answer the prayers of Your people, hasten the day when we will enjoy the fullness of Your new creation. Amen.
以赛亚书65:17–25在主上帝新的创造里,我们将不再记得曾经哭泣与徒然无功—这些是生活在这个败坏堕落的世界里典型的特征。到那时将有喜悦欢乐,满足愉快取而代之。主希望所有悔改的人不再记念也不再被从前的罪所烦扰。在主新的创造中,我们那一席之地藉着对耶稣的信心而稳固。通过祂手所做的拯救大工,我们得着赦罪的喜悦和永生的喜乐。• 主上帝,你快快地垂听并且回应你子民的祷告,愿我们得享你新创造的那充实丰富的日子快快来临。阿们。

66:1–6 The Lord delights in those who are humble and contrite in spirit. But those who pursue self-chosen ways will be put to shame. Even the offerings they outwardly present to the Lord are regarded by Him as abominations. Although the glory of the Lord spans both heaven and earth, God Himself dwelt among us in the person of Jesus Christ. He became the sacrificial Lamb of God, whose death atoned for all our sins. • Lord Jesus Christ, by Your Holy Spirit create in us humble and contrite hearts, that we might tremble at Your Word and gladly hear and learn it. Amen.
以赛亚书66:1–6主喜悦那些谦卑且虚心痛悔的人,但那偏行己路的人却要蒙羞,甚至他们外在所做的奉献都被主视为可憎恶的。虽然主的荣耀遍满天地之间,上帝祂自己却在耶稣基督的肉身里与我们同住。祂成为上帝牺牲祭的羔羊,祂的死为我们所有的罪付清了赎价。• 主耶稣基督,以你的圣灵在我们里面造一个谦卑痛悔的心,使我们因你的话语而战惊,并乐意聆听学习。阿们。

66:7–14 The Lord will bring about a new birth of joy and delight. We should not look elsewhere for lasting satisfaction and comfort. Motherly comfort and peace like a river will satisfy and delight all God’s people. Just as a child’s mother meets his or her needs, so our heavenly Father meets our needs of provision and pardon. • Gracious Lord, by Your Son, Jesus Christ, You delivered us from destruction. In Holy Baptism, You caused us to be born again. Carry us and bless us with the comfort and peace that only You can give. Amen.
以赛亚书66:7–14主要带来全新的喜悦和欢乐,我们不应该从别处寻找持久的满足与安慰。母亲般的安慰和平安如同江河,能使上帝的百姓饱得满足与喜悦。正如孩童的母亲满足他/她的需要,我们的天父也满足我们的需求,供应并赦免我们。• 恩慈的主,你藉着你的儿子耶稣基督,救我们脱离灭亡,使我们在圣洗礼中得以重生。求你带领我们,并以那唯有你能给予的安慰及平安来祝福我们。阿们。

66:15–24 With hot rebuke, Isaiah closes his prophecy. Though he has emphasized God’s grace and restoration in the preceding chapters, he ends with the fires of punishment because his hearers will not repent. This day, with repentant cry, lift your voice to the Maker of heaven and earth. He who has every right to condemn also has every desire to forgive you and raise you to new life as He demonstrated toward you in His Son, the Savior from sin and hell. • Holy Jesus, sanctify and purify me from all uncleanness. Quench my passion for sin, and grant me life everlasting. Amen.
以赛亚书66:15–24以赛亚用严厉激烈的指责来结束他的预言。虽然他在前几章强调了上帝的恩典与复兴,但因他的听众终不悔改,最后他以惩罚的烈火来结束。现在,你要以悔改的呼求,来求告那位创造天地万物的主。祂有全然的权利施行责罚,但也有全然的心意要饶恕你,就像祂已经藉着祂的儿子,我们的救赎主向我们证明的那样,要把你从罪恶和地狱里提升到新的生命中。• 圣洁的耶稣,求你洁净我使我成圣,脱离所有的污秽。阻止我想犯罪的欲望,赐我永恒的生命。阿们。

校对:Gary Liu


1:1–3 Jeremiah introduces himself and the historical context of his ministry. God sent prophets like Jeremiah to convict His people of their sin so that they might repent and return to Him. In mercy, God patiently waited, providing ample time for repentance. He is likewise patient toward you, whom He calls to repentance and true faith in Christ. • Father, I thank You for Your Word: the Law to reveal my sin and guide my conduct, and the Gospel to show me the Savior and Your love through Him. Amen.
耶利米书1:1-3 耶利米介绍他自己以及他事工的历史背景。上帝差遣像耶利米这样的先知来定祂百姓的罪,好使他们悔改归向祂。出于怜悯,上帝满有忍耐地留足时间等候他们的悔改。祂也同样向我们施忍耐,祂呼召我们悔改并且得着在基督里得真信心。天父,感谢你赐下圣道:律法显明我的罪并且引领我的行动,福音向我展示我的救赎主以及你藉着祂所显明的慈爱。阿们。

1:4–19 Jeremiah records the details of his call to the prophetic ministry, including two visions and God’s promises to be with him. Through Jeremiah, God would warn His people of impending judgment for their sins. Idolatry and immorality eventually bring disaster upon sinners. God wants His people to repent and turn back to Him, averting disaster and receiving God’s mercy. • Grant us confidence in Your Word, O Lord. Turn us from sin so we may rejoice in Your salvation, serving You faithfully in Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.
耶利米书1:4-19 耶利米记载下来祂蒙召进入先知事工的细节,其中包括两个异象,和上帝要与他同在的应许。透过耶利米,上帝警告祂的子民,因为他们的罪,审判快要到来。偶像崇拜和道德败坏最终给罪人带来灾难。上帝意愿祂的百姓悔改并且转向祂,藉此避开灾难,领受上帝的怜悯。主啊,赐我对你圣道的信心。使我们转离罪,好叫我们以你的救恩欢喜快乐,在我们的救主耶稣基督里面忠心服侍你。阿们。

2:1–3:5 Through Jeremiah, God files charges against His people for breaking covenant with Him. He uses the powerful image of marital unfaithfulness—a capital crime under Mosaic Law—to drive home the seriousness of the charge. God grants time for sinners to repent, but those who refuse to do so will face His justice. His ultimate goal is always our salvation, which He accomplished through the life and death of His Son, who bore His judgment for our sins. • Keep us ever faithful to You, O Lord, by Your Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书2:1-3:5 藉着耶利米,上帝指控祂的百姓破坏与祂的约。祂使用婚姻不忠这个强有力的画面—摩西律法下面的死刑罪—来清楚阐明这项指控的严重性。上帝赐给罪人时间悔改,但那些拒绝如此行的人最终要面临祂的审判。上帝终极的目标总是救赎,就是藉着祂儿子的生和死已经成就了的,祂的儿子为我们的罪承担了祂的审判。主啊,保守我们永远忠于你,靠赖你的圣灵藉着耶稣基督。阿们。

3:6–4:4 Judah’s temporary repentance is only superficial—their hearts still stray far from the Lord. Jeremiah offers a glimmer of hope for the northern tribes, revealing God’s plan to rescue a remnant of their people in the future. Even as the Lord disciplines His people, He also shows His grace by rescuing a remnant in order to replant them in the Promised Land and bring a Savior from their descendants. In view of God’s mercy, practice daily repentance. He will grant you the blessings of Abraham through his offspring Jesus Christ. • Father, keep us faithful to You, the only true God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
耶利米书3:6-4:4 犹大暂时的悔改仅仅是表面功夫—他们的心仍然是远离悖逆主耶和华的。耶利米为北部支派提供一丝盼望,启示上帝的计划是要在未来拯救一批祂百姓中的剩余之民。即使主管教祂的百姓,祂也拯救一批剩余之民为了重新将他们安置在那应许之地并且从他们的后裔中间带出一位救赎主来,显明祂的恩惠。在上帝的怜悯中,要每日践行悔改。祂必藉着亚伯拉罕的后裔耶稣基督将他的祝福也恩赐给你。天父,请藉着我们的主基督保守我忠于你,你是独一真上帝。阿们。

4:5–18 Through Jeremiah, God pronounces judgment against His people and warns them of an irresistible enemy advancing quickly from the north. Like a hurricane-force wind, Babylon’s armies will sweep Judah away, leaving only a few survivors. God had sent prophet after prophet to warn His people and call them to repentance because He loved them and wanted them back. Today, He calls you so that you may receive His gracious salvation. • Father, turn us from our foolish ways to walk by faith in Your Word, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书4:5-18 藉着耶利米,上帝宣告祂对百姓的审判,并且警告他们有一只势不可挡的敌人正从北方迅猛前来。就像强大的飓风一样,巴比伦的军队必要将犹大扫除,仅留下些许的幸存者。上帝差遣一个接一个的先知去警告祂的百姓并且呼召他们悔改,因为祂爱他们并且希望他们回转。今天,祂也呼召你,好叫你也可以领受祂恩典的救赎。天父,请藉着耶稣基督,使我们转离我们愚昧的道路,行走在对你圣道的信心之中。阿们。

4:19–31 Jeremiah grieves for Judah and its people, lamenting their imminent destruction. The same God who created the world by His powerful Word has pronounced judgment upon His sinful and rebellious people. Even in the midst of his grief, Jeremiah voices a note of hope—all is not lost. God is faithful to His promise of salvation. Today, He also remains faithful to you, even in the midst of grief and despair. • Help us to see the consequence of our sins, O Lord, and turn to You each day for forgiveness and wisdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
耶利米书4:19-31 耶利米为犹大和它的百姓忧伤,因着他们快要临到的毁灭哀悼。那藉着祂权能的话语创造世界的同一位上帝,也向祂有罪悖逆的百姓宣告审判。甚至在他的哀痛之中,耶利米仍发出带着希望的信息—不会全部消灭。主啊,帮助我看清我们罪的后果,每一天转向你寻求赦罪和智慧。奉耶稣的名。阿们。

5:1–13 From the lowliest individual in the streets to the highest official in the temple or king’s palace, all God’s people have turned away from Him to other gods. Their rebellion appears clearly in their immoral behavior as they reject every prophet who calls them back to faith and to the obedience that comes from faith. Today, as you interact with others, consider the condition of your heart in view of God’s Word. Repent of all pride, and pray for sincere faith and wisdom with kindness. In His mercy, God preserves His people for salvation (cf v 10); He has you on His heart. • Turn us back, O Lord, when we stray. Keep us faithful in word and deed. Amen.
耶利米书5:1-13 从大街上最卑微的个人,到圣殿或王宫里面的最高长官,上帝所有的百姓都离弃祂,转向其它神。他们的悖逆在他们道德败坏的行为中清晰可见,他们拒绝每一位呼召他们回转信靠且要靠着信心顺服的先知。今天,当你与他人交往的时候,要基于上帝的话语思想你的心是如何的。要为着所有的傲慢悔改,并且祈求真诚的信心,良善和智慧。在祂的怜悯中,上帝保守祂的子民要得救赎(参 10节);祂也将你放在祂的心上。主啊,当我们走偏的时候,请把我们拉回来。保守我们在话语和行动上忠信。阿们。

5:14–31 The people of God have refused to give up their worship of foreign gods and their abuse of the weak and powerless. Therefore, God will deliver them into the hands of a foreign nation, rendering them weak and powerless before its armies. Today, beware of spiritual leaders who prove faithless. Consider all things in view of God’s Word, and respect those who teach God’s Law and Gospel. Praise God for His patience and compassion to save! By His grace, He gives us new hearts and faithful leaders. • Heavenly Father, help us to see other people as You see them in Christ Jesus, our Savior. Amen.
耶利米书5:14-31 上帝的百姓拒绝放弃对外邦假神的敬拜以及对软弱无助之人的虐待。因此,上帝必要将他们交在一个外邦国家手中,使他们在这个国家的军队面前变得软弱无能。今天,要警惕那些看起来属灵实际上却证明是不信实的领袖。靠赖上帝的话语思量所有的事,尊重那些教导上帝律法和福音的人。上帝带着怜悯和宽容施行拯救,要为此赞美祂!出于祂的恩典,祂赐给我们新心和忠信的领袖。天父,帮助我们看其他人就像你在我们救主基督耶稣里面看他们一样。阿们。

†Ch 6 Because they have rejected God’s Word and spurned His prophets, the Lord will send a foreign army against Jerusalem to destroy it and lay waste to the land. God rejects sacrifices offered without faith; He is not satisfied with token compliance. Instead, He calls us to repent and to live our faith in all we say and do. In spite of our faithless acts, God continues to be faithful through His Son, Jesus, our Savior. • Open our eyes, Father, and send us Your Spirit, that we live our lives for You, avoiding sin and helping others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
耶利米书6章 因为他们拒绝上帝的话语,斥责他的先知,主就差遣一支外国军队来对付耶路撒冷,将之摧毁,夷为平地。上帝不悦纳不是出于信心的献祭;祂不喜悦表面的顺从。事实上,祂呼召我们悔改并且在我们所说所做的一切当中活出我们的信仰。尽管我们有不忠信的行为,然而上帝藉着祂的儿子,我们的救赎主耶稣,仍是信实。天父,打开我们的眼睛,差遣你的圣灵,好叫我们为你活着,逃避罪,帮助他人。奉耶稣的名。阿们。

7:1–29 God warns His people that mere possession of the temple and ritual observance of its worship laws will not save them. Without genuine, living faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb 11:6). He creates such faith through His Word. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are acceptable to Him, and so is our worship. • Father, grant us Your Word and Spirit, that our entire lives reflect the saving faith You have given us in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书7:1-29 上帝警告祂的百姓,仅仅是拥有圣殿和依照敬拜规条所遵守的礼仪不能拯救他们。若没有真正的,鲜活的信心,他们永不能使上帝喜悦(来11:6)。祂藉着祂的圣道创造这样的信心。透过在耶稣基督里的信心,我们以及我们的敬拜蒙祂悦纳。天父,将你的圣道和圣灵赐给我们,好叫我们整个生命都能映射出你在耶稣基督里所赐给我们的救赎性信心。阿们。

7:30–8:3 God condemns His people for worshiping false gods, even in the temple compound, and for offering their children as burnt offerings to idols. Sin may start small, but it often grows until it takes over a person’s life, leading even to such obvious evils as child sacrifice (consider today the abuse and neglect of children, who may be sacrificed to selfish interests). God still wants to save His people, calling them to repentance before the terrible events of His judgment become reality. His own dear Son bravely laid down His life to atone for all our sins. • Help us, Father, to recognize sin in its early stages and turn to You for strength and forgiveness. Amen.
耶利米书7:30-8:3 上帝谴责祂的百姓甚至在圣殿里面敬拜假神,将他们的儿女作为火祭献给偶像。罪开始的时候可能是小的,然而常常会变大,直到将一个人的生命给控制了,甚至到了将孩子作祭牲这类邪恶的地步(思想今天对儿童的虐待和无视,他们或许被自私自利所牺牲掉)。上帝仍盼望拯救祂的百姓,在祂可怕的审判成为现实之前呼召他们悔改。祂自己亲爱的儿子勇敢地舍弃祂的生命,为我们所有的罪付上赎价。天父,帮助我在罪的早期就将之识别出来,并且转向你寻求力量和赦罪。阿们。

8:4–17 God’s people still do not repent and turn back to Him in faith, so His judgment will fall upon them with full force. Possession of God’s Word cannot save them because their teachers have misrepresented it. Today, God gives us His Word to reveal His Son, our Savior, and to lead us in all righteousness. Through the study of His Word, He blesses us with repentance and life. • O Lord, grant us sound teachers, and keep us steadfast in Your Word. Amen.
耶利米书8:4-17 上帝的百姓仍然不悔改,不在信心中转向祂,因此祂的审判必带着全部威力临到他们。对上帝话语的拥有不能拯救他们,因为他们的教师将之扭曲错解。今天,上帝将祂的话语赐给我们,显明祂的儿子,我们的救赎主,并且在全部公义中引领我们。藉着对祂圣道的查考,祂以悔改和生命祝福我们。

8:18–9:26 The Lord grieves over the sin of His people, which will cause their destruction. Although it breaks His heart, God must punish unrepentant sinners because He is just and righteous. Yet the Lord yearns to forgive His people. Today, repent and turn to Him with all your heart. Though the Lord’s testing is painful, He promises to refine you through Christ. • Teach us, O Lord, to rely on You alone for our salvation, and lead us every day to live our faith in thought, word, and deed, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书8:18-9:26 主因着祂百姓的罪忧伤,这些罪会带来他们的毁灭。尽管这会伤祂的心,但上帝必须惩罚不悔改的罪人,因为祂是公正公义的。然而,上帝渴望赦免祂的百姓。今天,要悔改并且全心归向祂。尽管主的试验是痛苦的,但祂应许要藉着基督炼净你。主啊,教导我们唯独靠赖你得着我们的救恩,带领我们每一天藉着耶稣基督在思想,言语和行为上活出我们的信仰。阿们。

†Ch 10 Jeremiah contrasts the one true God with idols. Like scarecrows, idols are inanimate objects crafted by human hands. They have no power to harm or to help. God is all-powerful, so no one can escape His justice and judgment. Because of the people’s apostasy, God will bring His power to bear against them and their leaders. Yet God is so great, He can also do the impossible: save sinners without violating His own righteousness (cf Rm 3:21–26). • Turn our eyes and hearts, O Lord, from the worthless vanities of this world to You, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书10章 耶利米将独一真上帝与偶像作对照。偶像就如稻草人,是人手编制的,是没有生命的物品。他们没有能力去伤害或帮助。上帝是全能的,所以没有人能够逃脱祂的公正和审判。因为百姓的背道,上帝必会将祂的能力拿来对付他们和他们的领袖。然而上帝是如此伟大,祂也能够将那不可能的变成可能:拯救罪人,却不违背祂自己的公义(参 罗3:21-26)。主啊,将我们的心眼转离这个世界毫无价值的虚空,从而转向你,藉着耶稣基督。阿们。

†Ch 11 The people break God’s covenant, incurring the curses pronounced when their ancestors entered the Promised Land. Persistent apostasy can have only one outcome: God’s judgment. Yet the Lord also stands ready to forgive His people and rescue them from impending disaster, if only they repent and return to Him in faith. • Dear Father, grant us Your Holy Spirit to work daily repentance in us and to keep us faithful to You. Amen.
耶利米书11章 百姓破坏上帝的恩约,使他们先祖进入应许之地的时候所宣告的咒诅临到。持续的背道只能有一个结果:上帝的审判。然而只要他们悔改,凭着信心归回于祂,主也时刻预备好了要赦免祂的百姓,拯救他们脱离快要临到的灾难。亲爱的天父,赐给我们圣灵,每一天在我们里面生发悔改,并且保守我们忠实于你。阿们。

12:1–4 Jeremiah struggles to understand how a righteous God can tolerate the wicked and even allow them to prosper. Often we are unable to understand God’s justice or reconcile God’s providence with the evil we experience. We do not see the big picture, and our own sense of right and wrong gets terribly twisted by sin. Yet take heart. God continually works in the world for justice and for the salvation of people, something He guarantees by the cross of Christ. • Teach us to be patient, Lord, when we do not understand “why.” Lead us to the cross of Christ Jesus, and help us trust You always. Amen.
耶利米书12:1-4 一位公义的上帝如何能容忍邪恶之徒,甚至允许他们发达兴旺,这对耶利米来说很难理解。我们常常无法明白上帝的公正或者将上帝的护佑与我们所经历的邪恶调和。我们没有看见那更大的画面,我们自己对是非对错的感知受到罪的严重扭曲。然而要坚强。上帝继续在这个世界上作工,为了公正和百姓的救赎,这是祂藉着基督的十字架所担保了的。主,当我们不理解“为什么”的时候,请教导我们有忍耐。引领我们走向基督耶稣的十字架,帮助我们总是信靠你。阿们。

12:5–17 God delays punishment of His people, allowing them plenty of time and opportunity to repent and return to Him in faith. Failing that, He will give them over to their enemies, and justice will be served—the land will be laid waste and its inhabitants exiled. God cannot be mocked. Sinners who resist His grace will face judgment and eternal condemnation. God is not slow to act but patiently waits for people to turn to Him and be saved. His pleasure is in our salvation. • Anchor us in Your love, O Lord, and teach us the wisdom of obedience to Your will. Amen.
耶利米书12:5-17 上帝延迟对祂百姓的惩罚,给他们大量的时间和机会悔改并且在信心中归向祂。若仍没有,祂必会将他们交在他们仇敌的手中,公正得到执行—土地成废墟,居民被掳去。上帝是轻慢不得的。抵挡祂恩典的罪人必会面临审判和永恒的咒诅。上帝在行动上并非迟缓,乃是带着忍耐等候百姓归向祂并得着救赎。祂喜悦我们得救。主啊,使我们在你的爱中落脚,教导我们顺服你旨意的智慧。阿们。

13:1–11 Jeremiah uses a loincloth to illustrate God’s judgment against His people. The new loincloth, ruined by the elements, now resembles the spiritual condition of God’s people. As a result, God will treat them like a person treats rags. Today, we often fail to see the effect of sin in our lives until the Law, like an illustration, shows us our sins. In spite of our ruined state, God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die for us (Rm 5:8) and cleanse us from all sin. • Keep us from sin, O Lord, and daily renew us in our Baptism. Amen.
耶利米书13:1-11 耶利米使用腰带来阐明上帝对祂百姓的审判。崭新的腰带,受到自然的腐蚀,如今就代表了上帝百姓的属灵状况。结果是上帝待他们会像一个人对待废品一样。我们今天常常没能看清罪在我们生命中的影响,直到律法像一件例证那样向我们指出我们的罪。尽管我们是处在腐烂的状态,然而上帝如此爱我们,以致于祂差遣祂的儿子为我们死(罗5:8)并且洁净我们脱离所有的罪。主啊,保守我们脱离罪,每日在我们的圣洗礼中更新我们。阿们。

13:12–14 The Lord uses the image of a full jar of wine to illustrate the fullness of His judgment against His people. No one, rich or poor, will be spared from the coming wrath. The time for repentance eventually runs out, and unrepentant sinners must then face the fullness of God’s justice. Do not test the Lord’s kindness, but call on Him today with a repentant heart. The cup He longs to pour out for you is that of the new testament in His blood for the forgiveness of sins. • Lord Jesus, teach us to hunger and thirst for Your righteousness. Amen.
耶利米书13:12-14 主耶和华使用盛满酒的坛这个画面来阐明祂对百姓审判的彻底。没有人,无论是富贵或贫贱,能逃脱那要来的忿怒。悔改的时间最终会没有,不悔改的罪人必须面对上帝公正审判的彻底。不要试验主耶和华的良善,而是要在今日带着一颗悔改的心呼求祂。祂渴望为你倾倒的杯是那以祂的血所立新约的杯,为叫你罪得赦免。主耶稣,教导我们饥渴你的公义。阿们。

13:15–27 The Lord has determined to send His people into exile because of their arrogance and idolatry. Their rebellion against Him is so ingrained that it has become part of their nature, like spots on a leopard. Indeed, sin is more than skin-deep—it corrupts the depths of our hearts. However, the Lord has provided for our cleansing through Holy Baptism. He restores us by His faithful Word and makes us a new creation in Christ. • Teach us humility, Father, and create us anew in the image of Your beloved Son. Amen.
耶利米书13:15-27 因为他们的傲慢和拜偶像,主已经决定将祂的百姓送到被掳之地。他们对祂的悖逆是如此之深以致于这成为他们习性的一部分,就像豹子身上的斑点一样。的确,罪远远不止是在表层—而是在腐烂我们内心的深处。然而,主藉着圣洗礼使我们得洁净。祂藉着祂信实的话语使我们恢复,并且使我们在基督里成为新造的。天父,请指教我们谦卑,在你所爱儿子的形象中更新创造我们。阿们。

14:1–12 Jeremiah describes a drought and its effect on the land and its inhabitants. As a result of their sins, the people do not deserve God’s help, but in his prayer for aid, Jeremiah appeals to God’s faithfulness (v 13). Today, those who insist on a life of rebellion and self-will must eventually face God’s judgment against them. As you pray for others, take heart that the Lord does not delight in destroying sinners but works continually to turn them to Him for salvation in Jesus Christ. • Grant us persistence in faith and prayer, O Lord. Upon the drought of our soul, pour out Your most gracious favor and joy, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书14:1-12 耶利米描述了一场旱灾,以及其对那地和居民的影响。他们的罪所造成的是,百姓不配上帝的帮助,然而耶利米在祈祷中寻求帮助,诉诸于上帝的信实(13节)。今天,那些在悖逆和自我的生命路上执迷不悟的人,最终必须面对上帝的审判。当你为他人祷告的时候,要记得主耶和华不喜悦罪人的灭亡,祂乃是继续作工,使他们归向祂,得着在耶稣基督里的救恩。主啊,赐给我们在信心和祷告上的坚持。在我们灵魂的干旱之地,浇灌你饱有恩典的悦纳和喜乐,藉着耶稣基督。阿们。

14:13–22 Jeremiah expresses his frustration over false prophets who tell the people that peace lies ahead, though Jeremiah has warned them that destruction is coming. People need to know they are sinners, condemned by God’s Law. Then, crushed by the Law, the repentant sinner is ready for the Gospel, the healing Word of God that grants abiding peace. • Lead us to share Your Word faithfully, O Lord, and bear witness to Your grace in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书14:13-22 耶利米表达了他对假先知的愁苦,尽管耶利米已经警告百姓,毁灭正在临到,他们却告诉百姓说前面有平安。百姓需要知道他们是罪人,被上帝的律法定罪。因着律法被压伤,悔改的罪人就为福音预备好了,福音就是上帝医治的话语,赐下恒久的平安。主啊,带领我们信实地分享你的话语,见证你在耶稣基督里的恩典。阿们。

15:1–9 God responds to Jeremiah’s prayer for the people. They have refused to repent and return to Him; therefore, He will destroy them. God is righteous—He keeps His Word—and He will bring down the curses He threatened (Dt 28:15–68). “But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rm 5:8). • Lift up our hearts, O Lord, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may rejoice in Your salvation and live for You. Amen.
耶利米书15:1-9 上帝回应耶利米为百姓发出的祈祷。他们拒绝悔改归向祂;因此,祂要毁灭它们。上帝是公义的—祂信守祂的话语—祂必会使祂威胁要发出的咒诅临到(但28:15-68)。“惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死、 神的爱就在此向我们显明了”(罗5:8)。主啊,复兴我们的心,用你的圣灵充满我们,好叫我们以你的救恩为乐,并且为你活着。阿们。

15:10–21 Jeremiah complains that everyone stands against him because of his negative message. He comes close to accusing God of deceiving him into thinking that his job as prophet was going to be easier than it has been. God calls Jeremiah to repentance for his doubt and promises to strengthen him for the work ahead. We, too, are often weak and afraid to proclaim God’s Word boldly, fearing the reprisals we might suffer. God’s grace is sufficient for our weakness, and His Holy Spirit empowers us to share His Word faithfully. • Grant us repentance and courage, Lord, and strengthen us to do Your work in joy and confidence, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书15:10-21 耶利米抱怨说,因为他的负面信息,每个人都站起来对付他。耶利米甚至要指控上帝耍手段,使他误以为他作为先知的工作会比以前轻松些。上帝呼召耶利米为着他的质疑悔改,并且应许要为着前面的工作坚固他。我们也常常软弱,没有勇气放胆传讲上帝的话语,惧怕我们可能会遭受的逼迫。上帝的恩典在我们的软弱上是够用的,祂的圣灵会使我们得着能力,信实地分享祂的话语。主,赐给我们悔改和勇气,坚固我们在喜乐和信靠中做你的善工,藉着耶稣基督。阿们。

16:1–13 Jeremiah’s actions will reinforce his words of judgment and condemnation. Persistent sin can only result in condemnation by God and loss of all joy. God alone will provide strength for Jeremiah in his difficult ministry, just as He provides all we need in Jesus Christ. He is the blessed Bridegroom for His beloved Bride, the Church. • Strengthen us, O Lord, to do Your will, and bring all parts of our lives into harmony with our faith in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书16:1-13 耶利米的行动将加深他审判和咒诅的话语。在罪中顽梗的结果只能是上帝的咒诅和对一切喜乐的失去。在耶利米艰难的事工中,唯有上帝能赐给他力量,正如上帝在耶稣基督里赐给我们所需的全部一样。祂是祂所爱新娘教会的,当称颂的新郎。主啊,坚固我们遵行你的旨意,将我们生命的各个部分与我们在基督耶稣里的信心调和一致。阿们。

16:14–21 God’s grace will be known by all people—both the Judean exiles returning from a foreign land and by heathen nations who turn to the true God. However, the Lord will first deal with their sin of idolatry by destroying the people of Judah and desolating the land. God’s righteousness requires the legal penalty for sin to be paid (cf Rm 6:23a). Yet God delights in mercy. He Himself paid for sin in the cross of Christ and forgives sin through faith in Him (cf Rm 6:23b). • Thank You, heavenly Father, for our Savior Jesus Christ and for Your Holy Spirit, who has brought us to faith and keeps us in the same. Amen.
耶利米书16:14-21 上帝的恩典必要让万民知晓–包括从异邦之地归回的犹大被掳之民,和转向独一真上帝的异教民族。然而,主耶和华首先必须对付他们拜偶像的罪,毁灭犹大百姓,使地荒凉。上帝的公义要求支付罪按照律法当得的刑罚(参 罗6:23a)。然而上帝以怜悯为乐。祂自己在基督的十字架中为罪付上代价,并且透过对祂的信心赦免罪(参 罗6:23b)。天父,感谢你赐下我们的救赎主耶稣基督和你的圣灵,圣灵带领我们得到那信心并且保守我们在其中。阿们。

17:1–13 The Lord explains to Jeremiah and His people the severity and magnitude of their sin. Those who turn away from the Lord must perish; only the person who trusts God and follows His Word will survive in eternity. Today, God continues to offer hope to people who turn away from sin and seek His forgiveness. They will be blessed and will flourish by His grace. • Father, do not let the enticements and pressures of the world separate us from You and Your love for us in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书17:1-13 主向耶利米和祂的子民解释他们罪的严重性和广度。那些背离主耶和华的人必要灭亡;唯有那信靠上帝,跟随祂圣道的人要活到永恒。今天,上帝继续将盼望赐给那些转离罪并且寻求祂赦罪之恩的人。他们必要蒙福,因着祂的恩繁荣昌盛。天父,请不要让世界的引诱和压力,使我们脱离你和你在耶稣基督里给我们的慈爱。阿们。

17:14–18 Jeremiah prays for vindication from God and for justice against his accusers. He bristles against the injustice of being punished for doing God’s will. God’s Word often creates opposition in this world, as it did for Jeremiah and even for Jesus (Jn 7:7). Yet God does not abandon His faithful servants, though sometimes they must suffer and even die for their faith. Even then, the Lord is our refuge and strength. • Do not let us become afraid or discouraged, Father, but fill us with courage from Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
耶利米书17:14-18 耶利米祈求上帝为祂辩护,施行公正对付他的控告者。因着遵行上帝的旨意而受到惩罚,他就为这个不公之事发牢骚。上帝的话语常常在这个世界上引发敌对拦阻,正如耶利米,甚至耶稣曾遭遇的一样(约 7:7)。然而上帝并未撇弃祂忠心的仆人,尽管有时候他们必会因着他们的信仰遭受苦难,甚至死亡。即使如此,主耶和华仍是我们的避难所和力量。天父,不要让我们惧怕或沮丧,而是用从你的圣灵而来的勇气充满我们。阿们。

17:19–27 The Sabbath was a day of rest and worship under Mosaic Law (cf Ex 20:8–11; Dt 5:12–15). God set it aside as a blessing for His people. By continuing commerce on the Sabbath just as on any other day, God’s people broke the covenant and turned their backs on Him. Rest and worship are essential for the spiritual health and welfare of God’s people. The Gospel of Jesus Christ draws us together in public worship so that we might rejoice in our salvation and return to our callings with renewed confidence. • Our souls are restless, Lord, until they rest in You. Refresh us through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.
耶利米书17:19-27 安息日在摩西律法下面是安息和敬拜的日子(参 出20:8-11;申5:12-15)。上帝将安息日分别出来是作为祂百姓的一份祝福。在安息日继续商业活动,就像任何别的日子一样,上帝的子民就破坏了恩约,悖逆祂。对上帝子民的属灵健康和福祉来说,安息和敬拜是关键的。耶稣基督的福音将我们在公共敬拜中聚在一起,好叫我们以我们的救恩欢喜快乐,并且带着更新的信靠返回我们的呼召职份中。主,我们的灵魂是不安分的,直到它们在你里面安息。请藉着我们的救主耶稣基督更新我们。阿们。

†Ch 18 Committed to their idolatry and self-centered lifestyles, the Judeans refuse to respond to the Lord’s gracious invitation to repent of their sin. Their rejection of God is plainly seen in their mistreatment of His prophet Jeremiah. Those who proclaim God’s Word faithfully will likely face persecution. Yet believers stand in grace, confident of God’s love. He makes us a new creation just as a potter reworks a lump of clay. • Anchor us in Christ crucified, O Lord, and keep us faithful to You. Shape our lives through Jesus, our Savior. Amen.
耶利米书18章 执迷于它们的偶像崇拜和以自我为中心的生活方式,犹大人拒绝回应主耶和华要他们为罪悔改的恩典邀请。他们对上帝的拒绝在他们对先知耶利米的虐待中清晰可见。那些忠心地宣讲上帝话语的人很可能会遭遇逼迫。然而信徒是站在恩典之中,信靠上帝的慈爱。祂使我们成为新造的人,正如窑匠重塑一团泥巴那样。主啊,使我们抛锚在被钉的基督里面,并且保守我们忠实于你。藉着耶稣我们的救主塑造我们的生命。阿们。

†Ch 19 Jeremiah proclaims God’s judgment against His people by breaking a piece of pottery near the valley where children had been sacrificed to pagan gods. As Jeremiah breaks the clay vessel, so God will break Jerusalem and reduce the population to destruction. As heinous as their sin is, God stands ready to forgive and save, if only they will repent and return to Him. • Father, turn us away from sin, and bring us back to You each day by Your grace in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书19章 耶利米在儿童曾被作为祭牲献给异教假神的山谷附近打碎一个瓦瓶,藉此宣告上帝对祂子民的审判。正如耶利米打碎瓦器一样,上帝也会打碎耶路撒冷,毁灭其中的居民。虽然他们的罪非常可恶,但只要他们悔改归向祂,上帝时刻预备好了要赦免和拯救。天父,使我们转离罪,藉着你在耶稣基督里的恩典每一天将我们带回你身边。阿们。

†Ch 20 Jeremiah complains bitterly about the opposition he has experienced in response to the dire warnings he preached to the people. His predictions of destruction stand unfulfilled, giving his enemies grounds to beat him, imprison him, and plot against his life. Jeremiah calls on the Lord for help and praises His name, but he cannot help expressing the anger and despair he genuinely feels. Like Jeremiah, we are often weak and fearful in times of crisis because we doubt the Lord and trust in ourselves. When we are weakest, God’s strength shines through more clearly (cf 2Co 12:10). He is ever our refuge and strength, who hears our confession and forgives all our sins. • By Your Holy Spirit, Father, keep us strong in faith and grant us the courage to bear the name of Jesus in this evil world. Amen.
耶利米书20章 耶利米因为向百姓宣告那可怕的警告而遭受逼迫,他就带着苦毒对之抱怨。他所预言的毁灭还未成就,因此就给他的仇敌留有余地来打他,监禁他,并且策划谋害他的性命。耶利米呼求主耶和华帮助并且赞美祂的名,但他禁不住要表达他真实感受到的愤怒和绝望。就像耶利米一样,我们在危机的时刻也常常是软弱和惧怕的,因为我们怀疑主,信靠我们自己。在我们最软弱的时候,上帝的能力就藉此更显光芒(参 林后12:10)。祂永远是我们的避难所和力量,祂垂听我们的认罪,并且赦免我们所有的罪。天父,请藉着你的圣灵保守我们在信心中坚强,赐给我们勇气在这个邪恶的世界中担负耶稣的名。阿们。

21:1–10 Through Jeremiah, God reveals His judgment on Jerusalem to the political and religious leaders of Judah: only those who surrender to the Chaldeans will live. God disciplines them for their lack of repentance and for ignoring His warnings. Even during this judgment, mercy and compassion shine through, providing a way of survival. No matter what you face today, call on the Lord with a repentant heart and humbly trust that He has an answer for you. Consider the life and sufferings of Jesus, who humbled Himself to redeem you for your salvation. • Lord, lead us to heed Your warnings against sin and to live repentant lives according to Your holy will, reflecting Your holiness and loving compassion through Jesus. Amen.
耶利米书21:1-10 藉着耶利米,上帝向犹大的政治和宗教领袖们启示祂对耶路撒冷的审判:只有那些向迦勒底人投降的才能存活。他们不悔改和无视祂的警告,上帝就管教。即使是在这审判之中,怜悯和恩慈仍发出光芒,赐下一条活路。无论你今天面对什么,要带着一颗悔改的心呼求主耶和华并且谦卑地信靠祂必会应允你。要思想耶稣的生命和受苦,祂谦卑自己拯救你得着救赎。主,引领我们留心你对罪的警告,并且按照你圣洁的旨意活出悔改的生命,映射出你的圣洁和慈爱怜悯,藉着耶稣。阿们。

21:11–22:10 God challenges His people in Jerusalem to keep His covenant by helping other people, protecting the weak and vulnerable, and keeping Him first in their worship and their lives. Keeping the Law means not only avoiding the wrong thing but also includes doing the right thing, such as having mercy (see SC, Fourth through Tenth Commandments, here). Such compassion flows directly from a right relationship with God. Today, call on the Lord in repentance and prayer. Jesus redeemed you through His perfect life, death, and resurrection and has sworn to save you. • Father, lead us to treat other people as we want to be treated, loving them as You love us in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书21:11-22:10 上帝对祂在耶路撒冷的百姓发出挑战,要遵守祂的恩约,帮助他人,保护软弱的和易受伤害的人,将上帝放在他们敬拜和生活的首位。遵守律法不仅意味着避免错误的事,而且也包括做正确的事,例如施行怜悯(看小问答,第四到第十诫命)。这样的怜悯是直接从与上帝的正确关系中流出。今天,要在悔改和祷告中呼求主。耶稣已经藉着祂完美的生,死和复活拯救了你,并且起誓要拯救你。天父,带领我们在耶稣基督里对待他人就像我们所期待自己被对待的那样,爱他们正如你爱他们那样。阿们。

22:11–30 Jeremiah condemns Israel’s leaders for their obsession with wealth and power and, at the same time, neglect and abuse of the needy. God tells these powerful people that they will not enjoy their dishonest gains. People worship the same things today, sacrificing integrity and compassion for temporary riches. Jesus, having all things, avoids the deceit of wealth and power (Mt 4:8–10), remaining faithful to the plan of salvation by going to the cross to save us from our sinful deceptions. • Lord, faithful Shepherd, lead us to treasure people more than things. Amen.
耶利米书22:11-30 耶利米谴责以色列的领袖迷恋财富权势,同时无视甚至虐待有需要的人。上帝告诉这些有权势的人,他们将不能享受自己不诚实的收获。今天的人崇拜同样的事物,为了得到暂时的财富而牺牲掉正直和怜悯。耶稣拥有一切,逃避财富权势的诡计(太4:8-10),忠于那救恩的计划,走上十字架拯救我们脱离我们的罪恶和诡诈。主,信实的牧者,带领我们珍视人过于财物。阿们。

23:1–8 God promises to give His people a new and righteous King who will save and protect them as long as He reigns over them. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is this King, and He draws all believers together in one flock of faith, laying down His life for them and taking it up again (Jn 10). • Dear Jesus, keep us in Your flock, safe from all harm and danger. Amen.
耶利米书23:1-8 上帝应许要赐给祂百姓一位新的公义君王,祂必会拯救保护他们,只要祂在作王治理他们。耶稣,那好牧人,就是这个君王,祂将所有信徒聚集成一个信仰群体,将祂的性命为他们舍了,并且复活(约10)。亲爱的耶稣,保守我们在你的群羊中,远避一切灾害和危险。阿们。

23:9–40 God condemns the spiritual leaders of Judah for misleading His people. They should have warned sinners of the impending judgment, but they did not, allowing the people to slide into idolatry and immorality. (Pray for pastors and other spiritual leaders, that they may fulfill their important callings.) The Law is to be preached to unrepentant sinners, no matter how painful it may be, so that people are not deceived. The Gospel is to be preached to spirits crushed by the Law, bringing light and life through faith in Jesus Christ, our Savior. • Lord, when we stray, may Your Law show us our sin. Always keep before us the Gospel, the wonderful cross of Christ crucified for sinners. Amen.
耶利米书23:9-40 上帝谴责犹大的属灵领袖们错误地带领祂的子民。他们应该警告罪人那正要临到的审判,但他们没有,而是放任百姓跌入偶像崇拜和道德败坏之中。(要为牧师和其他属灵领袖祈祷,好叫他们完成他们重要的呼召。)律法需要向着不悔改的罪人宣讲,无论这会是多么痛苦,为的是人不被欺骗。福音要向着律法所压垮的灵传讲,藉着对我们救赎主耶稣基督的信带来光和生命。主,当我们走迷的时候,愿你的律法向我们显明我们的罪。总是将福音放在我们面前,这福音就是为罪人被钉的基督和祂荣美的十字架。阿们。

†Ch 24 The Lord tells Jeremiah that He will safeguard the Judean people sent into Babylonian exile in 587 BC, but that His wrath remains on those still in Jerusalem. The good—the faithful—will return. Today, the Lord calls us to repent of our sin and serve Him by faith. He graciously gives us His own heart and faithfulness in His Son born of David’s line. • Father, keep us faithful by Your Holy Spirit, and direct our lives, redeemed by Your grace in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
耶利米书24章 主耶和华告诉耶利米祂要保护公元前587年被掳到巴比伦的犹大百姓,但祂的怒气仍在那些留在耶路撒冷的人身上。良善忠心的必要归回。今天,主呼召我们为着我们的罪悔改并且靠着信心服侍祂。祂满有恩典地将祂自己的心和信实在祂那从大卫支派生出的儿子里面赐给我们。天父,藉着你的圣灵保守我们信实忠诚,并且引领我们的生命,我们的生命是因着你的恩典在我们的主耶稣基督里得救赎的。阿们。

25:1–14 In a prophecy dating to 605 BC, God warns His people that He will soon destroy Jerusalem because of their idolatry and immorality. Ultimately, His judgment will fall on all nations, including Babylon. God, righteous and holy, must punish sin. Even if God’s justice seems to delay, it always accomplishes its purpose. The Law must do its work, yet God also has His Gospel. Jesus Christ is working a better work, saving all who repent and believe in Him. • Lord, turn us from our sins, and keep us steadfast in Your grace through faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
耶利米书25:1-14 在一个可以追溯到公元前605年的预言里面,上帝警告祂的百姓,因为他们的拜偶像和道德败坏,祂将很快毁灭耶路撒冷。最终,祂的审判必要临到万国,包括巴比伦。上帝是公义圣洁的,必要刑罚罪。即使上帝的公正看起来有些迟延,然而它总是成就它的目的。律法必要做它的工,然而上帝也有祂的福音。耶稣基督是在做一份更美好的工,就是拯救所有悔改信靠祂的人。主,使我们转离我们的罪,保守我们稳健在你的恩典之中,藉着对我们主基督耶稣的信。阿们。

25:15–38 God warns all people that He will bring judgment to all the nations of the world. Implicit in the warning is a call to repentance and faith, the only way of salvation on the day of divine judgment. Like individual people, nations have gone their way without regard for God. Idolatry and immorality, including abuse and neglect of the poor, will be severely punished in the end. Ultimately, Jesus pays for the sins of all people and every nation by His death on the cross. Throughout these warnings to the nations, God’s promise of a Savior continues to shine through. • Father, may Your Gospel go forth for all nations. Turn our own nation to righteousness, and grant us Your continued blessing. Amen.
耶利米书25:15-38 上帝警戒所有人,祂必将审判带给世界上所有的国家。警告当中所暗示的是对悔改和信心的呼召,那是在上帝审判之日唯一的救恩出路。就像个人一样,国家也走在无视上帝的道路上。偶像崇拜和道德败坏,包括对贫穷人的压迫和冷漠,最后都将受到严厉的惩罚。最终,耶稣为所有人,每一个国家的罪付上代价,藉着祂在十字架上的死亡。贯穿对邦国的这些警告,上帝对一位救赎主的应许继续发出光芒。天父,愿你的福音为着万邦传扬。使我们自己的国家转向公义,将你持续的祝福赐给我们。阿们。

26:1–15 God sends Jeremiah to warn the people about the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple due to their sin. If they confess their sin, God will forgive them and spare them. For Jeremiah’s faithful proclamation, he is arrested and tried for treason (a capital crime). Hard hearts resist every overture of mercy from God and ignore all His warnings of impending judgment. God’s heart longs to forgive sinners, even though they resist His Word and murder His prophets. Today, know that the Lord has set His heart on you. Call on Him in repentance and faith, through Christ. • Father, open our ears to hear You clearly, and lead us every day in the way of faith and obedience, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书26:1-15 上帝差遣耶利米警告百姓耶路撒冷和圣殿因着他们的罪要遭毁灭。如果他们承认自己的罪,上帝必会赦免他们,宽恕他们。因着耶利米忠心的宣讲,他受逮捕并被指控为叛徒(一项死罪)。刚硬的心抵挡一切从上帝那里来的怜悯供应,并且无视所有祂对快要临到的审判的警告。上帝的心渴望赦免罪人,即使他们抵挡祂的圣道,谋杀祂的先知。今天,要知道主已经将祂的心放在你身上。要在悔改和信心中呼求祂,透过基督。天父,打开我们的耳朵清楚地聆听你的话语,每一日带领我们走在信心和顺服的路上,藉着耶稣基督。阿们。

26:16–24 Jeremiah narrowly escapes the death penalty under wicked King Jehoiakim when a high court official, Ahikam, and others intercede for him. Faithful proclamation of God’s Word often brings serious, even fatal, opposition by the worldly powers. Despite this, faithfully defend those wrongly accused, and pray for fellow Christians who face persecution. God often rescues His people from physical harm, but the greater blessing is that He rescues you from eternal condemnation through Jesus Christ. • Lord, by Your Spirit, make us faithful bearers of Your Word, no matter what troubles it causes. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
耶利米书26:16-24 一位法院的高官亚希甘还有其他人为耶利米求情,他在邪恶的约雅敬王手下勉强逃脱死刑。对上帝话语的忠心宣讲常常带来世俗权势严酷甚至致命的敌对。尽管如此,要信实地为那些遭受错误指控的人辩护,并且为遭受逼迫的基督徒祷告。上帝常常拯救祂的百姓脱离身体上的伤害,但那最大的祝福是,祂藉着耶稣基督拯救你脱离永恒的咒诅。主,藉着你的圣灵,使我们成为你圣道的忠心见证人,无论这会带来什么样的麻烦。奉耶稣的名。阿们。

†Ch 27 Jeremiah predicts that God will let all who submit to the Babylonians live in their own land safely. To accomplish His purposes, the Lord uses people and nations and empires. The way of salvation is the way of humility and repentance: receiving God’s Word by faith and walking in His ways. Pray daily for faithful leaders. Thanks be to God that, despite evil worldly leaders, the Gospel prospers and bears fruit among us. • Bless us, heavenly Father, with humility and faith in You as nations and kingdoms rise and fall, knowing You are at work for the salvation of souls. Amen.
耶利米书27章 耶利米预告说上帝必会使所有顺服巴比伦的人在他们自己的土地上平安度日。为了达到祂的目的,主使用人,民族和帝国。救恩的道路就是谦卑和悔改的道路:凭着信心领受上帝的话语,并且行走在祂的道路上。要每日为着信实的领袖祷告。感谢归给上帝,尽管有邪恶的世俗领袖,然而福音在我们中间兴盛并且结出果实。天父,在民族和国家起起落落之时,请以谦卑和对你的信靠祝福我们,知道你在为着灵魂的救恩作工。阿们。

†Ch 28 In 594 BC, Hananiah falsely predicts the return of the temple furnishings taken to Babylon in 597 BC and the Judean captives. Jeremiah warns the populace of Jerusalem that the worst is yet to come. God does not deal with sin merely with a “slap on the wrist” (as Hananiah thought). The wages of sin is death (Rm 6:23a). However, God does not delight in punishing sinners. He also sends true prophets and faithful ministers to turn people from death to life—God’s gift to us in Christ Jesus (Rm 6:23b). • Teach us, Lord, to avoid sin and wait upon Your Word, that we may have life in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书28章 哈拿尼雅发出虚假预言说,公元前597年被抢夺到巴比伦的圣殿器皿以及犹大的被掳之民要归回。耶利米警告耶路撒冷的百姓说,更糟糕的还没来到。上帝对付罪,不是用“象征性的惩罚”走过场(就像哈拿尼雅所想的那样)。罪的工价是死亡(罗6:23a)。然而,上帝不喜悦惩罚罪人。祂也差遣诚实的先知和忠心的执事来使百姓转离死亡,得生命—这是上帝在基督耶稣里赐给我们的礼物(罗6:23b)。主,教导我们逃离罪,并且等候你的话语,好叫我们在耶稣基督里有生命。阿们。

29:1–23 The future of God’s people lies with the exiles, taken from Jerusalem to Babylon in 587 BC. God’s judgment must fall upon His rebellious people. Yet God’s favor rests upon the exiles, and they are encouraged to settle down for a long stay, after which God will return them to Jerusalem. God will restore them to the Promised Land and ultimately bring from their descendants a Savior for all the people. He keeps His promises. • Fulfill Your plans for us, O Lord, and guide us to make plans that agree with Your will. Teach us to trust Your decisions for our lives; through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书29:1-23 上帝百姓的未来在于被掳之民,就是那些公元前587年从耶路撒冷被带到巴比伦的。上帝的审判必要临到祂悖逆百姓的身上。然而上帝的恩惠仍与被掳之民同在,他们得到鼓励要定居下来长久打算,之后上帝必使他们归回耶路撒冷。上帝必要使他们回到应许之地,最终从他们的后裔中间带出一位救主,给所有的人。祂持守祂的应许。主啊,请施行你对我们的计划,引领我们作出与你旨意相符的计划。教导我们信靠你对我们生命的抉择;藉着耶稣基督。阿们。

29:24–32 An opposition figure in Babylon (Shemaiah) tries to make trouble for Jeremiah back in Jerusalem, responding to an earlier letter of Jeremiah to the Babylonian exiles. Leaders of God’s people carry a tremendous responsibility to speak only God’s Word and not their own doctrines. Pray that the Lord would guide your words and deeds as you care for those entrusted to your leadership in family, church, or society. Take heart, knowing that God’s Word prevails, stronger than any opposing force, and it accomplishes its purpose: your salvation. • Keep us steadfast in Your Word of truth, O Lord. Amen.
耶利米书29:24-32 在巴比伦的一位敌对人物(示玛雅)试着给回到耶路撒冷的耶利米制造麻烦,回应耶利米早期给巴比伦被掳之民的一封信。上帝子民的领袖担负着一项极其重要的责任,就是只讲说上帝的话语,而不是他们自己的教义。在你看顾那些交托给你带领的家庭,教会或社会成员的时候,要祷告求主引领你的言语和行为。要有勇气,知道上帝的话语是有力的,胜过任何敌对势力,并且成就它的目的:你的救恩。主啊,保守我们稳健在你真理的话语里面。阿们。

†Ch 30 God tells Jeremiah to write down the prophecy of a future restoration. God will anoint a King to rule over His people, and the community will live in peace. God’s greater purpose of salvation will be accomplished in spite of the people’s sin. He will rescue His people and reign over them through David’s descendant, the Messiah. • Keep our hearts, O Lord, filled with the joy of our salvation and the confidence of Your love for us in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书30章 上帝告诉耶利米写下对未来复兴的预言。上帝要膏立一位君王治理祂的百姓,他们的族群必要在平安中生活。尽管人有罪,然而上帝更大的救赎计划必要成就。祂必会藉着大卫的后裔-弥赛亚来拯救祂的百姓,做他们的王。主啊,使我们的心时常充满救恩的喜乐和对你在耶稣基督里爱我们的信靠。阿们。

31:1–30 The Lord promises to restore His people to the Promised Land after the exile in Babylon. The exile is temporary, for God Himself will save the remnant and return them to their home. God could destroy them for their sin, but out of deep love and compassion He merely disciplines them with exile and even gives them the hope of return. Our Lord disciplines us for a time that we might walk by faith. In Christ, the discipline of God works for our benefit. • Dear Father, when our lives are dark with fear and uncertainty, keep the light of Your love for us in Jesus Christ before our eyes. Amen.
耶利米书31:1-30 主耶和华应许要在被掳巴比伦之后复兴祂的百姓回到应许之地。被掳是暂时的,因为上帝祂自己必要拯救余民,使他们归回家乡。上帝能够因着他们的罪毁灭它们,但出于深沉的爱和怜悯,祂仅仅是以被掳管教他们,甚至还赐给他们归回的盼望。我们的主有时管教我们,为的是让我们靠着信心行走。在基督里,上帝的管教为着我们的益处作工。亲爱的天父,当我们的生命黑暗充满恐惧和不确定的时候,请使你在耶稣基督里爱我们的那光常照在我们眼前。阿们。

31:31–40 God promises His people a new relationship, not based on the Law of Moses but on grace and faith. The promise finds fulfillment in Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the NT (cf Heb 8). Although the Law is good and holy, it condemns sinners for what we are and what we do. In Christ Jesus, God provides the sacrifice necessary to silence the accusations of the Law. By faith, Christians have a new and right relationship with God (cf Rm 3:21–26). • We thank You, Father, for the new covenant of forgiveness won by Jesus on the cross. Amen.
耶利米书31:31-40 上帝应许祂百姓一个新的关系,这关系不是基于摩西律法,乃是基于恩典和信心。这应许在耶稣和新约圣灵的浇灌中成就了(参 来8章)。尽管律法是良善圣洁的,然而它按照我们的所是以及我们的所行来定我们为罪人。在基督耶稣里,上帝赐下所需的祭牲,来打消律法的控告。凭着信心,基督徒有与上帝的一份崭新并且正确的关系(参 罗3:21-26)。天父,我们感谢你,因着耶稣在十字架上赢得的赦罪所立的新约。阿们。

32:1–15 God tells Jeremiah to buy a parcel of land near Anathoth as a visible promise that life would return to normal after the exile (which would last a long time). Surrounded by the enemy army, it may have seemed foolish to buy land for the future, but obeying God is always the right thing to do. When trouble surrounds you, cling to the Lord’s commands and promises. In His mercy, God will save His people and bring them to safety, a promise ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ. • Lord, help us look past the present trouble to see with joy and confidence our eternal home in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书32:1-15 上帝吩咐耶利米在靠近亚拿突的地方买下一块地,作为可见的应许,就是被掳之事(要持续很长一段时间)结束之后生活要归于正常。周围环绕着敌人的军队,为未来买地可能看起来是愚昧的,然而顺服上帝总是一件正确的事可以去做。当困难环绕你的时候,要依附主耶和华的命令和应许。在祂的怜悯中,上帝必会拯救祂的子民,带给他们平安,这应许最终在耶稣基督里得以成就。主,帮助我们超越当下的困难,在耶稣基督里带着喜乐和信心观看我们永恒的家园。阿们。

Jeremiah 32:16-35 God charges His people with idolatry, violating the First Commandment (cf Ex 20:4–6). Because they turned their back on God, He will turn them over to the Babylonians for the city’s destruction and the people’s exile. Fundamental to the relationship between God and His people is their exclusive loyalty and trust, much like a marriage. Because of His love, He will eventually recall His people from the land of exile and keep His promise to send a Savior for all humanity. • O Holy Spirit, keep us faithful to our Lord, who is ever loyal to us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
耶利米书32:16-35 上帝指控祂的百姓拜偶像,违背第一诫命(参 出20:4-6)。因为他们转离上帝,所以上帝必将他们交给巴比伦人,圣城要被毁,百姓要被掳。上帝与祂子民之间的关系最根本的是他们独一的忠贞和信靠,正如婚姻那样。出于祂的慈爱,上帝最终会从被掳之地从新召回祂的子民,并且保守祂的应许,就是要给所有人差遣一位救赎主。圣灵啊,请保守我们忠于我们的主,因祂一直信实待我们。奉耶稣的名。阿们。

Jeremiah 33:14-26 As certainly as day follows night, so will God keep His promise that a Davidic King will rule over His people and that a High Priest shall intercede for them. In Jesus, the Lord sent a faithful King to rule over all His people and a High Priest to intercede. Entrust your cares to Him through prayer. His all-availing sacrifice and His compassionate rule will bless and keep you. • Remind us, Father, that we always have someone who speaks on our behalf: Jesus Christ the Righteous. Amen.
耶利米书33:14-26 非常确实地正如白昼必在黑夜之后那样,上帝也必保守祂的应许,就是一位像大卫那样的王必将治理祂的子民,还有一位大祭司必会为他们代求。在耶稣里,主耶和华差遣了一位信实的君王来治理所有祂的百姓,一位大祭司来代求。要藉着祷告将你的顾虑交托给祂。祂一切可尽享的赎罪祭以及祂满有慈悲的掌权必会祝福和保护你。天父,请提醒我们,我们时常有一位为我们说话的,就是那位公义的(苗裔)耶稣基督。阿们。

†Ch 34 When the Babylonians temporarily withdraw and it seems the danger is past, the rich once more enslave the servants they have freed. This reveals the unbelief and rebellion at the heart of God’s people. Still, God does not reject them forever; He plans for their discipline and restoration. He is faithful to all His promises. To free us, He sent Christ, who is ever faithful. • Teach us, O Lord, to see others as You see them—through the eyes of Christ Jesus, our Savior. Stir our hearts to desire God-pleasing liberty for ourselves and for all people. Amen.
耶利米书34章 当巴比伦人暂离,看起来危机已过之时,贵胄又将他们已经释放的仆人收为奴隶。这反映出上帝百姓心中的不信和悖逆。然而,上帝未曾永远弃绝他们;祂为他们能得管教和归回而谋划着。祂信实于祂所有的应许。为了释放他们,祂差遣基督,就是那位永远信实的。主耶和华啊,请教导我们,看他人如你看他们一样-就是透过我们救主基督耶稣的眼睛。请激动我们的心为我们自己和所有人谋求蒙上帝悦纳的自由。阿们。

†Ch 35 God uses the faithful Rechabite family to show His people what obedience looks like. People seem to be much more willing to follow the traditions of men and ignore the Law of God (cf Mt 15:1–6). (Consider, e.g., how holiday traditions spread easily though their spiritual meaning is often lost.) God patiently calls sinners to repentance, sending messengers and granting them ample time to turn back to Him in faith. • Father, make us ready servants, faithful to Your Word and will, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书35章 上帝使用忠心的利甲族人向祂的百姓显明何为顺服。百姓看起来更情愿跟从人的传统,却无视上帝的律法(参 太15:1-6)。(可以思考,比如,尽管节日的属灵意义丢失了,但节日的传统却轻易地传播着。)上帝满有忍耐地呼召罪人悔改,差遣传道者的同时,也赐给他们充裕的时间来在信心中归回于祂。天父,请使我们成为可用的仆人,忠于你的话语和旨意,藉着耶稣基督。阿们。

†Ch 36 Jehoiakim of Judah destroys the written prophecies of Jeremiah, rejecting God’s mercy and the chance to repent of his sins. In doing so, he seals his fate and the fate of the nation. Persistent unbelief rejects forgiveness and grace, guaranteeing eternal condemnation for sin. Even at this late stage in Judah’s history, God wants to spare the people and forgive their sins—if only they would repent and turn back to Him. So also is God’s desire for every person in every age, that they might turn and repent and believe in the Savior. • Father, keep me from stubbornly insisting on my way. Teach me to trust You and live as Your child through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书36章 犹大王约雅敬焚烧耶利米所写来的预言(上帝的话),拒绝上帝的怜悯和为自己的罪悔改的机会。如此行的时候,他就定了自己的命运,以及整个民族的命运。持续性的不信是拒绝怜悯和恩典,注定要为罪受永远的咒诅。既使是在犹大历史的这一末后时期,上帝仍意愿赦免祂的百姓,赦免他们的罪—只是他们不愿悔改归向祂。这也是上帝为每一个世代的每一个人所意愿的,就是他们可以回转,懊悔,并信靠那位救赎主。天父,请保守我脱离在我自己的道上执迷不悟。请藉着耶稣基督教导我信靠你并且去以你孩子的身份生活。阿们。

37:1–10 Jeremiah assures King Zedekiah and the city residents that the withdrawal of the Babylonians is only temporary. The Babylonians would certainly return and destroy the city, as God had ordained because of people’s sin. Sin brings terrible consequences. They are sometimes delayed, but they are inevitable. God never entirely abandons His people, but continues to call them to repentance with the promise of forgiveness and hope for the future. • Help us to understand sin and its fruit, Lord, that we may wisely follow Your way instead of the world’s way. Amen.
耶利米书37:1-10 耶利米要证实给希西家王和城内的居民,巴比伦人的撤离仅仅是暂时的。巴比伦人必会再来,摧毁这城,正如上帝因着百姓的罪所命定的那样。罪带来可怕的后果。有时这样的后果延迟未现,然而却是注定要临到的。上帝从未完全遗弃祂的百姓,反而是继续用赦罪的应许和未来的盼望呼召他们悔改。主耶和华啊,请帮助我们看清罪和罪的果子,好叫我们智慧地跟随你的道路,而不是世界的道路。阿们。

37:11–21 Jeremiah continues to suffer for doing God’s will and speaking the truth. The world hates God and His Word and opposes those who proclaim its truth. However, God does not ignore the plight of His persecuted people, and He will not neglect you. Though you enter the kingdom of heaven through tribulation, your future is assured through the Gospel of God’s beloved Son. • Grant us strength, Lord, when we face trials and persecution. Keep us faithful to Jesus and focused on the prize of eternal life. Amen.
耶利米书37:11-21 耶利米因着行上帝的旨意,宣扬真理而继续受苦。这个世界恨上帝和祂的话语,并且抵挡那些宣扬其真理的人。然而,上帝并未无视祂受逼迫百姓的苦境,同样祂也必不会忽视你。尽管你进上帝的国要经历患难,然而你的未来因着上帝蒙爱儿子的福音而得了保障。主耶和华,请赐我们力量,去面对试炼和逼迫。保守我们忠于耶稣,并且专注在永生的奖赏上。阿们。

38:1–6 Jeremiah’s enemies secure permission from King Zedekiah to kill him for treason since he advised the city’s soldiers to desert and predicted their defeat at the hand of the Chaldeans. Rather than risk outright murder, they confine Jeremiah to a dry cistern with the expectation that he will die of thirst or starvation. God’s people often face death for their faithful proclamation of His Word. God rescues His people, even when they die, and gives them eternal life (cf Rm 8:31–39). • Lord Jesus, help us to love You more than earthly life so that we do not lose eternal life. Amen.
耶利米书38:1-6 抵挡耶利米的人从西底家王那里得到许可,要以叛变的名杀死他,因为他建议城内的士兵投降,并且也预言他们必会败在迦勒底人的手中。为了避免就地杀死他的风险,他们将耶利米囚禁在一个没水的牢狱里,期望他会死于干渴或饥饿。上帝的百姓常常因着对祂话语的忠心宣讲而面临死亡,然而上帝拯救祂的百姓,既使他们死掉,上帝仍赐给他们永生(参 罗8:31–39)。主耶稣,请帮助我们爱你胜过爱地上的生命,好让我们不至于失掉永恒生命。阿们。

38:7–13 Ebed-melech, an official in King Zedekiah’s administration, rescues Jeremiah with the king’s permission. Like Jeremiah, God’s people today should never give up hope but rather trust in the Lord, especially when things are at their worst. Also, God works through us to help one another in time of need, as Jesus helps us in our greatest need by rescuing us from sin and damnation. • When all seems lost, O Lord, lift up our heads. Keep our hearts faithful and our eyes on You. Amen.
耶利米书38:7-13 以伯米勒,西底家行政团队的一名官员,在王的许可之下救了耶利米。像耶利米一样,上帝百姓今天也应当永不放弃希望,而是信靠主耶和华,特别是当事情看起来最糟糕的时候。上帝藉着我们在患难之时彼此帮扶,就像耶稣在我们最有需要的时候帮助我们一样,祂拯救我们脱离罪和咒诅。主耶和华啊,当一切似乎都丧尽的时候,请高抬我们的头。保守我们的心忠诚,使我们定睛在你身上。阿们。

38:14–28 King Zedekiah arranges a private meeting with Jeremiah and learns that he can avoid capture and save the city by surrendering to the Babylonian army, yet Zedekiah fears his own advisers more. God mercifully offers Zedekiah and his family their lives and will spare the city if only they will trust Him and leave matters in His hands. God’s people have always faced the difficult choice of trusting God and doing things His way or following their own wisdom and the world’s way. When faced with such dilemmas, pray that the Lord would grant you both wisdom and courage. Jesus, crucified and risen, is our wisdom (1Co 1:24). His courage in the face of death is the basis of our salvation. • Grant us wisdom and courage, Father, to do Your holy will. Amen.
耶利米书38:14-28 西底家王与耶利米安排一次私底下的会见,并且认识到他必须向巴比伦军队投降,才能避免被捕,拯救这城,然而西底家更惧怕他自己的大臣们。上帝满有怜悯地赐给西底家和他家人生命,并且必会赦免那城,只要他们信靠祂,并且将事情交在祂的手中。上帝的百姓一直面对这一困难的抉择,信靠上帝并按照祂的方式行事,或者跟随他们自己的智慧和世界的方式。当面对此类困境的时候,要祷告祈求主赐给你智慧和勇气。耶稣,那位钉死在十架并得以复生的,是我们的智慧(林前1:24)。祂在面对死亡之时的勇气是我们得救的根基。天父,请赐我们智慧和勇气,来行你圣洁的旨意。阿们。

39:1–10 After a siege of one and a half years, Zedekiah and his people experience the consequences of their idolatry and unbelief. Yet, as promised, God rescues a remnant of the people and will later return them to Judah. God’s Word of Law is kept, and His Word of Gospel is kept too. • Help us learn, O Lord, that You keep all Your Word, that we might keep the Word through faith in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书39:1-10 一年半的围攻之后,西底家和他的臣民得了他们拜偶像和不信的恶果。然而,正如应许的那样,上帝拯救百姓的余民,并且之后必将他们归回犹大。上帝律法的话语得以保守,祂福音的话语也是一样。主耶和华啊,请帮助我们明白你必保守你全部的话语,好叫我们可以藉着在耶稣基督里的信去保守圣道。阿们。

39:11–18 Nebuchadnezzar has Jeremiah released from custody and returned to his hometown. Before Jeremiah goes, he brings good news to Ebed-melech, who had rescued him from the dry cistern (38:7–13), that he will survive the fall of Jerusalem because he trusted in the Lord. You cannot avoid what you fear by disobeying God and trusting your own wisdom. Instead, trust that the Lord never forgets His people. Ultimately, He provides for you eternally through Jesus Christ. • Strengthen us, heavenly Father, when our way is difficult and danger seems so near. Show us our Savior, Jesus. Amen.
耶利米书39:11-18 尼布甲尼撒将耶利米从捆锁中释放出来,并将他遣回他的家乡。耶利米在走之前,将好消息带给以伯米勒,就是那位曾拯救他脱离那无水牢狱的(38:7-13),说他必会在耶路撒冷的沦陷中获救因为他信靠主耶和华。你不能凭着悖逆上帝和依靠自己的智慧来避免你所恐惧的。相反,要相信主耶和华从未遗忘祂的子民。最终,祂藉着耶稣基督永远供应你所需。天上的父,请在我们的道路艰辛,危机近在咫尺的时候坚固我们。向我们展现我们的救赎主耶稣。阿们。

†Ch 40 Gedaliah, appointed governor by the occupying Babylonians, naively ignores warnings of an assassination plot against him. Gedaliah trusts in his own wisdom and strength, setting the stage for his death and disastrous results for the survivors of Jerusalem. However, the Lord rescues Jeremiah and preserves a faithful remnant of the people in the land. Even in the worst of times, God is at work for the salvation of souls. • Father, always keep the cross of Christ before us, showing us the depth of Your love and reminding us of the cost of discipleship. Amen.
耶利米书40章 基大利,那位被巴比伦侵略者任命为省长的,幼稚地无视一场要谋杀他的警告。基大利相信他自己的智慧和能力,这导致他的死亡,还有耶路撒冷幸存者们可怕的下场。然而,主耶和华拯救耶利米,并在那地保留一批忠信的余民。既使是在最糟糕的情况下,上帝仍然在为着灵魂的得救作工。天父,请总是将基督的十字架放在我们前面,向我们显明你慈爱的深度,并且提醒我们做门徒的代价。阿们。

†Ch 41 Ishmael murders a number of pilgrims and Gedaliah, Babylon’s appointed governor. Johanan, one of Gedaliah’s soldiers, and his men overtake Ishmael. Johanan’s faithfulness and mercy here contrast sharply with the treachery of Ishmael, who seeks advantage over others who are suffering. Like Johanan, have mercy on those who suffer and are confused by life’s troubles. Repent of evil ambitions, and make service to the Lord and His people your highest goal. In mercy, the Lord made your salvation His highest priority, suffering death on the cross to bring you new life. • Teach us to trust You, O Lord, and always follow Your ways, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书41章 以实玛利杀了几十个朝圣者和基大利,那位巴比伦所任命的省长。约哈难,基大利的其中一位军长,还有他的部下完胜以实玛利。约哈难的忠心和怜悯与以实玛利的叛变有着尖锐的对比,以实玛利在受苦之人的身上谋取利益。要像约哈难那样,怜悯那些受苦并且被生活中的烦恼所困扰的人。要为着邪恶的野心懊悔,并且将对主和祂子民的服事作为你最高的目标。在怜悯中,主耶和华使你的救恩成为祂最重要的事,在十字架上受难死去,为了给你带来新生命。主啊,请教导我信靠你,并且总是跟随你的道路,藉着耶稣基督。阿们。

†Ch 42 Jeremiah promises God’s blessings to Johanan and his band of refugees if they will stay in Judah, but warns of certain death if they go to Egypt. God does not want His people to place their confidence in Pharaoh or his army. Today, when you face questions in life, seek the Lord’s will through the wisdom of His Word and by commending your life to Him through prayer. He will watch over you faithfully and be with you always. • Help us, heavenly Father, to trust in You above all earthly reason, might, and power, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
耶利米书42章 耶利米将上帝的祝福应许给约哈难和他逃难的臣民们,只要他们待在犹大地,但如果他们去埃及,耶利米警告那是必死无疑。上帝不愿祂的百姓将信心放在法老或他的军队身上。今日当你面对生活中同样的问题之时,要藉着祂话语的智慧,藉着祷告将你的生命交托给祂,来寻求主的旨意。祂必信实地垂顾你,并且一直与你同在。天父,请帮助我们信靠你,过于所有属世的理性,能力和权势,藉着耶稣基督我们的主。阿们。

†Ch 43 Johanan and the last of the royal family break their vow (42:5–6) and move to Egypt against God’s will, taking Jeremiah with them. Human reason often wins out over trust in God and obedience to Him. In grace, God preserves a faithful remnant of His people in Babylon. They will return to the Promised Land after many years, and from them the Lord will raise up a Savior, Christ the Lord. • Teach us to trust You, Lord, both in this life and for eternal salvation, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书43章 约哈难以及贵胄余剩之民违背他们的誓言(42:5-6),抵挡上帝的旨意去到埃及,并且带走耶利米。人的理性常常压制对上帝的信靠和对祂的顺服。出于恩典,上帝在巴比伦保守一批祂忠信的余民。他们多年之后必会归回那应许之地,并且主耶和华必从其中兴起一位救赎主,主基督。主耶和华,请教导我们信靠你,无论是在今生,还是为着永恒的救恩,奉耶稣基督的名。阿们。

†Ch 44 The Judean refugees who fled to Egypt refuse to give up their idolatry. They are convinced that worshiping false gods brings them peace and prosperity. God cannot tolerate such rebellion. As we see illustrated here, God calls sinners to repent or face His judgment. Sadly, mankind often seeks religions that promise prosperity or personal gratification. These are nothing more than self-centered substitutes for faith. True faith comes only through the faithful proclamation of God’s lasting treasure—eternal life through Jesus Christ. • Father, do not let the deceitful wealth of the world tempt us away from You and our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书44章 逃到埃及的余剩犹大人拒绝放弃拜偶像。他们相信拜假神可以给他们带来平安和繁荣。上帝不能容忍这样的悖逆。正如我们看到这里所勾画的,上帝呼召罪人悔改,不然他们就承受祂的审判。可悲的是,人类常常寻求那些应许繁荣或满足自己的宗教。这些不过是信仰上以自我为中心的替代品。真正的信仰唯独藉着上帝永不断绝之宝藏(那透过耶稣基督所赐永恒生命)的忠心宣讲而产生。天父,不要使这世界虚假的财富引诱我们远离你和我们的救赎主耶稣基督。阿们。

†Ch 45 God reveals His heart in a message of encouragement to Baruch, Jeremiah’s secretary. When God disciplines, even faithful servants like Baruch will feel the heat of His wrath. Yet God will protect Baruch throughout the turmoil ahead. Because God is wholly righteous, He must punish sin (Heb 12:6), although it causes Him great pain. God keeps His promises, even when His people break theirs, and He finally sends the Savior for all sinners. • Help us understand Your heart, O Lord, even when we do not understand Your plans for us. Keep our eyes on the cross of Christ Jesus. Amen.
耶利米书45章 上帝将祂的心意在给巴录,就是耶利米秘书的一份鼓励性信息中启示出来。当上帝管教的时候,甚至像巴录那样忠心的仆人也会感受到祂怒气的热浪。然而上帝必在接下来的灾难中保护巴录。因为上帝是完全公义的,所以祂必惩治罪(来12:6),尽管这会给祂自己带来巨大的痛苦。既使当祂的百姓背了他们的誓言之时,上帝仍保守祂自己的应许,并且祂最终差遣那位救赎主给所有罪人。主啊,请帮助我们明白你的心意,既使当我们不明白你对我们所存的计划之时。保守我们的双眼紧盯在基督耶稣的十字架上。阿们。

†Ch 46 God declares that He will use Egypt’s defeat by Babylon as a pattern for further military losses. Egypt, however, will survive. Added to this prophecy of destruction is a note of comfort for the Judean exiles in Babylon: God will discipline, but not completely destroy, them. God created the world and rules it, administering His righteous justice according to His will. At all times, and through all things, God works for the salvation of His people. Even in the midst of His discipline, God preserves a faithful remnant, out of which came Jesus Christ—His long-promised Messiah. • Help us, O Lord, to keep faith when chaos and warfare erupt. Amen.
耶利米书46章 上帝宣告说祂必照着巴比伦击败埃及的样式使他们继续遭受军事上的损失。然而埃及必得存活。在这毁灭性预言信息之上,还有给在巴比伦的犹大被掳之民的安抚消息:即上帝必管教,但不会完全消灭他们。上帝创造了这个世界并且在治理着它,按照祂的旨意施行祂公义的审判。在任何时候任何事件中,上帝为着祂百姓的救恩在工作。既使是在祂管教的时候,上帝仍然保留一批忠信的余民,而耶稣基督,祂一直以来所应许的弥赛亚就是从其中出来。主耶和华啊,帮助我们在混乱和战争爆发之时仍然有信心。阿们。

†Ch 47 Jeremiah proclaims an oracle against the Philistines. God will settle all accounts in the end, bringing perfect justice to the peoples of the world. God rescues faithful Judeans from many earthly enemies, but the greatest rescue He accomplished is saving people from the Law’s eternal condemnation. This He accomplished for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. • Lift our hearts, O Lord, when troubles come into our lives; keep our eyes on Christ Jesus, our Savior. Amen.
耶利米书47章 耶利米宣告对付非利士人的圣谕。上帝最终必会清算,使完美的正义临到世界的人民。上帝拯救信实的犹太人脱离许多地上的仇敌,但祂所成就的最伟大拯救行动是使百姓脱离律法的永恒定罪。祂为我们成就这个是藉着耶稣基督的死和复活。主耶和华啊,请在困难临到我们的生活之时振作我们的心;使我们的双眼紧盯在我们救主基督耶稣身上。阿们。

†Ch 48 Moab was known for its vineyards and wine. Here, Jeremiah prophesies their destruction as a symbol of judgment on the Moabite people (fulfilled in 582 BC). Because of Moab’s arrogance, its people will go into exile, as did the Judeans. In His mercy, God promised to preserve some of the population and Moab’s identity as a people, at least for a time. Though Moab disappeared from history before the NT era, some of its descendants received the blessings of the new covenant (see notes, Ru 4:14–17). • Father, keep us humble. When others suffer, lead us to reach out to them in love. Teach us also to depend on You and not on ourselves. Amen.
耶利米书48章 摩押人因其葡萄园和美酒而出名。这里耶利米预言它们遭毁坏,作为摩押人要受审判的象征(公元前582年成就)。因着摩押的傲慢,其百姓必会被掳,就像犹大人一样。在祂的怜悯中,上帝应许要保守一些人口,使摩押作为一个民族的身份得以存留,至少会持续一段时间。尽管摩押族在新约时代出现之前就消失在历史中,然而一些摩押的后裔领受了那新约的祝福(看注释,路得记4:14-17)。天父,保守我们谦卑。当其他人遭难之时,引领我们在爱中亲近他们。也教导我们倚靠你,而不是我们自己。阿们。

49:1–6 The Ammonites had opposed Israel and taken some of the territory God had given to the tribe of Gad. For Ammon’s hostility toward God’s people, Ammon will be destroyed (a prophecy fulfilled in 582 BC). Opposition to the Lord and His people inevitably brings destruction and condemnation. God provides many opportunities for repentance, even for those nations that oppose His people or His will. Through these opportunities, we see God’s marvelous grace. • Gracious God, grant us wisdom to humble ourselves before You, to repent, and then to trust Your judgments; in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书49:1-6 亚扪人曾欺负以色列,夺了一些上帝曾赐给迦得支派的疆土。因着亚扪向上帝百姓所发的敌意,亚扪最终必被毁灭(预言成就在公元前582年)。抵挡主耶和华和祂的百姓不可避免地会引来毁灭和定罪。上帝赐下很多让人悔改的机会,甚至也将之给了那些抵挡祂百姓或祂旨意的民族。藉着这些机会,我们看见上帝奇妙的恩典。满有恩惠的上帝,请赐我们智慧来谦卑在你面前,并且悔改,信靠你在耶稣基督里的审判。阿们。

49:7–22 Famous for their wisdom, the Edomites have foolishly opposed God (like their ancestor Esau). They will be “stripped bare” by God’s justice. Jeremiah uses a vineyard metaphor to state that none shall escape God’s righteous judgment. Human pride inevitably leads to disaster, regardless of a person’s wisdom or natural intellect. Wise or foolish by the world’s standards, salvation belongs to everyone who trusts in Jesus Christ, for He alone is “the way, and the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6). • Father, teach us true wisdom through faith and insight through Your Word. Amen.
耶利米书49:7-22 以东人因着他们的智慧出名,但却一直愚昧地抵挡上帝(就像他们的先祖以扫那样)。他们必被上帝的公义“剥光衣服”。耶利米使用一个葡萄园的比喻来陈明,没有人可以逃脱上帝公义的审判。人的傲慢必会不可避免地引向灾难,这不在乎一个人的智慧或天赐才华。按照这世界的标准来说无论是智慧或是愚昧的,救恩都属于每一个信靠耶稣基督的人,因为唯有祂是“道路,真理和生命”(约14:6)。天父,请藉着信心教导我们真智慧,藉着你的话语教导我们真见识。阿们。

49:23–27 Damascus (capital of Aram) had long opposed God’s people and often plotted against them. Damascus came under Babylonian domination shortly after Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar. No matter how strong or powerful God’s enemies are, they all fall in the end. God’s victory over opposing forces accomplishes two things: (1) it shows God’s power over the gods of defeated nations, with the purpose of their salvation; (2) it means life and salvation for His people. • Lord, may we always see Your loving hand guiding all nations toward eternal salvation, regardless of how hopeless times may seem. Amen.
耶利米书49:23-27 大马士革(亚兰的首都)很久以来都抵挡上帝的百姓,并且常常谋算对付他们。耶路撒冷落在尼布甲尼撒手中之后不久,大马士革就沦陷在巴比伦人的统治之下。无论上帝的仇敌是多么强大或有权势,最终他们都会没落。上帝对抵挡势力的得胜成就两件事情:(1)显明上帝有着超越被击败民族众神的权势,为的是叫他们得救;(2)对祂的子民来说意味着生命和救恩。主,愿我们总是看见你引领万国万民朝向永恒救恩的慈爱恩手,无论境况看起来是多么的无望。阿们。

49:28–33 The people of Kedar and Hazor lived in unwalled villages and presented no obstacle to the armies of Nebuchadnezzar that overran them at the beginning of the sixth century BC. Even those sinners who feel safe from God’s judgment will feel the sting of God’s wrath. The Lord does not delight in the death of sinners but wants all people to be saved through faith in the Messiah, Jesus (cf Ezk 18:23). • Help us, O Lord, to find our security only in Your love and grace through Jesus Christ. Send Your Holy Spirit to guard our souls unto eternity. Amen.
耶利米书49:28-33 基达和夏琐城的民居住在无城墙的村落中,在公元前6世纪初要攻陷他们的尼布甲尼撒军队面前显得毫无抵挡能力。既使那些感觉不受上帝审判的罪人也会觉察到上帝愤怒的刺痛。主耶和华不喜悦罪人的死亡,却意愿所有人可以藉着对弥赛亚耶稣的信而得救(参 以西结书18:23)。主啊,帮助我们唯独藉着耶稣基督在你的慈爱和恩典中找到我们的保障。差遣你的圣灵护卫我们的灵魂直到永生里。阿们。

49:34–39 Elam now stands before the Lord to receive His judgment. God finds Elam guilty of supporting Babylon in her war against the Judeans. He will scatter the Elamites throughout the world—their king and officials destroyed (v 38). In mercy, God does not completely destroy Elam. God judges all nations, yet He is Savior for all the earth and every people. • Enable us, heavenly Father, to reach out with the precious Gospel message to all nations, both near and far. Amen.
耶利米书49:34-39 如今以拦站在主面前接受祂的审判。以拦曾支持巴比伦对犹大人的战争,上帝因此定它为有罪。祂必将以拦人打散到世界各地—他们的君王和首领必被除灭(38节)。在怜悯中,上帝没有完全消灭以拦。上帝审判万国,然而对全地和每一个民族来说祂也是救赎主。天父,请使我们有能力带着那至珍的福音信息去接触万国万民,包括近处的和远处的。阿们。

†Ch 50 God holds Babylon responsible for the destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity of its citizens. During the process of Babylon’s destruction, the Israelites will come together to seek the Lord to make an everlasting covenant (vv 4–5). God’s heart aches when the people He loves turn away from Him. Like the father of the prodigal (Lk 15:21–24), He yearns to forgive those who return to Him with repentant hearts. • Father, lead us by Your Holy Spirit to repentance, and forgive us through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书50章 上帝要使巴比伦为着耶路撒冷的毁灭和其中居民的被掳受责备。在巴比伦毁灭的进程中,以色列人聚集在一起寻求主耶和华要立永远的约(4-5节)。当祂所爱的子民转离祂之时,上帝的心在痛。就像那位浪子的父亲一样(路15:21-24),祂渴望赦免那些带着悔改的心归回于祂的人。天父,请藉着你的圣灵引导我们去悔改,并且藉着你的儿子耶稣基督赦免我们。阿们。

†Ch 51 Jeremiah continues speaking God’s oracle against Babylon, condemning her for the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple. The Lord called His people to come out of Babylon, lest they share the city’s fate. Through Babylon’s destruction, God teaches other nations of His dominion over them so they may come to faith. At the same time, He spares those He has called by His name. • Lord, lead us to live with compassion toward others, for You lovingly look upon the whole human race through the redeeming blood of Christ. Amen.
耶利米书51章 耶利米继续宣讲上帝对付巴比伦的圣谕,上帝因着耶路撒冷和其圣殿的被毁而定罪于她。主耶和华呼召祂的百姓要从巴比伦逃离,不然他们也要承担那城的结局。透过巴比伦的毁灭,上帝教导其它国家明白祂对它们的掌权,好叫他们可以得着信心。同时,祂也赦免那些祂凭着自己的名所呼召的人。主,请引导我们带着同情怜悯与他人同居,因为你藉着基督的赎罪血慈爱般地垂顾整个人类。阿们。

52:1–23 See application note, 2Ki 25:1–21.
耶利米书52:1-23 看应用注释,王下25:1-21

52:24–34 Jeremiah concludes on a hopeful note. Despite Judah’s rebellion, God never forgot His promises. Years later, God sent Jesus Christ as the atoning sacrifice for the world’s sin. All of God’s promises find their Yes in Christ (2Co 1:20) • Lead us by Your Holy Spirit, heavenly Father, that we remain faithful to our eternal King, Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米书52:24-34 耶利米以一份带着希望的信息结束。尽管犹大悖逆,但上帝从未忘记祂的应许。多年之后,上帝差遣耶稣基督作为赎罪祭,来担负世人的罪。上帝所有的应许在基督都是是的(林后1:20)。天父,藉着你的圣灵带领我们,好叫我们一直忠于我们永恒的君王,耶稣基督。阿们。

翻译及校对:Gary Liu


†Ch 1 Jeremiah describes the terrible conditions in Jerusalem after it fell to the Babylonians and its leading citizens were taken captive. Contrasted with the wealth and beauty of its former days, the ruins lie as a testimony to God’s just response against persistent sin and rebellion. The foundation of sin and rebellion is unbelief, a refusal to trust God and follow Him. Even in the face of His people’s faithlessness, God proves Himself faithful to His promise of a Savior by preserving a remnant that will return to Jerusalem. • Teach us to live wisely, O Lord, according to Your will and in the joy of our salvation in Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米哀歌1章 耶利米描述了耶路撒冷城在其落入巴比伦人手中以及它的领袖民众被掳之后的可怕境况。与曾经的繁荣和美丽相比,废墟的存留见证着上帝对持续犯罪和悖逆的公义回应。罪和悖逆的根本是不信,就是拒绝信靠上帝和跟随祂。既使面对祂百姓的不忠信,上帝仍藉着保守一批必会归回耶路撒冷的剩余之民来证明祂自己在应许一位救赎主上是信实的。主啊,教导我们依照你的旨意有智慧地活着,且在耶稣基督救恩的喜乐中活着。阿们。

†Ch 2 By the Lord’s hand, Babylon has destroyed Jerusalem and razed its temple. The consequences of sin have left people slaughtered and the remaining citizens exiled to Babylon. God has turned His back on His people for turning their back on Him. Their worship of false gods violated the covenant dating back to the exodus from Egypt. Their sin has now born hideous fruit. Despite the apostasy of God’s people, He still loves them and will bring them back from their captivity to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. From these people, God shall raise up a Savior for all nations. • Lord, teach us to heed Your warnings and repent when we stray, that we might receive Your precious forgiveness. Amen.
耶利米哀歌2章 藉着主耶和华的手,巴比伦得以攻破耶路撒冷并且拆毁圣殿。罪的代价已经使百姓被杀戮,并且使存留下的居民被掳巴比伦。上帝因着百姓对祂的悖逆而转离他们。他们对假神的崇拜破坏了那个可以追溯到出埃及之时所立下的约。他们的罪如今结了可怕的果子。尽管上帝的百姓背道,但祂仍然爱他们,并且必会带领他们从他们的被掳中归回,重建耶路撒冷和圣殿。从这些人当中,上帝为万国兴起一位救赎主。主,当我们走迷之时请教导我们听你的警告并且悔改,好叫我们可以领受你至珍的赦罪恩典。阿们。

†Ch 3 Jeremiah describes the great suffering of God’s people at the hand of the invading Babylonians. He makes no excuse for their sin, but he encourages them (and us today) with God’s great compassion and unfailing love. The people have been crushed but not utterly destroyed—their hope must be in the Lord and His great love for them. We are often our own worst enemies, responsible for our suffering through our own choices. No matter how bad things get, our hope is always in the Lord because He loves us in Jesus Christ and never abandons us. • Lord, do not treat us as our sins deserve, but forgive and restore us to Your unfailing love through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶路撒冷3章 耶利米描述了上帝百姓在入侵者巴比伦人手中所受的巨大苦难。他没有为他们的罪找借口,反而是以上帝丰盛的怜悯和不言败的慈爱鼓励他们(还有今日的我们)。百姓被压垮但没有被完全毁灭—他们的盼望必在主耶和华和祂为他们存留的丰盛慈爱里面。我们常常是我们自己最凶恶的仇敌,要因着我们自己的选择而为我们的苦难负责。无论事情变得如何糟糕,我们的盼望总是在主耶和华里面,因为祂在耶稣基督里爱我们并且永不撇弃我们。主,不要以我们罪所应得的待我们,却要藉着耶稣基督赦免和恢复我们到你不言败的慈爱中。阿们。

†Ch 4 Jeremiah contrasts the wealth of Jerusalem’s past with the poverty of its residents after the Babylonian conquest. The sins of the religious leaders come into focus as the cause for the destruction of the city. A note of hope appears at the end with a veiled reference to the eventual return of the exiles from Babylon (v 22). Spiritual leaders carry a great responsibility for the welfare of God’s people (cf Jas 3:1). God sustained His people, and through their descendants raised up a Savior for all, Christ the Lord. • Father, send Your Spirit to strengthen Your shepherds, that they may teach Your Word in purity and truth. We pray through Jesus Christ. Amen.
耶利米哀歌4章 耶利米将耶路撒冷昔日的富裕与巴比伦占领之后居民的贫穷相对照。宗教领袖者的罪作为圣城被毁的原因成为焦点。最后出现了带着盼望的信息,隐约提及被掳之民最终要从巴比伦归回(22节)。宗教领袖者为上帝百姓的福祉承载着一份巨大的责任(参 雅3:1)。上帝供应祂的子民,并且藉着他们的后代为所有人兴起一位救赎主,就是主基督。天父,差遣你的圣灵坚固你的牧者,好叫他们以纯正和真理教导你的话语。我们藉着耶稣基督祈祷。阿们。

†Ch 5 Jeremiah points out that the sins of all the people lie at the very root of their current suffering (cf v 16). Because of their unfaithfulness, they struggle just to get enough to eat; they find themselves subjected to abuse and humiliation. Lamenting in anguish, God’s people appeal to the Lord for forgiveness and restoration. In our own lives, we easily forget God and our calling as His people at times when it seems that everything is going our way. God stands ready to forgive penitent sinners by restoring His blessing to us through the blood of Jesus Christ. • Father, keep us faithful in good times and secure in our faith during bad times, for we are Yours at all times. Amen.
耶利米哀歌5章 耶利米指出所有人当下所受苦难的最终根源是他们的罪(参 16节)。因为他们的不信实,他们苦苦挣扎才能勉强得食物吃;他们发现自己沦落在蹂躏和羞辱之下。在极度的痛苦中哀伤,上帝的百姓投靠主耶和华要得赦罪和复原。有时候凡事看起来都按照我们的想法顺利进展,我们就很容易地忘记上帝还有我们作为祂子民的呼召。上帝时刻预备好了,要透过耶稣基督的圣宝血将祂的祝福恢复给我们,并藉此赦免悔改的罪人。天父,保守我们在情况顺利之时忠信,情况糟糕之时在我们的信仰中得平安,因为我们一直是属于你的。阿们。

翻译及校对:Gary Liu


1:1–3 The presence of the exiles “in the land of the Chaldeans” far from home is a manifestation of God’s judgment upon an unfaithful people. But a remnant has remained faithful, among them Ezekiel the priest, whom God chooses as His instrument to explain why that judgment had come. Ezekiel will call the exiles to repentance and describe God’s mercy promised to them. • Lord, because of our sins, we are in “exile” from our true home. But we give You thanks daily that You send ministers to preach the Gospel of Christ’s death and resurrection, to absolve us of our sins in His name, and thus lead us to our spiritual home, now and in eternity. Amen.
耶利米书1:13 远离家乡“在迦勒底人之地”被掳之民的出现是上帝对这一不忠信之民审判的彰显。但一批剩余之民仍一直是忠信的,其中有祭司以西结,上帝选召他作为祂的器皿来解释为何审判会临到。以西结将会呼召被掳之民悔改并且将上帝应许给他们的怜悯描述出来。主,因着我们的罪,我们处在“流放”中,远离我们真正的家园。但我们每日将感谢献给你,因为你差遣仆人来宣讲基督死和复活的福音,以祂的圣名宣赦我们脱离我们的罪,并且因此引领我们直到我们属灵的家园,现在和永恒中。阿们。

1:4–28 Ezekiel describes the movement of the living creatures and the revelation of God’s glory and voice. Today, God does not send us visions with new revelations, but works through the Word to convince us that we are “poor, miserable sinners.” Yet God does not show His glory in Christ to terrify us. Through repentance and absolution, He desires to raise us with Christ in newness of life (see SC, Baptism, here). • Lord, lead us to daily repentance and a life of thanksgiving for the revelation of Your glory in Your Son, who will through His Holy Spirit lead us into the blessings of eternal life. Amen.
以西结书1:4-28 以西结描述了活物的运动以及上帝荣耀和声音的启示。今天,上帝不会赐给我们带着新启示的异象,但却会藉着圣道作工使我们确实明白我们是“可怜,悲惨的罪人”。然而上帝在基督里显明祂的荣耀不是去威吓我们。藉着悔改和宣赦,祂渴望将我们与基督一起复活,在新生命里面(看 小问答,圣洗礼部分)。主,引导我们每日的悔改和一份感恩的生命,为着你在你儿子里面荣耀的启示,祂必会藉着祂的圣灵引领我们在永生的祝福里面。阿们。

2:1–3:15 God calls Ezekiel to witness to all sorts of conditions of men, even though prospects are bleak and the audience is hostile. As the Lord strengthened Ezekiel, He will also strengthen us to proclaim the Gospel. Our life may be one of lamentation, mourning, and woe, but that may be the only way to break through pride and lead us to see how hopeless our natural condition is. If, however, God’s accusing message is ingested, His word of forgiveness in Christ’s atonement will be “as sweet as honey.” • Lord, drown our stubbornness daily in Baptism and raise us with Christ that we may gladly perform the service He gives us. Amen.
以西结书2:1-3:15 上帝呼召以西结去给各样境况的人作见证,尽管前景是渺茫的,听众是带着敌意的。正如主耶和华坚固以西结那样,祂也必会坚固我们传扬那福音。我们的生命可能是充满了痛哭,哀悼和悲伤,但那是打破傲慢带领我们看见我们本性的境况是多么绝望无助的唯一方式。然而,如果上帝谴责定罪的信息是可以吞咽的,那么祂在基督赎罪里的赦罪话语必定是“甜如蜜的”。主,将我们的固执刚硬每日淹死在圣洗礼中并且将我们与基督一同活过来,好叫我们可以欢喜地履行你交托给我们的服事。阿们。

3:16–27 All Christians are called to watch not only themselves but also others who profess to believe. It is a matter of life and death, and the one who fails to warn the backslider is just as culpable as the one who falls away. The true God is a God of justice (His justice as revealed on the cross) and He offers it to all. Disobedience or faithlessness will bring full judgment, perhaps in this life and certainly in eternity. But full forgiveness is available freely to all who heed the watchman’s warning. • O Lord, through Your Holy Spirit, open our ears that we may heed the warnings of Scripture and open our mouths that with Ezekiel we may say to all, “Thus says the Lord GOD.” Amen.
以西结书3:16-27 所有基督徒都蒙召不仅要为自己,而且也要为着其他宣信的人警醒。这是一件关于生与死的事情,没能警告那倒退者的人同那倒退者一样也是有罪的。那位真上帝是一位公义的上帝(祂的公义在十字架上启示出来)并且祂将之赐给所有人。悖逆或不信实必会带来彻底的审判,可能是在此生,肯定会是在永恒中。但完全的赦罪是白白地赐给所有听那守望者警告的人。主啊,藉着你的圣灵,打开我们的耳朵,好叫我们可以听圣经的警告,打开我们的口,好叫我们可以与以西结一起向所有人讲述,“主耶和华如此说。”阿们。

†Ch 4 Ezekiel’s action prophecies illustrate the dreadful judgment that God would visit upon the Israelites for their infidelity. God’s ultimate purpose was to save as many as possible, who would repent before the judgment. God’s wrath is a reality (see SC, Close of the Commandments, here). Calvary’s cross represents the maximum of God’s wrath as well as the maximum of His love and great desire to deliver us. • Lord, lead us in true repentance and steadfastness of faith out of our Babylonian captivity, through Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Amen.
以西结书4章 以西结演示的预言勾画出了上帝因着以色列人的不忠所降在他们身上的可怕审判。上帝最终的目的是要拯救尽可能多的人,就是那些在审判临到之前悔改了的。上帝的忿怒是一个现实(看小问答,十诫总结,这里)。髑髅地的十字架代表着上帝烈怒的高潮,也同样地代表着祂慈爱和非常意愿拯救我们的顶峰。主,引领我们走在真诚的悔改和信仰的稳健之中,脱离我们巴比伦式的俘虏,藉着耶稣,我们信仰的创造者和成终者。阿们。

†Ch 5 The Lord condemns Israel for its brazen, sometimes worse-than-heathen, misbehavior. Because God loves deeply, He responds vigorously to those who violate His covenant. The outpouring of His wrath on obstinate unbelievers reminds us that He operates by the same principle in salvation; His Son bore the wrath our sins deserved. His love is costly—a price we could never pay—complete holiness. • Lord, through Your Holy Spirit, instill in us true thankfulness and a holy life that honors Your gift of Your own Son, who paid the price through His blood. Amen.
以西结书5章 主耶和华为着以色列厚颜无耻的,有时甚至比异教徒还更进一步的错误行为定罪于他们。因为上帝爱的深沉,所以祂面对那些违背祂盟约的人反应也很激烈。祂将忿怒倾倒在执迷不悟的不信者身上,这提醒我们祂也必会按照同样的原则在救恩中施行作为;祂的儿子担负了我们罪所应得的烈怒。祂的慈爱是昂贵的—这重价是我们永远无法支付的—就是完全的圣洁。主,请藉着你的圣灵,在我们里面浇灌真诚的感恩和一份圣洁的生命,这生命能得以尊荣你的恩赐,恩赐就是你自己的儿子,祂藉着祂的宝血付了那重价。阿们。

†Ch 6 The Lord condemns the people, but, for the first time, salvation is clearly declared for the contrite remnant. Because God Himself was brokenhearted at their previous faithlessness, He will remember them now and so fulfill for them His promises, including the promise of the Savior. • O Lord, we are truly by nature sinful and unclean. Bless us with Your Word and Sacraments that we may remember and give genuine thanks for Your forgiveness through the sacrifice of Your Son. Amen.
以西结书6章 主耶和华定罪这百姓,但也是第一次,救恩得以清晰地宣讲给痛悔的剩余之民。因为上帝自己被他们从前的不忠伤透了心,所以此时祂必纪念他们并因此为他们成就祂所有的应许,包括对那位救赎主的应许。主啊,我们按照本性实在是有罪不洁的。请以你的圣道和圣礼祝福我们,好叫我们记得你藉着你儿子的赎罪祭所赐下的赦罪恩典并为之献上真诚的感谢。阿们。

†Ch 7 Ezekiel describes God’s coming wrath. The Law is necessary to the message of salvation. A weak preaching of the Law inevitably sets one up for a deficient or weak understanding of the Gospel. All of us constantly stand at the edge of the void, with the devil, the world, and our flesh ever-active and formidable enemies before whom we can never hope to stand by our own resources. Thanks be to God there is a day of mercy, too, which Ezekiel will proclaim and we may celebrate with joy in Christ, our Savior. • Heavenly Father, when the end comes for us, safely usher us through the grave to rest with Christ, and finally, to resurrection and eternal life. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
以西结书7章 以西结描述了上帝要发的烈怒。律法对于救恩的信息来说是必要的。律法软绵绵的宣讲不可避免地会使一个人对福音的理解有缺陷或者不到位。我们所有人都一直站在虚空的边缘,要面对魔鬼,世界和我们的肉体,这些时刻不消停且非常强大的仇敌,我们永远不要期待靠赖我们自己的资源在这些仇敌面前站立得住。感谢归给上帝,还有怜悯的日子在那里存留,就是以西结将要宣扬,还有我们会在我们救主基督里面带着喜乐庆祝的。天父,在我们临终之时,安稳地引领我们穿过坟墓,去到基督那里安息,并且最终得着复活和永恒的生命。奉圣父、+圣子和圣灵的名。阿们。

†Ch 8 At the beginning of Ezekiel’s visionary visit to Jerusalem, he is led to witness four “abominations” that entail rank syncretism or even outright rejection of the true faith. Only when people realize the ever-present and insidious depth of their bondage to sin will they feel any need for a Savior. Ch 9 will show that there were at least some faithful in Jerusalem. The Lord always preserves His remnant by grace. • O Lord, open our eyes to our own idolatries, that we may cling all the more closely to the forgiveness You offer us in Word and Sacrament. Amen.
以西结书8章 以西结在异象中巡游以色列最开始的时候,被带领着目睹了四样“可憎之事”,有掺杂着诸神排位的,甚至还有将独一真信仰彻底弃绝掉的。人只有认识到他们是一直被罪所奴役并且深陷其中的,才会感觉到对一位救赎主的任何需要。第九章将会显明耶稣撒冷至少还有些许忠信之民存留。主耶和华总是出于恩典保留祂的剩余之民。主啊,打开我们的眼睛,看见我们自己的偶像崇拜,好叫我们可以更加仰赖你在圣道和圣礼中赐给我们的赦罪恩典。阿们。

†Ch 9 The vision vividly describes God’s final judgment on His disobedient people. But a remnant, bearing a mark of salvation on their foreheads, will escape. The road to perdition is broad, but God does not fail to place His mark of salvation on all who repent, “who sigh and groan over all the abominations that are committed” in the holy city (v 4). • Lord, by Your grace, keep our eyes fixed on the cross of salvation and with Your Holy Spirit help us ward off the temptations to follow the heedless masses who ignore and reject Your Word. Amen.
以西结书9章 异象鲜明地描述了上帝要在祂悖逆之民身上所发的最终审判。但一批剩余之民,在他们的额头上有着救恩记号的,必会逃脱。通往毁灭的路是宽的,但上帝仍能够将祂救恩的记号放在所有悔改的人身上,就是那些“因城中所行可憎之事叹息哀哭的人”(4节)。主,请依靠你的恩典,使我们的双眼紧盯在那救恩的十字架上,并且以你的圣灵帮助我们驱散要跟随那无视和拒绝你圣道的无知人群行走的试探。阿们。

†Ch 10 The vision of the throne-chariot on which the glory sat, first described in ch 1, is here repeated and expanded. The glory takes another step away from the Most Holy Place; the Lord will totally abandon His temple. Yet, the glory of our incarnate Lord will not depart forever. He is gloriously enthroned through Baptism in those who have died with Him and risen again in holiness (cf Rm 6). • Lord, keep us from rejecting Your Word, of which the fate of Jerusalem warns. In the Savior’s name we pray. Amen.
以西结书10章 荣耀在其上遮盖的轮车宝座的异象,首先在第一章中有描述,在这里得到重复和延伸。那荣耀进一步远离至圣所;主耶和华将完全遗弃祂的圣殿。然而,我们道成肉身之主的荣耀必不永远离开。藉着圣洗礼,祂荣耀地在那些已经与祂一同死去并且在圣洁中活过来的人里面掌权(参 罗6)。主,保守我们不拒绝你的圣道,远离耶路撒冷的结局所警告了的。奉救赎主的名我们祈祷。阿们。

11:1–13 Using the metaphor of Jerusalem as a cooking pot with meat inside, God contradicts the inhabitants’ arrogant self-assurance that the city walls will protect them. Ezekiel’s outcry at Pelatiah’s sudden death provides an occasion for the comforting Gospel sermon that follows. God certainly will not make a full end of the remnant of Israel, but will provide salvation. • Lord, through our Savior, who bore our offenses for us on the cross, strengthen us to resist temptation. Grant us refuge in You alone. Amen.
以西结书11:1-13 将耶路撒冷比作里面盛着肉的煮锅,上帝使用这一比喻来攻击城里百姓傲慢的自我安慰,他们以为那城墙必会保护他们。以西结在毗拉提突然死掉之时的大声疾呼,为接下来带着安慰的福音讲道提供一个处境。上帝必然不会完全消灭以色列的剩余之民,而必定会赐下拯救。主耶和华,藉着我们的救赎主,就是那位为我们在十字架上担负罪孽的,坚固我们抵挡试探。唯独在你里面赐给我们庇护。阿们。

11:14–25 Ezekiel the prophet is assured that a remnant will be saved. The glory then leaves the city for the Mount of Olives to the east. This is the final judgment upon those who remain in Jerusalem below (cf Gal 4:26). Thanks be to God; He gives us His Word and Spirit, new hearts, and new lives in His promises of mercy. • Lord, through our Baptism, You have brought us out of the exile of our natural bondage to sin. Send Your Spirit upon us that we remain faithful until death and share in the return of the glory on the Last Day. Amen.
以西结书11:14-25 先知以西结得了确据,一批余民必得拯救。那荣耀藉着离开圣城向东去到橄榄山。这是给那些仍在下面耶路撒冷城之人的最终审判(参 加4:26)。感谢归给上帝;祂在祂怜悯的应许中赐给我们祂的圣道和圣灵,新心,以及新生命。主,藉着我们所受的圣洗礼,你已经带领我们走出我们生来被罪奴役的流放之地。差遣你的圣灵给我们,好叫我们忠心直到离世,并且在那末日分享你荣耀的再来。阿们。

†Ch 12 Two action prophecies forecast the forthcoming deportation after Jerusalem’s fall and its attendant horrors, followed by refutations of two complaints the people are using to discount God’s warnings. Yet, God’s overarching purpose in judgment is to bring forth repentance and create trust in His salvation, offered freely in Christ’s death and resurrection. • Lord, keep us ever mindful of our sinfulness. United by Baptism with Christ’s death and resurrection and through Word and Sacrament, keep us firm in the faith until the day of our Lord. Amen.
以西结书12章 两处扮演的预言预表了耶路撒冷沦陷后的流放以及随之而来的恐慌,接下来是驳斥百姓用以贬损上帝警告的两个抱怨。然而,上帝在审判中的最终目的是要带出悔改,并且生发对祂救恩的信靠,就是那在基督的死和复活里面所白白赐下的。主,保守我们一直留意我们的罪。你已经藉着圣洗礼使我们与基督的死和复活连合,也请藉着圣道和圣餐礼保守我们稳健在信心中,直到我们主的那日。阿们。

†Ch 13 All religions do not lead to the same place. There is only one true Gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ; anyone who preaches or practices otherwise is condemned. By repeating phrases such as “My people,” the Lord expresses His offer of salvation to all who believe. • “Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word; Curb those who by deceit or sword Would wrest the kingdom from Your Son And bring to naught all He has done.” Amen. (LSB 655:1)
以西结书13章 所有的宗教并不引向那同一个地方。真福音只有一个,就是那出于恩藉着信在基督里的救恩;任何传讲或操练别的福音的人都是受咒诅的。藉着重复诸如“我百姓”这样的短语,主耶和华表达了祂赐下救恩给所有相信的人。“主,保守我们稳健在你的圣道中;拦阻那些藉着诡诈或刀剑试图从你儿子手中抢夺那国度并且将祂所成就的一切毁于一旦的人。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册655:1)

14:1–11 God does not answer the prayers of those who do not pray in His name, not even when false prophets claim to speak for Him. We are rejected because we first rejected Him, even if false preachers have seduced us. The last verse of this section is a beautiful statement of the purpose of the Law—to convict and convince us of our unfaithfulness and bring us to repentance so that we may enjoy His salvation. • O Lord, be our God, and make us truly Your people, through the merits of Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
以西结书14:1-11 上帝不回应那些不奉祂名祈祷之人的祷告,既使当假先知宣称要代表祂说话之时也不回应。即或是假传道人引诱我们,但我们被拒绝是因为我们首先拒绝了祂。这一部分最后一节是对律法功用的美妙阐述—就是使我们确知我们的不信实并且带领我们悔改,好叫我们可以享受祂的救恩。主啊,作我们的上帝,使我们真正成为你的子民,藉着你儿子耶稣基督的功德。阿们。

14:12–23 Using four vivid pictures, Ezekiel emphasizes that righteousness (faith and life) is not transferable from one person to the next. We should not think that salvation can come from any other human source, but only from the righteousness won by Christ on the cross. The exiles’ concession that God does not punish without cause is described in vv 22–23. The Law was beginning to work, opening the door for repentance and faith. • Teach us, Lord, how to regard the saints—not as sources of faith or merit for us, but as examples in fighting the good fight in Christ. Amen.
以西结书14:12-23 使用四个生动的画面,以西结强调公义(信心和生命)不能从一个人传递给另一个人。我们不能认为救恩可以出自任何其它人的源头,却要晓得救恩只能出自基督在十字架上所赢得的公义。被掳之民承认上帝施行惩罚并非没有原因,这在22-23节里面得以展示。律法开始作工,为悔改和信心打开门。主,教导我们如何看待圣徒—不是作为我们信心或功德的源头,却要作为在基督里打那美好之仗的榜样。阿们。

†Ch 15 Jerusalem is a vine that is good for nothing but burning, a vivid illustration of the city’s fall in 587 BC. By this catastrophe, the Lord prepares the way for restoration and salvation. In Christ, the true vine, we can bear much fruit (Jn 15:1–11). • Spare us, O Lord, as inhabitants of the new Jerusalem, from the defection and destruction of the old Jerusalem that in Christ we may finally enter the Jerusalem above. Amen.
以西结书15章 耶路撒冷是毫无用处只能用来烧火的葡萄枝,这是对圣城在公元前587年灭亡的生动描述。藉着此灾难,主为着恢复和救恩预备道路。在基督里,作为真正的葡萄枝,我们能够结出丰硕的果实(约15:1–11)。主啊,使我们这些新耶路撒冷的居民免受那旧耶路撒冷的背叛和毁灭,好叫我们可以在基督里最终进入天上的耶路撒冷。阿们。

16:1–58 In a long allegorical satire, Ezekiel equates idolatry with adultery. The underlying theme is one of base ingratitude. Forgetting God’s unmerited grace, Jerusalem chases after the favors of idolatrous nations. God has no alternative but to punish her severely. If the Lord can restore someone who has fallen as far as Jerusalem, He can restore anyone. His grace is broad enough to cover even your greatest sin. • Lord, keep us ever mindful of all the undeserved mercies You have showered upon us from birth, especially the forgiveness of sin and eternal life, lest, like Jerusalem, we fall into great shame and vice. Amen.
以西结书16:1-58 在这一长篇的寓言讽刺作品中,以西结将拜偶像等同于淫乱。潜在的主题是一个下贱式的忘恩负义。忘记上帝那不用赚取的恩典,耶路撒冷却去追随拜偶像民族的宠幸。上帝没有别的选择,只能严厉惩治她。如果主耶和华能够重新兴起像耶路撒冷那样堕落的人,那么祂一定能复兴任何人。祂的恩典宽广无边,甚至可以遮盖你最大的罪。主,保守我们总是记得你自从我们出生就一直倾倒给我们的所有不配得的怜悯,特别是罪的赦免和永生,免得我们像耶路撒冷那样跌入巨大的羞辱和罪恶中。阿们。

16:59–63 The livid chapter on Israel’s whoredom is followed by a beautiful affirmation of God’s unwavering faithfulness to His everlasting covenant. The Gospel stands in stunning contrast to the Law’s condemnation. With repentant joy, entrust your life and hope to the Lord. • Thanks be to You, O Lord, for choosing and saving even the chief of sinners, as all of us must account ourselves before You. Amen.
以西结书16:59–63 这一章先对以色列的卖淫进行生动描述,接着是对上帝毫不动摇地忠于祂永恒之约的美好坚证。福音与律法的咒诅形成鲜明的对照。要带着悔改的喜乐,将你的生命和盼望交托给主。主啊,感谢归给你,因为你甚至拣选和拯救罪人中的魁首,我们所有人必要为着我们自己在你面前交账。阿们。

†Ch 17 An allegory describes Nebuchadnezzar’s placement of Zedekiah over Jerusalem and the deportation of the rightful king, Jehoiachin. Ezekiel builds a glorious picture of God establishing His eternal kingdom in a descendant of David (and Jehoiachin): the Messiah. Ezekiel also describes how God makes a new creation for you, established through Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection. • Lord, avert our eyes of faith from the kingdom of this world with its politics and power struggles. Show us the kingdom of heaven that You have already established. Sustain us on our journey to the high mountain above. Amen.
以西结书17章 本章用一比喻描述了尼布甲尼撒对西底家要治理耶路撒冷的安置,以及对本该继位的王约雅斤的废除和俘虏。以西结构建了一份辉煌的画面,描述上帝要藉着大卫(和约雅斤)的一个后裔:那位弥撒亚,建立祂永恒的国度。以西结也描述了上帝如何为你重造一个新世界,藉着基督的出生,生活,死亡和复活。主,使我们信心的双眼转离这世界的国度,以及其中的政治和权力斗争。向我们显明天上的国度,就是你已经建立起来的。在我们朝向那天上高山的旅途中扶持我们。阿们。
†Ch 18 God gives a clear, almost dogmatic, statement of how His justice operates. Life or death depends upon whether or not one believes and, as a result, lives out that faith. God severely condemns natural man’s tendency to justify himself on the basis of his own supposed righteousness, or to blame God (or someone else) for unfairness. Ezekiel also beautifully asserts God’s desire for everyone to be saved (“live”). • Lord, keep us steadfast in Christ’s righteousness, which has satisfied Your justice and has given us new lives. Amen.
以西结书18章 上帝针对祂如何实施公义给出了清晰,近乎教条式的陈述。生或死是基于一个人是否相信并且因此活出那份信心。人的本性是倾向于基于祂自己所谓的公义来为自己辩护,或者埋怨上帝(或其他人)的不公,对此上帝严厉地谴责。以西结美妙地宣称上帝意愿每一个人得救(“存活”)。主,保守我们稳健在基督的义中,因祂的义已经满足了你的公正审判并且赐给我们新的生命。阿们。

†Ch 19 Ezekiel laments the corrupt line of Judah. Instead of ruling through exemplary lives, the last three kings symbolize God’s judgment. God withdrew His blessings from Judah, whose leaders rebelled against Him. However, God did not abandon His covenant promise to David (2Sm 7:16), fulfilling it in Jesus Christ, the descendant of David (Mt 1:6–16), the descendant of Abraham (Mt 1:2–5, 17). • Lord, we thank You for Your mercy. You remain faithful, fulfilling Your promise in Christ. Grant us true repentance and faithfulness. Amen.·
以西结书19章 以西结为犹大的败坏传承作哀歌。最后三位君王不是透过榜样式的生活来治理,而是代表了上帝的审判。上帝将祂的祝福从犹大收回,因为犹大的领袖们背叛了祂。然而,上帝并未抛弃祂赐给大卫的盟约应许(撒下7:16),乃是将之成就在耶稣基督,大卫的后裔(太1:6-16),亚伯拉罕的后嗣(太1:2-5,17)里面。主,为着你的怜悯我们感谢你。你仍是信实的,一直成就你在基督里的应许。请赐我们真诚的悔改和忠信。阿们。

20:1–32 The stench of Israel’s sin is great. Verse by verse, God recounts how generations of Israelites compounded their sins. God desired to pour His wrath against them (vv 8, 13, 21) but, by His grace, stilled His own hand (vv 9, 14, 22). Today, make repentance a way of life. The heavenly Father will pardon your sins for the sake of Jesus, our Savior. He will raise His hand in blessing and incline His ear to hear your prayer. • Lord God, thankfully we do not receive what our sins deserve—eternal death. By Your grace, we receive eternal life. Amen.
以西结书20:1-32 以色列罪的腥臭是重的。一句接着一句,上帝重新数算以色列人世世代代所犯的罪。上帝本想倾倒祂的忿怒来对付他们(8,13,21节)但出于祂的恩典,却收回了自己的手(9,14,22节)。今天,要使悔改成为生活的一种方式。天上的父为着我们救主耶稣的缘故必会赦免你的罪。祂必举起祂的手来祝福并且倾耳聆听你的祷告。主上帝,感恩的是我们没有领受我们罪所应得的—永恒死亡。靠赖你的恩典,我们领受的是永生。阿们。

20:33–49 God continues His prophetic dialogue with Ezekiel. While the elders come seeking counsel, God speaks only to Ezekiel and reveals how the withdrawal of His blessings will ultimately lead to Israel’s repentance. God will use the Babylonian captivity to bring Israel back into a covenant agreement with Himself (v 37). When difficulties or even disasters enter your life, let them remind you of the need for daily repentance and the refreshing blessings of the Gospel extended to you through Christ. • Merciful Father, forgive my sins and restore me to a right relationship through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
以西结书20:33-49 上帝继续祂与以西结带着预言的对话。当长老们来求问的时候,上帝只对以西结说话并且启示了祂祝福的收回将最终如何带领以色列悔改。上帝必使用被俘于巴比伦这事带领以色列归回到一份与祂自己的盟约协议中(37节)。当困难甚至灾难临到你的生活之时,要让它们成为你需要每日痛悔以及需要福音祝福的提醒,那福音的祝福藉着基督延伸给你并且日日常新。满有怜悯的天父,赦免我的罪,藉着你的儿子耶稣基督将我恢复到正确的关系中。阿们。

†Ch 21 God’s hand draws His sword of judgment: Nebuchadnezzar. The righteous and unrighteous will both perish as Babylon strikes Jerusalem. In a section of Scripture filled with foreboding, destruction, and doom, there seems scant room for God’s peace, salvation, and forgiveness. Yet, as quickly as God drew His sword, He returns it to its scabbard. God claps His hands and His fury abates (v 17). Today, He is equally ready to put away His wrath and forgive your sins. • Father, daily we witness Your infinite mercy. Though our sins are numerous, Your Word and Sacraments call us to forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Amen.
以西结书21章 上帝的手抽出祂审判的刀剑:尼布甲尼撒。当巴比伦击打耶路撒冷的时候,公义的和不公义的都必灭亡。在这段充满不祥征兆,毁灭和判决的经文中,看起来有极少的余地可以容下上帝的和平,救恩和赦罪。然而,正如上帝快速抽出祂的刀剑一样,祂也如此将之入鞘。上帝拍掌并且祂的怒气止息(17节)。今日,祂也同样预备好了要收回祂的忿怒并且赦免你的罪。天父,我们每日见证你无限的怜悯。尽管我们的罪数不完,但你的圣道和圣礼呼召我们在耶稣基督里得赦免。阿们。

†Ch 22 Like a prosecuting attorney, Ezekiel presents God’s charges against Judah. He outlines Judah’s total disregard of God’s Laws presented at Mount Sinai. Above all else, Judah has forgotten her Lord (v 12). Through the suffering of the exiles, the Lord would lead His people to repentance and ultimately forgiveness. He still works this way in our lives today, ever seeking our good and salvation. • Lord, our sins are above counting. Forgive us, we pray, through Christ. Amen.
以西结书22章 像一位起诉的检察官那样,以西结呈现出上帝对犹大的控告。他描绘了犹大对在西奈山所颁布的上帝律法的完全弃绝。在所有其它之上最严重的是,犹大忘记了她的主(12节)。藉着被掳的苦难,主耶和华将带领祂的子民走向悔改并且最终得着赦免。祂今日仍在我们的生命中以此方式作工,一直谋求我们的益处和救赎。主,我们的罪是数算不完。我们祈祷,请藉着基督赦免我们。阿们。

†Ch 23 Both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel prostituted themselves by worshiping foreign gods and forming alliances with foreign governments. God’s use of sexually explicit language calls attention to His wrath against spiritual adultery. Modern lewdness in films, songs, and on the Internet similarly mislead people today by alienating them from God, who forbids such things. It also alienates people from their families, who cannot endure such unfaithfulness. Today, repent of lusts and from spiritual adulteries that mix true devotion with falsehood. No matter how deep the stain of your sins, trust that the Lord Jesus can cleanse you with His precious blood and renew positive relationships with heaven and at home. • Father, forgive us for foolishly bowing to our own lusts and sinful imaginations. Renew us in the purity of Holy Baptism. Amen.
以西结书23章 以色列的南北两国都拜外邦人的偶像并且与外邦政府联姻,藉此他们行淫出卖自己。上帝使用性方面的裸露言语来将祂对属灵淫乱所发的怒气成为众人的关注点。今天在电影,歌曲以及网络上出现的现代式淫荡同样误导人,使他们与上帝疏远,因为祂禁止此类事情。也同样使人与他们的家人疏远,因为他们不能忍受这样的不忠。今天要悔改,远离情欲和属灵上的淫乱,这些会在真敬虔中掺入虚假。无论你罪的污点多么深,要相信主耶稣能够用祂至珍的血洁净你,并且更新你与上帝以及家人的正确关系。天父,赦免我们,因为我们愚昧地屈从于我们自己的情欲和有罪的幻想。请在圣洗礼的纯洁中更新我们。阿们。

24:1–14 By God’s own hand, the Babylonians besiege Jerusalem (v 2). Judah’s offenses against God earn her the hideous title of “the bloody city” (v 6). God sets afire Judah’s uncleanness (v 11). This cleansing fire subsides when God has satisfied His fury (v 13). Thanks be to God; for our sakes, Jesus satisfied God’s fury on the cross and atoned for all our uncleanness with His precious blood. • Father, only the precious blood of Jesus makes us holy. Purify us from all unrighteousness for His sake. Amen.
以西结书24:1-14 藉着上帝自己的手,巴比伦人围攻耶路撒冷(2节)。犹大对上帝的冒犯使它得了那“流血之城”的可怕称呼(6节)。上帝将犹大的不洁放在炭火上烧(11节)。当上帝成全了祂的忿怒之时,这洁净的火就止息了(13节)。感谢归给上帝;为着我们的益处,耶稣在十字架上满足了上帝的忿怒,以祂的圣宝血为我们全部的不洁付上赎价。天父,唯有耶稣的至圣宝血可以使我们圣洁。请为着祂的缘故,洁净我们脱离所有不义。阿们。

24:15–27 Ezekiel must hold in his sorrow over the death of his wife as a sign to the exiles that they have no right to mourn over the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem. False tears offend God. He calls for true sorrow and contrition as genuine results of repentance. Our sins profaned His most glorious temple—the body and life of His Son. Yet the Father quietly gave Him over to death so that we might have life. Thankfully, Jesus cleanses our pain-filled hearts and will wipe away all our tears. • O Jesus, when our sin profaned the temple of Your body, You prepared for us a place in Your eternal glory. Return and deliver us. Amen.
以西结书24:15-27 以西结面对他妻子的死必须隐藏自己的忧伤,将之作为给被掳之民的记号,指出他们没有权利去为着圣殿和耶路撒冷的毁灭哀悼。虚伪的眼泪得罪上帝。祂呼召真诚的哀伤和痛悔,作为悔罪的真结果。我们的罪玷污祂最荣耀的殿—祂儿子的身体和生命。然而天父默默地将祂交给死亡好使我们可以得着生命。感恩的是,耶稣洁净我们充满伤痛的心并且必将擦去我们所有的眼泪。耶稣啊,当我们的罪玷污你身体这殿的时候,你却为我们在你永恒的荣耀中预备一个地方。请快回来拯救我们。阿们。

25:1–7 Ezekiel pronounces the first of seven prophecies against nations surrounding Israel. God directs world events by faithfully protecting those whom He loves and punishing those who disobey Him. God continues to do the same today. He will not allow nations or individuals to mock Him. He will call straying people to repentance, that He might forgive them and restore blessings to them so that others may come to know the Lord (vv 5, 7). • Almighty God, grant that we never rejoice at the misfortune of others; we pray that all may come to know You by faith. Amen.
以西结书25:1-7 以西结宣告对付以色列周边列国七个预言中的第一个。上帝信实地保护那些祂所爱的并且惩罚那些悖逆祂的,藉此祂主导世界大事。上帝今天继续做同样的事。祂不会许可列国或个人轻慢祂。祂必呼召迷途之民悔改,祂赦免他们,将祝福恢复给他们,好叫其他人可以认识主耶和华(5,7节)。全能的上帝,恩赐我们,好叫我们永不以他人的不幸取乐;我们祷告所有人可以藉着信心认识你。阿们。

25:8–11 Moab falls under the Lord’s judgment. God accuses Moab of believing that Judah is like the other nations (v 8), when in truth they are called and blessed by God. Today, bear His name with repentant joy and sincere faith so that others may know the Lord. God expects His people to be different. Indeed, He makes a difference in the lives of those baptized in His name by forgiving their sins. • Merciful God, show us how to live in Your righteousness by Your Spirit’s power, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

25:12–14 In Ezekiel’s day, the Edomites joined forces with the Babylonians besieging Jerusalem, and they participated in the slaughter of God’s people (Ob 8–14). They did not simply ignore Judah’s trouble, but actively exploited them. Today, when you see someone struggling, pray for him and actively seek his good. Leave vengeance to God and those whom God charges with matters of justice. Your hope and pride as God’s child is not in your power over others but in the mercy He shed upon you by your Savior, Jesus. • Almighty God, we pray that You would forgive us, for at times we fail to help others in need. Lead us to strongly defend Your Holy Word. Amen.
以西结书25:12-14 在以西结所处的日子里,以东人加入巴比伦人的军事来围攻耶路撒冷,并且他们参与了对上帝子民的屠杀(俄8-14)。他们不仅是无视犹大的苦难,而且也积极地压榨他们。今天,当你看见某个人受苦的时候,要为他祈祷并且主动谋求他的福祉。要将报复留给上帝和那些上帝所任命掌管公正审判之事的人。你作为上帝孩子的盼望和尊严不在乎你高于他人的势力,乃在于祂藉着你救主耶稣所倾倒给你的怜悯。全能的上帝,我们祈祷你能赦免我们,因为我们在他人有需要时常常没有提供帮助。引领我们坚强地捍卫你圣洁的话语。阿们。

25:15–17 Looking westward, God directs His fourth prophecy against the Philistines. Far from an act of revenge, God reaches out to the Philistines, that they may know He is God. To this day, God continues to reach out to people who do not know Him. He desires the salvation of all (1Tm 2:3–4), as He emphasized to Ezekiel (Ezk 18:23, 32). Pray for those who fight against God’s people. The Lord can change their lives and grant them repentance, just as He has granted repentance and life to you in Christ Jesus. • Lord, You are merciful. By Your grace through Christ, deliver the nations from evil. Amen.
以西结书25:15-17 向西观望,上帝将祂的第四个预言对准非利士人。远远算不得是一个报复的行动,上帝临到非利士人,好叫他们可以知道祂是上帝。直到今日,上帝继续亲近那些不认识祂的人。祂愿所有人得救(提前2:3-4),正如祂向以西结所强调的那样(结18:23, 32)。要为着那些对付上帝子民的人祷告。主耶和华能够改变他们的生命,赐给他们悔改,正如祂已经在基督耶稣里赐给你悔改和生命一样。主,你是满有怜悯的。倚赖你的恩典藉着基督,拯救万国万民脱离凶恶。阿们。

†Ch 26 The Lord speaks against Phoenicia and its principal city, Tyre. Mocking the Lord brings His retribution. People who pride themselves on criticizing and persecuting God’s people will suffer His wrath here or in the grave. Yet, there is hope and beauty for the repentant. Though Tyre would sink down, those who trust the Lord will rise up in blessing. • Lord, by Your hand all nations rise and fall. Protect us by Your Holy Spirit, through Christ. Amen.
以西结书26章 主发话对付腓尼基人和其主要城市推罗。因其嘲笑主耶和华施行惩罚。那些自我为傲批评且逼迫上帝子民的人,必要在此生或坟墓中承受祂的忿怒。然而,对于懊悔的人必存留盼望和美好。尽管推罗会灭没,然而那些信靠主的人必会在祂的祝福中复生。主,因着你的手万国起起落落。请靠赖你的圣灵藉着基督保护我们。阿们。

†Ch 27 God requests that nations sing a funeral lament over the destruction of Tyre. His arm is stretching out to oppose His enemies and to reach His people, to save them from themselves. Today, take His hand and ask Him to lead you on life’s way. His arm of salvation, stretched out at Calvary, reaches across time to save you. • Father, the nations bow before You. Keep us steadfast in Your ways, for You alone provide eternal salvation. Through our service, further Your kingdom. Amen.
以西结书27章 上帝要求万国都为推罗的毁灭唱哀歌。祂的膀臂已扩张,对付祂的仇敌,临到祂的子民,拯救他们脱离自我。今天,要抓住祂的手,求祂引领你走在生命的道路上。祂救恩的膀臂,已在髑髅地伸张开来,穿越时空来拯救你。天父,万国当在你面前屈膝。请保守我们稳健在你的道路上,因为唯有你赐下永恒的救恩。请藉着我们的服事,扩张你的国度。阿们。

28:1–10 Tyre symbolizes God’s concern to destroy sinful self-pride. Her ruins remain as Tyre’s legacy of disgrace to surrounding nations. Unfortunately, like Tyre, we often deify ourselves. We pridefully boast in the works of our own hands instead of rejoicing in what God has worked through us. Paul states, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord” (1Co 1:31), who alone is the author of life and salvation. • Heavenly Father, raise up God-fearing leaders and prevent us from suffering Tyre’s fate. Amen.
以西结书28:1-10 推罗象征着上帝意图要摧毁人有罪的自我为傲。她废墟的存留是作为推罗给周边列国的蒙羞证据。不幸的是,像推罗一样,我们也常常神化我们自己。我们傲慢地以我们自己手的工作夸耀,而不是以上帝藉着我们所成就的事去欢喜快乐。保罗说,“夸口的,当指著主夸口”(林前1:31),唯独祂是生命和救恩的创造者。天父,请兴起敬畏上帝的领袖,保守我们免受推罗的命运。阿们。

28:11–19 The funerary song continues. The rulers of Tyre once adorned themselves with precious stones like those that once adorned the high priest’s vestment (v 13). Tyre’s trade among nations brought wealth almost like that of the Garden of Eden (v 13). However, the sin of self-pride brought unrighteousness (v 15). Pride may replace wisdom in our lives as well. In response to our self-delusion, Jesus humbled Himself by taking up the cross to bear our sin and raise us up from the depths of corruption. • Father, nations like Tyre warn us against sinful pride. Send Your Spirit, that we may heed Your warning and trust in Your humble, righteous Son. Amen.
以西结书28:11-19 那哀歌继续进行。推罗的首领们曾用宝石装扮他们自己,就和那些用于装扮大祭司的礼服所用的宝石一样(13节)。推罗在列国中的贸易带来财富,就好像伊甸园中的一样(13节)。然而,自傲的罪带来不义(15节)。傲慢同样也会在我们的生命中取代智慧。为了回应我们的自我幻想,耶稣降卑祂自己,背起十字架担负我们的罪,并且从腐朽的深渊中将我们举起。天父,像推罗那样的列国都警醒我们要对付有罪的傲慢。请差遣你的圣灵,好叫我们可以聆听你的警告,并且信靠你谦卑公义的儿子。阿们。

28:20–24 God speaks against Sidon. He desires to be exalted among all the nations (Ps 46:10). He will make His glory known in judgment (Ezk 28:22–23) but finally in mercy. Notice God’s gracious promise of Israel’s return from their Babylonian captivity (v 24). He promises to hallow and glorify His people through Christ Jesus (cf Rm 8:18; 1Co 1:30). • Lord, You graciously work for the salvation of many. May we learn to appreciate Your ways and partake of Your glorious goodness. Amen.
以西结书28:20-24 上帝发话对付西顿。祂愿在万国中被尊崇(诗46:10)。祂必使祂的荣耀彰显在审判中(结28:22-23),然而最终要显明在怜悯中。请注意上帝满有恩典的应许,说以色列要从巴比伦的被掳中归回(24节)。祂应许了要藉着基督耶稣使祂的百姓显为圣且得荣耀(参 罗8:18;林前1:30)。主,你满有恩典地为着许多人的救恩在作工。愿我们学会欣赏你的道路并且在你荣耀的良善中有份。阿们。

28:25–26 God plans to lead Israel back into the land promised to their ancestors. In this instance, God directs Israel back to His covenant with their namesake Jacob—“Israel” (Gn 28:13–15; 32:28). God’s mercy provides a recurring theme throughout the Bible. His promises point to the cross, where He willingly sacrificed His Son—the ultimate judgment against sin and the fullness of our redemption.• Lord, You are faithful; through Baptism, You have called us out of sin into eternal life. Strengthen us through Holy Communion and protect us with Your Spirit. Amen.
以西结书28:25-26 上帝计划带领以色列归回那曾应许给他们列祖的土地。在这个案例中,上帝引领以色列归回祂与他们名字所指之人雅各(即“以色列”)所立下的约(创28:13-15;32:28)。上帝的怜悯提供了一个不断重复的主题,贯穿于圣经中。祂的应许指向十字架,在那里祂甘心牺牲祂的儿子—是对付罪的最终审判,也是我们救恩的成就。主,你是信实的;藉着圣洗礼,你呼召我们脱离罪且进入永生。请藉着圣餐礼坚固我们,并且以你的圣灵保护我们。阿们。

†Ch 29 At God’s command, Egypt never again rises to its former greatness, for it shall “never again be the reliance of the house of Israel” (v 16). The efforts of the world are finally brought to naught. The future belongs to the Lord, who promises Israel a deliverer who will bring salvation also to the nations. • Lord, we humbly thank You for protecting us and providing us with a Savior, Jesus Christ. Grant godly leaders among the nations and open our lips to proclaim Your salvation for all. Amen.
以西结书29章 在上帝的命定之下,埃及永不能恢复其昔日的强盛,因为它将“永不再作以色列家所倚靠的”(16节)。世人的努力终将成为无用。未来属于主耶和华,祂应许以色列一位拯救者,这位拯救者也必将救恩带给万国万民。主,我们谦卑地感谢你护卫着我们,并且赐给我们一位救赎主,耶稣基督。请在列国中赐下敬虔的领袖,并且打开我们的嘴唇宣扬你赐给万民的救恩。阿们。

30:1–19 Egypt’s influence over the Mediterranean area comes to an end. God sends Babylon, the most ruthless of nations (v 11), as the executioner of His divine plan of justice. God’s wrath will destroy the idols worshiped by Egypt (v 13; cf Jsh 24:14). Mercenary faith lusts after material possessions and lacks sincere devotion. Today, repent of self-interested religion and call upon the Lord with sincere devotion. He is no idol and gives you real faith through Christ. • Lord, in awe we watch You sweep away the plans of men to implement Your plan of salvation. Forgive us our sins. Amen.
以西结书30:1-19 埃及对地中海区域的影响力终结了。上帝差遣巴比伦,就是那列国中最凶残的(11节),来施行祂公正审判的神圣计划。上帝的忿怒必将摧毁埃及人所拜的偶像(13节;参 书24:14)。唯利是图的信仰追求物质占有,缺乏真诚的委身。今天,要为那自我取利的宗教信仰悔改,并且带着真诚的委身呼求主耶和华。祂不是偶像,必藉着基督赐给你真信仰。主,在惊愕中我们观看你扫清人的计谋,并成就你救恩的计划。请赦免我们的罪。阿们。

30:20–26 God speaks a fourth prophecy of judgment against Egypt. Just as the strength or weakness of Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar were a matter for God’s judgment, your life and future are in God’s hands. Pray that He would bless and guide the work of your hands today. Do not regret your weakness. Note that, through the trembling arms and nail-pierced hands of Jesus, the Lord accomplished His greatest work of salvation. • Heavenly Father, thank You for Your tender mercy. Uphold the hands of Your servant in the cause of righteousness. Amen.
以西结书30:20-26 上帝发出第四个预言,审判埃及。正如法老和尼布甲尼撒的力量或软弱是关乎上帝审判的事一样,你的生命和未来是在上帝的手中。要祈求祂也今日祝福和引领你手的工作。不要悔恨你的软弱。要记得,藉着耶稣震颤的双臂和被钉刺透的双手,主耶和华成就了祂最伟大的救恩之工。天父,我们为着你温柔的怜悯感谢你。请在公义之事中高举你仆人的手。阿们。

†Ch 31 Ezekiel speaks God’s fifth prophecy against Egypt. God compares Egypt to Assyria, a nation that grew in power under God’s guidance and whose capital once repented (cf Jnh 3). But proud Assyria turned away from God. All nations over time have collapsed under the weight of their own pride. Consider that God calls Christians to be in the world, yet not of the world (Jn 15:19). Though we honor God by serving our nation well, our ultimate reward is in His mercy and the homeland He has promised in Christ. • Lord God, even today Your Holy Word stands as testimony against prideful nations. May we honor and serve our nation by honoring and serving You. Amen.
以西结书31章 以西结宣告上帝对付埃及的第五个预言。上帝将埃及与亚述作比较,亚述曾在上帝的指引下得了势力,它的都城也曾悔改过(参 拿3章)但傲慢的亚述从上帝那里转离。历史上万国万邦都在他们自己傲慢的重担下坍塌掉。要思想上帝呼召基督徒在这个世界上,但却不属于这个世界(约15:19)。尽管我们也藉着服侍我们的国家来尊荣上帝,但我们最终的奖赏是在祂的怜悯以及祂在基督里应许了的那个家园里面。主上帝,你的圣洁话语甚至每日承载着指责傲慢的国家的见证。愿我们藉着尊荣和服事你,来尊荣和服侍我们的国家。阿们。

†Ch 32 After the fall of Jerusalem, God commands Ezekiel to record laments for Pharaoh, his sixth and seventh prophecies against Egypt. God lists nations like Egypt who turned away and are no more (vv 22–30). In truth, the grave awaits us all. But the One who “spread terror in the land of the living” also holds the keys of death and hell (Rv 1:18). Our champion, the resurrected Lord, will deliver us. • Father, send Your Holy Spirit to dampen our pride; let us boast only in You and Your grace through Jesus Christ. Amen.
以西结书32章 耶路撒冷沦陷之后,上帝吩咐以西结记下对法老的哀歌,以及他对付埃及的第六第七个预言。上帝列出像埃及一样的列国,他们都转离正道归于无有了(22-30节)。事实上,等待我们所有人的是坟墓。但那位“在活人之地使人惊恐”的也握着死亡和阴间的钥匙(启1:18)。我们的得胜者,复活的主必会拯救我们。天父,请差遣你的圣灵抑制我们的骄傲;让我们唯独藉着基督在你和你的恩典里面夸耀。阿们。

33:1–9 God changes Ezekiel’s focus. No longer does Ezekiel speak against the nations. Instead, God calls Ezekiel to serve once again as Israel’s watchman “to warn the wicked to turn from his way” (v 8). Today, God calls us not only to repent of our sins and receive the forgiveness He offers through Christ but also to warn others and to announce the Lord’s forgiveness for all who repent. Thankfully, the Lord is watching over us and will sustain us in this vital service. • Lord, You continually provide leadership and guidance through servants of Your Word. Grant us swiftness to answer Your call of repentance and service. Amen.
以西结书33:1-9 上帝改变以西结的专注点。以西结不再发预言对付列国。相反,上帝呼召以西结再一次作为以色列的守望者去“警戒恶人转离所行的道”(8节)。今天,上帝不仅呼召我们为我们的罪悔改,领受祂藉着基督所赐下的赦罪恩典,而且也呼召我们去警戒他人,去向所有悔改的人宣告主的赦免。感恩的是,主耶和华在看顾我们,且必会在这生死攸关的服事中供应我们。主,你继续藉着你话语的仆人赐下领袖和指引。请赐我们在悔改和服事上迅速回应你呼召的心。阿们。

33:10–20 As a watchman for the Lord, Ezekiel carries God’s Word to His people. God’s Word remains effective: God’s Law causes despair in sinful hearts, leading them to repent. Then, God’s Word reaches out with the life-giving power of the Gospel to absolve the sinner and create a new life in Christ. His Word bears the same life-giving power that raised Jesus from the dead. • Lord, we thank You for Your mercy. Grant us sincere repentance and new life in Christ. Amen.
以西结书33:10-20 作为主的一位守望者,以西结将上帝的话语带给祂的子民。上帝的话语仍在发力:上帝的律法在有罪之人的心中生发绝望,引领他们悔改。然后,上帝的话语带着赐生命的福音大能去寻找并宣赦罪人,且在基督里造出一个新生命。祂的话语承载着那同一个赐生命的权能,就是使基督从死人中复活了的。主,我们为着你的怜悯感谢你。请赐我们真诚的悔改和在基督里的新生命。阿们。

33:21–33 A turning point has occurred in Ezekiel’s ministry. When word of the destruction of Jerusalem reaches Ezekiel, he knows God has freed him from his previous assignment (24:27). Today, God continues to call individuals into His service, whether as full-time church workers or as volunteers. He likewise calls us to let go of earlier assignments and move into new areas of service. God knows our needs as His people, and He will provide for us and sustain us in fruitful service. • Gracious God, You provide pastors, teachers, and leaders to guide us in Your ways, calling them by grace. Give me a ready heart and steady hands. Amen.
以西结书33:21-33 在以西结的事工中发生一个转折点。当耶路撒冷毁灭的消息临到以西结之时,他知道上帝已经将他从之前的任务中释放出来(24:27)。今天,上帝继续呼召人进入祂的事工中,作全职的教会工人或自愿者。祂同样也呼召我们离开早些日子的任务,转移到事工的新领域。上帝知道我们作为祂子民的需要,祂必会供应我们,且在结果丰硕的服事中扶持我们。满有恩典的上帝,你赐下牧师,教师和领袖来引导我们走在你的道路上,出于恩典呼召他们。请赐我一颗时刻预备好的心和坚定的双手。阿们。

34:1–10 It would do little good for God to replace Israel’s bad shepherds with other earthly rulers. Human society cannot lift itself out of the quicksand of pervasive corruption. God Himself must come to the rescue, which He has done in the person of His Son (Jn 10) and in the power of His Holy Spirit. Christian, serve with confidence, knowing that your Good Shepherd is ever vigilant to deliver you from evil. • Bind my wounds, Good Shepherd, and restore me to Your sheepfold, that I may be strengthened by Your caring hand. Amen.
以西结书34:1-10 用其他属世的首领来替换以色列恶劣的牧羊人,对于上帝来说,这并不会带来多少益处。人的社会没有能力将自己从弥漫着败坏的流沙中救拔出来。上帝祂自己必须来拯救,而祂已经在祂儿子这一位格(约10章)以及祂圣灵的权能中将之成就了。你这基督徒要带着信心服事,知道你的好牧人是一直带着不打盹的心拯救你脱离凶恶。好牧人,请包扎我的伤口,将我恢复到你的群羊中间,好叫我可以靠着你慈爱的手得坚固。阿们。

34:11–24 In place of unfaithful shepherds, God will provide one Shepherd, Jesus Christ (“My servant David”; v 24). Notice how Matthew captures King David’s ancestry and how it culminates in Jesus Christ as Savior (Mt 1:6b–16). Jesus is the Good Shepherd who faithfully provides God’s Word to all generations. He brings restoration to a world weary with sin. • Precious Savior, thank You for taking my sins on Yourself and restoring my relationship with the Father. Amen.
以西结书34:11-24 为了代替不忠信的牧羊人,上帝必会赐下一位大牧者,耶稣基督(“我的仆人大卫”;24节)。要留意马太是如何紧抓大卫王的血统以及其如何在那位作为救赎主的耶稣基督里面抵达高潮的(太1:6b-16)。耶稣是那位好牧人,祂信实地赐上帝的话语给所有世代的人。祂重新恢复一个被罪所缠累的世界。至珍的救赎主,感谢你将我的罪担在你自己身上并且使我恢复与天父的关系。阿们。

34:25–31 God describes the tranquility of the new creation. A world like this once existed, a long time ago in the Garden of Eden. However, the bars of Adam and Eve’s yoke (v 27) enslaved the Israelites, just as they enslaved you and me. Because of sin, we find ourselves bound to an endless cycle of hopelessness. Yet, God frees us from bondage through Jesus Christ, who breaks slavery’s yoke and delivers us from the hand of Satan. • Heavenly Father, we are famished for righteousness. Shower Your blessings upon us, and direct us to the verdant pastures of Your Word. Amen.
以西结书34:25-31 上帝描述了那新创造的祥和。像这样的一个世界曾经存在过,很久以前在伊甸园里。然而,亚当的棍棒和夏娃的轭已经使以色列人为奴,同样也使我们为奴。因着罪,我们发现自己是被一个毫无止境的绝望循环束缚着。然而上帝藉着耶稣基督使我们从这枷锁中得释放,基督折断奴役的轭并且拯救我们脱离撒旦的手。天父,我们极度缺乏公义。请将你的祝福倾倒在我们身上,并领我们去到你话语的常青草地上。阿们。

†Ch 35 Although God has spoken against Edom (25:12–14), He does so again. Nothing can hinder God’s plan of salvation. He will push out those who interfere, so all may know that He is God (vv 4, 9, 11–12, 15). Today, we often think about God’s grace in terms of what God has provided. This is good. However, we should also consider what God has prevented. God has prevented many calamities from striking us as part of His work of salvation for our lives. • Father, we rejoice knowing that You are the God of promises kept and disasters prevented. When the troubles of life do not make sense to us, strengthen us in faith through Christ. Amen.
以西结书35章 尽管上帝已经发话对付以东(25:12-14),然而祂再一次如此行。没有什么能够阻挡上帝救恩的计划。祂必会扫清那些进行阻挠的,好叫所有人可以知道祂是上帝(4,9,11-12,15节)。今天,我们常常思想上帝的恩典,基于祂所供应的东西。这是好的。然而,我们也应当思想上帝所拦阻的事。上帝拦阻许多灾难祸患,使我们免受其攻击,这是祂为着我们的生命所做救恩之工的一部分。天父,因着认识你是那位持守应许且拦阻祸患的上帝,我们欢喜快乐。当此生的祸患对我们来说很难理解之时,请藉着基督在信心中坚固我们。阿们。

36:1–15 Ezekiel prophesies the return of God’s people to the land promised to their ancestor Abraham; imagine the elation for those dwelling in exile. God’s grace fills this prophecy. Today, Christians may rejoice in God’s gift through Christ. Sin places us in exile, just as sin exiled Israel. Yet, Christ has redeemed and forgiven us, setting us free once again to rejoice in His abundant blessings. He grants us the promised land of eternal life. • Lord, creation rejoices in Your wondrous act of redemption. To You be all honor and glory. Amen.
以西结书36:1-15 以西结预言上帝子民要归回那曾应许给他们先祖亚伯拉罕的土地;想象一下那些在被掳之地寄居之人的兴奋啊。上帝的恩典充满着这个预言。今天,基督徒也要在上帝藉着基督所赐的礼物中欢喜快乐。罪使我们流放在外,正如罪曾使以色列流离失所一样。然而,基督曾救赎和赦免了我们,使我们得自由,且再一次在祂丰盛的祝福中欢喜快乐。祂将那永生的应许之地赐给我们。主,整个受造物都在你奇妙的救赎行动中欢喜。所有尊贵和荣耀归给你。阿们。

36:16–21 The Lord characterizes Israel’s sin by referring to the holiness code of Lv 11:1–15:33. God’s name and reputation are precious to Him. How remarkable that He places His name on sinners like us (Nu 6:23–27), that all may know that we belong to Him. • O Lord, bless us and keep us, that we may call on Your name in every trouble and give You thanks and praise. Amen.
以西结书36:16-21 主耶和华藉着提及利未记11:1-15:33的圣洁准则来突显以色列的罪。上帝的名和声誉对祂来说是宝贵的。然而祂将祂的名放在像我们这样的罪人身上,好叫我们可以知道我们是属于祂的,这是多么不可思议啊(数6:23-27)。主啊,祝福我们,保守我们,好叫我们在一切患难中求告你的名,并将感谢和赞美献给你。阿们。

36:22–38 Ezekiel reveals the reason God will restore His blessings to Israel. Their return will “vindicate the holiness of [God’s] great name” (v 23). God made a promise of a land inheritance to Abraham (Gn 12:2–3). Included in that promise were these words: “and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gn 12:3), a messianic promise God fulfills in Christ and through Holy Baptism in His name. • Lord God, turn our hearts away from self-glorification, and focus us on the blessed inheritance You bestowed in Holy Baptism. Amen.
以西结书36:22-38 以西结讲出上帝必会将祂的祝福恢复给以色列的原因。他们的归回必会“使【上帝的】大名显为圣”(23节)。上帝给亚伯拉罕立下要承受土地产业的应许(创12:2-3)。在那个应许中有这样一段话:“地上的万族都要因你得福”(创12:3),这一弥赛亚的预言,上帝在基督里且藉着那奉祂的名所施之圣洗礼成就了。主上帝,请将我们的心转离自我的荣耀,使我们紧盯你在圣洗礼中所赐的蒙福产业上。阿们。

37:1–14 In a dream, God carries Ezekiel to a valley filled with dry bones and calls him to prophesy over them. Through Ezekiel’s word, the dead receive life. The people receive hope of restoration. God’s Word is effective and still has power to give new life and hope. • Almighty God, You alone speak the words of eternal life. Save us, Lord, for we cannot save ourselves. Amen.
以西结书37:1-14 在一场梦里面,上帝带以西结去到一个满是枯骨的峡谷中,并且吩咐他向枯骨发预言。藉着以西结的话语,死人得了生命。百姓得了复兴的盼望。上帝的话语是满有功效的,仍有权柄赐新生和盼望。全能的上帝,唯有你述说永生的话语。主,拯救我们,因为我们不能自我救赎。阿们。

37:15–28 Ezekiel prophesies that God will unite Israel again. No longer will two kingdoms exist, but one under “My servant David” (v 24). God fulfills this messianic prophecy for us in Jesus Christ at Calvary when the Church (God’s new Israel) “was crucified with Him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing” (Rm 6:6). In Christ, God is our God and we are His people. • Almighty Father, through Christ, You hallowed us from all uncleanness. We rejoice in our salvation as Your pure gift. Amen.
以西结书37:15-28 以西结发预言说上帝必会再一次联合以色列。不再会有两个国的并存,乃是成了一个,在“我仆人大卫”(24节)的治理之下。上帝在耶稣基督里于各各他山上成就此弥赛亚预言,此时教会(上帝的新以色列)“和他同钉十字架,使罪身灭绝”(罗6:6)。在基督里,上帝是我们的上帝,我们是祂的子民。全能的父,藉着基督你使我们从所有的不洁中分别为圣。我们在你纯洁的礼物,即我们的救恩中欢喜快乐。阿们。

38:1–39:24 Gog represents the evil forces arrayed against Christ’s Church. God’s Word seals the doom of this unholy alliance. His powerful Word, through Ezekiel and through Christ, provides comfort to Christians today. “The gates of hell shall not prevail” (Mt 16:18). Judgment on His enemies is mercy for His people. God makes His holy name known to the nations and vindicates His holiness before their eyes (Ezk 38:16). • Lord, we take comfort in Your Word. Protect us and guard our faith through Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
以西结书38:1-39:24 歌革代表了联合起来对付基督教会的邪恶势力。上帝的话语命定了这不圣洁联盟的毁灭。祂带着能力的话语,藉着以西结,透过基督,将安慰赐给今天的基督徒。“阴间的权柄(权柄:原文作门),不能胜过他”(太16:18)。在祂仇敌身上的审判是对祂子民的怜悯。上帝使万国知晓祂的圣名,并且要在他们的眼前显为圣(结38:16)。主,我们在你的话语中得安慰。请藉着你的圣灵保护我们,保守我们的信心。阿们。

39:25–29 Israel will return to “dwell securely in their land with none to make them afraid” (v 26). Israel’s return under the reign of Cyrus the Persian vindicates God’s holiness and makes Him known to many nations. On Calvary’s cross, God most fully revealed the character of His justice—He ransoms all by Christ’s blood. No longer exiles, believers receive the blessings of His promises. • Father, we humbly thank You for our salvation, guaranteed by Christ’s own blood. Guard us in our faith. Amen.
以西结书39:25-29 以色列将归回,“在本地安然居住,无人惊吓”(26节)。以色列在居鲁士掌权之下的归回显明了上帝的圣洁,并且使许多国认识祂。在各各他的十字架上,上帝最全面地显明了祂公正审判的属性—祂藉着基督的血为所有人付上赎价。不再是被掳的,信徒得了他应许的祝福。天父,为着我们的救恩,就是由基督自己的血所保障了的,我们谦卑地感谢你。请保守我们在我们的信心之中。阿们。

40:1–4 Symbolism forms the basis for the rest of Ezk. Already God has promised to deliver His people from captivity. He now describes an even greater deliverance through His promised Messiah. We also rejoice in God’s deliverance! God makes us the beneficiaries of His abundant grace. Through Baptism, we belong to God’s heavenly kingdom. By His precious Word and Sacraments, God holds us close to Him for all eternity. • Lord, at times we become disheartened. Grant us eyes of faith to see the blessings and the future You prepare for us in Christ. Amen.
以西结书40:1-4 象征手法是以西结余下章节的基本框架。上帝已经应许了要拯救祂的子民挣脱俘虏。如今祂藉着祂所应许的弥赛亚描述了一个更伟大的拯救。藉着圣洗礼,我们属于上帝天上的国度。藉着祂宝贵的圣道和圣礼,上帝使我们永远与祂亲近。主,有时候我们会变得灰心消沉。请赐我们信心的眼睛看见你在基督里为我们存留的祝福和未来。阿们。

40:5–16 Ezekiel begins his temple tour and sees the exacting standards by which God measures man. Because God holds us to His standards, we find ourselves woefully inadequate. Yet, God graciously covers our inadequacies with Christ’s blood and makes us partakers of His holiness. • Lord, have mercy on us. We are sinful and unclean. Wash us in the blood of the Lamb; make us wholly Yours. Amen.
以西结书40:5-16 以西结开始了他的圣殿巡游,并且看清上帝衡量人的精确标准。因为上帝要我们向祂的标杆看齐,所以我们发现自己可悲地不达目标。然而,上帝满有恩典地用基督的血遮盖我们的缺欠,使我们分享祂的圣洁。主,怜悯我们。我们是有罪和不洁的。请用羔羊的血洗净我们;使我们完全属于你。阿们。

40:17–19 Ezekiel’s tour guide meticulously measures the outer court of the new temple. Traditionally, Gentiles could pass no farther than the outer court, while Israelites could pass farther. By the blood of Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, all may enter God’s presence (Heb 9:11–14). • Lord, fill us with the marvel, the wonder, and the joy of an eternity spent in Your presence. Amen.
以西结书40:17-19 以西结的巡回向导一丝不苟地测量了新殿的外院。按照传统,外邦人不能越过外院,而以色列人可以越过进到内院。藉着耶稣基督,我们大祭司的宝血,所有人可以进到上帝面前(来9:11-14)。主,我们要永远在你面前,请用此永恒的惊喜,奇妙和快乐充满我们。阿们。

40:20–27 Ezekiel learns about two more gates. The measurements for them are exactly the same as for the east gate. People from every direction, tribe, and nation will flow into God’s presence. Thank God that He did not leave us in our sin, but provided the means of our perfection through Jesus Christ. • Lord, You are perfect. We are sinners. Grant that we may dwell with You because You covered our sin with Christ’s righteousness. Amen.
以西结书40:20-27 以西结进一步了解另外两个门。对他们的测量同东门的一样精确。从各方,各族,各国而来的子民将要涌到上帝的面前。感谢上帝,祂并没有将我们撇弃在我们的罪中,而是藉着耶稣基督赐下使我们完全的方式。主,你是完全的。我们是罪人。请赐福我们,好叫我们可以与你同居,因为你用基督的义遮盖我们的罪。阿们。

40:28–43 In the inner courtyard, Ezekiel saw the 12 tables used for the preparation of the burnt offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings before the Lord (vv 38–43). These sacrifices proclaimed the atonement fulfilled when Jesus Christ “offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins” (Heb 10:12). • We praise You, Lord, that Your ancient sacrifices pointed to a great reversal—Christ’s sinless life in exchange for our sinful lives. Amen.
以西结书40:28-43 在内院里面,以西结看见在主耶和华面前用于宰杀燔祭牲,赎罪祭牲和赎愆祭牲的十二张桌子(38-43节)。这些祭牲宣告着那个赎罪祭,就是当耶稣基督“献了一次永远的赎罪祭”(来10:12)之时所成就了的。主,我们赞美你,因为你古时的祭牲都指向一个伟大的颠倒—就是基督无罪的生命与我们有罪的生命交换。阿们。

40:44–49 Ezekiel records the final figures that describe the chambers and the vestibule located in the inner court. He notes how holy the place is by mentioning that only the sons of Zadok could approach and minister there. How marvelous then is our salvation, which makes us a holy priesthood through Baptism and permits us to approach God’s throne of grace! • Hallow all our service, dear Savior, that we may minister with joy in Your presence. Amen.
以西结书40:44-49 以西结给出最后的一些数据,描述了位于内院里面的屋子和廊子。他注意到那个地方是多么圣洁,他说只有撒督的子孙才可以近到那里侍奉。我们的救恩是多么奇妙非凡啊,藉着圣洗礼使我们成为圣洁的祭司,准许我们接近上帝恩典的宝座!亲爱的救赎主,愿我们所有的服事得以分别为圣,好叫我们带着喜乐在你面前侍奉。阿们。

†Ch 41 As Ezekiel tours the Holy Place of the temple, his guide continues to measure the building. On the walls of the Holy Place, Ezekiel sees carvings of cherubim that appear different from the cherubim he described at the beginning of his prophecy. How wonderful is God’s creation. How much more amazing, when we shall see angels face-to-face surrounding God’s throne! Yet even now the Lord regards us as His holy temple (1Co 6:19), His dwelling place prepared by the sacrifice of His beloved Son. • Lord, You are the author and perfecter of our faith. Build us up in unity for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
以西结书41章 以西结巡游圣殿的至圣所,他的向导继续测量那地方。在至圣所的墙上,以西结看见基路伯的雕刻物,与他在预言开始的时候所描述的基路伯看起来不一样。上帝的创造是多么奇妙啊。当我们看见面对面的天使们围绕着上帝的宝座之时,那当会是更加的奇妙吧!然而既使今日主已经把我们当作祂的圣殿(林前6:19),祂的居所,就是由祂蒙爱儿子的赎罪祭所预备好的。主,你是我们信仰的创始者和成终者。请为着耶稣的缘故建造我们合而为一。阿们。

†Ch 42 Having completed their tour of the temple complex, the man of bronze leads Ezekiel out the east entrance, heading back to the location where their tour had begun. Again, the man stops, this time to measure the entire temple complex. In the symbolism of this vision, we see a glimpse of the Lord’s heavenly dwelling place, which He prepares for us in Christ. • Lord God and Savior, You rescued us through the waters of Baptism and nourish us with Your Supper. Teach us the way of holiness. Amen.
以西结书42章 他们完成了对圣殿建筑的巡游之后,那如铜的人带领以西结走出东门,去到他们最初开始巡游的地方。再一次,那人停下,要测量整个圣殿外围。在这个异象的代表手法中,我们一瞥主耶和华天上的居所,就是祂在基督里为我们预备了的。主上帝救主,你藉着圣洗礼的水拯救了我们,并且用你的圣餐礼喂养我们。请教导我们圣洁的道路。阿们。

43:1–12 Ezekiel watched the glory of the God of Israel (v 2) enter the restored temple from the east, whence it had departed (11:22–24). God will protect His holy name and the sanctity of His dwelling place among men. One of the names for Jesus is Immanuel, “God with us”; through His Word and precious Sacraments, He continually dwells with us. Through the cross, we hear God’s words, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb 13:5), a promise sealed in Christ’s blood. • Almighty God, because of Christ’s atoning sacrifice, we are Your dwelling place (2Co 6:16). Sanctify us, we pray. Amen.
以西结书43:1-12 以西结看见以色列上帝的荣耀(2节)从东边进入那恢复了的圣殿,之前祂的荣耀就从那地方离开(11:22-24)。上帝必会保护祂的圣名以及祂在人中间居所的洁净。耶稣的其中一个名字是以马内利,“上帝与我们同在”;藉着祂的圣道和宝贵的圣礼,祂继续住在我们中间。藉着十字架,我们听到上帝的话语,“我总不撇下你,也不丢弃你”(来13:5),这是基督的宝血所印证的应许。全能的上帝,因着基督的赎罪祭,我们成为你的居所(林后6:16)。分别我们为圣,我们祈祷。阿们。

43:13–27 God instructs Ezekiel on the rebuilding of the altar and the sacrifices necessary to sanctify it so that God can again dwell with His people. Today, Christ’s cross is your altar by which the Lord has consecrated you as His child. • Lord, keep me mindful of the sacrifice of Your dear Son for my salvation. Amen.
以西结书43:13-27 上帝吩咐以西结重建祭坛以及要将之分别为圣所需的祭牲,好叫上帝能够再次居住在祂的百姓中间。今天,基督的十字架就是你的祭坛,主耶和华已经藉着那十字架将你分别为圣,成为祂的孩子。主,请保守我时常记得你亲爱儿子为着我的救恩所献上的祭。阿们。

44:1–14 Detestable practices in the past drove God from His dwelling place, so God institutes regulations preventing those who are “uncircumcised in heart and flesh” from entering His sanctuary (v 9). Today, God’s Holy Law guides your relationship with Him and with others. Unfortunately, you cannot keep His Law rightly. Yet, Christ kept them for you. He kept God’s Laws perfectly in your stead and for your consecration. Through Christ, you are appointed to a holy priesthood (1Pt 2:5). • Father, I daily sin much and do not deserve Your mercy. Grant me daily repentance and renew me through Christ, my Lord. Amen.
以西结书44:1-14 过去所行可憎的事使得上帝离开祂的居所,所以上帝设立制度阻止那些“身心未受割礼的”进入祂的圣所(9节)。今天,上帝圣洁的律法引导你与祂以及他人的关系。不幸的是,你不能完全正确地遵行祂的律法。然而,基督为你遵守了。祂代替你的位置且为着将你分别为圣完全地遵守了上帝的律法。藉着基督,你被设立为圣洁的祭司(彼前2:5)。天父,我每日犯罪甚多,不配你的怜悯。请赐我每日的悔改并且藉着我的主基督更新我。阿们。

44:15–31 God reiterates Levitical standards for His priests with some new regulations. In the NT, the Father has made Jesus our High Priest. “He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them” (Heb 7:25). Christ has fulfilled the old order of sacrifice and permanently replaced it with a new order sealed in His blood. • Lord Jesus, Your victory at Calvary provides eternal salvation for me and all who trust in You. I give You all praise. Amen.
以西结书44:15-31 上帝为祂的祭司们重申利未法则,还有一些新的规条。在新约里面,天父已经立耶稣为我们的大祭司。“凡靠著他进到神面前的人,他都能拯救到底;因为他是长远活著,替他们祈求”(来7:25)。基督已经成就了那献祭的旧秩序,以一个用祂的血为印记的新秩序永远地取代它。主耶稣,你在各各他山上的得胜为我和所有信靠你的人提供永恒的救恩。我将全部的赞美献给你。阿们。

45:1–6 God pronounces regulations designed to prevent future temple defilement. He zealously guards His house of worship but also allows means by which the people may approach Him and serve Him. Today, the Lord continues to consecrate a place for Himself—souls and bodies of believers, which He will raise to dwell in His eternal sanctuary of heaven. • Father, we ask that You guard and protect Your Church by the power of Your holy name. Amen.
以西结书45:1-6 上帝宣告一些制定好用以防止将来圣殿被玷污的法则。祂热心地保守祂敬拜的殿,但也允许一些方式,好叫百姓可以藉之亲近祂,侍奉祂。今天,主继续为祂自己洁净地方—信徒的灵魂和身体,将来祂必使之复活并且永远居住在祂天上永恒的居所里面。天父,我们祈求你藉着你圣名的权能保护和保守你的教会。阿们。

45:7–25 God gives the Israelites a prince, not a king; the heavenly Father is Israel’s King. The Israelites must present their offerings to the prince (vv 13–16). In the OT, God ordained days and times of worship with ceremonies pointing to the coming Messiah. As NT believers, we have more freedom by God’s grace through Christ (Col 2:16–17). In fact, the Lord makes us a living temple (Eph 2:21). • Father, send Your Holy Spirit to work in us a faithful zeal for Your Holy Word and Sacraments. Amen.
以西结书45:7-25 上帝赐给以色列人一位王子,不是一位君王;天父才是以色列的大君王。以色列人必须将他们的供物奉给那王子(13-16节)。在旧约里面,上帝制定敬拜的日子和时间,还有指向那将来弥赛亚的礼仪。作为新约的信徒,我们因着上帝透过基督的恩典有更多的自由(西2:16-17)。事实上,主耶和华使我们成为一个永活的殿(弗2:21)。天父,请差遣你的圣灵在我们里面生发一份对你圣道和圣礼信实的热心。阿们。

46:1–18 God presents Ezekiel with additional ordinances for the prince and for worship. The prince embodied Israel’s role in worship, enacting roles of both a priest and a king, as David and Solomon had. What Ezekiel describes anticipates the coming of the greatest Son of David, your Lord Jesus Christ, who hallows your worship and presents your prayers to the heavenly Father. • Lord Jesus, watch over my worship, I earnestly pray. Feed me and nourish me with Your Holy Word. Amen.
以西结书46:1-18 上帝赐给以西结更多的条例,是给王子以及敬拜之事用的。王子体现了以色列在敬拜中的角色,实现同时作为祭司和王的角色,正如大卫和所罗门曾持有的一样。以西结所描述的事预表了大卫的最伟大儿子,就是你主耶稣基督的到来,祂要将你的敬拜分别为圣,并且将你的祷告呈在天父面前。主耶稣,请垂顾我的敬拜,我诚挚地祈祷。请用你的圣道喂养我,滋润我。阿们。

46:19–24 Ezekiel’s host escorts him to the far west end of the temple complex (v 19). Then the angel guides Ezekiel to the four corners of the outer court. God graciously provides regulations for the distinction between the sacred and the ordinary. Today, the Lord also distinguishes and hallows your life through Holy Baptism, Holy Communion, and the communion of saints. • Lord, make my life sacred in Your sight. Watch over me, I humbly pray, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
以西结书46:19-24 以西结的向导带着他去到圣殿建筑的最西边(19节)。然后那天使又带领以西结去到外院的四角。上帝满有恩典地赐下条例,为的是叫圣俗两分。今天,主耶和华也同样藉着圣洗礼,圣餐礼以及众圣徒的相通来将你的生命分别开来,使之成圣。主,请使我的生命在你面前成为圣的。透过基督垂顾我,我谦卑地祈祷。阿们。

47:1–12 Ezekiel’s guide takes him to the inner court, where a stream of water begins flowing, transforming the Salt Sea (cf Rv 22:1–2). God’s grace transforms what was dead to bring forth new life. How great is His power! How gentle His kindness toward you. • Precious Lord Jesus, transform me. I find myself dead in sin, but Your grace can make me alive again. Amen.
以西结书47:1-12 以西结的向导带他去到内院,一条河流从那里出发,更新了盐海(参 启22:1-2)。上帝的恩典使曾经死了的更新变化,并且带出新生命。祂的权能是多么伟大啊!祂向你显明的慈爱是多么温柔啊!宝贵的主耶稣,请更新我。我发现自己是死在罪中的,然而你的恩典能够使我再次活过来。阿们。

47:13–48:29 Just as the temple complex symbolized ideal worship and the river symbolized God’s blessings flowing to His people, the land apportionment symbolizes God’s abundant grace. Each tribe is welcomed back. In the new covenant, God has reconciled every person to Himself—including you. The blood that flowed from Christ’s hands, feet, and riven side supply life to all who believe. • Father, I know that many still do not believe in Your Son. Use me to carry this message of salvation to all. Amen.
以西结书47:13-48:29 正如圣殿代表着理想的敬拜,河流代表着上帝流向祂百姓的祝福一样,土地的分配代表着上帝的丰盛恩典。每一支派都被迎接回来。在新约中,上帝使每一个人,也包括你,与祂自己重归于好。那从基督的手,脚和刺透的肋旁流出的血,为所有相信的人供应生命。天父,我知道还有许多人没有信靠你的儿子。请使用我将这救恩的信息带给所有人。阿们。

48:30–35 The idealized promised land is the prophetic symbol of a place in time in which the type of worship described previously will be possible. This is the era of the Holy Christian Church and of heaven; the place is the redeemed, restored community of saints, gathered from every nation and race on the earth. “The LORD Is There” (v 35) symbolizes what God has done for you through Jesus Christ. He has become your God. Through the forgiveness of sins, He dwells with you forever. God keeps His covenant! • Lord, You are faithful. Your mercy grants me eternal life through the blood of Christ Jesus, my Lord. Amen.
以西结书48:30-35 那完美的应许之地是预言和象征最后的一个地方,前面所描述的敬拜范式将会在其中实现。这就是圣基督教会和天上的时代;那个地方是蒙救赎和恢复的圣徒群体,就是从全地的各方各族招聚而来的。“耶和华的所在”(35节)代表着上帝透过耶稣基督为你所成就的事。祂已经成为你的上帝。藉着罪的赦免,祂永远与你同在。上帝保守祂的约!主,你是信实的。你的怜悯藉着我主基督耶稣的血赐我永恒生命。阿们。

翻译及校对:Gary Liu


1:1–7 God punishes unrepentant Jehoiakim and allows many Judeans to become exiles in Babylon. Yet Daniel and his friends will learn that the Lord is still in control, even though they are in the hand of Nebuchadnezzar (chs 2–6). God will protect the young men and use them to glorify His name. He likewise uses the testimony of Christians today to proclaim His saving name and work, even in the most challenging circumstances. • Jesus, may we never be ashamed of confessing You as our Lord and Savior. Amen.
但以理书1:1-7 上帝惩罚不悔改的约雅敬,并且允许好些犹大人成为巴比伦地的被掳之民。然而但以理和他的朋友们将会学习到,主耶和华仍在掌权,既使他们已经沦落到尼布甲尼撒的手中(2-6章)。上帝必会保守这些年轻人并且使用他们来荣耀祂的名。祂同样使用今日基督徒的见证来宣扬祂的拯救之名和拯救之工,甚至在最艰难的境况中。耶稣,愿我们承认你是我们的主救主,永不感到羞愧。阿们。

1:8–21 Daniel and his friends determine not to violate God’s laws, even though they live in a heathen environment. God, the source of all wisdom, blesses and preserves them in faithfulness. When you are tempted by worldly pressures to sin against the Lord, call to mind the example of these God-fearing youths. Your Lord, the Savior, is with you even now, and He will not forsake you. • Heavenly King, strengthen my resolve to follow Your Word. Amen.
但以理书1:8-21 但以理和他的朋友们决定不违背上帝的律法,既使他们是生活在一个外邦异教的环境中。上帝,那所有智慧的源头,在信实中祝福和保守他们。当你被属世的压力试探要犯罪悖逆主耶和华的时候,请记得这些敬畏上帝的年轻人的榜样。你的主救主与你同在,甚至就在此时,并且祂必不会遗弃你。天上的大君王,请坚定我跟随你圣道的决心。阿们。

2:1–16 The many Babylonian wise men are unable to recount or interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and their gods are mute idols. But Daniel is confident that his God will help. Today, when life’s mysteries or challenges threaten you, turn for guidance and comfort to the Lord and His Word. He knows all things and will hear your prayer. He knows what is best for you, and His Son, your Savior, intercedes for you. • Dear Jesus, may I never think of You as being distant or absent but always present for me in Your Word and Sacrament. Amen.
但以理书2:1-16 许多巴比伦的智者没有能力重述或解释尼布甲尼撒的梦,他们的神不过是哑巴偶像。然而但以理相信他的上帝能够帮助。今天,当生活中的神秘之事或挑战威胁到你的时候,要转向主耶和华和祂的圣道寻求指引和安慰。祂知道万事,必会垂听你的祈祷。祂知道什么对你是最好的,祂的儿子你的救赎主为你解释。亲爱的耶稣,愿我永远不会认为你是疏远或不在场的,因为你一直在你的圣道和圣礼中为我临在。阿们。

2:17–30 Daniel would not have known Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and its interpretation except for God’s revelation. Neither are we able to know the mysteries of God, except what the Father has revealed to us in Christ (Rm 16:25–27). Like Daniel, we praise God for His mercy to us and His revelation in the Gospel. • Heavenly Father, thank You for making me wise unto salvation through faith in Christ. Amen.
但以理书2:17-30 若不是上帝的启示,但以理不会晓得尼布甲尼撒的梦和它的意思。我们也不能知晓上帝的奥秘,除了天父已经在基督里向我们启示了的(罗16:25-27)。像但以理一样,我们为着上帝在福音中的启示和向我们显明的怜悯赞美祂。天父,感谢你使我藉着对基督的信有得救的智慧。阿们。

2:31–45 God reveals through Nebuchadnezzar’s dream the final dissolution of all earthly kingdoms. Only one Kingdom will endure forever, the one proclaimed by Jesus: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mk 1:15). That Kingdom awaits its full revelation at the end of history. We inherit His kingdom now in repentance and faith. • O King of kings, grant me hope and confidence in view of Your eternal rule. Amen.
但以理书2:31-45 上帝藉着尼布甲尼撒的梦启示了所有属地王国的最终解体。只有一个国度是持续到永远的,就是耶稣所宣扬的:“日期满了,神的国近了。你们当悔改,信福音”(可1:15)。那国度期盼着在历史的尽头完全彰显。我们如今在悔改和信心中承受祂的国度。万王之王啊,请赐我对你永远掌权的盼望和信靠。阿们。

2:46–49 Nebuchadnezzar is obviously impressed with the wisdom Daniel received from the God of heaven. This gives Daniel an opportunity to reveal more about the true God and His promise of a Savior. Today, pray for opportunities to proclaim the Gospel to others. The true God of heaven blesses and watches over you and will keep you to the end. • I praise You, God of heaven, for every evidence of Your wisdom and power. Help me use such knowledge as I witness to Your love in Christ. Amen.
但以理书2:46-49 尼布甲尼撒很显然对但以理从天上的上帝那里所领受的智慧充满敬畏。这给但以理提供一个契机,启示更多关于那位独一真上帝以及祂对一位救赎主的应许之事。今天,要为着有机会向他人宣扬福音祈求。天上的独一真上帝祝福和垂顾你,必会保守你直到末了。天上的上帝,为着你智慧和全能的一切证据,我赞美你。当我见证你在基督里的爱之时,请帮助我使用这些知识。阿们。

3:1–7 Nebuchadnezzar builds a golden statue and at its dedication commands all people to worship it. Such worship is forbidden in the First Commandment (Ex 20:3–6). Today, the gods we are tempted to worship may take subtler forms: material things, power, self. Only one “image” brings life and salvation—the incarnate Son of God (Col 1:15–20). • Triune God, may I never worship anyone or anything but You alone. Amen.
但以理书3:1-7 尼布甲尼撒造了一个金像,在开光之礼上命令所有人敬拜这金像。这样的敬拜是在第一诫命中受到禁止的(出20:3-6)。今天,我们受试探要敬拜的假神可能会以更微妙的形式出现:物质,权力,自我。唯有一个“形象”可以带来生命和救恩—那道成肉身的上帝之子(西1:15-20)。三位一体的上帝,愿我永不敬拜其他任何人或物,而是唯独敬拜你。阿们。

3:8–30 The three youths who did not obey the idolatrous king’s command were delivered because God’s angel protected them. You have God’s promise that “He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” (Ps 91:11). You can be sure that His angels are watching over you at all times. • Heavenly Father, I entrust my life into Your loving hands, knowing that You care for me always. Amen.
但以理书3:8-30 三个没有遵从拜偶像君王命令的年轻人后来得了拯救,因为上帝的天使保护他们。你也有上帝的应许,“因他要为你吩咐他的使者,在你行的一切道路上保护你”(诗91:11)。你可以确信祂的天使一直看顾着你。天父,我将我的生命交在你慈爱的双手中,知道你呵护我,一直如此。阿们。

4:1–3 Nebuchadnezzar wants others to know how the eternal King has changed his life. God likewise works in our lives to convict us of sin and assure us of His grace and forgiveness. • Holy Spirit, may I ever acknowledge Your work in me through Word and Sacrament. Amen.
但以理书4:1-3 尼布甲尼撒想让其他人知道那永恒的大君王如何改变了他的生命。上帝也同样在我们的生命中作工,叫我们知晓我们的罪,并且使我们在祂的恩典和赦罪上有确据。圣灵,愿我恒常知晓你藉着圣道和圣礼在我身上所做的工。阿们。

4:4–18 In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the great tree overshadowing the whole world represents a ruler who would be humbled. He has to learn that God rules all earthly kingdoms. We need constantly to be reminded that, although earthly kingdoms have great power and authority, the Most High rules. Thankfully, He rules mercifully (cf vv 34–37). • Thank You, heavenly Father, for exalting Jesus to Your right hand, where He rules for the benefit of His Church. Amen.
但以理书4:4-18 在尼布甲尼撒的梦里面,那颗遮蔽整个世界的大树代表了一位将会被降卑的掌权者。他必会认识到上帝掌管地上所有的国家。我们需要常常被提醒,尽管地上的国家有着超级的势力和权威,然而至高者在掌权。感恩的是,祂带着怜悯掌权(参 34-37节)。天父,感谢你,将耶稣高举在你的右手边,祂为着教会的福祉在那里掌权。阿们。

4:19–27 Daniel interprets the dream for the king and urges him to repent. Today, God does not normally use dreams to make clear His will that we repent, for He has given us the Scriptures, which are filled with such admonitions. To all who repent, God promises prosperity even greater than Nebuchadnezzar’s: forgiveness of sins and eternal rest in heaven. • Holy God, I repent of my sins and plead for Your mercy. Grant me the rich blessing of Your Word of life. Amen.
但以理书4:19-27 但以理为王解释梦,并且催促他悔改。今天,上帝通常不再使用梦来显明祂要我们悔改的旨意,因为祂已经赐给我们圣经,其中到处都是这样的劝勉。给所有悔改的人,上帝应许比尼布甲尼撒的还要更丰盛的繁荣:罪的赦免和在天上的永恒安息。圣上帝,我为着我的罪悔改并且祈求你的怜悯。请将你生命之道的丰盛祝福赐给我。阿们。

4:28–33 Since Nebuchadnezzar goes on living as before, the decree of the Most High (v 24) comes to pass. For a period of time, he lives like a beast. This is to be a learning experience for him. God may also allow trouble and illness in our lives to discipline us for our good (Heb 12:3–11). When this happens, we may trust His loving purpose and call on Him for strength and healing. • Loving Lord, when I experience trouble in my life, comfort me with the remembrance of what You suffered for my healing and salvation. Amen.
但以理书4:28-33 因为尼布甲尼撒像从前一样继续他的生活,至高者的命定(24节)就成就了。有一段时间,他像一个兽那样生活。这对他来说是一个学习的经历。上帝也可能会允许患难和疾病在我们生活中发生,为着我们的益处来管教我们(来12:3-11)。当这发生的时候,我们可以信靠祂的慈爱计划,呼求祂赐下力量和医治。慈爱的主,当我在我的生命中经历患难的时候,请叫我记得你为使我得医治和拯救所受的一切苦难,并以此安慰我。阿们。

4:34–37 After Nebuchadnezzar “lifted [his] eyes to heaven,” his reason and the glory of his kingdom returned. He praised the King of heaven, who is able to humble those who walk in pride. As a disciple of Jesus, take to heart the words of Peter: “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you” (1Pt 5:6). • Jesus, You humbled Yourself for me. Give me the same mind, that all I say and do may glorify You. Amen.
但以理书4:34-37 在尼布甲尼撒“举目望天”之后,他的聪明和他国度的荣耀又回来了。尼布甲尼撒赞美天上的大君王,因为祂有能力使那些在傲慢中行走的人降卑。作为耶稣的门徒,要将彼得的这些话放在心上,“所以,你们要自卑,服在神大能的手下,到了时候他必叫你们升高”(彼前5:6)。耶稣,你为了我降卑你自己。请赐我同样的心思,好叫我所说所做的一切都能荣耀你。阿们。

5:1–12 Belshazzar hosts a great feast at which he and his guests drink toasts to their idols from the sacred vessels of the Jerusalem temple. God, whom Belshazzar mocks, suddenly shows His presence. This is a warning for us all. “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked” (Gal 6:7). God calls for repentance and faith. He likewise provides faithful interpreters of His Word to make His Law and promises known. • Holy God, may I ever respect Your almighty power and heed Your saving Word. Amen.

5:13–31 Daniel, after being introduced to Belshazzar, reminds him of how God has chastened Nebuchadnezzar for his pride. Belshazzar does not learn from this lesson, and so, as the writing reveals, he will be humbled and his kingdom given to another. The fall of Babylon made a deep impression on the biblical writers (Is 21:9; Rv 18:2) and came to symbolize the end of the world. All human history will end. Only the kingdom of God is forever, and He rules for the sake of our justification. • Lord Jesus, keep me watchful for Your coming and prepared for Your rule. Amen.

†Ch 6 Daniel is cast into the lions’ den for continuing to pray to the true God. When Daniel is saved from death, Darius issues a new decree ordering all people in his kingdom to fear the God of Daniel. These events are a preview of God’s ultimate triumph over all the forces of evil. Then every knee shall bow (Is 45:23; Php 2:10), and every nation will come and worship the Lord (Rv 15:4). The devil, that roaring lion (1Pt 5:8), means deadly woe, but we tremble not (LSB 656)! For Christ is our protector. • All praise to You, O Christ, for conquering Satan and rescuing me from his deadly threats. Amen.
但以理书6章 但以理因为继续向独一真上帝祈祷而被扔进狮子坑中。当但以理被拯救脱离死亡的时候,大流士就颁布新谕令,吩咐他国中的所有人敬畏但以理的上帝。这些事件是上帝对所有邪恶势力完全得胜的预览。然后万膝必跪拜(赛45:23;腓2:10),并且万国都会来敬拜主耶和华(启15:4)。魔鬼,那吼叫的狮子(彼前5:8),是要带来致命的灾难,然而我们不用惧怕(路德宗敬拜手册656首)!因为基督是我们的护卫者。基督啊,所有赞美都归给你,因为你战胜了撒旦,救赎我脱离他致命的威胁。阿们。

7:1–8 Daniel has a vision of four beasts coming out of the great sea. Though Daniel does not yet understand his vision, he knows that it is a revelation from God and so records it for us to read as well. We find much that is hard to understand in such visions. Thank God that He “has spoken to us by His Son” (Heb 1:2). In Christ, we have God’s fullest and clearest revelation. • Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing all grace and truth in Your Son, Jesus. Deliver us from the beastly evils of this age. Amen.
但以理书7:1-8 但以理有一个异象,四头兽从大海里面出来。尽管但以理还不理解他的异象,但是他知道这是从上帝来的启示,所以他为我们记录下来,好使我们也可以读到。我们在这类的异象中发现有许多难懂的。感谢上帝,祂“藉著他儿子晓谕我们”(来1:2)。在基督里,我们有上帝最全备最清晰的启示。天父,感谢你在你的儿子耶稣里面启示所有的恩典和真理。请拯救我们脱离这世代野兽般的凶恶。阿们。

7:9–12 The Ancient of Days presides over a court of judgment and condemns the fourth beast to be burned. This judgment scene, repeated in v 26, is a prelude to the final judgment, when all people will appear before the throne of God (Mt 25:32). For those who are in Christ Jesus, the verdict will be “not guilty” (Rm 8:1; 1Jn 2:1–2). • Praise to You, Lord Jesus, for serving as my advocate before God’s throne. Amen.
但以理书7:9-12 那亘古常在者坐守审判庭,咒诅第四头兽被火焚烧。这审判的场景在26节中得到重复,是最终大审判的一个前奏,那个时候所有人都会出现在上帝的宝座前(太25:32)。对于那些在基督耶稣里的人,宣判必是“无罪”(罗8:1;约一2:1-2)。感谢你主耶稣,在上帝的宝座前服侍做我的辩护者。阿们。

7:13–14 Daniel sees “one like a son of man,” coming with the clouds of heaven, who is given eternal rule over the whole earth. We recognize that this King is Jesus, fully divine and fully human, Son of Mary and Son of the Most High, whose kingdom will never end (Lk 1:32–33). May we ever “live under Him in His kingdom and serve Him” (SC, here). • Jesus, my King, rule me body and soul as You know best. Amen.
但以理书7:13-14 但以理看见“一位像人子的”驾着天云而来,祂被赐予权柄,永远治理全地。我们知道这君王就是耶稣,完全是神且完全是人,马利亚的儿子且是至高者的儿子,祂的国度必永不止息(路1:32-33)。愿我们永远“活在祂之下,在祂的国度里面,服侍祂”(小问答)。耶稣,我的君王,请治理我的身体和灵魂,按照你的大智慧。阿们。

7:15–28 Daniel’s visions are interpreted to mean that the Ancient of Days will destroy all earthly kingdoms, including that of the little horn, and that the saints of the Most High will possess an everlasting kingdom. Yet Daniel is alarmed and perplexed over what he sees and hears; this may be comforting to us, since we do not fully comprehend God’s ways and purposes either. Though we may understand the basics of what God is teaching us, still an element of mystery surrounds His promises and their future fulfillment. Powerful earthly kingdoms may sometimes persecute God’s people, but we know that God has given us the Kingdom in His dear Son (Lk 12:32). • O Ancient of Days, give me the confidence that You rule all things for my good. Amen.
但以理书7:15-28 但以理的异象得到解释,意思是那亘古常在者必会摧毁所有属地的国度,包括那带着小角的,并且至高者的众圣徒必会得着永恒的国度。然而但以理因着他所看见和听见的惊慌失色;这对我们来说或许是安慰,因为我们也不完全明白上帝的道路和计划。尽管我们可能理解上帝教训我们的最基本内容,然而祂的应许以及未来的成就仍有奥秘的成份。强势的属地国度有时候会逼迫上帝的百姓,然而我们知道上帝已经在祂亲爱的儿子里面将国度赐给我们(路12:32)。亘古常在者啊,你为着我的益处治理万事万物,请赐给我对此的信靠。阿们。

8:1–14 In the vision of a ram and a male goat, God assures His people that His sanctuary will be restored. When trouble comes into our lives, no matter what its source, we may also ask, “How long?” Whether our time of suffering is long or short, we know that God hears our prayers and will help us according to His timetable. • Heavenly Father, comfort me with the assurance that Your love surrounds me every moment of my life. Amen.
但以理书8:1-14 在公绵羊公山羊的异象里面,上帝给祂百姓确据,就是祂的居所必会重修。当困难临到我们生命中的时候,无论出于什么,我们也可能会问,“要到几时呢?”我们受苦的时间或长或短,我们都知道上帝垂听我们的祷告,必会按照祂的时间表帮助我们。天父,你的慈爱在我生命的每一时刻都环绕着我,请用这确据安慰我。阿们。

8:15–27 The angel Gabriel explains Daniel’s vision. The wars between Persia and Greece will lead finally to the emergence of Antiochus IV, who will defy God and His people. But Daniel is assured that God has appointed this evil ruler’s end. Today, we also face a wicked foe, Satan, who prowls around like a roaring lion seeking to devour us (1Pt 5:8). Yet his end is also guaranteed because Christ died to “destroy the one who has the power of death” (Heb 2:14). Take comfort in Christ’s victory. • Lord Jesus, thank You for defeating Satan and assuring us that we also will be conquerors through Christ. Amen.
但以理书8:15-27 天使加百列解释但以理的异象。波斯和希腊之间的战争最终导致安条克四世的兴起,他必会对抗上帝和祂的百姓。然而但以理得了确据,上帝已经命定这邪恶帝王的结局。今天我们也会面对一位邪恶的仇敌,撒旦,他像吼叫的狮子到处巡游,谋求吞吃我们(彼前5:8)。然而他的结局也已经定了,因为基督死了,且“藉著死败坏那掌死权的”(来2:14)。要在基督的胜利中得安慰。主耶稣,感谢你击败撒旦,使我们确信我们也必会藉着基督成为得胜者。阿们。

9:1–19 Daniel fervently longs for the restoration of Jerusalem and the temple. His search of the Scriptures leads him to Jeremiah’s prophecy that the captivity would end after 70 years. Daniel is aware that Israel’s sins brought God’s curse on them. His long prayer is a heartfelt confession of sins and an earnest plea for the Lord’s mercy. The pattern of Daniel’s prayer is one that we continue to follow in worship and private devotions. We are confident of being heard because Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. • O Christ, Lamb of God, have mercy on me, a sinner, and grant me peace. Amen.
但以理书9:1-19 但以理急切盼望耶路撒冷和圣殿的重建。他查考圣经,了解到耶利米的预言,说是被掳要在70年之后终结。但以理意识到以色列的罪给他们带来上帝的咒诅。他长篇的祈祷是出于真心的悔罪和对主怜悯的诚挚诉求。但以理祈祷的范式也是我们在敬拜和个人灵修之时所效仿的。我们相信我们是蒙垂听的,因为耶稣坐在天父的右手边。基督,上帝的羔羊啊,怜悯我这个罪人,赐我平安。阿们。

9:20–23 God demonstrates His love for Daniel by immediately responding to his prayer. Today, we have Jesus’ assurance that He will hear and answer the prayers of His disciples (Jn 14:13–14; 15:16; 16:23–24). Therefore, we may pray with confidence and patience, knowing that God will hear. • Lord, hear my prayer and answer me as You know best. Grant me great patience and faith in Your love. Amen.
但以理书9:20-23 上帝立刻回应但以理的祈祷,藉此向他显慈爱。今天,我们有耶稣所赐的确据,就是祂必垂听和应允门徒们的祷告(约14:13-14;15:16;16:23-24)。因此,我们可以带着信心和忍耐祷告,并且知道上帝必垂听。主,听我的祈祷,按照你的大智慧应允我。赐我丰富的忍耐以及对你慈爱的信心。阿们。

9:24–27 Gabriel directs Daniel to expand his vision of the future. Daniel was to think not of seventy years but of seventy times seven. The things of which Gabriel spoke remain somewhat mysterious. What we can learn from Gabriel’s message is that God’s vision of the future surpasses all our thinking and calculating. We walk by faith and not by sight (2Co 5:7), trusting that the One who kept His promise to send the Messiah, the Anointed One, will keep all His promises to us in His own time and way. • Take my hand and lead me, dear Lord, for then I know I am safe. Amen.
但以理书9:24-27 加百列引导但以理扩展他对未来的异象。但以理要考虑的不是七十年,乃是七十个七。加百列所讲的事情在某种程度上仍然有奥秘之处。我们能够从加百列的信息中学到的是,上帝所赐未来的异象远超我们全部的心怀意念。我们不是凭眼见,乃是凭着信心行走(林后5:7),信靠那位遵守祂的应许差遣了弥赛亚受膏者的,必会遵守祂赐给我们的全部应许,按照祂自己的时间和方式。亲爱的主,拉着我的手引领我,因为只有如此我才知道我是安全的。阿们。

†Ch 10 Daniel continues to grieve over the fate of his people and Jerusalem. Once again, the Lord sends a divine messenger to strengthen Daniel and prepare him spiritually for the word of truth he will hear. That Daniel is strengthened by an angel reminds us of Jesus’ experience in Gethsemane (Lk 22:43) and His promise that angels watch over us (Mt 18:10). Our knowledge of how angels serve God’s people is very limited. We know they guard our ways (Ps 91:11–12), which may also include strengthening us when we are weak. • Lord of heaven and earth, send Your holy angels to care for me, that I may be strengthened to do Your will. Amen.
但以理书10章 但以理继续为着他百姓和耶路撒冷的命运悲伤。再一次地,主耶和华差遣圣天使坚固但以理,并且在灵性上预备他聆听真理的话语。但以理从天使那里得坚固,这也使我们想起耶稣在客西马尼园的经历(路22:43),也使我们想起祂的应许,就是天使看顾着我们(太18:10)。我们对天使如何服侍上帝子民的认识是非常有限的。我们知道他们保护我们的道路(诗91:11-12),可能还有在我们软弱的时候坚固我们。天地的主耶和华,请差遣你的圣天使看顾我,好叫我得坚固去行你的旨意。阿们。

†Ch 11 The Lord’s messenger reveals to Daniel the coming conflicts between Persia and Greece, Egypt and Syria, culminating in the wicked reign of that “contemptible person,” King Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–164 BC). War and violence have never been absent from human history. At times, evil rulers have persecuted the people of God, bringing great affliction on them. But such suffering will be only for the time appointed by the Lord. Even in the midst of turmoil and tribulation, believers have the peace that the world cannot give, the peace that is in Jesus Christ, our deliverer (Jn 14:27; 2Th 3:16). • Gracious heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Grant me steadfast faith amid all troubles. Amen.
但以理书11章 主耶和华的使者向但以理启示要发生在波斯和希腊,埃及和亚兰之间的冲突,这些冲突在那“卑鄙的人”安提阿古四世.伊比凡尼王(公元前175-164年)的邪恶掌权下抵达顶峰。战争和暴力在人类的历史中从未断绝过。有些时候,邪恶的掌权者逼迫上帝的子民,将巨大的苦难放在他们身上。但这样的受苦仅仅会在主耶和华所命定的时间里面发生。既使是处在动荡和逼迫中,信徒仍有这世界所不能赐的平安,就是那在耶稣基督我们的拯救者里面的平安(约14:27;帖后3:16)。满有恩典的天父,感谢你差遣耶稣,那和平的君。请在所有患难中赐我稳健的信心。阿们。

†Ch 12 The long discourse of the man clothed in linen (chs 10–12) concludes with encouragement for Daniel. He is assured that Michael is in charge of Israel; the people will be delivered; and those whose names are written in God’s book will rise to everlasting life in the end. Believers have always been curious about when the end of the world is coming. Some have tried to precisely determine that date based on the various numbers found in Dn and other biblical books. Jesus made clear that no one knows that day and hour (Mk 13:32; trying to guess the year has led to numerous false prophecies [see here]). The angel’s advice to Daniel, to “go your way,” is good for us all. Know that you are in God’s hand, and take comfort that He has allotted a place in heaven for you. • Almighty Father, I wait for You to guide my life as I go on my way to my heavenly home. Amen.
但以理书12章 那穿细麻衣之人的长篇讲论(10-12章)以对但以理的鼓励结束。但以理得了确据,米迦勒在负责以色列;百姓必得拯救;那些名字写在上帝生命册上的人最后必复活得享永生。信徒常常好奇,世界末日何时临到。一些人曾尝试着依据但以理以及其它圣经书卷里面的各样数字来精确核算出日期。耶稣却说的很清楚,没有人知道那日子,那时辰(太13:32;试着猜测那年份已经导致无数的虚假预言)。天使对但以理的建议“你只管去”,也是对我们所有人有益的。知道你在上帝的手中,祂已经为你在天上预备了地方,要从其中得安慰。全能的父,我行走在去往我天家的路上,静候你引导我的生命。阿们。

翻译及校对:Gary Liu



1:2–11 Hosea’s tragic marriage and the suffering it inflicts on his children dramatically depict the wretched condition of God’s people at that time. Sadly, the waywardness exhibited by God’s people still happens today; unless the Spirit continues to grant us repentance and faith, we fall into the same kind of unfaithfulness and apostasy. Through Hosea’s ministry, God shows mercy, pledging to gather, restore, and lead His people into a better future. • Heavenly Father, through Your beloved Son, You have forgiven all unfaithfulness and restored Your people to wholeness. May we be gathered under this Son, who gives us new birth and restores us as Your children. Amen.
何西阿书1:2-11 何西阿悲惨的婚姻以及其带给他儿女们的苦难,戏剧般地描述了那个时候上帝子民的邪恶状态。悲哀的是,上帝子民所展示的背道今天仍在发生;除非圣灵继续赐我们悔改和信心,不然我们就会跌入同样的不信和背道中。藉着何西阿的服侍,上帝显明怜悯,发誓要招聚,重整,且带领祂的子民进入一个美好的未来。天父,藉着你的爱子,你已经赦免所有的不信,并且重新完全恢复你的子民。愿我们被召聚在你儿子之下,祂赐我们新生,恢复我们作你的儿女。阿们。

2:1–13 God warns Israel that He will punish her for the idolatrous insistence that Baal will provide for her needs. At the same time, the Lord more earnestly urges Israel to repent and avoid judgment. Today, God warns us similarly through the preaching of His Law. He also unfailingly adds the promises of His Gospel, wherein grace and every blessing are assured. • Lord, all goodness comes from You alone. We embrace the Gospel in faith, give You thanks for Your enduring gifts, and so enjoy the benefits of Your unfailing compassion. Amen.
何西阿书2:1-13 上帝警告以色列说祂必会惩治她,因为她拜偶像,固执地以为巴力必会供应她的需要。同时,主耶和华更加真切地催促以色列悔改,避免审判。今天上帝也同样藉着祂律法的宣讲警告我们。祂也同样毫不气馁地将祂福音的应许附在后面,恩典和各样的祝福在福音中落实。主,所有的美善唯独从你那里来。我们在信心中拥抱福音,为着你恒久不断绝的恩赐感谢你,好因此享受你永不言败的慈爱所带来的益处。阿们。

2:14–23 Despite Israel’s complete disregard for the covenant, the Lord promises to renew His marriage with her. To this end, He will even marshal creation as His witness and servant. Though it pains us to admit it, our wealth often begins to lead us into the same failings as those of Israel in Hosea’s day, putting our trust in things rather than in the Lord. Fortunately for us, however, the God of Israel never wavers in His commitments. God’s Law continues to show us our sins and to make us want to be rid of them. Through Christ, all our waywardness and idolatry is forgiven, and a new and all-inclusive covenant has been enacted. • Though we are unworthy of Your love, O Lord, renew our relationship with You through the strength of Your faithfulness and commitment. May we always say, “You alone are our God.” Amen.
何西阿书2:14-23 尽管以色列完全无视圣约,主耶和华仍应许要更新祂与以色列的婚姻。为了这个目的,祂甚至吩咐受造物作祂的见证和差役。尽管对我们来说承认这个会有伤痛,但事实是我们的财富常常会带领我们跌入何西阿时代以色列人所犯的同样的错误中,把财物而不是主耶和华当作我们的信靠。然而,幸运的是对我们来说,以色列的上帝从未在祂的委身之事上动摇。上帝的律法继续向我们指出我们的罪,并且使我们想要从其中得解脱。藉着基督,我们所有的背道和拜偶像得着赦免,一份崭新且包含一切的盟约已经生效。主啊,尽管我们不配你的慈爱,但请藉着你信实和委身的力量更新我们与你的关系。愿我们常说,“唯有你是我们的上帝”。阿们。

†Ch 3 In obedience to the Lord’s request, Hosea redeems Gomer and renews his commitment to her, despite her unfaithfulness. This prophesies God’s desire to restore Israel as a pure people after the exile. We are sometimes challenged to swallow our pride and forgive others in similar difficult ways. At such times, we are strengthened by the knowledge that God gave His own Son to forgive and restore us. • We give thanks to You, O Lord, that Your patience toward us covers all our sins and restores us perfectly to the image of Your Son. Amen.
何西阿书3章 尽管歌篾不忠,何西阿顺从主耶和华的吩咐,将她赎回并且更新与她的约。这预言宣告了上帝要在被掳之后重新恢复以色列作圣洁的民。我们有时候也需接受这样的挑战,吞下我们的脸面,赦免那些处在同样困境里面的人。在这些情况下,我们因着上帝曾将祂自己的儿子舍了来赦免和复兴我们的知识而得坚固。主啊,我们感谢你,因为你向我们施的忍耐遮盖我们的罪,并且完全复兴我们到你儿子的形象中。阿们。

†Ch 4 God’s judgment against Israel focuses on the priests and their failure of leadership, because they have permitted and even encouraged the people to engage in gross idolatry. Today we see similar failures in leadership, not only among the clergy and secular leaders, but also in parents. It is a great comfort, then, to know that the Church ultimately depends on Christ, the true Good Shepherd. The Resurrected One promises that He will never lose any of the sheep the Father has given Him but will keep them and raise them up on the Last Day. • Lord, preserve us from abuse and from abusing others. Direct us with Your wisdom, satisfy us with Your pasture, and lead us to worship You alone. Amen.
何西阿书4章 上帝对以色列的审判专注在祭司以及他们领导力的失败上,因为他们许可甚至鼓励百姓参与可恶的偶像崇拜。今天我们也在领袖层面看见类似的失败,不仅是在圣职人员以及世俗领导者中间,而且也在父母中间。然而我们知道教会最终是依靠基督那位真正的好牧人,这是极大的安慰。那位复活了的应许说,祂必永不撇弃任何天父所赐的小羊,而是必将保守他们,在那末日使他们复活。主,保守我不受伤害,且不伤害他人。用你的智慧引导我们,用你的牧场喂饱我们,并且带领我们唯独敬拜你。阿们。

†Ch 5 God warns Israel and Judah that putting their hope in foreign kings is useless. As long as they continue in idolatry, they may seek God, but they will not find Him; only in repentance can they be healed. We similarly try to play both sides of the fence, claiming to be children of God while living as friends of the world. It is a great comfort, therefore, to know that the Lord stands as near as the word of Absolution. • Lord Jesus, spare us from the judgment we deserve, for we admit that we, too, have turned to other gods. Accordingly, work in us true repentance, return us to You, and lead us to Your side by Your gracious Son. Amen.
何西阿书5章 上帝警告以色列和犹大说他们把盼望放在外邦君王的身上是无用的。只要他们在偶像崇拜上继续,他们虽寻求上帝,却找不见祂;只有在悔改中他们才能得医治。我们同样也会在栅栏的两侧耍弄,一边宣称是上帝的儿女,一边又与世界为友。因此,知道主耶和华如同祂宣赦的话语一样近在耳旁,这是极大的安慰。主耶稣,赦免我们脱离我们当受的审判,因为我们承认我们也曾投靠其他假神。因此,请在我们里面生发真诚的悔改,使我们归向你,并且藉着你满有恩慈的儿子带领我们去到你身旁。阿们。

†Chs 6–7 Though Hosea earnestly encourages Ephraim and Judah to return to the Lord, his pleas continue to fall on deaf ears. Rather than trusting the Lord, Israel’s leaders persist in seeking help from foreign nations such as Assyria and Egypt. Sadly, even committed Christians manifest the same kind of stubbornness and inability to overcome their weaknesses. And so it is that the Lord still deals with us today as He dealt with wayward Israel. He continues to call us to repentance so that we might return to Him, confess our sin, trust in His pardoning love, and again be reminded that Jesus, the Lamb of God, has forgiven us. • Come, then, let us return to the Lord. Let us press on to know Him and His steadfast love. May we humbly pray, “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner, and grant me peace.” Amen.
何西阿书6-7章 尽管何西阿热切地劝勉以法莲和犹大归回主耶和华,然而他的恳求仍像是落在聋子的耳朵里一样。以色列的领袖不是信靠主耶和华,而是继续从亚述和埃及那些外邦国家中间寻求帮助。可怜的是,既使真委身的基督徒也会显出同样的固执以及在对付他们软弱上的无能。然而事实上,主今天继续对待我们,就像祂曾经对待悖逆的以色列那样。祂继续呼召我们悔改,好叫我们可以归回祂,承认我们的罪,信靠祂赦罪恩典的慈爱,并且再一次得提醒,耶稣上帝的羔羊已赦免我们。那么来吧,让我们归回主耶和华。让我们竭力认识祂和祂不变的慈爱。愿我们谦卑地祈祷,“主,怜悯我这个罪人,赐我平安。”阿们。

†Ch 8 Topping the list of Israel’s misdeeds is idolatry—their rejection of the Creator and their devotion to calves made of gold. Sadly, we, too, begin to fall into idolatry whenever we fear, love, and trust anything or any person more than the true God. Admitting that, we should also remember that the same God threatening to punish idolatry is also the One whose forgiving love and sustaining Spirit never fails. • Heavenly Father, may Your grace, which works powerfully in Word and Sacraments, strengthen our determination to have You first in our lives. May we ever think and pray, “Lord, keep me true to You in thought, word, and deed. Help me to fear, love, and trust in You above all things.” Amen.
何西阿书8章 以色列错误行为清单上位于第一的是偶像崇拜—他们弃绝那造物主,反而委身于金子做成的牛犊。悲哀的是,每当我们敬畏,爱和信靠任何事物或任何人过于那位独一真上帝的时候,我们也是很快跌入偶像崇拜中。不仅承认这一点,我们还要记得那同一位威胁要惩治偶像崇拜的上帝,也是那位有赦罪恩慈,且恩赐圣灵永不失信的上帝。天父,愿你那在圣道和圣礼中满有能力地作工的恩典,坚固我们在我们生命中将你放在首位的决心。愿我们时常思想并且祈祷说,“主,帮助我在思想,言语和行为上忠于你。帮助我敬畏,爱且信靠你过于一切。”阿们。

†Chs 9–10 Hosea alternately speaks about Israel’s past and future. He reminds the people of how faithfully the Lord has treated His children. At the same time, however, Hosea warns Israel of impending judgment as a result of the nation’s apostasy. We need to hear similar prophetic exhortations today, not only to prevent us from slipping into thanklessness, but also to check our inclinations toward willful sins and outright rebellion. The prophetic word we need to hear most, however, is that in Christ God has rained down righteousness upon us, forgiving all sin, and thus we have the very hope of glory. • May all Your past faithfulness, O Lord, continually strengthen our conviction that on Judgment Day You will speak for us, not against us. Then we will eagerly long for the day when You will finally and completely free us from sin, death, and the devil. Amen.
何西阿书9-10章 何西阿反复交叉着述说以色列的过去和未来。他提醒百姓说主耶和华曾如何信实地对待祂的儿女。然而同时何西阿也警告以色列那将要临到的审判,这是出于整个民族的背道。我们今天也需要聆听类似的预言和劝勉,不仅是阻止我们倒退到毫无感恩之心里面,也是要查验我们故意犯罪以及彻底悖逆的倾向。我们最需要聆听的预言话语是,在基督里面上帝已经降下公义的雨在我们身上,赦免所有的罪,好叫我们因此有那确实无疑的荣耀盼望。主啊,愿你过去全部的信实,继续坚固我们的确据,就是在那审判的日子,你必会为我们说话,而不是对付我们。然后我们才会热切盼望那日,就是你最终彻底释放我们脱离罪恶,死亡和魔鬼的日子。阿们。

11:1–12:1 Even as the Lord continues to speak of His unrequited love and longing for Israel, His firstborn, He anguishes over the people’s unceasing iniquity and willful disobedience. Unfortunately, many today follow the lead of Hosea’s generation, closing their ears to God’s Law and imagining that judgment will never come upon them. Hear the Father’s roar! Tremble and return by faith in Christ, who bore God’s judgment for us and for our peace. • Heavenly Father, I believe. Help me in my weakness and unbelief, for the sake of Your only-begotten Son, my Savior. Amen.
何西阿书11:1-12:1 既使主继续向以色列,祂头生的,述说祂不求回报的慈爱和思念,然而百姓不间断的罪恶和故意悖逆使主耶和华极其痛苦。不幸的是,今天许多人也会跟随何西阿那个时代百姓的脚踪,闭上他们的耳朵不听上帝的律法,以为审判必不会临到他们。要听天父的怒吼!战兢且要藉着信心归回到基督里面,祂为我们和我们的平安担负上帝的审判。天父,我信。帮助我的软弱和不信,为着我救主,你独生子的缘故。阿们。

12:2–14 Rather than follow the example of their forefather Jacob, who in faith strove with God and so received a blessing, the Israelites of Hosea’s day set themselves in a fight against the Lord and so inevitably fell under a crushing defeat. This leads us to ask, “Are our spiritual struggles borne of faith or of unbelief?” Sadly, there are times that our spirits knowingly fight against the Lord and His Word rather than battle against our true enemies: sin, death, the flesh, and the devil. In such times, the Gospel’s promise calls to us: “If we are faithless, He remains faithful—for He cannot deny Himself” (2Tm 2:13). • Give me discernment, O Lord, so that when I lash out in anger and despair, I do not make You my enemy. Because You lived, died, and rose again for me, teach me to know You as my ally. Amen.
何西阿书12:2-14 不是效法他们先祖雅各的榜样,雅各在信心中与上帝角力并且因此领受了祝福,何西阿时代的以色列人却使自己与上帝为敌,也因此不可避免地跌入完全溃败之中。这引导我们发问,“我们的属灵争战是出于信心还是出于不信?”可怜的是,有些时候我们的心灵故意与主和祂的话语作对,而不是去对付我们真正的仇敌:罪,死亡,肉体,和魔鬼。这些情况下,福音的应许呼召我们说:“我们纵然失信,他仍是可信的,因为他不能背乎自己”(提后2:13)。主啊,赐我分辨的智慧,好叫我处在怒气和绝望中的时候,不会使你成为我的仇敌。因为你为我生活,死亡,并且复活,请教导我认识你作我的同盟。阿们。

†Ch 13 Israel’s never-ending idolatry and disobedience provoked this most violent description of judgment. The children offered to Baal would be ripped away. Today, offer yourself, your family, and your congregation to the Lord in repentant prayer. Acknowledge lack of control and beg God’s forgiveness, restoration, and health. By grace, God’s Holy Spirit will enable you to see things aright. He will ransom and redeem His people through His Son’s compassionate love. • Thank You, Jesus, for opening my eyes to Your compassion. May I always trust in You when faced with sin, death, and the power of the devil. Amen.
何西阿书13章 以色列从未断绝的偶像崇拜以及悖逆激起这最严酷的审判场面。献给巴力的儿童被活生生打掉。今天,要将你自己,你的家人和你的教会在悔改的祈祷中交托给主耶和华。要承认自己缺乏节制,并且祈求上帝的赦免,复兴和健康。出于恩典,上帝的圣灵必会使你看见弯曲之事得以矫正。祂必藉着祂儿子的怜悯慈爱救赎祂的子民。感谢你耶稣,打开我们的双眼得以看见你的怜悯。愿我时常信靠你,面对罪,死亡和魔鬼的权势。阿们。

†Ch 14 The overwhelming evidence of Israel’s apostasy showed that Hosea’s indictment was true. In our own cases, the verdict is similarly clear. However, Jesus Christ has borne our sentence for us. The dew of His mercy and the shade of His cross heal our apostasy. He renders us innocent before God’s holy tribunal. • We thank You, Lord Jesus, for all that You have done to make us holy and righteous. Enable us to walk in Your ways now and always. Amen.
何西阿书14章 以色列背道的许多证据显明了何西阿的指控是真实的。在我们自己的案件中,宣判也是同样的清晰。然而,耶稣已经为我们担负了我们该受的判决。祂怜悯的甘露以及祂十字架的荫凉医治我们背道的病。祂使我们在上帝圣洁的审判台前无罪。主耶稣,因着你为使我们成为圣洁和公义所做的一切,我们感谢你。请使我们有能力行走在你的道路上,今时且一直如此。阿们。


1:2–12 Joel summons the people of Judah to assemble and hear the Lord’s judgment for their sin: successive waves of locust swarms will come and devastate their land. When we replicate the failures of Joel’s generation, God warns us to live in godly fear. In repentance, we are heartened by the promise that God’s mercy is greater than any disaster. His grace, received through the Word and Sacraments, restores us and gives life. • Heavenly Father, even when every earthly blessing is cut off from us, there remains an eternal gift that atones for our unrighteousness—the spotless Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. For His sake, forgive and restore us to holiness. Amen.
约珥书1:2-12 约珥呼召犹大百姓聚集起来,聆听主耶和华因着他们的罪所施行的审判:一波接着一波的蝗虫要临到并且摧毁他们的庄稼。当我们重复约珥那一代人的失败之时,上帝警告我们要活在对上帝的敬畏之中。在懊悔中,我们得以聆听那应许,就是上帝的怜悯要比任何灾害丰富。祂的恩典,藉着圣道和圣礼得以领受的,使我们复兴并且赐下生命。天父,既使每一样属世的祝福从我们这里被夺走的时候,仍有永恒的礼物为我们存留,就是为着我们的不义付上赎价的—上帝无瑕疵的圣羔羊,耶稣基督。为着祂的缘故,请赦免和复兴我们到圣洁里面。阿们。

1:13–20 Joel predicts that hordes of locusts will devour the vegetation, and then wildfires and drought will dispose of what remains. Desperation and starvation will result from the people’s refusal to repent. In our own lives, unchecked sins bring about disastrous consequences. In such times of sorrow and despair, however, never forget that God often uses bad things to bring us to repentance and to accomplish His good and gracious will. The ultimate example of this is Christ’s mournful death, which atoned for the sin of the world. • Whenever our hearts are tempted to turn away from You, O Lord, bring us back. Turn us away from evil toward good, and restore us to the right relationship with You and with one another; for the sake of Your Son, Israel’s Redeemer. Amen.
约珥书1:13-20 约珥预言说成群的蝗虫要吞吃菜蔬,接着野火和干旱要摧毁剩下的。绝望和饥荒因着百姓拒绝悔改而临到。在我们自己的生命中,不省察的罪会带来灾难性的的后果。然而,在忧伤和绝望的时刻,永不要忘记上帝常常使用不好的事情引领我们悔改,并且成就祂良善洪恩的旨意。对此那终极的例子是基督令人哀痛的死亡,祂的死为世人赎罪。主啊,每当我们的心受试探要转离你的时候,请把我们带回来。使我们转离邪恶,走向良善,使我们复兴到与你以及其他人的正确关系中;为着你儿子,以色列救赎主的缘故。阿们。

2:1–11 The locust hordes that God threatens to unleash on Judah will be as devastating as the invasion of a human army. The scorched earth Joel describes continues to have relevance today, with natural disasters and warfare looming ever larger. We do well to place our trust in the world’s only hope, the Creator and Redeemer of all. Through His Son’s death and resurrection, God promises to raise us from the dead and give us eternal life in a new heaven and new earth. • Heavenly Father, help us to see the Day of Judgment as the revelation of our final deliverance, and our last day here as the portal that leads to ineffable joy and splendor; through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

2:12–17 In light of the impending locust plague, Joel urges the people to repent of their sin and return to the Lord, offering the hope that He might yet relent and hold off the disaster. When our own sins likewise kindle God’s wrath and threaten to bring us under His judgment, consider the question posed by Joel: “Who can endure the awesome day of the Lord?” Thanks be to God, we have a Savior, our risen Lord Jesus Christ, who has already endured God’s wrath and judgment for us. • “Jesus Christ, our blessed Savior, Turned away God’s wrath forever; By His bitter grief and woe He saved us from the evil foe.” Amen. (LSB 627:1)
约珥书2:12-17 在那将要临到的蝗虫灾害面前,约珥催促百姓为着他们的罪悔改并且归向主,同时赐下盼望-上帝或许会懊悔,收回灾害。当我们自己的罪同样燃起上帝的怒气并且威胁要使我们伏在祂的审判之下的时候,要思想约珥提出的问题:“耶和华大而可畏的日子,谁能当得起呢?”感谢归给上帝,我们有一位救赎主,就是我们复活的主耶稣基督,祂已经为我们承受了上帝的忿怒和审判。“耶稣基督,我们当称颂的救主,已经永远挪去上帝的愤怒;藉着祂痛苦的哀伤和凄惨,祂拯救我们脱离那邪恶仇敌。”阿们。(路德宗敬拜手册627:1)

2:18–27 Along with dire predictions about a locust plague and famine, Joel assures the people that the Lord will not abandon them or allow them to be mocked by their pagan neighbors. To be sure, the Lord will not tolerate rebellion, and He fully expects us to sincerely repent of our sins. Nevertheless, when we return to the Lord, He is faithful and just and forgives us of all our unrighteousness. • O Lord of heaven and earth, turn us from ingratitude and sinful self-sufficiency. By Your Holy Spirit, move us to acknowledge You as the source of every good and perfect gift, especially the forgiveness of sins. Then we shall never be put to shame. Amen.
约珥书2:18-27 虽有对蝗虫灾害和饥荒的可怕预言,然而约珥同时使百姓确实知道,主必不会遗弃他们或者允许他们受外邦邻居的嘲弄。的确,主必不容忍背叛,并且祂完全期待我们真诚地为着我们的罪悔改。然而,当我们归回主的时候,祂是信实公义的,必会赦免我们所有的不义。天地的主啊,请使我们转离不知感恩以及有罪的自我满足。藉着你的圣灵,感动我们承认你是一切良善和完美恩赐,尤其是赦罪恩典的源泉。因此我们必永不蒙羞。阿们。

2:28–32 After the devastation wrought by the threatened locust plagues, the Lord promises to pour out His life-giving Spirit. His purpose in so doing is to deliver the gifts of salvation. Knowing that the Lord’s judgment may come anytime, we should remain ever watchful and strive to be ready for that day. By His grace, the Lord enables us to do this very thing, as we call on Jesus’ name and trust that He shall save us. • Heavenly Father, the day is quickly approaching when You shall judge all people. Because we cannot stand before You on the basis of our own strength or works, we pray that You would move us to trust in Your promised Redeemer, in whose name we will be saved. Amen.
约珥书2:28-32 在那蝗虫灾害威胁所带来的毁坏之后,主应许要将祂赐生命的圣灵浇灌下来。祂如此行的目的是要赐下救恩的礼物。知道主的审判可能会随时临到,我们应当时常警醒,并且竭力为那日做好准备。出于祂的恩典,主使我们有能力做到此事,我们呼求耶稣的名并且信靠祂必拯救我们。天父,你要审判所有人的那日子很快就要来到。因为我们不能靠着我们自己的能力或行为站在你面前,所以我们祷告求你感动我们信靠你应许的救赎主,在祂的名之下,我们必得拯救。阿们。

3:1–16 Prophesying about Judgment Day, Joel announces that the Lord will punish His enemies, while vindicating and finally delivering His people. Though thoughts of judgment naturally produce dread in us, by faith we need not fear God’s verdict. After all, the Lord is coming to usher us into heaven, not to punish us. • Judge of all the earth, grant us full confidence for Judgment Day, for we believe that there is no longer any condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus. Come quickly. Amen.
约珥书3:1-16 约珥发出关于审判日的预言,宣告说主耶和华必惩治祂的仇敌,为祂的百姓辩护并且最终拯救他们。尽管对审判的想法自然会在我们里面产生恐惧,然而透过信心我们不需要惧怕上帝的宣判。毕竟,主再来是要把我们带到天上,而不是惩罚我们。全地的审判者啊,请赐我们完全的信心,预备审判日的到来,因为我们相信对那些在基督耶稣里的人,不会再有任何定罪。主耶稣,快来。快来。阿们。

3:17–21 Joel promises a final vindication and everlasting abundance for God’s people. Given the inevitability of judgment, dreadful punishments await those who reject God and His purposes. Repent daily and strive continually to enter by the narrow gate. Receive limitless grace from the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. Through Him, you shall indeed come home to the Father. • Lord Jesus Christ, when You return, You will judge the world in righteousness. Therefore, keep us in the one true faith and be our refuge and stronghold against all who hate us on account of You and Your Word. Amen.
约珥书3:17-21 约珥应许一份赐给上帝百姓的最终辩护和永恒富足。审判是不可避免的,可怕的刑罚等候着那些拒绝上帝以及祂旨意的人。要每日悔改并且继续藉着那窄门努力进入。祂就是那道路,真理和生命,要从祂那里领受无限量的恩典。藉着祂,你定会归家,到天父面前。主耶稣,当你再来的时候,你必要以公义审判世界。因此,请保守我们在那独一真信仰里,做我们的避难所和保障,对付所有因着你和你的话语恨我们的人。阿们。


1:1–2:3 Amos denounces the nations surrounding Judah and Israel and threatens them with fiery judgment and political defeat. Seeing those around us similarly judged might tempt us to be smug, though it ought to show us that unless we repent and do what is right, the same fate can befall us. In order to learn to abhor all forms of sin and be empowered to walk in the Lord’s ways, God has promised us His Spirit. As we hear God’s Word and receive His Sacraments, His Spirit transforms us by helping us to grow into Christ’s likeness. • “O Holy Spirit, enter in, And in our hearts Your work begin . . . That we may be Truly living, To You giving Prayer unceasing And in love be still increasing.” Amen. (LSB 913:1)
阿摩司书1:1-2:3 阿摩司谴责犹大和以色列周边的列邦并且用愤怒的审判和政治破产威胁他们。看到那些我们身边的人以同样的方式受到审判,我们会受试探变的自鸣得意,然而这些本当向我们显明的是,除非我们悔改去行公正的事,同样的命运也会落在我们身上。为了使我们学习痛恨所有形式的罪并且有能力行走在主的道路上,上帝已经将祂的圣灵应许给我们。当我们聆听上帝的话语并且领受祂的圣礼之时,祂的灵就藉着帮助我们长成基督的样式,更新我们。“圣灵啊,进入我们的心,你的工作在我们的心中开始….好叫我们真正地活着,不住地向你祷告,并且在爱中继续增长。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册913:1)

2:4–5 Like its unbelieving neighbors, Judah is guilty of listening to false prophets and worshiping in ways unbecoming the one true God. Sadly, we, too, are tempted and led astray by false theologies. However, it is the Lord’s Word of Gospel alone that washes away our sin and bestows life for the sake of our Savior, Jesus Christ. • “Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word; Curb those who by deceit or sword Would wrest the kingdom from Your Son And bring to naught all He has done.” Amen. (LSB 655:1)
阿摩司书2:4-5 就像不信的邻邦一样,犹大顺从假先知并且以错误的方式敬拜那位独一真神,他们在此是有罪的。可怜的是,我们也会受到试探,被错误的神学引向歧路。然而,唯有主福音的话语洗刷我们的罪,因着我们救主耶稣基督的缘故赐予生命。“主,保守我们稳健在你的话语中;扼制那些想要藉着诡诈或刀剑将国从你儿子手中夺去并且将祂所成就的一切毁于一旦的人。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册655:1)

2:6–16 Amos accuses Israel of breaking virtually every part of the covenant. The people worship other gods, withhold justice from the innocent, and shamefully exploit the poor and vulnerable. Such vices destroy our communities today, despite the great blessings we have enjoyed from God’s hand. God calls His Church today to repentance precisely because He wishes to avert the shame and sorrow that will inevitably result when we take the way of selfishness and greed. He daily calls us to receive anew the forgiveness Christ won for us. • Gracious Lord, have mercy on Your people. Make our hearts swift to believe Your Word. Amen.

3:1–4:5 Because Israel has completely abandoned the covenant—through worshiping idols, perpetrating injustice, and showing indifference to the poor—the Lord threatens to allow an invading enemy to wreak havoc on the land. Wealth, compromise of confession, and indifference to suffering tempt the “new Israel,” the Church, still today. Recognizing such failures in ourselves should move us to repentance and increased gratitude for Christ, who was rich, yet became poor for our sakes, so that through His poverty we might become eternally rich (2Co 8:9). • Walk with us, O Lord. Abide with us, and restore us according to Your favor. Amen.
阿摩司书3:1-4:5 因为以色列完全摧毁圣约—拜偶像,到处行不义,以冷漠待贫穷人,所以主威胁说要允许入侵的敌人蹂躏那土地。今天的“新以色列”即教会也经受财富、信仰上妥协、以及对苦难冷漠的此类试探。认识到我们自己里面的相同失败,会催促我们悔改并且加增对基督的感恩,基督是丰富的,然而祂为我们成为贫穷,好叫我们藉着祂的贫穷,可以在永恒中富有(林后8:9)。主啊,请与我们同行。与我们同在,按照你的恩惠复兴我们。阿们。

4:6–13 Amos intersperses vivid descriptions of divine judgment with the divine lament “yet you did not return to Me.” God’s reasons for allowing calamities to enter our lives are ultimately good, but people nonetheless refuse to respond in humility and faith. True repentance is always His work, wrought through the Law. Forgiveness is His greatest work. Praise God that all sins, including our slowness to repent, are fully forgiven by Christ’s sacrificial death. • Lord Jesus, we thank You for being our advocate with the Father. Because we are often intractably sinful, we are all the more grateful that You plead unceasingly for us in heaven. Lead us to believe in and ever hold fast to the forgiveness You won for us. Amen.
阿摩司书4:6-13 阿摩司对神圣审判的鲜明描述,交织着“你们仍不归向我”的神圣哀痛。上帝许可磨难进入我们生命中的原因说到底都是好的,但人拒绝以谦卑和信心回应。真正的悔改总是上帝藉着祂的律法成就的。赦罪之恩是祂最伟大的工作。赞美上帝,因为所有的罪,包括我们在悔改上的迟钝,都完全因着基督的赎罪死亡得赦免了。主耶稣,我们感谢你作我们在天父面前的中保。因为我们常常在罪中顽梗,明白你在天上不住地为我们代求,我们就更加地感恩。请引领我们信靠并且时常抓住你为我们赢得的赦罪之恩。阿们。

5:1–17 Amos sings a funeral dirge over impenitent Israel, for the Lord is soon to come in judgment against the nation for abandoning the covenant. The Lord’s judgment still threatens all that would place anyone or anything above Him. At the same time, God remains merciful and long-suffering. He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather wishes to see the wicked turn from his evil way and live (Ezk 33:11). • “Though great our sins, yet greater still Is God’s abundant favor; His hand of mercy never will Abandon us, nor waver. Our shepherd good and true is He, Who will at last His Israel free From all their sin and sorrow.” Amen. (LSB 607:5)
阿摩司书5:1-17 阿摩司为不悔改的以色列唱丧葬哀歌,因为主很快要在审判中临到,对付那弃绝盟约的民族。主的审判仍威胁着所有将任何人或物置于祂之上的人。同时,上帝是满有怜悯,恒久忍耐,并不改变。祂断不喜悦恶人的灭亡,却愿恶人从他的恶道上转离并且得生(结33:11)。“尽管我们有许多的罪,然而上帝丰盛的恩惠要更多;祂怜悯的手从未弃绝我们,或者动摇。祂是我们真诚的好牧人,最终必会使祂的以色列脱离他们所有的罪和悲伤。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜书607:5)

5:18–27 The people of Israel are living under the delusion that their prosperity is a sign of God’s approval and that their perfunctory offering of sacrifices is keeping the Lord satisfied, even though they act unjustly and honor other gods. But God’s first expectation has ever been and will always be “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Ex 20:3). Amos teaches us that grace and faith are the true basis for worship and a right relationship to the Lord. His invitation ever stands: “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28). • Lord God, roll down justice and mercy upon us through the righteous sacrifice offered by Your Son for our forgiveness. Amen.
阿摩司书5:18-27 以色列百姓活在这样的错觉当中,他们以为自己的繁荣是上帝认可的记号,他们表面功夫的献祭可以使主耶和华满足,虽然他们行事不公并且敬拜别神。但上帝首要的期许过去一直是并且仍将是“除了我以外,你不可有别的神”(出20:3)。阿摩司教导我们认识,恩典和信心是敬拜以及与主有正确关系的真正根基。祂的邀请一直有效:“凡劳苦担重担的人可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息”(太11:28)。主上帝,请藉着你儿子为着我们的赦罪所献上的公义祭物,将公义和怜悯倾倒在我们身上。阿们。

†Ch 6 Many in Israel made pampering themselves a full-time occupation, smugly imagining that material wealth was clear-cut proof that they were right with God. People today make the same mistake, interpreting their material prosperity as a sign that they need not humble themselves and turn away from complacency. However, God desires to give Himself to us. This is why His Son became incarnate for us and for our salvation. • Keep us, dear heavenly Father, from greed and sinful presumption upon Your grace. Lead us to humbly repent of all our sins and to set our hearts on Your Son, Jesus, whose blood cleanses us of all sin and restores us to eternal fellowship with You. Amen.
阿摩司书6章 以色列中间的许多人整日溺爱放纵他们自己,自鸣得意地以为物质上的丰裕是他们与上帝有正确关系的明证。今天的人也会犯同样的错误,将他们的物质丰裕解释为他们不需要谦卑自己并且转离自我满足的记号。然而,上帝意愿将祂自己赐给我们。这就是为什么祂的儿子为我们和我们的救恩取了肉身。亲爱的天父,请保守我们脱离贪婪以及在你恩典上的放肆冒犯。带领我们谦卑地为着我们所有的罪痛悔,并且将我们的心放在你儿子耶稣的身上,祂的宝血洁净我们所有的罪,使我们恢复到与你永恒的团契中。阿们。

7:1–9 By means of symbolic visions involving locusts, fire, and a plumb line, the Lord warns His people that He will punish their apostasy. However, these visions, Amos’s repeated intercessions on behalf of the people, and God’s forbearance did not result in repentance. People today are just as slow to heed God’s Word and are equally intractable in their bad behavior. We, too, would be irretrievably lost and eternally condemned were it not for Christ and His forgiveness. • “Grant us, O Father, that we may also be Your heavenly children. Teach us to think only of our souls and of our heavenly inheritance that our temporal fatherland and earthly lot may not deceive, hold, and hinder us or turn us altogether into children of this world, that we may say with a good and real reason, ‘Our heavenly Father,’ and may truly be Your heavenly children. Amen.” (Luth, TLWA, p 294)
阿摩司书7:1-9 藉着这些有蝗虫,火,以及准绳为符号的异象,主耶和华警告祂的子民说祂必会惩治他们的背道。然而,这些异象,还有阿摩司多次为百姓献上的代祷,以及上帝的忍耐都没有带来悔改。今天的人也是一样,在聆听上帝的话语上迟钝,并且在他们糟糕的行为上同样难以治愈。若不是因着基督和祂赦罪恩典的缘故,我们也会在无可救药中失丧,并且在永恒中被定罪。“天父啊,请恩赐我们,好叫我们也成为你天国的孩子。教导我们专心思想我们的灵魂和我们天国的产业,好叫我们这暂时的家园以及属地的产业不会欺骗,抓住或者拦阻我们,又或者转变我们,以至于我们完全变成这世界的孩子,好叫我们可以带着美好且真实的理由说,‘我们天上的父,’愿我们真正是你天国的孩子。阿们。”(路德文集,TLWA, 294页)

7:10–17 When Amaziah the priest rebukes Amos and orders him out of Israel, the prophet responds by uttering some of his most chilling words of judgment. Amos does so with good reason for, on top of all their other sins, the people of Israel have now dared to openly despise the prophetic word even as it is being spoken to them. This scenario reminds us just how dangerous it is to ignore God’s Word and to defy those sent to call us to repentance. Though guilty ourselves of similar failings, we take comfort in Christ’s loyalty and unbounded forgiveness. His death has paid the debt of our rebellion, and His resurrection assures us that even as He lives, so also shall we. • Lord, we know that we should fear and love You so that we do not despise preaching and Your Word, but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it. For Jesus’ sake, open our hearts and move our wills to do this, dear heavenly Father. Amen.
阿摩司书7:10-17 当祭司亚玛谢训斥阿摩司并吩咐他离开以色列的时候,先知就发出一些他最令人恐惧的审判话语作为回应。阿摩司如此行是有合理原因的,因为以色列百姓在他们所有其它的罪之上,现在竟敢在预言向他们发出的时候,公开对之藐视。这个画面提醒我们,无视上帝的话语并且藐视那些受差遣来呼召我们悔改的人是多么的危险啊。尽管我们自己在同样的失败上也有罪,然而我们可以在基督的信实以及祂无限量的赦罪之恩中得着安慰。祂的死亡已经为我们悖逆的罪债付上代价,并且祂的复活已经给我们确据:祂活着,我们也会活着。主,我们知道我们应当敬畏和亲爱你,好叫我们不鄙视你的话语以及传道的事,却要尊之为圣,欢喜聆听和学习。亲爱的天父,请为着耶稣的缘故,打开我们的心并且感动我们去如此行。阿们。

†Ch 8 Amos’s vision of the basket of summer fruit points to the Lord’s judgment, which will soon cut down the people of Israel for their idolatrous worship, their greed, and their callous mistreatment of their brethren. If we persist in doing evil and despising God’s graciousness, we will receive the same reward—punishment from God and eternal separation from His life-giving Word. Treasure the Word! Our God is gracious and continually stands ready to receive the repentant heart and lift it up with His Word of forgiveness and peace in Jesus. • Lord, Your Word assures me that You will not despise a broken and contrite heart (Ps 51:17). Therefore, graciously receive my confession, and cover me with the forgiveness of Him who died and rose again. Amen.
阿摩司书8章 一筐夏天的果子,阿摩司此异象指向主的审判,此审判必会很快砍掉以色列民,是出于他们的偶像崇拜,他们的贪婪以及他们对弟兄同胞硬着心的恶待。如果我们在做恶以及藐视上帝恩典里面继续,那么我们也必会领受同样的报应,就是从上帝而来的惩罚以及与祂赐生命话语的永远隔绝。要珍惜圣道!我们的上帝是满有恩典且继续预备好了,随时迎接懊悔的心并且用祂的赦罪话语,和在耶稣里的平安使之复兴。主,你的话语使我有确据:忧伤痛悔的心你必不轻看(诗51:17)。因此,请出于你恩典,接纳我的认罪,并且以祂死而复活所带来的赦罪之恩遮盖我。阿们。

9:1–10 In his fifth and final vision report, Amos makes two main points: (1) Because Israel has abandoned the covenant, it has forfeited its claim to a privileged status before God. Thus the nation will be destroyed, leaving only a tiny remnant. If you insist on living life on your own terms, arrogantly spurning God’s will for your life, you will face judgment. (2) Yet the Lord provides a means of escape: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1Jn 1:9). • “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love; according to Your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!” (Ps 51:1–2). We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
阿摩司书9:1-10 阿摩司在他第五个也是最后一个异象报告中指出两个重要信息:(1)因为以色列已经废弃了盟约,所以它也同时抛弃了在上帝面前的尊贵身份。因此该民族必遭毁灭,只存留下一小批余民。如果你继续以自己的法则生活,傲慢地藐视上帝对你生命的旨意,那么你必要面对审判。(2)然而主赐下一条出路:“我们若认自己的罪,神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义”(约一 1:9)。“神啊,求你按你的慈爱怜恤我!按你丰盛的慈悲涂抹我的过犯! 求你将我的罪孽洗除净尽,并洁除我的罪! ”(诗51:1-2)。我们奉耶稣的名为此祈求。阿们。

9:11–15 Following many oracles and visions threatening judgment, Amos’s prophecy unexpectedly ends with a word of hope. A day of rich blessing is coming, for the Lord will fulfill His covenant promises, bring about restoration, and establish the eternal kingdom of His Messiah. If it is perilous to despise God’s threats of judgment and punishment, as did the people of Amos’s day, it is even more foolhardy to refuse such gracious promises as Jn 3:16. • “Blessed Lord, You have caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. Grant that we may so hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them that, by patience and comfort of Your holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.” Amen. (LSB, p 308)
阿摩司书9:11-15 在许多带着审判和威胁的预言及异象之后,阿摩司的预言突然以带着盼望的言语结束。一个带着丰盛祝福的日子要临到,主耶和华必要成就祂盟约的应许,带来恢复,并且建立祂弥赛亚的永恒国度。如果说藐视上帝审判和惩罚的威胁,正如阿摩司时代的百姓所做的那样是危险的话,那么拒绝类似约翰福音3:16节这样的恩典应许将更是愚蠢莽撞的。“当称颂的主,你已经使所有的圣经经卷书写下来,为的是叫我们学习。请恩赐我们,好叫我们可以聆听,阅读,标注,学习并且从内心来咀嚼这些经文,以致于我们能够藉着你圣道的忍耐和安慰,可以拥抱并且永远坚守那蒙福的永生盼望;藉着耶稣基督,我们的主。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册,308页)


1–9 Esau and his descendants have been arrogant and worldly since Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew. The nation has a long record of hostility toward God’s people Israel and, by extension, toward God. Obadiah announces God’s judgment on Edom’s behavior. Yet it is easy to forget that God, in His mercy, has given Edom a long time to repent and come to Him. The centuries that have passed demonstrate God’s patience with Edom. God continues patiently to offer our world His grace and postpones judgment so that more people may repent (2Pt 3:9). “Now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2Co 6:2) • Lord, Your grace is a treasure. May I never test Your patience by unrepentance. Amen.
俄巴底亚书1-9节 ,自从以扫为着一碗红豆汤把自己的长子名分卖给了雅各,以扫和他的后裔就一直是世俗和傲慢的。这个民族在敌视上帝的子民以色列,延伸来说就是敌视上帝方面有着许多的记录。俄巴底亚宣告上帝对以东行为的审判。然而,很容易忘记的是,上帝在祂的怜悯中已经给以东很长的时间去悔改归向祂。过去的数世纪已经不断显明上帝对以东的宽容。上帝继续满有忍耐地赐给我们世人祂的恩典并且推迟审判,为叫更多的人可以悔改(彼后3:9)。“现在正是悦纳的时候;现在正是拯救的日子”(林后6:2)。主,你的恩典就是宝藏。愿我永不以不悔改测验你的宽容。阿们。

10–14 After years of indifference punctuated by hostility, Edom faces a choice when God sends Babylon to punish Israel. Edom could show the compassion Jesus later described in Mt 25:34–40. Instead, Edom chooses destructive, self-serving action. The underlying spiritual hostility that led to such a choice seals Edom’s fate. God gives us similar opportunities today (Eph 2:10) either to participate in His good work of compassion or turn our backs on those in need. He has already extended His compassion toward us in the sacrifice and blessing of Jesus. • Dear Jesus, use me as Your agent to help those who are hurting and have suffered misfortune. Relieve their distress, and give them hope. Amen.
俄巴底亚书10-14节 因着敌视而来的冷漠发生许多年之后,就是当上帝差遣巴比伦惩罚以色列的时候,以东面临一个抉择。以东可以展现耶稣后来在马太福音25:34-40所说的同情。然而,以东选择了毁灭性的,满足自我的行动。导致这个抉择所隐藏的属灵仇视封住了以东的命运。上帝今天赐给我们同样的机会(弗2:10),要么参与到祂施行怜悯的善工中,要么背对着那些有需要的人。祂已经在耶稣的赎罪和祝福中将祂的怜悯赐给我们。亲爱的耶稣,使用我做你的器皿,帮助那些经历痛苦和遭受不幸的人。释放他们的重担,赐给他们盼望。阿们。

15–18 People are interested in spiritual things, but many remain confused about God’s judgment and mercy. Obadiah cuts through the fog to paint a stark picture in these four verses. God will judge nations and individuals according to their deeds, and all will come up short (Rm 3:9–20). However, God in Christ provided the righteousness needed to stand in His holy presence. All who believe His saving promise will receive refuge and deliverance from sin, death, and the power of the devil. • Heavenly Father, my only refuge, strengthen my faith and lead me to show compassion, especially to those who need to hear the Gospel of forgiveness. Amen.
俄巴底亚书15-18节 人是对属灵的事感兴趣,然而许多人仍然搞不清楚上帝的审判和怜悯。俄巴底亚拨开云雾,用这四句经文描绘出清晰的图画。上帝必要依照他们的行为审判万国以及个人,并且所有人都是有缺陷的(罗马书3:9-20)。然而,上帝在基督里赐下要站立在祂圣洁同在中所需的公义。所有信靠祂救赎应许的人必会领受避难和拯救,脱离罪,死亡和魔鬼的权势。天父,我唯一的避难所,请坚固我的信心,带领我彰显怜悯,特别是给那些需要聆听赦罪福音的人。阿们。

19–21 Throughout history, God has used people such as Obadiah to speak His words, and He has used nations such as Edom and Israel as object lessons. Edom paid the price for spiritual arrogance and indifference; Israel was punished for unfaithfulness. However, God remained faithful to His people. He kept His promises and preserved a faithful remnant. There are times when we also are spiritually arrogant and deserve punishment. But God keeps calling us to repentance and to believe His promise of salvation. To all who listen to His Word, He has given the privilege of serving as witnesses to point others to His grace in the one Savior, Jesus Christ. • Lord of the Church, the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours. Move me to be Your witness and so direct others to Your kingdom. Amen.
俄巴底亚书19-21 贯穿历史,上帝使用像俄巴底亚这样的人来传讲祂的话语,并且祂也使用像以东和以色列这样的民族作为教训的案例。以东为属灵的傲慢和冷漠付了代价;以色列因着自己的不信实而遭受惩罚。然而,上帝对祂的百姓仍是信实的。祂持守祂的应许,存留一批忠信的余民。有些时候我们也会有属灵的傲慢,应当受到惩罚。但上帝继续呼召我们悔改,信靠祂救恩的应许。祂已经赐特权给所有聆听祂话语的人,可以作为见证人来服事,带领其他人认识祂在那独一的救赎主耶稣基督里面的恩典。教会的主,国度权柄和荣耀都是你的。请感动我做你的见证,好去引导其他人进入你的国度。阿们。


1:1–6 Jonah turns his back on God, but God stops Jonah from his folly. God could punish Jonah or send someone else to Nineveh. However, God loves Jonah so much that He sends a storm to interrupt his flight and to eventually bring him back into a healthy relationship with his Savior. Our own disobedience merits punishment, but God in His love and mercy works to bring us to repentance and a restored relationship rather than closing the door on us. • Loving Father, hold me close and forgive my rebellion. If I try to slip away, please block my path. Rescue me from my folly, and restore to me the joy of salvation. Amen.
约拿书1:1-6 约拿背离上帝,但上帝拦阻约拿的愚昧。上帝可以惩罚约拿或者差遣其他人去到尼尼微。然而,上帝如此爱约拿,所以就吩咐风暴拦阻他的逃离,并且最终带领约拿归回到与祂救赎主的健康关系中。我们自己的不顺服也当受到惩罚,然而上帝出于祂的爱和怜悯在作工,带领我们悔改并且赐给我们重归于好的关系,不是向我们关闭大门。慈爱的天父,请紧紧地抓住我,赦免我的悖逆。如果我试着逃跑,请拦阻我的路途。拯救我脱离我的愚昧,恢复我到那救恩的喜乐中。阿们。

1:7–16 God uses Jonah’s disobedience as a learning opportunity for him and for the ship’s crew. Jonah has an opportunity to compare his indifference and hostility toward Nineveh with the sailors’ concern for his life. And the sailors are able to learn of the true God through Jonah’s confession of faith and God’s control of the sea. Amazingly, even when we break God’s Law and receive punishment, He often turns the situation into a learning experience and an opportunity for us to confess and praise Him. “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever” (Ps 136:1). • O Lord, You bring good out of evil circumstances. Lead me to confess Your name before others and testify to Your goodness. Amen.
约拿书1:7-16 上帝使用约拿的悖逆作为给他和船员们的一个学习机会。约拿可以藉着这个机会将他自己对尼尼微的冷漠和仇视,与水手们对他性命的担忧相比较。并且水手们也能够藉着约拿在信仰上的告白以及上帝对海水的掌控认识那独一真上帝。奇妙的是,既使在我们破坏上帝的律法并且遭受惩罚的时候,祂仍然常常将处境转化为我们学习的历程和机会,好叫我们去宣扬和赞美祂。“你们要称谢耶和华,因他本为善;他的慈爱永远长存”(诗136:1)。主啊,你从邪恶的处境中带出良善来。带领我在其他人面前宣告你的名,见证你的良善。阿们。

1:17 Jonah thinks he will die by drowning in the sea, and that should be the outcome of his refusal to obey God. But God has other plans for Jonah. The great fish saves him from drowning and gives him pause to consider his situation and his role in carrying out God’s will. Our life is like a tapestry woven by God. We are effective at making holes in that tapestry when we sin and follow our own will. God does not always protect us from ourselves so as to make the holes disappear, but He is skilled at reweaving the loose threads that we create and giving us a chance to move on with Him and His purposes. • God of grace, thank You for saving me, Your undeserving child. Give me eyes of faith to trust Your guidance and direction in my life. Amen.
约拿书1:17 约拿认为他必会淹死在海水中,觉得这应当是他拒绝顺服上帝的结果。但上帝有别的计划给约拿。那条大鱼救他脱离溺水并且给他平静的机会去反思他的处境以及他在执行上帝旨意方面的角色。我们的生命就像一幅上帝编制的挂毯。当我们犯罪跟随我们自己的旨意时,我们就在那幅挂毯上戳了许多洞。上帝并不总是保护我们脱离自我,使破洞消失,然而祂却娴熟于重新编织我们弄凌乱的纹路,并且赐给我们机会与祂和祂的计划继续前行。恩典的上帝,感谢你拯救我,你这不配的孩子。请赐给我信心的眼睛,信靠你在我生命中的向导和指引。阿们。

†Ch 2 Jonah deserves death, not deliverance. Yet the Lord graciously rescues him by miraculous intervention. Jonah recognizes the greatness of the Lord’s compassion and expresses his thanks in prayer. The apostle Paul, like Jonah, once felt that he had “received the sentence of death,” but the God “who raises the dead” delivered him (2Co 1:8–10). All sinners deserve the sentence of everlasting death. But the God to whom salvation belongs has, in Christ, rescued us and given us new life. • Gracious God and Father, thank You for redeeming me from sin, death, and the power of the devil. Move my tongue to glorify You in praise and witness. Amen.
约拿书2章 约拿当受的是死亡,而不是拯救。然而主耶和华满有恩典地藉着奇迹般的干预拯救了他。约拿认识到主耶和华怜悯的丰盛,因此在祷告中献上感恩。使徒保罗,像约拿一样,曾经觉得他已经“是必死的”,然而那位“叫死人复活”的上帝拯救了他(林后1:8-10)。所有的罪人都当受永恒死亡的宣判。但那位有救恩的上帝,在基督里已经拯救我们并且赐给我们新的生命。满有恩典的天父上帝,感谢你拯救我脱离罪,死亡和魔鬼的权势。感动我的舌头在赞美和见证中荣耀你。阿们。

3:1–5 God is concerned for all people, even those we might write off. The people of Nineveh hardly seem like “good prospects.” However, the message they hear is from God, and God makes sure that it bears the fruit of repentance. Do you assume some people are unable or unwilling to respond to the Gospel? Leave conversion in God’s hands and faithfully fulfill your role as His witness. He has promised that His Word will bear fruit, and He is concerned that all people have the opportunity to be saved. Thank God, His Word bore the fruit of repentance in Nineveh and also in your life. • Savior of the nations, keep me from doubting the effectiveness of Your Word. Amen.
约拿书3:1-5 上帝关切所有人,包括那些我们可能觉得毫无希望的人。尼尼微的百姓看起来很难算得上“有好前景”。然而,他们听到的信息是从上帝那里来的,并且上帝会确保祂的话语结出悔改的果子。你是否假定了一些人没有能力或者不愿回应福音?要把重生留在上帝的手中,并且信实地完成你为祂作见证的角色。祂已经应许了,祂的话语必会结果子,祂关切所有人能有机会得救。感谢上帝,祂的话语在尼尼微城,也在你的生命中结出悔改的果子。万国的救赎主啊,请保守我脱离对你圣道功效的质疑。阿们。

3:6–10 Jesus declared that “the men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment . . . and condemn” His own generation of hearers who failed to repent (Mt 12:41). God continues to call us to repentance for our sins of thought, word, and deed. The men of Nineveh furnish us with an example to follow. May they not condemn us on the Day of Judgment! May the Holy Spirit rather lead us daily to repent of our sins and trust Christ for pardon and peace. • Father in heaven, have mercy on me, a sinner. Grant me full confidence in the truth and power of Your Word, and give me peace. Amen.
约拿书3:6-10 耶稣说“当审判的时候,尼尼微人要起来定这世代的罪…”就是那些当时听祂讲道却不悔改的人(太12:41)。上帝继续呼召我们为着我们在思想,言语和行为方面的罪悔改。尼尼微的人为我们设立可以效法的榜样。愿他们不会在审判的日子定罪于我们!愿圣灵每日引导我们为着我们的罪悔改,并且信靠基督得着赦罪和平安。天父,怜悯我,这个罪人。赐我在你圣道的真理和权能中完全的信心,并且赐我平安。阿们。

†Ch 4 Jonah has a precious opportunity to preach God’s Word to Nineveh, but his heart is not in it. He does not seem to understand the extent of God’s concern for people who are enemies of Israel, and he hopes that misfortune will come to them. We have the immense privilege of sharing God’s Law and Gospel with the world around us. We have opportunities to be part of His plans. May we never be found guilty of neglecting our mission to make disciples of all nations. Praise God, He did not neglect us but appointed His only-begotten Son as our Savior. • O Lord, reveal to me every opportunity I have to share the good news of salvation with others, no matter who they are. Amen.
约拿书4章 约拿有美好的机会可以向尼尼微宣讲上帝的话语,然而他的心不在那里。他似乎不明白上帝对那些与以色列为敌的百姓的关切程度,他盼望不幸能够临到他们。我们有丰盛的特权,可以与我们身边的世界分享上帝的律法和福音。我们有机会成为祂计划的一部分。愿我们永不忽略我们的使命,使万民做主的门徒,不然我们就有罪了。赞美上帝,祂没有忽略我们,而是赐祂的独生子为我们的救赎主。主啊,向我显明每一次机会,同他人分享救恩的好消息,无论他们是谁。阿们。


†Ch 1 The Lord acts as the witness for the prosecution in the case against His sinful people represented by their capital cities, Samaria and Jerusalem. His coming is marked by dramatic signs in the creation, reminding us of what will happen on the Last Day. All the earth needs to take note of what happened to Israel and Judah. Our sinful actions are also witnessed by God and deserve wrathful punishment. God has shown the depth of His justice in Christ Jesus, who in love took on Himself God’s just wrath so that we may stand holy and righteous before Him. • Lord Jesus, thank You for declaring me righteous and removing all fear of everlasting judgment against me. Amen.
弥迦书1章 主耶和华作为见证人,控诉祂有罪的子民,撒玛利亚和耶路撒冷是他们的都城,代表上帝的子民。祂的到来会在被造世界里有惊奇的现象伴随,提醒我们审判之日所要发生的事。全地都需要留意在以色列和犹大身上所发生的事情。上帝也监察我们有罪的行为,这些该受可怕的刑罚。上帝已经在基督耶稣里显明祂公正审判的程度,基督出于爱将上帝的公正忿怒担在祂自己身上,好叫我们可以公义圣洁地站立在祂面前。主耶稣,感谢你宣告我是公义的,除去所有本来要落在我身上的永恒审判所带来的惧怕。阿们。

†Ch 2 Micah condemns the wickedness of the rich and powerful oppressors and proclaims the Lord’s judgment against their covetous behavior. In mercy, God promises to gather a remnant out of Israel and shepherd them. Today, the Lord calls us to help our neighbors protect their house and possessions in fear and love. Jesus is our Good Shepherd, who gave His life to redeem us from sin and everlasting death. He has satisfied our most pressing needs and will free us from covetous desires. • Lord Jesus, my Good Shepherd, guide my feet in the way of Your Commandments. Amen.
弥迦书2章 弥迦谴责富人以及有权势压迫者的诡诈,并且宣告主耶和华对他们贪婪行为的审判。出于怜悯,上帝应许要从以色列中招聚一批余民,并且牧养他们。今天,主呼召我们在敬畏和慈爱中帮助我们的邻舍,保护他们的房屋和财产。耶稣是我们的好牧人,祂将自己的命舍了,为要拯救我们脱离罪和永恒的死亡。祂已经满足我们最迫切的需要,并且释放我们脱离贪婪的意念。主耶稣,我的好牧人,请引导我的脚步行走在你诫命的道路上。阿们。

†Ch 3 The very people charged by God to administer justice, to give sound teaching, and to preach His Word are abusing their authority for personal gain. Micah proclaims that God will refuse to hear their cry for deliverance when judgment comes. If we abuse our authority as parents, employers, pastors, or teachers, we kindle God’s wrath and displeasure. When we serve our own interests at the expense of others, especially those who are powerless and needy, may we confess our sin and ask forgiveness. And as we have received God’s mercy in Christ, may we show mercy by looking after the interests of others (Php 2:1–7). • Lord Jesus, save me from serving only my own needs. Give me freedom to look to the interests of the poor, the sick, and the powerless. Amen.
弥迦书3章 正是上帝任命要施行公正的,要提供正确教导的,要传讲祂话语的人,为着个人的利益滥用他们的权柄。弥迦宣告说,当审判临到的时候,上帝将会拒绝听他们对拯救的呼求。如果我们作为父母,雇主,牧师,或教师滥用我们的权柄,那么我们也会燃起上帝的怒气和不悦。当我们牺牲他人,特别是那些无权无势和贫穷的人,来满足我们自己利益的时候,愿我们能承认我们的罪并且寻求赦免。同时当我们在基督里领受上帝的怜悯之时,愿我们能够施行怜悯,看顾他人的福祉(腓2:1-7)。主耶稣,拯救我,使我不只考虑我自己需要。赐我自由,可以去看顾贫穷人,有病之人,以及无权势之人的福祉。阿们。

4:1–5 Micah prophesies of a time when the Lord will bring about His reign of peace and justice by bringing people from all nations to worship at His heavenly temple. In this world, there is much evidence of hostility, distrust, and conflict among various nations and cultures. Our Father provides the remedy for disunity by leading people to faith in Christ Jesus. As we are baptized into Christ, we are made into God’s temple, and cultural and national hostilities are abolished (Gal 3:26–29). In heaven, we will experience this reality in its fullness. • Lord Jesus, thank You for teaching me Your way and for giving me brothers and sisters from every tribe, people, and language. Please bring all people into Your holy temple, so that they may receive Your justice, security, and peace. Amen.
弥迦书4:1-5 弥迦预言要有一个时代临到,那时主耶和华要带来祂和平和公正的掌权,从万国中招聚人来在祂天上的圣殿里敬拜。在这个世界上,各国以及各种文化中间的敌视,不信任以及冲突太常见了。我们的天父带领人进入对基督耶稣的信,藉此为这种不团结赐下解药。当我们受洗归入基督时候,我们就被造成上帝的殿,文化以及民族之间的敌视就被消除了(加3:26-29)。在天上,我们将会完全经历这个现实。主耶稣,感谢你教导我你的道路,赐给我来自各族,各民,各方的弟兄姊妹。请带领万民进入你圣洁的殿中,好叫他们也可以领受你的公正,保障和平安。阿们。

4:6–13 Micah proclaims the time when the Lord will gather His faithful people and reign over them as King. Though the nations assemble against Jerusalem, the Lord promises that in the end they will all be threshed out like grain. The forces of evil continue to rage against God’s Church, but we have His assurance that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Mt 16:18; Rv 6:15–16). When we face difficult times, when the forces of the devil are lined up against us, we may be tempted to give up trusting that God is with us to guide and protect us. We can be certain of His gracious presence whenever we hear His Word and receive the body and blood of Christ. He will not leave us or forsake us. • Father, thank You for giving me Your Son, in whom I have life and security and peace. By the leading of Your Holy Spirit, I devote all that I have to Your service. Amen.
弥迦书4:6-13 弥迦宣告一个时代要临到,那时主耶和华必会招聚祂信实的百姓并且在他们中间掌权作王。尽管万国联合对付耶路撒冷,然而主耶和华应许了,他们最终必会像谷物一样被碾碎。邪恶的势力继续向上帝的教会发起凶猛的攻击,然而我们有上帝的确据,就是阴间的门都不能胜过它(太16:18;启6:15-16)。当我们面临困境的时候,当魔鬼的势力连续攻击我们的时候,我们会受试探想要放弃对上帝与我们同在且引导保护我们的信靠。每当我们聆听祂的话语并且领受基督的身体和宝血之时,我们可以确信祂满有恩典的临在。祂必不撇下或离弃我们。天父,感谢你将你的儿子赐给我,在祂里面我有生命,保障和平安。藉着你圣灵的引领,我将我所有的一切交托在对你的服事上。阿们。

5:1–6 The Lord did not guarantee that the city of Jerusalem would escape capture, but He did promise a ruler from the house of David who would bring lasting peace and security. The Lord has not promised us victory over all our earthly enemies, but He has given us victory over sin, death, and the power of the devil through Jesus, the Son of David, born at Bethlehem in “the fullness of time” (Gal 4:4). He is our mighty fortress (LSB 656). • “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1Co 15:57). Alleluia!
弥迦书5:1-6 主耶和华没有保证说耶路撒冷城会逃脱被占领的命运,然而祂确实应许了一位掌权者,要从大卫的家室中出来,祂必会带来永恒的和平和保障。主耶和华没有应许我们会胜过我们所有地上的仇敌,然而祂已经赐给我们对罪,死亡和魔鬼权势的得胜,就是藉着耶稣,大卫的儿子,那位在“时候满足的时候”就生在伯利恒的(加4:4)。祂是我们坚固保障(路德宗崇拜手册656)。“感谢神,使我们藉著我们的主耶稣基督得胜”(林前15:57)。哈利路亚!

5:7–15 The Lord is with His holy remnant (Is 4:3), even when we live in the midst of our enemies. We need not depend on human strength or seek help and direction from some other “divine” being. If we do, we are sure to falter and fail. When we take the Lord at His Word and depend on His might, we will be secure and at peace. God remains present with us even when we feel utterly abandoned to forces beyond our control, such as sickness and death. He uses such times to cleanse us from unbelief and lead us to a deeper trust in Christ Jesus. • Thank You, Father, for always being with me no matter where I find myself in life. Through Your Word and Sacrament, strengthen my faith in Jesus, and make me confident of Your help. Amen.
弥迦书5:7-15 主耶和华与祂圣洁的余民同在(赛4:3),既使我们是居住在我们的仇敌中间。我们不需要依靠人的力量,或从其它一些“神明”那里寻求帮助和指引。如果我们这样做的话,我们肯定会跌得很惨。如果我们在主的话语中认识祂,并且依靠祂的大能大力,我们必是安全平安的。既使我们感觉完全被遗弃了,任由诸如疾病和死亡这类超出我们能力范围的力量宰割,然而祂使用这些处境来洁净我们脱离不信,带领我们更深地信靠基督耶稣。感谢你天父,总是与我同在,无论我生命的光景如何。请藉着你的话语和圣礼,坚固我在基督里的信心,使我信靠你的帮助。阿们。

6:1–5 The Lord’s indictment of Israel is based on the evidence of His saving acts. Yet by their sins, the people acted as though serving the Lord wearied them. When we think and speak as though God wants to rob us of joy in life, we treat God as our oppressor. We forget His saving acts on our behalf: creation, redemption, and sanctification. The Lord comes to us in His Word, calling us to repentance. The Holy Spirit moves us to confess our sins and trust Jesus for pardon and renewal. • Father, thank You for the love You have shown me in Your Son. By the leading of Your Holy Spirit, may I live each day recalling the great things You have done for me. Amen.
弥迦书6:1-5 主耶和华对以色列的控告是基于祂救赎行动的实施。然而百姓犯罪,好像服事主使他们劳累厌倦一样。当我们思想和说话的时候,好像上帝想要抢夺我们今生的喜乐那样,我们就把上帝当成我们的压迫者了。我们忘记了祂为我们所做的救赎之工:创造,拯救和分别为圣。主耶和华在祂的话语中亲近我们,呼召我们悔改。圣灵感动我们承认我们的罪,信靠耶稣来得着赦免和更新。天父,感谢你在你儿子里面向我显明你的爱。藉着你圣灵的引领,我愿每日数算你已经为我成就的大事。阿们。

6:6–8 The Lord has clearly revealed in His Word what He requires of us. Our problem is not a failure to know but a failure to do. We “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rm 3:23). God showed His steadfast love for us by the sacrifice of His Son on the cross. We are “justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rm 3:24). The Holy Spirit leads redeemed sinners to walk in justice, kindness, and humility. • Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world. Grant us peace and love toward our neighbors. Amen.
弥迦书6:6-8 主耶和华已经清晰地在祂的话语中启示了祂所要求我们做的事。我们的问题不是不知道,而是没做到。我们“都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀”(罗3:23)。上帝藉着祂儿子在十字架上所做的赎罪,向我们显明了祂丰盛的慈爱。我们“如今却蒙神的恩典,因基督耶稣的救赎,就白白的称义”(罗3:24)。圣灵带领得赎的罪人,在公义,善良和谦卑中行走。上帝的羔羊,你背负了世人的罪孽。请赐给我们对我们邻舍的爱以及和睦。阿们。

6:9–16 God would punish the wickedness of powerful city people. They would be cursed, not blessed, and be derided and condemned. Whoever breaks God’s laws, especially by using positions of power to exploit the weak, will ultimately face God’s judgment. Our sins may not match all that the Lord here condemns, but none of us is innocent in His sight. To walk humbly with our God means to repent daily of our sins and cling to His grace and mercy in Christ. • Lord Jesus, cleanse me from all evil, and give me strength to care for those who are weak and powerless in our world. Amen.
弥迦书6:9-16 上帝惩罚那些有权有势的城里人的邪恶。他们要受咒诅而不是祝福,要被嘲笑并且被定罪。任何违背上帝律法的人,尤其是那些藉着职位的权势来剥削软弱之人的,最终必会面对上帝的审判。我们的罪可能比不上主耶和华在此所全部谴责的,然而在祂眼中我们没有谁是无辜的。谦卑地与上帝同行意味着每日为着我们的罪悔改,并且紧抓祂在基督里的恩典和怜悯。主耶稣,请洁净我脱离所有的凶恶,赐给我力量,看顾那些在我们的世界中软弱和无权无势的人。阿们。

7:1–17 At the time of Micah’s ministry, there was corruption and dissolution in the public and private spheres of life. Yet the prophet spoke of a coming time when God would gather His dispersed people and vindicate them before the nations. Through Word and Sacrament, God continues to gather people into His kingdom, people who confess their sins and look to Him for salvation. What a privilege to be part of God’s inheritance and a witness to His saving power! • Come, Holy Spirit, and give me the joy of salvation. Make me an eager witness of the Gospel. Amen.
弥迦书7:1-17 在弥迦侍奉的时代,无论是公共的还是私下的生活层面都有腐败和堕落。然而先知说有一个时代要来临,那时上帝要招聚祂被打散的子民,并且在万国面前为他们伸冤。藉着圣道和圣礼,上帝继续招聚百姓进入祂的国度,他们承认自己的罪,并且仰望上帝得着救恩。能够成为上帝产业的一部分,并且见证祂拯救的大能,这是何样的特权啊!圣灵,来,赐我救恩的喜乐。使我成为福音的热心见证人。阿们。

7:18–20 In this concluding hymn, the Lord’s loving and forgiving nature is described, followed by a confident assertion of faith in Him. To know and trust such a God provokes in us a humble awe of our own unworthiness. With the tax collector in the temple, we are moved to pray, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” (Lk 18:13). • I hope in You, O Lord. Never leave me or forsake me. Amen.
弥迦书7:18-20 在这收尾的赞美诗中,主的慈爱和赦罪属性得以展现,接下来是对祂信靠的坚定告白。知道并且信靠这样的一位上帝,会在我们里面激发对我们自己不配位份的谦卑惊奇。可以同圣殿中的那位税吏一起,我们也受感动祈祷说,“神啊,开恩可怜我这个罪人!”(路18:13)。主啊,我的盼望都在你里面。请永不离开或撇弃我。阿们。


1:2–15 Nahum foretells God’s swift and final destruction of Nineveh and the Assyrian Empire. With mighty power, God executes His avenging wrath against His adversaries, who plot evil against Him and His people. As God mercifully delivered ancient Judah from Assyrian oppression, so He rescued us from sin, death, and the devil through the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ. • Gracious Lord, my stronghold in the day of trouble, fill me with confidence in Your power to save. Amen.
那鸿书1:2-15 那鸿预言了上帝对尼尼微以及亚述帝国的迅猛终极的摧毁。带着大能大力,上帝实施祂报复审判的怒气,对付祂的仇敌,就是那些算计恶谋要抵挡祂和祂子民的人。正如上帝满有怜悯地拯救古时的犹大脱离亚述的压迫一样,祂也藉着我们主耶稣基督的得胜,拯救我们脱离罪,死亡,和魔鬼。满有恩典的主,我在受难之日的坚固城啊,请用信心充满我,信靠你拯救的权能。阿们。

†Ch 2 Nahum mockingly describes the sudden, devastating siege and capture of Nineveh, the city once known for its ruthlessness and cruelty. God will not leave unpunished those whose way of life is violence and force (cf Mt 26:52). God has revealed a different way, one of mercy and peace through His Son, the Prince of Peace. • Lord, guide our feet into the way of peace. Amen.
那鸿书2章 那鸿带着讥讽的语气描述了尼尼微突然临到的且具有毁灭性的围困和占领,尼尼微曾因着它的暴虐和残酷而闻名。上帝绝不会不管那些生命道路满是暴力和强势的人(参 太26:52)。上帝启示了一条不同的路,这条路是藉着祂的儿子,和平的君,充满了怜悯和和平。主,引领我们的脚步走在平安的路上。阿们。

†Ch 3 For Nineveh, God’s patience came to an end. The evil nation of Assyria that had tyrannized surrounding peoples, acquiring wealth and power at their expense, was overthrown, and it disappeared from the annals of history. God’s wrath is revealed against all unrighteousness (Rm 1:18). Because of our sins, we also deserve His wrath and displeasure. Yet “God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1Th 5:9). God’s wrath was poured out on Christ, and by faith in Him we have pardon and peace. • Lord, give us contrite hearts so that, trusting in Your mercy, we may know Your forgiving love. Amen.
那鸿书3章 对于尼尼微,上帝的宽容到了极限。邪恶的亚述帝国对周边的民族施行暴政,牺牲他们的利益,为了积累财富和权势,然而在此被推翻了,从历史的长河中消失掉。上帝的忿怒已经显明,对付一切的不义(罗1:18)。因着我们的罪,我们也配受祂的忿怒和不悦。然而“因为神不是预定我们受刑,乃是预定我们藉著我们主耶稣基督得救”(帖5:9)。上帝的忿怒已经被倾倒在基督身上,藉着对祂的信,我们得了赦免和平安。主,赐给我们悔改的心,好叫我们,信靠你的怜悯,知晓你赦罪的慈爱。阿们。


1:2–4 Habakkuk experiences firsthand the oppressive policies of Jehoiakim, king of Judah (609–598 BC; 2Ki 23:36–37), and he feels surrounded by unchecked evil because of failure to enforce God’s Law. Habakkuk grumbles against God. We need to remember that God hears our prayers and that, though we struggle when facing life’s perplexing questions, nothing can separate us from His love (Rm 8:38–39). • O Lord, teach me to be patient as You carry out Your will in my life in Your own good time. Amen.
哈巴谷书1:2-4 哈巴谷亲身经历了犹大王约雅敬(公元前609–598; 王下 23:36–37)的暴虐政策,因为上帝的律法没有得到执行,他感到自己被不受辖制的罪恶所包围。哈巴谷向上帝发牢骚。我们需要记得,上帝垂听我们的祈祷,并且,尽管我们在面对生命中的困境难题之时会有挣扎,然而没有什么能够使我们与祂的爱隔绝(罗8:38-39)。主啊,请教导我有耐心,你在我们的生命中以你自己良善的时机实现你的旨意。阿们。

1:5–11 God’s response to Habakkuk’s complaint describes the powerful and arrogant nation that He will raise up to punish Judah for the sins in that nation’s midst. Human beings dare never sit in judgment of God’s ways, which are beyond human discernment (Rm 9:20; 11:33). We, however, can place our trust in Him, confident that in the end He will carry out His beneficial will in our lives. • Lord, at times Your plan and work are unclear to me. Help me to submit to You, O Lord, and trust in Your mercy. Amen.
哈巴谷书1:5-11 上帝对哈巴谷抱怨的回应,是描述了另一个强大傲慢的民族,祂将要兴起这一民族去惩罚犹大,因着犹大中间的罪。人类永远不敢坐在上帝审判的道路上,这些是远超人的鉴察和智慧(罗9:20;11:33)。然而,我们能够将我们的信靠放在祂身上,相信最终祂必会成就祂在我们生命中的良善旨意。主,有时候你的计划和工作对我来说是不明确的。主啊,帮助我降服于你,信靠你的怜悯。阿们。

1:12–2:1 Like others of great faith, Habakkuk argues and wrestles with God, waiting for answers to explain God’s incomprehensible ways (cf Gn 18:23–32; Jer 20:7–18; 2Co 12:7–9). Yet Habakkuk does not lose patience but waits to hear what God will say. The Lord promises to answer those who call on Him, though in His own time and manner. God’s Word is the light for our path (Ps 119:105). • When we are troubled and cry to You for wisdom and understanding, hear our prayer for the sake of Christ Jesus. Amen.
哈巴谷书1:12-2:1 同其他那些有伟大信心的人一样,哈巴谷也与上帝辩论和摔跤,等候答案来解释上帝不可透知的道路(参 创18:23-32;耶20:7-18;林后12:7-9)。然而哈巴谷没有失去忍耐,却静候着聆听上帝要说的话。主耶和华应许了要答复那些呼求祂的人,尽管是以祂自己的时间和方式。上帝的话语就是我们路上的光(诗119:105)。当我们遭受困难,并且向你呼求智慧和知识的时候,请因着基督耶稣的缘故聆听我们的祈祷。阿们。

2:2–5 God responds to Habakkuk’s complaint by urging patient trust, for in due time the instrument of Judah’s chastisement (Chaldea) will itself suffer judgment for its cruel misdeeds. Those intoxicated with pride most often deal treacherously with others and are themselves in danger of destruction (Pr 16:18). However, the Lord declares those righteous who wait for Him, humbly trusting His promises. • O Lord, cleanse my heart of sinful pride, and renew my trust in Your comforting promises. Amen.
哈巴谷书2:2-5 上帝回应哈巴谷的抱怨,要他忍耐和信靠,因为在合适的时间,管教犹大的器皿(迦勒底)必会因着残酷的暴行自己承受刑罚。那些被傲慢侵蚀的人,常常带着诡诈与人来往,他们自己也处在灭亡的危险之中(箴16:18)。然而,主耶和华宣告那些等候祂的人,谦卑依靠祂应许的人为义。主啊,洁净我的心脱离有罪的傲慢,在你满有安慰的应许中更新我的信靠。阿们。

2:6–20 In a series of five “woes,” the prophet derisively pronounces God’s judgment against the sins of Babylon: greed, pride, violence, shameful abuse of neighbors, and idolatry. Habakkuk’s words remain a sober reminder of God’s displeasure with human sin in all of its manifestations. We also need to hear God’s “woe” and humbly repent of our sin. As the Lord was present in His holy temple, so He is present with us in His Holy Word and Sacraments to pardon and cleanse. • Lord, we bow before You in humble fear and adoration, crying out, “Have mercy on us.” Amen.
哈巴谷书2:6-20 在连续五个“祸哉”里面,先知带着嘲笑的口吻宣告上帝对巴比伦罪恶的审判:贪婪,傲慢,暴行,对邻舍不知羞耻的抢夺,以及偶像崇拜。哈巴谷的话语仍然是一个严肃的提醒,上帝不喜悦人的罪以及其在各处的彰显。我们也需要聆听上帝的“祸哉”并且谦卑地为着我们的罪懊悔。正如主耶和华在祂的圣殿中临在一样,祂也于祂的圣道和圣礼中与我们同在,施行赦罪和洁净的工作。主,我们在谦卑的敬畏和爱慕中屈膝在你面前,呼喊说,“怜悯我们。”阿们。

3:1–16 As Habakkuk reflects on a terrifying manifestation of God’s glory and power, he prays for mercy, quietly confident of God’s ultimate deliverance even in the midst of great distress. Much in our lives brings anguish, fear, and even feelings of helplessness to our hearts (Ps 25:16–18; Ac 14:22). God does humble us under His mighty hand, but He does so in order to exalt us (1Pt 5:6). • Lord Jesus Christ, let not the fear of trouble and death overwhelm me, for I trust continually in Your saving help. Amen.
哈巴谷书3:1-16 哈巴谷思想上帝荣耀和权能的令人恐惧的彰显,同时祂祈求怜悯,安静信靠上帝最终的救赎,甚至是在巨大的苦难之中。我们生命中有许多事会给我们的心带来痛苦,恐惧,甚至绝望的感受(诗25:16-18;徒14:22)。上帝确实使我们谦卑在祂大能的手下,但祂这样做是为了使我们高升(彼后5:6)。主耶稣基督,不要让困难和死亡的恐惧遮蔽我,因为我仍然信靠你的拯救和帮助。阿们。

3:17–19 The Book that begins with a complaint now ends with an expression of joyful confidence in the God of salvation. When we look to ourselves and our own strength, we have reason only to despair. But when we are cast down and experience inner turmoil, we say, “Yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation” (Hab 3:18). • I will praise You for Your salvation, O Lord, all the days of my life. Amen.
哈巴谷书3:17-19 本卷书以抱怨开篇,此时以欢喜信靠的表达结束,就是对那位施行拯救的上帝的信靠。当我们看我们自己以及我们自己的能力之时,我们只有理由绝望。但是当我们跌倒,经历内心的动荡之时,我们可以说,“然而,我要因耶和华欢欣,因救我的神喜乐”(哈3:18)。主啊,我要在我一生的日子,因着你的救恩,赞美你。阿们。


1:2–6 The Lord declares that final judgment will come worldwide, then pronounces specific judgments against faithless Judah. We also deserve God’s anger when we replace God and His Word with what we find exciting, entertaining, or perhaps financially beneficial. But God’s Law shows us our sin and drives us to repentance. He forgives our sins because Christ, our Savior, suffered judgment in our place. • Lord, forgive me for not always giving You first place in my life. Move me daily to seek Your guidance and help. Amen.
西番雅书1:2-6 主耶和华宣告最终的审判必会临到整个世界,接着宣告具体的审判对付悖逆不忠信的犹大。当我们以我们所找见的,令人兴奋,使我们心悦或者可能使我们在经济上得利的事物来取代上帝以及祂的话语之时,我们也配得上帝的怒气。但上帝的律法显明我们的罪并且驱赶我们悔改。因着基督我们的救赎主代替我们的位置为我们承受刑罚,祂赦免我们的罪。主,赦免我没有总是将你放在我生命中首要位置的罪。每日感动我寻求你的引导和帮助。阿们。

1:7–18 God’s day of wrath would come swiftly on the people of Judah because of their materialism, worldliness, and general disobedience. The final Day of Judgment will likewise come unexpectedly, as a thief in the night (1Th 5:2). We have all missed the mark of God’s perfection and deserve only His punishment, now and eternally. However, God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to endure the punishment for our sins. All who believe in Jesus have no need to fear the Day of Judgment. • Lord, fill me with joyful anticipation for the day of Your return. Give me confidence that I shall stand before You cleansed and holy because of Jesus. Amen.
西番雅书1:7-18 因着他们的物质主义,贪恋世俗和普遍的悖逆,上帝忿怒的日子必会迅速临到犹大的百姓。最终审判的日子必会同样来的毫无声息,就像夜里的贼(帖上5:2)。我们都偏离了上帝完美的靶心,只配受祂的刑罚,不仅是现在,而且是在永恒中。然而,上帝如此爱世人,祂差遣祂的独生子来为我们的罪承受刑罚。所有信靠耶稣的人不需要惧怕那审判的日子。主,以喜乐的期盼充满我,等候你归来的日子。赐给我信心,知道我必会因着耶稣圣洁无罪地站在你面前。阿们。

†Ch 2 Zephaniah urges the people of Judah to seek the Lord, then describes the devastation that will fall on neighboring nations because of their sins. We, too, are guilty of arrogance, pride, and boasting. The Lord calls us to humble repentance and, through trust in Jesus as our Savior, He promises to shield us from His anger. • Lord, may I never boast except in the cross of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.
西番雅书2章 西番雅催促犹大的百姓寻求主耶和华,接着描述了因着邻邦国家的罪必会临到他们身上的毁灭。我们在傲慢,自尊以及夸耀上也是有罪的。主耶和华呼召我们谦卑地悔改,并且藉着对我们救赎主耶稣的信靠,祂应许了要保护我们脱离祂的忿怒。主,愿我永远只在我救主耶稣的十字架里夸耀。阿们。

3:1–8 The city of Jerusalem, including its leaders, refuses to return to the Lord. Such impenitence brings upon them God’s day of wrath. These things are meant as a warning for us (1Co 10:6), as Jesus preached, “Repent and believe in the gospel” (Mk 1:15). All who believe in Jesus will escape everlasting punishment. • Lord Jesus, be merciful to me, a sinner, and spare me on the Day of Judgment. Amen.
西番雅书3:1-8 耶路撒冷城以及其中的首领拒绝归向主。这样的顽梗使得上帝发怒的日子临到他们。这些事件也是给我们的警告(林前10:6),正如耶稣所传讲的那样,“你们当悔改,信福音”(可1:15)。所有信靠耶稣的人必会逃脱永恒的刑罚。主耶稣,怜悯我这个罪人,并且在那审判的日子赦免我。阿们。

3:9–13 Along with the remnant in Israel, nations from around the world will call on the name of the Lord and serve Him. Once proud and haughty, these people will now praise God because Jesus has paid the price for their rebellious deeds. You and I are part of this great communion of saints. • Lord, help me always praise Your name and find refuge in Your protection. Amen.
西番雅书3:9-13 同以色列的余民一起,全地万族都要呼求主耶和华的名并且服侍祂。曾经是自傲和亵慢的,如今这些民族赞美上帝,因为耶稣已经为着他们悖逆的行为付了代价。你和我都是这伟大圣徒相通的一部分。主,帮助我总是赞美你的名,在你的护佑下寻求避难。阿们。

3:14–20 Zephaniah urges God’s people to fear no evil but instead to rejoice over their coming salvation. Fear may hinder us from witnessing of God’s love and mercy; how wrong and foolish that would be! God has redeemed us in Christ. He will always be with us, and someday He will take us to the heavenly Jerusalem. • Lord God, make me a bold witness of Your saving power. Amen.
西番雅书3:14-20 西番雅催促上帝的子民不要惧怕邪恶,却要在快要临到他们的救恩中欢喜快乐。恐惧可能会拦阻我们见证上帝的慈爱和怜悯;这样会是多么离谱和愚昧啊!上帝已经在基督里拯救了我们。祂必总是与我们同在,并且有一天祂必会带领我们回到天上的耶路撒冷。主上帝,使我成为你救赎权能的勇敢见证。阿们。


1:1–11 The Lord chastises His people for being concerned about their own houses while His sacred house lies in ruins. The Lord’s work suffers today when we take care of our own material wants and needs but fail to support the work of proclaiming the Gospel. Jesus had a different priority. He came to serve, giving His life as a ransom for us. Though He was rich, for our sakes He became poor so that we might become rich (2Co 8:9). The riches we have received in Him move us to become rich in our love for Him and others. • Dear Jesus, fire me with zeal to have You first in my life. Unite me in service with others. Amen.
哈该书1:1-11 主耶和华指责祂的百姓,因为他们只顾他们自家的房屋,而祂的圣所却荒凉破败。今天当我们只顾我们自己物质上的需要和缺乏,却没有支持宣扬福音的事工之时,主的圣工就会遭损。耶稣对事情重要性的排序是不一样的。祂来是为了服侍,将祂的生命舍了,作我们的赎价。尽管祂是富足,然而为了我们的缘故祂却成为贫穷,好叫我们可以变得富足(林后8:9)。我们在祂里面所领受的富足,会感动我们在对祂和邻舍的爱中慷慨。亲爱的耶稣,请用激情点燃我,来将你放在我生命的首位。请使我在服事中与他人团结在一起。阿们。

1:12–15 The people of Judah obey the Word of the Lord and begin the task of rebuilding the temple. They demonstrate repentance for their previous selfishness. The Lord in turn promises to be with them, and He stirs up the spirit of the people and their leaders to work hard. Through Word and Sacrament, God is present with us today. His Spirit stirs us to repentance and gives us a burning desire to serve Him. • Lord God, bless my hearing and my doing of Your holy will. Amen.
哈该书1:12-15 犹大的百姓顺从主的话语,开始圣殿重建的工作。他们表现出对之前自私自利的懊悔。主耶和华反过来应许要与他们同在,并且祂也激动百姓和他们领袖的灵更加努力作工。藉着圣道和圣礼,上帝今日与我们同在。祂的圣灵激动我们悔改,赐给我们燃烧的心来服事祂。主上帝,赐福我对你神圣旨意的聆听和遵行。阿们。

2:1–9 The Lord encourages His people to continue their work of rebuilding the temple with the assurance that He will be with them and that in the future, the glory of this house will be greater than the first temple. Do we at times become discouraged thinking that God’s Church and the preaching of His Word count for nothing in this world? The Lord assures us that it is here we find our greatest treasure: forgiveness of sins and peace in Christ our Savior. • Praise to You, O Lord, for establishing Your glorious Church and for the peace that she proclaims. Amen.
哈该书2:1-9 主耶和华给祂的百姓以确据,说祂必与他们同在并且将来这殿的荣耀必会超过之前的那所,以此鼓励他们继续圣殿重建的工作。我们是否有时会变得泄气,以为上帝的教会和祂话语的传讲在这个世界上算不了什么?主耶和华使我们确信,我们寻得我们最美的财宝正是在此:罪的赦免和平安在我们救主基督里面。主啊,赞美归给你,因着你建立你荣耀的教会,还有她所宣扬的平安。阿们。

2:10–19 The people have not received the blessings they expected from the Lord. And the offerings they bring to the Lord are unclean (v 14) because of their earlier failure to rebuild the temple. But now the Lord promises to bless them. The people of Judah need to realize that without this blessing, both the temple building project and their crops will suffer. We also need the Lord to bless us, for without Him, we can do nothing. By His bodily presence in Christ, He has demonstrated His gracious kindness to us. We can depend on Him to provide for all our needs, both spiritual and physical. • Father, forgive me for the times I have lived my life without considering You. Help me depend on You to bless all that I undertake as Your child. Amen.
哈该书2:10-19 百姓还未领受他们从主耶和华那里所期盼的祝福。他们带给主的奉献是污秽的(14节),因为他们之前没能重建圣殿。但如今主耶和华应许了要祝福他们。犹大的百姓需要知道,离了这祝福,圣殿建造的工程以及他们的庄稼都会遭殃。我们也需要主赐福我们,因为离了祂我们不能做什么。藉着基督在肉身中的临在,祂已经向我们表明了祂的恩慈和良善。我们可以依靠祂赐给我们一切的所需,灵魂和身体上的。天父,有时候我在生活中无视你,请赦免我。帮助我依靠你,祝福我作为你的孩子所从事的一切。阿们。

2:20–23 Haggai concludes by looking to the future. The time was coming when the Lord would overthrow the kingdoms of the world and make His chosen servant Zerubbabel the one through whom the promise of the Savior would be realized. When we see the world in turmoil, with wars and rumors of wars across the globe and evil increasing all around, how often do we find ourselves foolishly wondering whether the Lord is in control? We need to remember that just as He did in the past, so today the Lord continues to govern all things in the interest of His kingdom. Through Jesus, the promised descendant of David and Zerubbabel, we receive forgiveness for our sins of doubt and worry. • Heavenly Father, I praise You for sending Jesus to be my Savior from sin, my comfort in affliction, and my reason for living. Amen.
哈该书2:20-23 哈该以展望未来作为结局。时候必要来到,那时主将会倾覆世上的国度,并且拣选祂的仆人所罗巴伯,藉着他来实现那救赎主的应许。当我们看见这世界处在动荡之中,全地都是战争和战争的谣言,邪恶在各地加增的时候,我们不也是常常发现我们自己愚蠢地琢磨着主耶和华是否仍在掌权?我们需要记得,正如祂过去所做的那样,主耶和华今日也继续掌管万事万物,为着祂国度的福祉。藉着耶稣,那位应许了的,大卫和所罗巴伯的后裔,我们领受我们怀疑和焦虑之罪的赦免。天父,我赞美你差遣耶稣成为我脱离罪的救赎主,我在患难中的安慰,我活着的理由。阿们。


1:1–6 When God’s Word produces changes of heart and life, it bears beautiful fruit. The people of Judah have to learn that lesson from their tragic past lest their return from exile end in sorrow. When God’s Word meets resistance and rejection, then there will be a repeat of the same shuddering outcome seen in war-damaged Jerusalem. The good news is that God keeps returning with open arms, beckoning us to repent. He pities the guilty with a Father’s heart. • Lord, rescue our hearts and minds from the prison of our wrong desires and actions. Connect us to the reality of Your grace that we may return to Your sweet embrace and remain in it forever. Amen.
撒迦利亚书1:1-6 当上帝的话语生发人心和生命的转变之时,它就会结出漂亮的果实。犹大的百姓必须要在他们过去的悲惨中汲取教训,不然他们从被掳之地的归回将在忧伤中终结。当上帝的话语遭遇抵挡和拒绝之时,被战争摧毁的耶路撒冷城所经受的颤栗结局必然会重复出现。好消息是,上帝以敞开的膀臂不断地返回,召唤我们悔改。祂以父亲的心怜悯罪疚的人。主,拯救我们的心思意念,脱离我们错误欲望和行动的牢笼。使我们连于你恩典的实在,好叫我们可以归回你甜美的怀抱,并且永远居住在其中。阿们。

1:7–17 At a moment when God seems remote and uncaring, Zechariah sees that He is guiding events for good. The Angel of the Lord was among His people, interceding for them and preparing for the rebuilding of the temple and city. If you experience dismal moments, do not succumb to the despairing thought that God has forsaken His people in general or you in particular. God’s angels watch over His own, and Christ effectually intercedes for you before His Father’s throne. • Open my eyes, Lord, to the care of Your servants. Give me courage and endurance to trust that if Christ is for me, the hosts of hell cannot prevail against me. Amen.
撒迦利亚书1:7-17 在上帝看起来很遥远且满不在乎的时候,撒迦利亚看见上帝仍以良善的旨意主导境况。主的使者在祂的百姓中间,为他们代求,并且预备圣殿和圣城的重建。如果你经历低谷,请不要屈服于那个绝望的想法,以为上帝已经遗弃了祂的广大子民,也特别遗弃了你。上帝的天使看顾祂自己的产业,基督满有功效地在祂天父的宝座前为你代求。主,请打开我的双眼,看见你对仆人的看顾。赐给我勇气和忍耐来信靠,如果基督是为了我,那么地狱的差役定无法胜过我。阿们。

1:18–21 Zechariah’s heart sinks and his soul wilts before the forces arrayed against the holy people from his own day to the end of time. But almighty God stiffens the prophet’s backbone and restores his courage by the sight of even mightier powers fighting on the side of God’s people. Do not despair over the strength of evil. Instead, lift your eyes to Christ, who sends His mighty warriors to defend Zion so that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Mt 16:18). • O Jesus, King of angels, make me ever mindful of Your protecting care. Equip me to resist the hosts of hell, trusting in Your sure deliverance. Amen.
撒迦利亚书1:18-21 在从他自己的那个时代起,要持续到末日的那些联合抵挡圣民的势力面前,撒迦利亚的心下沉,他的灵衰微。但全能的上帝使先知的脊背坚挺,重拾他的勇气,让他看见站在上帝子民这边一同作战的更加勇猛的力量。不要因着邪恶的势力绝望。相反,要举目仰望基督,祂差遣大能的勇士来捍卫锡安,好叫地狱的门不能胜过它(太16:18)。耶稣啊,天使的大君王,请使我永远记得你护卫的看顾。装备我抵挡地狱的权势,信靠你确实的拯救。阿们。

2:1–13 A measuring line will not do when seeking to determine the extent of God’s kingdom. His promise to dwell in Jerusalem’s earthly temple pales in splendor to what is to come. Zechariah saw a glorious future for the people of Judah, but he did not understand how great would be the fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus Christ and the heavenly Jerusalem. Likewise, the eyes of our faith see only dimly the glory that will be revealed to us. • Praise to You, O Jesus, for coming to dwell among us with Your grace and truth. Keep our eyes ever focused on the heavenly Jerusalem. Amen.
撒迦利亚书2:1-13 要测量上帝国度的疆界,一根准绳是不足够的。与那将要来临的相比,祂对居住在耶路撒冷属地圣殿中的应许,在荣耀上要显得逊色多了。撒迦利亚看见犹大百姓一个荣耀的未来,但他还不知道上帝的应许在耶稣基督和那天上的耶路撒冷中的成就将会是多么的伟大。同样地,我们信心的眼睛也仅仅是朦胧地看到那将来必会显明给我们的荣耀。耶稣啊,赞美归给你,因为你来带着你的恩典和真理居住在我们中间。请保守我们总是定睛在那属天的耶路撒冷上。阿们。

3:1–10 The Joshua of Zechariah’s day would have sunk under Satan’s accusations if a greater Joshua (Jesus) had not stepped forward to reverse a grim situation. The first Joshua was no private person but represented his whole people in the filth of their sin. But the promised Branch was on the way, who on Good Friday removed the iniquity of Joshua and his people. We are all like brands plucked from the fire of sin; we all wear filthy garments. But because of the greater Joshua, we have been robed in righteousness. We enjoy the peace and safety of His kingdom. • Holy God, give me eyes to see and confess my filthiness and a heart to believe Your perfect cleansing, through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.
撒迦利亚书3:1-10 如果不是一位更伟大的约书亚(耶稣)站出来使悲观的境况扭转,那么撒迦利亚时代的约书亚必定是在撒旦的控告之下沉沦。第一位约书亚不是某个人,乃是代表了他那落在罪的污秽之中的整个民族。但那应许了的苗裔就在路上,祂在“受难日”将约书亚和他百姓的罪愆除去。我们都像是从罪的篝火中抢出来的枝子;我们都穿着污秽的衣服。但因着那位更伟大的约书亚,我们已经披戴公义。我们正享受祂国度的和平和安康。圣洁的上帝,请赐我眼睛来看见并且承认我的污秽,赐我一颗心来相信你藉着我的主耶稣基督所成就的完美的洁净之工。阿们。

4:1–14 God used earthly leaders like Joshua and Zerubbabel to accomplish His work in this world. Rebuilding the temple was a most important project for the Jerusalem community of believers, many of whom had returned from exile in Babylon. God continues to use earthly leaders to build His kingdom of believers, the communion of saints. Yet no pastor, teacher, or layperson can keep the lamp of faith and holy living alight by his or her own efforts. The Holy Spirit gives life and strength to believers through Word and Sacrament to build God’s holy temple of living stones (1Pt 2:5). • Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see how You are at work in our world. Make me strong in faith so that I may better serve as one of Your instruments. Amen.

5:1–4 God’s curse rests on all who fail to keep His Law perfectly (Gal 3:10), but in Christ, that curse is removed. For “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us” (Gal 3:13). How blessed we are that our debt was canceled by having it nailed to the cross (Col 2:14)! • Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for removing God’s curse, which rested on me because of my sin. Assist me as I share this Good News with others. Amen.
撒迦利亚书5:1-4 上帝的咒诅落在所有没能完全遵行祂律法的人身上(加3:10),但在基督里,那个咒诅被挪去了。因为“基督既为我们受(原文作成)了咒诅,就赎出我们脱离律法的咒诅”(加3:13)。知道我们的罪债被钉在十字架上,因此就被涂抹了,我们是多么蒙福啊(西2:14)!主耶稣基督,感谢你挪去上帝的咒诅,就是因着我的罪落在我身上的咒诅。帮助我与他人分享这份好消息。阿们。

5:5–11 The ever-present temptation to idolatry came to the people of Jerusalem who had worked so hard at rebuilding the temple. God made it clear that idolatry had no place among them; that wicked woman had to be carted off to Babylon. Idolatry has no place among us either. “You shall have no other gods” (Ex 20:3). We were baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The triune God has given us life and salvation. Worship and serve Him alone! • Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be forever. Amen.
撒迦利亚书5:5-11 耶路撒冷的百姓在重建圣殿的工作本可以更卖力些,然而那一直环绕着的拜偶像的试探临到他们。上帝讲的很清楚,偶像崇拜不应当在他们中间有任何地位;那位罪恶的妇人必须被扔到巴比伦。偶像崇拜也不当在我们中间存在。“你不可有别的神”(出20:3)。我们是以父,子和圣灵的名受洗的。圣三一上帝已经赐给我们生命和救恩。要唯独敬拜和服事祂!荣耀归给父,子和圣灵,过去如此,如今也是,将来也如此,直到永远。阿们。

6:1–8 In this vision, the Lord reveals to the people of Jerusalem, who have suffered devastation, that He is indeed powerful and active. His authority is likened to strong horses pulling four chariots, patrolling the earth in all directions. This is also our God, powerful and active in controlling the events of this world for the sake of His people and for the sake of the Gospel. God’s word to us is that He is our refuge and strength (cf Ps 46:1). • Almighty Father, Creator and Ruler of all that exists, silence our doubts and fears by Your comforting Word. Amen.
撒迦利亚书6:1-8 在这个异象中,主耶和华向耶路撒冷那些曾经受毁灭的百姓启示说,祂确实是有能力并且不打盹。祂的权柄就像强壮的马拉着四辆车,在全地各方走来走去。这也是我们的上帝,有能力并且积极地为着祂百姓以及福音的缘故在这个世界的所有事件中掌权。上帝给我们的话语是,祂是我们的避难所和力量(参 诗46:1)。全能的父,所有存在之物的创造者和掌权者,请藉着你安慰的话语平静我们的疑虑和恐惧。阿们。

6:9–15 A crown made from gifts of gold and silver becomes an object lesson to teach about the coming Branch, who will fill the offices of King and Priest. Not everyone in Zechariah’s day wholeheartedly believes God’s promises that accompany this lesson. But this does not prevent their fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Likewise, the obedience of faith is lacking in many today, sometimes even in our own hearts. Jesus’ trust-building message keeps coming to us: “Repent and believe in the gospel” (Mk 1:15). • Lord, Your voice calls me to grow in faith and life. Grant me the obedience of faith. Amen.
撒迦利亚书6:9-15 用金银礼物做成的冠冕成为学习的工具,教导那要来的苗裔,祂必会担当君王和祭司的职份。撒迦利亚时代的人并不是每一位都全心相信上帝的应许会成就这个教训。然而这不能拦阻它们在耶稣基督这一位以及祂的工作里面的成就。同样地,信心的顺服今天也在许多人中间缺失,甚至有时候也在我们自己的心中缺失。耶稣那建造信心的消息仍继续临到我们,“你们当悔改,信福音”(可1:15)。主,你的声音呼召我们在信心和生命中成长。请赐给我出自信心的顺服。阿们。

7:1–14 Bethel’s delegation received a far different answer than they anticipated. In Zechariah’s day, priest and people alike needed to learn the lessons from Judah’s history lest the errors that caused such distress be repeated. God also wants us to examine our actions and ask whether the things we do glorify Him. With David, we must confess, “I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me” (Ps 51:3). In Christ alone is complete cleansing from all iniquity. In union with Him, we become fruit-bearing branches (Jn 15:5). • Lord of hosts, may Your Word ever be “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119:105). Amen.
撒迦利亚书7:1-14 伯特利的使者得了一个与他们所期许的完全不一样的答案。在撒迦利亚的时代,祭司和百姓同样需要从犹大的历史中学习功课,免得那导致苦难的错误继续出现。上帝也希望我们省察我们的作为,自问我们做的这些事情是否荣耀祂。与大卫一起,我们必须坦白说,“我知道我的过犯;我的罪常在我面前”(诗51:3)。唯独在基督里,从所有的罪愆中得洁净才是完全。与祂连结在一起,我们成为结果子的枝子(约15:5)。万军之主,愿你的话语永远是“我脚前的灯,我路上的光”(诗119:105)。阿们。

8:1–17 In a series of seven oracles, the Lord of hosts contrasts His future blessings with the judgment His people had suffered in former days. God was good to Israel, and He has been good to us. We do not deserve His goodness, for there is no merit or worthiness in us. Yet His grace has allowed us to see in Christ the spiritual fulfillment of many of His ancient promises. As people who trust in His mercy, we look forward to a glorious future and seek to serve Him in all we say and do. • Lord, how very good You have been to Your people and to me. Give me a thankful heart, and move me to glorify You in word and deed. Amen.
撒迦利亚书8:1-17 在一连串的七个预言中,万军之耶和华将祂未来的祝福与祂百姓从前所经受的审判形成对照。上帝以良善待以色列,同时祂也是如此待我们。我们不配祂的良善,因为在我们里面没有任何功德或配得的。然而祂的恩典使我们在基督里看见许多祂古时的应许以属灵的方式成就。作为信靠祂怜悯的百姓,我们期盼一个荣耀的未来,并且寻求在我们所说所做的一切中服侍祂。主,你待你的百姓和我是多么良善啊。请赐我一颗感恩的心,并且感动我在话语和行为中荣耀你。阿们。

8:18–23 God tells the people of Bethel that their fasts will become joyful worship. He promises a great movement of people from the Gentile world who will seek the Lord and entreat His favor. People of all nations will become one in the Holy Christian Church. Their worship will not be empty ritual but a feast of joy and gladness, remembering God’s gracious activity throughout human history. God continues to come to us in Word and Sacrament with His message of repentance and forgiveness, a message for us to proclaim to all nations (Lk 24:47). • Lord of the Church, give me joy in worship and the desire to invite others to come with me. Amen.
撒迦利亚书8:18-23 上帝告诉伯特利百姓,他们的禁食将成为喜乐的敬拜。祂应许了外邦世界的百姓会有一个巨大的运动,他们必会寻求主,恳求耶和华的恩。万国的百姓必会在圣基督教会中成为一。他们的敬拜必然不是空洞的仪式,乃是带着喜乐和欢欣的盛宴,纪念上帝在整个人类历史中的恩典作为。上帝继续带着祂呼召悔改和宣告赦免的信息在圣道和圣礼中临到我们,这个信息也是给我们去向万国万民宣扬的(路24:47)。教会的主,请赐给我在敬拜中的喜乐,和邀请他人与我一同前来的意愿。阿们。

†Ch 9 The Lord’s saving work on behalf of His people is foretold using illustrations based on OT history. God’s enemies suffer defeat for breaking His Holy Law. They will learn that “the wages of sin is death” (Rm 6:23). But those who repent and cling in faith to the Messiah will be covered with His righteousness and enjoy His rule of peace. • King Jesus, accept my joyful shouts of praise for Your saving work. Rule in my life, now and always. Amen.
撒迦利亚书9章 藉着使用基于旧约历史的勾画,主耶和华对祂百姓的救赎之工得以预言出来。上帝的仇敌因着破坏祂神圣的律法而遭受惨败。他们必学到这个功课,“罪的工价乃是死”(罗6:23)。但那些悔改并且在信心中依附于那位弥赛亚的人必会被祂的公义遮盖,享受祂和平的掌权。君王耶稣,请悦纳我对你拯救作为的欢喜和高声赞美。请在我生命中掌权,今日并且一直如此。阿们。

†Ch 10 There is a vast difference between the OT kingdom of Israel and the kingdom restored by the Messiah. Luther described the former as weak because it was based on Israel’s obedience. Of the latter he said: “This kingdom is founded on God’s mercy without our own goodness or merit, and therefore it will stand fast to all eternity” (AE 20:304). Like Israel, we all fall short of God’s glory. Because of His compassion, He called Israel back to Him and likewise keeps calling us. • Holy Spirit, move me to exclaim with gratitude and awe in my heart, “The LORD . . . is good, for His steadfast love endures forever” (Ps 136:1). Amen.
撒迦利亚书10章 在旧约的以色列国度和弥赛亚恢复的国度之间有着巨大的差异。路德将前者描述成是软弱的,因为它是基于以色列的顺服。关于后者,路德说:“这个国度是基于上帝的怜悯,不在乎我们自己的良善或功德,因此它必会持续立定到永恒”(路德文集20:304)。就像以色列一样,我们都亏缺上帝的荣耀。因着祂的怜悯,祂呼召以色列归回祂,同样地也一直呼召我们。圣灵,请感动我带着感恩和惊奇在我心中感叹说,“耶和华…本为善;他的慈爱永远长存”(诗136:1)。阿们。

†Ch 11 The chapter begins with a lament over the Lord’s coming judgment, followed by a description of how He abandoned His flock and no longer had pity on them. This chastisement is God’s “strange” work. His “proper” work is to comfort. “[Isaiah] calls it the ‘strange’ work of the Lord when He terrifies, because to make alive and comfort is God’s own proper work. But He terrifies . . . for this reason—that there may be a place for comfort and making alive” (Ap XIIA 51). We are accused by God’s Law and threatened with punishment for our sins. God intends this to lead us to repentance so that, trusting in Christ’s merits, we might enjoy eternal comfort and peace. • Lord, be my Good Shepherd and show me Your favor. Amen.
撒迦利亚书11章 本章开始就哀哭主耶和华将要降下的审判,接下来描述祂如何遗弃祂的群羊,不再怜悯他们。这种“管教”是上帝“非常”的工作。而祂“正当”的工作是安慰。“当主发怒的时候,【以赛亚】称之为‘非正常’的工,因为复兴和安慰是上帝自己正当的工作。但祂惊吓发怒…是为了这个缘故—可以有机会施行安慰和复兴”(奥斯堡信条辩护论XIIA 51)。我们被上帝的律法控告,并且受到我们罪应得之刑罚的威胁。上帝如此是要引领我们悔改,好叫我们信靠基督的功德,然后享受永恒的安慰和平安。主,请作我的好牧者,向我显明你的恩。阿们。

12:1–9 The day is coming, declares the Lord, when the enemies of His people, represented here by Jerusalem and Judah, will be destroyed. When confronted by spiritual foes who cause us to feel weak and helpless, we must keep telling ourselves that our strength is in the One “who stretched out the heavens and founded the earth” (v 1). He will protect and save us. • Almighty Father, my refuge and strength, remove all fear from my heart, and make me confident of Your ultimate victory. Amen.
撒迦利亚书12:1-9 主宣告说,那日要来到,在此耶路撒冷和犹大代表祂的百姓,他们的仇敌必被摧毁。当面对那些导致我们感到软弱和无助的属灵仇敌之时,我们必须告诉我们自己,我们的力量是在那位“铺张诸天,建立地基”的里面(1节)。祂必保护拯救我们。全能的父,我的避难所和力量,请从我的心中挪去所有的恐惧,使我信靠你最终的得胜。阿们。

12:10–13:1 Zechariah prophesies intense mourning for all people. Can there be any sorrow greater than that of beholding the Son of God, His body pierced and bleeding, hanging on the cross? Such a sight produces contrition in the hearts of believers. The Lutheran Confessions define contrition as “the true terror of conscience, which feels that God is angry with sin and grieves that it has sinned” (Ap XIIA 29). For the contrite sinner, the good news is that the death of Christ opened a fountain that cleanses us from sin and uncleanness. We have good reason to sing, “Glory be to Jesus, Who in bitter pains Poured for me the lifeblood From His sacred veins!” (LSB 433:1). • Lord Jesus Christ, grant that I may always know the grace and life eternal found in Your precious blood. Amen.
撒迦利亚书12:10-13:1 撒迦利亚预言所有人惨烈的哀哭。看着上帝的儿子,祂的身体被刺透并且流出血,挂在十字架上,还有什么比这能带来更大的悲哀呢?这一场景在信徒的心中生发悔改。路德宗信仰告白如此定义懊悔,“真正良心的震惊,感受到上帝对罪的怒气,并且为着所犯的罪哀伤痛悔”(奥斯堡信徒辩护论XIIA 29)。对于懊悔的罪人,好消息是基督的死亡开启了一个源泉,洁净我们脱离罪和污秽。我们有好的缘由去歌唱,“荣耀归给耶稣,祂从祂神圣的血管在苦痛中为我倾倒出赐生命的血!”(路德宗崇拜手册433:1)。主耶稣基督,请恩赐我,好叫我总是知晓你的恩典,和那在你的宝血中寻见的永恒生命。阿们。

13:2–6 Zechariah warns about false worship and false prophets. Throughout history, false religion has been a serious problem. People today may not call on Baal or Rimmon for help, but idols and false prophets are still in evidence. Luth: “Many a person thinks that he has God and everything in abundance when he has money and possessions” (LC I 5). Idols may be gone from our eyes but not from our hearts. Only when Christ comes again in glory will there be an end to all false religion. • Lord, keep me steadfast in Your Word, safe from all who would deceive me. Amen.
撒迦利亚书13:2-6 撒迦利亚针对虚假崇拜和假先知发出警告。贯穿历史,假宗教一直是严重的问题。今天的人或许不会呼求巴力或者临门来寻求帮助,然而偶像和假先知仍然存在。路德说:“很多人以为当他有钱财的时候,他就丰盛地拥有上帝和一切”(大问答I 5)。偶像可能从我们的眼前消失,但并未从我们的心中离去。唯有当基督于荣耀中再来的时候,所有的虚假宗教才会终止。主,请保守我稳健在你的话语中,平安脱离所有可能欺骗我的人。阿们。

13:7–9 That the Lord of hosts should rouse the sword against His very own Shepherd defies rational explanation. Only in the light of divine revelation can one comprehend the truth that Christ’s death on the cross was the supreme act of God’s love for us sinners. Luth: “To believe in life in the midst of death, to believe in glory in the midst of sin, to believe in the peace and favor of God in the midst of persecution—this is something beyond every capability of reason. It is truly a miracle in our eyes” (AE 20:151). • Dearest Lord, the fires of life test my will to be Your witness. May Your name seal me against sin and show that I belong to You. Strengthen me to bear the cross and follow You. “Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.” Amen. (LSB 783:1)
撒迦利亚书13:7-9 万军之主耶和华要兴起刀剑对付祂自己的牧人,这违背理性的解释。只有在神圣启示的光照之下,人才能理解那个真理,即基督在十字架上的死亡是上帝对我们罪人的超然行动。路德说:“在死亡之中相信生命,在罪之中相信荣耀,在逼迫之中相信上帝的平安和恩惠—这是超越理性所有能力的。这在我们眼中确实是神迹”(路德文集20:151)。至亲至爱的主,那生命的火试验我做你见证的意志。愿你的名印在我身上,对付罪,显明我是属于你的。坚固我背负十字架来跟从你。“主,拿去我的生命,使之分别为圣属于你。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册783:1)

†Ch 14 Zechariah’s description of Jerusalem’s future anticipates John’s vision: “I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” (Rv 21:2). Both foresee a day when the Lord will use His mighty power to crush all His enemies and make all things new and holy. Those wearing white robes, whose sins have been washed away in the blood of the Lamb, will reside in that Holy City (Rv 7:13–14). They will “serve Him day and night in His temple” (Rv 7:15). • “Now come, Thou Blessed One, Lord Jesus, God’s own Son, Hail! Hosanna! We enter all The wedding hall To eat the Supper at Thy call.” Amen. (LSB 516:2)
撒迦利亚书14章 撒迦利亚对耶路撒冷未来的描述预示了约翰的异象:“我又看见圣城新耶路撒冷由神那里从天而降,预备好了,就如新妇妆饰整齐,等候丈夫”(启21:2)。这些都预告着一个日子,那时主必使用祂的大能击碎祂所有的仇敌,并且使万事成为新造和圣洁的。那些身穿白袍的人,他们的罪已经在羔羊的血中被洗净,必要居住在那圣城里面(启7:13-14)。他们必“昼夜在他殿中事奉他”(启7:15)。“现在快来,你是当称颂的那位,耶稣基督,上帝自己的儿子,欢呼!和撒那!我们完全进入那婚礼大厅,因着你的召唤吃那圣餐的筵席。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜手册516:2)

Malachi 玛拉基书

1:1–5 God impresses the truth of His love for Israel (Jacob) by contrasting what happened to them with what happened to Edom (Esau). To justify rebellion against God, human beings sometimes question God’s love. Despite all rebellion, God maintains His steadfast love for sinners. He demonstrated this love conclusively when Christ died for all on the cross (2Co 5:15). Believers know for certain that nothing can separate us from His love (Rm 8:38–39). • Dear God of love, forgive my doubts and graciously move me to trust You completely. Amen.
玛拉基书1:1-5 上帝将发生在他们身上的事与发生在以东人(以扫)身上的事作对照,佐证祂爱以色列人(以色列也称雅各)这个事实。人有时候会质疑上帝的慈爱,以此想要为悖逆上帝辩护。尽管人有着所有的悖逆,但上帝存留祂对罪人的恒久慈爱。当基督为所有人死在十字架上的时候,上帝将这份爱终极地表达出来(林后5:15)。信徒要确实地知道,没有什么可以将我们与祂的爱隔绝(罗8:38-39)。充满慈爱的天父,请赦免我的怀疑,满有恩典地感动我完全信靠你。阿们。

1:6–14 The Lord calls to account His OT priests for the way they despised Him, as evidenced by their worship practices. Our fallen human nature also makes us quick to serve our own interests by giving leftovers rather than firstfruits. In contrast, God gave us the very best, His One and only Son. People of all nations worship Him because of His love and compassion, His grace and mercy. May we join in the praise of Him who is the great King! • Dear Father in heaven, open my heart to appreciate the abundance of Your grace so that I may serve You with the first and best of all You have given me. Amen.
玛拉基书1:6-14 主耶和华呼召祂旧约的祭司们为着他们藐视祂的行为负责,这些在他们的敬拜生活中已经显明出来。我们堕落的人性也使我们轻易地服务于我们自己的利益,不是献上初熟的果实,乃是献上剩余的次品。形成反差的是,上帝将祂最好的赐给我们,就是祂那独一的儿子。万国万民要敬拜祂,因为祂有慈爱,有同情,有恩典,有怜悯。愿我们一同敬拜祂,那位伟大的君王!亲爱的天父,请打开我的心,认识你恩典的丰盛,好叫我可以用从你那里领受而来的全部礼物中头等最好之物去服事你。阿们。

2:1–9 The Lord condemns the priests in Malachi’s day for failing to live up to the expectations He presented in His Word. God has similar requirements for His pastors and teachers today (cf Ti 1:9). How blessed are those who have such servants of the Lord! And how important it is for us to pray that they remain faithful in their calling. For we all need what a devoted Christian leader proclaims: repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Christ, our Lord. • Thank You, Jesus, for servants who preach and teach Your Holy Word in truth and purity. Amen.
玛拉基书2:1-9 主耶和华定罪玛拉基时代的祭司,因为他们没有做到上帝在祂话语中所呈现的期许。上帝对今天祂的牧师和教师有着类似的要求(参 多1:9)。主的仆人当有这样的标准,拥有这类仆人的信徒是多么的蒙福啊!要为他们祈祷,愿主保守他们忠于他们的呼召,这对我们来说很重要。因为我们都需要一位敬虔的基督徒领袖向我们宣告:悔改,和在我们主基督里面的赦罪之恩。耶稣,感谢你,差遣仆人以真理和纯正宣讲教导你圣洁的话语。阿们。

2:10–16 The people of Israel were guilty of breaking one of the covenant laws by marrying foreign, idolatrous wives. The Creator’s first command to Adam and Eve was to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gn 1:28). After creating Eve, the Lord brought her to Adam and instituted marriage. He spoke the Sixth Commandment to guard this union (Ex 20:14). Yet throughout history, humans have violated God’s rules for marriage. Christians today violate God’s will concerning the marriage relationship in various ways. We need His admonition and His forgiveness. With the command and blessing of marriage, the Lord provides a rich portion of His Spirit, who is faithful and keeps us in good faith. • Heavenly Father, forgive my unfaithful desires and tainted love. Direct me by Your Spirit to think and do what is right in Your sight. Amen.
玛拉基书2:10-16 以色列的百姓娶外邦拜偶像的女子为妻,破坏了盟约规章的一条,他们也因此是有罪的。创造者对亚当和夏娃的第一条命令是,“生养众多”(创1:28)。在造出夏娃之后,主将她带到亚当面前,并且设立了婚姻制度。祂也吩咐第六条诫命来保护这份结合(出20:14)。然而贯穿历史,人一直在破坏上帝为婚姻设立的制度。今天基督徒也会以各种不同的方式违背上帝关于婚姻关系的旨意。我们需要祂的劝勉和祂的赦罪。与婚姻的诫命和祝福一起,主也丰富地赐下祂的灵,祂的圣灵是信实的,必保守我们在美好的信心之中。天父,赦免我不忠实的愿望以及有污点的爱。藉着你的圣灵引导我,思想并且做在你眼中看为正的事。阿们。

2:17–3:5 The people in Malachi’s day ask, “Where is the God of justice?” (cf 2Pt 3:4). The Lord makes it very clear that the Day of Judgment is coming. He wants all people to be prepared for that day. That’s why He sent the Messenger of the new covenant, Jesus Christ, to suffer and die for the sins of the world. Christ will come again, “not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him” (Heb 9:28). • Blessed Lord and Savior, help me to wait and pray for Your reappearing with confidence and hope. Amen.
玛拉基书2:17-3:5 玛拉基时代的人问,“公义的神在哪里呢?”(参 彼后3:4)。主耶和华说的很清楚,审判的日子必要临到。祂想让所有人为那日准备好。这就是为什么祂差遣新约的弥赛亚,耶稣基督,来为世人的罪受苦并且死亡。基督必要再来,“并与罪无关、乃是为拯救他们。”(来9:28)。当称颂的主救主,请帮助我带着信心和盼望等候你的再来,并且为之祈祷。阿们。

3:6–15 Jeremiah’s complaint, “Why does the way of the wicked prosper?” (Jer 12:1), resounds in Malachi’s day. Many of Jacob’s children think nothing of robbing God by withholding their full tithes because it seems to them that evildoers prosper. It is true that the wicked often prosper in this life. Though God does promise that His people may enjoy worldly blessings, He also warns that they can expect suffering too. Because of Christ’s death and resurrection, we can be certain of His eternal blessings (Eph 1:3, 11–14). “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rm 6:23). • Lord of heaven and earth, move my heart to honor You with my earthly offerings while keeping my eyes firmly fixed on Your eternal blessings. Amen.
玛拉基书3:6-15 耶利米的抱怨也在玛拉基的时代回响着,“恶人的道路为何亨通呢”(耶12:1)。许多雅各的子孙觉得不履行他们当纳的十一奉献算不上抢夺上帝,因为对他们来说,恶人看起来通达有福。的确,作恶的人常常在此生通达繁荣。尽管上帝确实应许了祂的百姓可以享受属地的祝福,然而祂也警告说,他们也会遭遇苦难。因着基督的死和复活,我们能够确信他永恒的祝福(弗1:3,11-14)。“因为罪的工价乃是死.惟有 神的恩赐、在我们的主基督耶稣里、乃是永生”(罗6:23)。天地的主,请感动我的心以我属地的供物尊荣你,使我的双眼紧盯在你永恒的祝福上。阿们。

3:16–18 The Lord assures those who fear Him that their service has not been in vain and that they will be spared on the Day of Judgment. God-fearing people know they are guilty according to God’s Law, but they also know God’s forgiveness leads them to love and trust Him all the more (Ps 130:4). • My soul magnifies You, O Lord, for showing mercy to those who fear You. Amen.
玛拉基书3:16-18 主耶和华使那些敬畏祂的人有确据,他们的服侍不会白费,他们在审判的日子必得救赎。敬畏上帝的百姓知道,按照上帝的律法他们是有罪的,然而他们也知道,上帝的赦罪之恩带领他们更加亲爱和信靠祂(诗130:4)。主啊,我的灵尊你为大,因为你向敬畏你的人施怜悯。阿们。

4:1–6 The last OT Book concludes with the Lord’s announcement that Judgment Day is coming. For those who refuse to repent and believe the Gospel, it means utter destruction. But for those who fear His name, this will be a day of rejoicing. John the Baptist called the people of his day to repentance and faith in the coming Savior. How great a message for us to hear! • Dear Lord Jesus, Son of Righteousness, let the light of Your healing grace shine on me, that I may fear, love, and trust in You always. Amen.
玛拉基书4:1-6 旧约最后一卷书以主耶和华对审判之日必要到来的宣告结束。对于那些拒绝悔改信靠福音的人来说,那将意味着终极的毁灭。但对于那些敬畏祂名的人来说,那将是一个欢喜快乐的日子。施洗约翰呼召他那个时代的百姓悔改并且信靠那要来的救赎主。我们听见的这个消息是多么伟大啊!亲爱的主耶稣,公义的子,请将你有医治大能的恩典之光照耀我,好叫我总是敬畏,亲爱和信靠你。阿们。

Lutheran Translation Society路德宗翻译社 (版权开放,注明出处,自由复制)
翻译及校对:Gary Liu